PAGE SIX Our Glasses FIT and look well OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT is equipped for accuracy and service A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 31 D Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. 31KS. BENT HAS JUST RETURNED Trip aiid brought with her from her Summer Buying ! a fine selection of Cloth & Satin COATS in sizes from 1C to 1G. Also a variety of SUMMER DRESSES AND MILLINERY now on display ,at moderate prices. Satin Coats from .. $2J.OO BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue REMEMBER Tor Montreal prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue' J. R. Miller - Proprietor WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Rirch and Spruce Per double load ...... $6.30 Per single load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters 48 fur $1.00 delivered All classes of Coal at dealers' prices. HydeTransfer 13'J Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE RUY BOTTLES M I L K From Bulklcy Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIP-PING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phones 656 and 657 1 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST I.L'MiTII OK VEIN ON T.WI.OIt .mink pi-( ovi:i(K.i ,ro kxtlnii TllltOKill IOIIC CLAIMS i - , (Interior News) I Most, encouraging. Results bave follow ed the first week of work on the Topley group of Topey Consolidated properties and this still further Increases the bright prospects before the company la their enterprises at Topley. frank Taylor pnt Saturday In Smlthers after superintending the work on the road, In the building of camps and In work on the claims, and hs Is very enthusiastic as a result of the first week's .work. For the first week work consisted of surface prospecting and stripping, and Mr. Taylor reports the huge vein on the Topley group, originally exposed for 2,000 feet In length, his now been es tablished right across four claims, a total distance of from 5,000 to 6,000 feet In length and varying In width from four to five feet right up to twenty feet. . The unusual spring conditions hnve j worked considerable hardships for the : new company, and hare made the build- ' ins c-f the road more costly and ot ! longer duration than was reasonably ex-' pected under normal conditions. This road has now been put through to the 1 property, a cook-house Is being built. ; and the men relieved are gradually be- I in; put to work on development of the ' property. j The mine Is less than a mile from the main Taylor discovery now being de-! .wlopcd by the Standard Sliver-Lead Company, and reports coming from the latter property would Indicate that they are In the best ore yet to come LAND ACT. NOTICL ()! INTENTION TO .tM'LY TO LEASE LAND. In rrlnce Rupert Land Record Inz Dis trict of queen Charlotte Islands, and situate at Mavett Indian Village No. 1. iakjs noticis that The Massett Can- ners, Ltd.. of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Canners, intends to apply for a ease oi tne loiiowing described lands:-r iommencinz at tnis pest planted at the northwest corner of our site at Massett, B.C.; thence southerly 3 chains: tnence easterly cnains, more or less: thence northerly 3 chains: thence westerly 3.25 chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing one acre, more or less. THE MASSETT CANNERS, LTD. Applicant Per P Lorenzen, Agent. Dated Anrll 20. 1927 Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Ave. and Pulton St. PRACTICE ECONOMY BY BUYING FROM THE CASH AND CABBY GROCERY Kellog's Bran Flakes, 2 pkgs. 23c Bacon, any good brand, sliced, per lb 50c in the piece, per lb ; 43c WEEK-END SPECIALS Sunkist Oranges, 3 do. 8"c Bananas, 3 lbs 50c Eating Apples, red, ft lbs. 23c Cooking Apples, 4 lbs. . . 2"ti Fresh Rhubarb, 4 lbs. . . 25c New Carrots and Turnips, 3 bunches .15c Lettuce, 3 bunches .... .15c Beets, 51 bunches ...... .15c Fresh Peas, per lb 20c Raddishes, 3 bunches . . 10c Dr. Middleton's Whole Wheat Oatmeal, Fruit, Sugar and Ginger Cookies, 3 pkgs. 50c Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East, Phone 18. phone 84 M 9 JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON. Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. ntt 2f)t.h ADrtl 1927 LAND ACT. at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen cnanotte island. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Capitol Creamery butter, per lb. j occupation Timber Merchants. Intends All other brands Creamery Butter, i commencing "at a post piantci at 2 Hi fnr 'I ip tne soutneast corner or Lot 471. sewell Flour, 49 lb., any variety . . $2.63 uiand. north. 31.43 chains: thence cast Terrace Potatoes, per sack $1.75 rLIln?',TnT & ZVl Pure Cane Sugar, extra fine, 10 lb. i the point at commencement, and con- rnr 7-.. taming 30 acres., more or less. lwl itju, .inmrpu nnnm.AQ wti.QnM Carnation St. Charles or Pacific1 Agent for Milk aiiik, eaio case ....... . . . $"i 5..ou 'id Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 20lb Aprl, ,927 Prices on all articles reduced tu small profits By paying cash you enjoy a freedom otherwise not experienced S. B. Adams, .Manager MMIl'E 1)1 INTENTION TO AI'I'I.Y TO LEASE LAND I'Oll INlll KTItlAL I'l KPOSES SAILINGS TO EUROPE MAKtt RESERVATIONS NOW I IIOM MONTKEAL To Llterpuol June 10, July a Mlnnedosa' June 17, July 10 Montclare June 24, July 22 MantroKC July 1 Marloch July 1, July 29 Montcalm This sailing calling at Glasgow. To llrlfust.(Jlu.;ow June 9, July 7 Metagama June 23, July 21 Mellta To Antwerp July 20 Marburn IIIOM 0.1 lIliEC To Cherbourg-Southampton-Antwerp June 15, July 13 Montnalrn June 28, July 26 Montroyal To Cherbourg-Southampton-Hamburg June 8, June 29. ,1 Empress of France July 6. Empress of Australia June 22, July 20 Empress of Scotland To Cherbourg-Southampton only Apply to Azens vrywhero or J. J. FOR3TER, fi.S. General Pa.ft. C.P.R. Sutiott, Vancouver. TclCDhon Seymour 2610 AT: Vnr thebes miJkcJtocolate bar made .'rum thtt work. Prom the main shar-;ucy are driltins both northerly and e.usterly in ore that has shown values higher than any produced by Taylor. Many prospectors are gathering around Topley- In anticipation of a big rush to that section . and staking continues at a high rate. Rev. and Mrs. Roy Mauwarlng will sail Monday morning on the Princess HALF MILLION TO SEE DERBY IIISTOIIIC RACE TO l!E ISKNKWLTI (OK 1IITII TIME ON LTsOM DOWNS UEIINEHIAY Alice for Atlln where Mr. Manwarlng,! who was recently ordained here, will' EPSOM, Eng., May 28. .(Canadian take charge of the field for the Angll- Press). Two horses stand out In the can Church. ! otherwise evenly-matched field for the I Derby Frank Curzon's Call Bay and ' J. II. Maccy, manager of the Family Lord Derby's Sickle. These two are In-Shoe Store, who went to Vancouver to evltably connected In the public specu-attend the funeral of his father, re- latlons with the name of a third hor&e, turned to the city on the Prince : Adam's Apple, owned by C. W. Whitburn. George this morning. (Adam's Apple beat both Call Boy and ' I Sickle in the Two Thousand Guineas. LAND ACT. Adam's Applet however, bad to do the I Tlnii.t.. Ifi). t la , C . ...... 1 - NOTICE OI' INTENTION TO AI'I'LY TO 1 ', t h ,, . head from Call with Sickle I.EASK I OUKXllOUE. i Bay, coming ; up strong; and the perby Is over a har- In Prince Rupert Land Recording der and longer course the hlstorlo District of' Prince Rupert, and situate , ,,, . . ... mUe and half a on- Psoln Downs-Charlotte at Sewcll Inlet, Moresby bland. Queen Islands. The Derby will be Tun on Epsom TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging 1 Downs for the 144th time next Wcd- Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. .... ... , . . , . ,, occupation Timber Merchants, Intends r. Probably half a mhlion to apply for a lease of the following people will see the running of a race described foreshore: , , J J with unique tradition; ' with many ' in- CommeucUig at a post planted at the southeast corn of Lot 471 Sewell ! Uroven romances and tragedies, and Inlet. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte the day before the race the half million Huality and Quantity Guaranteed i'ler:i!nZ re?I ask "wm it rain tomorrow? $3.00 Orders Delivered Phone 301. CEREALS 7 lb. sack B. & K. Rolled Oata 53c 5 lb. sack Purity Food 10c China Rolled Oats, nkg 10c Corn Flakes, pkg 10c The the southeast corner of Lot 469; thence , lMt thrte Derbies have heeu run In a in a southwesterly direction to the point downpour of rain, that turned the Downs rrnmr. r " w ' "'B mto a pool-ridden muddy waste. CIIANliLS AT EI'MMI Some changes surround the 144th running o( the race, which Itself never changes. The new grandstand is at last ready a magnificent structure In modern style, double-decked; with lunchrooms, halls and restaurants supplanting the 98 year old structure that (Ammrvlltsvl a atisnatl t-tmrftfnn At tka District of Prince Rupert, and situate : multitude untU now. And of course the jast nour oeroy betting for the first time will be conducted under betting tax conditions. But the race itself remains as it always was the thrilling contest of thoroughbreds in the bfegest race of their careers; racing for 'jleadersKIp that if held at the winning, post gives them lasting prestige. The Derby will be' worth about 55.- 000. The race thus is not the richest perby winner has to be a, good horse The runner start atithe new high level starting pest and ascend for half a mile; after another half mUe they turn Into the old Derby course, and the last half mile Is straight. The abrupt turn at Tattenham corner and the severe de scent after the turn Is made. Is held to be a disadvantage. Steve Donoghue knows this course as no other living Jockey does; lie has ridden a Derby winner six times He may ride Lady Eleanor Torrlngton's Vanoc this year. Ill ltltV STOItll.S When old-timers get to swapping Derby stories and the stock Is Inexhaustible two always rise to mind. Both are of a sotnlbre tint. The first Is the fraud of the Derby of 1644, when a four-year-old, Maccabeus, won, painted as three-year-old Running Rein. ' Subsequently largely due to the efforts of Lord George Dentlnck, the fraud was uncovered, and victory credited to Col. Peel's Orlando, who had finished second. The second tale Is that of a fanatical suffragist who, ran out on the coure and brought 'down the King's horse Anmer. in the Derby of 1013, sustaining Injuries which proved fatal. Rev. W. R, Ashford, United Church minister at Durns Lake, arrived on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver, where he has been attend ing conference, and proceeded to the' Interior by train. :.' Tree Illustrated lecture Metropolej Hall by Murdoch McLetfcTreye specialist.! KMil.lMIMAX WHO EMIAIiKI) IN IIAZAItKOI S SCHEME IS HANK-, ItLTT AS IUI LT LONDON, May 28. Pirates operating oft "rum row," Sandy Hook, were des cribed ts bejng solely responsible for the financial difficulties of Lieut. Col. ! Jo ha Allan 'Rule, of Carlton Mansions, Pall Malt, who appeared In the Lon don bankruptcy ecurt for examination. Accounts had been filed showing liabilities ot 37,021. of which 30.008 was unsecured, and assets ot 1.157. Toward the end of 1923, said the ilcblcr. h? .became Interested In a rchcnic 'or the txportat! an of brandy knd champagne from France ' to the li;gh .".as." Col. Rule and .some of hi frier ds staked their "fortunes" on this. As the vessel carrying the shipment reared the New York coast lines, pirates; appeared and took charge of the ship. Trey made themselves at home. and transferred all the wet goods to a vowel of their own. The raiders, he said, checked goods .n by the cat, according to the In-o:ce. to make certain that nothing was overlooked, and even took the Captain's cork screw. Thr Colonel attributed his Insolvency to Inability to recover anything In res- J,:cci to tills loss, which was complete. i-s rie could never get hold of anyone to sue. Rev. a. a. Hacker returned to the city on the Prince George this morn ing from Vancouver where he attended .he conference at which he was transferred from First United Church here i the Vrrnon church. About July 1 Mr. ai'd Mrs. Hacker and family will bo leaving the city. Advertise In the Dally News LAND ACT NOTItE or INTENTION' TO AI'I'LY TO LEASE LAND. In Range 3, Coast Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the south shore ot La-Bouchere Channel, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Co. Ltd.. of 32S Howe St.. Vancouver B.C., occupation Pish Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner TX. 10390, Range 3, Coast Lsnd District; thence south 5 cnains; thence west 10 chains: thence north 5 chains to shore: thence easterly along shore to point of commencement, and containing S acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKING: CO. LTD.. Applicant. Per Chas. L. Ro belts. Agent. DaU-d April 7. 1927 LAND ACT. NOTICE Of INTENTION TO AI'I'LY 1 0 LEASE LAND. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of rrlnce ICupcrt, and situate 30 chains east of northwest corner of Lot 68, Range 3. Coast District. TAKE NOTICE that Oose Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver, occupation Pish Canners. Intend to apply for permission to lease the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted 30 chains east of northwest Lot 63, Range 3. Coast District; thence south 5 chain, thtnee east 10 chains: thence north 6 chains; thence west 10 chains to Dolnt of commencement, and containing S acres, more or less, OOSSE PACKING; COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant Per 11. Moorehouse. Dated April 2. 1027 LAND ACT. NOTICE Of INTENTION TO AI'I'LY TO LEASE lOKESIIOItC. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Quoen Charlotte Inlands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted approximately 8 chains south. 20 degrees east from the northeast corner of Lot 472, Sewell Inlet. Moresby Island; thence following the high water mark In an easterly, southerly and southwesterly dlrcc- I tlon to Its Intersection with the easterly In the world. Neither Is the course the boundary of Lot 472: then southerly best, for purely racing purposes, but a and easterly to the northwest corner of S.T.L. 6215 P.; thence In northwesterly direction to the point of commencement and containing 45 acres, more or less. JOSEm DOUOLAS WILSON, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 29th April. 1927 CANADIAN SERVICE From Montreal To Plvmouth-Chsrbourg-London .Manilla . . . June 3 An- inia . . Jimiii 10 To Bslfail-LUtrpool-aitigow l.ftllU .. June :i " AikImiIh .. June in From New York To Qussnstown and Liverpool I'rniM'uiil.'i . Jiniii I.hi'kiiIm .. June n To Cherbourg and Southampton ller-imai'iii . June x, fu, Jnh n MaiirrUliln June K.. July (,. a; AqulUola June 1i. Jul) 9, Aug-. 1 To ..Londonderry and Glasgow Cnlirnnila .. June i liaiiicinnU. . June II To Plymoulh-Hsvrt-London TuKunla .. June it cnruuia ,. June 18 From Boston To Quttntlown and Liverpool l.aeonla .. June It sanmriu .. June ;r, r,laifiw anil Liverpool unit calls at I'limnulh, eatbuuil. TOURIST THIRD CABIN Sailings from Montreal To Blfait-LIrpool-Qliigow l.elllla Jnnr 3, jUy , tl Allit-nU .. June 17. Jul v in. Suit if To Oltigow and Llxrpool Auikiila .. June VI .smlanln .. July 8 To Pljrmouth-Chsrbourg-London AUMinln . . J ui)" 10 Ax-inn . .June !M .Manilla July I, July g, aui so Money orderi, drtfu mil Traveller!' School children 4.30 to 6, adults 1M Cheques st lowest rites, run Infoiinstinn to 10 o w" I from local aent or Company's Ofriros, os IlliiitiDtt St., W., Vsucouur, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS TOPLEY STILL ! STOLE LIQUOR IN LIMELIGHT AND CORKSCREW! mum i WW iM" 1 1 ! f ice Cream - , PHONE, 758 1 . a -r PRINCE B.C. Corner 3rd Ave. and Second St. p,(), i'x 5 WES THOLME THEATRE TON GHT ONLY at 7 and 9 John Gilbert ant uiii In tan Gish A screen iirescntation of Puccini's famous o;: Distinguished all star cant JOHN (IIMIBRT, LILLIAN (HSU, BOY D'ARCY, FRANK CURRIKIt. CKORfiK HASSKLU RKNKK ADOKKE, and many others. CAMEO COMEDY "MF.KT .MY DO(i.H PAT1IE REVIEW Admission 50c and ."jc The Store for Dad and the Lad! Fancy Stripe Worsted for Men WITH TWO PAIRS PANTS Value to $.i.".00 Special this week $28.50 . y ' t .. : - This Is a Ko'nuine reduction on new Sprinj.' model."- T ranjre. includes1 many of, tySt- hlhiest riiitterna. Some are 1 ' striped English Worste'ds. They art': cleverly' styld, ijeaui fully tailored, with pure wooNInlnjr. A real opportunity make a real saving. Acme Importers Third Avenue. phone 339