AG2 F0U3 VANCOUVER, B.C MARCH 8. The first delegate to arrive in Van couver lor the British Columbia Liberal Association convention to open thin Thursday waa A. R. Mallory, president of the Maaset Inlet Liberal Association of Oraham Island. His association has 80 members, he states. Probably no delegate to the convention will be put to so much sacrifice to attend the con vention aa Mr. Mallory. His home is at Port Clements. In the heart of Oraham Island. He left in gat boat, and out In the open utters of Hecate Strait, he hailed the ss. Prince John and boarded her over the side, With her many stops the Prince John took four days to reach Vancouver, and Mr. Mallory had to wait for another. k before the convention opened. Had he not caught the Prince John he fear ed that he might hare been too late. He will leave for the north March 11. taking the regular C.N.R. ship to Prince Rupert, where he will have to find a fishing boat bound for Queen Charlotte Inlands to take him home. The response from the remote parts of the province is proving excellent. stated George M. Phillips, convention ecretary, Femie, In the far southeast of the province, has wired that a full delegation will attend and similar messages from various districts are coming in steadily. SECRET-SOCIETY IS RESPONSIBLE KO LAO-lIU Still TO I5E ItEIIIMi PRESENT HANUITKV IN CHINA SHANGHAI. March 8 The activities of bandits outside the war zone la China suggest the activities of one of the strongest and most dangerous secret societies hi China. This is the Ko Loa-huL Of the history, alms and activities of the Ko Lao-hul few foreigners in China know much, but during the revolution of 1911-12 it was. and it has since been the greatest power in Western China. Ko Lat-hul bands in disguise started the revolt in August, 1911, which led to the rising in Hankow in October, and ultimately to the fall of the Manchu dynasty. But these bands, which first , rose against Chao Erh-feng, In Sze chuan. adopted another name. The same is probahly happening again. In the days of the Manchus the society was antl-dynastlc, and while elsewhere the revolution of 1911 often meant no more than .the hoisting of the Republican flag, in the west it meant a rising of the people, led mostly by rascals, against their rulers, and it was accompanied by much bloodshed. The frightful massacre of Manchus at Hslan-fu was case fa joint. The revolution held no event more terrible. H tTKKII TIMNSI l:i:ltM After the fall of the Manchus the hatred of 'the Lo Lao-hul was transferred to Yuan Shlh-hal. which waa a tribute to that very remrrkable man.: Ha" dhe lived they would probably have been rooted out, but since his death their power has grown greatly. They are1 not to-day anti-anythlng in particular but are anti-everything which will yield them gain. By the more respectable Inhabitants they are bitterly hated, yet many respectable people are found In "their ranks. They become members. , at also do high officials and military leaders , as a 'measure of self -protection. ; Originally the Ko Lao-hul may iave had high alms. Today it exists for the purpose, ol brigandage and blatfcmalL, Hd of aecuiang mutuaprotectkm ;tn the' commission of almost every' kind of crime. Active members eccaslonally fall Into the hands of the law but the society sees to It that they are not severely punished, and they have many comforts while in prison. The magis trates who try them are most likely themselves members who have joined up to secure immunity from molestation If they are not members they are speed ily terrorized. Banditry, piracy, hlghwsy robbery and the like are the pursuits of the more active members. For them the laws of the land have no terrors, though the laws of the society have many. Offenses against the. j-ules are dealt with most riguroiuly, and members are specially elected to deal out adequate punish-Inent. Death is sometimes the easiest of the punishments meted out. Mutil atlon, so horrible that It cannot be written ot. is a favorite choice, and the lesser offenses are met by such a coin paratlvely trifling punishment as goug lng out of eyes. NOT EAKY TO 1(111. A society of this kind, whose adher nts are drawn from every class, which as many aliases,, and whose more ener fieiic members may be soldiers and rebels and brigands in turn, will not iie wuslly got rid of. There Is no hopei-of tin administration in China, for many years to come, that will be strong enough to impose Its will xm the west, "where the provinces must continue to fce administered largely by the moat un desirable of their populations. lie present outbreak of brigandage . Is almost certainly a Ko,' Lao-hut out break, and Li about the most sinister feature of the present situation. Advtrtlt in Th Dally Nsws ft $ ' 1 . r lilll Hi 14. -Kt O :; V, iwt rtii Vr. w -ot tw... DRJ.F.MAGUIRES NEWOFFICES OI.I TIME HENTIsT Ul.TTRNS TOi CITV .MTIill TAKIM. POST I (iltAIUATE Cflti:sl IN south for two YEARS Portland, Ore., during the past two years and is bringing the latest equipment aha appliances known to The quality of Dr. Maguire 's work in previous years won for him the confidence of the public then and he hopes to merit It no less now. The new offices will be ready for busi ness withlng the next few days, wheje appointments may be made for dental service. Rsmember the address, the Alder Block, over Ormes' Advt. CHAPLIN UNABLE TO STOP LIFE STORY Injunction Against Pictorial Itetlew Itenlrd by N.V. Judge NEW YORK. March 8. The application of Charles Chaplin, movie comedian for an injunction, restraining the Pic-tonal Review from publishing further instalments of a story of his life was denied by Federal Judge Thatcher. Chaplin sued the publishing concern for a permanent injunction and for ai accounting. His attorney. Nathan Buf- kan, gave a hint as to the amount of damages which might be asked recently when he said that the comedian might have received a million dollars for an auto-biography, if he had entered Into negotiations for the publication of such work. ANNUAL MEETING OF MUNICIPAL CHAPTER r. Roliert Rlanre 1 Elected Kegenl fcxlil r.tetiliig Eiijattrd At the annual meeting last evening of the Municipal Chapter of the Imperial Order . Daughters of the Empire. favorable reports were received covering the year's woik and the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Honorary Regent. Mrs. F. H. DuVernet. Honorary First Vice-Regent Mrs. J. C. McLennan. 1 lrflAKAf7. .III Vll AH 17. SSrdslm IrHJ-Li ing's program tea was served. UAUGHf hKS K rMPIKK 1 iH ii P McMordle. 1 T Parkin. Regent. Mrs. Robert Blance. f First Vice-renegt. Mrs. John Manson. Second Vice-regent. Mrs. Shelford Dar-iou. Secertary. Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod, ' Treasurer. Mrs. H. L. Landry. Educational secretary. Miss Shlel. Echoes secretary. Mrs. W. 11. Wilson Murray. Organizing -ecrettry. Mrs. B. Walker. Standard bearer. Mrs. S. V Cox. Dr. J. P. Maguire. Prince Rupert's old I During the tvenlng The. Peddle gari time den tUt. has returned to the city j 811 ntUng address and Miss Charte and is opening offices in the Aider ;ooa lavoreu u uun witn . voca. Block, over Ormes'. Dr. Maguire nasi010' MaS accompanied by Miss Lonu been taklnr Doat eraduat mun. in M the conclusion of the even. 362 miles from Tacoma: 8 a In. schoon ers Cape Ball. Kaisun and Joan W. ttorm bound at Btfl Harbor. NOON DIOBY ISLAND. Snow, strong south- Wtst wind; barometer 29 62; temperature 34; moderate swell. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer. 2. 138; temperature. 32. BULL HARBOR. Part cloudy. southwest wind; barometer 29.73; perature. 40; mod era t cwtU. There was a Tellow maned Jim, Who said. 1 will go for a swim." He swallowed a wave. But the stone on Ms grave freslv tem Honorary Second Vice-regent. Mrs. .8. Explains how a wove swallowed him. I I'll U J sassy Jkxl .s'.'! i 1 M 4 V have made Baker's Breakfast Cocoa Hie Household Choice for many Generations A delirious, pure and wholesome food beverage, made only of high grade tocoa beans, carefully Wended and prepared by a perfect meclianical process, no chemicals being used ! WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited Established 17B0 DORCHESTER, MASS. Canadian Mills at Montreal Bookt vf Choice Recipes sera frte 14. Darton (Bt. Andrew.) 9 C. Balagno (Terminals). IS MacLachlaa (Bt. A.). II May IMookp) 4 Don Brown (Moose).... 8 Krause (Gyros) 4 Ben Morgan (St. A.)... 13 McLean (Terminals).. 3 J. Judge (M'joae) 15 A. Murdonald (Oyro) ... 13 P. Tinker ist. A.)... 13 O. Anderson ( Orotto I .. 7 Bert Honkln (Terminals) S A. Harvey (Oyrus) 1 TIE IS BROKEN IN ld M.. I ruin Mint m Ji All .More. Irlmf Kuwrt. MI1KCR0FT DEFEATS DltmST, BILLIARDS Lnigue l'lxtHre Ynd la M-iwe aT 9KC U ..... , I u iuu game 01 me Diuiara iix- HALL ALIylOM i)KK LKMltu th. Grotto and St. Ah Krjmrt ftf se-retary a Keeelved With IhtthuoldMH nt Annual hireling Lat Mstil Enthusiasm was displayed at the an nual meetlnj of Municipal Chapter. Im perial Order. Daughters of the Empire, last night when the secretary, Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod, read her report The interesting feature of this was the state ment that all the 15.000 debt on the Fifth Avecue Hall, erected a couple of years ago, had been paid off other than a 11.000 mortgage. Reports of the subsidiary chapters were also read. WII(i:UH ItKPORT. x DICBY ISLAND. Snow, fresh southwest wind; barometer 29 64; temperatun 32; moderate swell; ' 8.4S pjn. spoke steamer mur. Blubber Bay for Oranby. 105 miles from Oranby. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer. 28.-34; temperature. 28. BULL HARBOR. Part cloudy, fresh routhwest wind; barometer 29.74; temperature 35; heavy swell: 6 pjn. spoke steamer Tanana, La louche for Tacoma, arewa. w. c v. mi scroll aereatea ur, Wet "by a score of 300 to lEd, giving a ictal for U n rot to in the series "of SBC to 811 lor St. Andrew's. The league stahdlhgs to date are as follows: Games .Total Terminals IS 13.C29 Orotto 16 14.440 Oyros 15 IJjiB Mouse IS 18.280 St. Andrew's .. 15 18.346 Individual a averages vera to date are aa fol lows: i H..Parr (Mooe 2 peo. MCIlnMy (Moot) 8 b. How' idrcitoS, I W; E. Wlliscrtni rst. A. 10 D. Howe Terminals) . . 15 . Zleman iTermluals . . 14 V . Stuart (Terminal.) . . 2 . OUsnnetl (TermTnala 10 J. Hamilton (Orutto) . . 16 1. HUlman (Uooaei .... 15 Fred Pyle (St, Andrew's) 13 Ben Sttf (Oyro) 13 S. D. Macdonald (St. A.I II W. J. Nelon (Oyrol ... 14 Frank Aldridge (Oyro) . 15 Dr. West ( Orotto ) 16 O. Waugh (Orotto) .... 16 W. H. Long lOyro) 15 3. Brown (MooHe) 13 J. Andrrwa (Orotto) 16 IL Corbttt 1 Terminals 1 . 14 loo 1561 1735 1917 3811 2C26 373 less 2954 7783 2406 2406 2040 2379 2745 2919 2914 2713 2350 2881 7492 sse 20C7 1928 3414 1378 WHS 21G8 502 24j8 2101 2029 1089 306 131 ?Ffr 4l,,!-,;,"".?Tf1 300 195 193 193 187 un 18. 186 185 183 185 183 185 184 18C 18: 182 181 181 180 I7e 178 177 175 173 172 17i 167 1C7 164 161 ise 15S 153 131 CRIBBAiGE LEAGUE ImI Crtbbage League resulu laxt night were at follows: Cold Storage. 13; Sons of Canada, 13. Moose. 10; CJ4. Mechanics, 11. St. Andrew's. 13; Prince Rupert Hotel, -CJN. Operating. 12; Orange Lodge, 13 Dry Dock. 11: Canadian Legion, 16. KnlghU of Columbus, 13; Orutto, 14. lagHe Table W, 1 Put. Cold 6Urage 8 I 8 C.N. 0eratlng 7 2 7 Moose 6 3 6 Prince Rupert 'Hotel r. 8 4 6 Canadian Legion J. 4 5 Orange Lodge 6 4 6 St. Andrew's 4 6 4 Grotto 4 6 4 KnlghU of Columbus . 3 0- 3 Sonx of Canada 3 6 3 CM, Mechanic: 2 7 2 Dry Dock 2 7 3 GROUNDS GRANTED TO NATIVE SONS FOR nnv 1 rntfiftiTiAN .j rfUl4l8 VU4JAn I lull naiMl oantG a Anil tlll.t I'mitt.I h. Native 'Soua of Canada tb-VWK of Acropolis grounds cm July 1 and also appointed Mayor Newton and Xtderman Gteplie'Ls a conunlltee to attend mtneet-lnjf.ihU Week which will formulaU plans lor the fltUog celebration or Canada's sljctleUi Jubilee on Dumlnlon Day; The rualler came up lor consideration when two letter from the KaUvt Buus were read to Uie council acklng oo-oper-1 Hon of thi council and the' utt ot thl FOR SALE FOR SALE. TWENTT HORSEPOWER Kermatb marine' engine in first class running order Price reasonable. Terms cash. Apply to Dr. Large. Port Blmpson, 50 RESTAURANT FIXTURES FOR SALE cheap. Uust be sold this week. P.O. 378. CRANDVTEW HOTEL Make an offer! FOUND FOR SALE. 67 fOUND.- TAKE NOTICE THAT I. L. K- Duttoo, Intend to hold one mare and colt strayed to the farm, for feed tosu. L. K. Dutton, Kltwanga. BC. LOST IOBT.--AUTOMOBILE TIKE CHAIN BE tween McBride Street and Cold 8 tor-ate- Finder pleate return to 67 Tuil Reward. Acropolis O rounds. The resututlon waa moved by Aldfmaa w. J. Ornr and .ecundtd by Alderntah IVrry and camed imahtmoukly SPORT CHAT The champion, in the ,billlard ached ule will probably not be determined until the final match on Friday hi til jf this week between St. Andrew'a and lb Terminals. Neil week the matches at -determine the individual -dty billiard ehampkm will atari and Mxmld prdre an Interesting scries tn view of tx ciokeiy contested games IK this aeasdii's eague games. . Pictures of the DHalieyilaoney Tight. telng ahoma this week In Edmonton, Indicate that MaluiiVy won. by a wide Jiargtn. He us given tlx decision .by jotti judges fend the referee. AlUtuush braulfd aa rfaiculous, rt- poru art current that the recent Ot Uwa-New Tork American hockey ganw In New, York waatUed. New Turk Won tu alxteen second. of overtime play by "fore of a to 2 In gruetllng conUst. Runjort are. 'being circulated that there was 'plenty of betting on the gum-, with New York the favorites. The charges are befng- Investigated, illnkJt - lUlne. former Yankee out flettirf ' aixi betbre that fated aa A Afl-Amerlcn football star at Vrih. btfcta: inay be actuulred bv a hlv InMU eiupt Vifore pext sprthg' roU arwiiL hopes to accjulre a first basematr IV ' noTr.i. Ahitiv.ii.N, J. Q. W, KerfjIJohn Mataon andC. QiUit. Mri. A ;Norberg and daughter; Oofia, River. f -' frlhee !itierl 4 Jolin Duns, Vaticouver: T. 1. Small. hit. 1 v -j -t Thl Using generation avaiiut which you hear so many complaints trot mane of tu faults from associating with It parents. 1 ' 11 "Ut fi Car Kitehr,t Hily You" Clark's delicious " r of ter, bring to bll and imt. T.,-... t... .,.lu, ,u. lenne, Vegttsblt, Chiik- en, mock turtle, etc W. rt.rW I St, Html.fMj. narrow, iJnt. laoviaut an maac suuaa. 1-17 Montr.! trJ FOH KENT FOR RENT- STEAM HEATED APART, menu. Apply Smith Mallrtt, Ltd. Telephone 174, i FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE: 1 central; 20. Apply 315 Fourth Avenue East jFOR RENT PIANOS. PIIONOORAPIW and Singer Sewing Machines. Walker's Music Store. FCRNiaHtD APARTMENTS FOR RENT by day. week or month. Phone Red 607. tf FURNISHED SOrra FOR RENT. Apply Mussallrm Ornery. Phone 16. FOR RENT. MODERN HOUSE. FlVT rooms sua bath. Munro Broa. tt ROOMS tO RENT PH6SE 678. 9- ftOAltU IH)LUAIl STOHB W have discontinued U . HOMi:r t:diofii: Nothlnf, Over a. Dollar . 'Se 6ht new line of rKIVll .NMkftt.tK. . !OlJ;tK f MflKK. tf BOARD. THE INLANDER, 839 Second Armas. Pnarw 187, AUCTIONEER NOTICE OF SALE ON MARCH 24 AT 1 pjn.. Lot, with two residence, rented continuously Wingmg 1 monthly. These . house arc situated at 542 Eighth Aenu Vest and 7U TsUow street. The furnishings of the Tat-low street residence art offered lu one kit up till March 34, Failing dupoati in oh lot, lie mired Hst of furniture will be published on Msfta 3 and will be sold according to the uhn of the public 0. F. Brine. Auctioneer. Phcme 774, iiinvii lihMtritr. i:111 war. iirdy A fiarvMHt, fffer 144 third Avenue . Flwiie lllark 421 Furniture of all sorts bought, sold or Exchanged. UI'HOLSTERlNf; f , hrrXmiNO; RrFAIRINO; FURHTTURE UPHOL sterlng of tU kinds. Chesterfield rrcovrrrd and made to order. All work guaranteed,' Phone Orern 603. Q. M. fIVNTj iWOOD A, lH4ChO el.roe. , Mrxed Wood 'lsct per load 66.00. , , ctlnam. kj' .W4'. HM. '' rrrriscti'VoBd,' per' load e 00 "fxilvered, slt,Hrring rtiftne Itlsrk C 1' RESTAURANTS ' OOdlf 'r.ATH C'AIT. Sr. rlger. Proprietress Third .Are nu( Net ;0. W. V. lMd limpe rimked Meals. htU Black loo TACI Phonf 67 Tal (Call Geortre, !aul or Gu8t) Six and Seven ra.enjrcr Stutle-bakvr at yoiii ilt8poal any time, ROSS I1K0S. POOL ROOM MfftoVltlovk. fAcroni from EmIireM Hotel) High low tow High t)W High Low 4 4 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES (I'MliV, MARCH 3:14 ajn, 22.1 ft. 18:33 p.m, 21J M 0:22 ajn, 2S " 21:39, p.m. 2 9" MOVIiaV; M4ROI 7 M..3U0,.U1. . 31 .8 It, , . , 16:23 p in.. 10 " 10:09 a.m, 3.3 " .21:22 p.m, 4 It " TI IIMIWi .MARCH 8 4.-38 a.m. 2I.0 ft. 17:18 p.m. 18.3 " Mm am, 4 1 " 23:08 p.m. 6.8 H UtllMiMlW, MAtMII ....":2TYm. "" , .10.0 ft. r-' 18:26 p.m. lfl.e.-. . U.OQpjn. 6.9- WASFIRST BRINGING UP FATHER Bv OpnrcrA rVTJt. i'i ' . ... 1 - J I JH7C t T 6CYS HERE THAT THE TO ARRIVE ff 5PESJD AT LEAT OMfc v I II rUA.T TUC M1U I II III! I " "T 1 . f jL. I I, IL ' MONTH INI SAMOA ATM" WELblM t LUCK- A. R. MALLORY Of TOKT CLEMENT: LOrJGCH IF PoetBLE-HUM'l If fVK COY TO CO TO WAS KARI.V ON SCENE FOR i WiONlOCR WHAT TH GV MEAN H KILLED TMKEtl iiTI k ,fl-myAi I.WERAL CONVENTION IN 1 .A. 1 'I. 'VANCOUVER ' Aver. W09 903 891 885 883 Oames Ttl. Aver. tint fed d ForS<: For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c pr word in fcdTance-CNo Advertiaement Uken for lei than 50c .Artida LufiJ MAIL SCHEDDU WT-rolvi Far the " ' sal TSlwafw4)t.M w-T. . . Frldsy, Saturdsyi ( ur n, trm n k. n riri ciaas msu Is shn .-. Vancouver on Mroaita Mtaraij uj yj It. IftlB. T Aniet. sl'lr i k..... ' - , nwm HI mief a.. . Duma ri wranesaavs Ta rt. aiiah.. i.. . Sundays i w ...w .iHT Ta AU.ks Petal- Msrtb 7, II and 31 Ta t OarUltr-. March 13 and M l-TOIId Yam kbe Ynesdsy. Tbursdt) iM Kun Ul I'M Ytwewrr- Dunaaj Wednesday kJi Frldsy ,1 pp.n March f, II tal I iwt Antwt, Hk Ira, ttntt Frrniier Tuesdtyt I Frldsy Ii Irwm M. ainiwHi aal Vxtw r "jsrv M I'mni Ataa. h1n iTnm ttevn rhsrMte- uirr. tn inn w , Orsham At At: in Am lit Ave. B.h St 6th Ave. ti Fultoa St th Art Jt Thoaptoa 11th At Jiherbroolt Am lith Ave. tt Conrs6 Bt 6th Ave A Hsy rsn 6th At llsys Cove Clrrtr 8th Are. Ac Cotton St 8th Ave. tt UcBrtd St Pror. Oovt Dlflc Prov. Oof Whsrf O.TJ -,'harf OTJ Btatlon 2nd Av. ft snd Bt 3rd Ava. A Fulton St. rM a -a. aih at tit id 113 III III tic lit 111 111 III I all all Hiinihi MtiMriftn Ismr wfl dsy only. 1 . n Hi.Hir 111 1 ... . Mill. till! IVIUI HI I'i Vanrmiter , liiesasy , wu' Friday Fnn.- i-f BM;trdy cjroen , March II Pfinres IWj Msrch 22 e. rrlnrea W Irom Vanroaver a pumlty a. Camoaun a Wednesdsy s- f 0Ke rnaay . j,, emiiruaj Vlsreh 7 a rrlnrea VW y Msrrn ai " '" - l i rnrx wmwra j Sunday . cmon .. .. . . i..m and .,1 I ur nr.n .1 ir Sundays csro-- ,f nr,i.i..l -as. Trllif . Tuesday-ss. csmo.-lVldy rnnc 0 For Qoeen t'MrtMtt Msrch 12- W-'" Msrch 26. . Princ nom jneen T("W',"11 M.rch IB- "Z M Msrch ti. W March 7--s MJzL. March 18. rr'- JJ. .. llsrch 28- -s. Mnrt rrom Alli"" wjrf ' 11 -ss '"" Msrch , Ujir CJ.R. TRAINS For EatMondsT. """"'jn BstUrdsy 'hUnd.T Tn Front Bast-TtiMii' BUIIUUJ. ' V kit jr