M y March 8, 1027 THE DAILY NEWS P 3E THREE ISIIII 1... I III f -TT- II HE LABEL IS RED AND Wl.ii HEAD OF SEA CADETS Local and Personal OF CANADA IS HERE From Contented Cows' ts Uniformity ; Makes it Good For Baby! I (KT, of the great advantages of Campion Milk a a baby vy food is that its goodnos never varies. No matter where you buy it or when you use it. baiy's delicate digestion is . never upset Ijy a change in quality or purity. Another advantage Carnation offers the Carnation process of "homogenization" breaks up the fat globules and makes Carnation very easy to digest. All the food value of milk is in Carnation, for Carnation is just pure, fresh milk evaporated to double richness and kept safe by sterilization. Consult your physician regarding a feeding formula for your baby. Also write us for baby feeding chart. Order several tins or a case of 48 tins from your grocer. CARXATIOS CARAMEL TAPlOCA-Oae tMri cup tapioca, 2 cups Carnation Milk diluted with 1 orpa water, 2 mmII eggs, few grains salt t cup light brown sugar, 1 cup broken nut meats. Add tapioca, silt and sugar to hot diluted milk. Cook in double (toiler lor 2S minutes or until tipioca is transparent. Beat ecc thoroui&ly and add lowly to tapioca, cooking for two minutes longer. Finally add nuts. Chill and tt rve with whipped cream. This serves eiiht. t t Stnd Jar a trie copy el Mary BUir't On Iiek. Addrnt Carnation itilk Ptoductt Comfiuty, Limited, Aytmer, Ontario. I i A Produced in Canada WO SIZES - TALL AND SMALL ANAD JAN MM 10NAL it Largeft Ikailway Syfltm in America Steamship and Train Service pkim'i: iUTi.it r win i-ue ntiMi: itni.ui ir v.vm ot u;u. it lOltl.V SKAT'lli:. mill Inlrriiirill.itr point rarli lltlllVV ut 1) ii.iii. I'lllNCi; 1(1 I'l.KT fur Nl IIWAUT iiii'I AMOV WIIIiMMHY, 10 p.m. piUM'i; 4KIIN r..r v.Moivi:it tin uw.ks initi o m: is- l,M. riirliilKlillt. I'AHM.Mil ll TIltINN f .1 : -; fitlM'i: Ut'l'IIItT .......... ...... ... i milt- ... ii'ii. uii. r..i iitii't lllllltlii:, i:I.M(ll, niNMI'Mi, nil iin winn wniuun, i mini UtrK AdKSCV Al l. (K UAN STKAMsllll' MM. I if t niimM.Hi Xiillmml l.irr fur Muiicy Orders SiirHe.ii lmUr. iiUi fur ) our next liliment. iadianJ . ....... a a a a a a, J L -- f tt... .... Ul'li Canadian Pacifk Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Krt hikiiii, WninrWI. Jiinrnii, MJijt.v i cnriiMry i, mmh (i ip, -n. Vumoiueiv Ulitr.;i, houltli Irhnmry Mtirth 11. Tt, ! a. . t..n. .'.... t Url Itiav Z 1 . I . Will II n . Corner of 4lli street ana Jra .seniie. rruice iiuciw. SAVAGE EI.KCTKIC WASUKK AND DRYHIt. Wnshca, niuea, Kinses and Dries without a wrlirgcr or hnvinir tu put your hands in the water. Cash' Price Also Easy Terms KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Arthur' Taxi. Phone 078. B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Bhooi rebuilt like new at McArtnurt Blioc Store. Get the Big 4 habltl of a Taxi, phone 4. tt When thinking tt TM. afternoon's train, due from the East at 3-30, will arrive on time. Bankctbill tonight In Exhibition Building at 6.4$. Admlstlon 25c and JOc. L. O, Moose wilt hold a whUt drive and dance' on March 11, at 8 JO pjn. prompt. 60 )(. T. Terry' and Mlna Bella Cameron are booked to aall by the Camosun thla afternoon for Vancouver. Native Son of Canada will bold a whlt drive, and dance In the Metropolo Hall on March IS at 830 pjn. 61 The report of the city auditor which had laid, on the table for the past week waa adopted by the city council last night.- Anglican Cathedral W.A. tea and sale ef home cooking at Mrs. George Ilarle'a, Fourth Avenue West. Starch 16 from 3 to 6. All are welcome. Sea Cadcto, Attention I Special parade at Naval Headquarters on Tuesday at 7 pm. for inxpectlon by Admiral Storey full muster requested, 56 Rupert Et United Crruxcb Basket Social on Thursday evening. March 10. Oood program and imetty coo Vest. Ad mission fioc or basket. Pioneer Banquet Actual Pioneers who cannot obtain tickets will be admitted to side rooms until tables are cleared when they will be welcome to main hall without charge. O. A. Share of Vancouver has acquired the business formerly operated by J. O. OaHgan as the Universal Trading Co. Mr. Oavlgan. It Is understood, will con tinue to conduct the Rupert Table Supply. The touch of a wife's gentle hand Is already making Itself apparent at the Prince Rupert Hotel. Palms have been Disced In the windows In the main lobby to greatly Improve the appearance thereof. 1 I find i heat for cleanliness Don't call t planter vhtn th. lrk drain t' rhoknl. A IMtlr i;illrtl's l.jt will proh.bly tlr.f it In a few rn I nttU. Hearts f ethr ihi srvani the asnitarr homt. GILLETTS PURE FLAKE LYE Our shingles cost less and last longer. Seal Cove Lumber Co.. tf Accounts totalling $18,832.21 up to March 3 were passed tor payment by the city council at the meeting last night. The report of Jhe. 'Janitor of the city ball, which was read to the council misting last night, showed that during the mouth of February, 1805 gallons ot fuel oil had been used with an average cost of S3.U0 per day, The report was filed. . m A letter from the Canadian Pacific Biprett Co. asking that the license fee charged the company for operating In the city be reduced, was fUed by the city council last night.. .City Solicitor Jones advised that already the fees for Uw six months ending July 1 had been paid and that no change could be made until that date. He had already ans wered the communication and pointed thla out to the company. UirVTIIDU KKI'OltT. Prince Rupert. Snowing, fresh southwest wind; temperature. 32. Terrace. Cloudy, culm, temp. 30. Two Inches new enow during night. Kosswood. Cloudy, calm. temp. 28. Alyansh. Snowing, calm, temp. 27. Alice Ann. Cloudy, calm, temp. 31. Anrex. Part cloudy, calm. temp. 32. The De Luxe lee cream panor ano amithera Snow. caJm. tenm. 17. confectionery store will be moving In a j Durnl LbIC pan cloudy, calm, temp few days from Its present location to 2j the corner or Third Avenue ana nun wniuhcrse Clear. South wind. temp. Street In th. preraUss tarmtrlyUXMistng ; 1S Oil s agar Store. Dawson Cloudy. N. wind, zero Onion steamer Camosun will return at 4 o'clock this afternoon from Anyox. Stews rt and other northern ports of call, being scheduled to sail for Vancouver and wayports at S o'clock. This will be the last call here this season ot the Camosun, the Catala taking over the run and arriving here next Sunday afternoon northbound. The spring schedule of the Union steam.hlp. company wUl go Into e3ect this week with the Cardena arriving from the south on Thursday night and sailing for the Naas River points the same night, returning here Saturday morning and sailing for Vancouver. On Sunday afternoon the Catala will arrive from the south and continue to Stewart and Anyox returning here on Tuesday and then proceeding south. The steamer Camosun, which sails today, for the south Is making her last trip here. (!OOD TEA NOT ClIEAl'EIt Because old and poor bulk tea. can be purchased today rather cheaply, the public should not think they wUI get satisfaction buying It. Cheap tea Is a most expensive luxury. PACIFIC STKYEDOKINC K CON-THACT1NC CO. LTD. (ix loi.r.NTAUV uqi mvimN) mi i k i: to nti;in oi:s TAKE NOTICE that a Mctlim ol Creditors will be held at 503 Union Building. Victoria. B.C.. on M'mdiy. the 211 (lav ot March, 1027, at 10 a.m.. and that all claims against thla Comnany nunt be filed with me before that date after which I shall distribute the astctn of the Company having regard only to such claims as have been duly filed. VINCENT C MARTIN, Liquidator. 67 500 Union Bid?.. Victoria. II C EtnllUlm! 1023. rums hi Office Hours: a.m. to G p.m. Saturday: u.m. to 1 .m. Any evening; by nnjiointnient DENTIST Exchange Ulock. . l'hone10l) BASKETBALL 14 TIMETABLE iti:visi:n Minimi: hi tiovtus i:i;mimii:i! or i'ui:m:.t m:.mn The following revised, schedule for the remainder ot the season has been arranged by the Prince Rupert Basket ball Association: ' MAiiniiy 8 Tuxls vs. Stars. '' ? Maple L4ars vs. Colt;. ' Orotto vs. Bankers. Terminals vs. Elks. II Colts vs. Tuxls. Elevator vs. Terminals. Adanac vs. M.iplc Lcufs. Elks Vs. Native Sousi 15- -6Ura vs. Dolts. Elevator vs. Bankers. Terminals vs. Orotto, Native Sons "vs. Terminals'. 18 dolts vs. Tuxls. Adanacs vs. Maple Lcufs. Elevator va. Bankers.' Terminals vs. Elks. Colts vs. Tuxls game still tu be placed. r 1 CKimiACE LEACUE FIXTURES MAltl II Mow vs. Orotto. ' St. Andrew's vs. Cold blur.iif. C.N. Mechanics vs. Dry Djck. Prince Rupert Hotel vs, Orange Ixlc C.N. Operating vs. Canadian Legion Sons of Canada vs. KulghU of Columbus. Cold StoraKC vs. C.N. Operating. Knights of Columbus vs. Dry Dock, Moose vs. Sons ot Canada. St. Andrew's vs. Orange Lodge. C.N. Mechanics vs. Cauadlau Legion. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Orotto. BILLIARD SCHEDULE The following schedule tor the second half of the Billiard League season Is released by the secretary, W. II. Long: MARCH r3'--Moowe vs. Oyros. ; It St. Andrews vs. Grand Terminals. viutsll wite"1 ' Irish .applicant (to maglatrntr); "Sure, a man has threatened to kill me, yer honor." Mitglatrate: "Do you go In fear of your life?" trlth applicant: "Not yer honor. I go 111 im.t av me death.' Advertise tc ih ncliy Newa. Ailmlnil Mrtrr of Ottawa f .rt'inninlrl by Ills Wife KnterUlnment for Thrill Is rianiird Admiral W. Oswald Story. C.B.E.. U N.. retired of Ottawa and Mrs. Story ar rived In the city this afternoon by by train. Admiral Story, who U honorary supervisor of the Sea Cadets of Canada, Is here to Inspect the local corps. The visitors were met on their arrival by members of the executive of the local Navv Leaeue and their wives. Admiral etory Immediately proceeded to' discuss the organization of the local corps while Mrs. Story was taken to the residence of Mrs. D. C. Paterson where a tea la being held In her honor. At 6 o'clock, Admiral and Mrs. Story will be entertained at dinner In the Commodore Cafe by members of the executive of the Navy League and their wives. After dinner. Admiral Story will conduct the Inspection of the Sea Cadets at naval' headquarters and a discussion with members of the committees will follow. Admiral and Mrs. Story will return East by tomorrow morning's train. Admiral Story, who Is a naval man er long experience, was at one time In command of the naval station at Esquimau. Serving under him at that time was Lieut. P. M. Bay of the local Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer JIST A MOIlll. The first day of school little Tommy was sitting at his desk disconsolate. "What's the matter; atked his teach er. Do you hate school as bad as an that?" "School hasn't anything to do with It," blubbered Tommy. "I. got the' wrong word In a crass-word puzrie." I "But that's nothing serlcus. I often 3o that myself." "Ves, but In this case the line read, 'drunk, every afternoon.' I put In "dad'j and he saw tt and the word should have been tea." PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EUROPEAN TOURS Personally Conducted Tours have been arranged this Summer, under the Joint 'supervision of the Canadian National, 'Railways and the Cunard Steamship, Company to Great Britain and Europe nd return. All transportation, hotel' ).. .I.ht....ln. uunia Inrlnrteri 111 I Stewart. Part clcudy, calm, temp. 31. arM cu tt clty Ticket Office. Third Hazelton. Cloudy, calm, temp. 28. 'Avenue, or phone 260. for particulars and Telegraph Creek.- Cloudy, calm. temp,'descrtptlTe uterature. 18. ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Andrew's Society Ladles Auxiliary Easter Sale. April 6. Hospital Auxiliary Tea In St. Andrew's Rooms. April 9. Prince Rupert. IV Till lu lr V TI.MHEK SALE X 8813. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the 10th day of March. 1927, lu the office of the Dj-trlct Forester at Prince Rupert, the Licence X8815, to cut 1.920.550 D m. of Hemlock, Balsam, Spruce and Cedar on in area situated on the Wrest shcre of Surf Inlet, approximately 4 miles from nead. liange , i;oasi uisinci. Tnree (31 years win oc anowea tor removal of timber. "Provided any one unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auctn and treated as one bid." Further particulars of the Chief For ester. Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, li I'KUliAlI'.. I MI'Id'.MK (IXUT Of ISUITIMI COLUMBIA the Matter of the Administration Act: and L In the Matter ot the Estate ot Joseph F. nowman. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order ot His Honor, F. McB. Young, the 34th day of February. A.D. 1037. I was appointed Administrator of the estate ot Joxepn F. nowman, deceased, and all parties havlnjt claims against the said estate arc hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 34th day of March. A.D. 1927. and all partle-i Indebted to the estate are re- ulred to pay the amount of their In-cbtcducss 3 to mc forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 21th day ot February, A.D. laxr. Was So Nervous The Least Noise Made Her Jump Mr, W". II. Yate, Ahernt Man., writes: "I was bothered' rery 'rhuch with mjr heart and: nerves, and 'tha least noise would make rati jump mid aluuut atop my henrt beatinir. I told my mother about it one dny, and h said that she had been lathered the sauna way and told me to get a box of When I had taken th on box I fait Cjult a lot better and by the time I had taken three boxes I got relief." Pries aoe. a box at all dNilera, or mailed direct on receipt of prlca by The T, Milburn Co., Limltad, Toronto, Why you need LIFEBUOY-the purifying Toilet Soap Xhink of the adventures of a coin or a piece of paper money in a single day. Think how unclean a N thing can become by passing from hand to hand. 4 And money is only one of the objects you often touch that are touched by other hands objeas that carry invisible but dangerous germs. Millions have turned to Lifebuoy Soap as a prevention against infection and as an all-sufficient, delightful Toilet Soap. The orange red cake in the orange red carton is a familiar sight in countless homes where the truth is recognized of the old axiom that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." At all Grocers and Druggists 27 Lever Brothers Limited Toronto I.BTl GERM DISEASES that hands may carry Ctmf iltd Ij Lift Extenshit Imtitutt. Colds Tonsillitis Mumps Ringworm Whooping Cough Erysipebs Diptheria Scarlet Fever Chickcnpox Septicemia Boils Measles Bronchitis Typhoid Dysentery Pink Eye Otitis (Ear Infection) Phiryng'''1 Smallpox Tuberculosis Pneumonia 'Influenza Carbuncles Laryngitis Impetigo (Skin Infection) Social Diseases Ccrebro Spinal Meningitis The war Influenzl spreads is unknown 'to take every precaution. LIFEBU Health Soap. Purifies and Protects au J 1 t-mmmm. J III II H The QqJL Store w jwmam Brushes at Cost A'e are overstocked with Urushes and in ordi-r to move them, we will sell any Hair brush in the -store at cost price. Ladies' Hairbrushes ivory backs, ebony backs, polished natural wood backs, Military llrushes, Nail Brushes, Clothes Brushes. OSBOUN BRUSHES ,The Utility Brush with the blue handle. Bristles are fimrly helcV'in twisted wire frame and there is a brush for! every purpose. 3rd Ave. and 6th St. ORMES LTD. The Pioneer Drujjrists Three Hegtstered Pharmacists Phones 82 and 200 Advertise in "The Daily News"