5 J ki f wwi TAXI Boston Grill nnd Ambulance Service Anywhere nt Anytime "uimwit 1 1 ii ri it j itiiiifiinn MATT VIDECK. Prop. m yvii Kn nr. OltA. UJIlora j4wiarf DaT H, Prlacll conducted the service and " " nuiHUKU sfcU U fcHK " ssvs, vi KG la VAUIVCWIVU n t ah U. a -1 m . . . . . ill. MoClymont. J. It. ThomDson. J. A. Irkpatrlck, M. M. MeLachlan, W. F. -.v, witiw iujrrr huvcu v.. iv iiibriiuriif. mint utuix ' ,.. . u iff ood reeling rervades Atmosphere as House Closes Arduous Labors ST MIVI'TI- l.'l-'l. 1I?T Ml." (MMI t.'V Til mikm r V t rrirw ACT I'Al IS EX PI.A N ATI ON IS MADE HY PREMIER OLIVER VKTfiKl v, Mnrch 8. The Legislature prorogued last night m i rial iituu i in UMimh uifiMu i bn iin. ni t .- n i ii ii rtr it Tin tiii in f nnrirni i tmf n u i hA rinw t rn n l ii in rrrii i mi mni v n a m rf-M nxa iAini.nni w. -9 a (TOR TfilMIR m a irnn ArnnnTn drill IjiI 1 lW i ijill thing else moveable served ammunition In a tew minutes, the floor of the chamber vii knee deep with document through which the cheering and laughing member atruggled to the ccrr.di.ri. frlor to the arrltal of the lleute.iant governor to prorogue the Haute. R. It TVlolfl-. GOAfcerVAtlv hoili lMrir marft- HHCl si:i IN IMI"IJ Or itht Eavtmmentt taxation bill And have COMMONS It provisions with respect to natural 'resource eliminated. The House, how- -The auDDlvlnc of ever, would have none of the new Hi: mli trcop in China by amendment, voting them down 23 to IS iron-! - ui British Columbia wi when they were going through the a the opening of the House mltlee aug. A number of resolution Hon. Di 8 F Tolmle. member for Thene Included the "better term" mo- umu tin lormer minuter ox aaneuj- m ui ivuuci umn .iiu turc. who .-;ad extra cu of a letter from Vaneouve produce firm stating that no opportunity had been given it to furnish the:? auppllea. Hon. Dr W R Motherwell, minister f agriculture said that, if Dr. Tolmle given him nutlee. he would have ii Into Us? House with all the docu- n- a..., .a I t . tk. m - It Kht :ta;, a firm In Una Okanagan A tr rmatble Vanoourer broker. nnlv itlntt-xtn nr (Im nrltun ffov- ii ui luiiuuru itiiu ills' iwu uv-ii rillfn A I PTAIW ill K U I I 1 IK Y Ill .IMIilill . I .1 . I I . liwin am: (iiisi: to m a nioti N.ivv I.I.AIil E'H f'AHET I OKI'S Na' v iieat;uc 01 uansua. sire nu- cadet. who arrived In the city this follow the easmple of Australia that ,he method for assuring t. .ion to the nation should be left th Iniiinlnti tn (tla The neees- for a Canadlnn navy, however, he It. .u M.nt lie admiral is maxim nis annum of liwpec,ion of the Cadet Corp of I. II 1111 ll L.H1 I A III III REST THIS AFTERNOON mt'tt its si skt ittisa iivl liiifiiitiiiiiii Art 1 trtil ThU Artrrnooii uneral aqrvlce for th late Mr. II. D. Twlgg. Conservative member for Victoria. With respeet to Mr. Pooley'a proposal tu hav the natural reources teetloa of the taxation bill eliminated, the Premier aald he would not eonsent. liei aid It would be constituting backing down by the government to do o. Mr. Oliver took the ground that ninety-five per cent of the resolutions thai been g cu the 11 opportunity to i had been received-had evidently been effect of the bill. The government, he said, supported the principle of the bUI but felt there might be some angle of it which the government was not now aelard. It was, therefore, proposed to delay the coming Into effect of that section until next year and thus provide a safe course. MKS. MrltAK llltAUS TEN VEAU SENTENCE VICTOIUA. March 8. - Mrs. Margaret McRae. who admitted killing her husband and was found guilty of manslaughter by a 'petit Jury here last week, uas sentenced to ten years imprisonment by Mr. Justice Morrison at the conclusion of the spring session of the Supreme Court As-slzea here yesterday afternoon. TTtttVttttttTTtTV THREE MEN INJURED ON VICTORIA WATERFRONT I in Uil llriKT. l.oiiR"liori,iiinii, mill VUtlliim lliirnrtt ii (I l.eim JUti", senium, Hurt ut Oilier Vlmrrs VICTORIA, March 8 Three men were Injured on the local waterfront on Monday. David Bruce, longshoreman, had both ankles -broken when he was struck by a sling while engaged ln loading a freighter at the outer wharves. At Ogdeu Point, two .seamen, William Burnett and Leon Bates, were hurled from the deck of the steamer Robin Adair when a loading sling struck them VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Asked Wheat B.C. Bllver L8f l-7t Olacier 09 .10 lndeuendence -ll Indian -"W Marmot U 12 Premier 32S Porter Idaho Vs .15 Silver Crest M 07'i Hurt tulei nl'"' ' riilNCE ItUrEIiT. E.C., TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1927 LEGISLA TRADE DULL Ml Milts AT SCENE M' NEVAOA ST KIKE 1 1 At E NO TIME I Oil AKTII K IAI. STI.Ml LANTS TONOI'AII. NevHila, Miirth H.llir riKli of gulil w-rkrrx to Wrrpuli, Nr-ud;i, hIiUIi Iuih crrutnl a xmull rlty tlirrr hlme Hie iIIm-omt) luot week of ci.lil uiliiK glR.iHH) a Ion, con-t I nurd IimIu) w It It grim n-ici tr rrpliiriug the plriiMirr srrkcr ulio lind fltH'kril l the M-rnr utrr the nrrk-enil. The gold frrr liiirnrit mi InlriiM'lv Unit mliirm liiiinil mi thur (or urlirirlul ktliniiiiiiiln uml two IxHidrgCrrt. Him wt up liiMnrxii In the mnii. reported truilr dull. IMiu-e hull projirlrlim nrr prrxtrlng to dike mluintusr ,ol the experteil rldirs. HALIBUT ARRIVALS . TODAY 201,000 LBS. Amrrlriili limit ilsiMiril f I!I1,IHHI I'oiiiiil uml Cuiimlliin 3.IIIM) ut Tii-iIuj'r Exrliuiigr- Halibut arrivals this morning totalled 201,000 pounds of which only 3,000 pounds was Canadian. Arrivals today were as follows: AMERICAN Foremost. 46.000 pounds, to Royal Fish Cs.. 13.3c and 7c. Eagle, 00,000 pounds, to Pacific Fisheries. 1140 and 7c, Atlas, 20,000 pounds, to Atlln Fisher-lev 12.9c and 7c. Atlantic. 30,000 pounds, to Canadian noli and Cold Storage Co.. 12.0c and 7c. North, 33.000 pounds, to Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co., 13c and 7c. Wireless. 10.000' pounds, to Atlin Fisheries, 15c and 7c. CANADIAN N. It 8., 3,000 pounds, to Canadian Fish Cold 'Storage Company, 13.3c and .7c. A million years of bold adventure resulting In civilized man, who sits on a hukiI and poros over a ledger. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ROYAL VK0 ESSION as it Ief the Victoria Towir K ng ueorge and Queen Mary oivupy the ume-rtmored carnage in which they make the ti p every year to oien the House of Parliament. Five Thousand Casualties Are Feared as Result of Damaging Ouahp Central .Inrtnn MnnAnv BOOTLEGGERS' Nineyama and four othir villages destroyed and many lives lostKobe and Osaka also suffer in catastrophe TOKIO, March 8. Reports trickling in ' over crippled wire ! communications indicate that the casualties in an earthnuakP which VANCOUVER AIRMEN JOIN EXPEDITION! Aim Kii'tun Here urp Aimliitril Itmlviii Slnilti surtrv In VANCOUVER. March 8. The appoint ment of three airmen from the Vancou ver untt of the R.C.VF. to Hudson' strait ice survey expedition, leaving this summer and returning October, L'1028, Is announced. They are: Flying Olfloer A. II. Ashton, Sergeant N. C. Terry and Corp. H. C. Semple. Flying Officer Ashton la pilot' of long experience .having seen war service In the Royal Air Force He has been In the R.C.A.F. for lour year, and cams to the: Vancouver unit in. 1928. Sertftant' Terry has been - connected with Vancouver unit for four years, and is an expert engine mechanic. He is also a war veteran. Corp. Semple came to Vancouver from Winnipeg station, a year Ago, and acts as a carpenter-rigger. The expedition will consist of 8 aircraft, which will be operated by 12 officers and 4S men. The modern reformer apparently ex. iiects all to follow Uis "noe." WINS SEMOU A.MATEIT. I'UOVIN-CIAE CIIA.MI'IONsltll' IIIOM VAM'OrVEK TOHEUS ANCOt VEIt, March K. Trail ttou Hie llrltMi Columbia M-nliir amateur luM'krj i'liuiiiioiishlp lat night hy ilrtVutliiK Viiiiiuuvrr Toners fUe giml.t to our on the tivo-gunte round Luxt night the srwr wax one all hut the Mnrlter rlty men had a four giuil lead mi Irlclav night wlirn they won four tn nothing. PORT CLEMENTS MAN GIVEN SIX MONTHS Itnlierts Concralril Miinrv I'miii His Cmlltiirv Seven .Months fur Joe Ibilne In County Court this morning Judge Young sentenced H. Roberts of Port Clements, who had pleaded guilty to concealing money from his creditors, to six months ln Jail and a fine of $10 or, ln lieu of non-payment, ten days additional in Jail. Joe Ralne, convicted on a charge of theft, was sentenced to seven months ln jail, sentence dating from the day of his arrvat. Circulation 1500 B.C Distillers and the Kennedy Co op-J posit to which were noted 'such symbol j The power tug Har.aco has dlnap-..bscn Street store." "Main and peared from the point on Hodgson reef fUstings" etc. ; where she went ashore on Friday night i. It. Milne, accountant far the Ken- whUe the scow of lumber .which she had edy C-.. was asked by Mr. Hogg how in tow has been found high and dry uJ rmi.tlon would get on his company's on a email Island south of Wales Is- ou -hers if It should appear that these land, stated George O. Bushby, head of references corresponded to the number the Rupert Marine Products Ltd, own-ol cases cf bottled cocktails manufac- tng the tug. who arrived In the city tured by the Kennedy Co. requisitioned yesterday from Port Simpson, from the warehouse by the vendor of There is a bare possibility that the government liquor store In the months Hacaco might have worked herself loose Indicated. ' from th rocks and drifted elsewhere " Mflne said -that he paid the amount tut the greater probability 1 that she" on Harry Relfel's instructions. He had has broken up and gone to the bottom, no Idea where the Information would it u planned to make another search come from. The meaning of the entries j0T the vessel now that the weather on the vouchers had never been ex- has calmed alter a very rough week-plained to htm. tnd. : Particular reference was made to one icow u ln 8UCh , position that It voucher on which was noted five cases WU be impossible to extricate It until to Hastings snd Main and five cases to the high tides next month. It U hoped Tender Street. The voucher was for a that nCT lumber cargo from the Big sum amounting to fifty cents per case. Bay sawmill will be saved. I '! Describing the stranding. Mr. Bun- T . r CANADA TO ATTEND Sain 423 yeaterd;y visited central Japan include dead and injured which may '' roest rS"lnts- "ctm8 P"micr lieacli live thousand. These figures, however, are only speculative. ! One report from Kyoto stated that there were thousands of casualties in Nineyama and four other nearby villages which were destroyed. At Nineyama, the quake was followed by a fire. mam at usaka are placed at twenty-two and in Saki at eighteen. Kobe also auffered. but how badly Iss-oet definitely known. An American woman Is reported to hare been drowned when she fell from the gangplank of the steamer California which was ln the harbor with tourist. When the 'quake was felt at Osaka, people rushed from the theatres fearing a great catastrophe, many being Injured In the cruah. TRAIL TAKES t -ited to the Home that the government has twe x.it'.-:r tmdsr consideration. He stated the official Invitation bad bien received from the Australian commonwealth and that a definite announcement as to the action of the Canadian gov ernment wculd be made fallowing the return to Ottawa of Premier Mackenzie King. The prime minister is enjoying a brief- respite from sessional labors at Mlantlc City HOCKEY TITLE 'construction of new MASSET CANNERY IS TO BE STARTED SOON P. Lorenzen. accountant for the Royal Fish Co.. will be leaving within a few days for Ma3sctt Inlet to supervise the construction of the new cannery which j Is to be built near Massett tor Olot I Hanson and John Dybhavn. He will be away for two or three months and will ibs taking the company' workboat, Del- phlnlum, with him, Lumber cut on the I Islands wUl be used ln building the i ctnnery. APPEAL OF MINING COMPANY DISMISSED suit Atut Entered ttrvuiiMe Alaskan Concern will I'rexented frnni (letting Ore to Smelter llurlng War WASHINGTON. March 8. The appeal of the Ellemar Mining Co., which claimed 180,000 damages because of its faU-ure to get ores to the smelter during the World War when the shipping board requisitioned the Alaska Steamship Co. ships, was dismlseed yesterday In the Bupreme Court upon th company's motion. Advertise In th' Dally New Barge Upstair Dining Ea'.l, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. - Phone 457. Price Five Onts JURE PROROGUES i t Little New Evidence Brought Out at First Day of Probe in South; Vouchers Scrutinized VANCOUVER March 8. Little more in the way of direct evidence about the vouchers I'or sums of money paid by the Joseph .enneJy Co. signified by ihc initials "M. P.," "J. 1. M.'" or "M; 0. It." .vas obtained by Mr. Justice Murphy' inquiry on Monday than had jeen obtained by the customs commission. Members and employee t! the liquor concern stated that the payments had been authorized oy Harry F. Reifel who, fince his illness of last December, has been in the Orient. The expense accounts of J. F. Wilcos, former traveller and sales agent for the Vancouver Brewery, the B.C. Distillery and the Joseph Kennedy Co.. proved thc - --- - interring subject Into which J. I .t:-am H gg. government counsel. i-yoe.l en the first day of the enquiry 'eslgned to ascertain whether liquor inn had b:en paying money to Liquor ntral Board officials to Influence them .rrupUi In the performance of their HANACO FEARED LOST BY BUSHBY utlss. Wllccx expense accounts. It was dls- scow OF LIMBER HAS BEEN FOlM, r zted. re.'erred to certain numbers of HOWEVER. AN1 IT I.s lioi'Eli cases of liquors manufactured by thei TO (JET IT NET .MONTH by stated that, after the Hauaco went up, she pounded on the rock In the PANRFRRA nPFMlNP',l0UU,st gale' AttemPu were mde br LrtllDLUlm UFElullUlCfpt James Morrison and hi englnesr Ralph Moore, to work the pumps but rrlde M ho Will Co When Premier i lhT could not keeD ahead of the tn- Klng ICrturns OTTAWA, March 8. Canada pro- coming water and the only thing for them to do was to take to the small boat. After seme hazard ln the moun- bably will be represented at the official talnous seas they finally reached Pearl c;:ntng of the ne Australian Houses I Harbor where another tug of the fleet ct Par: imeu; Canberra, cn May B. ; was anchored. I'HIIM'EN CIIAUTEUEI) The Hanaco was Insured but .there will be considerable loss to the company through inconvenience caused at this time when all Its boats' were busily engaged tn towing herring for reduction at the Tucks Inlet plant. The tug F. II. Phlppen has been chartered from, the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. to take the Hanaro's place for the time being and Capt. Morrison of the Hanaco has taken command. The seiner Azurlte Is catching the herring near Port Simpson and the tugs of the fleet are engaged ln towing It In. The Vlner. Capt. W. J. Thomas, arrived with a load yesterday afternoon. OSAKA 'QUAKE PROVES. FATAL El.EtEN KII.I.KII VKNTKItKAV WIEN TKEMItLI.lt IIESTKOYEII KH It FACTOKIES ANI NT.MEKOl S IIOl'SKS TOKIO, March 8 Eleven were killed and ninety-two Injured yesterday ln an earthquake at Osaka according to reports received here which said that lour factories and numerous houses were destroyed. ONLY A HHE.V.M "I woke up this morning and could not believe that my uncle had died and left me a thousand pounds. "Ah So your uncle left you a thousand." "No--lt was a dream." The funeral of a Japanese named Mass Nakamoto, who died on Sunday a a result of. blood poisoning, took place this afternoon fronVHayner Bro.' chapel. Rev. Bann, .japanesci clergyman, officiating. '"::i'Whi-'-:J