CoreBiwda?idMerBre(& PURITy rFLOUR Mttiltmuoi 'Success idnimUnklng The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $G.U0 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch .... $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion per line , 25c Classified Advertising, per insertion per word-..'. 2c Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line' 15ci Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 2 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. Thursday, May 5, 1927 ISLAND HlfiHWAY WORK Yesterday Hon. T. D. Pattuilo announced that the work on the highway across Kaien Island as a part of the road to Terrace would proceed and be pushed to completion if possible this year. That is what we expected but it itf good news all the same. We needed just, that assurance to keep us from feeling that perhaps there might have been a slipup and the money for the work might not be forthcoming. Those who expected to get steady employment on the road will be assured that the job will be there. Times are bad when you have to make the old car lo another year. MININtt CAMPS EXPECT TO BE BUSY " The mining camps of northern and central British Columbia expect, to be busy this, year. Yesterday mention was made of the prospects at Alice Arm and we have at, varjoua. times told of the mining going on or expected to go on at other places. Not only will the improvement be on Portland Canal Island but in almost every camp in the' district. At Smithers the Duthie mine success is en-thusjng others to emulate their example. The Topley find has given a stimulus to prospecting throughout the whole interor and it will probably be found at the end of the season that more men have been employed, more money invested, and more actual work done than In any previous year. Since the labor unions have bossed the situation, their members have forgotten to use that antiquated expression, "wage slave." FINE WEATHER CAUSES ACTIVITY The fine weather 0f the past few days has improved business for the city merchants. People have been taking more interest in wearing apparel and in other things that make up civilized life. Money Is being spent more freely and people are feeling better and more hopeful. As a matter of fact there is every reason" for hopefulness In this district. We have a much better outlook than any other city of its size on the continent, a'nd that is saying a good deal. But;. we are not children. We should not need stimulus of this kind. We are all aware that Prince Rupert is making steady, progress and will Bkely find progress much more rapid in the future than it has been in past. ' There used to be people who suffered from empty stomachs but today most of the suffering is from filling the stomach too often. CHINA HAS NATURAL PAINS China is awakening and has the pains which go naturally with the renewing of activity after a long slumber. Elsewhere Dr. Endicott tells of the Improvement he saw In the country. A new ambition Is taking hold there and in a few years it is to be hoped she will settle down and commence to build instead of tear down. An awakening was needed in China but ii was a long time coming. Like the Japanese did a few years ago, they will soon be seized with new life, new aims and a new outlook. What seems to jus like confusion is probably a most regular and proper disturbance of the cosmic consciousness finding vent in action. A good executive never seems to be missed when he Is away. Good News! Boys and Girls BEST. SEE YOUR GROCER! COFFEE PAINTING BOOK COMPETITION EXTENDED. Owing to the pressure brought to bear by-hundred of requests the Malkln's Best Coffe Painting Book Competition haa been extended from May 7th to June 7th, which date will be the final dayjon which competitors' Pointing Books will be acccpTed. Ask your grocer about the big cash prizes. W. II. MALKIN CO, LTD, VANCOUVER, 11.C. Dr. Endicott Tells of Chinese Problems but Sees a Bright Future Ahead for the Country Pirates are Danger, and Labor Union Controls but Still Improvements are Under way Everywhere in South That In spite of the fact that pirate! abound, disturbance is rife j and labor unions control, China h&$ a"brjght future according- to! . I ' ' a I a jmn i M t -I jKev. Lr. Endicott,! moderator oi me unueu unurcn oi tanaun,- o ha been visiting Canton. "The faith of the Chinese people in their 1 future is vastly more in evidence than twenty years ag-o," he saya, pointing out that he has not .once been insulted on this visit. He I nays: I Eta. in e.-tuth frhin hs been? ' 1 ' 1 " 1 ' most crowded nd Interesting In the on board were eutlftly Ignorant of the midst or Cantonese Nationalistic and ttxirt. to and however lncap-1 other Influence. I have lived In an ut- 4ble or jnjubordlnat they might be.j terly impassible, topsy-turvy. Arabian not OIM of m be dismissed ! Nights kind of a world during the without the consent of the union. 1 whole time. Snlplrrlherpiine as understood by us' Coming to Hong Kong. I found the j, tl aa enj magnificent harbor dotted , and domtn- (luVKKXMIAT PHMMTtriKI) ' attd by the dark grey cruisers of the Brrmt ,., possibility of British Navy. A Urge hospital hlp deny,ng th4t uhoie country la In also out. marked by the Red Cros. andjth. tJgnt a compact labor that modern monstrosity of the sea. unton of the UDd f,TOrrd in Moscow flying machtne carrier, more like a and mor,,,. for tne present at least. warehouse than a ship, also caught the eye. Met by Or. MacDonald. of the Canadian Mission of the United Church, we lelt the same evening for Konginoon. The little boat on which we sailed has had a history which admirably illustrates some aspects of latter-day Chinese life. Hit name, up to a few years ago, was, Tal On" or "Oreat Peace," and, naturally, passengers embarked on her with a deep rue of security and comfort. Then came an evU hour when this good ship came Into collision with a characteristic and ominous South China Institution, the noble order of pirates. 1''V Klt'C Within fifty miles of Hongkong and The pirates failed to capture the bridge of the ship, but In revenge they set her on fire and she was burnt to the water's edge. The chief officers and others In charge were killed and some two hundred 'pwssengera perished. She was finally rebuilt above the water All this encouraging and stimulating Information was given me by the good doctor as we were getting settled in our wee cabins for the night Journey. Moreover, I hsd visible proof that unwelcome visitors to the ship were fear- Id- Steel plates and doors guarded the navigating bridge. Heavy wire screens protected the passenger decks and prevented any easy boarding ot these sections. Iron doors which could be quickly clcsed abounded, and all I through the night the armed guards kept marching past our cabin door, ready for emergencies. PRIVATE IIK.VIMJI'.VRTEKS 1 We felt that on toe whole It was Just as well that the ship should drop her old name of "Oreat Peace." Curing the night, because of a blavy tof. we were compelled to anchor for a few hours, and sleep was not Induced by tlx knowledge that w were anchored exactly opposite one of the well-known and most Infamous headquarters of pirates in all South China. privately arranged, the ' Cantonese gov- other business to furnish protection. tow Kits c;t win vii.iaor.s But not alone on the waterways was there found' proof of the dread of pirates, but every village gave similar proof. - The blacksmith are doing' a thriving business making Iron doors and shutters for shop and private hounes. The whole countryside Is dotted with new and strong watch towers and guard houses. We saw as many a eight of these In a atngle village. Taking this phase of things only Into view, one can readily see how easy It 1 for a really well-disciplined pessimist to find abundant proof that thing are going from bad to worse and that a fearful doom Is Impending. Even an Innocent and well-meaning optimist will admit that In matter affecting trade and public aafety there Is great room for Improvement. 'VNIOX IX COMMAND While we were still on board the "New South Sea" "Great Peace" we aluo came sharply up against the amaz- the Cantonese government is so dependent both upon Russia and upon their own labor union for support that It cannot act freely, even If It would. One might go on In this strain almost Indefinitely and make out a very dark picture indeed. Perhaps there Is no more astonishing evidence of the spirit and power of the labor union of South China than Is shown In their treatment of medical missionary worlc. One can Understand, even If he cannot admire, their attitude to Christian propaganda, but (heir attitude to the hospitals pasee comprehension. T.lKVi:i MTIKXTS Ot T I sftrat a night In Conton In one of the most famous hospitals In all Asia, the very first Chris t Is n hcplUl with British officers In control of opTOtd chtna. It has had s! the oreat peace was boaraea oy nummcent history of nearly a century armed pirates and a fierce conflict en-knd n tDe mf4n4 ot ootng un- sued. tnM mvl tA .prw.r t Inn. nf tufferln folk. It haa been closed for a year by order of the labor union, which d manded that they should have complete control of the at3 and nurses, assistant and servants. Until all tLe patient were finally got out of the building, the place was surrounded by line and, of course, given a new name lrteU . food vu permitted to She Is now the "New South Sa.- enter, even, for those patients who were too 111 to be moved. Instance of a like character abound. I there, then, no silver lining to this dark cloud? VerUy there 1st I havi had the privilege of conversing with a number of very intelligent Chinese. old and young, during the past week or two. and while none of them deny the dark side of things. I have yet to meet a single Chinese who does not deeply believe that China Is In a healthier condition fundamentally today than she haa been for a hundred years or more. The faith ct the Chinese people In their future Is unshaken and 1 vastly more In evidence than when t lived in China twenty years and more ago. One has beard so much In recent years of anti-foreign and antl-Brltlsh feeling In China, and notably In South China, and, doubtless. It exists, but during the week I have travelled In native Junks and on dirty overcrowded trains i third class at that): have gone up and down for an hour and more at l a lime aud In different cltlrs and Every day we spent multiplied tbetown. lnroueh crowded Chi- evidence that the pirate organizations ,trfeU ntte h,ve en nothln, ,nd are oi ine powcnui ana ruwuew M nothing to make me think that character. No shipping is safe even In our preMnc tnem WM rn broad daylight unless protected by gun boat. For a few hours only on our journeys to the cities and station we were escorted by a British gunboat, but most of the time by a Chinese Junk mounted with cannon and towed by a launch. All the protection secured ,by the Chinese boat and shipping firms was When I think of. the sort of reception e used to get sometime In West China thirty years ago. the attitude ot the people of South China at the present time seems, quite ' friendly. Even in the closed hospital at Canton we heard a re-asurlng note sound ed. We were cenerouslv entertained ernment being too bully engaged lnllh,t ,lthough th, hpfuf wu tloKif tneir usefulness was not ended. The doctor Insisted that the past year had probably been hi most Uwful year In China, because, having been freed fiom the heavy routine work In the wards. he had been able to devote himself to very pressing needs in the way of pre ventlve and public health work. In these activities the Chinese leading people welcomed his co-operation. Tes, China Is an enigma. She 1 carrying burden and vice enough to swamp a nation, one would think, but she Is getting ready for a better day, notwithstanding. While all thl disturbance Is pro ceeding, and while business Is being crushed with taxation and the pressure of labor organizations, great structural changes are being effected In the life of the people. , TKANHHIIlMtTloX It la simply astonishing to an old resident to see the way. for example, the Chinese down her are transform ing their sleepy old eltle. Relentless Ing might of the new Labor orgsnlza-lly. and without compensation to owner iion oi. ooutn cnina. The captain, a British officer, although the ship is Cantonene-owned, told u with deep chagrin that the representatives of the labor union had visited his ship the week before and dismissed every Chinese employee on board, from bottle washer to chief steward, and had put In a complete new staff of their own selection. He declared that they were doing this on every Chinese-owned ahlp tailing out of Canton and Hongkong and throughout thl entire area, and that a large proportion of tle new men put of property, they are widening their city street, tearing down buildings by the hundred in order to provide more and spacious river bunds, removing the ancient city walls, putting down modern rlng, installing electric lights its and the reside Great Amalgamation under one roof nt the Unlvenal TraJlng Co.V old premUe i'ur . t ..r.i: li la uiimclhiittr but-riiilivelv minrr.niirm.l trdlnary and quite out of the regular run. It i n chance not lo be mlM. turn, one nil. And ahove all, come early! The greatest merchandising event of )ear, giving; to the cllirnx of prlnre n. IdentH of the district an opportunity of n lifetime. THE BANKRUPT STOCK OF THE THE HKJll-filtADK STOCK OK l:it l)Vs UNIVERSAL TRADINfi CO. OF OF 593 (SRANVII.LE STItELT ' PRINCE RUPERT VANCOUVER Comprising Dry Good, Men' Wear, ComprMlnir Men's and Y , ; h Women's Wear. Boots "and Shoes and a Tailored Salts of smarted variety of other merchandise. This store highest qualities and Men s Fvi; has been noted for handling only goods of noted makers, of uniform high quality. lioujcht under the Bulk Sale Art at Bought at 50c on the dollar. 62Vjr on the dollar THE STOCK OF THE VARIETY STORE OF CI2 IMtA.N VII.I.K STREET, VANtOlVE. Comprising a wide variety of articles; staple good, hardware, toy Ld'.. e able, men's furnishings, caps, belts, etc. All really fine goods. Bought at 15c on the dollar t. .ut. .i . .ii. ..i... .1-. it. r . . ). nil mi Fiiaic uuvn iiui uuuw us iu Kr iuii uciuun ui cri aimir has been mailed to you. In addition, the following articles are given free on Th .:r.t. t . day and Saturday: Free! FREE! Free! A f.1.00 Cap to every A $1.00 pair of .Udle' a J 1. 10 Tie with nw purchaser of a Man's Suit. pUr'feha,,h $7,5 SIO.OO purchase. i Universal Trading 0. , Old Premise Third Avenue AVet, Corner of Xhth Strret. (. A. Share in Charge. ihkt they re heading for final defeat. They art marching to the dawn (fa better day Advertise In the ftallv W LAND ACT NOTICn Or" INTIATIOX TO API1.V TO I.K.W; MM). In lunge 4. Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate In vicinity of Captain Cove. Pitt Island. BC. TAKE NOTICE that Qowe Packing Co. Ltd.. of 32 Howe St. Vancouver. DC. occupation run Packers, intends -o apply for a lease of the following described land:-- Commencing at a post planted about by Dr. and Mrs. O.dt of the hosplUl.UrpAf 'o?' .i.wiitK'S ana iney both declared .with emphasis & chains: thence eaat 20 chains: Uienee south to shore: thence west along shore vo point oi commencement, and containing 10 acres, more or lea. OOSSE PACKING CO. LTD., Applicant. Per Chas. L. Robert. Agent. Dated April 7. 1B27. NOTICE Under and br virtue of th nrn.i.inn. of Section 28 of the "Mlneril Act." notice 1 hereby given Messrs. Malcolm Smvth. Edmund Langls, Harold Hansen and Albert Moore, that there Is nwin. v uiiuclikiitu lor AMmmpni wnr. performed on the Cordllla Oroun of Mineral Claims. Princess orru Mining uiviaion, me sum Of 1303.88. and flat unleaa aald person nay their proportionate share of the con of such Assessment, together with all costs of sdvertlslng, etc., to the undersigned at Butedale, B.C.. on or before Mat 12 1927. application will be made to the Oold Commissioner, Prince nupert, BC ,ici icaittrcuvc interest in the treln mentioned Mlnlnv nin Mineral Claim veatel In the under, slg sed. DAVID COIIDILLA. , lACOHKOS?C2. IN THE SUPREME COURT OFI imuiMi COLUMBIA " In the Matter of th Companies Act being Chapter 38 of the Revised Chapter of British Columbia, 1024 ' and In the Matter of th Delta Copper Com. TAKE NOTICE that an .nnti..., ! mad e before the presiding Judge Prince Rupert. British cohimhu and changing the total appearance otiJTJ- the 20th day of May, 'a.D. every city we visited. SeiS 0-30 vivhuii ior an The Chinese people obviously and al- Order permitting the above named Com. most fiercely bejlev In the future of J?"'. tf1.?e.I,.?rtJJ0.the RlUter of .a&bXt?x&Th. ompanle In th Province of British their oouutry and they are ready for It. They are suffering morel otSP"lit Victoria. BC. from the evil, which exist than are the ! d?Aof April. AX)nC,B27uprt thu foreigner living among them; but theyl WILLIAMS, MANSON A OONZALEfl give no evidence tlt we have found ' Solicitors for the Delta Copper ' Company (N ia t SHARE SHARE'S PROFITS. d. A. Share in (Inn A Service for Humanity ItlXl ll.ISS a a. . II . US lil'A Aum. ol sheer nrri- iv. and Ufiam"- rtU!ll.fl lltmnnJi n -. l.ln mml. the Slltil' Army I launching out Into many rtrniwf oKini m orK ior men ana women in nrMnn w, ' tf I. II tlnnjl in r it ri v ii ii inn mm i Pki iir ii - women. Ilomei for leerted and orphaned rhiM Aid for dUcharged prl-onerx. Working- Mn' lels. Relief work-free distribution of cWtf provision! and fuel lo the mot need), Old ' Home, Vlsllallon of JalK Police Court Frch-Alr (timpa for poor mothers and thiWre many other hrnnchen of Christian molctl" manlly. TlltL Ohnlll ll'illllf ilL C4lVtr,f!A KRhTOKATION CAN ONLY RE LIMITED W W MEANS TO CARRY IT ON. Fellow citizen, you have had n underfill since we l;i-.t walled on you. ThlngH look very lirlftht and hopeful In Canada these da. Will you not help ! the lot of those lens fortunate? Your ? , ArmyV SIM)enlal Fund thU year l 'l1 lightening many a hurden. In the remaking o and women find In enrinc for ChrllV IIM' onf l BUY BC. I M l a 1 -l-Uort: rruin lie rrv ntvin iiiiiui" GOODS fiel full value tfnr your, money and make J"l fr ,Ml , children In 11.C