at, m g 1927 of Mother! SUNDAY IS MOTHER'S DAY A Day Itcmemlxrid by liver) one Tin eut maku nun; that your jrift to her reflects the loviv,. hor fiivt'lier 1'ajfc & Shaw's Choeolatt'"f lift Ca'ndjf i i ntm - i "j v- 'icu in i ii itc uiiicicm unsurt- ' ' ASSORTED CHHAMS . , AHKoirrcn n ai:i cextkes AKSOHTFI) NUT CKM'KKS v ;uul ill 1 Iti.. 2 lb. and :'. lb. boXt-H. Ormes Ltd, "Jiic Pioneer Drttrfisls lUDAVL SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8-,200 mm' -m m mm mt he btore ror Dad and the Lad! V have junt received a nlii rnciit of BOYS TWO PANT SUITS i"ireent a remarkably good purchase which if no ordinary way would command $16.60. We are : ttt these on sale an a SPECIAL 10K I'JUDAY AX!) SATUUDAY at $10.50 ;c arc in handsome Tweed. expreasly selected in M-wi'nt model. P.ear in mind that each suit ha two bloomer which doublet the life of the suit and cuts Acme, importers lUrd A' tnue DEMAND 1'hune tt'J "Rupert Brand" Kippe rs -Tllli UAINTIKST IIKKAKI AST FOOl).' Smoked Daily by i. i-i. . t n i i n. i til an;,, tan kith V ( nlfl Mnrae 1.0.. I .Id. I'rliu-f liuiurl, H.C AM AHI AM KlATIONAI W JUIiCJt iViMUly w" SteaniaYi.n and Train Service ah iv.,. . ... ... .... .... ivini ii ii. xiciDKiA, m:tii. u r;'t,;.T,, "tXliAV. I""' ....... . KllNt:sl,AV. MM. " 'i. ....,,,..11- III IMI it lai f hi III urr r. a-..-. . -' ...... tin iH'ii' 11- ... l'AMsi:.N(.i:it lOrilllKIIIIT. trun 'i' .km ...i.rtrT t.UT " '! V; Wl llNKSI.AV. and aT. . ', " " ' ; i , nllrd " ".iuIh, tVIll Slale . 1M.7 - 1 .h.i J... MK CAN A ll A J CANADA" JI'IIIIJ'.K VIAU ... ...Ji. ... . .....iiii- iivi-.h. tW Canadian i:Vpre. for Money Order., foreign Cheque.. tv phinc b ki-pekt. i'He 200 ticki:t ortici:. tas tiiiiii) avk.. VBPfiinnJ iffi ftssiirance Comoanu I TiV3ef tt"." uiu? !.'!. ... ..r , Will there be enough . i i . i .i.,,-i in ife when he vets ..v vu lo KIXE mill U Hi" i , ii it.... i i.. ,.,,Hi',. nn vour own Hie uuim uu ma unit. --- . , ... i Enquire for full particulars about Children's 1'oiicies from G. P. TINKER Local and Personal Arthur Tasl. phone 878. B.C. Undertakers Phone 41. Ladies Cotton Hone. 2Sc. Wallace Oct the Big 4 hibltl of a Tl. phone 4. When thinking iti Strawberry plarjUfofisalc cheap. Ap Pljr 132 Park Avenue. Vines rebuilt like nrw at Me-Ailliur's Mmr Mure, tf This afternoon's train from the East 1 reported on ttme at 3.30. Hear and encourage Prince Hupcr Boy Orator. Wrstholroe tonight at 8.45. l.mjlMxI.f. joliiS! .UlirrrT Ta Hie lijro HwdiiHii, Auditorium, Irldj) iilghl. The boat Daisy Iitaf has arrived u' the dry dock from Artandalc Cannery lor Installation of a 100 h p. HaU-SvOt'. engine. One of the singer at the Pr-'.b:--terian concert Tuesday night wan M,v Catherine Jot who waa accompany! by Mr. Melllah. Passengers sailing last night on the (steamer Prince Rupert for Aayox In cluded J. M. Hucktn. L. Tarata. T. O. O arret t and C. II Hosken. 1 C nrady. MP for Skecna. waa ttc apraker before the Prlnoe IXupert Rotary Club at Ita weekly luncheon today in the Commodore Oafe. ror Sale- Braat bod with Tnn and Monarch range, four hole, like new. !00; wardrobe drtmer 11000. Phone I an. I The floor and wall of the Prince Rupert Tennis Olvb'a court at Acro- poll Hill are being given their annual paluung today In preparstaon fee an active aaawn'a Use. i Dill Lowden, special repnaentaUte Of the Tip Top TaUor. to at E week with a speetal dlsptay of suitings All one price 127.00. dance on Thursday, May 6. at 8 pat. Ir. Metropole Hall. XI rs. PoadeTS orcha-tra. Admission gtatUtnea lie. latf aOc rive dollar gold piece will be drawn for. lot acquired a large interest In the Oowte- han Merchants Ltd. st Duncan. Van couver Island, where be wui shortly tecome located. Ladles Cotton Vests. 24c. Wallaces. Pete Lorenren srrlrtd In the city on the powerboat Delphinium yesterday from Maanett where he haa been super intending the erection . of the new- cannery for the Masett Gaaners Ltd of Trlnce Rupert. The j4nt la now nearlng completion. Monarch Orren Stripe Silk Hose. 75c. HMCS. Patrician. Lieut. Cammaxtder Agnew. wUl arrive here from Esquimau on May 17 snd will rrmalri until May 22 accoidlng to word, received by Lieut. R. P. Ponder, officer , commanding the local detachment of the Royal Canadian Naval Voluutftr Renen-e, Spun Silks, lie per yard. Wallaces. Bruce Stevens, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stevens, 217S Allln Avenue, will deliver iui oration In the Westholme Thrstre tonight before he embarks on the steamer Prince Rupert for Vancou-vtr where he will compete In the finals of the B.C Oratorical contest, repre- K-ntiiiR the Prince Rupert High School 'op Crepes. 8 yds. for 1.00. Wallace's. ttTtT4f 4tttt ANNUUNCKMKNTS I..OL. and LOIl.A. whist drive aiul dance. May S. AimUier Clyro Hocdown, Auditorium Friday. May 6. i:stal)lihtl 102.1. Li Office ilourti: 9 a.m. to G p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. s Any evening by appointment DENTIST Uxchanjc Ulock. Phone 109 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE loo r i m mm w lip- advertiefiin'ii: i- noi pulilihlier or diKpiuyi-d ity Hie l.ujiior Outilrol Hoard or by I In- Covvriirimnl of lirilish Coliiriibia Lac Wlodcw Panel. Bic. Wallace. Cwrtlve lally Thunday night In Uhc Ciub Rooms. Speaker J C Brady. I U P Kiitl uthera. 1U5 Sheeting. 90 Inch. 64c Wallace1. COSILY PRISONERS ARE TAKEN AT EDMONTON All IUc to be !! ami I'olirr lrMrt-inrnt lir Nat l.lkr Hie (W EDMONTON May 6. Thr police otj this cj.v are faced w.tb a problem that, Sabourtn for the remainder of thl' bid fair to. wreck the finances cf the! ihe were etaht Danes and a St. Ber Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert MAV 3, 1917. Mr. Ernest Loveborough. whose htm-band while fighting In the Great War as (hot throug the heart by a German rnrper, and little aon and daughter arrived In the city last night aboard he Princes Msqulnru to be the guest here of Mr. Lovelxwough ' sister, Mr II. St. Louis. Mr. Loveborough, whost husband enlisted In Edmonton, ha been residing through the war in Scot land and (he give an Interesting account of the trip across the Atlantic on the (tcamcr Olympic dodgliu; ub marine. The extension of the franchise U women U causing registrars of voters to be extra usy. The lUt close on May 14. Jac, l.mlry. wlrelcs operator on the t.n Pacific liner Monteagle. In a letter o hi father. John Barnley, local agent for tlie Union Steamship Co. tell dow new of the United State' entry into the war was received by the tesbel in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. 120 MILESONTWO" GALLONS OF GAS .tulca trt lntntly In Any Heatlier OMAllA. Neb. An attoundlng new Invcutioa cow make It possible for auus to run 120 mUeon two gals, of ga. Btsldes tlie miraculous gaaollne mlleagr. Qulckstart itarta the collKl motor toitantly In any weather. It also removes and - prerects carbon. tllm'.te spark troubles, saves otl and reparn. Mid lenatbeM the life cf meter. Matty inert report 40 to GO mile on one ffJlon of gs betdde unfailing In stant starting of motor. The Inventor want gent nd guarantees travelling expenn-s and literal drawing account to ci.elue dlatrfbutors. Chance to make to 1400.00 a week guaran teed. I tee simple to agents. Write Qulekrtn. Mrz. Co. Dept.. Station C. Omafia. Neb. fiOTlX AllKIVAUs department The trauole started overt Prime Rupert the evtetlon of a local family for non-1 P Lorcnzen and T. D. Pattullo. city; cavment of their rent. Sheriffs armed t. twiin-rr J J conwav. H. Mahon Children's Spring Hat. 35c Wallace's, with seizure papers found the tenants : Knj y jr Vancouver; 3. had departed, but aio found nine jon aj h. D. Louden. Toronto: iui. and uujiji. waist, ame ano large dog that the tenant nad eit. ;w uccunoch. Victoria: T. H. Talbot. nro- ' Cools: Mr. and Mrs. James Dean. Hazel The sheriff and his party were non-1 pluawd. RelnCoreetntaits were sum-1 outral mooea son i povwt -" , w Smlth. victoria: Bert Johnson. .iuge size of the degs aakde several trip called oa. "Buy 'cm buscults." said the chief. "Row much." came the answer. "All they want" responded 'the chief. -Fifty pcunds sere bought. A few minutes later the chief was again called to the rescue. They're still hungry," appealed the sheriff. "O.K. with me." responded the ch;el. "keep feeing them." But 50 pounds of deg bisru 'v appeared to be but an Uts d'ocuvre f , the dogs. Ncv. ihc chief wjnderlng where he'll come out. for -l f dogs must be fed jr the owners can sue toe city. MUST HAVE TAG ON EVERY AIRPLANE IN THEUNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D C . May Aeroplanes fr jm now c:i u ut carry license tag l:nlUr to those vu auvomobUes. In line, with recent" lrglMii.kiu by Congrent the commerce department haa Issued reculattnna governing markings for aerial tnaflc. The letter "C" In frnt of the li cense number, will signify a commercial plane, thy letter "S plane'o to a state, the letter "X." an esferlt;eiital plant and a atratght number, a private plane. Air pllota will be di Tided Ink) four clavufk-ntions. raiutlUK trom the grade of privnlc enaufUiir to the highest distinction of "tramp rt p:to4," a term applied to the driver of a big machine for long distance osrrufie of goods ind people. Besides there la a commercial pilot grade, and a "limited commercial pilot" grade, the la;tn permit going to a pilot competent to take up paiwen. gers for short trips around an air field. ANNUAL RIDLEY HOME BAZAAR IS ON TODAY U lmlrr (.nu-ral - of Mrv Met Ijimint With Ijillr tif ull ClMirthr A.MIiig The anuual Ridley Home bazaar waa opened In. the Metrocele 1UH at 2J0 this afterao-tn by Rev. George O. Hacker. A great artjay of articles cf ornament and use are' being offered for Jhe patronage of many callers and the event gives promise of being moat successful. Under the general ccuvenorshlp of Mrs. T. McClymout. ladles of all Protestant Churches cf the city are a usual, cooperating. The full Hat of convenors and helpers was publlhed yesterday. Too many people's ides, of a good time Is too many people's idea of a wicked t'mt. New Westminster. J. L. Nygaard. Bella IHim Hamon. Fred Jensen and Lars Ladle.' Spring 1U. ). Wallaee'. ( neceacary to the pound enclosure. Then dtJ. s 4nQ u 0wcn, ; cai-.c the problem of feeding he dags, 11. L. WhllUker. well knowa hare aa I and the sheriff dUcorrred the dogs were a representative of Kelly. Douglae A ; very hungry, and there were no sup-1 Co.. Vancouver wHoiesale ooacern. has pile cn hand. The chief of police was I ! Vancouver. B. Frtstod, Blodel: A. MacQgloch, Oceanic Cannery: William Doucett, city The thing that makee critics tiresome is their inability to find anything new to scold about. AHvertUe In tb CjJIt New. TOO I.ATE TO CI.ASSIFY r4t444t 4 LOST DIAMOND STICK PIN. FINDER p'tsse return to O. D. Hartlln. Royal Bank. tf IX I'KOBATE. IS tilt: MTKKMi: ( III IIT Uf lUtlllMI CULUMIUA In the Matter of the Administration Act. aud In the Matter cf the Estate of Joseph K Bowman. iJeceusrd. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. F. McB. Younit. the 24th day of February. AD. 1927. I waa appointed Adt UnUtrator of the estate of Joseph F. Bowman, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, proper y verified, to me on or before the 34th day of March. AJJ. 1027. and all paitlr indebted to the estate are rc-lulrrd to pay the amount of their In-JcQteduess to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, rrlnre Rupert. BC Is. tec! the 24th day f February. A D 1027 IX I'KOHATH in i in: m riiKMi: nn iir or iiuiiimi i m.i MIIIA Ir. the Matter of the Admlulslratton Act: and lu the Matter of the Estate of James Webster Mitchell. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE thst by order of His lienor F, McB. Young, the 12th dsy of April. AX).. 1927. I waa appointed Ad-mlrustrstor of the estate of James Webster Mitchell, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same. prcierly verified, to me on or before the 13111 day oi May. ai, ivdi. sua an parties Indebted to the estate are re-uuirrd to Day the amount of their lu- arbtcduewi to me forthwith NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Hated the 13th day of April. A D. 1927 I.AXD ACT. MITIlf. Of INTENTION TO APPLY TO i.i: am; lanii. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Queen Charlotte Inland, and situate at Msssett Indian Village No. 1. TAKE NOTICE thst Th Massetl Csn. nets, Ltd.. of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occu. paMcn csnner, intend to spply for a ieaw of toe following described lands; - tViinmrnclnz at this post planted at th northweat corner of our lite at Mattctt. 11C; thence southerly 3 chains; ihttu-e easterly S.25 chains, more or less; theore northerly 3 chilns: thence westerly 3 23 chains, more or les. to point of commeucement. and containing one acre, mare or leas. THE MASSETT CANN1K3. blu. Applicant. Per P. Lorenren. Agent Jaled April SO. tJf. THE LABEL I S RED AND WHITE tur. IT is the double-richness of Carnation Milk which makes it so economical. So rich that it can be used in place of cream at one-third cream cost. So rich that it can be greatly diluted when used in cooking and for other milk uses. Carnation is the most completely useful milk you can buy. And it has the additional economy of keeping. None is wasted. It keeps several days after opening indefinitely in the tin. Carnation is just pure, fresh milk evaporated to double richness, kept safe by sterilization. Order from your grocer several tins or a case of 48 tins. Send for a free copy of Mary Blake's Cook Book. Address Carnation Milk Products Company, Limited, Aylmer, Onl. CARNATION CARAMEL CUSTARD Two cups Carnation Milk diluted with 2 cups hot water, y2 cup sugar, yt teaspoon salt, 5 eggs, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Caramelize sugar and add to scalded, diluted milk. Let remain in double boiler until sugar dissolves.. Add this mixture to slightly beaten eggs; then add salt and vanilla. Pour into buttered custard cups. Bake in 225 degree oven with cups set in deep pan of hot water. This serves eight. It tastes creamy. It looks creamy ' It Is creamy Carnation Milk "From Contented Cows" Produced in Canada TWO SIZES TALL AND SMALL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. New Stock of Garden and Field Seeds and Fertilisers I'ratfs Daby Chick Kood and Poultry Supplies 1IULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND (JHA1X Our Famous Edson Coal in any tjuantilics also Telkwa Coal Store Phone, 58. Icanacian) Vacihc Trolier Dtnk Phone, 53S Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, UrantHI, Juneau. SkaRway April 8. la. S'Ji Miy U, 20, 30. To Vancouver, Victoria, Scuttle April 1, IS, li; May 3, 13. Si. . I'KINCESS llfATKICK. for llutrdale. Cast Bella Bella. Ocean falls Naruu. Alert Bay. Campbell River, and Vancouver every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Line. rull Information from W. & OKCIItltl). Oeneral Agent. ..2ti,Eiv Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert RC v UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salllnrs from Prince Kupert. fur VANCOUVER, VICTOKIA, Swans on Buy, Alert Ray, etc., Tuesday, 3 inn. for VtNCnrvER. VICTORIA, llutrdale. Alert ILtv. etc, Ratnrdsy 9 a.m. for POKT M.MIVSO.N, ALICE ARM. AN VOX. STttVAKT, Wain Inland, Sun- day, 8 pan. for N'aas Itlver Point and Port Simpson, Thursday p.m. 171 tnd Avenue. R. M. SMITH. Arent Prince Ho pert. 1VC.