fhursday, May 5, 1927 ulger s r ervice TUB word "scrvleo" In connection with the cave of the evesight should mean - conscientious, careful examlna-Uoii with all scientific re- ources nt command. We have modem equip-ment and cai tell the exact condition. From this we have the proper lense ground to suit the eye. Sometimes the eyes do not need much correction some times otherwise. Tha't is why some glasses cost more. Come in any time I ? . TOHUgUUJERr A Jewellers iisTUE STOKE WITH THE CLOCK Neglected Eyes NEGLECT Is doubtless the cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This is so self evident that it seem hardly necessary to tell you. I your eye's are Riving rouble have them attended and at once. OF A I.I. absurdities In the k ngdom of foolishness, rarely the loss of eyesight through neglect Is the most inexcusable. DO.VT lose health and effi-through neglect. Come -. J see! Fred Joudry ItrsMf red Optometrist and Optician R : " Smith I.lock Phone 7G.1 THE COUMTRy'sYTAKf CARE . SMOMNG SICNi" FOR SPRING S OF SPRING 'I A FICKLE IHlflO matter how changeable he weather, day after day. wet K after week, our coal i" ng the same reliable warmth within that makes l( seasons alike. Order some of our coal tda and keep that Spring thermometer steady. NANAIMO - WEI.I.1NRTON and Mcl.KOI) ItlVIalt KOOTI.KS.S In Lump, Sltue, KgR and Nut Albert & McCalTery Phones 110 and 117 BLANKET Special During the month pf May we will give n special rate on all Blankets. Single Blanket, each . . Double Blanket, "each . . 50k . ... Til t a a ,! "lanKcis wasncii witnoui shrinking and returned nice nnd fluffy, filVE US A TRIAL Pioneer Laundry . (1921) Ltd. Phone 118 EGGS PLANTED 1 BY MILLIONS1 TIIOIIT. AH Wi:i., s HAI.MOS AICTI-' IICMI.I.V l-ltor.Mi.tTMl IIV iiiciii:niKH . MONTflEAL. Mar 5. fish eras, frv. tlngerllngs and young game run were! 'planted in Canadian waters by the hundreds of millions during 1920, by the various hth-t-i Anawal.il ' ft... aw. v.lawu uj Lnc ug. rodnlon govcrnrrent according to a re-poit of these hatcheries operations, received by Z. O. Poole, sportsmen's re-preventative ot the Canadian National i Railways. The majority of the fry and 'tfgi planttd were ct salmon, while game fish Included various specie of (trout, planted in waters favored by I Canadian sportsmen. The report shows a total of mare than 7UJ00.0O0 egg, iry. tlngerHngs and older fish, up to four and five years old, placed In waters where they will be aiuwed to develop into the fighting to the line, of the Canadian National Railways are famous. IMMH TYI'r.M Salmon eggs and fry planted Included Atlantic and Pacific type, of salmon, canoe, ateelheads. springs and albino.. Trout egg. and fry Included those of speckled. Loch Leven. cutthroats and Kamloops trout Pickerel unltefan. aalmon trout and clscoes were all placed in ous w iters during the year for eommer-fclal fUhlng aa well aa angling. Ho Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 10th i lor vnr puiiaK 01 irvwug iou va oieri i or ine aaia aieciorai uiitncu, and of hearing and determining any and all objections to the retention ot Became So Weak Could Hardly Stand Mrs. Wm, Palmer, Tomahawk, Alto.. writH!-Lfct iprioj I had a long apell of sickness aod beraM. So weak I tvM hardly stand. I eonld not sleep at night ai the least little noise would wake me up. 1 tried blood Unlus and tther nerve pills, tut they did a no food, and I in getting worse. 1 wrote my mother stoat my condition, and ihe sent me three boxes of After the first box I was fWHng mneh better, so I kept on Vntll I had used the three boxes, and now I fesl as well aa ever 1 did when I waa a young girl." rnee tuc. a box at all dealers, or me i. .unburn U., AJuuted, Toronto, Out J game fish for. which Canadian waters l tr and particularly those water, adjacent ! tenU of the many lake, and stream U oeirg made y the biological board. When this Investigation Is completed and it la determined which species of game flh are best suited to the differ nt waters extensive planting Is expected to be nvod to provide an additional sport for visitors to Canada's largest national park. Excellent fishing Is en-Joyed In many of the lakes and streams within the park at present. Dally Vsr-den and Rainbow trout are being taken with the fly. Pike are found In many of I planting of eggs or flah was carried out! the lakes and streams, and last year a 1 in Jasper National Park waters during large white flah wa taken with rod the year, the report saya because a ' thorough investigation W the food con-I .MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the I Postmasier General. wUl te received at and Hne In Lac Be Auvert. SUPPER AND DANCE FOLLOWING FARCE Mrmbrr f fafct of "Nothing Itut the Truth" anil TIhm wlm .WlMnl Entertained In I.O II I:. Hall After the production of "Nothing But the Truth." last night. na.rvtta.M THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE ltiiwi in.v cftCTTain. lour Tears .... ... , j v. j uu mis imuvui, a required tunes per week on the route!0 tboai enty.flve peraons repaired u CUrence Vaa Dusen. a sophisticated "..n f iun .vujaii un nauj iui l.ic i hj .ij n&u wiiere a Bituon it.nji i, anu wnarve. land CPJti. and Transfer of MaUs be- t bwTvii ivanwaj oisiiun anu ic.NR.. uas. Oo Wharves 10 j -I'ROVINCIAI. F.I.KCTIONS ACT" ritiNfK itt rriiT iu:cioitti, III1TKICT Mtt KIAZIi: II inillttl. IIISTRICT NOT1CE Is hereby given thst I shall, on Monday, the I Gib day ot May, 1927. si the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon at tha Oaurthouu. Prince Hurjert. held in r.ni.tiiA orroiui'MTV "By the way. I met Dupont. wife Is very hoarse and can't sing. any name on the .aid lists, or to ine , lhe Utti 0( the EsUte of John th, comnanv eenerally. OaudUy earbed. tj.enmj, uauuuy garuea. cwuipsny regUtration as voter ot any applicant William Tlbblts Deceased Intestate. 1 for registration; and for the other pur- TA ; Jkjtice uiatbT order oflL p! ' i uu Charlebals carried the poses set forth In the "Provincial Elec- xijcjjeod. Dutiict Registrar, dated the role out to perfection. Dramatic allu- r., nr mis Otn ,h I J,rl. d' ? AJ?' "Z'W" ?: slons were needed and Miss Charlebols! day l Af.nl. 1S27. NORMAN A. WATT. LAND ACT I In Range 3. Coast Land District. Land ! Recording District of Prince Rupert. ! and situate on the south shore of Evans ' Arm D C TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Oo. Ltd.. of 32i Howe St.. Vancouver BC txrupatlon fish Packers, intends to apply far', lease of the following , described lands: rVHnnieneina at a Dost s fh.iin distsnt In sn essterlr dlrec , rvjntv1 Arlmmislrstor of the Estate .of PLAYERS'CLUB STAGES FARCE M'OliKII Iir:('lli:il MIT IV ST.WI-ISO or "NOT1IIM1 ntT TIIK Tltl'TII," IT' IIKST rttOIM'C-TIOX VIST The Prince Rupert Players Club ha scored several atage successes but the best of all In the organization's history was the production, before an audience which crawded the Weatholme Theatre last night, of the three-act farce, -Nothing But The Truth." A well selected ct and a theme which permitted of much action and merriment provided a Vehicle which waa handled by eleven amateur player. In a manner which left little to be desired. There might have been a few minor criticisms to make out the general excellence of the thing mlnlmlrtd these to a point of disan nulled direct on receipt of price by I '-'ranee. The largeness of the audience and Its enthusiasm was ample tribute to the effort, and ability or the member, of the cast. Indicating that the club now hold, an enviable position of popularity a. an organization of entertainment. The motif of "Nothing But The Truth" depicted the occurrences following the resolution of the leading man. with a 110,000 bet against his .business associates that he would be able to carry out the undertaking, to tell the truth for a space of twenty-four hour., even refraining from "white He.." The In volvlng situations which followed with hi partners, his friends and even his fiance we're the setting for an evening of hilarious rfjerrtment before the bet was won and It became possible tor Robert Bennett to put thing, right again. Jimmy Palmer waa the player .elected far the leading role and he carried out a difficult and exacting part of an es sentially men's play in an admirable manner. The part of E. M. Ralston, unscrupulous New York stock broker In whoM office and country home the scenes were laid, taken by Alex. Connon, waa equally Important and almost as heavy of the east, usher, and all those who; rLuT June. 1937. for the conveyance of Hw slted tn staging the play as well as, ' ...,,, " nk . yW'MMto. tr " I-Pk Contract, mtmben cf tbe . 3.n"? '' supper yount invttor. had Important aupport- and dancing enjoyed until j, ni the morning. The Catherine and CJ'JLl from nrMiH. i n wnn Ih I'rvlmiilar rianar.r nl.ii. r ' Hla The leading lady was Mis Margaret Palmer, who appeared to advantage as Printed notices conuinlur further In- '10nl OI " fTjnce Kupen Player jnneu's winsome young fiancee. Qwen formation as to condition of prouosed jClub. and music was furnished by the Ralston Bbe was quite capable In llyl Mi1' orellrl- DurtD ln' Iocellnga. ;nnaibg many situation. wWch called Office of Prince Rupert. B.C.. and at W- w!'on spoke, complimenting the upon her talenU. Ml Dorothr OUltng- Uie office of the District superintendent cast for lu work, and Alex Connon ham, alwara pipuVrr. made an ade of Postal Berviee. Vaneouvrr. B.C. i., . , , . , ...... ..... il . . . j. r HVKIMT, District Superintendent of Postal Service. Diatrtrt Superintendent's Office. Vancouver. 11 C April 29. 1837. director, was also heard from In sp- quately dignified snfl Indignant wife and prectative remarks for the services of mother while alias Etanaa Uarah took the player, and all those who had In with credit the role ot the Ingenue lany way assisted In ataglng the pro- daughter of the summer community's ductlon. wealthiest parents. , ( IIUMCTEK UOI.ES Character role, art an essentia part ot any farce and in this production they were happily selected. Arthur Sharps made an inimitable- bishop seek -Ob. what about Inviting them both t . , hU seaside home for chll- to dinner tonHhtr'-Pele Mele (Paris). dn. NlturmlJr rifted for such a part. IN PRORATE , his execution of It left nothing to be I desired. He proved that the bishop was held t sitting of the Court of Revision iN 1)ln sl'PKEMK roi RT OP nniTlsil ' quite as good ( OI.I Mlllt In the Matter of the "Administration Act", and rest. business man as the A difficult pat was that of the cab aret girl, Mxble Jackson, who Involved Uohn William Tlbblu. deceased, and all'0'? supplied them. On this occasion. parties naving claims against me saia 1 sne was lar xrom oeing a seaate young 1.4 nMi.rp.v nr vM.rt ! . . . . . - . . ,w . . w- . i T p mrm nprtDT rVCUirefl 0 lUaallSCl I liiak ti i , . an-. - . - . . a. . . lalXJl School KTillMH teacher. Knvun. MUKl . n. a nmnaariw v.ni mi i n wrm nn nr i. . . !...'. . ..' . . " I tti.nnl.a 1.1. a asramn-.ll.tr. anla . 1 1 V. aaf. lore me zisi asy oi may. aoj. iwii, ana i""""1 - '"t--1""" all pariletr indented to tne estate are lect. MllK i: or INTI.Mlov TO APPLY TO : required to pay the amount ot their in- I.r.Asf. I. !. debtedrms to me forthwith NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. DATED the 21st day of April, A D. ion. IN PROUATK. VOTICi: r INIKNTIoS TO APPLY TO Indebted to the estate are required to 1W " ' . ...... .... i nil f the lias amount nrnn irit At ot tVia1 their trtHssKtsaHnssB- indebtedness tn to .1.M. I .A NO. In Rsmte 4. Coast Land District. Land according District of Prince liupert, and situate in vicinity of Captain's Cove, Pitt Island. DC. TAKE NOTICE that douse Packing Co Ltd . of 334 Howe St.. .Vancouver. BC occupation Klsh Packers. Intends j NOTICE I IN THE MATTER of an application ' for the Issue of a Provisional Certificate of Title for Lots twenty-one (31) and twentv-two (33). Dlock seventeen (IT), ;Bectloii one (1). City of Prince Rupert, i M BaUa?actory proof of the loss of the 'Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me, It Is .-J itt-ntinn to issue, after the exnlra- .tion of one month from the first pub-lira tion hereof, a Provisional Certificate Of Title lO Ml iUii. uu .a, an. a.. .v. of Murland De Orasne Evans, the Militia! Certificate of Title Is dated th, "5th October. 1914. and la num. bered 87301. , n. l,SnU IteglBirj av....V( ..a.vv ..ua.... n.O.. 0th April nnrii, 1937. II. P. MacLEOD, Keglstrar ot Title. pay me lormwiin. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. H.O. Dated the 38th day ot March. A.D. 1937. WATER NOTICE to apply tor a lease or tne ipuowing i NOTICE 13 HEREBY OIVEN thst His described lands: ,.... Honour the Lleutenant-Oovrrnor ott Commencing at a nost P'jnted tt UrUi,h Columbia, by and with the ad-the northwest corner of Lot 1353. nanre vlce of Ils Executive Council, has been t 4: wenee norm a cuiuiu, :.. . p to order ts 15 .hunt: chains; thence thence souih south to to northeast northeast, i that THAT the k corner .... ia Lot 1 13J3: 3 vi thence thence westerly Urly along aions i , waters ot ... Brown's Di.,.n River . and Me u.. Knight Creek, tributaries ot Ecstall River, established pursuant to order in Counoll Number 80S approved the 13th day ot June, 1931, be cancelled. The cancellation of the said reservation win be effective on April 19th, 1937. DATED this 11th day of March. 1937. T. D. PATTULLO. Minister ot Lands. QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIVISION TUPff MIWTii .ft... II Vftnn.f4 nt High Miss Margaret Miss Lillian Worsfold as Martha, a wlniome maid, completed the cast. The director was A. A. Connon who was assisted by II. P. Olassey. Oeorge Mitchell waa business and stage manager. -Miss Violet Cameron acted u prompter while' R, w. Cameron assisted with the clock which, played an import - , , . TIIK t-RTMH tOUMRIA T OP HRITIMI j ant part In two acts. The costuming !w,s ffiSSi u, the' hU 61 Mn.. David Thorn- tion from northeast corner Lot 740. In the Matter ot the Administration sun, assisted by MUs Etanda Msrsti, and .Range 3; inenea souu i m cnains; . ; . Utt tundture was aupplled by Bairle's west IS chains; thence north to shore: In the Mstter of the Estste of August' -wlLv-, thence easterly along snore to point oi j u. rnorun. aeceasea, intestate. , rwuwuii(.iini m commencement, and containing 7 acres, morr or less. aOSSB PACK1NO CO. LTD.. Applicant. Per Chas. I.. Roberts. Agent. Dated April 7. 1B27. LAND ACT TAKE NOTICE that by order of HI 1 as cashier with th following ladles as Honor P McB. Young, the 28th day of : whers. Miss w. Caroline Caroline. Mitrhell Mitchell. Mm Miss E. E , March. A D 1927. I ad. I was appointed ... ... ' . a ..... . . . i .1 HI..... a . a I.L 1.1 AUgUSt IS. MUCiVaHjr, Alia jYum lurcii, Ml. Al. Oliici, Norlin. deceased, and all parties having i jjim prances Cross claims against the aald estate are Jiereby : required to furnish same, properly i men. , verified, to me on or before the 18th day ot April, AD. 1827. and all parties and Miss Lillian KING GEORGE NOT CROSSING Hll.1. XOT T.tKK l.ONd VOY.VflES IIKIll'.Al'TKIl IT Is I NDEKSrOOII In history has msde his last long voyage. r Since the king and '('queen were unable to accept an invitation ot the Canadian government to visit that country In July, It. has been whispered about in authoritative court circles that their majesties had concluded not to contemplate any ventures so far from home again. The report Is that both the king Portland. Ore., phyalcla'n. Intend " to ,' flueen, conaldertng their, ages (the apply to the Minister of Lands for a iking will be 63 on June 3), have deem- licence 10 prospect lor coai, petroleum anil natural na .iiH unrixr tha fnl. lowing described lands, altuat on 8klde- I such as crossing the Atlantic, may be gate Inlet, Orahain Island: oonsidered out of Uve quesUon, partly Commencing at a post panted at the I, . ... . northweat corner of Section 30. Town- ot the fatigue aocompunylng ship 1; thence 80 chains east; thence such excursions audi the nervous strain B0 chain, aouth; thence 00 chains west; by oy lUl, rvmrtio,.. mn,i n 0ther owirr ;uiiion. thence 80 chaliis- north, to point of,unp" .'ommenrement. isoolal sffalrs. 1wntrd March 14. '81,L.0f.ARn Hereafter. It seems, .any trips their A.' J, QOlNrAnt.ln)ll" uk,.4 foreign lands Money :. Raising TO TIIK PKOI'LE: i I get desperate but. I can't help It whenever I take charge of a stock of merchandise, I always say Rood bye to Regular Prices. I am here to get the money and my hohby is .SHLLINf!.. MERCHANDISE as name people call it but the main thing it IT MUST BE SOLD! Chas. E. Rand, The Jlark Down Man," in full charge. Sale starts Friday Morning at 9 ENGLISH SPUN SILK DRESSES New Spring Stock. In sizes .".G to 40, and assorted colors. Regular $15.75. 13.50 . SPUN SILK DRESSES Sizes SO to 40. Regular ?8.50 value. Cft Cft Sale Price llritish Spun Silk Regular $2.25. Per yard SI. 85 .11 Inch Ginghams Regular 35c. 4 yards for SI. 00 27 Inch Ginghams Regular 25c. 6 yards for .51.00 Ribbons Value to 75c. Per yard 20? Ribbons Values to 85c. Per yard Iit5f Ribbons Values to $1.00. Per yard :."r Children's Hand Embroidered Silk Dresses Regular $G.50, for !$:i.50 Pongee Kiddie's Rompers Regular $4.90, for SI. 05 .MILLINERY New Spring Hats. Regular values $5.50. St. S3.95 SILK I.UVISCA DRESSES Sizes 3G to 42. Values to $7.50. Sale Price S4.95 t0 6.00 Women's Silk IIos; Regular $1.50. Sale price, .1 for sjll.oo Women's Cotton Hose Regular $1.50. Sale price -.1c1 Women's Lisle Hosj Penman's. Sale price IVif Women's Chiffon Hose Regular $2.50. Sale price $1.05 Children's Cotton Hose Sale price, 5 pairs for $1.00 Women's Jenny Lind Silk Hose Sale price. . 00? Indies' Vests Regular 50c. Sale price . . :t5f Ladies' Vests Regular 75c. Sale price . . 50? Corsets To clear - 50 to 50$ FIGURED BROADCLOTH SMOCKS The finest materials. In sizes .'JO to 42, and assorted colors. Regular $1.75. Sale CO ntT Price QOSD NEW SPRING HATS Regular values $7.50. Sale Price .... S5.50 Spun Silk Regular $1.25. Per yard 0.V Silk and Wool RIoomcrs Regular $1.00, for 5r Mercerised Crepe R.'oom- ers Regular $1.00, for 7.- Cotton Bloomers Regular $1.00, for 50f Sport Sweaters 20 per cent off. Shetland Floss Wool 12 for S1.00 Crochet Cotton 10 for a ijlt.OO Flannelettes To clear. G yards for .... $1.00 Striped Flannelette 5 yards for $1.00 Striped Flannelette Re-. gular GOc, for :t5 COME IN AND LOOK THESE BARGAINS OVER SPECIAL REDUCTIONS I.ADIE.S' SILK HOSE on al1 ALL PATTERN HATS 100 Pairs only. Regular SPRING -COATS AND GREATLY REDUCED $1.50 value. ' DRE.SSES Sale Price Q-J ftA Pure Linen Huck Towels 3 for tPl.UU .. .Ka ,' r,y CHILDREN'S HATS SO ONLY LADIFS' HATS 1 uck Towels Regular frnm from M"v 7 .1 V. Values to $3.00 Your r- P.u ...... ..-a Each 10c. .U? 91.1)0 to SjS2.no choice CO AA 2 Dozen Huck Towels To cnoice JSo.UU clear at each .... 1 Op for Indies' Middies Regu- GO Only, Hand Embroid- Children's .Middies Re- lar values $2.50 and $Q.0. ered House Dresses gular $1.00 and $1.75 Sale price to clear Values to $2.00. values. Sale price to clear SLOO 10 S3.00 SI 81-00 50c t0 $1.00 PRICES SLASHED ON THE ENTIRE STOCK, INCLUDING NEW SPRING GOODS. M Third Avenue. rs. S. FRIZZELL wUl be merely to the continent, en-route to the Riviera, perhaps, during Uhe winter months, when, as is some- ! times the case, the king Is bothered with a tender throat, aggravated by I the English damp weather. i VMTEO CANADA The king toofore his coronation visited Canada on six different occasions and made numerous voyages to India, LONDON, May SXing Oeorge. the, .,,.. ,nd othfr Dnm ot the world. reservation of the unrecord- 'most widely travelled royal personage h.vlntt tun his travela as a boy of . , . . . . .... . , n shore to point of commencement, and qo containing 7 acres, more or less, OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD., Applicant. Per Chas. L. Roberts, Agent. Dated April 7, 1B37, 14. Since the wkr the travels of the king 'and queen have been limited to a visit to Belfast In 1931 to Inaugurate the new parliament of northern Ireland, a state visit to Belgium In 1933 and a similar visit to France and Italy two years ago. The kirii is .tond of the sea, but Queen Mary U bad sallor and admits it, . .MAK1NO A START wise that any further Toyagesjij "orocery butter is so unsatisfactory, hiear." laid - the young wiie. -i nave decided today that we would make out own." "Oh. did you!" sold her .husband. "Yes, I bought a churn arid ordered buttermilk to be left here regularly. Wont It be nice to have really fresh butter Now York World. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S READY-TO-WEAR. Phone 122 Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating U.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Roilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. . .. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING: , Our plant is equipped to handle, all kind MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 Advertise in "The Dail News"