, March 28, 1927 The RECOVERY OF TAXES Publication of Names of Persons in Arrears Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the pro-vi; ion.- of Section 1 1 1-A of the Taxation Act, where Income or Personal I'rojierty taxes remain unpaid afier the expiration of iwo years from the date upon which such taxes become delinquent, a No'tice will be published Riving a complete 1 last of the names and addresses of the persons liable to pay the taxes, unless a satisfactory undertaking has been entered inio with the Provincial Collector for the liquidation of suih arrears. W. S. FISIIKK, l'ovinclal Collector. St ore We are the Hole Airont y for the ORIGINAL 1 OILET LUXURIES Ity MOKNV 201 Kegent Street, London. "CI I AM IN A UK" "JUNK HOSES" "MVSTIIUIKUSK" "VIOI.im E MOUNT "HOSE VEUVi:iNir These famous Perfumes and Powders are used In every .. - I .. i . .. l r T" . . 'r i. . i - in.. i i . .uur mm ciimiui ui ijuiu iv. uii'ir rare uuiiilv miu iMicnaiiL- Ing fragrance have won them the approval of society women V have the Perfume, Toilet Water. Face Towder, Lin ORMES LTD. The Pioneer Druggist Three Registered Pharmacists Ird Avenue and 6th Street Phones 82 and 200 DENTIST DO YOU know: Dr. Jos. M RY asuire has his office Over Ormes Drug Store Phone 52. Office Hours 9 to 9 every day. Sunday Appointments DEMAND Lady Assistant "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST IMUJAKl'AST. POOD.' Smoked Dally by Canadian pish & Storage Co., I'rinte Hupert, H.C. HE'S HERE ... V V a 1 1 hs Having arranged with the Hoover to. to sena us a uemon-Irstrntor, we are now In a position to show you the difference between the Hoover and an ordinary vacuum clearer. Demonstration will be made right In your own home for I, '.the asking, starting Monday, March 21st. Just phone a, and I we will do the rest. The Hoover Is sold on very easy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Local and Personal Arthur's Taxi, Phone 078. V. DC. Undertaken. Phone 41. Shoes rrliuili like new at McArlhur'it MiH- More, tf Oct !tbejBlj4jtabltl When thlnkln? o a Taxi, phoned. 1 tf J. McDonald returned from a short holiday trip south on the Catala last evening. S. W. Taylor returned to the city on the Trlnce Charles Saturday afternoon from a business trip .to .Vancouver. Government Agent, Norman A. Watt left for Terrace on Saturday and ex pects to return to the city on tomor row train. Mrs. D. &. Cameron and son arrived from Vancouver on the Catala last evening and will take up residence In the Smith block here. E. 7. Jones, city solicitor, returned on the Catala last evening from Van couvcr where he was on buelneM in connection with railway taxation mat' tors. The steamer Prince Charlea carried quite a large number of passengers on I Saturday who transferred here - to the ' j Prince John for the Queen Chartatte Islands. A. Hoe of the Empire Shipping Co., Melt McLean returned from Stewart last. evening and sailed for Ooean Fall. Powell River and Vancouver at midnight on the first trip of the spring schedule. C. L. Monroe, government azent Atlln, arrived from the south on the! Prince Chsrles on Saturday afternoon and. after spending the week-end In the city, left today on the Princess Mary fcr the north. Imperial Oil Coa tanker Mlna Brea arrived In port at 5:30 last ntfht from the south and. after discharging a full cargo of fuel oil at the company's local tanks, sailed this morning Just before noon on her return south. A. Scott, representing Lloyds register of shipping, was here from Vancouver on port business over the week-end He arrived on the Prince Chart Satur day afternoon and returned south on the same vessel last night. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McKenzle.l nee Miss Margaret. "Peggy," Olllatt) arrived on the Prince Charles Saturday after noon from the south and left for the Queen Charlotte Islands on the Prince John on Saturday evening. Mr. Mc-Kenzle Is foreman at the B.C. Packers cannery at South Biy and Is making preparations for the opening of the cannery for the coming season. Union steamer Catala arrived from the south at 8 o'clock last night, sailing at 10 for Anyox and Stewart. Passengers arriving on the vessel Included F. Patterson, E. F. Smith, F. Johnson. V. O. Beach. Oeorge Rlngstad and A. 8paldlng for Prince Hupert; J. A. Mil ler R. O. Melltn. W. Gay. It. M. Priest, K. Dunlin, O. Ooranson, C. H. Lak. B. W. McDougall. A. 11. Sinclair, M. J. Sinclair. A, C. Jones, and Jas. Rose for Stewart; A. Roman for Arrandale: Mis. Thompson for Alice Arm, R. II. Rork for Anyox and Miss M. Barrett for Port 6lmpMn. CAUIl or THANKS. Mrs. James Arthur and family desire to convey their sincere thanks to their. many friends for the kind expressions of sympathy received In their recent bereavement. ANNOUNCEMENTS St Andrew's Society Luetics Auxiliary Raster Bale, April 0. HcwplUl Auxiliary Tea In 8t. Andrew's Rooms, April 0. DulUxlll Ball Easter Monday, Anglican April 10. 1 Tea and Sale of Work. Elks' Balloon Dunce, April 23. Established 1923. Office Hours: a.m. to G p.iriw Snturdny: a.m. to' 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment DENTIST Exchange Ulock. I'hone 109 THE DAILY NEWS PA.3E THREB EX-ARMY MAN SAYS ITISTRUE NOTHING LIKE'TRUIT-A-TIVES" FOR CONSTIPATION a lav. wiiw . i MR. E. E. NEWMAN. Even the most severe cases of constipation yield to "Fruit-a-tivtV. Witness this letter by Mr. E. E. Newman, Iona Station, Ontario: "Ever since leaving the army I suffcrcl terribly from constipation. After (cnJ-ins a prcat deal of money on other remedies, 1 took 'Fruit-a-tives'. I can sincerely say it gave me permanent relief. I often thouzht testimonials were untrue. I will pbdly assure anyone writing me that 'Fruit-a-tivcs' are all they are claimed lo be." "Fruit-a-tivcs" goes right back to who was here In connection with the ! nature. Aplcs, oranges, prunes and figs loading of the grain steamer Yaye Maru last week, returned to Vancouver on the Prince Charles last night. j C.N.R. steamer Prlnoe Charles, Capt. ; give to it their fresh juices which are in tensified and blended with tonics. Consequently, the action of "Fmit-a-tives" is naturally corrective and strengthening. It is a positive remedy for poorly functioning stomach, lidncys and bowels. This day buy a box of "Fruit-a-tivcs" yourself. Feel will, vigorous, again. 25c and 50c cvtr"'hrrs. Cltr on Vesterdav's train from a P. O. Jackson, CNR. superintendent at Smlthers, was a ' visitor In town yesterday. Charles Reinholt, Oerman boat build er of rort Esslngton, left at the end of the week for Vancouver where he Is to be placed on the witness stand before the British, Columbia court of appeal in the Sankey murder cae. UK'S KICillT, AT TIIVT Officer: "Hey. you. mark' time." Plebe: "With my 1 feet, 'saV ' '"" Officer: "Have you ever seen anything mark time with Its hands?" Plebe: "Clocks do. sir." 1000 Eggs in Every Hen New )itri(i of Puullry Keeping (Jet Ilijjli-rrU-ed Whiter Ksjn Famous Poultryiiiau TELLS HOW "The great trouble with the poultry business has always been that the lay ing life of a hen was too short," says Henry Trafford. International Poultry ; Expert and Breeder, for nearly eighteen years Editor of Poultry Success. I The average pullet lays 150 eggss. If ' kept the second year, she may lay 100 'more. Then she goes to market. Vet It has been scientifically established that : every pullet Is born r hatched with over jone thousand minute egg germs In her 'system and will lay them on a highly I profitable basis over a period of four to six years' time If given proper care. How to work to get 1.000 eggs from every hen; how to 'get pullets laying : early; how to make the eld hens lay ' like pullets; how to keep up heavy egg ' production all through cold winter mouths when egga are highest; triple egg j production; make slacker hens hustle; j $5.00 profit from every hen In six waiter I months. These and many other money j making poultry seed are contained In - - Mr. Trafford's "1.000 EGO HEN" system Dry Cedar and Birch wood. 4.50 per of poultry raising, one copy of which at i load. Cameron's Transfer. Phone 177. will be sent absolutely free to any reader 74 of Ibis paper who keeps six bens or more. There Is big profit for the poultry B. B. Ycung. well known Port Simp- keeper who gets the eggs. Mr. Trafford on merchant, was a business visitor in tells how, if you keep chickens and want town at the week-nd. i them to make money for you, cut out ' I this ad and send It with your name Women of Mooscheart Legion's Child-' and address to Henry Trafford, Suite ren's Masquerade Dance In Moose Hall 202A, Herald Bldg., Blnghamtou, N.Y April 1. Refreshments. 73 and a free copy of "THE 1,000 EGO HEN" I will be sent by return mall. Geo. Rlngstad of Port Edward can-' - nery was a passenger from Vancouver Advertise in the DMlv News arrlvlnir on th PittAla last vn!ntr t - - Mtettoc of Diamond Jubilee Celebra- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY tlon Ocmmlttee Chairmen will be held tomorrow night In the City Hall at 8 FAR SALE. GRAMOPHONE, CONSOLE I o'clock. j model, practically new. cheap. Phone : I Blue 700. 75 R. F. McNaughton. district passenger j agent of tre C-N.R., left for Anyox on the Cttala last evening on a short business trip. Charged with Intoxication. Luke Wil lis was sentenced to thirty days' tnt prlsonment with hard labor by Magistrate tills morning. Harold McEwen. divisional short! DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICE .!i'utlon for (irazln; Permits for the SeaMn of 1S'.'7. Application for permits to graze livestock on the Crown ranges within any grazing district of the Province of British Columbia, must be filed with the District Forester at Fort Georze. Kam- .! loops. Nelson. Prince Rupert, Vancouver. agent of the C.N.R.. returned to the,3lt. 1037. Blank forms upon which to submit bualneu ousincvs trln trip tn to th me mrlnr interior. i W"c"uus mr ne oouinea irora me nutnrt FnrMtm t th. j. r,-, 1 places, or rrom the Department of Lands Five longshoremen In charge of W. ' Victoria. B.C. Jtffenon left last evening on the Denutv Minister 0? Llnds. steamer Prince Charles for Ocean Falls1 Department of LanJs, to load paper 011 a freighter. Victoria. B.&. - 1 January Wil. ' Motorehlp Belllngham. Captain J. E. NOTICE Anderson, arrived from Ketchikan this' morning with one carload of fresh Uonaf VnerS n halibut for rail shipment to New York, tlce is hereby given Messrs. Malcolm jSmvth. Edmund Langts. Harold Hansen Conataul J a Anrii.rv.ri k r...,nd Albert Moore, that there Is owing ..oimauie J. a. Anderson who has, ,,, ,lnri-r.inrt for uwt been attached to the city detachment performed on the Cordllla Oroup of Of th provincial polloe and Mrs. An- M'nl Claims. Princess Royal Island. Ur90n utt tot ln "utn la5t night- 393.88, and tha- unless said persons pay . ninninuii u svrcfra nis connec- wieir proponionair snare 01 ine coi or tlon with the provincial polloe to en- ch Assessment, together with all costs . . . 0' advertising, etc. to the undersigned gage In private w business at Port Al-;,. Butedale. B.C.. on or before May 13. berul. 1 1037. application will be made to the ... , , Gold Commissioner, Trlnce Rupert. B.C.. ... ..1 n,ve tnelr respective InteresU In the tr,. it.mii,n.. Leonard Hamilton BaIIIIc of Massetthereln mentioned Mining Oroup of and John Hayes of Fort St. Jotm have Mineral Claims vested In the under-been appointed registrar, of births. ' ,rd' DAVID CORDILLA, announces. The oppolntments of C. W. Baker, formerly of Mn.vett, and O. iHarber. formerly of Fort St. John In sucn capacities have been rescinded. Dr. J. H. Pufe of Ottawa, rhief of the quaianUne revision ot the departincni of marine, wlm was an official visitor Oeorge Clothclr. resident mining en gineer for this district addressed the! British Columbia Chamber of Mines in Vancouver last Friday night. Mr. Clothier dealt with the mining possl-blllties of th district, giving in detail some important facta In regard to the varlcu mlnea In the Portland Canal and Alice Arm districts. Hon. 11, M, 8tevens. MJ. for Van-couver Centre, complained recently at Ottawa In the House of Commons that Vancouver was not contained In a published list of placea where postal clerk examinations would be held, New Westmlster, Prince Rupert, Nanalmo and Victoria being In the list. Post, master Oeneral Venlot stated that because Vancouver's name was not In the list, dlxl not mean the examinations would not be held there.- Mr. Stevens also asked 'that longer notice be given befott" btottUkt the Mamtnatn. Confidence In the city over the week-end, proceed-i Cna J -onrl Hast on Uls morning's train. Dr. Page UulHCU IIU Was SPCOmiunlNl nn hla Irln r Tl. I Rupert by C. J. Fletcher. secreUry olilnli the British Columbia Medical Asuocta- CIU tlon. JACOB KOSKI tVAWMTfO, Years ajro when Pacific Milk bejran every condition for mak ing a perfect evaporated milk I was present. A market might j be gained but only a perfect milks its purity and quality preserved, could hope to hold it. With grateful feelings we see.! in looking over the history off its splendid patronage, the con) fidence it gained so early in its t career has been held and annu ally enlarged. And for this perhaps more than anything credit must be given to the quality which constantly has been maintained. PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vancouver, tadtirle, at Ladner and Abbolsford. Victor Process Records In a Little Spanish Town Walti Paul Whlteman and Ills Orchestra Vocal The Ketelers Orjan Solo CrawforJ It AH Depends On You Fox Trot Nat. Shilkret anJ tne vicior uium Corrcdlan with Piano Frank tTumlt Idolizing Tot Trot Jean GoWkette and Ills Orchestra 202 20457 20458 Tenor with Organ Franklyn llaur and Jesse Crawford 2M3 Waltz What Does It Matter ? Foi Trot Vocal Duet Nat. Shtlkrct and The Victor Orchestra Up Blue Skies (Jeorie Olsen anJ 111 Music .Johnny Marvin and KJ. Smalle Lonely Eyes Fox Trot Paul Vhitc:ran and His Orchestra 2W71 20455 20457 20418 High, High, High in the Hills 2043 20462 2027 Also the latest Red Seal records by famous Victor arlUt$' At "His Master's Voice" Dealers Victor Talkini Machine Co Opening Soon The New Factory of the ICTR fRljtff Company on Second Street Prince Rupert. B.C. A model up-to-date factory for the making of Ice Cream, to be sold by wholesale only THE BEST QUALITY GUARANTEED Ran ad ian National c7hc Large ft Railway SySlcm in America Steamship and Train Sarvice N.VII.IM1S from PK1XCE Hli'KKT for V.XCOl Kit, VICTOIllA, ! BATTLE, each TIU HHDAV ami MNUAY. 11.00 p.m. for ANYOX . WKONKXKAY, 10.00 p.m. Kof STKWAKT SATl'KllAV, I0.IMI p.m. s.a. 1'KISCK JOHN for VANCOUVER via OL'tEN CIIAULOTTE ls- UtNOS, forlnlthtlv. PASSEXOKK TRAINS LKAVK PUIXCE Kl'PF.KT tMih MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and HATlltKAY at 1 1 JO a.m. (or PKINCK tlEOHOE, EDMONTON, WINNII'EO, all points Eastern Canada, United MfltP. see canada in canada's jl'iiii.ee yeak 1h7 19! 7. agency' all ocean steamship lines. Use Canadian National Express for Money Orders, Forelin Cheques, etc.. alM for your next shipment. CITY TICKET OFt'lCK. 528 TIIII1D AVE ritlNCE KUI'EKT. flione 160 .