IF YOU ARE IK ailing, unable to get a hold on health, write or call at an Iona-Otone Health Clinic; as thousands of others have done. 'TAKE THE FKEE TREATMENTS There is no obligation. Sufferers of many years are finding health and contentment in Iona-Otone, the Magnetic Healer. THE IONA-OTONE HEALTH CO. 10-11 Smith Block, Prince Rupert - B.C. south 8 chains; thtr.ee south-southesst 13 chains; thence due north 6 chains; thence west-northwest along shore to point ot commencement and containing 14 ares, mores or less. FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINGHAM. Applicant Dsted 75th June. 1027 J TO EUROPE I MAKE RESERVATION'S NOW FROM MONTREAL To Liverpool Aug. 26, Sept. 23 Montcalm Sept. 2, Sept. 30 Mlnnedoia Sept. 9, Oct. 7 Montclare Sept. 16. Oct. 14 Montrose This sailing calling at Greenock. To (ilasjow Sept. 10, Marloch To llelfaot-Olasgow Sept. 1, Sept. 29 Metaeama Oct. 8. Nov. 10 Mellta To Antwerp Sept. 8 Mellta I'KOM 21EI:C To Cherbourg-Sou thumpton-Antuerp tSept. 9, Oct. 5 Montroyal tSept. 9, Oct. 19 Montnalrn tTo Antwerp only To Cherbourg-Southampton Aug. 24, tSept. 14 . . Emp. of France Aug. 31, Sept. 21. .Emp. of Australia Sept. 7. tSept. 28 . . Emp. of Scotland tTo Hamburg, via Apply to Agenti everywhere or J. J. FORSTER, V 8.S. General Fm. Agent. fm C.P.R. Station, Vancouver, B fc. Telephone f. Seymour 2630 jSp ONE FREE! With one THREE DAYS ONLY Wooden boxes of Sodas, fresh and crisp, 5 lb. size. Regular $1.00. Special . , . . a boxes for .51.00 Malta Milk Biscuit, 25c size, spe cial, 2 pkgs. for "5c Cheese Snacks, 25c size, special, 2 pkgs. for -."r1 Carnation Milk, Saturday only per tin 10r? 6 only to one order and for cash The rest of this week we will sell PULLET EGGS Special, 4 doz. for . ,v. . .. . Uof We guarantee these fresh; We can fill your order for fresh local Raspberries. Lowest price in town. B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phone 15 and 574 and the familiar ruff. It was the work of an Italian who nettled in England In the Sixteenth Century. After the death of Essex, the ring descended from Lady Frances Dever-eaux,. his daughter. In an unbroken succession from mother to daughter, until It came to Louise, daughter of John, Earl of Oranvtlle. She married Thomas Thynne. second Viscount Weymouth. Sixteen years ago. In the disposal ot the Thynne heirlooms, the ting came up for auction and was valued at 117,500. It passed to Lord Mlchelham. When the Mtchejham art collection was auction ed oft several months ago the ring went; to a private collector who placed it on sale at Christie's. LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LANII. In Prtnce Rupert Land Recording Dis trict of Coast District. Ranee 4. and situate on and being all of Bonllla Island except that portion occupied by Indian Reserve numoer is. TAKE NOTICE that I. Ole C. Austad. ot Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation rancher. Intends to apply for a leae ot the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeasterly point of Bonllla Island: thence northerly, westerly, southerly and easterly, following the sinuosities of the shore line, to point ot commencement, excepting thcrelrom that portion of the isiana occupied qy inaian iieserve no. in. and containing one thousand acres, more or less. OLE C. AUSTAD. Appllcsnt Dated July 15. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Coast Ranee 4, Land Recording Dis trict ot Trlnce Rupert, and situate at Captain's Cove, Pitt Island. B.C. take. notice tnat uosse racking Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Packers.. Intends to apply for a lease oi tne lonowing aescrioea isnas: commencing at a post punted at the northwest corner of Lot 1253, Range 4: thence south 5 chains: thence west S chains; thence north to high water mark: thence easterly along high water mark 5 chains, more or less, to point ot com mence ment, and containing 3 acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED, Applicant. Dated June 13. 1927. "COMPANIES ACT' TAKE NOTICE that the Rupert-Van-couver Stevedoring Company, Limited, Intends to apply under Section 39 of the Companies Act, being Chapter 38 of the Revised Statutes of British Columbia. 1E24, to change Its name to Pacific Stevedoring & Contracting Company, Limited. DATED at. Prince Rupert. B.C., this 9th day of August, 1927. WILLIAMS, MANSON & GONZALES, Solicitors for the Rupert-Vancouver Stevedoring company. Limited. Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Ave. and Fulton Street The Store of High Quality at Low Prices DO YOU KNOW We are the only Cash Grocery in Prince Rupert You save from 5 to 40c on every dollar. Can you use your money to any better advantage? ASK ANY OF OUR MANY CUSTOMERS Then give us a trial and be convinced hand all the time Our Fall School Supplies have arrufe Scribblers (38 pages, not 32), MILK, JAM, FLOUR, SUGAR Get our prices first and save. money $5.00 Orders delivered free Phone 301 S. B. ADAMS, Manager WELL KNOWN LADIES- WEAR SOON CLOSE DOWN Sickness Forces J. Rent to Quit Medical advice to J. Bent Is to ault business entirely at the earliest possible moment and go south. For many years Mr. Beat has the ladles ot Prince Rupert with a grade of merchandise rarely found In a city of ttls atee. l From its Inception tbe policy of Utto business, from the first day the doors were opened to the public, has been style and exelustveness at a popular price, and the business has been built on a foundation of honest trading. Never an article misrepresented and a sub-standard or faulty article never entered the store. The modern merchandising method ot clearing out all overload by means f Special Sales, has given tbe public the advantage of numerous bargains, and enabled Mr. Bent to always have on hand a brand new stock, up-to-the- minute In style a matter ot the most vital Importance, In ladle wearing ap parel. Mr. Bent will close out bis In-teretss In Prtnce Rupert Immediately, naturally, he says.' it la a wrench to have to give up a business built by painstaking effort, and sure useful In at taining Its objectlyf satisfying a criti cal public, who demanded the best. . i Market Prices Retail prices on the local market to day are as follows: LAKH Purs 25c Compound '. 20c LOUS B.C. fresh pullet 37 ftc B.C. fresh, firsts 42c B.C. fresh, extras ..!.. 45c Looal new laid 50c fish Halibut, lb 25c Salmon, red spring 35c Salmon, white spring, lb 15c Smoked kippers, lb 15c Kippered salmon, lb 25c Smoked black cod, lb 20c Finnan haddles, lb 20c MEATS Fowl, No. 1, lb 30o and 35c Roasting chicken, lb 453 Ham, sliced, first grade 55o Ham, whole, first grade 42c Ham, picnic, lb 22 Vic Cottage rolls, lb 30o Bacon, back, sliced , 60c Bacon, tide 45c to 55c Pork, dry salt .........(.. 35a Ayrshire bacon, lb. .' 35c Veal, shoulder ... 25c (. Veal, loin '40c Veal, leg 40o Pork, shoulder 28c Pork, loin 400 Pork, leg 40c Beef, pot roast 12,'4c to 18c Beef, boiling 12c to 15c Beef, steak ....30c to 45o Beef .roast, prime rib , 30c Lamb, chops 60c Lamb, shoulder 35c Mutton, leg 40o I Arab, leg , 4 So Mutton, chops r. .'. 40o Mutton shoulder 30c BUTTER Brookfleld, Shamrock' and Woodland. lb 47'4 E.C.D., lb 4714 c Capital, 2nd grade, lb 42 '3c Fraser Valley, lb 60c New Zealand, lb 60c Fresh Fruit and Vegetables on camembert cheese 8 oz. pkg 65c Use SiMONDS SAWS i Machine Knives, simonds Canada saw Co. ltd. VANCOUVER. If. JOHN. N.S.. I TOONTO U i Fair dealing and is our motto. Kraft Ltmberger. 35c Ontario solids 35c Stilton. Ib 0" Kraft 5e Norwegian Ooat tbe Napoleon Llmberger 70c Roquefort 75c Swifts' Brookfleld. lb 45c Oorgonzola, Ib 75c McLaren's Cream, Jars .... 4Vj and 85c Brookfleld Swiss cheese. ft lb. pkg. 30c Brookfleld Canadian cheese. V4 lb- P- (HCI,R 25c druyere , .... 5c Qolden Loaf, lb i.v 45n Jack, lb 50c Romano Sardo. lb 75c Oammelost, ft lb 30c White, per 100 7.65 Yellow, per 100 17.15 SEASONABLE RECIPE CHICKEN CIUKIIETTES. 2 cups cold cooked fowl chopped fine. cup English walnut meats e hopped. teaspoon salt. 4 teaspoon celery salt. Slight grating nutmeg. 1 teaspoon lemon Juke. Few drops onion Juice. 1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley. V cup thick white sauce. Bread crumbs. Mix Ingredients In the order given. After adding the sauce let mixture cool. Mould In cork shape croquettes. Roll In fine bread crumbs, dip in egg (dllu ted with cold water In the proportion of two tablespoons water to each egg slightly beaten), then In crumbs again Fry In deep hot fat. Drain on brown paper and serve. EXCURSION AROUND DIGBY AND TUGWELL riprrillmul "ua KUer" Offers Whole Afternoon und Evening's Entertain ment and Enjoyment Speedboat "Naas River" through Met Iakatla Passage and around Tug well and Dlgby Islands. Thence to Dlgby bland for picnic and dance. Bring your lunches and return in the evening. Fare 1.00 return. Boat leaves our float at 2 o'clock sharp. Oct tickets at Ormes to save disappointment. Canada's finest Footwear for Men. Discontinued lines ill Black and Tan Calf. A good selection of the newest Lists and Patterns in all sizes. Real values. QH iff Sale Price tfl.'iO Ladies' Shoes A large assortment in this group in Strap, Oxfords nnd Ties in Patent. Grey Kid and Satin with fancy trimming. Cuban and spike heel. Good shoes and CO OCT modest prices tJJOeOU Saturday Aagas AGE SIX ntitmutiM t- in " ' - , jjj us 1 1 il a s a m i QUEEN'S RING A System for Saving CAUSED DEATH McArthur Shoe Store Jpttf cm 5b Failure to Reach Queen Elizabeth Resulted in Execution of Earl of Essex Annual Igtnifcd PRINTING Stationery Office Supplies School Supplies Kodaks Films Phonographs Records Novelties Dennison Goods Birthday and Every Day Cards Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone 231 JUST ARRIVED A shipment of Or. MIDDLETON'S Food Products Whole Wheat Flour, 10's, special 70c Whole Wheat Flour, 24's, special $1.65 Whole Wheat Flour, 408, special $3.00 COOKIES Sugar Cookies, each .... 20c or 3 for 50c Oatmeal Cookies, each . . 20c or 3 for 50c Ginger Snaps, each 20c or 3 for 50c Macaroons, 2 pkgs. for 45c Why stand over a hot fire baking cakes when these cookies can be purchased at these low prices. Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 117-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 81 Prince Rupert, I1.C Thor Johnson for Mens Clothing und Furnishings The home of "SOCIETY BRAND" CLOTHES LONDON. Aug. 13. The historic E-wi ring. embuem of Qmn snxabeth'a greatest grief, liu changed ownership for the last time and U to be placed on her tomb In Westminster Abbey. The ring recently was sold at public auction at Christies, and brought only 12.600. Its purchaser. Ernest Makower. has since prevented It to the nation so thst It may remain forever in England. Queen Elisabeth gave the ring to the Earl of Essex, who shsrted her heart with the Earl of Leicester, as a pledge thst whatever he might be accused of. she would either pardon him or admit htm to her presence to Justify his conduct. Late in Elisabeth's life Essex rose In rebellion. The revolt was a fiasco; Essex was taken and condemned. . After condemnation he gave the ring to the Countess of Nottingham, to deliver to Elizabeth. The ring, however, did not reach the Queen, and she. deciding that Essex was i obdurate, permitted the execution. After the death of the Earl, the Countess of Nottingham confessed to Elizabeth thst Essex had given her the ring to deUver to tbe Queen, but that she had not carried out her request. DEATH Or' Ql'KEX Despair then seized the heart of the Queen, who refused all medical aid. She died within twenty days of the Countess' confession. The ring Is of gold and bears the Queen's portrait, showing her head-dress LAND ACT NOTICE Of INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEAKE LANO in Rsnn 5. Coast Land District.'Uand Recording District of Prince RUDert. and situate on Lot 103 tiumpoacx Hay, rot- cnet isiana. m.u. TAKE NOTICE that F. H. Cunningham. Board of Trade Building, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Salmon Broker, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described land: Commencing at a post planted 150 yards south-soutlieast of northeast corner pont of Lot 102, Range 5; thence due Atl Jof eey car Buifrl Bool. I'm till flnJ it Itlffml is pLnniit jour xtnMturiu The Royal Bank of Canada Prince Rupert Branch - F. E. Robertson, Manigei Our bii; Shoe Sale is in full swine and considering the backward season it has been a wonderful success. For another week the opportunity is yours to avail yourself of wonderful shoe values we are offering. Kvcry shoe in the store is on the bargain tables for your inspection. Come and look around. Wc guarantee fit, value and satisfaction. Week-end Specials LADIES' CAHLE DROGUES English make in fine Drown calf. This discontinued line we are selling below cost Keg. $8.50. KE. $5.45 HOYS' SCHOOL SHOES Made by Valantine & Martin. Fine wearing shoes. Sizes 1 to 5V. Sale CO QC Trice LECKIE'S HOYS' HOOTS For hard wear you can't beat them. Sizes 1 to 5Vfe. Sale CO Of Price MEN'S DRESS SIIOL'S In Black and CM. These are r,i,-shoes, they are g j cheap. Reg. $7 50. SS. S4.45 LADIES SHOES In Black ami I Kid. One or tw In Cuban or low A snap QO Off Sale Price CHILDREN'S SII0KS In great varicf ' seltcd lines. fir. Straps, Sandals, c' ? new stock at grc duccd prices. Fair dealing and Is our motto. M. McARTHUR Third Avenue. WESTHOLME THEATRE . TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 Dorothy Lowell Mackaiil Sherman in A mighty epic of the sea showing actual views of the combine British and American Fleets in action in battles in the Nor" Sea, including the Battle of Jutland. Distinguished all- cast. LAWKKNCK GRAY, DOROTHY MACKAILU 'ffit SHERMAN, WILLIAM COLL1HR Jr. IAN KKITH. h IW"; - (JRHiliON, JACK ACKKOYIVOAIL KAN 12, and many olhrr CAMEO COMEDYp-,'lIir.H SPIRITS." PATHE REVIEW r The Prince Rupert Girls' Drill Team will give nn KxhH""10" at 8.50 Admission 50c and 25c Advertise in "The Daily News