THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS '0$ VOU CAN AFFOR.O-- I i: harm ter of our work4 ,. ..w priees have com-iit iiiK us our bunineM . ,! Folk know thut our ! i rsi cIum and that we u'hly dependable. Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 Wood DlfY i;iltt II. ('EI)AIt AND JACK I'INE T . r'o .suck, ."Of1 (1 III N'DLES DHY KIM). IJN(;, $I.(MI Phone 580 HydeTransfer AM) C OAL CO. 139 Second Avenue Prince Rupert Supply Co. 214 Fourth Street ock kept of Belting, all sizes 1 Iwtric Ijimps Babbit Mclals Kidder RuIiImt Hose Rubber Heel v holi-sale prices l'hone C8. P.O. Box 772 REDUCTION in Prices 13 per cent off "or iwo weeks only r ::c in and inspect our stock . T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Box 977 LINDSAY'S - Cartage and Storage Phone C3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Pinno and Furnltuns Moving. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone S75 DENTIST ANGER, the TAILOR We narry a fine stock of imported Woollens. Union label on every garment. We employ only Union labor, ery suit guaranteed per-fec I. ANGER, Cutter and Detilgner 223 Sixth Street Tbe Waterfront Whiffs Change Hand Although it i. not Ueyond the bound of poHt that favorable development, may yet . tur. the proerf teL, L more Z niitflit f-A f i i1""' is uauKiu me one in emeJi ai.u wu, taw tui iuiuic KMTinia U. DEPARTMENT OF WORKS PUBLIC NOTICE TO ( ONTIUCTOK HEI.I.A CO(IL.t l-OCK-t P ninth day of August, 1027, tion or a standard lock-up building at Bella CooUi In the Prince Rupert Bee-toral Dlstrlot. Plan.. Specification. Contract, and Form of Tender may be aeen on and after the 2itb day of July. 1927. and further Information obtained at the De- Eartment of Public Work.. Parliament ulldlng and at tbe office, of the Uov-ernment Agent at Vancouver and Prince Rupert. Oople. of planv apeclfloaUon., etc.. can be obtained from the Department on payment of a deposit of ..Tea iDotlar i 10.001 which wUl be refunded on re turn of the plans, etc., in good condition. Tlie lowest or any tender not necc-sarlly accepted. P. PHILIP; Public Work. Kiurlneer. Department of Public Work., Parliament Bulldinga, Victoria. 11C. N.U. Time for receiving tender, for above has been extended to August Slat. WATER NOTICE lilVKKMlON ami rsr: TAKE NOTICE that Francis Henry Cunningham, whose address to 806 Board of Trade Building. Vancouver. B.C.. will apply for a licence to take and use 1 cubic foot per second ol water out of unnamed stream which flow, northeast and drains Into Humpback Bay, Porcher Island, about 400 yams souineast oi northeast corner post of Lot 102. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 200 jrardv from tbe mouth of the river and will be used for fish, cannery and domestic purpose, upon Uie lands applied for. being portion of Lot 102. Rani?e S. Coast District. This notice was punted on the ground on the 25 tb day of June. 1027. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" ,111 be tiled In tbe off toe of the Water itecoruer at rnnce nupen, .v. wuj-tlons to the application may be filed with the aald Water Recorder or with the Comotroller of Water Rights, Par liament UuUdlagvVltvatbV.B.0.. within- thirty diiJn W jrv apprancw thto notleeMn'a local newspaper. TIL dt'--of the first publication of this lotlce Is August 4. 1927. . .. rV H. .CUNNINOHAM, Applicant. notice LAND ACT Or INTENTION TO TO LEASE LANO APPLY In Range 4, Land Recording District (if Prince Rupert, and situate at Barnard Cove. Princess Royal Island. TAKE NOTICE that the Millerd Packing Company Limited of Vancouver, BC occupation Salmon Canners, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted along-alde post marked N.W. L2573; thence soutlierly along high water mark 2t chains, more or less, to a post marked 8W L2573. thence west to low water mark; thence northerly along- low water m.,ir in rhalns. more or less, to a point west of the point of commencements thence east 50 links, more or iei, m point of commencement, and containing more or leas, acre, nn-Quarter one Mlr.KD packinO COMPANY LIMITED, Applicant. Dated June 16, 1927. NOTICE. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction at the Provincial aovernment Prince Hopert B.C. on Court House Thursday? August Uth. 1927. at 2 o'clock the following lots. , , in tbe afternoon, IjiU 5 and 10. Block I. Section 6. , LoS 2 and 10. Block 23,.Bcctlon :i. Lot 7, Block 3, Sect n 2. all'ln VheSfyW'rmce'Rup.rt. B.C. csn a one-quarter (n three equai - u at tll rau of eV per annum, fhf Crown Orant ment Agent, WXT' VY&T. aovernment Agent. t Dated at Prince RPrt. BS3. July 4th. 127. on Con baa decMed to place an eahlbtt la Uie Prlnoe Hupwt BsWMtlon nest naontb nd work on lu ixv sat ration to now 1 J 11. pany. iittw a Ti It to planned to demon UtoeaWe Ijeal Intereat. The material at tact haying been Stevedoring it Contracting Oo. finally atarted work at noon Thursday on ttte rroonatructlon of tbe weetern half of the provincial government wharf. WIU be an eitenalve Job and will dude replllng atd reptanklng of that entbe section of the liter Quick work VSZ DAILY NEWS .twit a Utoug? send his beat rUbw and express Um hcpe that mom tm the not tar Mutant future It may be hto pmtt to tee tbem kit K No more open boat bunting this yr for Claud KlrkeitdaU. Tbo silent UMtufb popular guardian of Booth Ftofc-eel local destinies recently acquired bim boat up tb Skeeaa River. New the ring of tbe Iuimbw. wKh a thud no and then aa thumb la Ml. to hrmrd I be upperwurka go on. i At Urt there baa arisen from the I,--.. , ! nmw a contender for Oorcr PrtneU's reaches ita eak but. M far. there have bee practftallir none of th.s,llUe ll" '''P rock hitter of ' Iwle of aalmon arrive in diatrir-t wmUrm a....iiL..i Northern Drttub Columbia The the canneriea are facing the pro-pert of forge Zm lnlh7vLr' "whHe bn U nOM hn "ur Krami, mi u racaa uu tv vnus uekeye pack, according ta W , aal the exuenw and trmibW. .rf h. xrXTtS, - - nupert - - N. DlSUMMr AMI L. " P. 1 H uaiMUlT Ml ' Aboard the cruUrr Taakwa. n.a IMrurea tergetjr on the aaport market. I U the pack that suell tbe dltferea4 u..m " - alu.ifL. . .a a. ... . . 1 I itinka when th. .. ' "was aawama. wiu M ID i"w- attftidnMr i f .table pack to made lor tt to tbto that , .ZTT! ... . . . . . ' """ mrau w Drpumiwr, I. w. 'Yoatr aud H w mtaburr. who have1 ReU h.v. l..n eugiueeting famtne lw -It. Ih.t f .1.. ' - DWB "' 1 Utto and the tatter 1 f UD unlaaa tr run uaaui ( Th. port of Prinec Huaert Hand, to ! JH""-., , lh . 1 putpuae of ahrlng a demon- hucosaa ur failure of the pluk flahlng. to take up further Stuart, wttb Sun Parker and Mr. Oil brrt. a RocbraUr. New York. magiTln writer, aa bla (ueata. made a trip to the IMiUda Lake tubing ground. uetwn to. au, fo, tb. oaaner. TZJZ b7 "" und the elfeot that It. failure wrid uTfo UeaTe A plo.nt Mme aa ba had 10 0 du n lve 00 Uie tedlMtnr can be readU SLr. tlrlhv hi .11 all .nrt itirl Have r.M tU. lawaa K a at 1 na oiillt en On Auguat 39 and SI a conference will be beld at tbe Departure Uay blo-Kical atatlon near Nanalmo of Paci fic Coaal worker, of tbe Hk)lo(tal Board 1 unor Wll. . ,f f 1 a H a At Ka, ...... - ... 1. ' of tlrttUh tlatlon to the luial nuhlv- of th u. tbe local flaberto. eaperlnienaal ata- ... ' . rtraK amonf other thing. induMrUI "lltober, produeu and .peatmen, of " . TT 7 . I into.lMUnt OMUMgkHi. water. It to ex- of the . .. . . 7 out tnc Diggw nunnow ium kbu , Lake baa yet glttn fortb. We did not aee the.fHta ao ir will be neoeaaary furj our reader, to take Dav.'a word for thla. Tbe blfgeat ftoli have been taken, out of Khtada ao ofteo now Uurf we Itur. of tbe work that to belnc earrled J " Wt TO have a gaaboat or a eenerete bot " 'nveaUnent of under hta S6 000 k'nKl bV 1 - foundatton bouae. That to the queatlon tht la agttatlnc Oharlle m manager of tbe Fishing VeawH "'Ualagno JuM now. Billy ha. aought w- nd "' cre bruad thaae patt few month, for a I .-i.u. rm.- itieular nrkle taken the lob. of - kl. .v.. u... ... . to in . vi um muv mi hi iu Tim. i now ne u irrini a imie iraternai aei- i 1 -ctd that tbe eolbH win e.oKe eon.!,ta ,n1 lhU4 Cllr,le' """P P"bm. VlMlT OF (OLOMHO Preparation, are now about com- .... tw . ! Dieted locallv for the retention of Bermuda-West Indlet atatlon. which. In tbe course of a crulae to tbe Pacific II roan, wiu amve ui rnnce nupert bor on Auiruat 34 for a five dav atav. - - ,n- . . .-- riar Soonlnc and social eventa wui be fea-j ' ture. of the program whtoh U now to being done In the tearing out of old '" official approval before being plank and pile, by use of a donkey , fubiuhed. BVil pn Trunrtia j .w , . . wlaHteu I lor iXckTup Tt liu ' Cool. " wtll ! The work wa. Harted wttb a erew of ! ' .PPkrently hold, no further celved by the Minister of Public Worka 'ala men with nen noltaiae aa foreman thrtlU for Oapt. Altred Sw.nson but. PUtobuty. manager of the com- be should now have a perly verified, to me on or before tbe 16th day of August. A.D. 1927. and all parties Indebted to the estate .are .required . to. pay the amount of their liv-debtvdneM -to -forthwith. me v -NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator). In the Matter of Prince , Rupert, jV-Cf IN PROBATE. IN THE Sl'PKEMirrOI'KT OF IIHIT1SII I OLl'.MIIIA the "AdmlnUtratlon Act" and In the Matter of th. Estate of NOTICE. John Selffert Berndgen, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor Judge V. McB. Young, tbe Oth day of July, AX). 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Selffert Berndgen, Deceased, and all purtles having claims against tbe said Estate are hereby required to furnish aaine. properly verified, to me on or before the 6th day of August. A.D. 1B27. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebted ueas to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. IN THE MATTER of an application for the Issue of a Provisional Certificate of Title for Lot one ( 1 ) of Lot three hundred and sixty (360), Range five (6), Coast District. Map 970. Satisfactory proof of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me. It Is my Intention to Issue, after the expiration of on. month from the first publication hereof, a Provisional Certificate of Title to the above land, In the name of 'ALICE' CLAPP. The original Certificate of Title Is daUd the 29th November, 1912, and la numbered 2605 1. Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B.C. July 16, 1927. H. F. MacLEOD. Registrar of Titles. PAIN from Bladder Irritation Soon sssad by 8ANTAL MIDY wore of Imitations Luk for the word "M1DV" Sold by ll druggut Ratititf J t mnM in um. V mm I 'an r-t n m dun with a 20 h4. Frisco-Standard gas en- totrator of the' estate of Harry Charles ne and carries three or four men. Campbell Black, deceased, and all parties I aa mouth .of the Skeena River wlilch badJ been hit by'jl-)non'th1s: dry apell. it! bad .been- tieceesary ' to shlp water from Lthe city and one of the canneries even closed, down, till ther wasitnlc- Thf emblnaU'orr halibut boat and fish packer W. f T .which sank last A week ki -Inverness' is a' result of a gas oline explosion which had fatal results, was raised this week by tlie B.C. Towage At Lighterage Co. -which had purchased tbe wreck from the underwriters. Yesterday, the vessel was again sold, Its new owner being Henry Dudo-ward of Port Simpson, who plans to recondition the craft as a aelneboat liberal ue wa. made of teak, Ironback. etc.. and much attention wa. given to detail, of arrangement, equipment and fintob. Tbe bull to 73 feet long. 17fc (eet In the beam, with a draft of 8 feet. En- ' "upervvaueouTwi- ' . " - - - 8n.ruom auxtllarle.. lncludlna oumoa. iiMja. inuHnoo. iieni eruiaer oi uu " - - - eiecuic utoaiug uuuu. etc.. afe vi uir uaual type for veaaeii of tbto daaa: wmle tbe deck equipment Include, a gurdy and combination anchor and wlnen of ttaodaed design, made land Inatallad bv teie nuUden of the boat. According to the usual practice at present tbe wlncb la amtdsblps. between the pilot bouae and tbe hatch: tbe anchor chain being led over th. .forecastle bead to the hawse pipes. up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday the ' ... . ,.. .,.,.. between hi Pord couoe and Prince Ru-'. 1 ' " . for for tbe tbe erec- erec " ,v " " . . ... . . . long-une and dory iiahlng: naving I room for five dortea. though she to at ' , .1 present long-llnbig. landing at Ketchl to aee Stan Parker and the latter ll f J , "u rIUUX l , i. i ,y... i, r- Forecastle ac- Tue Oape Scott arrived In nort on'1"1 u PP ln notner saw. ii a 1nr , . Friday from Vancouver wtth two acow-1 d"Mn"tsp" 10 b ,rle" of nine men. while Oapt. Larsen ha. a . a W 1 m, alt t h . I be Ma Mm w Mt mmn rlll 111 be wa to! I loads of Vancouver Island coal for de livery to Albert it UcCaffery. BUI Sheltm. he of Kelpie fame, to now gill netting on tbe Bkeeoa River with the gasbuat Diver which he recently ae quired. Meantime, the Kelpie has been ernment floats. thto, U that can done blame the dust for It. P.R.B H powerboat "38" la now un- Ar , 4a tti. A n P,rVn far th commodious cabin aft of the wheel- j bouse and over the engine Toom. t Oapt. Larsen la a veteran of tbe Beat I tie halibut fleet, having fished for i use of Tom Wallace .uperlntendent of ! . f "" ''T . tmmt u.a "Vnl.V m K. ill Ilia the company'. Skeen. River canneriea. i The concern has put its own captain , ' moved ,. to tlj the west end of f tlie r up gov- (quite successful, and some time ago be nil aaaww a IVidivl anil In thA maanOma JACK I ON Kit lli:.ltll riCOM Jack Toner has once more been tirri from He la nnw work I n a un York City. While he aay. he to enjoying himself under Ootham. bright light, his heart often bark, back to his old friends at Prince Rupert. About all he IN THK HI' In IN PROBATE. i-iii:.Mi: co hit or iikitihii ot.t Mill v the Matter of tbe Administration Act: and In tlie Matter of the Estate of Harry Oharle. CamDbell Black. Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills set Honor. F. McB. Young, the ldth day of 1B27. I was appointed Admin Alex Saint H bench warming at the iMNite floats. A well known local halibut boat chnd own'"hlP tbJa w wben tb pilotage boato operating out of New sold Toodle was Mild by Capt. Art Oswald v Pete Wold and Lawrence Newell. Tbe vndor, who ha. not been ln tbe best if health lately, plans taking a holiday from seafaring activities. Some ten years old, the Toodle was awt his mind on having one of the finest and most modern vessels of the fleet: an ambition that to fully realized In bla new boat. Early last winter, be fore starting work oat the "Pacific." be the KocUak" to Lee Campbell. Capt Larsen has been an active worker In tbe halibut organisation, the Fishing Vessel Owners Association, of which i he is now a member of tbe board of : trustees. originally a Seattle boat, having been """'T 'N" built at the Puget Sound port a. tbe peculator. Some years ago. .he wa. Halibut landing, at the port ol acquired by Capt. Paul Armour and re-: Prince Rupert for the season to date named the Tcodie. Sutweq'uently .he are still Just In reach of last year's was bought by Capt. Oswald. The ves- j total at a similar date although the to some 42 feet long, to powered , record oi last year nas not been touched to date. The 1927 total, with the season now Just two-thirds through, stands at 16.614.250 pounds as com- ho.iti. .1 si rvi, in. main mt a TO .r. . . . . . i a . . i norMi wnn In.r .'.hi r m I . usu .l u 1 nnnnrf. ....... ........... n""-. - - a couple oi oars raui tiua wees wmei t"- - l" D 1 h.p.htf .miiImH i fiipnl.h ma Yri- I . .... ... " - a ., rmumf in nminiH at the ine total oi American iisn lor tnis season to date to now 1,1.773,850 pounds tfn. ompar (son. with J2.005JOO pounds in 1926. 'Canadian fish . stands at 4.-840,400 . .pounds . as against. 454 ,'400 pounds , latit vyer. The :nex . Mr! montjia'0s on N'oventbeit iiii' i-ilf At a period of more Intensive fishing and the totals wlll fvery likely Jump, up , to.poinU- In excess of 1926. Landings for the past -week (Saturday to Friday Inclusive) -were under average at 603.000 pounds of which American vessels landed 423.500 pounds and Canadian, 179,500 pounds. There was a good deal of fluctuation in prices, the top bid of the week for American fish and packer. Tlie W. Si F. Is-some fifty being 14.4c and Be wnien the Onah feet long and has a 20 h.p. N. it 8. received on Monday for 12.000 pounds, engine. 'Tne blKn Canadian price was 12.8c and 1 7c which was paid the Helen on Mon- Ernie Valentine has purchased the day for 8,000 pounds. Low marks were 23 foot cabin cruiser powered with a 10.7c and 6c on Friday for American 4 bp. East hope engine of Louis Hal-crow, making the second boat of the Valentine fleet. It is understood that the vendor contemplate, the building of a 29 foot boat of similar type. FASTEST HALIBl'T IM1AT Capt. Ole larsen'. new halibut schooner, tlie Pacific,'' to believed to be the fastest vessel of the halibut fleet, and Is without doubt oue of tbe finest in design, construction and finish. Since going Into the service early In June she has aroused much favorable comment aud promises to make an excellent fishing record. On ber trial trip May 30 she made a apeed of about ll'i knots over a measured course, and was -very easily bandied: and she made tbe (run from Seattle to Ketchikan a few days later in 68 hours, although the engine was not running at full speed. The propelling power is a 133 hp. Washington-Estop dieeel engine. Tlie keel was laid early In tbe year at tlte Fishing Vessel Owners Marine Ways, Seattle, and tbe huU wa. launched with appropriate ceremonies .April 9. Zb fish and 10c and 6c on for Canadian. tbe same day Never strike a woman while the Iron is hot. Ottawa Citizen. SUMMER COMPLAINT CAUSES MANY DEATHS AMONG INFANTS Thousand, of mothers throughout Canada Lave Used during tlie past SO years it has been on the market, and their child's life no doubt saved by its timely use. Price, 60c. a bottle at all druggists or dealers; put up only by The T. MU-buiB Co, Ti'mi, Toronto, Qui. PAGE nV3 BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end of December, 192C. Has proceed Minerals as followa: Placer Gold. $78,01848; Lode Gold. ?12C.97M18; SMvcr. IS0.787.wa; Lead, J10C.97C.442; Copier.. $209A)C7.OC8 ; Zinc. 55012577; Coal and Coke, $284W,133; Structural MatrfiaUiand MincellaneouK Minerals. $50,176107; maWnf ita mineral production to the end of, 192GSi.riow an AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,108,470. I'KODUCTION FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMI1ER. 1926, $C7,18i842 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fee lower than those of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in. the liritish Empire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which Is guaranteed by Crown grants. Full information, together with Mining Ileports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA, lmiTISH COLUMWA. N.U. Practically all Rritiah Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mine. Those considering minlnj? investments should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mmes, Victoria, B.C. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. 0 21 p S A new arrival of a large assortment of the smartest styles and colors in new shapes and weaves. Unbreakable peaks. Price $2-00 up Acme Importers Third Avenue P.O. Bos G67 DENTIST Dr. J. R. Gosse r ; . Helgerson Block a.m. X-RAY SERVICE to 6 Phone 686 p.m. Evening Appointments ELECTRIC : WASHING : MACHINES Why wash in the ancient way? It is no longer necessary. We can supply you with the "WHIRLDRY" machine which dries as it whirls, or the "EASY" machine which operates with a wringer. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue Prince Rupert. Prince Rupert Auto Company Agents for Hudson and Essex " Super-Six Cars Second Avenue, opposite Prince Rupert Hotel. Phones 75 and 275 ; s a- :