PAGE TWO '-4 FOR LESS The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT . IffilTISli COLUMRIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Ruixrt Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Manning Editor. f SUHSCRIITION RATES: City Delivery, by mailer carrier, per month . ... . By mall to all partsof theBriti.ih Empire land theUnlted States, In advance, per year .. ..-;'. . . .-.4V; To all other countries, in advance,, per year . . ..i, Transient Display Advertising, per Inch per insert forii..;... Transient Advertising on Front Page';, per inch Local Readers, per insertion per line Classified Advertising, per insertion per word Lejrnl Notices, each insertion per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - i- - 98 - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. When the weather changes SHREDDED WHEAT Always crisply tlavorsome And full of Springtime eneigy for breaki ast with milk or I ruiis $1.00 $G.u6 $7.50 Wednesday, April 13, 1927 i CONSERVATIVES TO CURB UNIONS ST.UiE ALL SET IV IIKIT.UV Kill! (iltllVT I'Ol.lTICM. HATTI.E SOMK ' LIIIKIMLS IN I'AVIIIt Ol' GENERAL ELECTION MOOTED WILL POWER. UK,r FAV ,T . , . There are many Liberals In favor of It is becoming more difficult as times goes. on to read the text the bin. .but the general opinion out- of a periodical without meeting the self-improvement salesman. He's ,de Conserra.irw ranks u that the pre .there every month in the front of the book with a scheme to make1"01 " taopportune tlme to "mtnl your lungs as capacious as a blacksmith's bellows and your memory! Labor. naturaUy. is aoiidiy opposed as enduring as that popularly ascribed to the elephant He seeks t0 u "n1 ndTor t0 pwent lu to plant in you a desire for biceps as powerful as Mr. Zbyszko's ad will as unyielding as Gibraltar. . a nation-wide campaign to exploit the Especially is he anxious about vour will power He insists if mM,ure M m0T British you say every morning, "I will have "a million dollars before I die," iStE that eventually that prospect will materialize. I A general political upheaval Is likely This may be entirely true, and a .strong will may be capable' to ,ollow the bm' f4t ln the Cocn" of scaliW anv hpicrht. Hut miirl, u .. ... ' 'mons. and there Is Increasing talk of an are a greai Darner against international understandings. It is verv 'or nu'"uae with such ardor as Pre- easy to get the notion that the fellow who can't understand or speak :m"r Ba,dwln' nd no "atesman has en-your language is a potential enemy. But when you can read his ; Joyed 11MIe Everjr wUh 01 bl hx thoughts in your own forms of thought, and recognize that his de-:bt'D fruatrted' sires and purposes and ideals are akin to yours, you lose the sense nrrnfrrn i-rnn ni .iit ' of alienation. I REFRIGERATOR PLANT After all the great spirits among all the different peoples geti 1X1 UftCDITAI IIMnCD about the same revelations, have about the same-aspirations and be-: " nUjlllAL UnULK lieve in about the same principles. It is this community of spirit! PflW2inPR ATHiM RiiADIi tUNdllJtKAllUW BUAKli that translation helps to bring abmU The world cannot nave too much of this. . If suitable guarantees can be secured from the company offering plants for tale, the house committee will have re- ! intention facilities installed in thlto- waa reached at the lakf nlht ffi An unfounded rumor, a warnincr of the remotpst mpnnr-o i letters had ham nH fmm rni. some discovery or incident that loses Its alarming aspect when seen (ikpiuis as to the operation of similar in relation to contemporaneous facts and conditions any of these ;Plant- is capable of Inciting public frenzy. But,these fears are as easily! 0si company, throught its represent-and as quickly dispelled. Two instances in point come to mind. Had written to the board at the A few years ago, after spread of the "white. plague" had been'1"1 rsuUr meeting offering to install checked and the infant mortality rate had been lowered, and epi- ' pl,nt comPlete wlh c00 boxes on ihe demks of infections and contagious diseases made rare by sanita-!"1 na ccon1 n" ot i"?111 tion and public health work, ihn nnhll. f.u,. ...... " i .. ;for pproxlmately $8S0. In the Inler- rapidly growing number of cancer, heart disease and apoplexy ! I"1"' pMlod the MCreUr the cases. The sftnalinn ,. AA -i 4j Jhd Tltten to various hospitals for , "VV...VU VMVl) UI ! 1 III. J1IIU lllCil lb occurred lb some physician, or philosopher that the three "new" enemies'iof; longevity claimed most of their victims from those past the half-century mark, and that thev were claiminir mnro vicllmi liArnii. mnm ti.,-, a 1 o,-a ..n.1.1nM 11 ...1 .1 . Information a. to whether the plant, were considered satisfactory. This Information having been received, :the I board decided that the house committee 7,7. . pw"' ""tiiiiin me aKe wnen iney are mosi SUS-ishould proceed to have the plant In cepxioie 10 cancer, heart troubles and cerebral hemorrhages, I itaiied if the company would guarantee bcience, education and sanitation have the diseases of early life in i that the cost of installation was in. relative control and have come to the second line of defense there !c,uaed in tender and also that the to meet in mortal combat with the diseases of later life. i plant would prove satisfactory when in- Another illustration of the ease with which most persons can be persuaded they are in dire peril relates to the birth rate. When statisticians discovered that families of eighteen children were not uncommon in colonial days but that the average family of today has but two children, the cry of "race suicide" went up near and lar. ihe situation would have been dark, indeed, but for the fact that colonial parents had less chance of raising eighteen children' to maturity than modern parents have raising two. So after "en-1 joying" their little scare the people awoke to the fact that th a.i tion is no nearer "race suicide" now than it was 150 years ago. stalled. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert Pit 1 1, 13, 1X17 Mr. Winter, receiver for the Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric Co., left for Van-couver last evening after spending a few dsy in Uie city. I Friends of J. H. Thompson paid hint ja surprise visit last night ln honor of I his fifth wedding anniversary and presented him with clock. Mr. Thomp. son and son are spending ihe winter In the east. CapUin C. 11. Nicholson returned to Vancouver on last night's boat. It Is expected that another attemptTwUl, made to float the steamer Prince RU. pert In the course of a feWdays. 'The Tillamook, which waa recently: purchased ln Portland, Oregon, for thei Prince Rupert-Alaska trade, is due from the south In a few daya to take up her run, Leo Waugh. formerly city manager ton the government telegraphs, is now em ployed at Anyox in the same service. Advertise In the Dally News. srhmrls SHE DAILT NEWS IS SENTENCED ATEDMONTON Hit U Waits AMI KKillT nK AKinnt fSAVirus Kssmi TIIIKI' .MONTHS ON. EDMONTON. April 13. Arthur Bym brought" ;bere Irom Prince Oejrge' to LONDON, AprU 13. There teems to be I stand trial on. two theft charges, thert ' no possible doubt that an overwhelming of a grain check by use of knock-out majority of the Conservative members o? I drops . In Calgary and the cashing of thei $1.40 tparllament la determined to ee the gov- 600 check alter payment had been! $2.80. rnments bill restricting the powers of! stopped, by .presenting It at the C.P.R. : 25cJthe trade union become law. . 'depot here f:jr railway ticket and ex-j '2c 1 A ,mail numbr Tjew th Dl" with , press orders, pleaded. guilty before Mag-! 15ciPprheiUl0n' othrl y lt Aot not 80 ',,trt 'Primrose, and was sentenced toj , j ruuugu. nunc nuiuc wuuiu use r- ionr years anq eignt monios in me pen- tain provisions altered which will probably take place when the bill goes into committee. The majority, however, are in favor of the bill practically as It stands. Thus the stage Is set for one of the greatest political battles which wlU Menttary at New Westminster, to whlth he has already been sentenced to a four-year term for use of knock-out drops near Prince Oeorge. Huh C. Macdon-aid. K-Ci appeared for Bayers. JJefore buying a return ticket tor VIoote Jaw, later found on him when - test the powers of the Tory party's arrested, and getting away with over adroitness in meeting the onslaught ofUiOO in orders cashed at Wetasktwln.1 Labor, and will. In all probability, decide the future of the Liberals. Sayers h said to have tried to check 1 at the C.N. ticket office The tlrxet wasj even made out for him but when the . large check was presented the clerk j decided to take no chance, becoming; suspicious by the Indifferent manner in j whlcfa he had suddenly caanged Jits destination from Winnipeg to Uoom Jaw. PARENT-TEACHERS M0NTOLY MEETING Presentation to Mr. Tm-Vrr ami Ail-lrro at II. C. r'rrr Were I'nUm Ut Mghl u,tll 'tt n.t.kt i -it . .. ' ul I earlv election when Premier Baldwin willl. The 'regular meeUng of for deflation f Z "7 " "n, . X " ' V! .!. Z"'" th' un But so far Downing . ,,tl , lllc HUt)Ui 2 movement for weaker wills would stop, among other things, all future wars for it would do away with a vast amount of selfishness. A will as inflexible as Everest -is not particularly precious if it is exercised NO LONGER A FRIENDLESS WORLD. A reviewer oL books points out that the recent crop of transla tions is unprecedented. That is of good omen. As no man is sufficient unto himself, so is no nation lt u woii Btreet aays "no," declaring the government la quite content with matters aa they are. JII1KSKIK UM.IMVIN iiampuiiK on me rest oi numanuy to reacft a seat in the sun. Meanwhile political humor is busy The picture of the downy sophomore clenching his fists before i PkmR l the P,!ht ot th Prtm the mirror and parroting the mystic ritual is engaging. But perhaps 1 mmUter P0lnlln6" out t when he it would be better in the beginning if he substituted faith for gym-'cime ,nto P"" h M P11 t0 nasties in will power. Faith moves men forwjrrd with no loud ''concmjr- 'nd now Hon- Winston Chur-gritting of teeth and digging of nails into the palms. The will ' !f"or ot th excbtu'r-developer is apt to be an annoyance to hlmltuldTnul his friends. JTV,' . .... . ulur' Su?hC understanding of each other', j tS ToJ?0 literature. Such an understanding makes for world peace. 0f the most stirring and bitter pariia- CONTARIOUSNESS OF FEAR. a cjr iiw runafttzw rremier famous speech, "peace In contrasting that forecaa; with the keneral strike In, which he found him self involved, and likewise are drawing attention to how he wtihed to cut down legislation and lead a quiet parlla- ..... ,CB., ,s i,,c ,usi imveriui iacior in maKlng menimentary battle the commons has ever jeei me common uromernood of humanity. But language differences known No sutesman has ever yearned , That the public be thrown Into may a panic with small cause pitai. The decision nd with great suddenness has been demonstrated time without meeting of the boa hnarrl number, the Prince Rupert Parent-Teacher Association waa held In the Auditorium of the Booth School last evening. Mrs. J. Boddle presiding. ' The meeting was Informed of the plans to entertain the winners of the Vancouver Sun competition who will be visiting the city In the course ot their trip through Central B.C. D. H. llartness suggested several ways In which the work of the association might be made of greater value to the pupils, the parents and teachers. W. C. O'Neill, secretary informed the meeUng Jf several plant, that the executive had slseadv discussed and stated that the " , Jiw ... ... ,K.ivtet Russia hus. twata svuiiaiu nva MaJ fciiv support of ail interested In the education of the children. A feature of the evening waa the . . ' . aegutry District of Prince Runen woe ui iniYiifxrnce ana jvcnievemenL t3. tin . , - . , - . 1 m.vm umibivii Uf li ic Tesu." Mr. Praser gave an Interesting tte nd the plans of wharf proposed bu"1 ,n ,hB Pcrtland Canal on and ana valuahle vaiuawe talk uik. Tnrins Tracing th. the develop- 'fi 4007i District of Casjlsr ment from the theory of Locke, who And take notice that after the expire- held that of a person", pro- t RJt gress was due to education, to that of ford wUl under Section 7 ot the said Act.' Rousseau, who held that education waa PP'? 10 the Minister of Public Worts ..... , v" h" office la :h city of Ottawa for af ..f ..i,.. .v...... tJ, no value but that abuitles Inherited imi approval of the site biaru. and for were responsible for all. Mr. Praser lea vet to construct the said wharf. stated that the happy medium 4i.m uaiea as omwiivb f . mis 3rd probably more nearly correct. The1 speaker In a homorous and always instructive, talk touched on the Increa-1 tag difficulty of the tests f nd the cor-) A vote of thanks to the speaker was Marketing of tVlirat E3 KLj superior -";Msrcn. im, me iiiK-ijigrucc quonnn oniy reprei twentl-two 1221 tented IS per cent of the pupils' make up required that the tests and their Ucatlon beresr day ot j W. J. CRAWFORD. NOTICE IN THE MATTER of responding value-thereof. The fact that if3r the issue of a Provisional . . : ' , ' ef Title Title for for. 'I LoU nti tU'.ntw.niw an application twenty-one ill) and nection oue (l). Certificate uiock seventeen 117) CltV of Prince .rtunert conclusions' should be' used' only by ' Certificate of Title covering the above those competent to handle them ade- "na . ""V?,0". f Produced w p,t n lx ,n mennon ,Bisue, alter me eipirs nuatelv. The . ,t . tyvilc i. th ni . hm. or -j. . . . . .... . . . . achievement and reading tests as em ployed by modern educationalists. Satisfactory proof of the loss of the tion of one monui from the first tub 9f,r. Provisional Certificate of Title to. the above land in the name ot Murland.'. Ce Oraase. Evans, the original Certificate- of "(Title Is. dated moved by Mr. llartness and seconded j b,?ertS87j'o I?106'1' M ' nUm by Mr. Dwight Rice, who Joined lni Land Registry Office, Prince ' Rupert. voicing the hope of all that, at a fuure "i""'' , date. Mr. Praser would give another such talk. Refreshments were served by the re freshment committee. WHEAT POOL HAS RUSSIA PARALLEL ,.i. . ... LAND ACT Skeena Land District. District of Queen Charlotte Islsnds. TAKE NOTICE that alxty days after date, I intend to appry to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for a m I prospect for coal and petroleum over 040 sere, or land bounded as follows: Commencing at a post planted at the southwest corner of Bectlon an Town. drain (nl. to Engage In ro-o.M-rntliig '"J'P .Orhm Island, and marked , ... " -. wijii , Liiriice east 80 chalne; thence north 80 chains: thence I west 80 chains; thence south bo muntkeal. April 13, (Canadian rr I"" commencement, bing Hec Pres).The Soviet Union Trade Dele gation in Montreal ha received the fol lowing- information on the progress of co-operative marketing of grain In tion 38, Township a, Orsham Island. BC A. J, UOHDON. tctor. Piled Dsremher 11, lead , IN I'lIOltATK IN' TIIK SU'llKMf. f'OUlT t)F MKITIHII cii.i:miiia In the Matter of the Act: and Administration In the Matter of the Estate of Nelson. Deceased. lnl..i.i. Fred TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. P. McB. Yrmt ft,, mti 2U"Z I March. A D. w",, mi, I ppo i led Ad i ministrator of the estate of hxd Nelsori i deceased, and all pmies having claims' I against the said Ks&te are hereby requtr? led to furnish same, properly vnrified to line on or before thi TafVt LI J." V'.r? A p. 1US7. end all p.rtles indebted tu th, estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith nuiiMAn a, WATT Official Administrator . . . Prince Rupert lie Dated the 31lt day of March, A.U. 1B27, H t I eluding the Ukraine! The Oram Ce. tre bowl ln recognition or her faithful at- w ,umd Dy 47 organisations of agn-1 tendance and loyal service on the exe- culture co-operatives, uniting over l,-eutive slnee the organization of the 00.000 farms. Similar "centres" are association. Qn hebalf of the evecutlve already in operation for the marketing I Urs. O. H. Arnott made the presenta- of butter, poultry. . flax, potatoes and' lion and Urs. Tucker suitably replied. other production, Mrs.- Dwlgbt Rice delighted the audience with4wo elocutionary numbers am 1jD CJWIFT'S Premium Bacon the perfect dish Vj well behttjng so distinguished an occasion. Here is Bacon incomparable in its distinctive tenderneM, fine flavour and uniform goodness. Serve "Premium" for Easter and you'll serve it all year around. Order from your Grocer or Butcher Swift Canadian Co. Limited. rea Hiasi Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon A special orgtnlzaUop allied the Oraln Centre, was estsbllsh-sd last summer lor 'the purpose of cooperative marketing '. among grain pn- Iticers of Soviet Russia proper ino: ui- Opportunity knocks but once "Little OhrliUbel." and "The Soliloquy ::eepa atlt forever. of a Dsrkey.",.,J. S.., Wilson sang "If I had the Winn of a Swallow." and "Are you right there. Michael?" Piano accompanists were Miss E. A. Mercer and Miss Etanda Marsh. envy NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. fl-H.C. 11.1 William J. Crawford hereby -give no- The festur. of the meeting was an dVoosUrt wiufthe" nilr "ol address oy n. .. n-aser. inspector of i ueiic works at Ottawa, and in the office Taking as his sublect "The ? the District Registrar of the Land DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Over Ormes CROWN, BRIDGEgjand PLATES Phone 523. EXTRACTION OF TEETH Hy nn Expert. Oprn Etrnisr Sunday Appointments. t Get a NEW SWT f;r Easter Your choir? of 30 Suit:: r Ihe IhI makorH. All I ho nuMlels. Prlml from $12 up TOII SAVE MONEV -UV JJYIN(i IIEKE. Wo also have a law R'01'1 of SIIOICS FOR MEN, WOMHN nut! CIIII.DIlEN at Moiiln-nl tl'rlces. MONTREAL IMPORTERS Third Avenue. J. II. .Miller, Proprietor.