ii it ii ii i I ii i r: a t; jj ii it 3: J? t; ts t. f r ii 1! f t PAGE FOU 55 RAMSAYS PAINTS and VARNISHES '1 Hfci- For Sale liy SILVERS! ItKOS. A Jacket Ensemble A Costume Compose "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327, MILK From Rulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIP-PING CREAM Quality anil Service Valentin Dairy Phones f..rG and 657 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C.I Cartage, Warehousing and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnltunj Moving. Dr.J.R.Gosse DENTIST Helgerson Block X-Ray Service. Open Even-Ings Phone C8C. ANGER, the TAILOR Suits made to order. In our shop as low as $50 22.1 Sixth Street BRINGING UP FATHER "GRANDMA" LITTLE OF TERRACE CELEBRATES HER 92ND BIRTHDAY TERRACE. April 13. - Mrs. Helen rOrnhaml Little celebrated the ad, -twviversary -of her -birth .'at' UW week end. Many friends called during the day to offer congratulations and. a family gathering was held at' her horn In the evening. Over a year ago Mrs! LIKle fractured her thigh and has since been confined to her bed but la other- wlie enjoying splendid health. TERRACE Mrs. Taper of Pacific spent the week end at Hill Farm with her son aftd daughter who returned home with her on Monday. Mr. Olof Hanson of Prince Ruoert Is upending a few day a the guest of Mrs. Oeo. Little. Mrs. Hanson is en route to Edmonton on a holiday trip. Mrs. S. Fordham and child arrived on Sunday from Burns Lake to Join Mr. Fordluun and they have taken up house keeping In the original Kenney home south of town. Basketball fan who accompanied .the Prince Rupert teams here Included MUht Winnie Tlioinwin, .Victoria 'Krt'i xevKxy and Nellie aurvlcn and A, Skattcbol, II. Jhubroner, D. Ourvlch D. Morrison, E. Ratchford, J. Scott nd Principal peddle. Mis Elderkln accompanied the Ter race High Bcliool girls to Prince Rupert on Tuehday. Stanley Olson, H. Blgwell, W. Ungerer, T- H. Marslv C. Lever, Dr. Turpel, E Tliomm nd J, Lever went to Prlnc B-H McLaren went to U counter at about 100 additional feet. I Word has been received here that the Keystone Mining Co. will resunw development-work on the Keystone pro- M'mjui) npx w ru win euuuiiiuiu permit. The tunnel., commenced last year. vkUf.be driven to the ore body and plans for other work ore being considered. . O. Hoi ben and K. Scherk, fur buyer I The Club Cafe building on First of Prince Rupert, arrived In town on l Street Is being remodelled by Roy Mc- Sunday "on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. J. Remo on Tuesday. work In the pole camps there. IKinley who will open a cigar and candy stand tliere. Charles Ripley Is down the bay about . three miles taking out logs with a team J. Moore ha gone to Remo to of horses. The log ore for tue at Al , Falconer's sawmill. The many Terrace friends of Principal Several Alice Arm buildings ore being Peddle of Prince Rupert High School moved around this week to conform welcomed him to town again last Mon- with the new street system. O. W. WhM yu apply :J: ! a lacquer that yew . expect to last for years, it is satisfy-inu-very-tb know that it is made by the makers of B-H 'English Paint- BRANDRAM-HENDERSOH PERMALAK BRUSHING LACQUERS For Sale by Gordon's Hardware yHiTr -n l ak -c i r An and popular colors Y anted For Sale For RenC Launch Owners. You are Invited to visit Parker's garage. Third Avenue East, -to see In operation the Ford Marine Motor, the lowest priced dependable 14 h p motor' on the market. ' It's wide range of speed, exceptional flexibility, economical operation and low priced replacement parts, place It In claw by Itselt. S. E. PARKER, LTD. Ford Dealer tQR SALE. RESTAURANT ON MAIN .Street. Snilthers, B.C. as a going concern. 4CO0 will Uke all equipment, fixtures and stock. Premises undet leane for further 2 ya. Walk right In and start where present owner leave off. First thus proposition for white man. Terms arranged. Apply to Gale and Litton, Bmlthers. B.C. S3 FOR SALE,--LOTS 38 AND 39, BLOCK 1, Sec ton 3, on .Graham Avenue. Taxes paid until June 30. 60 by CO feel cleared. Owner will sell for 65000 cash. Phone Blue 128. 92 FOR SALE. 4 H.P. REGAL ENOINE with reverse, in -good running order. Apply Prince Rupert Yacht Club, Cow Bay. FOR SALE.. -FIVE ROOMED HOUSE. funtUhed, 931 Comox Avenue. Snap at 11.000.00. Phone Blue 398. 81 OPPORTUNITY I 4500 A MONTH NOW buys your future homeslte. Walker's Music Store. FOR SALE. 3 H P. STEAM BOILER IN good condition. Apply Valentin Dairy. S3 FOR RENT FOR RENT. TWO ROOMED house with kitchenette. All modern plumbing, very rloe In, splendid view Ideal for two people. Phone Red 81 FOR RENT FURNISHED SIX ROOMED house with bath. Eighth Avenue West. Apply Theo Collart Limited, Second Avenue. FOR RENT.. .FOUR ROOMED HAT with range, 11500. Apply Mr. K. E. Blrnle. Harelton. B.C. FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR RENT. 113.00 monthly. Phone 051 and after 6 o'clock Green. 318. 01 MODERN . SEVEN .iOOM HOUSE FOR Kent at i?o ruth Avenue West. , Phone Red 720. tf j-OR RENT! POUR' ROOMED i FUR. nished houe. Apply 312 Eighth vA venue East. 87 Pbh RENT. FURNISHED APARTMENT T the. day. week or month. Phone Red COL tf FOR RENT. SINGLE LIOHT HOUSE- Jeeplng room. Apply 840 Summit V. 87 FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply MuMsllem Orocery. Phone 18. FOR RENT 8EVEN ROOMED MODERN noune. rnone Green 735. 84 ROOMS TO RUNT. - BOARD 19 desired. Plione Black 139. , m PIANO FOR RErtT.$S00 A XtONTH. wauer music Store. ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE 878. tf Bruggy will turn hi big store and Miles uonam win turn the office building of the Alice Arm Freighting Co. and the old prist race building. "How much longer the jieople of Alice nj.u win voieruie the low moral condl. Uons at present prevailing In tl vlcln-Ity of tlie school I a que-ttion that ha occupied the minds of la numh., parenU whone children ore forced to attend school - ay the Alice Arm Her aid. Fltberle nulml .,.,.. . , man nn and a hydrogruphlc survey orow were thli lilfrt-nltiir tab,, . wi ponmon at Ui . j aya lM.en rw)v. Ing annual overtiaul, ' WANTED By George McMaans . 1 in :. . i a. O. In,. -111- I E. TTSl Z . ' VJ""'' w iaMl 1 COLLECTOR OF F18H REVENUE FOR Department of Marine and Fisheries for Prince Rupert DUHtel; 41560 pet annum. Knowledge of BC. Fisheries including fish canning; elementary bookkeeping. "Apply on form obtainable at Post Ontce. Prince Rupert, to A. Mackle, District Inspector of Fisheries, Prince Rupert, not later than April 18. 1927. 88 WANTED". LOAN OI 42.500 AT 8 PER cent on first ilui revenue paying property. dce In. Write Box 35, Dally New Office. (S WANTED. OIRL FOR PHOTO FINISH- Ing. with experience preferred. Chandler Studio. Sixth Street. 87 WANTED. - GENERAL SERVANT. Woman over thirty prrfenrd. Plume Blue 280 after 7 o'clock. AUCTIONEER THE AUCTION SALE AS ADVERTISED Is for the benefit of the public -the Prtnre Hupert Surpiun Itumrrmre Sale I am engaging a large empty tlore for the purpoke. This sale will be held on Saturday. April 18 at 3 pjn and the public l Invited to tut article they have to dispose of for quick sale. Prompt return as soon a sale I over Itemuted im and place of sale in Friday's paper Patronize your local auctioneer by boosting this proportion. PbHie for Information to O. P. Brine. Phone 774. HOARD BOARD. THE INLANDER. 81' Second Avenue. Phone 1J7. IIE.MSTITCHINfi HEMSTITCHING PlCOTING. SCAUOP. Ing. Dollar Store, phone Red 324. IIKAI'TV Ptltl.tHl Marcelling Manicuring Bcalp Treatment MR. I. M tlllt 857 Third Avenue Appointment. Phone 837. ioMiMo i i'iimti'iik i:xrn wur. Ie,ur.lr A (iailmn. iriirlrlnrs 144 Third Avenue ktiune lllark l Furniture of all sort bought, sold or Exchanged. JII'IIOLSTERINO FURNITURE ' REPAIRING; UPHOL terlng of ji kind. cheterrtldi recovered and made to order. Alt work guaranteed. Phone Oreep em O. M HUNT. JV(K)D A. IMUCHON Meal Cote. Mixed Wood Block per load 100. Kindling, per load Id 50 Furnare Wood, prt load lO0 Delivered. Salt Herring rtinne Itlark 4Q1 RESTAURANTS i)oi f.t r.rr. Mra, Unger. Proprletfe Third Avenue, Next O. W. V. A. (IikmI llmne 1'imkeit Meal. Phone Buck 700 TAXI Phone C7 Tnxl (Call OeorKc, Paul or Gust) Six and Seven Passenifer Stude hakers at your disposal any time? ROSS RROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Hlock. (AcrosA from Empropg Hotel) ka W "T 4 m i L a II 1 heir teeth are of touch- A m rtr wlilt li makes tlmnliuM A 4 their keen cuttlnaj edg uik aSj IM. dcr every UMg. S BflPJ SI MONO CANADA SAW CO LTD. '4SSJ "JKS MOH1 RtAla SKIj S VANCOUVtll, ST, iOMN, NIW A, COOT 1lTS TIME VOO ToiX 1 ME.- . VC CE E.VCKV Tim, 'BOT(MuRCrt.a j- 1 " y Cmi Bom iku iMrJ 7 Q J f 1 i J CLUB TALKS RADIO PLANT HsCrsslOX IMllCATES III'SINCSS MEN I'AVOIt Alii STATION AT KETCHIKAN KETCHIKAN, AprlM3. Practically the entire luncheon meeting of the Ketchikan Commercial Club was taken up with the discussion of radio broad cast. The executive committee, appointed last week to mike an Investigation Into local broadcast conditions, gave Its findings to the membership, which wu followed by a short talk from Alvln Stenso, operator In charge of KGBU plant. All Indications, from the attitude of memben present, pointed favorably toward the broadcast situation for Ketchikan, and It now seems that the club Is Interested In ascertaining the feasi bility of leasing or purchasing the present plant or constructing a new one. A committee of three will be appointed today to Interview club members Individually In an Effort to gather data. They will also Interview cannery owners to ascertain the degree of Interest held by them In the proposition. It Is believed that If the local station could be moved to such a location that would pennlt halibut fishermen to receive dally reports on the market, a great rervlce could be rendered through radio. WILUAM J. KYLE 0FANY0X PASSES Mat Horn In Ireland Seventy Year Ago anal wa Mliolar anil Front lrrmaii The death occurred recently at Anyox of Will Urn John Kyle who passed away suddenly at his room at the advanced age of 70 years. Deceased was born In County Tyrone, Ireland, and his parents left there when he was quite young. They settled In the Ottawa Valley, where he received his education under private tutors. He followed the profession of school teacher during his early life, and also pent number of years In the Yukon during the early stages of the gold rush. The late Mr. Kyle was a scholar of many accomplishments, a gentleman, and a man well loved by hi friends, who mourn hli loss. The remains were shipped to Vancou ver for interment. Cough Caused Constant Coughing Mrs. D. M. Kolas, Douflutowv, X.B., writes:- -"Two year ago I haJ terrible cold which settled In hit bronchial tubes and caused constant roughing, and I could not sleep day or night. I read about Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and thought I would give it a trial. After taking three bottles I was completely rid of my cough, and bar never had a eold lnc." Dr. Wood's" baa been on the market for th pat S3 years, and its timely ue miy save you from suffering from some seriooj bronchial r lung trouble. Price 83c a bottle, large fsmilr she 0.; put op omly by Th T. Uilbnra Co limited, Ttronto, Out Rupert on Tuesday with the basketball teams. O. W. Kerr and R. Lahlff, Prince Ru pert were visitors here on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Robinson and two children came in from Prince Rupert on Monday. 8. W. George of Prince George was a business visitor here during the beginning of the week. Mrs. K. Lindegaard. of Prince Rupert and formerly of Terrace Is renewing acquaintances around town. O. C. Mackay, provincial public work district engineer, Prince Rupert, Is paying an official visit to the district this week. day. He was the guest of Capt. J. B, Coltburst while here. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Olggey left on Tuesday for Prince Rupert, Mrs. A. V. Wilson of Iteuio was the guest of Mrs. T. 1. Marsh on Monday. ALICE ARM Thirty of their friends gave a party in the AUce Arm Hotel in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Andermn, who were recently married, one of the pleasau; features of the function being the presentation of a pair of luncUome upholstered chairs. Cards were played during the early part of the evening, the prize winners being Mrs. Oust An-derson, Neil Forbes and William (Stephen. A guessing contest was wou by Miss Alma Evlndsenv During supper there were remarks by J. Trtnder. Ole Evlndsen, Al Falconer, Nell Forbee and Mr. Anderson. The evening was brought to a clone with dancing to music by an orchestra consisting of Wllltain Stephen C. Hutchinson and E. Aubu- son. The' development tunnel being driven on the Red Pdnt property has crotocut through ten feet of good copper ore and latest reports are that It Is still going through such ore. The strike wus made at a distance of two hundred feet from the portal of the tunnel and 300 feet below the. surface. This strike bos been classed as a stringer, from tlie main body which It U eipected to en 5 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. ri 2c per word in advance. No Advertiiement taken for leu than 50c FOH SALE ILL NETTER3. TROLLERS AND FOR SALE. MONARCH RANGE IN first clou condition.. Phone 434. 87 ArbVLI Ixit ,J ound.4, MAIL SCHEDULE niiT-ntiiMi tor Itie r.t Mondsy. Wednesdays sr4 close . To Vanrooier Sundaya .... Tuesday . 4a Thursday . . j Saturday April 13, 33 . First da mail I sIk 6r:?, Vancouver on Mondays, WKi6 Saturday by CM R. trains. Tt .Irijut anil tike Arm-. Sunday H Wednesday t, To Measrt and Premier Sunday Saturday . . Ta It. Mmpwtn and Nw Rims Thursday . . To Alk rolnte April 8, 18. 29 To ljueen harlot te April 8. 21 IN-milM Iron I be Kt Tuesday, Tburadsy and Scln at II f rom Vneivrr Sandty . Wedneda 1.1 Thursday . . . StlurOtyi i April 8, 18, 39 From .n)ax anil .tike Urn Tusadsls t Thursday n From Mens rt and Premier Tuevlsy . BundiTS . . I Front ft. MmpMin and Nsm lit Saturday .. rrfn Alka Points- April II. 33 Iroin len fhsrlotle April 7. 31 IIOX l'OI.I.r.TM 11 Orshsm All In Ave. 1st Are At 8th St t flth Are At Fulton St 8th Ave At Thompson ' Uth A Olieibrouke An llth At, Conrad t ! 8th Ave. A Hsys Cove Sth At Hay Cove arcl : 8th Ave. A Cotton St t 3th Ave. At McBrlde St ' Pro?. Ogvt Bld : lroT. Qov. Wharf 1 OTP. Wharf O.TJ". Station 2nd AT. Ai 2nd St, ' 3rd Ave. 8c Pulton St. ' 3rd Ave. ax th St, . ,; 1 Sunday' collection sme ' '1 dsys only, STEAMSHIP MOYEira lor Vanrouter SimdayM. prince C Tuesday a. Cs'ala Thursday as Prince r Saturday a. Csrde::s " - a. Jrlnce " April 13 -, rrlnreM M Anrll 91 aa Prlnw. X! Front aniiiuirr Sunday w Calais WedneAdsy-es Pr Or Thursday . Carden.1 Saturday m. Prince , Prince i Aprll a, Princes M, April 18--. Princes M A h.lt A If B- nprii sw-h, j rill- i Kr Nr fUmpfton and Rlf,rl 1 .. , . . n I a 1 llllirTOST Ivliiuru- ln port linpAoii anil N" ' I oaturaay a. wartirua For n)i Sunday a. Catal Wednesday , Prince G I'rnm ,nynt Tuesday i. Catata Thursday a. Prince Or ;t Fur Hlewart Sunday a. Catala Saturday a. Prince C ryiun Menart Sunday 1. T1lAlAU.--AA For (liieen Charlottes April 9 April 23m I'lont ijiieen April 7--. Prince Chnt Catala Prince jonn . Prince Jutif rhatliitte Prince John For Alaska April 8. Prince Mnr April 18-. Prlncea Mst'T April 29 a. Princes Mar From Alsk April 13- -a. Prlnres Mary April 33 -si. Princes Mrf