lClday April 13, 1027. tible IM is Candy Time I ,iMolatfM in 1 Hi- 2 Jit. and; lb. I!oxe make a. delightful ... ;cr (iift, tliti. 1W varivof Centre ami 'the Smooth, coating of chocolate, HaVc. an appeal that is almost irresis Our stock is fresh and niade by the four best Chocolate.' :a; ufacturcrs in Canada. MOWS- "FumU4 for their jioikIiu'hs." (.ANONtiS The (ilft of (JladniW ji ACK & SHAW'S The Candy or Iixcellence." N I II . SONS- The Chocolate that are different." V iii .. haw IfoirV and Uunonjr'a Choeolaten in buUc'ilncItt "' i :ort them to your taate. ORMES LTD. IMPORT The Pioneer Urumrists. Three Iteislcred Pharmacist. 1'honeH 82 and 200 3ru Avenue anu tun nireei WSJ ANT N0T1 All Trade. Hu.inee and I'roIVion mut Ik- ri-KWirid la-fore April .'JOtii. Tin: daintiest iiheakfast FOOD." Smoked Dally hy ( CE N. !n e in hereby given that. Hintuant to ub-ction (3) . uon 5211 of the Taxation Act, every rmn who eiiifaxo i n. or practices any Trade, I tu incus or I'rofesaioii ( 1'ioviiiee is riMuiml to obtain from the Carutni- im- Tax a CerlificaU? of Uejristration lf'rt' April Application HhouM be made t any Provincial 1 1 in (horn full information may ! oblaim-d. Cer-.Hi 1m Usued without the payment of any fee therefor. Itiiault in compiyint; with th- provisions of this section ..: the person liable, uion duramary conviction, to a fine 110.00 for each day during which his default continue. Application forms may be obtained from any Provincial c sor (overnment AKent. Provincial Police Officer, or r it- Commissioner of Income Tax. Victoria, B.C. Steamships Co. Limi Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AM) SHIPYARD Operating (i.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Kn.'inccra, Mnchinists, Itoilerniahcn. lllackMnlths. Patternmaker. Founder. Woodworkers Klc. i:u:crmc and acktvlknb wkmhnc Our plant is equipped t handle all kinds or MAUINi: AND rOMMEIM-IAI. WOllK. PHONES 13 and 3S5 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Rip pers- Canadian pish & Cold Storage Co, Lti Prince Kupcrt. H.C. GARDENING TOOLS lltHTM 91.0(1 to Korka-!. l ltaW--W to Shovels SI. Easy Vacuum Electric Washing .Machines S lo.OO 8180.00 Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 253 Third Avenue ,'n ,lu"ert Local and Personal Arthur's Ttxi. Phons 878. C Undertakers. Phone U. Mi rebuilt like new at MvArthur's t'T ".Wf. i ti . .'Mior rruiillt like new at IMc Arthur's MioetfcUire. I I NKILtl, MlTU'i:. tf r.lko' MlnMrrl Parade I on I (lit at J. ihii Duie IIjikI Mill be In attemlaiiie. Crlbbage drive and dance on April 20 n Moose Hall. Prctentatlon of cup Mr Touder'a orchestra. Mr and Mm c. L. M. Olggey arrived n the city yesterday from Terrace audi are gueata at the Prince Rupert Hotel Store open until 8 o'clock Thursday, cloned all day Friday, open Baturday Suburban Retail MerehanU' Association, Don't forget the benefit Football match for Mr. James Arthur on Oood Fnday England va. Scotland. Klekoff at 3:30 pjn Ou Alfredson was found guilty of intoxication by Magistrate Mcdymant thla morning and fined 128, or thirty day in Jail. Mr. and Mra. W. B. Morgan are leav Ing for Vancouver temorrqw night by the toaster Prince Rupert on a brief hoMdsy trip. J. C. Brady. MJ. for Bkeena, Has been electa) a director reprafcenUng Prince Rupert of toe Provincial EahtMUon held annually at New WeaunlnMer. A few cent a day In the coin clock will more than pay for a lljOOO.OO Endowment SavUiga Bond. C. J. Keller, Inrpector. North American Life. Annual general meeting ef Prince Football Auoclatlon wilt be held on Tuesday.' April 19. at 8 psi., In the City Hall Ml Interested please attend. H O Olsen. manager of the Ssnltbers oOkce of the Hanson Lumber & Timber Oo . Is a buatness visiter In tax dvy. having acrtved frem the Interior en yestrrday afternoon's tra4n. 1 Alfred Nelson, foreman at Uve Dwttvle mine near Smlthers, who has been holidaying at his kerne m the city. 219 Seventh Avenue West, returned on this i morulas: usln he has duties at the anterior mine. The hour betsreo 9Q ajn. and I , pjn on Saturday will be answered a 'holiday period so eaeMe all to hare an opportunity of being present upon the arrival ef the Oovernor-Oeneral. B. M. Newton. Mayor. 83 ll jrar our Hot t'n. !ln were pronnm-rl la he the lrt In I he dMrlrt. H e are rndratorlng l krri ,thl rrputsllon rMlthU )rar. Order rarlt lu atolil ill-mliilnirnt. Mrttrlr ILikrry. S3 The funeral of the late II. C. Black will take place tomorrow Thursday at 230 from the BC Undertaker parlors. Rev Archdeacon Rlx officiating. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Elk' Minstrel Show. April 13. Cloud Friday erenltig. Musical monologue. "An Evening of DIum." at the luptlst Qhureii. DaSodil Ball Easter Mondsy. Anglleau April IB. Tea and Sale of Work. St. George's Day Celebratiou. April 21. Lutheran Tea and 8.tle of Work. April 22 at Oooct Eata Cafe. Elks' Balloon Dance. April 22. IV hi- CIul) Bull Friday. April UU. 1 PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Css.d bj SANTAL K1IDY O. aurs to g.t ths Otnulit Look for th. word-MIDV Kstablishtd 1 J23. EWJR p TEETH Office Hours: to G p.m. ' ' Saturday;1' u.m. to 1 p.m.. Any uvenliiK by appointment DEPKenny DENTIST Lxchanae Ulock. I'lione 1011 THE DAILY NEWB P.3E THREE More dancer oi damage when packedawiythan while being worn. Unpack, air out and Fly-Tox against moths. FLY -UOutdmHficiiwcH' t4it)itwi"l'" t UMn IvtttmU tt MIXS IUCS.MOTM MoamrrTaSS 1UA Garden manure for Sale pert Dairy. Phone 287. Prince Ru 87 Oct the Big 4 habit I When tfelnkln? of a Taxi, phone 4. tt Reaerve seat for Elki Mlualrel show at Ormea' Drug Store. tf D. Jabour-returned from a bu&lneu trip thla morning on; the boat arrlrtng from the south. ; Elks' Minstrels coming to the Wt holme Theatre on April 13. New aongs. Joksa an' everything; tf James Lamb, manager of the Caglar aMy arrived from the south on Ohe steamer Prince Rupert today. Mr. and Mrs. H. Calderwood of Dlgby Island, arrived from Victoria on the steamer Prince Rupert today. Mrs. E. R. Cox of Ilazflton. wlm was' called south as Interpreter in the San- key appeal ease returned today snd left en the train for her home. B. A. Letta. O. E. Belrose and C. A. Cunningham of the Canadian National Express Co. arrived in the city this narnlng on departmental business. provincial department of public works, returned to the city on yesterday' train from a department trip to the Interior. , SPECIAL tor this week only. We wilt give ten per cent, discount on all new Spring Ooata. Dresses sad Hat I Including pattern hats). Our bata are worth while. Mrs. S. Frlzzetl. 80 tlltr ILlliiiH In tlie Iwnrnior liriirnil fin salnnljt, .tiirll Ifi TlrkrU SI.t2.iHs hr had fmm lht Major ami .tlilrriiini ir fnmi Ornie Limited. Itilie Inilted. Informal. 89 Lees! railway omces have received word Uist the special train of Lord and Lady WUllngdon and the vice-regal party, originally scheduled to depart for the East from here on Sundsy after noon at S o'clock, will leave Instead at 130. Th regular monthly business meeting of the Prince Rupert Uyro Club wa tetd thla afternoon In the Commodore Cafe. President Eddie Mann occupied toe chair. The club discussed plsns for its public service activities during the coming year. .Ill llikrt lioltlrm fur ttomntV t'aiuUltu Chili luiirlirun fur Lady lllliil-..n nlll be In their I'Uir" by 13.12. .I.uiirlieon at I p.m. HUM', hate kindly Intllnl ('ait-ail luu Club iiirmlHTS to altrnil tm In 1.(1.11.1'. IU1I 88 The steamer Prince Rupert made a sveclal call at Butcdale on the trip north to permit twenty-four men with Mte Revenue Mining Co, to debark. Another party of men for the aame company Is coming on the steamer Frinee Oeorge on Saturday. C.NJt. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt, D. Donald, arrived n't 12 noon troai Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Fall and will sail at 10 o'clock tonight for Anyox. returning here to sail for the south at It o'clock Thursday night. The steamer Prliw! Oeorge comes up on Saturday, taking the run south at II o'clock Sunday night. W. S. Harris, well known Harelton miulng operator, returned to the In terior on today's train after having spent several days ui the city on busi ness. "Duke." as he Is probably better known, reports steady and promising mluln? activities in the Harelton district. He Is in charge of work belug carried out on the Sunrise. Silver Cup and, I other, properties In the vicinity., ' v-i fr . 1 KltliVss'tfreported at the meeting of the ho!$ttl bourd laat night tlut a n.w wheel chair wsa needed and also that. two eay chairs were required for patient who were about to sit up tor the first time. After some discussion as to the financial standing of the hospital at the preent time, the re- In The Letter Box .OIV SlUKOl MIIMJS. Editor. Dally New. Should thl catch the eyea of the young couple who attended the performance of "Quo Vadla" laat night and who aatiln :ther middle section) uat under the gaflery, It will apprise them of the fact than they successfully deprived thooe who had the misfortune to occupy seat In the neighborhood, of any enjoyment of the play. Their con tinuous Inane comments, to say nothing of their very monotonous voices, were a constant source of annoyance. ONE OP THE AUDIENCE. Mia Dorothy Creech returned to the city today on the Prince Rupert. J. A. Klrkpatrlck returned to the city on the steamer Prince Rupert today. W. S. Flaher aalls tomorrow, night ..on the steamer Prince Rupert for Seattle Miss Dorothy Stephen returned from a holiday spent In southern cities on the steamer Prince Rupert today. Miss S. Nlckerson Is leaving on the Prince Rupert tomorrow night to spend a few days holidaying in Vancouver. W. Jefferson, with party of four -long-ahoremen returned to the city from Ocean Palls on the Prince Rupert today. Mr. and Mr. Lindsay arrived from the south today on the Prince Rupert and will continue north to An'yox to- j night. Mr. Penney, mother of Mr. C. E. Larkln, 310 Fifth Avenue West, who lunj been spending the winter in the city, Is leaving on the steamer Prince Rupert tomorrow nlgM for Vancouver. D. Stcnstrom, manager of the plant at Ocean Falls, accompanied by F. R. Slevers and J. L. Hooper, arrived on the Prince Rupert tills morning and will continue north to Anyox tonight. O. II. Ptthlck. assistant dittrlet engineer for the provincial department of public works with headquarters In Smlthers. was sn arrival In the city i from the Interior on yesterday after- neon's train. P. O. Das-son, who has been attending O. C. McKay, district engineer for the ; , mfClm! jn Montreal of the directors of the CJUt. returned to the city on the ateamer Prince Rupert this morning accompanied by his mother who has been visiting In the south. Jack McNeil of Telkwa returned from a business trip south on the steamer Prince Rupert today. During hU stay In the city It Is expected that he wUlj confer with the Exhibition Board In regard to holding a stampede here this fall In connection with the Fair. At the meeting of the hospital board last night C. H. Elklns. chairman of the house committee, reported that ten ders had been called for constructing a walk to the Nurses' Home from the hospttsl and for two new front doors for the hospital. T. Ross McKay's tender of 8182 was accepted as being the lowest snd the board gave the house committee power to proceed with the work. Other tenders received were from L. q. Eby. 240: p. J. Fuller. $199; and J. L. Blain. 186. (JUEEN CHAItLOTTE LAND DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that H. F. Leonard, of Portland, Ore., physician. Intends to apply to the Minister of Lands for a licence to p respect for coal, petroleum and natural gas over and under the following described lands, situate on Sklde-gate Inlet. Graham Island: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Section 30. Town ship 1: thence 80 chains east; thence 80 chains soutn: tneuce ou cnsui mi. thence 80 chstns north, to point of commencement. Located March 14, 1927. H. F. LEONARD. A. J. GORDON, Agent (JUEEN CIIAUI.OTTE LAND DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that" H. F. Leonard, ot Portland. Ore., physician. Intends to apply to the Minister ot Lands for a licence to prospect for coal, petroleum and natural Eas over and under the fol lowing described lands, situate on Sklde- ale inlet, urunam island: Commencing at a Dost planted at the nsrtncasi corner oi section sj, iown-shlD 3: thence 80 chains west; thence 80 chains south: thence 89 chains cast thence 80 chains north, to point oi com mencement. Located March it. 1927. 11 F. LEONARD. A. J. OORDON, Agent. (JUEEN CHAltl.OTTE LAND DIVISION 'TAKE NOTICE that It. F. Leouard, ot Portland, Ore., physician, intends to audr to the Minister ot Lands for a licence to prospect tor coal, petroleum and natural gas over and under tne roi lowlni described lands, situate on Skid sate Inlet. Oraham Island: Commencing at a post planted at the southwest corner of Section 31. Township I: thence 80 chains esst: theuce HO chains norm; tnence cu cnains west: thence 60 halus south, to point ot commencement. Located March 14. 1927. It. F LEONARD. A. J. OORDON. Agent. Spring Time is CELERY KING Time Brew t cup of . this fine old vegetable conic, l ktl l - : I i commendation' . left. In. the hands of ' 'Z '.'-.-. "M- .. ... i.,, . . ' " ' out winters pononi, improves the house committee will-power to act the appetite and rniken you feel better with the finance committee In the rijjht awiy. CELERY KING is good for mailer. ' he whole ftmijy. AtdrujRijti.SOeeVeCc 07GERM V DISEASES that hands may carry m$ ihimt .VWtimi'j6 ' -VS- !! 'vSBSBSBSBSBSnr This Purifying Toilet Soap Removes Germs as well as Dirt Tiny fingers . . . wee hands always busy ... and always the danger that they may carry dreaded disease germs to eyes, nose or mouth. Or some little cut or scratch may bring infection. Everywhere, it seems, lurk these elusive germs of disease. Protection for all the Family There is definite protection in the cleansing, purifying lather of Lifebuoy Soap. For yourself, as for the wee ones, you won't find a better toilet soap than Lifebuoy . and the protection against germs is added benefit to you. For the bath . . for shampooing ... for every toilet need, Lifebuoy Soap is efficient, safe and sure. Its mild, creamy, antiseptic lather goes down into the millions of tiny pores, cleanses them and lets the skin breathe and Lifebuoy Soap costs no more than you arc accustomed to pay for ordinary toilet soap. 27 GERM DISEASES that hands may carry CmplliJ i Lift Extnsit lutitmi. Colds Tomilliiit Mumps Ringworm Whooping Cough EryiipeUt Diptheria Scarlet Fever Chickenpox Septicemia Uoilf Measlei Bronchitis Typhoid Dysentery FREE! to all children Pink Eye Otitis (Ear Infection; Pharyngitis Smallpox Tuberculosis Pneumonia 'Influenza Carbuncles Laryngitis Impetigo (Skin Infection) Social Diseases Ccrcbro Spinal Meningitis Th. wiy lalutsia iprrult U asVnowa a uL. .very pre ciutioo. LIFEBUO Health Soap Purifies andProtects Lever Brothers Limited Toronto LB 71$ rlGfiStl ftlALKINsi Painting Book , -A Trip to Coffee LamT wllh ONK l'OUM) TIN OF MAI.KINS lllCST COITHU' WW, CASH l'KIZLS SHE YOUIt (illOCEK The W. II. Mnlkin Co. Limited, Vuncouver, li.C, union Steamships limited .salllnrs from Prince Kupert. tor VANCOUVEK. VICTOItl.i, Swaiison Uay, Alert tuy, tic, TuetHlsy, i n.m. tor V.WCOl'VVIt. VICTUIllA. Iiuted ale. Alert av. elc Saturday B sum. t'vr I'UItT SIMPSON. ALICE AHM, ANYOX, STEWAKT, Hales Wand. Sunday, 8 p.m. for Nua Hirer I'olnts and fort fUmpnon. Thursday p.m. IS3 iiid Avenue. K. M. SMITH. Asent. Prime lluiwrt. UC.