25 ri,:mi ojj TAXI nd'. Ambulance Service Anywhere nt Anytime Slnd: Kxchnntje llulldln MATT VIUBCK. Trpp. VOL XVII., No. 87. rw ifi to "'""( i m 111 r m m m ma m m iuinv, i i' ! enerm ornfte taea in Shanghai at Raids on .i.iui'uv f uivi.i'. 'iitrwu'Q IflhlJlAJiW wwe. FROM NANKING, AND MIR NOT OITOSIM) 1IY SOUTH HUN FOItCHS ii Labor I nion.H in proicMt aifaima Sunloch HjN'.;IIAI. April 13. A general strike ban In-cn called by !' political organization under ordem from General Chiang i antoncito general, who in at odds with the radical civil vrriir.etn in Hankow. ivsvnty pickets of the Shanghai General Labor Union were J da. when, apparently angered from ycslerday'n raids on the! I niun.x. they attacked headquarter of the Canlonce troops tui.' international nettlemenL j firing OLLANDERS IN Uteai. slly SETTLER PARTY? lered KUOIIM IIKB l..n. 1 30 Ul tK UICK C.N.IL ttae yrr.'.r.no April 1 More than a iiif iJHM immiaranu . Ins Weatern Oana4a ever : ..r caMdi . -teu!i : ct. arrived 4n Wlnnlpcf I!' ' calJy ail of Umn ere IH. nottteaf of NaaUof t hey are dunal UoH vanuu porta of ine'the h they will be mt a Un jAutancea permit, houc. rrettlnf (roup among aia vu one of 200 llol-, work t alnfle croup of of E tie in Caoada atnee be-J'nt ltilanora ert een-" larfe number of yeung - ;y the averc M P . ttie neignbornood of in rtandUK group -ai tht "'wet:i Hi" g 14 and r oui under the auaplcea Ann ll Tin, f v r a rvmn IN1SH LUAUlINb mil root mix in; in:tnv toi Mil. TOXItlllT OK TOMOKIIOW Willi IIICAIX I OH t.K. OU HIXTINKXT 1 Bt tisn freighter Otter Pool, which btrv i,rre since the first of the w i iiave completed before thla ; i tie loadlna of aome 2B3.O00 it uf grain at the local elevator u.Tt v to the United Kingdom or su ' ncir and will be ready to aall to-ftrsi thing tomorrow morning be T: plant la now preparing to load, t' i!l fiu- Lhe Itnlttvl Klnirdom or " ;!!: 'lie steamer Hedge Pool, due ::n-.:: ; r Friday, and the Kofuku Mf cimlng about a week later. HOPE FOR MEN NOW GIVEN UP 'imixu; riMiu;u)ii:x moM nova MtrriA htiiooMiii ro.MMox- K.M.TII Mitt ( tl.Mlillhll LOST 1IAL1PAX. April 13 - - Twelve men intoing from tho Olouccster fishing nooiirr Common wtial th. wlilrh burned una nk off Drown' Bank on rrtclay. Huve been given tip tut lost, thi search uiing abandoned, KAMLOOPS WOMAN'S a BODY IS FOUND ON BAR IN THOMPSON R. KAMLOOPS, April 13,The body of Mn W T BtuU n m r4 4rt whn UTA 't teen on a bridge here Friday night, n round yesterday on a aand bar in iiiompson River, a mile below aTiTlAlvr' 0 I I I fa 4 rf a PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's PlilNCK RUI'EKT, ll.C, WEDNESDAY, ArRIL.13, 1927 essssssse. 1 ' fl V m I fl f hl a ri s an f.--:."" tlx . nr'im, iaae WELi'AH. n Nevada. i a new Ktrihc road, by Frank iiorton. $78,000 to the JERRY PUTS i UP STICKLER 1 tt lit Is MIT n:iit:- lllllMtKN-Tl.tl. I.MIIIU KIl A WIXL .S lt.( .. Mi liKl K ,KH ', OTTAWA, .tiwll IJ-IIII urilug Ihr liijdMMr la (lie I'ailflr t.M-t , prnllnce of ronlluuance of (lie maynlaln dlllrrrutUI. O. (. Mf-llerr. K.l lrlllli ColumMa ruii-l In lb Irright rale lntlnHone (t i fiM-r the lUurU nf Kalian V (io-mHBlMirr. n Toewla) alteriMKMi anl nlii. If diwrhiiliMKH'v rale wu Jullllrd h.r Hie allrged grealrr rvl f uprratlng an4 io-l ul liulntriuiiHr. II mt not nifonvd In I IJiiHmt Hlirre Hie eet a lortj-en mht renl grejlrr" than In Hie rl. He I MM her thownt frnm rjll-rta.l tlum that a rrv Miltantfcil liK-rrar In tratIK irh a Hut tlurliji the grain nimrinrnl. did not caiiM- aiijllilnc lite the wmr In-rrrav In I lie not uf liaiidllng. H. C. BLACK IS the DEAD IN CITY in MM W 1.1.1. KXOUX lit II. KNtilNIX anii ii t itr.Hnr.li iii:ki: twi i.u: t I'.AKS - - Alter an tllnea of aome time from which It was reaHced lately that hr ( muki hsrrilv reaover. ItirtT Charlei Campbell Black. vMl known local tah Columbia land surveyor succumbed early tola morning in the Prince Hu-I, n-i. u i... AM pert Oertersl HoMrltaJ resting at the parlors of the uc. Undertakers, whence Interment wUI take ptece tomorrow afternoon with Archdeacon O. A. Rix officiating The lau Mr. Black, though of quiet t and retiring deposition, we extensively acquainted tn the city and district and there will be many to regret the paaaing of a respected cltlaen. Unmarried, he waa born fifty-eight yeara ago in India of Soottlsh pareutaste. Having resided puld centre, where thousands are flocking since the big gold Jun.. and his friend Leonard Traynor. The strike is assaying ton and is one of the richest claims ever seen. 1IA TIMIAM VOTKII I'OUT MMl'MIN Wlltni . . OTTAWA. AjtrS .13. - Supple- jr.otiury cjstUnote Include 111.100 an Uie federal contribution to llic j.r . ,'IdcUI semment of r:t sri Oatujubla' toward tri tiruc.t of he piewart-llyder road. The cum of JIIOJOO U abo , voted for tne ; renewal of the ' obarf and efproaeh at Port Blmpaon. t-et"7,t ....... i FIRST SCORES BIG BASEBALL iriMtllM.. I'.ltOOKLYN, NKtV VOKK ANH flllC-AIIO HIX IX NATIONAL j u.vi:utxii. m: oiik axu tVAMIIXOTOX. AMKItUAN S National League, atarted yesterday afternoon by winning their first victories The Pirates had a two to one win brver Cincinnati In a tight contest rhlle U:e Oianu conquered Philadelphia aleppy 13-T enoagemcni. The Philadelphia Athletics and New York Yankees, haled as the likely American League pennant winners, battled to a score ot 8 to 3 In favor of the laltcr. Extr base hlU resounded In the ball k ihreutheti the atternuou's games. ... , . .k.ui ln i, ,n iltmmM xht New York oianu garnered iumf. Harper and Terry ... . . -( . Wfb. Cuba crashed out iwo and his team Ijnatc. Orlmm. accounted tor another to beat the St. louls Cardinals. In the American League, the St jiia.i Mmi t aame waa nostnoned on account of rain. Babe Ruth, attel .iritm. out twice, was milled for a pinch hitter enabling the Yankee to defeat Philadelphia Ty Cobb treated trie fans to some of the base running jwnten ht made him famous. Seventy- The total attendance' for the acvtn clashes reached 230.000. The score for the day In th two leagitoa wero. a followsi . NATIONAL I.KAtll II Pittsburg 2. Cincinnati 1, Hrooklyn C, Bnaton 3. New York li. Philadelphia 7. HI. Louis 1, Chicago 10. AMERICAN' I.E.M'.l I! Chicago 2, Cleveland 3. PhlUdrl:hla 3. New York 8. Boston 9. Washington 8. Detroit St. Louis, rain. COM.MEItt IAI. OIIAHS i i" i nr.i katknt. locis EDMONTON. April 131 Tlie Edmonton Commercial Orads turned back St. Louis Peeta Undertakers, challengers for the Sella international basketball trophy by a score of, 33 to 13 last night In a game which waa decidedly their own.' Another gwne conipite the series. In Canada etRliteen year previously; hejtwo thouaand eople watched the game cam to Prince Ruiert from Nelson twelve years ago and praotHed hla pro- fesslon a a civil engineer here, oeing on several oocaaloin IdentlfleJ with city engineering wbrk. He resided at the Federal Block before bring taken to the hospital, Deceased Is survived by an asrd father, General William C. Black. Indian Army retired, who now resklee In- Italy. TUPPER ESTATE LEFT TO BARONET'S WIDOW llntefli l.iry In Mill l Wire tt ho Kr crlvi'N HoIiIIiik to Net Value of ' riiii.mxi . ' i -i VANCOUVER. April 13-Probate was granted In the Supreme Court yester day of the will of the late Sir Charles Hlbbert Tuppcr, the entire estate, the net value of which Is ino.000, being left to the widow. 1 1ll ItT 1 1. A son was born to Dr. and Mrs, . I,. Alexander. Waldrvn Apartments on April . 1021. Newspaper Boston Grill CANTONESE DIFFER ' W I III I v i? i ciyiiJi ULjiimmuij no ohml nun ouu uviwuw if i in Protest Union Hall kvthj , im,-mv trirfi vim ii Jivi''' raiun on inc union nun in The attack was followed by a -aproesosion Umrugh the duirtct. troop en the Labor men and repuMng Northern Chinese troop were otflel- reptrted on Wednesday t nave - Pukow on the northern We of the Tessjate lUm am from Nanking without opposition treat the Centoneae. Ill MlltHI mom: kllXf.lt iBjurtH in lltnUnf reMilUng frem furUtar rakte in Ut MUe aweurea of eity tnu afternoon by Oeml Mx-k uoop ho are eagafHt In rwn tne Heat. i- -t;"-' mm ii in; vBmiafs m im iumia of the OantonrM omoiate ba teft eltf and the IfeUMailat flag hoa haued down from the etueonu tn Shanghai. 60000 -men have quit in prouat aalnt Uie arairtl men ttte tUd labor union. UHMIA TO lll.T toti: '.tT II IN IIUIT.MN UJ.NDON. April IJ. Premier naMwln announced In the House of Oomm&na today that the gov-ernmrnt would lntroduoa a Mil neat aeulon giving wonten the vote at the age of twenty-one yeara. thu equalling the frail-chle with nien. ' RUSH OF HINDUS TO GANGES RIVER FATAL 1hlrl-l Iriivlied In Imilh a Indian Xalhro ltuh l liirlklMte In IV-culliir llrlljlom lerenioii) ii Aim W Alt. India. April 13. Thlrty- pilgrim were crushed to death and nn a-erc Injured during a rush to firm m the hold ot the uangea niver a a rv of the Hindu religious bathing ceremony MAY ABOLISH FISH COMMISSION NORTH MniMirr IM""! I Al"kuil hrimle Wtiulil Ume im I'm llii for 0mtuIIiiii of ILitiherlei jiinkau. Aurll n. - Tlicaenatc ot the Alaska legislature by a vow on mi ...i a houiie measure which would abolish the territorial fish commission and leave no provision for tne oiwrauon ...n,riai fuh hatcheries. The bill now goes to the government. VANCOUVKU KXCHANGH Wheat B.C. Silver Dunwtll . . Olacler . . . lad tone Qranby Independence Indian Premier Porter Idaho . Surf Inlet Richmond Hid. Asked 1.07 l.oi 1.48 1.6li .OUji .10 U am -28 33 00 38.00 38.00 30.00 .00 W .00 K .07 's -DIM 3.13 21 .lSVs .01 .02 .13 . .1 14.00 1S33 .84 .87 1 III ' fB I I ' l sur .w ii m If , is BAD TORNADO HITS TEXAS TtVlKTKK TAKI'.S TOIX Of dl AT KOtK !Pi:lXS IMI MANY Moi:t: uie HOIK M'HIMiS. TeviN April IJ. turnnito nhlrh otrurk the loan U-t nl;ht Itmk a I '.I I of at lea-t lit lie anil injured aiprolintely l.Vi. many of wlium II N eertrd will dir. The twl-ter m llie.mwl. rilNislrnut err rrerlenrrl In tlilt ertlon of the state and came without warning, liein; followed by heavy mini. lt-lwo bodle hair been re-erel. OTTAWA PASSES VOTE FOR TAKING ELEVATOR SITE FROM RAILWAYS OTTAWA. April IS. Supplementary estimates Include S165.0O0 to cover the transfer of the Prince Rupert govern- . . .... -allttl National Hallways to Ike Canadian gov- eminent. rifty thousand dollars Is voted for publicity and advertising with necessary ataff. office rent and contingencies In connection with various government elcrstors in the country. PRELIMINARY TRIAL OF NICHOLSON AND MOORE ADJOURNED VANCOUVER. April 13. With ten witnewca yet to be heard, the preliminary trial ot Robert T. Moore and Angun Nicholson, charged with murdering Marshall Douglas en April 3 In the Hotel Canada here, has been adjourned in the city police court until Tuesday. t EATIIEU ItKI'OltT. Prince Rupert. Clear, calm. -temper ature 42. Terrace.- Cloudy, calm. temp. 41. Rojwwood. Cuoldy. calm. temp. 42. Alyansh. Oear. calm. , temp. 37. -Alice Arm. Clear, cann, temp. 43. Anyox. Tartly cloudyt calm, temp. 48. Stewart. Partly cloudy, calm. temp. 39. Haacl ton .-Clear, calm. temp. 38. Telegraph Creek. Clear, oalm. temp. 40: Smlthers. Clcr,xcslm. temp. 40. Burns Lake. Clear, calm. temp. 40. Whltchorse. Clear, calm, temp. 40. Da wson. Cloudy, calm, temp. 42. IIOVS" ItAXll IHSV. Tlie Boys' Band has a busy week ahead. It will serenade the private car of tho.Qovemor-Ocneral between 6 and :4S on 8aturdy evening and will play at a banquet to be held on the evening of April 31 when the city entertain the Vancouver Sun's geographical bee win ners. until i. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs Edland. 1717 Graham Avenue. on April 9. 1937. Miss J. Charlebola Is leaving for her i,nm in victoria tomorrow night to spend the Banter vacation Large Upstair Dining Hull, with newly laid dancing' door, for hire. NHW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least I'hone 457. I i'l lllllll 1811 11(110 ijit m. maw - Vancouver Advises Thornton That Yards Here Are Fully Adequate to Construct Boats VANCOUVER. April 13. That the building of vessels for the new service to be inaugurated between Canada and the West Indies by the Canadian National Steamships under trade agreement should oe divided proportionately between Atlantic and Pacific shipyards the recommendation contained in a resolution passed by the Vancouver Hoard of Trade which has been forwarded to Sir Henry Thornton. "Canadian Government Merchant Marine facilities on this coast," says the motion, "have in the past proven themselves eminently equipped to construct torfnage and, in view of the present u...s..aa n ttio Pficlfir f!nnst hv the irnvernment lines and UUHV W 1 a "- " the great future developments, . we . ... be taken of the l'acilic in awaraing tne contracts. AXOTIIKU II.OW Of IIKAIX t OMINU III UK There U to be another apell of grain chipping to this port. Loadings of 450.000 bushel or four hundred carload from the prairies arc announced. Boat now loading and due here shortly will take grain to make room for that which la coming, wrhlle there will probably be aome : grain left in storage here during ' the summer, the most of It, tt la understood, la to be removed by steamers this spring. ., ... -. - , HALIBUT ARRIVALS LIGHT, PRICES BIG: Total f IIJHHi round Sold on TMi , Crhan;e Tnli Morning With I lest UliN for American With arrivals light, high prices were again paid for halibut at the Fish Exchange this morning. Two American vessels aold 33.000 pounds for 18.3c and 185c and 9c. while three Canadians sold 11.400 pounds for 185c and 7c and 18.3c and 7c The day'a arrivals were as follows: AMERICAN Albatrou. 24.000 pounds. Booth Fisheries. 18.3c and 9c. Viking. 9.000 pounds, Canadian Fish Jt Cold Storage Co.. 185c end 9c t'AXAIUAX Vcrr.a. 3.703 pounds, to Atlln Fisheries, ;Co and 7e. " ' Selma, 8.000 pounds. Canadian Fish & Cold Stcrs-e Co.. 105c and 7c Bolinder. 700 pounds, to Royal Flah Co.. 16 Jc and 7c. riKlXI KEI'OllT. a.m. DirjIJY ISLAND. Clear, calm; baro-m.i.r an is; temrjerature. 42: sea smooth. DEAD TREE POINT. Clear, calm: barometer 29.70; temperature. 42: sea smooth. BULL HARBOR. Cloudy, calm; baro meter 30.04: temperature. 40: Ugnt swell. 6 pm. spoke steamer Viking. Ketchikan for Seattle. 207 miles from Seattle: 8 pm. spoke steamer Standard Service. Ketchikan for Port Wells. 47 miles from Seattle: 8 pjn. spoke steamer Amur. Anyox for Seattle. 430 miles from Seattle; 8 pm. spoke motorshlp Apex, Ketchikan for Anacortcs. 303 miles from Anncortes; 9 pjnl spoke steamer Prince John, abeam Bella Bella, southbound: 7 ajn. spoke steamer Catala. abeam Ivory Island, southbound. v NOON ninnY ISLAND. Overcast., calm: banncter 30.00: temperature 49; sea smooth: noon, steamer Prince .Rupert passed In. DEAD TREE POINT. Rain, ciouay; barometer 29.72: temperature, w. sea smooth. BULL HARBOR. Cloudy, calm: baro meter 299; temperature. 40; light swell. 10 ajn. spoke steamer Princess tna. crossing MUlbank Sound, southbound. C. X. tt. EAKXIXtlS. The gross earnings of the Canadian National Railways lor tlie tea-day nertod ended March 31. 1927. were 87.- 763511.00 as compared with 87.MJ.02l.83 for the same period of 1936, an Increase of 8252.388.1 2 or three point three per renV Price Fiv Cent m i a a i iiiui ' strongly urge that full cognizance .1 A ft TO SHIP ORE TO LADYSMITH ITUTIIKlt IIEUXOIMIKNTS. IN ItKlKXT .MINK Pl KCllASi: AT STKVt AKT ANNOUNCED IN V1CTOKIA VICTORIA. Apl. 13. The sections 'purchased of the Vancouver-Consolidated claims on Salmon River have been united with the Premier Extension and Wood bine claims to form the Woodbine Cold Mining Co.. John Mouat. an OQcial ot th. new rrmnahv announced here ves- . ... eTor.--WlereirKonsfc"iwJn,uraB-' inz the Ladrsmith smelter proceeding. it la announced that the British Metal Corporation has signed contracts with, the Dunwell. Malasplna and other Port land Canal mines to ship ore to the company's plant tn England until the Vancouver Island smelter ts ready for ,operatlon In about six months. HOPES TO GET MANITOBA MAN Ml.NlTEK OK AllltH'l I.TI KE NAK- KOW ANNOUNCES TOUMEK I'KO-VINI IAI. TKEANl KEIt Oi l EKED 1'ltOIU CK CONTROL C1IAIK-MAXSIIII VERNON. April 13. F. M. Black. former provincial treasurer for the pro vince of Manitoba In the Bracken government, has been offered the position ot chairman ot the board of control, under the recently enactej provincial Produce Marketing Act, according to an announcement made by Hon. E. D. Barrow, minister of agriculture alter a meeting with the directors of the Shippers' Federation. Black has not yet been secured but it Is hoped that nia acceptance wtll be forthcoming, tho minister said. LUMBERMEN OF TWO PROVINCES nitlTlsll COI.IMIIIA ANII AI.IIE1STA MANl KACTI HERS I'XITK AXU TOUM NKtV ASMICIATION EDMONTON. April 13 Northern Alberta lumbermen decided to throw In their lot with the lumber manufacturers of British Columbia at the second 'day ot a Joint meeting here and. as a result, a Northern Alberta and British Columbia Lumbermen's Association ha b?cn formed to take care ot all matters affecting the industry In the two provinces. PRINCE OF WALES IS OFF TO SPAIN London Tonium Wag a Heir Leioei to fpend Ten la With King AIIoiimi and IJuren Victoria LONDON. AprU 13. The Prince of Wales left this morning for Pari en-route to Spain where he will visit King Alplioiuo and Queen Victoria for ten day over the Eaater season. London tongues are wagging that the heir has found a fiance there but. lit OHIClal circles, little if any credence U given such lalk-