flVdnesday April 13, 1027. Button! Button! Who gets the Button? - , y To see how many fieople rend our nds. wc will jfivt a radium headed push buttori free to ever)' one who answers this nd. These little buttons are i i .. .... i.. i ."V nan ii't'i wiuc mm jirtr useful to locate anything Jn the dark, such ns the electric iijfht switch,' the keyhole or a step in the stairs, etc. lOHUfiUWJERr Jl Jewellers Ltllt STOHE WITH THE ClOOS THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS low PRICES THM I YOU CAN AFFOR.D BlUNGi US VOUI. t TRADE. AS OUtf. fllWARDa THE hsjfh character of our work and our low prices have combined to bring us our bu nines r ward, Folks know that our wirk is first (ass and that wc tire thoroughly dependable. Pioneer Laundry Phone 1 1H Neglected Eyes NKfil.ECT Is doubtl the cause of most of the Ills that afflict humanity. This Is so elf evident that It seems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to- -and nt once. OF 41.1. absurdities Iq the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect Is the most Inexcusable. DON'T lose health and efficiency through neglect. Come and sen I Fred Joudry Keglstered Optometrist and Optician Hoom n Smith Ulock Phone 70.1 '"JACK FROST, HERE'S YOUR HATf OUli COALWILLTELL Miri" .11 i;t i ir. thai r L TTI4K ' 1 1 Two's company three's n crowd, When you are entertaining Miss Spring you don't want to havo Jack Frost hanging around. We'll send' you around' n ton of our to'al that wll) show the old rascal the way out. Call us. Albert & McCaffery NANA1MO WKM.INfiTON mid .Mcl.KOI) HIVKU SOOTlJiSS In Lump, Kgg, StoveVnd Nut Phones 110 and 117. LONG HOLIDAY PRINCE'S WISH IIT TO l .H. not ON PIMMIItAM or HU.IitWN OK ritlXK uy MA.: LONDON, April 13. American irt. who hop to dance with the Prince of Walea thU lummn and men who want to see Prim Minuter Baldwin puff! phUosophleally at the pipe that help' hhn through hi trouble may have to Join the parade to Canada. Doth TA- ward and Baldwin art .crowing the At-J tantlc but plan to go direct to Canada) and return direct to Eniland. . Their flccUion 1 not final, but a thing atand ' now neither la llkelv to" enter the United State. Baldwin plead lack of time. The Prince of Walea Intend to lake a ret and will apend all hi spare lime at hi ranch at High filter. AJ. berU. The Prince and Baldwin will make the vllt to Canada In their official cap. acltjr at the Invitation of the Canadian government to participate In the Dia. mond Jubilee at Ottawa, celebrating the Confederation of Upper" and tower Canada. ri.tXH fcpi:i:nv trip The prune mlnlater present plan la V apend the ahortest possible time away The political altuatlon 1 troubled, tabor I mlplng at Baldwin' Corner vative government and the ahadow of a general election may be hovering on the horlaon- cold ahadow. because labor ('OVKItNMKNT I.K1U0K ACT." .otii K or appi.jcahon iok mm licence. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that on he Vlh day of April neat the undersigned ntend to apply to the Liquor Control oard for a lirenr In respect to premises elng part of the building known u laanett Inlet Hotel, situate at Port 'lemenu. Queen Charlotte Islands. Pro-ince of British Columbia, upon the and described aa Lot fire 6. Block prty-four . Subdivision of Lot beven undred and forty -six (748). Port Tement Townalte. lea Thirty-three (33) eet from front to rear on meat aide of aid tot. aa ahown on a rtglrtered map r plan deposited In the Land Registry iffice at the City of Prince Irupert, In he Province of British Columbia, and umbered 1079, for the aale of beer by he glut or by the open bottle for con. umptjon on the premise. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. thl 1th day of March. 1977. WARREN 8COTT. B L. TINOLEY. Applicant. flOVKItN.MKNT LIQUOR ACT." noiki: oi application iok ro. MAT TO TKtNMIH OI' III I 11 1 licence i NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that, on the 16th day of April next, the under- lined Intend to apply to the tlquc Contiol Board for consent to transfer of beer Licence Number 171 and laaued la ' reapect of premise being part of a build-: ing known a "Central Hotel." altuate ! at the corner tot Pint Avenue and 1 Seventh Street. City of Prince Rupert, in tip Province of Brltlab Columbia, upon , the land described a Lou Eleven I III, (Twelve I3. Thirteen 113), and Fourteen ;iI4i. in Block Ten 101. Section One i fl. Map No. 023. Prince Rupert Land KefUtrailon District, in the Province of British Columbia, from Peter Black to central Hotel. Limited, of the City of Prince Rupert, Province of Brltlah Columbia, i ho transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert. BC thl 18th day of March. 1(27. CENTRAL HOTEL, LIMITED. Applicant and Transferee. LAND ACT. NOTICE or INTENTION TO APPLY TO Pt III 11 M: I.ANI. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate 30 chain east of northwest corner of Lot 68. Range 3. Coart District. TAKE NOTICE that Ooase Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver, occupation Plh Canner. Intend to apply for permission to purchase the followtns 0 escribed land: Commencing at a post planted 30 chain east of northwest Lot M, Range 3. Coast District: thence south S chain; thence east 10 chains; thence north 3 chains: thence west 10 chain to point of commencement and containing A err, more or less. OOSSE PACKING COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Per II, MoorehouM. Dated Aprll l?37. WATCH .NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that. His Honour the Lleutenant-Oovernor of British Columbia, by and with the advice of Hi Executive Council, ha been pleased to order: THAT the reservation of the unrecorded water of Brown's River and Mc-KnlRht Creek, trlbutarlea of Ecstall I River, established pursuant to Order, in Council Number BOB approved the 13th (lav of June. 1031. be cancelled. I the cancellation of the said reserva tion will be eweciire on April mm. mil. DATED thl llth dsy of March. 137 T. D. PATTULLO. Minister nt Inds llANKHUI'TCY ACT. ixTtTi: or wm. Mounts, iockk- 1 PORT, IIC. AirTIIOHISKII ASSIONOH Tender will be waived by the Undersigned up to and Including April 1st On the aiOCK oi miiism wiim, AMlsncd. in ttari at Lockeport. B.O.. consisting of Oroeerlei. Hardware, Drugs and Drygoodt. Inventory of stock may be obUfned from the undesigned or aeen a tne sbiu o.uir v, - wmvr .k. r-.n.rtisn Credit Men's Trust As sociation, Vancouw. BC. Highest or anv 7 tenner noi nwrawniT "H,r' ALEX. A. CONNON, Truste, Prince Rupert. B.C. IN PHOHATU. ! iv Tiir ' sriMtKMiTcoi RT or hiiitisIi COI.!.MIIU - : In the Mattrr of the "Administration Act": and In the Matter of the Estate of Paul Gerhard1 Ltidwlg, Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by oiMer of III; Hiior P. McB. Young, the 4th day of Anr 1 1037. I wo appointed Admlnlstra-t "of the cUt of Paul Oerhart l.ud-w?t deceased, and all partle having -Minis aalnt the said Estate are hereby rw uired to Mmh some, properly yen-T2h month from tame on or before one " Offlclsl Administrator. prince Rupert, BO. Datld tb 6th d 01 AptU. kO. W37. I! "I was weak Since Ukln do my work Real Quality SALADA" TEA hi been gaining ateadlly at recent par liamentary by-electlon. Edward ha been working hard for month. He 1 the world champion vliltlng fireman, and daihe from orphan berber. Tlie very FIRST week you take Vlnol, you begin to feel atronger. en and aleep better. Vlnol U a armple,( alrengthenlng iron and cod liver com pound In use for over 35 year by weak. nervous women, sickly children pkaaant to take Ktst run-down men and Contain no oil Ormet Limited, Drug- tnoi HOSPITAL HAD NEAT The report of the finance committee ra plane base which wa presented to the hospital , board by Aid. O. P. Tinker at the meeting last night ahowed that the receipt for the month of March had amounted to 13,608 .SO while disbursements for the same period 'were t4.C04.82. leaving a surplus for the month xf 11.003.74. Love make the world go round the! bend and park In a lane. i for permission to purchase the following oevrioed tanas: Commencing K at at less. OOSSE PACK1NO COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Per H. Moorehouse. Paled 2nd April, 1837. NOTICE Under and bv virtue of the ceo vision of Section 21 tf the "Mineral Act no tice I herebr tlven Memra. Malcolm Smyth, Edmund Langls, Harold Hansen and Albert Moore, that there Is owing O the undersigned lor Assessment work performed on the Cordllla a roup of Mineral Claim. Princess Royal Island, Bkeena Mining Division, the sum of 393.8a. and that unless said persons pay tbelr proportionate share of the cost of uch Assessment, together with all costa ot advertising, etc.. to the undersigned at Butedale, B.C., on or before May 13, 1937, application will be made to the Oold Commissioner, Prince Rupert, B.O., o nave tneir respective interest in me ereln mentioned Minim OrouD of Mineral Claims vested In the under- If led. UAVIU t,TmLLAJ. IACOB KOSKI. IN PKOHATK. IN Till. SCPHr.MrT('llFuT or ItltlTISII coi.i'Mim In the Matter of. the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Helnrlch Fersch. Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of HI Honor, F. McU. Young, the 38th day of March A.D, 1937, I wa appointed Administrator (with Will annexed) ot the estate of Helnrlch Persch, Deceased, and all parties having claim against the aald estate are hereby required, to furnish same, properly verified, to hie bn or before the 30th day ot April, A DJ lt37. and all partle Indebted:: to the estate are required to pay the amount ot their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 30th day of March, A.D. 19J7. Safe Spccdv Relief ttsa Vswe Hhtumsllm lead 10c loe jenerou ttlsl to TroipWtoin.Turooto. SOcsrd SI boars t your drultt't UNIQUE INSTRUMENT 208 Payir less can only mean poor ten. aaylum to old men'a borne and from corner stone laying to tombstone erec tion untiringly. WANT I.ONU VACATION' He wanu a long vacation five or alx week if hi aecrelarie and program arranger can arrange It on hi ranch after he attend the Ottawa celebration. The only hope of vUlt to the United Bute aeema to be the possibility that after hi long atay on hU Isolated ranch he wni feel like mixing In the Jaw atmonphere of New York and environ before he aall back' to England and work. WIFE TAKES YINOL FEELS FINE NOW and had no strength. SINGAPORE BASE IS FREED OF MOSQUITO Anti-Malarial Operations of ltrltlh t limine Prove Efferllve N Screens .Nerrary LONDON, AprU IS. During hi recent vlklt to Singapore Kit Donald Rom, the dlrector-ln-chlef of tlx Ross Institute and Hospital for Tropical DUews, tr lilted the naval base die on the Strait of Johore. where precaution against malaria nave been the forerunner of acttral 'eorutrUcUon work. - -4 At the baae drainage operation calculated to insure freedom from malaria wtrc recently begun. Thl 1 an area where malaria might be expected to arle had not preventive measure been started before the work on the base had commenced. It - Illustrate the valne of prophylactic measure based upon sound knowledge of the work nectwuiry ... ...... . to effect complete Immunity. ' it Vlnol, I feel fine now and' , , A A. A, C ..... i Anti-malarial operation tl rk again "-Mr. O. Barne.-,, . 7 .v. In 1934. Part part fresh An- there began of the land I hilly. watcr swamp, and part mangrove ewamp. By drainage, filling, and by the construction of a tidal bund to keep out the sea Water, an area of ! about one square mile ha been thoroughly cleared of the breeding places of practically all mosquitoes. Including tlie two dangerou Anopheles umbrosus 'and Anopheles macuUtu. The majority of the buildings In the naval base have been admirably screen ed, but recently It ha been remarked ; that even a tnosqulto net waa too longer a necessity, such has been the aucces of the work carried out upon the most i thorough and up-to-date line. ClIDbl I1C I ACT MAXITU Atl average labor force of 100 coolie UUIVI LiUU LH. J 1 UlUnill i employed upon the antl-maUrtal operation and tlie number of alck. 1 Iterrirrts Ititrlng Marrh i:rerded 111. vtry tmm Antl-maUrll work on Ue harxiiirnU h) f l.Oo.; I esme line a thit on the naval bae Itelf la about to be commenced at the DETECTS TREASURE Young EnxlNIi larlune llanler I'ses Vlulet IM) .Mjcltine at Panama COLON. Panama, April 13. on the Canadian Pacific flagship I.ANI) ACT. Empress of Scotland, now completing INTENTION tn U,t P ot 1U of tn orM' NOTICE or TO APPLY TO PI'KCIIIM: l.Nli. visited the ruin of the site of the old In Prince RuperVund Recording Dl 'rtt' J" l trict of Prince Rupert, and altuate 30 troyed in 1671 by 81r Henry Morgan, the chains east of northwest comer of Lot fjm,. r.nMtah nir-ats. The ruin have " A Coast District. ; - ' . m.,..h, v. TAKE notice that uoase racking . Company. Limited, ot Vancouver, occu- reason of the successful quest for burled lion run canner. intentu io appiy:, K. . w, ,,1UK finx . - ' hunter. Lieutenant George Williams, by a P0t planted 30 . . r ri.trllni Inilm. chalna et of northwet Lot 68. Range."""" . ' . ... . 3. Coat District; thenw north 5 chain : ment ot nu o-n invention, ins una, to low water mark; thence east I0wntcn consisted ehleHy of church gold chains: thence aouth S chains; thence; gold dust and jewel. w M. a est 10 chains, to point of commence-1 ornament, ment, and containing & acre, more or i valued at 150.000. This delicate lnstru- ment atUl Indicate the pretence of a yet larger Utasure at thl ttte. although hydraulic pump will probably be found necessary: W ' rcrnove Uve 'seepage of centuries, before wnira,bMt wll) be able to penetrate secret, Wubte'rrauian Jiassoge which wa uncovered- as nastrncer f rom 0e EiijirCAS h Scotland -t jewed Ui ruins. The government of Panama ha. awarded Williams the treasure-seeking concession In consideration of handing them one-quarter of the treasure recov ered, which 1 believed to hve been hurkd when Morgn besieged the city. At the Invitation of Walter Cleary. operator, who Is In control of the Mlraf lores Lock. Miss Louise Calvert, of Maysvllle. Ky.. and Miss Ruth Dlckason, Three federal Oelgsts Have from Calgary to (iramltlew CAIOARY Into tlie oil Manitoba, will 'be oondtieted C. Rom, chief petroleum engineer ot the dominion government at Calgary and his assistants, T. C. MadgM'Ick and W. Calder. They are now on their way to Orandvlew, Previously, Mr. Calder investigated tlie Oraudrlew well and as, a result of hi reort the minister of the Interior confirmed the recotrunendatlon that the Itwea t tlie property tw given the option either of removing all obstruction front the well and putting It In A GENUINE SALE BENTS Great Sale OXCK IN A LIFETIME A CHANCE LIKE THIS! SIMUNfi MIIJ.INEKV A vast assortment of all the latest styles and shapes, in groups, ai le.ss than cost. sSl. fi.ur, and $!.." DRESSES Many hundred beautiful dresses in silk, taffeta and cantons. The last word in style and fashion. Sale price. .IS12.I5 1I1C.II GRADE PERFUMES In novelty containers. Regular toe. Sale price such shape that proper iraestigatlon could be made or have the lease BROADWAY LADIES MUST WEAR CLOTHES WALK PAHI.OCK LAW ErTTCTIVK, MI1IIT CUTIS ARE WAUNEO NEW YORK. April 13. Women on the Broadway stage and In night clubs have been warned that tliey must put on their clothes. Thl decree banning nudity from -the night life ot Broadway waa Issued by District Attorney-Binton after the ign-Ing. by Oovemor Smith of the Vale PttdhxV bill, which Clones for one year places of entertainment Judged to have violated the licensing regulation and permit prosecution of offending producer and individual actor. The law not alone applies to nudity but also to any obscene. Indecent, Immoral or Impure drama, play, exhibition or entertainment and makes theatre owner responsible for the character of the entertainment shown In their of Denver, operated the control lifting lxU!,,,- t .1 I a AlkA SKassi fttVa SMlMll the Empress of Scotland Hfty-four feet -uopnon v. In tl history ot the Broadway I Oracle from the Pacific to Mlraflore Lake and ,0l nK"lths of 't'0" for then at the Invitation of Captain 3. T.I McOarth, ojwratcd the world'a largest dredge, engaged In removing the recent landslide from the OalUard Cut. WILL AGAIN PROBE MANITOBA OIL WELL clean up. It Is now announced that "every In dividual ha a soul color." That per- , hap explain why tome take aarsaparllla i and some strawberry. ! Clark's . Aprtl l3.A.Hnlfig DaA-lr f well riiiaii.iAo.aVOrK and dTjy Chirk -- f Beans dark's are Pork and Beans tt their bct well cooked, flavotvry, tuitrit-lout, economical. n w. tiASK LimttM L Montreal - J. BENT Ladies Ready-to-Wear, Third Avenue A PAOEFITB l Last Few Daysl of We have nearly reached our objective and in a few days your opportunity will have pawned ',for ever. Remember every article offered is brand new and perfect. We have no old htock. J:AII the latest styles are represented and in every Instance the original prices are IrfYitn so' that you v'an see what you are saving. Your Last Chance! LATEST SPRING COATS Representing all the latest materials and the utmost in style by the best of prominent makers. On sale at .. 8 1 !.!." TOM 150 V SUITS These snappy suits are moving out fast and at the sale price are some bargain. Jf.JW UNDERSKIRTS AND PRINCESS SLIPS Here is a bargain if there ever was one. Regular up to $8.50- Sale price O.Vf GENUINE SALE Prince Rupert Coal Co., Ltd. Phone 15 Agents for Ladysmith Wellington and Peerless Coal Main Office now at 311 Second Avenue (Ietween 2nd and 3rd Streets) Phone your orders to Phone 15 canadianT VACinc iiway Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krtrhlkan. Wrengell. 4nneau. Skagway .tprll S. IX. S3: May ,-!, 30. To Vanroiitrr, Vlrlnrla, Seattle April 1, II. til May 3. IX 31. PRINCESS BEATIllCE. for imtedale. East Bella Bella. Ocean, falls. Namu. Alert Ray, Campbell River, and Vanromer every Saturday, II a.m. Agency for all Kleamhlp Line. Poll Information from W. C. ORCHARD. Oeneral Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue. PrUice Rupert. at HE'S HERE Having arranged with the Hoover Co. to send us a demonstrator', we are now In a position to show you the difference between the Hoover and an ordinary vacuum clearer. Demonstration will be mde riRht In your own home for the asking, starting Monday, March 21st. Just phone 3. and we will do the rest. The Hoover Is sold on very easy terms. Kaien Hardware Co.