PAGE F0U2 BASKETBALL BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM amis ff" VERY SORY-M. PRE.MDe.MT- ST I'M THANKRJL rOHTHfc HOMOK-Mr-PR BYNO MEANtrMrV PRESIDENT-I'D MR-JICQ1 - THE PRESIDEnTT LAST NIGHT BUTT UMOR MO CtRCUMSTAMCE.a OLJ ffl ESI DENT-BUT I KNOW I LIKE TO PtEAatfOU-aoT I OM'T HA APPOllsJTE.0 VOU- 1 1 itOULDNT FtJLFllL i Hfc. lHW6UNti AMOAAQt ; ta (SN POSITION! or TKAVEUNCi IH 1 LITTLE COMPETITION' IX loill -- I J (HMKM I F.LKH DEFEAT ,IJ-XT.tKS Tux In JO, Stars 15. Bankers 12. Terminals 59. Elevator IT, Orotto 8. Elks 32, All Stars 0. Another good crowd attended the four basketball games last night which In each case were won by rather large scores. In the senior league fixture the Sons of Canada were not able to field a team against the Elks and an All Star team stepped Into the breach and were defeated by a good score. Individual scoring was as follows: Junior league Tuxls Boys B. Hunt 8, M. Sakamoto, E. Smith, W. Patmore. J. Currle. P. Morrison 2; total 10. . Stars E. Smith 9, T. Kelsey 2, W Donald 4, D. Morrison, A. Cross; total 15. iTi:itMi:iuYi: i.i:.u;i i: Bankers A. E. Walters .12, O. Hills, O. Hill, B. Mortimer 6, F. Smith 2; total 20. Terminals J. McNulty 22, S. Ourvlch 6, R. Smith 22, S. Joy. C. Thomn. son 8: total 59. Elevator P. Blggan. R. Moore 8, F Glass 2, T. Hughes 2, T. Black 5; total 17. Orotto: D. Ourvlch 18, J. Sim 6, D. Stalker 10, P. Fraser. W. Wrathall 14, V. Meagher 4, W. Murray 6; total 69. MAIOK I.K.UU K Elks D. Balfour 12, a. Mitchell. P. Howard 16, E. Smith, S. Moran 6; total 34. All Stars D. Ourvlch 4, J. Sim. 8. Ourvlch. C. Thompson 1, 3. McNulty 4. V. Meagher, B. Walters; total 9. I.F..UUK TAIll.KS The league standings to date are as follows: Vt. D. L Pts. Elks 10 0 2 20 Terminals , 0 6 14 Native Sons .,2 0 10 4 Intermediate 1-r.isur Orotto 12 ' 0 Terminals 10 o Bankers 2 0 Elevator 0 0 l-atlle' league Maple Leafs . . 14 1 Adanacs 1 l Junior lngue Colts g o Stars 9 o Tuxls Boys .... 3 0 J. May (Moose) 13 Don Brown (Moose).... 8 O. Krauze (Oyros) 4 Bert Morgan (St. A,)... 12 A, Macdonald (Oyro) ... 12 J. McLean (Terminals). 2 J. Judge (Moose) 14 O. P. Tinker (8t. A.) . . . 12 O, Anderson (Orotto) .. 7 Bert Hoskins (Terminals) 2 A, Harvey (Oyros) I 12 14 1335 2647 2251 2443 2420 373 1858 2579 1851 220S 2554 2540 2350 2519 2514 2513 350 2481 2292 1928 2264 1378 C36 1981 1944 323 2258 1909 1089 309 131 SPORT CHAT - 24 20 4 0 29 3 18 18 0 MOOSE DEFEAT ST. ANDREW'S AND MOVE TO FOURTH POSITION The Moose moved out of the cellar position in the billiard league last night when they defeated St. Andrew's by a score of 9S2 to 856. The St. Andrew's thus move to the foot In the standing with only eight points separating them from the Oyros who occupy second position and 24 points behind the leading Terminals, The Individual scoring was as follows: O. Mcllmoyle (Moose) 200, F. Pyle (St. Andrew's) 152. J. Hillman 168. O. P. Tinker 200. J. Judge- 200, Bert Morgan 127. Joe Brown 200. M. M. McLachlan 177. J, May 184W.'E. Wllllscroft 200, The league standings to date are as follows: Games Total Vrmlnals 14 12.728 Oyros 14 12.507 Orotto ....... 14 12.470 Moose 14 12.428 St. Andrew's .. 14 12.395 The averages for the players In Aver. 903 893 8J 888 885 the league to date are as follows: Oames Ttl. Aver. H. Parr (Moose) l 200 200 Ceo. Mcllmoyle." (Moose) 7 1361 194 3. Hillman (Moose) 14 2C80 2C80 19J W. E. Wllllscroft (St. A.) 9 1717 1717 191 O, Howe (Terminals)... 7 D. Howe (Terminals) .'. 14 Fred Pyle (St. Andrew's) 12 W. J. Nelson (Oyro) ... 13 P. Zleman (Terminals).. 13 W. Stuart (Terminals) . . 2 P. O'Donnell (Terminals 10 Prank Aldrldge (Oyro) . 14 S. D. Macdonsld (St. A.) 10 Ben Self (Oyro) 12 J. Hamilton (Orotto) . . 14 Dr. West (Orotto 14 J. Brown (Moose) 13 W H. Long (Oyro) .... 14 O. Waugh (Orotto) . . 14 C Balagno (Terminals).. 14 8. Dtirton (8t. Andrew's) 3 J. Andrews (Orotto) ... 14 H, Corbett (Terminals). 13 M. MacLachlan (St. A.). 11 191 189 188 188 187 187 180 185 185 184 182 1 181 1 181 J 180 I 1801 180 178 176 170 175 174 172 172 165 162 163 161 159 155 163 131 Oene Tunnty, world's heavyweight' Champion, has eneaeed In at hIhi t scared 30 knockouts, won IS decisions, lost one decision, engaged In 14 no-decisions and one no-contcst. Miss Sybil Bauer, the 23-year-old swimming champion yfto died recently In Chicago, held 23 "world backsUoks Freshen Un- sip Mttr Ettry Altai OCCHi 1 K1ALT" ttOMU4tnS v -AiniMA fnCsjiMtmniJ I ISSWMI Flavored with the juice of fresh mint leaves ...... X A " L' A l asm, x t, 1. . n records In all distances from the 100-meter to the quarter-mile event. Her victories Included the 1924 Olvmnle games backstroke championship. Scouts, looking for material to! strengthen the ranks of clubs forming the National Hockey League, have been looking over prospects In Western Can- ada. The form shown by the Calgary Tigers in the Prairie Professional cir cuit, has particularly attracted their attention and tt Is reported that Man ager Bosle Elmer, has received -several tempting offers for some of his Droteeta. Helmer. however, has rejected all bids and declares he Intends to keep the league-leaders Intact. "Money couldn't buy any of these players Just now." Mr. Elmer said. -I have had several offers, but hsve refused all of them. The Tigers are out to win the cham pionship and I shall not part with any 01 the players. The latest offer from the N.H.L. was for a defence man - The committee which has been con sidering the possibility of erecting a suitable building for athletic purposes- witn provision of a swimming tank seems to have done considerable nre. llmlnary work 1 nthe matter. The question, which was brought to the attention of the city council on Monday night, will be further considered at a later time and a canvau nf th city will be made for funds. The com mittee Is not favorably disposed to the erection of the building on Acromlii Hill as If Is considered too far from the centre of population and not easv to trt tn In Karf rt- . equipment will hardly prove a good enough drawing . card to make the scheme a success even if located in the heart of the city. A few years ago a' lot 04 atijietlc and gymnasium equio- 1 ucintyre Hall, and juter on in exhibition bu.ldlng. some of same equlpmn with some additions, was scarcely used. The swimming tank. fa .Ail jr however, should prove a real attraction, judging by the success of this feature In other places. The basketball schedule will be continued as already outlined and. if It Is found necessary to play the postponed games or some of them, then these will take place at the end of the season. This should prove satisfactory to all the tejms in the league and make for greater interest if seme of t.e teams in second position think they are cap able of oapturln first place before all jthe games are played. The announcement that the Maple Leafs will journey ; to Sralthers for a match will also be I welcome news and It is hoped that Anyox will send their ladles' team for ia game later on. PRIEST SPEAKS OF FLAPPER TROUBLE ('mill he Uol.lnl liv stul)lng Utile ilrls. say I'athrr MrMiaiie smoking l mi Abomination MONTREAL. Feb. 23. (Bv Canadian Press). Father McShane. addressing tht Business Women's Unit of the Catholic league, said: "Perhaps If we studied mere the little girl we would not have the trouble of the modtra flapper. There is a type of flapper that Is almost de generate. The modern tomboy Is a good girl. She Is probably more ahorat and upright than the little girl who Is tot etfeminate." The apeaker praised the Olrl Guides as a wonderful Institution. Cigarette smoking by the women has uo ally In Father McShane, who staled his belief that It la an abomination for tomen to smoke. As a rule, a woman has more character than a man. he pointed out. therefore, she was expected '.j exercise more restraint VERSAILLE PALACE OF KINGSJS CRUMBLING Due In .Mushroom (iroMtli Thai ."x-lrm-r Cannot Conquer PARIS. Feb. 23. The VersalUe Palace of Kings la threatened by the crumbllna- of Its woodwork due to the various mushroom growths that science has not yet conquered. A modest old priest, the Abbe Bourdot in the village of Salnt-Prlest-en-Murai after 42 years of study, has learned why the Versatile timbers and panels are turning to dust. Other scientist are seeking methods to kill the parasite and protect the wood. So far they Save not succeeded. It cost more thau 13.000.000 francs recently to replace destroyed wood and make other repair. The expenditure was made possible by :he aid of John D. Rockefeller. Jr. ONE OF CURIOUS ' SIGHTS IN LONDON TnvnriM m i .. . . 1 Mvivt. iw, 4 -vne cu me curious meat was only used alighUy In the old sights of daily (London, life la the ay the the poorer this bastes obtain medical treat- ment for ';h! lr domesue pets. SYBUPOF UNSEEDED I- ! 1 "Ut tht CUrk Kit chin htlp You" Clark's TOMATO. KETCHUP Clark's 'Northern' Tomatoes, help to give a distinctive delicious flavor to CLARK'S TOMATO, KETCHUP, it adds greatly to fish, chops, stews, etc, SoJd MTVvA sf W. CLARK Umitol. .NUncreU. ii-H college In London, built originally lu 791. Here In the stonepaved courtyard ssembles dally a motely and forlorn lody of from 30 to 50 people who have nought a strange medley of animals or the skilful attention of the surgeons nd students. Nothing Is charged these puor appll-ants. Wounds are dressed and first aid glvea on the spot to dogs, cats ;hlch are the most numerous patients, nd also to goat, monkeys, parrots, .inaries. fowls and ducks.' Many of the nlmals must go Into hospltsl for 3XF0RD PRESIDENT IS ABOUT TO RETIRE OXFORD. Eng.. Feb. 23. Sir Herbert Warren, who Is about to retire from the presidency of ilsgdalen College. Oxford, has been at (he head of that school -or more thsn 40 years and has Imparted an air of social distinction to the in- lUtUtkKL He managed to get the Prince of Wales for a student, tn spite of the fact that the Prince's grandfather went to Christ Church Collesre. Mora recently Prince Chlchlbu, of Japan, selected Mag dalen as his college and took the verj rioms the Prince of Wales occupied. EOPING TO MICHIGAN LOSESITS NOYETY DETROIT. Feb. 23. Eloping to Michigan has lost much of 1U novelty for Ontario and Ohio couples. A law effective a year azo reaulre that names of applicants for marriage licences be published for five days before the ceremony is performed. Four thousand fewer licenses were Issued here m 1928 than in 1925. principally, because Windsor. Chatham and . WalkervUle. Ont.. couples went: ielotwhere ' to wed when the law took effect. Manrce. Mich., hear, the OSio border. ISUed leu than hltf a mnnv lln. last year as Ifie yeaf before, and other ooraer towns count heavy decreases In b drib u'rcti of me of the rvmrw nhin him a - mvw iui ... tiicil uwu " uibs -ir ;hc oldest veterinary state where ni delay Js required, and 71 rvDl i r t Z. r. IVZ7 e Imtx Fstw: Siavici. le V antedr; For Salef For Rent Dally News Office. 1 I DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance.' No Advertisement taken fo let than 50c U'ANTKH WANTED. BRIGHT BOY WITH HIOH School education, for business. Personally written application to Box 31. Dally News Office. 47 SITUATION'S WANTED EXPERIENCED STENOORAPHER AND bookkeeper requires position. Box 22 FOIl SALE FOR 8ALK. - GASOLINE LAUNCH Leila." forty-two feet long and powered with thirty horsepower Eastern Standard engine in good running order. Terms cash. Apply to Dr. Large, Port Simpson. 50 FOR SALE. -TWENTY HORSEPOWER Kermath marine engine In first class running order. Price reasonable. Terms cash. Apply to Dr. Large. Port Simpson. 50 tESTAURANT FIXTURE8 FOR SALE cheap. Must be sold this week. P.O. S7. 3RANDVIEW HOTEL FOR SALE. Make an offerl tt TOR SALE. WATER POWER WAS1IINO machine. .Phone Black 60S. tf FOUND "OUND. EIOHTEEN FOOT ROW BOAT below Claxton. Apply Ian O. Davis. Claxton, B.C. S3 AUCTION SALE WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION on Thursday. February 24, at 2 pm. the contents of realdenct at 7M Fourth Avenue East, described as follows: Living room-Wattan suite, a pieces In good shape-, leather couch. 3 easy chslrs; Imperial phonograph and records: Asmlnster earpet 10 x 12. reversible rug; set of Irons for fireplace; hall table, drapes and blinds. Dining room suite of dark fumed oak. good as new; Singer sewing machine. Morris chslr. lot of books and bookcase; basket service trsy: plants; Winnipeg couch; rug 8 x 10, and 3 ubles. Six yards linoleum for bathroom, bed complete, child's cot. 3 veranda settees, five dining chairs, 2 dressers and commodes. Imperial kitchen range and water connections, used one year: water power washing machine; methylated spirit stove: cooking utensils, kitchen tsble and lot or assorted china. On view for Inspection from 8 ajn. Thursday until sale. " Look for Brine's Red Flog. I solicit ' jour co-operation. . OJ t. Brine, Auctioneer foe 'the gent eral 'public.' V t TV.- V. - many Michigan couples eo to Ohio. MeanwhUe Ontario has made it mar riage laws more rigorous, forestalling tnose wno would" go from Mlchiean m that province. STAFF OFFICERS IN FRANCE MUST ALSO BE STENOGRAPHERS PARIS, Feb. 23. French genera! staff officers must be stenographers as well as military geniuses, a Wr nrmrt. ment order Just Issued requires them to leern, as rapidly as possible, at Jeast the rudiments of typewriting. The necessity of btlRi able to tran-tcrlbe secret orders and dncummi. i,t cannot be seen by even the most trustworthy secretaries, was given as the reason. FLYING FIELD AT EDMONTON OPENED , EDMONTON, Feb. 23.-Edmoi,ton has opened an aviation field, known as the tUi htVsfrl Hs,K. m.s viisviw a 1 1 111 v ririn arrtui a - - ""inisiirismi , winter rivluir iu drm t i . to different points, two machines from he Hlch River fnrnt ' y-'vi inuon enz used In th r.rv 1. 1. ,t .. . munlclDal flvtnv n.M .. . vr.i,u 1,1 uanaoa. Am m 1 1 A 4 1 ..... I . v. M,roe ieia, )t (l under. I Bwuu iuas a srvir . , . . '"u ana commercial, will be Inaugurated In the riaii It I a. . m . s High Low High Low ACIKNTS WANTED MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL AND appoint local representatives. 121.00 weekly average and expenses, and commission besides. Experience unnecessary Write for particulars. tVlnstou Co.. Toronto. FOH KENT 49 I FOR RENT. -STEAM HEATED APART- menu. Apply smith & Mallett. Ltd. Telephone 174. FOR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSE: central; 130. Apply 313 Fourth Avenue East FOR RENT.-rjANOS. PHONOORAPIIS and Singer Bewirsg Machines. Walker's Musie 8tore. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RE?tT by day. week or month. Phone Rd 607. u FURNISHED SUITHS FOR RENT. Apply Mussallem Oraccry. Phone 18. FOR RENT. MODERN HOUSE. FIVC rooms and bath. Munro Bros. tf ROOMS TO RENT PHONE 878. AUCTIONEER IMIINCE HUI'EKT TlllES Till I1MMV. I l ltm AICV 31 tf AS THEIR RESIDENCE, 738 FOURTH Avenue Eut. is fully furnished and we dwelling, fully modern. I will make an effort to sell the entire furniture to the highest bidder and rent the hetue. If interested, phone T7. a. f Brine. Auctioneer Item Ufd last in Wednesday tuue. IIOAHD HUAItU. - THE INLANDER. UO Becond Avenue. Pbone U7. rriioi.HTntiNo FURNITURE REPAIRING; UPHOL- sterlng of all kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. AH work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 603. O. M. HUNT. HOOI isucsnv fw-sl fore. Mixed Wood Blocks per load llW. Kindling., per load 1060 , Furnae Wood, per load Mfi) Delivered. 8lt Herring I'tione lllsrk IR IlESTAUKANTS IOOI IHTH CUT. Mrs. Unger. Proprietress Third Avenue, Next 1. W. V. A, 4I(mnI Home Cotkril Mnlt, Phone Black 700, ' TAXI I'hone C7 Taxi (Call Gi-nrKC, Iaui or Oust) Six and Seven I'awnKer Stude-bnkern nt your illgposal any time. HOSS HHOS. POOL ROOM .Meeker Hlock. Hero from Empra Hotel) .m. 174 ft 19:32 pm. Ma - 12:69 pm. 7j0 nniitv. iiiutiuitv s.i 7: Jn- 170 ft. 20:51 pm. 14.7 " 0:49 am. 0.7 H:18 p m. 7.7 " N.sTl ltlltV. IIIIUIWIIV 1Q H,h I8 am. itj ft. 33:00 p.m. 15.5 " lOV 18 a m. 10 4 " 15:34 p.m. 08 " ivSAWc it with a SiMONDS SAW N. k Siays ehorp longer 2 j L Cuts easier. Siiwafiuttr M IIMOMMriMin.... ' -w,VTU, H(B I MUNTmLAC 1. SSSS1 I I iF vANoouvia r v.. Skayxj I . pS-tja loKoNTo ayH T f urn ArtJcIe, Lost in4 Found,4c I MAIL SCHEDULE l T ;m) I'M the Mondays. Wedt: n Closes In IsrMiHitrr TutUay ... PrMsys .... Saturdays CP.R. Feb 11 CPJl. Msrrh i: First elajM msi) :- ; Vancouver on U t Siturday by CN R To An)l, A lire Aral. Mreai nslrr- u 1: Wednesdays p Ta It. MliKMnan4 Naa u Sundays . To ,iuu Fulnl. Feb. 7 and 31 MMeh 7. 18 si I to IJarrn (TiarMln-ftt It ami M Irons the jt IV.fOMISO Tuedys. Tbursf f at rani anruirf Sundays . Wednesdays Fridays ... OPR. Feb. t anT .' CPU. Msrn t 1 llarn tH)sl 4llr trat, t' - lretnlef Tuesday a Fridays J lnm Ft. Mlmpxna aa4 St I r- TuetHlay . n Ftum .tla-ka folnls- Feb It and ' Us real 11 am! .. I'rmis lnren I'hsrMle- Feb. 14) and H " Oraham 1st Ave 8th Ave 8th Ave. itu nurnio Ar Atlm A At 8IH & Fil"" I A- Ttioi'i litis it Btoerbr . i; , llth Ave. At Con' 9th Ave. & H.f 8Us A Hays Cv- tik Ave. it Cott. i tth Aw. Ac M Bt Itwv. 0vt BUli' Prsr. 0. Wlurf OTP. Wltart OTP. Station 2nd Ave. Ac 2nd St 3rd Ave. tt Full'.. ' 3rd Ave. Ac flth 81 Sunday milt . days only. lr port Nlmin and N ' Bunday- Camo i rm IVrft Mnip-on Ea Tuesday as Cam. or Mew art, Mijox sna si ' it til 1 s-l STEAMSHIP MOVEHS lof Vsneouser Tuesday as d:: FrlJay-aa. Pm. J R Saturday as. Cat ' i Feb. II Pf.i:--Feb. 2 ss Pi i rroin VBiirfimef Sunday- -as. Card''. Wednesday ss r- T Friday- Calais Feb. 7- as Ytw ' W rh II . aa Pnn sf Sundsy as Csmor i. t, Wrdnesday Pr'.v nun Mewarl. .tnjos ami Tuesday- ss Citn Friday- -ss. Prince H 'or (neen fliarlolles-Feb. 12- . Prlnr -1 Feb. 20 ss. rrlnc-j ' I oui Jeen fhstloll'" Frb, 10 as. Prim ' Feb. 24 - Prince ' fur .tluxka Feb. 7 Prlnf Feb. 21. ss. PrlniT rum Alak Frb. II- s. Prim'' Frb. 2.V--W. rrlnce M.'1 '" M it M: C.N.R. TRAINS n For East-Mondip Saturday From Kast Tuesdsy T Sundays AclverTiiT In ths v nun vuijiiirj, NfVt 11 i' I CI l . ft it i : t