25 VOL XVII.. NO. -Ii5. u It TAXI Boston Grill find Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime Stand: Exchange Building MATT VIDECK, Prop. W e e w mr f V amm LIQUOR PORT L l t ( i:cu YAMOt VI.U A IKJIIIIINI, POINT IIV PACIFIC (iv r i tut i.i(t oK .-nir- MEM .?cocvi5rt B C Pen: -ThTrt c-aea ivmmj u w mm j .a. i and Papeete, the Tahiti, the French po-atiut rtern mm. ha ue-duif to a atory pub-: Province newspaper. With j. -r: thl aternlng of the -.cr "Falsterte" work 0001-lUllantyne Plera loading i -i ranged from choicest t to ortenul intosiewau iucd to UiC South Sea declare that the Roy4 ihe Cuatcml matter hu V .;ver a an in-transltu .c- searching: the Pacific point from whleb to eon - Papeete M chosen. M..ig charge and other regulations re eaUafactory hut Vam oiiver wul loae .;Uiy which hitherto ha t. the luiuor intereau m for their ahlw and w ;e uie nuinerou offlcera w ut tlio ahip will lose it v ; I k to Prenc-hmen jr us t he khlpe reach the iintni irxr tiitt HI Is iM2 1 Ki hW A. V V J 1 M m I m MM mm mm a UP IN ATLANTIC miimu or mr.w of nova V(1I BOAT -1(11X1 I. ! AITIU MLNIHNu mo lY.H IN K.MAI.I. HO UN w of ihe Le Havre. Nova Scotia. Kb' nieen Conrad, were rescued i d landed here today. The which waa loaded with 300 t alcohol, caught fire and an fallowed. Previously, all the -unmng gear had been carried fc a terrific atorm. The crew c:i hardtack for two day in -sau. W at. W A 1 WeMasV 1 CHANGES HANDS Vancouver, reb. 23. -Announcement "ae Dy the itelfel lntereU tht the " ne joepn Kennedy umun. P3rt iiquor house, hae Daased Into the v. wiern buyers. ' itatea that thl move was made w wwing vo me conunuea ui- - " narry iteilel. manager OX tno ! who u wv on an euenaea u- 0. Umpman, it 1 atated. will be r's Into any auch arrangemenu a alleseri Tlilrte F.xai with fl'&MW ln3i..U ami Sir.il Ca-li :nlrreU from AilJolnlHg F.ni More PORTLAND. Oregon. Feb. 23. En was feJae. Hi Oliver, who aald that he bod not yet act Oautbier. denounoed the a!f)4ttt OauUUer had aworn to m SewtUe arid wnkh Mr. Twlgg read In ; ' the Houa aa "a fabrication of falae- j Analysing the allegation, te Premier aaM that Speaker Buckham waa In Ontario In June 1921. the time when, according to the deposition, the member for OoMea wa aappoaed to hate been Introducing Oauthler to the minuter of pubtlc work. m Victoria It would be anown. the Premier aerted. at the pro per Utne that the purported copy of a letter written by Senator Boateck wa not a true copy. No orders for tiquor had ever been given Oauthler by the British CoiumB 1 purcivaUng agent and the original of what had been described aa order were merely unsigned memoranda. Among the document produced by the premier were letter from three dliUUlng firm In Scotland denying that certain letter and cablegram, purporting to have been aent by them to Oauthler. had. emanated from their office. The had been read to the House by Mr. Twlgg In amplification of iUtrmenU aworn to In the Oauthler affidavit. puime iirpiiitrs Nuns Altll I IKiF.H BY MIIMISKK OTTAWA, reb. 23. The need of Prince Hupert were urged by j. o. Brady. Conservative member for 6kena. In speaking In the budget debate In the House of Common lt night. Tramp steamer were now loading whest in that port for every country In the world and lu usefulnes aa a point for ahlp-ping grain had now been established there wa no speculation In going ahead with further developmenta he said. JEWELRY STORE IN PORTLAND LOOTED r ' t - terlng Orleve Jewelry wie through an adjoining empty atore. robber drilled teh .ate nd eacaped with 14.000 In diamond and- other Jewelry and 150 In caah. VANCOUVER EXCIIANOE Wheat B.C. Silver .. Dunwcll Olacler Oladttone Independence Ooat Copper Marmot . Sliver Creit Bid. Aaked 1.41? l.0i J.7S 1.43 1 .10 .u .28 V -30 .10V, .11 8,23 7.23 .13 NAMES ROYAL COMMISSION MIC Jl'KTICK MOKKIMIN. . II. MAI. KIN AMI ifEV. J. IIKN-HKHMIN nil.1. INlTI(lATi: CAMPAKlN IIMil ICTOUIA. Feb. S3. Mr. JuMlre Aulay Morrhon. V. II. Maltln and Krv. J. Ilriidr-n were named by Hun. A. .M. Miiixin. sltorney grn-eral. jrlrrtlay MrnnMn u rtiyal ionimNlonrr lo hitevtltate rani- iwltn fund wntrlbutluni at re itiimnriKli-il liv the (Hlluin ininnilt Ire. lliU cnimUn will nut toiirh the ni'irr rrrenl Twlgg rhnr(r In i-onrr. tlon Kill) whlrh an aiinotHMemrnl U exief'lrtl lirl- Cj of lle iixiliilmrnt f a Itojal ii.imiil.n of prolialilY h Miijlr member. EDWARD LIPSETT WINS ACTIONjN VANCOUVER Awanlnl JiKltiiirnt Fur l,il Asalnsl Alhrrnl llnt Owner VANCOUVER. Feb. 23 Judgment for the plaintiff for 11.027. the amount claimed, ' handed down by Mr. Jus tice Morrison In the ault brought by Edward lipsett limited. Water Street, against CapV J. A. Croll and hU wife. Annie O. Croll and Estrella O. Croll of Albrrnl. for goods sold to the de fendant for their fishing boat. A counter claim for $12,881.26 wa not al lowed. BRITAIN OBJECTS TO SOVIET PROPAGANDA LONDON. Feb. 23 The British cabinet It 1 understood, ha1 decided to end an emphatically worded note to Soviet Russia concerning the antl-Brltlsh propaganda which It 1 charged Is being dlasemlnated throughout the British Emlpre. It la understood that the note will atate that unless the propaganda ceases, Britain will consider the possibility of terminating the trade agreement with the Soviet. Advertise In the Dally New, PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, Il.C, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1027 ' PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE MOON'S SURFACE Left. The lunar crater Copernicus, as i.een from Mount Wilson Observatory-. The crater is about fifty miles in diameter. Scientists believe that it is a dead body. They think that the craters which pit the floor of the moon (right) were caused by bombarding meteors. ARTHUR LITTLE COPS SEIZED DIES IN EAST PRIZE MONEY OF.ATII COMF.S TO ONF. OF ISUAI. IMONIXH HIKI WAn in;:i.Y known anh (;i:n- FKAI.I.Y r.STEEMFtl CITY'S OAT I, rtt.CKII'TS ; With deep regret the community ofi Prince Rupert, more especially its real j old time resident, learn of the death at Thlell. New York, yeaterday morning , of Arthur C. Little, pioneer new vendor i of the city. Last fall he went there j with hi brother. Dr. Charles Little, and. ; although It was known that he wa In i hospital there, cheering letters had been j received from time to time and there j waa no Idea that death , was so near at I. hand. Thus, new of his demise came . a a great shock to the deceased's friend ho are legion not only In city and dls- : .net but on the whole British Colum- : la coat. Coming here with a bundle of paper 1 tmder his arm In the John Houston day soon after Prtnce Rupert was heralded ai the projected terminus of the Oratid Trunk Pacific Railway, Mr. Little wa soon in business In a news-itand on the waterfront which shortly became as popular a community gathering place x: It has been for the two decade since. He established the old Iroquois pocC room on Centre Street and, after the tcwiulght had beui told and squatters (continued oa pate six) OKU of iiii.MiN-r.t:i.tN- lltTTI.F. TAKKN TO PAY JACK AI.I.KVS BIIX VANCOlVFIt, Feb. ix While Harr.v Dillon and Charlie IV-langrr were liattllnr on Monday night for the ll;lil hraty-wclght champion-khlp ol Canada nl the Arena. Deputy MierllT Uoliertxin and three aMant woom-I ilow on the liiilldlns and wlnl the gate receipt totalling more than St.!! lo hatMy an uupald Judgment held by (.Irate Tratrr against Jack Allen, promoter of the bout. Meanwhile, the fighter were not aware lli.it Ihrlr prlre money had MOTOR LICENSE FEES AND AMUSEMENT TAX ARE CUT IN ONTARIO provincial treasurer, announced motor Ucense fees reduction totalling more thaji 1800,000 and a 1600,000 reduction In amusement taxe. ; Lease of Elevator to Wheat Pool Will Involve Provision of More Facilities in South . :VANUOUVEIt, J February 23. Reports from Ottawa, the Van-couvvr UailyProvince states, indicate that the leasing of No. 2 elevator to the Alberta Wheat Pool may be contingent upon more facilities for ships being provided. This would probably, mean the expenditure of about $1.00d,000 for No. 2 jetty which was planned and designed by the former Doard of Harbor Commissioners and which would have to be built on property just east of Dallahtyne Pier. The construction .costs were In the Harbor Board estimates but were never passed by Parliament. Chairman Russell of the board 1 now .' en route home from Ottawa where he hu been negotiating for' the lease of No. I ii-viirr to the Jntne Bewart Inter ests and No. 2 to the Wheat Pool. Should both be leased. It would leave Vancouver without a government elevator. raw: Circulation 1510 8!e 448 ir the year. A Intimated at the opening of th. court of revision, the appeal of the rati ay company whoe property wa a- sted at over S3.SOO.O0O covered practt ally all their holding In the which they asked to be reduced Jlttle over I70O.0O0. The reduction fl-nslly msde by the court were only a smsll fraction of what was asked for by representatives of the company and wUl total approximately I10.0O0. Those present at the session of the court last night were May;r Newtcn, Aid. M. M. Stephens. Aid. Jcs. Oreer. Aid. W. J. Oreer. Aid. Oscar Larsca, City Solicitor E. P. Jones. City Assesor J. C. McLennan, and Tax Clerk E. S. AHUtone. NATIONAL CONVENTION OF CONSK.ItV.VTIVi:.' IN WINNII'EO ON" OCT. OTTAWA. Feb. 23. The national convention of the Conservative party will be held In Winnipeg oa October 11. It wa officially announced yesterday afternoon following a meeting of representatives from all parts of the Dominion. One of the chief objecta of the meeting will be to select a permanent Dominion leader for the party. Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly- laid dancing floor, for hire, NKW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. Price Five Ceuts ikl SPEAKS AGAIN ON CHARGES i wrw r n rw i w m r rt ri - w t t -. a ww www w w rwn m wt 4 mvswmr ArrrtArrf ait 11 1 MAiXtb ULUMUN UN RAILWAY AXAUUN UUtSUUN UUI I C til 11 1 1 lf 1 ufoe Statements Are Given Castigation by Oliver ir, u ii 1 uwi ju iif 1 1 i.r.iii.i.A 1 liiti'. 111 1 i ll'. 111 (.Ai riiiEifs allegations iiuckiiam WAS NOT EVEN THERE W THRIA. February 23. -In the Legislature on Tucxday, Pre-111 -it moved lhata royal commission under the Public En-A t be appointed to investigate the alleged irregularities set a; titlavit of J. A. Gauthicr relative to- liquor purchases . ti.'e as read ft the House by H. Despard Twigg, Conser-r. mber for Victoria, who asked for a royal commission to "a the ( barges. The premier declared that, with the ap-' ' a commission such as he proposed, there would be the, r ir1 unity afforded the movcr.and seconder of the motion ii iiinnf in WITH SEAS NEW to present their view and la back up their aUagatloha. 1ft lo Mid that they would be held responsible before the people of the province. The premier met many of the allega tion made la the affidavit with abo-! lute cc nirsdictton on hi own part and , cn the pin of thote mare particularly I concerned, lion. Dr. W. M. Sutherland ! the premier aald. had assured htm that the statement mule that he had entered i Canadian National to Pay Much More New Basis for Assessment On the basis approved by the civic court of revision last night, ; .he Canadian National Railway will pa approximately 1120.000 to i the ciiy in taxation as compared with the flat rate of $45,003 which ' they have been required to pay under an agreement which has been in forte for the past five years and which expired in February of this ' yeur. After an expended consideration of the various appeals which :ame before it, the court of revision finally reached decisions in .he various cases and concluded its Sittings last night in the City Hall. All appeals made by citizens against the assessment were rejected and the assessor valu: con- . finned with only minor correction In the rcll to rectify errors. In the appeal of the Canadian Na- i tlon KaUway Co. which calkd for aweep-lr.g reductions In practlrally all thslr holding In the city, there were certain i reductions which tmounted In all to between 33X0O and $40,000. There were also a few adjustment made In the rcreage of certain parcels which had inadvertently been wrongly classed. After these had been disposed of. Alderma:: Jos Greer moved and Aldermin W. J Oreer seconded a mitlon that th assessment rcU as amended be confirmed REFUGEES POUR ; INTO SHANGHAI INHABITANTS BECOME AI'KAIH OF LOOTlNfi OF CITY BY IlESEltTEIW FKO.M NOItTllF.UN All.MIES SHAKGHAL. Feb. . 23. The general trlke altuatlon I little changed thU j;rnlng with hundred thousand crkers stUl reported Idle. Meintlme jreiyn power are rapidly concentrating jjop and warships to provide for any .-entuaBtle. Another thousand British Jiarlnes from England arrived at Hons -e'tjtjCoog this morning ea routowio.. tbM to a rltv. II YANDERHOOF ENDORSES j PRINCERUPERT ROAD 'Drellnr Howe(cr. to Set Any Date for ; Commencement of Work A letter waa received at a recent meetlmr of the Vanderhoof Board of j Trade from the Prince Oeorge to Prince Rupert Highway Association asking for endorsement of a resolution favoring TORONTO. Feb. 23. Delivering his I immediate start being made on road first budget speech In the Ontario! from Prince Rupert east. After much, legislature. Hon. Dr. J. D Montelth, j discussion It was decided to endorse thej resolution. It found feasible, but leaving 1 out any dste for commencement of work. CASHIER ARRESTED NEW WESTMINSTER. Feb. 23. - I Charles P. Latham, cashier In the landj registry office, was arrested on Tuesday i charged with theft of seven thousand 110.000 ball. FISH ARRIVALS The halibut fishing boat Onah, captain Harry Bellg. reached port at noon today with between 8.000 and 7.000 pounds of halibut. It 1 expected that other will arrive In time for aale tomorrow morning. Free Country? , One .In which 100 people have 10(7; different Ides ot what i"ntltute wickedness. It his bsen leame'd that the Cantonese army Includes fifteen hundred white Russians. A near panic prevailed In the native quarter of Shanghai today as deserters and straggler from the broken army of Marshall Chuan Fang, the northern commander, continued to arrive In Increasing numbers and rumors .-;se that they were planning the wholesale looting of the city. Thousands of refugee poured into the rrench concession from the native section adjoining a the iltuatlon outside became mare tense. LOCAL WOMAN'S SISTER IS SAFE MISS Sl'SlK HADDOCK, M KM I1K.U Ol MISSION PARTY KEACHINO SHANGHAI, S 1st tit OF MISS . HADDOCK OF THIS CITY i j TORONTO. Feb. 23. A cable received a i t the United Church offices from Shan- TftTTtTTefvvtttrt! ghal reports the safe arrival there of n JL 'large party of missionaries from ths west China mission In Szechwan province. They made the trip down the Yangite River to the coast without, mishap. Included In the party wns Miss Susie Haddcck. sister of Mies Isabel Haddock. United Church deaconess at Prince Rupert. Local United Church authorities expressed great relief on being advised this morning by the Dally Newa of the aafe arrival of the missionary party at Shanghai. There had been considerable anxiety, especially on the part of Miss Haddock tor her sister. YOUTHS ESCAPE FROM CUSTODY l.(li:it MAINLAND POLICE AUK SEAKCHINO KM! THKKK HOYS IMPLICATED IN THEFT CIIAIH1ES dollars over a period of three years. It! Is alleged. He appeared In the police VANCOUVER. Feb. 23. The police ot court this morning and waa remanded the lower mainland are aearchlng for I until tomorrow. He wa released on ! three youths who escaped from police custody In Orciter Vancouver. Leslie Hunt, aged 19, and a Juvenile boy. who were being held on chargt ot burglary, made a successful Jail break from North Vancouver city prison. 6:ott Splrley, aged 19, sentenced to two year in penitentiary on charge ot theft, eluded hi police guard at the Vancouver General Hospital and regained hi liberty. Fable: Once upon a time two car collided on the highway and the driver i rorfem-1 fVfvafter In whisper. .1 0M i 4