PAGE SIX Tike the union Direct at an arrow speed these great all-steel trains to the Mid- West. South and Eatt. Union Pacific Is your logical route to Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha and Chicago. Information aa4 XcscrvatUaa I'lilon Mai Ion. eattlr, 110.-. fourth Mr. Boys' and Men's Sweaters At greatly Reduced Prices. Only a few left. Men's Sweaters, reg. $7.50 for $6.23 Men's Sweaters, re. $C50 for I . . . $3.00 Hoys' Sweaters, rcg. $2.85 for $2.30 Boy's Sweaters, reg. $2.50 for $2.23 Mussallem I'S 117-123 Fifth Avenue East Phones 18 and 84 Eye Strain The discovery that Headaches are frequently the direct result of Eye Strain brought about the correct way to relieve the difficulty and placed testing eyes and adjusting glasses on new and important ground. Two troubles are relieved with one stroke. Come to us for ready relief from Eye Troubles. A. E. IRELAND (Jraduate Optometrist 311) Third Avenue. Opposite U.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Illrch and Spruce Per load ., . $6.50 Per half load ...... $3.50 Per sack ..' 50c Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or(l)ay WE BUY EOTTLES. George rorie CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 387 113 Second Avenue West, rrlnce Rupert V DISCUSSION ON PEACE RIVER MIMVrKIMtP KAIUVAV.S KCTS IOKTI ritlNCE ItlTMtrs AHVANT.UlKS AS OUTLET MR. UUADV SPEAKS Prince Unpen was frequently mention ea. as an advantageous outlet for the Peace River country at the debate In the House of Commons on the matter last week in Ottawa. In the course of the debate It was pointed out by Hon. C A. Dunning, minister of railways, that the .shortest and least costly route would be the one through the Monkman Pass which wculd have Prince Rupert as Its terminus. Several Conservative mem Ders made enquiries as to Ihe Brule cut-off route to the Vancouver outlet which, Uy seemingly favored In spite of the minister's statements. ?. C. Brady. MP. for Skeena, spoke as fallows In the debate: Before I deal with the subject under discussion. Mr. Speaker. I would like to disassociate from It the minister of railways (Mr. Dunning). I believe he has given us not his own opinion but what Information he has obtained from report made to him. "Having done this, I would like to enumerate the various reasons advanced from the report, why the development of the Peace River district should not be commenced Immediately. I think these THE BANKRUPTCY ACT. X Till; ESTATE OK WILLIAM .MO ltd AN. At TIIOKIKIt ASSHJXOK Notice is herebv clven that William Morgan, of the Town of Locke port. Queen Charlotte Islands. Province of British Columbia, did, on the 12th day or February. 1927. make-an authorized nwlim. ment of all his property for the benefit of his creditors, and that II. P. MacLeod. Esq.. Official Receiver, has appointed into be custodian of the Estate of the debtor until the first meeting of creditors. Notice Is further given that the first meeting of creditors in the above estate will be held at the office of the Official Receiver. Court House. City of Prince Rupert. In the Province of British cni. jumbla, on the 1st day of March. 1927. ai me nour 01 eleven o clock In the forenoon. To entitle VOU to vote thrnvt mmf of your claim must be lodged with me ui'urc iik meeting is neia. Proxies to be used at the meeting must be lodged with me prior thereto. Aud further take notice that at such meeting the creditors will elect the permanent trustee. And further take notice that If you have any claim against the debtor for which you are entitled to rank, proof of such claim must be filed with me or with the trustee when appointed. Otherwise the proceeds of the debtor's estate iWtll be dIstrlblltPfl ilimmcr th Tta.H entitled thereto without regard to your DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 14th day of February. AD. 1927. ALEX. A. CONNON. Trustee. Week-end Specials Sunkit Oranges, small size, 17 for 2.-)c Sunkist Oranires, right size for kiddies, 13 for 25c Eatinjr Apples, wrapped stock, Staymen Winesaps, 3 lbs. for 23c Half box $1.1.-, Per box, .special $2.61) Imperial Valley Grape Fruit, 3 for 2jc Rhubarb, 2 lbs , 33c Heart Lettuce, 2 for 25c Cauliflower 35c, 10c, 13c! Fresh Spinach, 2 lbs 33c ' Sweet Spuds, per lb 10c ; Mexican Tomatoes, per lb. . . 33c U.C. Fresh Pullet Ekks, 3 dozen for 51.25 ! Empire Picnic Hams, per lb. 19 Vic, Ayrshire Roll Iiacon. sliced, perj II' 33c I Peameal Rack llacon, sliced, per lb. Pure Lard, Shamrock or Leaf, IS lb. pail.s 5 lb. palls 10 lb. pails Golden Loaf Cheese, per lb, 5 lb. bricks 15c Siive' .. 63c . 11.10 $2.15 .. tOc mm Swift's Premium Hum, sliced, per " 50c Half Ham,' per lb l()c Whole Ham, per lb '. 38c Crisco. 1 lb. tins, snecial 25c DcI Monte Prunes, size 40-50. packed In 4 lb. boxes, per box C'Jc Cowan's Cocoa, ,1 lb. tin 13c Grape Nuts(2 pkjjs. for 13c Soap Flakes, in bulk, 2 lbs. for 23c Drunswick Sardines, 4 f or . . 23c Castile Soap, long bar 17c Royal Crown Soap, C bars in pkjr. 23c Spring Clothes Pins, C dozen for .... i ..( ,i. i .... . 23c Malkin's Jelly Powders, 4 for 23c FItr Bars or Gingec Snaps, per lb. 19c Fresh Ground Coffee, per lb. 45c Rupert Table Supply Co ' Phones 210, 211 and 212 Tin of 4 cubes. 15c Tin of! 0.30c. reasons were very well emphasized, and are thoroughly understood even by those not directly Interested. It was said that the president nd engineers of the Can adian National Railways did not deem It n economic possibility; that It would net lower the present rates; that It would cost about S13.000.000 and that the present volume of traffic does not permit the development of this district. would like to ask the House If an; one of these reasons has sufficient weight to prevent this necessary development of the greatest agricultural area In Canada. Without going Into figures. !r. Speaker. I think I could give four or five reasons which would make the ?civernment consider the necessity of Immediately dealing with this question. NOT A LOCAL MATT Kit "The Peace River development is not local matter: It has a national Im portance, because It would almost double the present area under grain In Canada. Then It would also assist the minister of Immigration (Mr. Forte dersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor ivomroi uoara jor a licence in TIIE DAILY NEW8 I 1JJ J. L.IHLL1-1 J-'.-H-ST Putting in the BEEF When you add "OXO" to Soups, Stews and Meat Pies, you put in Concentrated Beef, thus making 'them more nourishing and tasty, with the rich nutriment and flavour of prime lean beef. " OXO " is the Housewife's Great Economy. OXO LIMITED, 356 St. Antoine St, Montreal The Cook's "Best Friend11 in overcoming the many handicaps In the way of an up-to-date Immigration scheme, which is practically essential. This development Is necessary to the interests of the Canadian National Railways, as well, because it would add to the present volume ef trade running over this road to the Pacific coast, and Is a sufficient warranty for this work. The hon. member for Peace River (Mi. Kennedy) said something with which I quite agree and which I think everyone appreciated, when he asked: 'Should we start with Immigration tint, put the people on the land and wait till they make good, or should we at he aame time give 4 hose people opportunities to develop their land more quickly and bring returns to the railways?' "I do not Intend to speak further on this matter. Mr. Speaker, but there is one other reason which I think the government should consider carefully. In Prince Rupert we have, an elevator a.Vtl,hh H . I... . . . "Commencing at a Dolnt which lies in mr.i hvniu r,t .n .i. ,1 handler a little over 2I7J0.O0O bushels!' of grain from Alberta; now that the a straight line of bearing north 09deg. hl..h.,. ZZ. V . I DUhel l 28' 8" east a distance of 767.20 feci , hea that may come, bur from the centre of circle as shown on ' on behalf of the development of Can-, to a point, thence north 83 deg. 24" 33" ; lnere red' ror ,te t0,lcr W he be given ; east a distance of 100 feet to a paint, but a chance. In the development of ' Uo? Pt"e R'r country we have an op.; 83 deg. 24' 35" west a distance of 100 1 Prtun"T of great moment. If reei to me point of commencement." for the sale of beer by the glass or by the open bottle for consumption on the premises. DATED this I2"th day of January. 1927. II. A. DODD. Applicant. LAND ACT. NOTICE OI' IN'TEVrToV TO AI'IXV TO I'l lt( ll ASK LANI) TAKE NOTICE THAT I. Arthur Robertson. Massett. B.C.. occupation Mlllman. Intend to apply for permission to puf- wie louowing aescnoea land: VEGETABLES We are sure that ve can sell you Canned Fruits and Vegetables away below any other price quoted because we sell lots of them. THIS WEEK C tins Tomatoes, any brand, 2,2's, for j5c C tins Tomatoes, any brand, 2's, for 73c torn and Peas,. C tins for . . 03c Any variety Malkiri's Rest Fruits: Peaches, Pearn, Cherries, Loganberries, Apricots and Pineapple 3 tins for 95c Strawberry and Apple or Raspberry and Apple Jam A new product which is delicious, per tin 50c; 2 tins for 93c Empress Orange Marnyilade 4 lb. tin, per tin 57'2c 2 tins for .. i, $1.15 Our business is growing, our service is better; we guarantee satisfaction. Phones 45 and 574 B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited maxe an investment of I13M0.000. In; a few years we shall be rewarded be- j yond our most sanguine expectations.; Thu Is not a party question but It Isj a question that strikes daep at the' root of the future development, growth I and prosperity of Canada as a whole." ARTHUR LITTLE DIES IN EAST (continued from page one) I had been ordered off the rallwav reserve. tifWoS'i M .n-rihefVu irner pf I he erected the present Dominion BuUd-flf ty'chalol;0- th?ncV1Cea.t fort1?8 chains; i ,n on conduct- thence north to shore; thence following el his business jor number of years, hlghwater mark to point of commence- i Selling this property, he out ud a small SotreV.enst.4ln,n8 w hUndrrt -Und next to'th pjit office then .nTh" Located this 30th da nf I Federal Block and remain. th until 1930. i h Txvtt nffi .... -.v ... ARTHUR ROBERTSON FRUITS and , " t- mwiij niivit v W ( tablUhed himself In the plac on Second Arcnue near the Prince Rupert i Hotel where he has been located since. Of a genial and generous disposition. in isie Mr. uttle was generally esteemed i and unlversslly popular. There U pro-; ! bably not another Prince Rupert citizen which he was generally held. With hi! death, the city loses a figure who will be mlsned perhaps more than any other could be. Remembrance of hU hale and hearty figure and hU happy disposition will long remain. The late Mr. Little, who was predeceased by his wife several years ago, austalnlng a loss which since had, visibly affected him, was born some sixty-three years ago in New Hsmpshlre state. It U understood that Interment will take place In the East. Deceased was a member of the Masonic BiromettT M3; temperature. 37. xoox DIOCV ISLAND. Overcast, calm: urometer. 29.50: temperature. 40: sea smooth. BULL HARBOR. Overcast, calm: fresh S.W. wind; barometer, 59.40; temperature. 40; moderate swell. DEAD TREE POINT-Barometer. 29 17; temperature, M'.i HOCKEY MOWS Boston 3. Detroit 2. Pittsburg 3. Montreal 0. Ottawa 2. Canadlefls t. St. Patricks 3. New York Rangers 2. D. Lay, rrsldent mining engineer a-Haiti ton arrived from the south on Uv steamer Prince Rupert today and eon tlnued east on the train. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT or AI'I'I.HVUION LICENCE i ik.i thi. .i... .. .m. .. .. Control Board fnr a limnr. Hint siiiai i.iL i kui aa auie lis cuiiliiiiip ws ' - IMTEKITIVE DATA "It Is the Imperative task and dutv restect of the government to dtvrlon th wt. lOlt IIILIt GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT." eator U there It must stay there, and i the'W.y 'of Sry n tThe nd I It IK J n mil ni in pmmnl tn uu, tlfrnavl Intanila avxla . i . Nonet: us' .xt'Pi ii'iTinv s-iiit .nut - iZZL'lZ..""? - " LICENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that, on the 10th day of February next, the un function. In rrspnet I i incmiCTt uruig pan oi we DUlIdtng mm v.riitrl fioici. SIIUBICO, ai Ull corner oi First and Seventh Streets. Ii the City of Prinze Rupert. Proline e o British Columbia, uoon the Isnds d scribed as Lou Fleven (111 and Twelv the, citof Prince Rupert, in the Prj- nl. by every proof thst esn be and IS ' B' ,' rtl0.n ' ?? ',' vlnee of BrltUh minmhla nin ih. h.. K .s, .w. . Y1' 1 nP.e Provlnre of Brlt- lands dencrlbed as in th.t rVfinn 7,T w "' "-1 n voiumoia. according to a registers Waterrrdu Block 'V- Bav of Prtnw' tlTe rleultural area In Canada. I have,?P or plan deposited In the Und R-ir-RplrtltyrlncepeV great pleasure ,n supporting J 'red tn'tKL WnceRurt''Tlt l tMO!uU9n ' hOT- meaibw '".V? "hror8?,- ,lV o, te..t.Rl?S. D-J Pce River, and I do so. not merely on ""I1 l"r consumption on the nremlVe, bribed as follow".: " ' . behalf of the Incoming Immigrate., not "?',.n ."IS"4- B C ' thu CUKA E BLACK. AppMeant SYNOPSIS OF uN!) ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vi-nt, unreserved. survsxed ''limn Ian-Is muy be lr-smiled by Crltlhh aul'jrcu over 1 1 years of ags. nl by ullena on declaring Intanttoo iu ,Mnme British aubjects. condl UuimI , ution residence, occupation, ni iiniroviment fur agricultural urHwm Full Information coneernlna- rsrti .s lions reirardlnK pre-emptions Is Kln In llullelln No. t. In1 Hii. "How to I're-einpt IanI," copies of tihlcli ean be ohlalnd frss of chare ty addressing the Derartment of Umiis. Victoria. II C. or to any Oov-trnment Agent 4 Record will b (ranted covering only land eultabU for SKrleuttural purr-nses and which la not tlmW-land. i.e , cnrrylns over 1,009 board feet ner acre west of tha Coast liana and k.OOo ftet per acre aet of I bat Itunae. Application for preemption ar to if adtlressad to th ljnl Com mlaaloner of tha Iand Rrcordlnc Division, In which the land applied for is suuated, and ara mad an prtntsd whose privilege it has been to enjoy the j forma, copies of which can be ob-same respect respect and and even even affection aflectlon with with . i talnH from tha Land Com miss I lonar. on sr. I iTe-miuon must b occupied for five year and Improvement mad lo value of 110 per aer. Including clearing and cultivating at Uaat flv acre. 1-efor a Crown Grant can b 1 revalved, . Kor mnr detailed Information th liullttln "How to Pre-empt band." PURCHASE Application ar received for pur. chase of vacant and unrestrvad Crown lamlss not belna: llmberland. for agricultural purpose: minimum price for first-class (arable) land Is ti per acre, and aecond-claaa fgras-Ins) land U.lO tier acr. Further In. i formation regarding; purchaa or lease Craft, having Joined In Boston when! ' Crowi. land I given In Bulletin he was proprietor of a livery stable many years ago. He 1 survived by his aged mother who Uvea In New Hampshire, j and to whom hf was greatly devoted. ' During his stay-in Prince Rupert he ; never missed writing at leaat one let-' ter a week to his. devoted parent. There I is also a brother; Bherman tittle, at! Webster, New Hampshire, where deceased was born and where Interment take place In the spring. The late Mr. Little came to Prince Rupert In April. 1808. K a.m. DIOBY !8LAND-Overcat, light BX. wind; barometer, 29.C0; temperature. 42; sea smooth; 6 ajn. spoke steamer Prince John at New Massett northbound; 8 pm, spoke steamer Anyox, Blubber Bay for dranby Bay. 35 miles from Oranby Bay. BULL HARBORz-Oyercast, fresh 8.W. wind; barometer. 29.48; temperature 40; moderate swell, uead TREE POINT. No. 10, tind Srl. "Purchase and L.easa or urown Lands. Mill, factory, or Industrial sites o timber land, not eiceedlng 40 acr, may be purchased or Uasd, th condition Including paymnt oi stumpag. HOMESITE LEASES Unaurvayed aras. not scdlng II acrM. may b leased as homasliM. conditional upon a dwdlln hin will I rotd In th first yar, till bln uuiauinui aimr riaenc and lm-Vrovement conditions ar fulfilled and land has bn surveyed, LEASES For grating and Industrial purpose areas not exceeding lit acr may b lad by on puin or a company. GRAZING m Undar th Orailng Act th Prov-Ine Is dlvldtd Into araitror dlstrioU and th ran administered undsr a Orating Commtasloaer. Annual grating ptrmtts ar lssu4 based oa numbers rangsd, priority being glva to Ubllshd owners. 8tock-owcr may form ass ctit Ions for rsng majacrant. Fr, or partly trV. prm!U ax avallabU for tiara, oaoBpera Ad Iravallara, up u Us aBixHsMi!sVHixBixsllHsssiH3BHC9HHBtojll A New and Better Optical Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Maklntr every record do it best. Thi new Urunnwlck quickly won the hearU of music lovers everywhere. The case, too. is is beautiful beautiful beyond the usual. I. and say I want new This l.tMlS, rorlitltlitly. c and li!c Servic (I. It. Jlutrie. laic of Tirnl, has taken hir.. . Optical Ocparlmenl. .Mr. Mulrie is an cxiu-rien i f OptcmclrlHt with 28 years practical experlcnc"! u" and Ritrs hpeclal ulti'ntlonlo children. anl lestir e hate one ol me Ilin-sl nntl must un-ln-ilii. Parlors in Canada, with all the latetU npulianVe., U ktp faith with the public. Ki'incmlier that u xtiitrantif Is only as uimMI u-iWlityttl ,, rvsouri-fM make It. We r.take r.mhIJ Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist. "BRIDE OF Third Avtn WESTHOLME THEATRE WKDNKSDAV ONLY, 7 and J p.m. THE STORM A thundering melodrama of II,. Eg! J) DOi.OUKS COSTKI.I.O, JOHN IIAKKON. Sli: mR TYKONK I'UWLIi. WAI.TKK TLNNtSON, JUI.1A SWAYNK CORDON, and noted caat. TOPICS OF TIIH DAY .MACK SHNNiriT CO.MKDY "MKKT MY MM, AdmUsion . Come in CJ . . to hear the JCfTmUWlCK 'OHOOaASNI AM i H(0HIV J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Third Asvnur. Corner Fifth SI reel Canadian Nationaj Qfie Largefl Railway Syilcm in Amcrici Steanishio and Train S .. I'lllMi; III I'l.lir Mill lriie I'ltisrn lit ItV h.r I tM"!"111 TOItl t, M;.tTTI.t; und lnlrrmr.ll.ilr M.lnt. ru Ii I HIIHV st I'KINCK III I' T Ic.r h TI.WMtT and .NON, MMiMslitY IS I'HINt i: JOHN f.,r V IM III VI It U UIM:V ( II MMtl IjIi MOMMY. tltllMsniv .n.i mil itiuv i l rB lilllllllK, I.KMOVKIV, UIVMl-l t;, H iniIiiIs jilrrti anad. niairo, ai;m y .ti.i. im'KAN mi i:ttsiiu, tW I'uiMiM.ui Natliiniil i:rrs lr Money Ordrrs, lrf!:" rlc. al-o fur jour nrt slilpmrnl. , riTV thk;t ohick. sjs tiiiiih ti:.. ruiw. iiii'I.kt riw"' NO ONE IN CANADA NEED DRINK IMMATURE WHISKY. THE AGE OF "JadiM(S Whisky i IS GUARANTEED BY THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT EH .... .. t hv lh nuverimomcnt Is not publislvpd or uispiay " lii'imir Control Board or' by the flovcrim""1 of lirltisli Columbia, 1