any tresses W i ' n to mafh $18.95 jNinc only adies Hats W irth double. J. BENT I-udle' Itcnily-to-Wenr COAL " s wu .wua i.'U' ' - a j iui v JA TV ltd "flay and leave your 1 1 is rt ii. ... i wunout any Inconvenience you, V Hi.. and .l I'S-V IV -.,.... ...... Lumis Kick-. Stove and Nut rnnneti 1 1 G and 117 Nm? tUTAHAD Jlta made tn nr. 1' lt nun ... 1 JIB v v ohujj aiiauvii $50 22.1 Sixth Street For the purpose ot surveying work which It Ii proponed to undertske during the coming yetf; adlstrict presbytery meeting of the United Church ha been Ir. tenlon in thl-it v...-,-.... afternoon whea t number of ministers arrived from district point. Financial nutter were the chief topic of dlscu. lor while certain vacancies were also coiulovred. The principal business was over in time today to permit the In ferior clergymen to return to their re spective poU on thl morning' trtln. m addition to Rev. Oliver, Darwin. O.D., of Vanoouver. superintendent of missions for Central and Northern Brit ish Columbia, the following were In attendance: Rev William Allan. Terrace. chairman of the presbytery: Eev. J. Harvey Young. Hazelton. secretary; Rev. Oeorge O.' Hacker, Rev. Evan Baker, and Ml Haddock, deacones. grtnee Rupert; Victor It. Sanaum, KUpiox; Rev. W. ' II Pierce. Port Esaington: Rev Manley F Eby and Dr R, Oeddea Large. Port Simpson: and Rev. R. C Scott a:id Capt ! William Oliver. Queen Charlotte bland. NEW CHUrShALL AT PORT SIMPSON TOBEDEDICATED PORT SIMPSON, Teb. 23, The Ep, forth League of the Grace United Church of Port Slmpaon. will dedicate lta new hall on Sunday. February 27. Many people from, outalde point are expected to take part In the services on that day. Rev. M. P. Eby, pattor of the Grace United Church, and other cUrgy will dedicate the new buUdlng. The building I a large one. meaiurlng ,W x 34. built and designed by the native artlun of Port Slmpaon. with all modern fitting. Advertla In tbe Dally New. LAND ACT MITK'K fll" IVTiInTIOX TO APPLY TO in pticcnw: uvu In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuat on the north ahore of the South Arm of Taaoo Harbor. Moresby Ialand. Queen Charlotte Ialand. Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Jame Field, of Prince Rupert, DC. occupation Marine Broker, intend to apply tor permlaalon to purchase the following described !land: Commencing at a post planted on the north hore of South Ann of Taaoo Har-i bor. Moreaby Inland. Queen Charlotte i Uland. In the Province of Brttiah Col-! umbia. about S chain from the end ot tbe Government trail; thence 10 chain aortheasterly: thence 10 chain nortb-weaterly; thence 10 chain south wester -ly; thence 10 chain aoutbeaaterly. and containing twenty (20) acrea. more or I lean. ! JAMES FIELD. Applicant. ' D,u3 November 20. 9M I I-IND ACT MTHT OF INTENTION- Til ATri.T Tt Ll:-K IOItlIIOKE In Oraham Mand. auren Charlotte Island Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuate at Ferguwn Bay. Massett Inlet. Graham Itlind. TAKE NOTICE that Powell River Company Limited ot Vancouver. B.C.. occupation aianuiaciurera, inwua w ap-, ply for a lease of the following de-Iv-Mbed (and ; CommencUig at a pout planted at the 'northern corner of DL 1571: thence I winterly, following northern boundary of , said Lot to the northweat corner of aald W. . i n j.v . . . j eaKtrrly. following the high tide mark of Ferguson Bay to tbe extreme easterly i) .nit of Echinus Point: thence south-ranterly to the point of commencement, "ind containing 150 acres, more or lesa. POWELL RIVER COMPANY. LTD Agent. J. Douglas Wilson. Hated " Nnvemlier. 1M M INCH A I ACT i i;rtiih:ate oV imimiovkmcnth MITKT. Juanlta. Anyox. Oranbf. Alamo. Rodeo, Hi.nn ...rtinmi tJn 1 snri Monte I Pr.rttruisl Mineral Oalms. situate In the Atlln Mining Division of Casalar Dis-i net Where located:--On Wann River. Taku Arm of Taglsh Lake. TAKE NOTICE that I. Charte V. Bob. Free Mlnera Certificate No. 88768. intend, .sixty day from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvement, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim. . . And further tk notice that action, under aeetlon M. mut be commenced before the issue of such Certificate of Improvements , Dated thl lt day of Jnuary, AD H. McN. ntAHKR. Altent. I8M FOK SAI.EBV TENDER in: mi'iiiT taiui: sri'Pi.v ;;;, Nltf:ifL TKtlUNO CO, PUINtfc itirKiiT. nr. I TtNDF.RS wlU be received by the un-j erslgned for the dry good, gents furnishing, and grocery tock, with fixture and furnUhlng In conn": J' longing to the Mtate of J. C. Gavlgan, trsdlng aa the Rupert Table Supply and Universal Trading Co.. Prince Rupert. "stock and fixture may be lnspectf on application to the undersigned or at ;thT.nderrt may b. aubmltted for the wliole or ch stock separately and will be received bv th undersigned on or be- ton 0 .P."' VlllZr nVnecsl xne niguc vr .uj amy rented CHnI8TIKt Trustee, PHnee Rupert. BP. I NOTICE. KSTlli: F JAMrH'wtHl) WILSON', tlTIIOltl.l.n ASSKlXOIt i Tender will beVcehed by the under-signed on the Stock in Trade and I rix-ture of th above named J. W. Wilson t atrwart B c Coplt of Inventory and 51 tsti may bi obt.lned from K. Barrliter. Stewart. B.C. W Kennedy. Tenders "to o submitted on or belore sfvbruiTy 19, 1927. HigheU or any tender not necessarily ccept Tnutfti AL I rrlnc. Rupert, B.C. Q I ALWAYS BEFORE EATING There are dangerous disease germs on many, objects that bab- fingers touch. Children's hands (sbould always be bathed with the mild Lifebuoy Soap lather before eating. Lifebuoy is the purifying toilet soap. Its constant use provides an invisible shield against germs. tinnCtRH DISEASfS Z, 1 tnajr be carried by Ul koi.- Lit LxhmiMm luttitutt QUIET LB713 LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Purifies and Protects Lcvcr Brothers limited Toronto J J. Y. TIBBITS IS DEAD AT ANYOX ril Kiwhh IIMrkt Man Ifcul KiUrd at Mirllrr Town fur la4 Tku anil a Half Yean, The death oocumtt at the Anyox Hospital recenUy of John William TibbrU. who passed away at the age of 34 year. Deceased was barn in Nova Scotia, and ha resided In Anyox tor the paat 2 yeara. He la survived by a wife who re-alde in Vancouver. He .was a member of tbe local Lodge of Oddfellows. Tbe funeral was held. Rev. C D. Clarke officiating. A large Dumber of tbe member of the local Oddfellow' Lodge mere present, to pay reapreU to theM At the conclusion of the burial ser- vice by Rev. Clarke. J. Wilson and A. Crear officiated In the Oddfellows' burial aervlce. The pall bearer, who were all members of the order, were: C. McMillan. K McDonald J Kennedy. A. McLean. 8. Ltpsky. A. Johnson WEDDING AT TERRACE ON MONDAY Ml Annlr ltlse f lingwiMHl l '.r3e of Mike INMul lt of l t.k "X quiet wedding waa solera nl ted on Monday at 10 am !n St. Matthewa Anglican Church. Terrace, when Rev. A. W. Robinson united In marriage Mia Annie Rigg of Long worth and Mlka Popowlch ot Uk. The happy couple recently around Prince George, 1 vlalt-Icg at tbe home of hi mother. Mr. O. T. Sundal. VANDERHOOF At the Carnival dance nere lal week, Miss Sadie Campbell wu crowned queen by William F Manson. ' an old timer of tbe dltrlct. The maid of honor were Mia Velma Clark and Mlaa Margaret Silver. ' Trie NjtbaAo Valley Liberal AmocU- tloa, 1U1U recant -annual meeting. Jjflectedjjifflcer a follow: prrmd'-nt. E. a, omiin? lirl-. yCT-pr"'""". noun WlOaon; "Vcond 'vlce-'prertdetjt O. J. Reld; ecretary trearorej. W. H Math-aon; executive, "Owep Bxirdftte, L. R. DickeiwoD, J. Graham A- A. Hutchln-on, II. C. Ludwlg. A. Stewart and Mra. McBrldc. On the vote taJten lor the appointment of a general road foreman Andrew Rae received 50 votes aad Fer-gu Park. 49. The Endako Liberal Association gave nln votes for Park and two for Rae. At Fraser Lake. Rae got i seven and Park, four. . Harry Strangebye has been buy buildlcg a new bouse fin his farm Just north of the Necbako' , River, done to Friend In the1 dUtrfcl of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur DonovaaV 0rkr have received announcemeata of the birth of a daughter to them.' J O. Wilson presided ft the provta-cial court of rerltfciil' which waa In eeaelon here thl week. In honor of Mis M. Aleiu UltoheU and Miss Margaret SUver. who sre about to leave for Edmontsn. Miss MarjerM Pi. tenon gave a deKgtktfu! faiwwaAl dance party In the Board of Trade Hill on Friday evening. I Tbomaa Richardson, who was former-: ly with th Canadian Bank of fbm-, mere here, was on a business visit to ; the town from Prince Rupert last week. I The central ommltece.hlch will i tu charge of the DiarrtOBd Jubilee of Confederation celebratton here consists of R. C. McOorl!. Oeorge Ogston, Dr. W. Ras Stone. R. O Matthew. John H. McMlUan andE. A. MttcheU. Dr. Stone la chairman; E. A. Mitchell, sec-. retary. and George Ogaton. treasurer. The following standing comralttoaa for the Vanderhoof Board of Trsxta have been appointed: pabtlcity. Stephen Holme. Dr. W. Roes Stone, and Georg Ogston: road and transportation. John W. Paterson. E. C. McGeach; and R. O. Matthews; eatertalBrnent. H V. Taylor. O C. Holt, and Owen Bwdetie. The Fort Fraser Liberal Associatioa baa elected officer as foliws preaicent. WUUam Bunting: vlce-prcMdcnt. F. W. Makaw: aeereary tressarel, J P. Mrera: executive oommlttee. John ' Keasp. Robert Burr and W Henderson. , , STEWART Joe Green, well known local mining man and promoter, haa returned from a trip to Seattle. Mr. H. P. Gibson wa hostess on Thursday afternoon at a mlaceuaoeous ahower In hci&r of Miss Mary Tomp-kln. whose marriage will take place acre shortly. ' L. Newell. J. P. Hawklnson. W. R. Tooth. P. S. Jack. Ernest , Love, IL D. Rochtord and Harry ZeflcrtL- Jk,- Mr. and Mr. George Miller of South! According to word receded by U Vancouver, who have, been .spending a Stewart Board of Trade the new wharf hort holiday with the latter' uncle, i to be built by the federal department W. E. Smith, left on Monday for the I of public work will be Just north ot 1 ealt. ' the present wharf to which, it will be p Your favorite breakfast food SHREDDED mm i is made in Canada of Canadian wheat )y our incomparabk process. Delicious for any meal with hot or cold milk ubHe. bcaaae room and wharfingers Tbe local basketball Club ha benjmce. u u lntended to use the present reorganized with officers aa rot Iowa president. Jimmy Comer: ijloe-prpsldent Max Armour, secretary. Mis Harrison: treasurer. Dick, Blreh; coach and manager. Bernle McDonald: property manager, Alex Carolan: entcrtamnt organizer. Mrs. J. McLeocU advertising !m,n,MP Rth ClnrAnn Th jtlnh blri left on the afternoon train for Uski' , , where they wtU reside on tbe groom ranch there. TERRACE Arrangementa have been made .to hold the confirmation services In connection with tbe Anglican church about the -middle of May, Archbishop d Pender of Near Weatmlnater. wUl be here to conduct the aervlce. a successiu aiun imi win, dmmn being furnished by an orchestra consisting of Miss Harrison. Roth Gordon. P. S. Jack and Joe Cullen. A son; was born at the Stewart General Hospital on February 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Chsres Kntpple. , The Stewart I Board of ;.; Trade has 1... -V elected bracers, a follows -Jor ;lhe enau tng year: president. W. C. ' Cameron: vice-president. R. W. Kennedy; aecre- Orval Kenney, who has spent the tary. James Morrlot; execuuveG. W. nast vear on the nralrles and more i Smith. H. P. Olbson, D. J. McLean. W. The Well-Managed Home THE manager of a household is the purchasing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home-on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family incom.e. Information is the only basis for intelligent purcha sing. And the right way to get the great: , est amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you-u)hat is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to male your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that are usejul. Every manager oj a household every member oj the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welfare should make a habit oj reading the ads. aock tor heavy freight Alice Arm who will trip East. lot a prairie bnaaxrd. HOT! I. All RIVALS I'rliH'e ItHiert Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely James Ramsay, who haa been compressor man at the Dunwetl mine for severil months, left for Vancouver on Chursday last. A. M. Morrison, formerly with the Dunwell staff, returned to Stewart last week from a trip outalde. ALICE ARM John Stark 1 In Prince Rupert re eclrtng medical attention. Uvan and C. W. Smith. Edmonton: 11 Porter 'and Oeorge Cecp. 'Prince George; Rcv4i H.' Youiw, Honeltoni Rev. Victor SCinffim., KUuox; Itevi WUlam Allan and flri." JJ. Vtf ' Orfwi' and daughter. Termeef R W. II. Pierce. Port Ks- Mn)ton: Mrs. Charlea Hill. Winnipeg: Dr. R. O. Large. Port 61mpsou. sao)' Charles Larson, Alice Wilkinson and Harry Wilkinson, Stewart; O. Ptilllpp-bon. Oslaud: J. w'cnrlde, Kltwanga; Charlr Lord. Port Simpson. (Vntrul R. Ingram. Anyox, Advert! in the Dally New, Market Prices LAKD Pure 25c Compound 2?c EGOS B.C. fresh pullets 45c. B.C. 'fresh. IlrsU 50c B.C. fresh, extras 50c , Local new laid 60c FISH j Halibut, lb 25c j Salmon, cohoe. - frozen 35c Smoked kippers, lb 15c Kippered salmon, lb 25c f soioKea Diacx cod. id "Vie. Stan Campbell, superintendent of ( Finnan haddles, lb 20c i the' Tori chine, left lat week for a i Salt mackerel, lb. 25c visit to hi home at Buhampton. Eng-; Eastern salt herring. 3 for 25c j land. He expect to be away about , Salt codfish fillets, lb 30c j three month. ! Boneless aalt cod bricks, lb 25c MEATS Mr. and Mra. Robert Carnler of NewjpowL No. 1. lb 35c Richmond. Quebec, arrived .here last i Roasting chicken, lb 45o week in the course of their honeymoon j Ham. sliced, first grade 60c trip which 'ha Included the Peace; Ham, whole, first grade 45c country and Edmonton. The bride la Ham, picnic, lb 22ftc younger ister of Stephen Dumas offcottsge rolls, lb 35e be here shortly i Bacon, back, sliced 50c I I Bacon, side Pork, dry salt 45o to SOc 35c , connected with a roadway. The new .11-. Arm had its coldest weather of U whir. w irv. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Raven of the wharf will provide a largo freight shedtBe Tear lut week. The low tempera-! veal ho"ulder .................. 25c Lakelse hatchery were In town on within ten fett ot the outer edge andture WM accompanied by a high wind ! Veal, loin 40c Monday tll al conUln a waiting room for the wntcn lt times assumed the prpportlons j al. leg ...... ..' 40c Pork, shoulder. . r 28c Pork,jtetn .'.,... ...i 40c Iork,fleg ; ; j..-,. , 40c Bref, pot roast ... 12c to 18c Beef, boiling lOo to 13o P. Willan. C. a Wllltajns, A ,n. Wing ; Boef. steak 25c to 40c ind Rev. Dr. Oliver Durwin, Vancouver: ; Beet Jtxist, prim rib. 30n H. W Thomas and J. K. Green. Hy'der.Lambk' chops 60c Alaska: R Bramley. Nanalmo: J. Sul- i Lamb, shoulder 35c Mutton, leg 40o Lamb, leg '. 48c Mutton, chops ., ,40j Mutton shoulder 'J 30n miTTrii Braokfleld, Shamrock and. Woodland. "lb. SOc E.CJX lb 60o PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Ca4 by SANTAL MIDY B ur to gt th Qtnulna Lt far th word'stlOV SUd by (U dfUflill t February ii, 192 TH2 DAILY- PAOEFIYB enable ist Watch Th:s watch I guaranteed lile at a moderate price. 1' is accomplished by ,w automatic machinery I- h make every piece mi il vat'ihcs can be taken j.ihI the partH all mixed i i.i ir ...... ........ n u tnirfllltur Intn ujltfohoa '' i, win run me same an 1'.)?. nncc i only $15.00 for ,,r fie Hame watch in nolid . . i ! . . i lite y. of course, have ics much lower than ii iiult we stier-lnlly recom- mm S I tiir touf wiin inr st Arrived! New Sport resses arte Hats Demers" ecial : Sale Setrrt only DISTRICT PRESBYTERY ' HAS MEETING IN CITY llnaiKlal Mutters Chief Tuple at 'on-fereme of lulled ( liurrli MlnMer Here NewSupplies of Mens Clothing arriving regularly For Prices and Quality Don't Forget Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. II. .Miller - Proprietor MILK From Hulkley Valley FUESII MILK AND WHIPPING CKEA.M Quality anJ Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone G3 Cartage. Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Spertalie in Piano and Furniture Moving.