w v October 12. 1927 Bui Q a LAUNDER SHIRTS k05Hltt.TWAST4 TOO- 1 o Tri AtTrtEY .SEEM K " coflTE FRfcSH AND KEW ;t'l vviiWt und his shirt ...if u Tip ti this laun-. turn. Tlu-y will d-to you our tXHTt n 1'iiliu.' manner of ner-I mil- moderate prices. iu to do thin. Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 WEST1H6H0USE Electric Ranges 5 i fr-Tin! r and til , i Easier! Safer! . Mnvenient to operate J belter results! a Westinghouso Klectric i' ,,'C f jct in the long run. Prince Rupert Supply Co. IH Fourth Street iiimun .Manager. YOU ARE INVITED to see Ladies' Dresses at TheL ouvre 31G Third Avenue Next Royal Hank oo DUY HIKCII. CEDAK AND JACK l'INE -inplr Load $:t.."0 Double Load )?.r0 Larue Sack 50? 0 ItUNDLES DUY KINDLING, $1.00 I'hone ."SO HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue English Made - to - Measure Suits and l'ure Wool Cloths By Mail. AGENTS WANTED to carry cloth patterns and take measures for English high-grade Tailoring House. Liberal commla. ton. Cash trade. Splendid open-iiit; for storekeeper, agent carrying 'ier line- or man with large clr-"le of frnnda. Write, enclosing bank referea to Dept C . Com-men ai Advertising Service North Parade, .Manchester. England. I'ullMHinl llimr la Im Majrd Tomorrow Allfni.K.ii I1an Madf fur Annual lUnquet The Junior PootbeJl Lmiw mm. tiVt aneeting Uat night in the City HjJ, dM that ttM (MM bdtoiB High flrfcaol and Borden street Mctsboi. portpoB tram iMt Saturday, should be played tomMiov afternoon at 4 o'clock. The line-up bv been announce m foMowa: Bn Street Tom Steeo. Nick Ounrlch icootaini. Jiancny pyl. pt Flaher. Andrew Hardy Herbl Morgan. Rupert Poo. Pwo Vkochrr, Araruo McDonald. DonaM Keoswdy. Kami Nok-moto. Pete CfceaoaM. Oarl South and Harry VVIUan. High- Dougls Scott. Albert Styles. Ma Larkln. Roy Wloka. Earl Batt. ho Thvrhur. Olouatan Joimaon. Walter Johnson. Roy Morrison. Fred OaaMran and wiujr Fisher fVellmlnary plan wart node for th holding of the annual league baaquet whan Rochester Shield wlU be presented to Booth Memorial School, lta winners durini the paot mnn. with medals to each of the Individual play-The date of the hanquet haa not vl been definitely net. Those prenent at the meeting were J S Wll:n. president, who occupied tike chair: Mia 8. A. MMe. Tbomaa Peddle. O. H Harm J Campbell, and Rag RUPERT EAST JUNIOR 1 ATHLETIC CLUB WAS FORMED LAST NIGHT A Juuicr Athletic Club in connection :th Rupert last United Church was formed hut night, offlcera being sleeted follow: President Ml PhyUta Way Vice-president Mus Jean W Treasurer- Ml Betty Capstlck Secretary Uih Edith Mahaffy. Tin club will meet every Tuesday even Ina to play backetball. volleyball, etc. SPORT CHAT I Jack Dempeey who recently picked up 1 more than 1400.000 for half an hour's ring work at Chicago, haa the offer of ia job that pay J uat one fortieth of I that for a whole year Alexander J Hurefa. promoter of a grapefruit town- site in the Salt River Valley. Ariaona. ' telegraphed Dempsey In New Yorit of-ifertng him $10,000 a year and a ten- acre grape-fruit grove to beeoroe the, ' townelie' mayor. I A former British Marine, who claim the heavyweight boxing championship of England, haa come to the United State to take part In Tes Rlekard'a elimination teriee. the winner of which may get a chance at Oene Tunneya crown neat year. Phil Seett. six feet, two Incbe 18)11. and weighing 300 Ins.. arrived in New Yoi laat week on the Olympic, with Charlie Rom, hi manager. He ha aigned a contract with Rlckard to ryht In New York. October 36. his opponent to be either Jack Sharkey or Paollno Uacudln. WATER NOTICE. DIVERSION AND 1E 1 TAKE NOTICE that E. Rousseau, whose address la 410 Seymour Street. Vancou- ' notice was fx tea on me grouna o ! the 26th day of July. 1927. A copy of i fills notice and an application pursuant .i . to the .v.. "Water ur.t. Act" atA will will he be thereto and filed in tbe office of the water ue-corder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Objection to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Building. Victoria. B.C., within thirty of the first publication of this notice Is August 20, 1027. EDOENE ROUSSEAU. Applicant, LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Coast District, Range 4, and slt uate on and being all of Bonllla Island except that portion occupied by Indian Reserve Number 18. TAKE NOTICE that I. Ole C. Austad. of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation rancher, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: commenclnr at a post planted at tht wunw-" soumeavrij I wm - . , . J GREYHOUNDS Writer In Manchester Guardian Describes one of Modern Sports in England I'UKKLY VOU HOTTING All Was Over In 31 Second and Crowds Flock to Hookies (o Collect Wafers The extraordinary laetiii of grey hound -racing la leading, u the almost dally reports of the knaJlM new snow. a gaM lag we eon itructlon of new traeks an over the country, and there are Mkely to be strenuous contest beoweea the promo- ten and those who flew wttn alarm the increased opportunttten for betting provided by these ealrrprt. The fol lowing article deacrlbea a race meetltag at the Oorton course. Uaaeheater. the firat to be corned la tfale country. Bo this U where It ail began at Jet in England: thla the aeed-olot whera the alien plant was tried out. and wMa -uch antsnuhlng suceees that every considerable town In Knghvad haa got tbe new growth bedded down In It m:dt. Ojrtin gave) u the greyhound and tbe electric hare only a year ago. and already great Indigenous Institution like football and cricket feel themaelvn thieatenad. and at tfee Jockey CXuti they aak appretjenalvely whether there will not have to tee a reaty of aotne sort nocturnal Derby and Oeod woods: Charter Cups and Unoolnehlr Handl cap won under the stars and Owtuand- wstt lamp. DOOKIKH .VKKIVF. Away over tbe city the sun is sinking into the smake hate, ooevertlng it Into a cradle of vaporous splendors. The. are lamps which have Jast struggled into life on the course offer a rtdleuleusly wan farewell to the cooing daylight. There I still half an hour be (em the racing begins, but people are flowing eteadlly Into tbe enclosure from a down polnu. Late-ootners among the book makers are hurrying to their "pitches followed each by hia olerkly retinue, one of whom invariably earrle that tre mendous jwrtmanteou which bookmakers take about with them apparently a a pledge of their substance. Tbe bag deposited, toe bookmaker aseeod hi tool and oortfroata the gathering hoste with a look which MageaU that he will do anything in reason to be relieved of some of the burden of hts chronic wealth. The crowds on all aides of the lozenge- shafted green are eternally expanding. The bookmakers are even alnklng Into a minority. But what a aubsUntlal min ority r I count in about aatnany yard Uxty-two of the confraternity. They are ranged in proportionate density all round the ring. Sixty-two gentlemen, each perched on hi stool and hugging with a friendly arm a board announcing the dogs who will run In the first root: alxty-two gentlemen of most diverse type, but united In this, that they are all bending welcoming eyes on tbe arriving multitudes. Tin: ritowit And what an interesting assortment of peaple we have here! Across there. in the TatteraaU'a of tht place, where they pay &a., there may be Indeed, there are. for you can tell l from their easily discernible appearance people o! social standing, or such standing as a Mini-detached Villa In Bumage gives If It has a name like Holmletgh and a garage of three-ply wood. But here, we. l?s-jsk . vvsui pid prim i,t nnmniwi stream which flow south- I rge of entry, are on the lower social erlv and drain Into Port Stephen Bay, i about one mile east of Bluff Point. The water will be diverted from th (stream at a point ajout 600 feet from the mouth and win ie usea tor comnier- terraces: In fact, some of us could not be vtry much lower. There are men here who have clearly rtiwuiMl t r crH t nait of er.fflneefin? LRDitfirTiwoJ- Puaded that riches may come as soon to a man In overall as to one who baa been home and got into hi "second beat." There are hundreds of other working men who Tjancwhlre folk say. and Invested In haw "tidied" themselves up. a greyhound editions of the evening papers. Women there are. too. by the score SSSTtS! dJt. Uglrt, who two hour, before were -ad- verting." on tne typewriter, -wj yours of yesterday"; middle-aged mothers of svorklng-clan families; In acme instances young mothers Just beginning to found a family, with the foundation nestling in their arms while they peruse the "Card and Analysis of Form." Darkness Is slowly snstehlng, from view Hie surrounding landscape of chimneys and mean domestic architecture. Through a solitary dark clump of trees the festooned lamps of Belle Vue wink at us. As the night descends the lights over the course assert their power and the narrow strip of the racing track turns to a bright emerald. "I lay 6 to thenre northerly, westerly. aonej the 4 the tMar 0ne of the sixty-two gen easterly, following the sinuosities of shore line, to point of commencement, excepting therefrom that portion of the Wand occupied by Indian Reserve No. 18. and containing one thousand acres, more or ,M, OLE C. AD3TAD. Applicant. Dated July 127, Trn HNtl ACT V0T.rE OF lNTE.OVVr0rLY TO tlemen behind me has spoken. Zero hour has come. It reminds you of those moments. The barrage breaks; all heaven Is torn with the agitated clamor of these men. And this strident commotion will not abate now until the bell announces the race. THE RACE Pour men step into the pool of light, each wearing a white smock and a bOwkr hit lfant.avHf fltmraal ttnrf K Land Re- I In Queen. ChariotteWands fe more .... clted doe. . situate8 at Ferguson Bay. Graham liland, j fore these white-garbed merophants Q C.I. ,. ... I walks a fifth man of more distinguished nermZrUmtted. bearing. He carries a folded white flag occupation Packers, intends to appiy ior aTe, of the following described fands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1571, yJ-. R?" ...... n ,hins! thence north 2 fchaVn. more or teT to low water mark; th?nce west following low water mark. 30 chains: thence south 2 chains, more and or 1 to pomt of commencement ou T.r-.trTT;;o. Appll ant DaUd August 31, 1927, PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Cased by 8ANTAL IMIOY Be ur le ast Ik CskuIm Leek fee tr word "MIOV (old by all ajtua-uts THE DAILY NEWS PAOE ma THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS 'EXECUTIVE ICAmcuACMccTiuc'IVnUnU OF JUNIOR iRAflNfi WITH mill i j. : is." 4t ortance f the Commonplace information T3ie tii pie uUpktmi on your Vit it mailt el 201 parts tll aaurattly made und tniprctedmany of Ikem ttited la ike thuknest cj a hair. 1867 CANADA ' 1927 Northern Electric wire and cable THE reel is a farhiliar sight throughout Canada. To the casual observer it is a commonplace, yet it represents one phase of the romance of Nation building. Shortly after Confederation, when Dr. Alexander Graham Bell was making his experiment for the transmission of speech by electricity, he had to use ordinary stovepipe wire for the first line from Brantford to Tutela Heights in Ontario. Today a network of specially made wires and cables knits the provinces together. These wires and cables link outpost, farm house, village and city, and the voice of any section may be heard at will. The industrial, economic and social lif e of every part of Canada is coordinated for the benefit of the Nation. Your telephone gives you a place in this national forum. Most of the m're and cable, telephone instruments and equipment required for Canada's million telephones are made by Canadians in Canadian uwkshops., Thus the Northern Electric Company, by developing and supplying this necessary equipment, contributes directly, as well is indirectly, to the indus- , trial growth of Canada, and to the comorr, convenience and efficiency of 3 Canadians and Canadian enterprise. 5 'MotthemEkctriz LOMPANV LIMITED Equipment Jor the transmission of Sound and Power and looks needlessly grave. He Is ihe starter. Obviously, he has not met the sixty-two garish gentlemen In my rear pr he would not think the occasion called for such earnestness. "I lay 6 to 4 the field, bar one." The brazen din gees on. Now tbe smocks Mid tbe bowler hats and the dogs on parade go by, and we have Just time to note the grace and power of the greyhounds' haunches and the colors of their jackets. I turned before the race to take a lart look at one of tbe alxty-two In whom I was In- t -n mrrely human reasons j when I obitrved his countenance recover the first signs of composure It had known for twenty minutes. The same thing was happening to all the sixty-cne other faces. It wh the race: and I swung round to see the four dogs leap In one hlgh-cundng, beautiful movement from the cage. It was all pver In thirty-one seconds, but la that time one had seen the whole race and the four lithe forms rippling in sinuous rhythm against the green and against each other tike loot flowing v.eed3 In a rapid stream. j NO CIIEEKINO But w&it of tbe crowd? Mo one near , me remarked upon its beauty, though they were no doubt unconsciously stir-red by It. Did they cheer the winner, panting with drooping tongue? No. They Immediately addressed themselves to the bookmakers, either to receive what tbey had won or to discover the odds that were being offered on the next race. And where were the great humors of cricket or football, sports which are as surely the product of tbe English habit of mind M the Constitu tion Itself There la a strange, alien air about greyhound racing, and onei wonders whether it can ever permanently j minister to the true English genius for sport. H. B. NO LI CK. "I dont have much hope for my nephew at college," says 3. Fuller Gloom. "He failed to make tbe team, he failed to make the dramatic club, he failed to make hla grades, be failed to make the Olee Club, be failed to make tbe right fraternity, and now has failed in an attempt at suicide." Kansas City Star.