PAGE FOUR xnci DAILY KET7S Mo ... J JOHN PULLEN BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus I WANT TfC SEB THE PRESlOENT CFTn't -AILED AT TUB Unt COMfVNY AN' HEWLO-JICC-' "TOLD HIM W., PASSES AWAY t.COMftMY- VANTWM TO GIVE W HI PREOIOE.NT WANTS TO KNOW t. JiV. yoo Aio-rit didn't ANfewit' . HE POTS ME TO WOKK IK VOU VJIFES BROTHER A JOB" TELL HIM H" . i-IR- Ha- JOVT THHtW MB OuV J rcn ARK COIN TO VOTE PON HIGHER QA1. DOIN IT FEF? ALDERMAN JlQGft'. ls: Ufl I TH6I06A OP Uj mm t in c- m WAS PHK.KIDKNT op AlNAftlAN NA yy TIONAL KXPKKSS CO. AND coT1Ev'OTe VISITKO I'ltlNCK ItlTKItT , ON AT LL'AST O.NK J OCCASION MONTREAL, Jan. 3. The death oc curred at his late residence on Satur day of John Pullen. for many yean president of the Canadian Express Com pany and one of the most widely I known express and railway men lu Canada. The late Mr. Pullen, had been 111 for nearly three years and had re tired from the management of the, Express Company shortly after the amal gamation of the Canadian National system In March, 1923. Born at Shepton Mallot, England, In I 1863, the late Mr. Pullen came to Canada while still a boy and entered rnnce Rupert, having visited the city 1927, at 8 pjn railway service with the Orand Trunk the splendlnd music furnished by the system at Sherbrooke, Quebec, on Aug- Canadian Legion. At midnight the ust 13, 1877. He was employed In the grand march was played and the New office of the assistant general freight Year was ushered In with rousing "a' ,n n was transferred cheers and much merriment. Refresh to Montreal to the general freight of- ments. furnished by the W.A. to the ilce- Canadian Legion, were then served In 1892, the late Mr. Pullen went to and dancing continued until an early Chicago as secretarv to th fwioht hnm. traffic manager of the Chicago and J urana trunk Railway and, on March 1, 1 Miss Nightingale of Port Simpson who i 1883, was made agent of the West I has spent her vacation at the home of Shore fast freight service of the Grand Rev. and Mrs. Wra. Allan, returned on Trunk at Chicago, on August 1. 1893, 1 Sunday to her school In the northern he .became agent of the despatch line I town. at Chicago and, on April IS, 1896, he returned to Canada becoming division I Miss Andrews of the Anyox Public freleht aeent of the Oranrt TrnnV In I School staff, who has been Rrnrilncr Vier the general freight department at holiday" with Mm. E. T. Kenney nl J THOMAS FOSTER IS "...wuiUi wuuuju. ju August i, I ay o, 1 . .injs. uiwm, ici b vu ouuaxy 10 he was transferred to Hamilton In the resume her duties, same capacity and, on May 1, 1899. he became general freleht aeent of the! Mrs- E- Kenney entertained at Central Vermont Railway with head- Ith? tea nour on Thursday In compll- quarters at St. Albans. On May 1. I900ment Mlss Andrews. Mr. Pullen was appointed central freight agent of the Grand Trunk Mlss Esther Moore n Sun Railway at Montreal. ldaT t0 sviae her studies In Prince On August 1. 1905. he became as- RuPrt after sPndIng her holidays at slstant freight traffic manager of thener nome here Grand Trunk at Montreal, which posi tion he held until October 1, 1911. which position he held until his retire ment In March 1923. Sl'RVlVED nv WIDOW Mr. Pullen'a first wife preceded him Mrs. A, H. Barker was an afternoon when he was appointed president of the r" hteU n "niursdaSr- Canadian National Express Company, . v 6 The pontlnnrt mlM .nrt ln ,.., married to Agnes Shearer Cassila. who Lr ... wln, .. nrV,J . nnilvat him TK D. . M I M"1- " rlerk tn tho Tr.ffl v..-..h-. , r "' .u. . . dustry throughout the district, the ab- only son. Mr. Pullen was a member of the St. James, Canada, Country aid Royal Montreal Clubs, he was also a member and elder of the American Presbyterian ' Church. The funeral takes place this afternoon from the home of Mrs. .Charles Cassils, 753 University Street, to Mount Royal Cemetery. The late Mr. Pullen was known inlrnoury. Monday evening. on at least one occasion in his capacity Signal section parade for Instruction, us preeiaent oi me uanadlan Express I Tuesday at 8 pjn. V"a First Aid Q ass attend, for lecture. TERRACE of the kind ever held in Terrace and was quite an Impressive-and successful venture. The service was In charge of Rev. A. W. Robinson, and the address was given by Rev. Wm. Allan of the United Church. A quartette entitled "Come Let Us Anew," was rendered by Mlss Nightingale, Mr. Allan and Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. The church bell was rung at midnight and the congregation knelt lor. silent prayer f.or two minutes. Mrs. J. K. Frost left on Sunday for the south after spending the past few days in Terrace looking after the disposal ofthelr household etfects. Mrs, Frost expects to Join her husband in Portland and they Intend making a combined business and pleasure trip through California and other southern states. From New Orleans Mrs. Frost Intends coming north again to visit friends In Brantford and Toronto while Mr. Frost will proceed to South Carolina where they expect to reside, he having entered the employ of a large lumber company In that state. 1 1 n i -j i-1 . . . . ''- rftnrnH nn Rnttlrrlnv tmm Port. P.calncv. If ton where she spent her Christmas vacation. ' Rev. Wm, Allan who was in Hazelton and Klsplox at the beginning of the wrck, on Indian Mission work, returned home on Thursday. ' A. Egan returned on Saturday after a few days spent in Prince Rupert. Mlss K. R. Deacon left ton Sunday for Prince Rupert where she has rented ? th'e "home of H. F; Pullen and expects ,. to spend the next few months In the city. Miss Etanda Marsh also left on Sunday to resume her Uacbing duties " and will make her home with Mlss Deacon. A very large crowd was present at the New Year's BaU held In G.W.VA hall, under the auspices of the Cana dian Legion, paper hats, streamers, confetti and other novelties added to the attractlvenescs ' of the affair and ail present thoroughly enjoyed dancing to Mlss Betty Anderson, who has spent I her holidays with her parents here, re turned to her school studies In Prince I Rupert on Sunday. fence of snow making hauling very difficult. BATTALION ORDERS By Lleut.-Colonel J. W. Nlcholls. Officer Commanding, 1st Battalion North British Columbia Regiment, 102nd Bn. C.E.F. Parade. Battalion parade in the Ar- Thursday at 8 pjn. Musketry. Miniature Friday at 8 pjn. January 3. range practlcs v.c u,um c I cuts .ve ntt. . ., I .:;. . .; r." . : 33- Promulgated for the information ... k u """"'8'" of all concerned: V( VkAlH In IK. I.nll.nn -l.,,Mt. M. r!nlirtln Phml.ln bral.. TV. rfoo nl,hl Thl. ..... .u. .. ... " " ' 6"- " HCfllto -hr.1aln .,lh k. l. I Lieut. Colonel: Chaplain and Hon Major Oeo. A. Rlx, VD, April 1, 1920. Orderly officer for the week ending Saturday January 8, 1927, Lieut. N. Prlngle; orderly sergeant: Sert S. D. JOHNSTON, Major and Adjutant. Attd. 1st Bn. NJJ.a Regt. ieina absolutelu sure on uic ouojcci oj nuautij THE HIGH QUALITY OF Baker's Breakfast Cocoa is Tot an Accident " tbe result of a Judicious selection and blending of cocoa beans, of which there are more than thirty grdei; of most careful roaitJng, a very delicate operation; and its further preparation by the best mechanical processes (no chemicals) which preierve the delicious natural (Uvor and aroma and attractive color of the beam. WALTER BAKER 8C CO. Limited EuUi!d 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. Canadian Mills at Montreal Dook t of Choice Recipes sent free MAChEKNI VES I j ELECTED MAYOR OF TORONTO ONCE MORE TORONTO, Jan. 3. Defeating two op ponents, Thomas Foster, In the municipal election, on Saturday, was elected mayor for the third time . His victory was no surprise as he was the favorite throughout the campaign. The Toronto Globe and other influential interests were In active support of him. Mayor Foster's opponents were W. D. Tiobbins, secretary, formerly a city con-irottet who was nosed out In the rase for the Board of Control last year and ho was far In the rear in this contest; and Controller Samuel J. Mc-Bride, wholesale lumber merchant, the last mentioned of whom waged a vigor ous campaign for promotion to the mayoralty only to be beaten by some 1.500 votes. In his nomination papers. Mayor Foster gave his profession as a HOTEL A It RIVALS I'rlnre Rupert J. W. Ellason. L. Llttlefield, H. II. Crew. O. H. Swayne and son and Mrs. M. Swayne. Vancouver; Miss I. McAfee, Georgetown Mills; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stewart Anyox; Miss Mary Easthope, L. r. Spragge and Mrs. Halliwell, Terrace: Mlss Marion Dodson and W. W. Noonan. Telkwa; Mlss M. Jacquot. C. W. Swan- son and J. G. BJornstad, Usk; J. M. Hoar, Cedarvale; C. A. EJornstad, Wal- halla, NX).; R. Martin, Minneapolis; Mr and Mrs. R. W. Sinclair. Inverness; L. T. Kenney, Prince George; D. Drum-mond, Exstew. Savoy M. Johnston and William Petrovak, CN R.; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Murphy and G. M. Fraser. city; R. G. Cunningham. Port Esslngton; H. B. James, Phelan; Frank Stager. Sockeye; P. Kady. Kwln-itsa. Eugene Dutton, Kltwangar; O. It. Tycho, Smithers. Central Charles Wilson, Smithers; J. a. Johnston, city; Mr. and Mrs. J. Paulls, Cedarvale. It: ENGLISH CUP DRAW Thrilling Struggle Aiitiluitril In Thlnl Kill n) LONDON, Jan. 3. Many thrilling struggles are promised in the Third Round of the FJi. Cup. to be decided on January 8. The draw Is as fallows: Fulham vs. Chesterfield. Chelsea vs. Luton. Clapton Orient vs. Port Vale. West Ham United vs. Tottenham Hot spur. Millwill vs. Huddersfleld Town. Reading vi. Manchester United. Bristol Rovers, vs. Portsmouth. Lincoln City vs. Preston Nortt. End. Southampton vs. Norwich City. Bournemouth and Bascombe Athletic -a. Liverpool. Exeter City vs. Acrlngton Stanley. Cardiff vs. Aston Villa. Swansea Town vs. Bury. Birmingham v. Manchester City. Waliall vs. Corinthians. Oldham vs. Brentford. - Bamsley vs. Crewe. Sheffield United vs. Arsenal. Sheffield Wednesday vs. Brighton and ;Iove Albion. Middlesbrough vs. Leicester City. Darlington vs. Rhyl. Bradford Cl'.y vs. Derby County. Everton vs. Poole. Blackpool vs. Bolton Wanderers. Hull City vs. West Bromwieh Albion. Southport vs. Blackburn Rovers. South Shields vs. Plymouth Argyle. Asblngton vs.' Notts Fort. Newcastle vs. Notts County. Burnley vs. Ortmsby. Carlisle vs. Wolverhampton Wanderers. Leeds Unit d vs. Sunderland. SCOTTISH GUI' I1KAW j; GLASGOW. Jan. 3 Draw for the First Round of the Scottish Cup. to be. played on January 23. resuted as follows: Elgin ' City vs. Albion Rovers. Queen's Park vs. Inverness Caledonia. Thornhlll vs. Eat Fife. Dykehesd vs. Montrose. Bathgate vs. Dunfermline Athletic. ' Stenhousemulr vs. Partlck Thistle. Kilmarnock vs. Peebles Ravers. Helensburgh vs. Aberdeen. Brechin City vs. Vale of Letthen. Buckle Thistle vs. Prasertturgh. Fast Stirling vs. Dumbarton. Alloa vs. Morton. Dundee vs. Motherwell. Douglas Wanderers vs. Clydebank. I Bo'ness vs. LoehgeUy United. j Vale of Leven vs. Johnstone. Arbroath Athletic vs. Dundee United Ayr United vs. Alrdrleonlans. Belth vs. Huntly. Queen of the South vs: Celtic. Lelth Athletic vs. Kaners. Cowdenbeath vs. Hibernians. Clyde vs. Hearts. Forres Mechanics vs. Mtd-Annandile. St. Bernards vs. Vale of Atholl. Forfar Athletic vs. Raith Rovers. St. Mlrren vs. Arbroath. Nithsdale: Wanderer vp. Artburlle. Broxburn United y. Armadile. Hamiltcn-Academical vs Stranraer. . y KIngV Par .vsThird LanarRV ( F$lklrt vB, 6t... Johnstone. SPORT CHAT No greater strides have been taken In any one sport In the past year than In professional hockey. From the four-club league of three years ago, hockey last season Jumped to the seven club size, and after the season closed last spring three more teams were added to it until now the 1926-37 season Is under way with no less than ten outfit battling for honors Hockey can now be classed practically on the same busln as professional baseball In the United States. It Is certainly In the big money ranks. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been and are being expended on the game. Half million dollar rinks are being constructed and fabulous prices are being paid for tea.ns and piayeri. Canada nVa after many years a native born world's champion, following the spectacular career of Jack Dclaney, ilee Oyllla Chapdclalne, qfj Sorel, Que-bee. Dclaney calls Bridgeport, Conn., his home "today, but the Jlght-lit-avy-wclght champion comes from the Quebec province town. Delaney packs a wallop and at the same time Is clever He was knocked out by the man he took the title from, but he come back and beat him later. Delaney earned his champlonhslp by defeating Put Bcrjanbach, the Astoria light-heavyweight. He clearly earned the honors In his championship bout with Berlen. bach and for the first time since the dy. fif Tommy Burns, former heavy- O 1926 sv Ikt'i. FtATowi ScnvKC Inc. CtmI Britain Of kl .4 V anted ForS IP Nil IZ 3o 1 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. M For Rent 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than SOc SITUATION'S WANTED WOMAN WANTS WORK BV THE HOUR or day. Box 1!. IXJ1 riews Offlcc. VOll SALE tan HALS. TO CLOSE OUT AN IS- Ut. we are authortMd to sell twrera! lota, some corner, harbor view, and on sewer, moat lov and Unas Irom $10.Q0 monthly. Enquire T. Metaymocl. if FOR 8ALR THREE ROOM HOUSE with fine harbor view. Built 19. 1,000 00 on tmns. Thtt Is snp at tbe pnc. Ttaew. Wlirt, Ud f FOR SALa POUH IRISH SttTTBtt pupa, tare iaonths oim. (taoraturh- brwd) IWM each to elsor. Pnoet j Urren 269. WHV NOT HAVE MU8IC? I'lANOH frid pboaoipfa))M for real Walker's Music store. tf FOR BALE. FOHD SEDAN: GOOD mechanlosl condlUon. Stn. Tsems. Phono 93. tf rOR SALE Casmtae motor, with BOMtt msjrneto and coU; suiUMt for boat. Mum 83. if FOR SALE PAIR OP BLUI FOXU. Apply O. II. Udd. Searlew Apartments, u FOR SALEv SELF BTAHTFH FORti Drtlvery. goad ooxtdlllon. WU. Phon 83. TON KENT FOR RKNT- FIVE li- M FLAT WITH toilet, bath, phone, pantry; furntaiMd or unfurnished. I'hone 774. dsytlme only. tf FOR RENT THIRTY RCOU VqUIP- ped hotel. Oornc coneem. Writ Box 342 Dsily News omee. tf FOR RENT. WARM IIOUBE WITH two bedrooms. Central. Apply 318 Fourth Avenue East. AUCTIONEER At CTIOMXIt IT 18 A BU8INBS6 TRANSACTION TO ptsjstke. It I pint you. plots Ml other, if I don't, tell met I buy, sell or exchange anything of value. Ffitone 711. O. P. fhine. Auetlonrar. weight champion, a Oansdlan-bom boxer rides atop of the wta'ld In a boxing division. Somehow or other' there is always -an old-timer, with the experience of long tcrylce In the major leaguers, whs comes to the; front and makes. himself li permanent nltlie in thf hall of fame n baseballs world series. Last year. 1 925, It was Walter Johnson, a grizzled veteran of 18 years on the mound: this ytnr It was the 39-year old Orover Cleveland Alexander Alexander the Great whose steadiness was to a largo rxtent responsible for the capturing of the highest baseball honor by the St. Louis Cardinals, champions of the National league. OWLS MADE MERRY UNTNLDAYBREAK Vtv ICoiltrr i:nlrrtnlnril nt I mnil Nw Vear'H Cve lilltlle In Ikiihrlor Hill Members of th Owl Club met on New Year's Eve at Vic Rodgers' bachelor hall, 110 ElglWh Street, and spent an enjoy able evening. About fifty persons were present and, after Installation of officers for the comlrw year, old Vic serj ved plenty of crackers, cheese and hot dogs until dawn when the birds disparted, owls not being able to see In daylight. Miss L. James teacher In the public schools, returned to the city yesterday from a holiday spent In the south. PAIN from Bladder Irritation oon aid by SANTAL rvtlDY Dswtr of Irpltstlons Look for th word "MIDV" ''old by all flriiKX.Kt Htllosd bi CIIIKOI'lt ACTIO IH. K. !:. KVOI.IXIN tiiiiioi-Kwrroit trj.l Third Amine. Office Wt . 1 CO House aJU . sj.Jo For appolnUaeat Phone omee Blue U ReMwe Black 22 ItOAUI) BOARD. TllR INLANDER, RM Ssesttd Avenue. Pbons 137. HKSTAUUANTS MH) K.TS CA1K l!r Unger. Proprttres Thtre! Avenue. Next C. W. V. A. Uou Hmi. f'mtkrd Mealc. Phone pjack 700 ANOTHER HRi REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES l-lfc Ton Utility Express OtAU 805 XK) H Tan Light IMhrrry OnassU KtOOO Tourini and Roadster BUmn apart Ho ! mojOO Ooh and Coupe ItBM.OO IUS4jW landau lltltM i :m:i vah on iitvii 1 Ford Ufht Ddtverr. opes I 740 I Ford Ucat Delivery, panes dr tlSOOO t Ford Uht Delivery, starter equipment I3S0M 1 Ford Tudor Sedan. sUrter 9pmt , MOOOO t Okismobfl (-passenger TBtir- Ing. 1933 IOO0O0 Trim ean be arranged on both new and used ear to suit the pttrehasor. KAIEN CARAfiE Dealers In Cailllnr. MrUurhlln. fkihlaiiit. r..nlltr Mmllle and (lirtrolrt (5ar. I'lmne S3 TAXI I'hone C7 Taxi (Call ReorRc, Paul or Out) Six and Seven Pawenxcr Stiulo-bakcm at your disposal nny time. ROSS RROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Illock. fAcrow from Emprens Hotel) TIMRER SALE X8C07 Sealed Tenders will pe rrreived by the District Forester not later Uiait noon on the loth day of January. 107. for the purchase of tLicence X007. nurke Channel. Restoration 1 Hay. OR. 3. to cut feft board measure of bpruce. Cedar and Hemlock sawlogs. Two tat years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For. wter, Victoria, or the District Fornrier, ruicu ttuperi, 11. TIMRER SALE X8371 Sealed Tenders will be received by the District Forester not later than noon un the 31st day of December, 1U20. for the purchase of Llrens XH71. Yakoun Uay, Masnett Inlet. QO.I, to cut 460,000 feet board measure of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock sawlogs 0.1 (l year will be allowed for re, moval of timber. ' Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, or the District Forester. Prince Rupert, n o. v TIM IER SALE X5793. Sealed Tenders will be received by the District Forester not later than noon on the 3rd day of January. 19J7. for the purchase of Licence X57US, oovulng two E-aJL.,t Ooat ""fbor. OR. 4., to cut 7M.000 feet board measure of Spruce. Hemlock, Cedar and Balaam aawloga. One (1) year will be allowed for removal of timber. Further pBrtlc;3rs of the Chief For-fler, Victoria, ot the District Forester, Prince Rupert, PULP TIMRER SALE X8 MO. rS4sn,Mt, "1rk,,, 'Tender on ?wl 0;i1, o'.wcelvrd by the Honourable, the Minister of Lands, at Victoria, DO. up to twelve o'clock noon on the 4th day of January. 1027, for the pur-Mhttf" 0' ,ru,p Llne X8410, to cut Queen Charlotte Islands District Thirty years will be allowed for the removal of the timber. t.oAnBteortrh,m-Fore.?ly.. W,lh Sc' M;hf5Sd.or ny ifndtr not n'w'- hrV-'huI Car.t,c."Ur ,m 1,8 from the Chief Forester, Victoria, D.O. MAIL SCHEDULE Oi T.tiOIMl Uettdaya. WMlrwsdxy on,. te Tu Vanrotitrr Toosaaso 4, rrid.y , Bsturdaf C.P.B De. 17 Fust cU mail t abv. ,. . Tiubiu on Ucuatfr, Wk: iturday C N R. trains To .U), Alice Arm. Mr.H an mlrr Bundays W'sdnMdays Tn Ft. Mmrwri and Ssa Klvi 1- To Alstlua l-nlntv Ie. U. To (rri ITisrMlM Dee. 4. 13 IS-COMIMI Irom the Ka TllSsUiys. TaunMtay knt aiin.1 at )i: I rom t'aitrutrr Suudayt Wi-ttneodmy n PfMay CJ'll. Dec. II. llom Aiijut. Albv Ann. Meajn -rruilr ToewtSifS Fridays 1 lrm It. ximpwn and S'a Hn r- limn Assi.a CoIhI lass. II 4.. I 'rum () trHrtlr Dec. I. M. IIOV (III.I.M'TIOVN Oraham t Atlln Area. . 1st Ava. At tin at th Ave to pulton St . th Are A ThosBpson . . lltB Si ShorDruoke Avea llth Ave, Conrad at. . atn Aw. At Hay Covo th to Hay Cat Cirelo . th Ave St Cotton 8t, ... m Ave Mc Bride St. . Oovt. iad(a Oov. Wharf OTP. Wharf n.TJ". Station day only. for Vanrnutrr All v Tuestlay Cardrna . ... V . t; ., ' 9 ' .I !l 1 2ml am. aA at m rd Ave. Pitlson H4 m rd Ar to ata Bt in Sundity oollertton same an P M Friday m Prince Rupert . . Saturday w. Cauia tta'urdsy - m. IlneeM DeaUlre Du. IT as Princess Mary . From t'aiM-nutrr Sunday -as. Cardena Welneaday-HMi. Pr. Rupert 10 Friday as. Oatala Batorday-us Princess nentru-Dec. is ss Princess Mary . Dee. rt s Prinrens Mary . . I'r Port Mliiinn and Xaa Itltrr Sundny-s. Cardena mm r,ri niinpmn ami Nnn lth Tuesday- as. Cardena Fur Mm art. Anyiit and Allre Ann Sunday m Cardena Wednaoday s. Prinre Ruper From Mewari. Anyov and Allre At Tuesday as. Cardena Friday-as. Prince Rupert . l or (Jiieen ( : arlottrs Deo. 18 Prince Charles . . Ftom (Jiifn Cli,irivtp Deo. 18- si. Prince Charles Deo. 30-HM. Trlnce Charles lor Aliioka Dec. la -as Princess Mary . . Dee. aa-a?. princess Mary From Alaka Deo. 17 an. Princeiui Mary LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lt In Prlnra nupert rier.ii.i: rii.1rli.ll r''; "''i1 'lusl ni)i. at 4i ilwa lUrti TAKl. .Mirii:K Hist H.iineolllt i 1. Miiaii.y, i.ui., VNtirnuviT II. 1 -Man I'srlter. miKiiii'. tn r, it fi.llMWlnir iei'rllM H un ' CiiiiiMietirinx m a p'.nt i.lsm niitlicsn vomer or tlic T iK" risiin. rollnwlriir the i-scti-rlv In "in northerly dlri-ninn is rlmlti rwlrilHUstrrl.v it rhuln1- to tn mark : ihenn- mitlnastorlv t"ii ' wsler rimrk is rhsinH; thcnio rly I W rhnln, more or H -(mini of eiitntiir-ni'i-itii nt, ainl ninin n't, tiMire or lesi . WIMKIIVIIXK 1 AHNFHY LTD.. Ape Dattd atuitniutr Dili, I8,