2 Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, November 24, 1952 an independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupern and Northern and Céntral British Columbia, Member of Canadian Press — Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Published by The Prince Rupert Daily News Limitea J. FP. MAGOR, President H. G. PERRY, Vice-President Subscription Rates: y carrier—-Per week, 25c; per month $1.00; per year, $10.00 veg ga 8y mail—Per month, 75c; per year, $8.00 Suthorind as second « class malt by the Post Omer Department, Ottawa Too Early. to say HICH way the wind is blowing for Social Credit will to some extent be ascertained today in the Similkimeen and Columbia ridings where the government is trying to win sedts for two of its éabinet members. All ptindits to the eontfary, there is no real Hasis oh Which to make predictions as the govern- | ment has not committed itself enough yet to seore any speétacular sueeessés or failures, While there has heen ériticisim of its stand on hospital instiranee, the issue has hardly moved sufficiently one way or another to develop inte a major squabble. Since Soeial Credit éame through with its surF- prise vietory last June, the Shaken experts have fled to their libraries to find out what the movement stands for. Some have emerged with indignant éries of “racial and religious diserimination” and “funny money,” but thése points of eritieism are hard to pin on the present government. Aside from a few extraordinary remarks by Health Minister Erie Martin on the subject of cur- renéy, which no doubt distiirbed his colleagues as much as anybody, the ineumbents at Vietoria have not yet given mich indieation that they are in any way unusual. In short, the situation has changed little sinee last June. Perhaps the greatest difference is that the freshmen at the capital city have in the mean- timé gained a bit of experience; and without doubt they are consider ably sobered by it: In the normal course of events, a government receives more bricks than bouqiets; There is not a Word ift the whole politieal dictionary which will please everybody, and those who are displeased ate usually the most out- spoke Nn, This kind of experience is all to the good, for it should at least mean that we will have no more of the meaningless phrases sueh as those uttered by Labor Minister Lyle Wicks when, after the election, he went about congratulating the publie on its choice, We do not get very far on congratulations, and Mr. Wicks has fio doubt since discovered that the business of government is a great deal more diffi- cult than his first words inferred. While the government has betrayed some vacil- lation—particulafly in the matter of hospital insur- ance—which might be put down to inexperience, it is still too early to praise or condemn Social Credit in the province, At the same time; its period of apprenticeship must be considered over. Whatever the outcome of the by-eleetions, the government, if it intends to honor that title, must show some aetion. Downright mistakes will hardly hurt it ary rfipre at the polls than a continuance of the policy of tholding éonfer- ences behind closed doots which produce nothing. British Columbia lately has Had a surfeit of politics, and Premier Bennett cannot operate much longer through the medium of pfess intefviews in Victoria. He and his ¢élleagties have 4 mandate from the people to act, and that is what we are waiting for them to do. Scripture Passage for Tadlay And on his head weré,many crowns.”—Rev. 19:22 1194] As I See It els ci more Philpott Orange Do Not Back SC |) IN A RECENT column) entitled “Cardinal's Re- buke” | the showed how in! Soeial |party unsuccessfully tried } misuse | land remarked that they were n Alberta's flourishing Leduc oi! field, While one well is already ‘ : at least, is a & : trying the same trick again in| producing oil (foreground) the tall derricks in the background at i a start | Cerearie but now with the!) shows where further drilling being carried on. The pipes Nurse (Gem RAPEhe patient! yy ad ts ‘ } flaunted support of the pa wheels and vatves of the prot re called “Christmas trees Grand Master ol the Orange - cP PHOTO) Don't let the dewctorts frighten | | ordet you. Doetets are tke politielarie ||) th Shed statement obs they view With alarm oo they ||, The latter statement wa can acy with jiride ath | based oh a letter to Toronto Century F - Saturday Night of September n a a a C a nti e eo a %, 1959, by R. Hardy Small n n in r ; | | | | writes as follows from his héms Th fa ¢ Car Alberta lat 1915 West 10th Ave.. Vaneou- ese afé vital tigures «o Can- Alberts 3 : wenauerie a , = shana ; - a 1 — adiats, for each Canadian, one About 96 per cent of Canadil | WINNIPEG €P)A pura-res ! beat Mr Phil ataée ae |way Of &hother, uses an average produttion éomes fropit Al- | ewe team was stheduied to jurtp With Fell “ a. my ta) of 11 barr®ls of of) a year—for berta Govuudee’ apt ee raat -c€rence to my tele-; | E i } face § 8 hone econvérsation today gasoline furnace fuel . ae (Nov 17) on your article iy |eream or any one of the thou G it na toe ee ag os = the Vaneouver Sun of Nov. 15,|Safids of uses for oil products ommun y ted 1952, I wish to confirm that|PRXAS YARDSTICK ‘ 4 : conversation and to state that) By oil resefvés is meant the Pa S Tribute The diréter, piloved py Eric the Orange Order in C anada | estimate of the dmouht of of) Taylor disappeared Moriday oh corti fae the “a ee at | whic h can be ultimately brought I It Doctor }a — mar yptemnorios Reyer a th any party ss - up froth Knowh fields 0 5 Sng oo ROAR state plane 14 Ali the Order asks for js} ..COmParison’ of Canadian re PENCKNEYVILLE, Ill. (AP)— | aitles southeast of Wabowden good, honest administration in| Setvés tend to be made with 4 country doctor, who had to} There was no sign of life all Canada, provincial and| Texas. Texas has half the prov-| huy a farm to take care of the) ; . Dominion, and further that/ed reserves of the United States éows and chiékefis he sometimes | the Order stéadfastly oppéses' which total nearly 32,000,000,000 ppspived in payment from his| oL'ETTERBOX to invade Quebee and to Catholic of party religion for} advantage the | purposes Past Grand Mastér “The art of breaking through party lines wére lesson t#kén from our book Sup- port is given to political parties who wrotf Credit | i ine OB j | | | i j | WINTER AT LEDUC—Drilithg continues in summer and winter Economy, Present Figures Show Some fig s not Gull bec s maki Gull reac ’ full of figures——but use the figures ar ita pee tatular foung industry wheh their policiés attain to our ha ching the ecohomy of « da and affétting aft Cara@tans ideals The réalities of to It ts the statistical story of we ‘ ume Of a series of timely day indieate that the Social phon g: "= en gg pee ee — Credit party is the one nearest our aims and objects . * ; = + + # ‘ By FORBES RHUDE MANY fervent méssigeés have Canadian Press Business Editor reached meé in angty reptdia- Before oi] Was discovered at Leduc, near Ed- tion by Orange lotige meémbets of Mr. Hafdy Small of Toronto Both the Grand Master of B.C and the Grand Master and Sov- ereign for all British North Am erica have protested against his misrepresentation of the Orange Ordér’s position. All messages make clear there is ho Orange Order link with Social Credit. | Mr. J. B. Cldney; Gfahtl Mas ter of thé Gfafid Ofdni#t Lodgé | religion being used ih any way monton, in early 1947, Canada’s total oil reserves were estimated at 72,000,000 OO 2 Today they thought to be 1,700,000,000 barreis and the nearly 70 per céfit of her neetis éstimate is growing at a rate of ¢; present wells 360,006,000 barrels a year Productiofi is held down be- What figate Canadian fe- catise so far it is more écohomi- serves may ultimately f®ach is cal to infiport oll Into the more | anybody's Gtiéss. Forétasts rin eastern parts of Canada and l from to 20,000,000,- into British Coltinbia than to 1000 barrels pay transportation costs from are om barrels, and about 10 times the patients, sat back Tuesday hight = politics by any party, ahd proved resetves of Western Can- | aq serie 850 friends aft fellow at no timé has any. resolution | .qa Aoctirs vaid tribute to hie car been passed in the Ordér to But Western Canada has 770,- | ps support the Social Credit 00K iaken oe Hes of iréa geolog- ge party, either provincially or in| 90° Sauare mi - foes oat id Dr. James Scott Templeton the Dominion ically favorable to the » eiehad 81, listened quietly through the May I also state that the | Of oll, running from the United () +i Wonial and a standing, five- Ordet stands, and has always States borer to the Arctic) ute ovation then hé answered done so, for equal rights to ali Oceah, and this is three times) oi) 4 numite thanks and Sree aa "4 no | the "tt the a : oo aaa The program Was sponsored > : se s 2 > ‘yas e . p one course it is the right So, |} € x pe by the Iiifiois Metiléa!l Baciéty of anvone in the Order to join repeated, Cafiada has a lot f up with any political party, but it doés not givé him the right to usé the Order's nameé in any way in that party he jolts up with. May I requést which had selected the doctor as tate 7 * “Td heary outstanding general behing | Utomer of the year wae ¢|. Dirthe his 54 years of ptaétice, Dr. Templeton estimates he has oil to tneover Statistics abowt of) ate reading, but the reality them has some of the quality the magician’s wand its prae- vou- to stat® thé stand of the slivers 35 abies Orange Ordér in Canada DREAM COMES TRUE paca oe ol. Ueoes aie Pc Thanking yott in anticipa- It's like dreaming that 7 at the affair tion and with Kind regatds, 1/ have found a fortune in an oid remain, trifik In the basement, and then awak@riing to find that the for- |General Eisenhower 8 | improvements. lclude removal of Ripple Rotk It} | always does ; | ing ionation ils ray... Reflects and | -Reminisces ANYWAY, WE LiKE iKf: We're not quite certain where) today, he'll be back in} but it’s possible |\San Franciseo by mid-week from Koren. Ottawa will spend a couple of} nnn million next ¥eat on B.C. const } The jon will in A Halifax laboratory is study- the possibility of matin | foodstuffs and vosrieties from seaweed. A good, strong gale can give a ruddy complexion. That, Suggestions have been heard time te have Duke and Duchess of Windsor take tip theif hoffie Ih) rhifiand: it fe now with the cor onttion penditi¢. Comihents the Vaheouver ftir, referring to the! former king It he made a thiit if. ever a@ ae mistake, ns} many of us think he dtd, and) all of us in our turns have done there must come a@ time in com mon decency when that mistake may be forgotten. It is not good that human resentihe nt &foul 4 outiaat Géd's grate’ RCAF Search Team Sights | Missing Plane London Hotels. Hang Signs: Full House LONDON (Reutersi—The cor- still seven months away but already Londéh hots are putting wp “house full” signs ifor coronation week As 4 result, thousands of over seas vVisitors—eager to be or hand for the big event—will be living in spare bedrooms of un pretentious suburban home when the Queen Is crowned next June 2, Bookings for hotel accommo- Yours Sincerely Y } 8 | dation started co’ in @s soon ~ =g PP LA yi tine 18 really there Port Sim pson ab devvordtration date was an- Grand Master ahd Sovefign That's what happened to | | notinced, four months after the + + + Canada. She as a | | death of King George VI in Feb- li? 1S irttefestihe to pote that! years that she might have ott | t ruary | the laté Cardinal Villefléuve| andefgtound and then, in ire es ro 5 London, though rich in his- and the present Grand Master| 1947 afd the months follow: toric buildings, is poor in lof the Otange Order ih Canada| Mig fotitid she actially had it. ips Store Home hotels, The British capital now |teached precistly thé same ton-| THE weighty ol figures didn't has ohly 50 — “— if the elusion about the evil conse-|Cxist less Shiafi six years Ag0.| Z city centre, thé hifgest with ieee 2 * attempted ibe bt They represent new-found). PORT SIMPSON Three) only 1,100 bedroums, religion for political advantage wealth which has not ohly been part of post-war ptosperity but | son wert saved from their home | I think that great good will). jive factor ih creating it and| Thursday before a fire, believed) come ottt of the by-election | snaing a stteam of money|Caused by an campaigns in B.C. Win, lose Or | across Canada istoyt, destroyed the two-storey draw, mo political party will frame structure soon agdin claim the inside| CONTROL PRODUCTION | A butket brigade formed by track with Almighty God. I This year, Canada will use| citizens failed to prevent the .| don’t believe that Mr Bennett, about 455,000 barrels a day and; spread of flames jour B.C. Premier, is any more) will, produce about 169,000 bar-| ‘The children were saved be- godly than was his fdtnous/rels or 37 per chit of her neéds.| fore the fire raged dtit of (6h- namesake, the late R: B. Ben- | Actually, sht ould prodtce! tre. hétt, nor that Premiet Matining "Sp es — ee — ee ax SUPPORTS CASEY Then 1 believe if we socialize Editor, our débits and credits in our CCF Daily News: with Liberal actions in words Could I again use space in}@Nd deeds, we could ultimately your columns to express grati- tude to. Mr. Casey’s lettér “Loyal+ ty to Russia.” Yes, I believe that Russia should have her Russians and Canada should have her Cana- dians, I beliéve that in the improper exploitation of the resources of and economically employ a con- servative accountant to énum- eraté Our asstts and liabilities. FAY B. GAMBLIN. Bush Pilot is any finer a Christian states- bor, Premier Douglas, or Pre- mier Frost, or Mr. St. Laurent; the PM of Canada. Many politicians have tried to “put more réligion in politics” but my reading of History is that ft invariably erided tp by putting moré politics into re- ligion—and never once for the éventual advancement of feé- ligion man than his next door neigh-/| small children of Harry Bamp- | Bren smaller hetels on the oit | skirts, hdrrmially tsetl by provin- cia} businesé mien and virtudlly overheated 1) unktown ta touristé, até tirning dow applications for accommo- dations. The travel aseociation expects between 150,000 ahd 200,000 over- |s@as visitors in London during coronation week, compared with 90,000 who nofingily visit Lon- don in the fitet weer of Junie. qT V Increase Predicted By (Bc ton, chairman of the CBC | of television receiving sets will bo | Oper ating in Canada within five years * AUCTION SALE OF CARS Saturday, November 29th SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE Junction 1st - Ind - 3rd Ave. West. Phone Green 217 MONTREAL, €P)A. D. Dun. Furt beard expan predicts . 1,000,000 , come her AeVelopme,, ts sion of Canadj an" “pretty tat +} ane lake % combi; both Public governors, ang He told the Canadian Club | Prise to provide 2 good « | that the sale of sets has quad- ieee erVice, He rupled since the CBC began teie- | candies 245 months ago There how were between, 150,000 an! (160,000 sets. If that rate of in éréase continued, the total would reach the 1,000,000 mark by 1957 aid ANOTHER SELECT 10N A-1 Qual; USED Cag 1951 evades Se blue. Yo 1952 Ford Se Risca f Lots g COBROTIES Nina + | Priced amet ai Beg i med ha 1848 Ford Sedan. (i ; bial re ry Ne body work Bare Midi TRUCK DEPARTYy oe Chey For a Fig Ny ec, sie Selection of | |}"':.2 Christmas. |) een Cards See Dibb Printing Co. NEW. with HERCULES NEW MECHANISM Vtantingty Fh iest and dapendenie enc + 1946, Dedse geste they con Come in and tea these tnits and sell they are Al Bob Parke The hon drive Natinfy Phone % 1952 EXTRA Quatr ‘ng /WASHE ovaomteed fer net ene bul Bre reas Gutranteed for five years GUARANTEED 10 WASH CLEAN Actual tests brove “INGLIS” » clothes cleaner regardless of you use RUPERT RADIO & ELECTR YOUR ENCLESIVE “INGLIS” DE ALFR Phone 644 Box 12 _ WE PREFER "WHITE HORSE S h Smooth Scotch Don't duer Sav ‘SCOTCH - Found Dead our Empire that we as British subjects ean conféss that there is much misleadership pertain- ing to our sovereign’s faith ane better justice. I believe that if our church ministers could hear all the truths and all the facts of our Holy Faith it would greatly as- sist our public school teachers southeast of a issi si and legislative represtntativés t0} Gy bchille + aan aes 2 make more and better founda- 4 toe hére. An RCAF search tions fer propriety in our citizen- ship. noon. ere fone ; Man. ®—Bush lor was found dead Retuitas in é wreckage of his light plane whén 4 para-restue téam jumped to investigate a wreck in a Shee spot 16 miles Taylor, 32- ae RCAF vet- plane spotted his craft Saturday Tofino Station Up in Flames 600. heré, VICTORIA (P—A fife at, the RCAF station at Tofino on the west coast of Vancouver Island | today caused damage of $100,-; | The wartime-built station was! recently re-opened. Fire details| were not immediately available $e 1934 CHEV. Master Sedan % 1936 FORD Coach %& 1947 1-Ton CHEV. Truck x STEEL TRAILER Other cats for this sale to be listed at time of sale, On saleg inspected Tuesday, November 25 to Friday, November 28. Terms: Cash or Terms, *% 1941 P % 1937 FORD 4-Door Sedan % 1949 AUSTIN 4-Door Sedan ACKARD 4-Door Sedan over $500.00 all cars can be \ Asta b. i742 | yayed by the This advertisement iy nut publisued oF GN i, coll Conttol Board or by thé Government °