r- TAXI Pk and 25 Ambulance Servian Anywhere nt Anytime Stand: Kxcimngc Hulldlng Jl ATT VIDKCK, Prop. VOL XVII., No. 1. aleady downpour of rain, Btanfora (California) rugby team on Saturday afternoon tied by u acore of three to three It opponent. Vancouver nep," In their fourth and final appearance their holiday visit to Drltlsb Columbia. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1927. MISSfMKOANjILOYD GKOKtiE is an ardent campaign belfon at alfhfs meeUnM busily roakinif notes . her the platform at a large fathering at the Kingsway Hall, YOUTHS LOST ON MTJIOOD, ORE. Seuriii l'urtlr A 1 1 eni t Itiat to Unit Leslie HniMiiIre anil Cult In While PORTLAND, Oregon. Jan, 3. LeiJIe Drownlee, aged 30, and Calvin White of this city are believed to have been lost In a bllnrard on th slopes of Mount Hood. Search partlea are endeavoring to find tfcvm. Lana Recurrent Temblors Shake Twin Cities on the Mexican-United States Boundary CALEX1C0, California, December 3. Recurrent temblors again shook the twin cities of Calexico. California, and Mexicali, Mexico, on Sunday and fire rated two buildings, mere were a number of jolts felt from about midnight and throughout Sunday morning, several of them sending loose bricks flying Into the street and widening already existing cracks in buildings. The shocks did, not add materially to the previous estimates of damage which place the property Ions for the two border towns at approximately $1,000,00. Fire starting in Mexicali a few minutes after a pevere shock i a burned two large to-torey build TO TALK OF TRADE ENVOY I'KEMItiK ItlttTE Of AISTHAI.IA IS IN OTTAWA ANI TIItT H htm to nr. ins itiu'osk OTTAWA. Jan. . Premier Urine f Au.lralU arrhril here un Suml.i evening ami wilt remain f" twenty roil r lioum liefnre iriMeeillng et enmiite home tin Vanroutrr. It wat Milil thai be niiulil nuifer ttltli Hie gmernmrnt on Hie im. Itllllj of Hie early iMiliilment of an AiKtrallan Iraile comiiilwliMier In Cunaila. ing to the ground The burned build- I inga housed a general and liquor store and th famous Pari Cafe in the Chi-, neoe section. Reporta on Saturday aald that Black Butte volcano, fcrty mile south of the j border, waa active and spouting amok ; and vapors. Black Butt was uuiubatly 1 active In 1918 when earthquakes devaf listed this and other Imper.al Valley 1 cities. MIM Ittl. I'KOIll ( TKIX 01' IWNAliA FOR KAK is .NEW KKCOliK OTTAWA. Jan. 3. Canada'a mineral industry yielded a new record output during th year 10-S when th value of production reached S3U.88t.OO0 or an advance of 7.1 per cent over th total tor IM, HOCKEY SCORES tint unlay Ottawa 3, Canadlen t, Pittsburg 3, Detroit 3. Maroon 3, Toronto 0. Ranger 4, Chicago 0. Kiitiiluy (lame Amwter 3. Bxtoa 0. t Circulation 1(08. er for her father, Rt Hon. David Lloyd 'George, and Is to father gives his address. The phdaograph shows her on London, when Mr. Lloyd George spoke on the Liberal Policy. Explosion Wrecks Crocker National Bank and Shakes Sale 08 Frisco Financial District SAN FRANCISCO, January 3. An illuminating gas explosion in the Crocker First National Bank on Saturday night shook the financial district of the city. The superstructure and lower floors of the Crocker Rank building were destroyed and windows were shattered in buildings as far distant as two blocks, the Sutter Hotel, two blocks away, having three hundred windows smashed. A few-pedestrians were thrown down by the concussion and two watchman were cut by flying glass, i GRIT ADVICE Kit. TOI.MIE, NKW rKOVIxrllL t.:.ti)i:u, Atiimtss iu". itix. MltVATltK ASMlCltTlOX till OKI A, Jan. 1 "There hn been a lt f ailvlre olirirO, me klnee I awuniiil Hie le.nleHilp of the Cnnvrralhe early it tlili pro-tlme by the Liberals at lu Whut ruure I slmulil puroue." sulil lion. Dr. S. I'. Twlmle to the t'onwrti live A'omUtltin 'iinrtlni In tlr-tnrU on Saturday. "I am pat lug little heed to IliN ail Ire. I pro-mse that the ('niirrttttltes alll run their own afUlrv .1 ani taking Hie ailtlie of the leiiilem uf th, parly and, alirn ae hat. ali;vur plans ae xlll aiL" TORONTO TOHAVT DAYLIGHT SAYING FORFIVE YEARS TORONTO, Jsn. 3. A bylaw favor, lug daylight saving for a period of flit year passed Saturday In the dvlo ileti tiww. ' I ! MUMMIMl !CAOX HtKK IS OPENED "Pretty cold but not so bad ai Uie verdict of Fred Smith and Poll Howard, who took their first 1937 dip in the Salt Lake yesterday afternoon. This adventuresome pair of young fellows retain the record they set up last year for opening the swimming sesson at the Salt lake. Last year they went In on February 14; this year. January 1, WASHINGTON SOCCER TEMBEATS U.B.C. ij Thr to One In Annual Nrw Year's bay Charity (lame at Settle SEATTLE. January 3.-A Washington ill-star soccer team defeated th Unl. terslty of BrlUsh Columbia three to one In the annual New Year charity game here. Ct'STHMS COLLECTION' , Customs collection iot the port of Prlnc Rupert during the- month of December intouutetl to 828.031.53 Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. ' Price Five Cents TWO &IAIN SHIPS ARRIVE IN PORT IMPERIAL VALLEY 'QUAKE - MILLIONS WILMS DAMAGE Ryoka Maru Comes in from Orient; British Ship is Due Tonight The Ocean Tmniiport to." freighter, Ryoka Maiu, arrived in pert at 10 o'clock thin morning from Darlen. Japan, to load ,he first cargo ' grain for the Orient that has been shipped from Prince Rupert The veaael, which was met at Triple Island and piloted In by ( apt. Larry Thomson, passed customs and quarantine inspection, and num-d into the dry clock pier for lining She will take her berth at the elevator about Thursday to start loading Iter cargo which will be destined for Shanghl. Th- steamer Taiyo Maru, also of the Oeean Transport Line, is - imw alma fUUatad loading at the ele- lUUMIrfcUr . HIMSELF AND HIS CHILDREN Ml RHI U .(Ml MHIIir. Ill' AKTIIIK MIOIIillM MtKLs MM Mill t AM) III' It KIMI IN I.O AMil IJ KM I. Ml. V iX. ANOBJW. Jaa J. - Arthur cnu :ii 4d M. pa issue aetd mUmij ia ! mry Ouws S4U army art tar nAmUMd mitcld 01 mmd. uttaneuwl) lot the Ittt C Ml loft tost i turn Mm, M sUtTle hodJ rr a j. by CaUlstrooT wife i was im lourlb (m in meat ! !frr wiser parents had taken tbe.r :rr. w.tn fhean m eomratlUng aw.- FISHERIES CASE IS INTERESTING ituiKU. iti;rkT)ii.r claim AMixsr joiin iioMMcii iieimi taken in Arrru. couit In'.erest attache itself to lite cam of t va. John Dumnkto which u fce--' trn to the Oeuil of Appeal bjr Department of Marine and rtehertee ' .i ha already au flared reverse in court and County Court on the The Dominion ecU-ed tomi 19.000 rm of nimon which had been mild "'"t by tiutaanieh and claim that he uid pay a license fee for curing It. B anicha defence la that no license f" ta required. ' mnatl in the caae. which will be ' vfd In Supreme Court in Victoria, are W Patmore for the department and M 'on Oontalee for Buaaanlch. FORT WILLIAM CAR ACCIDENT m: woman is killed ami thii A UK FATALLY INJtllEII It HEN aitomoiiile hits nci;i(iiir THAIN roar william. Jan. a. mim b. Colter of Port William and Mr a. M. Mellon of Iort Arthur are dead, and Mla Buun Lyon I fatally Injured as "ult of an automobile accident early yetrday morning when car driven b" O. J. Parker, a Port Arthur man, r,n Into the aid of a freight train. Parker waa only ellghtly hurt. YOUNG MAN GASSED IN JQORIA CITY Mil f Mk U,, ,Mrri KllUlilii Flame ait.l C'uIiik lleulli by Fumea VICTOIUA, Jan. 3, A youutf man about twenty-thrce years of age Vnown only by the name of Lawrence waa found dead on Baturday In a room which he had rented two weeke ago on hU rrlval here. He had been overcome by g fumes a a pan of milk oh a ga tove had boiled over and extinguished the flam. " A at her grata bosi arrivum today at the Bmaa ateaaaar Weiah city, beloi. int to K aaatlb Una at lAmlm Com-tu direct Itoas Otglaod to load toe th UBMed KUaadom or comment, th eM4 la eepected to arrive tbla after aooti ec evealnf. (Htm trara mmU already repirtrd fur thM pott are the 0ritib anip ! nnef -too. b4ofWa to Oaraaioiiael at San. in Olaafow. which u due neat week nd the Saute Uaru. M the Suauki Uave sawrtd the tk alter. IHtTUK-r r.tKMIKt iOIS MlliaT I1MI.; f 111(111 IlKAlii: HII.T..'' r reatdftc in Hat vtetatly of t rnoee lluprrt. tm beeoae BMcnbcre of the A)tu aat 4 f pool and hate mtud eoatraea 4 f to Up thetr (rta mraaajh the f pool. A a am pie of wheat aeat f front that dtatrtet wa reeaieed f here and traded Nwaeber Ooe f northern The krrncia are amaUer than tbe aente grade IM V Alberta. It la aald ffeneer of the Peace Rlter action of Bnt lah OohunMa are M ain the 4 pool. 4 OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL MTUllAV!1 IIAMK.s LMJI.IMI LEAIJll: S llltl-km I. Araenal 2. Cardiff City 2. Ilolton 3. Liverpool t. Manchoater United 8. BhatieM 0. The Wedntaday 1, Iiury 3. Wcat Dremmleh 3. lludirratleld X Birmingham 2. Lelceater City 1. Everton 3. Durnley I. Newcaitle United I, Leeda United 6. Sunderland 3. Dlackbura S. Weal Ham 3. Derby Oeunty 3. ' M-tllllMI I.I.AIIU. ayd 0. Partlek 8. Dundre I. Aberdeen . J Hamilton A. 0. Motherwell 3. Kilmarnock 3. 8t. Mlrren 2. Queen Park 8. St. Johiwtetie 3. Cowdenbeath 2. Dunfarmltae Falkirk 3. Alrdrleonlan t. Hibernian 3, Hearla 3. -Marlon 3. Dundee United 1. ; lUngera 3. Celtic I. .MOMIAVH IIAMLS MlirTl!ll I.LAIIIK DhUliHi I. , Aberdeen 3. Hibernian 5. Alrdrleonlana 7. Hamilton 1. i Celtic 2. Queen' Park 3 Dundee United 1. Dundee 0. Dunfermline 3. Kilmarnock 3. Hearta 4. Cowdenbeath 3. Motherwell 3. Falkirk 3. Partlek Thletle t. Ranger 4, St. Johnstone 1. Clyde 3, St. Mlrren 3. Morion 1. STANFORD AND REPS TIE IN RUGBY GAME PLAYED IN RAIN AT VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. Jan. 3. -Playing In FALLINGROCK . CAUSES DEATH LMLII)K OX KETTLE VALLEV KAH.KOAIl IX ( OCJl AMAIX.I KILL.S ONE .MAX AXII .HEKHULV INJlliES AXOTIir.lt HOPE. Jan. 3. T. Komura, Japanese, wa killed: Frank ra2zoIare. 28. wi 'lerlbualy Injured and three other, all ' member of a section gang, (uitalned minor hurt on Saturday when they were (truck br falling rock five milea 1 cut of here In a canyon In the Co-quatutlt Valley where they were clearing away a rock ctde which had block- ed the tralM of the Kettle Valley Kall- i"""' With hi bead cut open. Komuri died on the train between here and Vtncouver where he waa to have been placed in hospital. FazzoUre waa taken to a hospital In Vancouver where, with all the ribs on one aide of hi body broken, hi condition was reported to be critical. WELL KNOWN DOCTOR DIES UK. K. L WILSON IIEKAI D. WHO VIS-ITtlJ rKIXfE HI' PERT SLtriUL TIMES, srrCl'MIU TO I'XEf-' MOMA IN I ERNIE j FEPJOE, Jan.' j-D?. r! L Wilapn Herald of Nelson la dead here fsllowing a few days' illness with pneumonia. I The Ute Dr. Herald, who was fifty-'seven year of. age, waa a prominent i practitioner In Vancouver before the Great War in which he served and In which he lost a acn. After the war. he returned to British Columbia and, on account of his health, took up his residence ta the Interior of the province. Specializing in nose, ear and throat wcrk. he travelled extensively through Jhe province. Members of the local medical fraternity were grieved this morning to bear of Dr. Wilson Hefwld'a 'demise. He made aeveral visits here two or three years ago. performing work In his capacity as a specialist. DEATHS ON NEW YEAR IN SOUTH M KS. EMILY MrOOXALO I'OIMI HKOW.NEIt IX TKOl'T LIKE; (IEO. CT.IKKE OASSEII IX VANCOUVER, Jan. A Missing from her home here since early on Saturday, th body ot Mrs. Emily McDonald, aged 49, was found drowned In Trout Lake, Burnaby. on Sunday afternoon, She was last seen alive early New Year's Eve. Oeorge Clarke, aged 33. was found dead In a gas flUed room at his place of residence early yesterday. Clarke came from Reglna about five weeka ago. MIKE DOCTOR - DIED TODAY HAS WELL KNOWN IN CITY As EMPLOYEE OF COLD STOK.WIK The death occurred this morning of an old timer In the cltv In the percou of Mike Doctor, an Esthonlan who had been resident here for about 13 years. Deceased was married and made his residence at 1144 Ninth Avenue East, having been employed Tor some time at the plant or the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co. Funeral arrangements, which are In th hands of the B.C. Undertakers, will be announced later. WINDSOR HOTEL AT HULL IS DESTROYED HULL, Jan. 3. -The Windsor Hotel waa destroyed by fire this morning with ' ' ' a loss, of 8U0.0O3. ' Adtertise la the Dally Neva. ", 0 ? t