.-.-r AG& TWO THE DAILT NETTS 'rtua T7T Better Value SALAM Advertising and Circulation Telephone f 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. putting the scheme into operation throughout Canada, N TEA Economy in its rich drawing freshness. The Daily News PRINCE RUPKUT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month By mail to all part) of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year To all other countries, in advance, per year All advertising should be in The Daily News Offjce before 2 on day preceding publication. All advertising.. 'received to approval. Friday, Jan. 21, 1927 $1.00 $6.00 $7.50 p.m. GETTING ACTION ON OLD AGE PENSIONS. Premier Oliver is losing no time in the.attempt to put into effect an undertaking with respect to old age pensions for which he was .criticized during the last federal election campaign. The concensus, of opinion expressed at that time was that the federal government should have the co-operation of the provinces in this mat ter before taking any definite step itself. It is gratifying to see the provincial government of British Columbia alive to the reauire- With the! federal government again promising action and the provincial government prepared to support il, adequate refutation is given (the cry of the Conservatives during the last electfon campaign that the old age pension was but an election dodge. ' ' CALLING OFF THE t CUSTOMS PBOBE. Certain Conservative papers are attempting to spread the pro- paganaa mat xne noyai iommission investigating .me customs is to be called .off because revelations are being made in the' matter of campaign, funds that would damage the. Liberal, party. The fact that the power of the commission has been extended by the government rather than reduced is sufficient answer to give the lie to such suggestions. ' The fact that the Vancouver bootleggers are flying to the four corners of the earth to escape exposure and possible prosecution would indicate that they, the people, who are so far most affected, believe the commission, wjth the government behind it, means business. ' THE MEANING OF ' AN ACCLAMATION. Acclamation does not always signify that the recipient has the unanimous endorsement of the voters, says the North Vancouver Review in commenting" on civic affairs. More often than not it simply indicates a dangerous apathy existent in the electorate. The city council Is hardly justified in congratulating itself on1 the facility with which it has wafted through the campaign which 1 reached its climax in, the election. ! There is a psychology of' politics as there is of every other activity. The city council has escaped the interest of those who' should xote most of whom do not simulv because it has escaned ! Provincial Government Urged to Enact Reforms on Matters Pertaining to Labor Interest At the annual meeting of the prince Rupert Trades & Labor j Council last night, S. D. Macdonaid, president, submitted his report ori'the meeVinK recently held in Victoria of the Hriileh Columbia ex.e-1 cuflve. of thettrades IAbor Council of Canada of which he Is a" member and which heattended, The executive which consists, be- j sides Mr. Macdonaid, of V. 11. Cottrell, chairman, P. R. Uengough, ' (Vancouver) and K. W. Nunn (Victoria) submitted a number of, proposals to the provincial government with respect to the Work men's Compensation Act, Mothers' Pensions Act, Eight-Hour pay .Bill, Old Age Pensions, Minimum Wage Act, - Factory Act, Weekly Half-Holiday Act, Automobile Owners' Insurance, and Municipal Act- province of the Dominion be requested Mr. Macdonaid reported that the con-(jto ake ,talUr ,cUOn. ference, was one of the moat auecessful ; We urge tne provincial Government in yeara.' The entire cabinet, except jto im,, lta efIorU to co-operate H6n. William Sloan, who was away from m1th otntr proKes and th, reder! the province. wa m attendance ai w ' Government In instituting -adequate Old meeting w.hlch lasted two and a hall hour. That the ministers were taking a keen Interest In the matter was evi denced by the fact that they made ape- j ctal Inquiries with respect to various Items on the memorandum which wns presented by W. H. Cottrell of Vancouver , assisted by other member of the executive. The labor delegation wa given , a cordial reception and there was every, reason to believe that sincere conslder- snhioof on wouia oe given oy me caoinei io suujeci i . v. v,. ,,. These proposal, a reported to the' meeting by Mr. Macdonaid. were as fol-j tews: j WOKKMK.VS COMI'KSNATIOV ACT (I) That the Act be amended by deletion of word "By accident" In 2nd line of Part 6 tPart J. Dlv. 2 Compensa- 1(3) Amend Section 20. Clause I, by de leting the following; word: "or la able t earn In some suitable employment or business af-ter the accident" and substitute an amendment tbelr interest throughout its term. It has failed to inspire the voters (S "ow' ' wlth'ut chlldrn l on,. .o . lo-!.,,. .l,..l,l ' to be brought within the Act. a a miij " aa a v. v v. j o nnuuiui While it has not advanced the fortunes of the city materially,; neither has it noticeably retarded them; while it has been produc-j tive of too few good ideas for civic betterment, it has also produced few of a harmful nature; finally, though it has not been, so good, it might hve been worse. It. has succeeded in evading the close scrutiny of the voters, which would have been followed by a spirited! election contest. ' , . ... , . Acclamation is not always a receipt for satisfaction given. ojten it is, accorded the public servant who is just getting by,' MANSON REFUSED TO RATIFY LICENSE OF EXPORTING COMPANY My Kant la. My Address.. City and Stat. qvestlons by R. IL Pooley. Leader of ! the Opposition In the Legislature. r. fooiey asked: "Ua an expur. license been Issued to the Manitoba Re finers of British Columbia pinKed" To this the Attornev-Oeneral an- " "" ered that an application for con- VICTORIA, Jan. 21. -The Manitoba sent to the issuing of a custom Refiner of British Columbia Limited, bonded warehouse by the Federal De-owners of the liquor cargo of the Chr.s partment of Customa was made to Moeller. which was topped from sailing him on March 31. 1928, and wa re-by the Custom Inquiry, wa refused a fused. recommendation for a warehouse license ; by Attorney-General Manson. This wa Following the line of least reslitancc stated by Mr. Manson In answer to Is what makes river and men crooked. I Would Like To Be Forever FREE From ASTHMA S.P"' wonderful new medicine oltena and soothw the throat And bronchial passages, reatore VauLelJi.r tonorm' d QUICKLY and K0RKVEU DANISHES Aathma, Hay Fever and Bronchial trouble. M"iifc' J7 U It. M. II. Labratrie 01 5 Vraer Illerk VAACUUVKIt, . C. ' word 'two thousand dollars.' I, A woman otherwise eligible to re ceive the Pension, except for the fact. that ahe la still a mnrrled woman ' and, therefore, cannot be natural-: Ized In her own right, may complete ' her eligibility by appearing before the proper authorities and declar-1 Ing her allegiance to the British j Empire. (5) Where there Is only one child and! the mother is not receiving the Pen chall receive from tbt Mother's Pension Fund a turn equal to that paid i for a child In a case where the mother I In receipt of the Pension. That the Pension allowed the mother under this Act shall not be reduced or cease because a mother has one or more children over the age of 1 sixteen working for wagea, when the i wages received by them doea not j exceed the minimum laid down In . the Minimum Wage Act. while there I 1 ctllt a child or children in th family under the age of sixteen. ! (7) Where a mother In receipt of the j Pension owns her own home that there be no deduction made In her ', Pension -alio nee because of .the s . i.i v. .IS r. We favor" trie extension and enforcement of the eight hour principle to all Industries within th province. OI.H AI1E I'KNMONN We appreciate the fact that the British Columbia legislature reaffirmed It decision of last year: "That the necessary ateps be taken to formulate some plan In conjunction with the Dominion Government to provide Old Age Pensions and that the other Age Pension. In the meantime grants should be made to aged persons without i mean of support. MINIMI M W.USF. ACT (II This Act should be amended to include bay by substituting "Minora" Instead of "Oirl under eighteen." (31 That th Minimum Wage Act be amended to prevent Its evasion by what are known a Trade Schools (3) That wa "urge upon the Government the vital necessity far an amendment to Claws 3. Section 2. compelling employer to keep order posted lu , conspicuous place in each room in j every establishment In which em-! ployec affected by th order are ' employed. j IKM IWCTOKV ACT j Strike out thaw section wherein it , tlon). v : permits children of any age to be era-. (2) AH compensation to be based on rat pj0et to toe toimNI gj fUn or J of wage being paid to workman at paCting fruit and the work incidental j time of injury. thereto, during tunes of the salmon run I 3) In all case of dispute on question cr Vus 6f other class of flab and; of physical disability the workman QUring the respective fruit seasons j hall have the right of appeal from , Also strike out the clause which re-th decision of the Board1 medical j j,0m the Itralt upon hour children ! adviser to an independent medical ;may tenpioyrt which read a follow, j board consisting of three doctors j -provided further that the limitation nominated by BE. Medical Society, j upon thc hours of labor, the hour of! The decisions of such appeal Board ) commencement and cessation of work.) shall be final and binding. . a see forth to the Act ahall net be ments and it is to be hoped thai the olher provinces of the Dominion ;,4) ,ncrea ot compensation from ea binding ujon tha eaipieyer will follow its example so that there may be no further delay in ' ' " I ehua, yimg gin oi vptnsn vmr ..... . . ....... . - f in T a n n Ann iinluhi. of any i in the business or canning, or curing fish, or fruit packing within the time or time aSorwaSoV WEEKLV Hoii'rtv .ttrr j j Amend Ss. 1 definitely setting "I JO , pm." a the time, not later than which t ! emnlovee mav he kt mntATMl In.! conformity with sub-section 4. Sec- ; stead of the wording now used "for not I lion . umisn vompensaucn aci. i tattr than one half how after 1 pm -1923, which read as follow: .urro.MOIUI.E INsklt AM E -If a workman haa to far recov-j Tist all automml owner be com-ered from the Injury a to be fit . pnied to carry Insurance M""t physic for employment of a ceruln kind ' or property tnjury to others, prove to the aatlsfactlon of the' We would draw to the attention of Judge of the county court thst!, Prortacial Oovernmetit the urgent! he has taken all reasonable step necessity for enforcement of leftttatton j to obtain. nd ha failed to Ob- rrdlne eiutnr htarlltohu on uinmn. ' tain, such employment, and thstbtlsw. hi failure to obtain such "em-! .Ml'MflrAI. ACT ployment. u a consequence. whoUy'(l) That 'legUlatlon be enacted rlvina or mainly, of the tnjury, the i Judge shall order that hi Incapacity ' shall, for the purpot.es of this Act. continue to be treated as total Incapacity for such period, i snd subject to such condition, i right of review conferred by this Act." MOTIIEKV rKNMOXM ACT to every pertion, male or female. In an cities and municfpalttle. who la a British subject of 21 years of age (and to all from "Wham a poll tax la collected) the right to vote in all civic and municipal election. a may be provided by the order.) 2 That legislation be paed prohibit-without prejudice however to the u,. ,y person to vote In anr more 1 1 The word "Indigent" to be eliminated I from the regulation of the Board j and the benefits of the Act extended ! to all case where there are not adequate means of support. than one palling division in any elty or municipal election. (31 Legislation abolishing property qua- lflcatlon lot all .elective offices In cities and municipalities. A an alternative qualification we suggest five year' residence and endorsement by one hundred and fifty , ejector. We particularly reauet four earnest (3) Amend sub-clause (21 of Clause 2. j consideration to the proposed legislation oy aejeung me woros live nunarea being placed before thl session, cover-dollars" In the third line, and In-; )ng better protection for public safety semng me worn -one moussna whlla, fire apparatua I answering fire dollara," and by deleting the word ' eaiU. te : by the ft C. Provincial Feder-"flfteen hundred dollara" In the ith'.tion Of Firefighter. line and substituting therefor the . COMMITTEES OF BOARD OF TRADE .IHT Kill I .111 IS AN'Mlt'M'EII W. O. l LTOX, I'ltEMhENT IIV The following standing committee for ion but working for a wage equal j the "v lcted by W. O. or less than the minimum wage for ! Ftilton. prrsldent of the Prince Ruperj, women as stipulated In the "Mini- Board of Trade mum Wage Act" that the mother ! Membership- O Hanson. J. W. Scott. Cough Caused. Constant Coughing Mrs. J). M. Vftlan, Douglastovro. X.H., writes: "Two year ago I ha4 a terrible eM wbir.U aettlrd In my lironrliln) tutir ami rauwd constant ruugliiiiK. ami I could nut sleep day or night. I read about Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and thought I rvould plve It a trial. Aftir taking three liottU-i I was com-j'leU'ly rUI ot roy rou)rh, and liav never had a fold ince. " "Dr. Woml'i' ha en on tha market for the past 38 years, and II timely uw may nave von from siifferinjr from soma scrioua brcnchial or lung trouble. Price 35c. a Utile, larg family lire 60c j imt un only by Tha T. Milburn ,00, Limited, Tgrea Q&W Brighten Your Home At Little Expend BE AUTIFUL-and at the new - it .elKWU L HoUby. D. Thomson. prices- 0 its .;r?-, &i5s Trade and Commerce O. W Kicker- in. B. J. UeUlsh. O. O, Stewart. Navigation and Railway P. M. Ray.! .V. H. -Tobey. A. 8. Paul. Port r. a. Dawson, J. w MeKlnley. j I iaU. Davie. ' MlolBg-a. A. Woodland, J. W. Mc-r jCtnley. Thea Collart, Dr. W. T. Keitm.l W. Patmore. f FHhtrie J. Dybhavn. C. E. Starr. B. E Parkrt. legislative M. OanUlea. O. Rorle. P. Scadden. PuWIrttyJ. Z. Parker. P. Dlbb. II. y. puiien. ' v , . Entertainment b, II. Orme, Q. P. Tinker. D. Q. Psterson, Geo. Arnold. J. Fld Strang". " nnsnce O. Borle. B. J. Melllsh. R. Moore.'. Freight lUtet-C. OjMUIs. D. O. 8tew- art Geo. Munro, Insurance 0'. C. Pateraon. O. Arnold.! S. D. Johnston. Civics C. E7llt, 8. D. Johnstone, C. ' Minns. , Public Work W. 11. Tobey. J. It. fUUbury. J. Ktlla. !. Labor R. F. kcNuhton,'8. King, H; tlreen. ' Lumber O. A. McMillan, O. McAfee, O. Hanson. OrlnM. P. McCaffery, F. O. Dawi on. O. llanaon, II. F. Pullen, J. lien-, r.ett. i The first named In tich case ia the :hlrman. . ' . , ' ' . fiOVEUNMENT LK.UOit ALT," MITICK OK 5 AM'i.ir.Viiov Mitt iirr.ii midii; HEnEBY"jlVEN on NOTICE uu(,i. IS ia iic.iu.ui unbn that, mai, the 10th day of February next, tha deralgned intend to abpfy to tnUc Control Board for- a licence ceiice in in real un-1 Liquor , Hanect : cf premise being part of the building 1 Known as seat cov iiotei, situate at the city of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, upon the land described a all that portion of Waterfront Block "I." Bay of Prince Rupert, City of Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia. Map Bil, Prince Rupert Land Registration District, and being mor particularly described a follow: "Commencing at a point which lie In a atratght line of bearing north 69deg, 28. 8" east a distance of 707.30 feet from the centre of circle a shown on aald Plan 023, Section 7, thence aoutli Sdeg. 35" 23" eait a distance of 80 feet to a point, thence north 83deg. 24' 35" eat a distance of 100 feet to a point, thence north Sdeg. 33' 23" west a distance of 60 feet to a point, thence south Bldeg. 24' 33" west a distance ot 100 fret to the point of commencement." for the sale of beer b) tha class or by the open bottle for consumption on the premises. . DATED thl 12th dsy of January. 1027. II. A. DODD. AJ?Pi! "(70VKKN.MENT MQUOIt ACT .voTif'K or APPLICATION i.iCK.Na; I OK IIKKIt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on th 1st day of February next th under-aigned Intend to apply to th, Liquor Control Board for a licence In rsix-ct to premise being part of th buildlne known as Central Hotel, situated at the corner of First aim Beventh Street, In Inexpensive Your dealer is now offering 0NG0LEUM r.wi.i) sim 4rt-Rugs with the improved Umger'Wcarin' surface', for as low as $5.7S for a 9 x AiYi foot rujj. Ask to see the full assortment; or mail the coupon below for a booklet ohow intf all the attractive patterns in their true colors. H ia To avnid ditaproinUng imilalinn mmf Ihit UoUStal on lh ru. .T-' r. T-XW'JI ' v'v V.:V- VJ- i.W rontjok, bold qr- ' S,,ee, . v THE ACME'S FIFTH ANNUAL Temptation SAlLE Tn maJie our annual '.. k-taklnjr pnaivr, out IiroVen linen. And thee prtrca will do It. fon Sale price have Leon -till further reduced. . ii OVKIltOATS FOR MEN There are 26 Mn Overcoat In thl lot to . ! before the winter in over. Thene arc all pure wool jr.. cut In'tlr lalwt modcla In anappy deelM for men n' men. Keirulnr price to $15.00. . . Temptation Sale Price suits roii i.qvs Thcie are made of pure wool matcrlnU rrnd come nfzes and In n splendid variety of deitn and color have two pair of pant. They are nil hard wen ring u cut to make any loy look drccd. Templalion Sale Price 5JH.II." Acme Importers Termn Strictly Caih. Third Avenue the City of Print Rupert. Province ol British Columbia, upon tha land de-1 tcrlbed a Lou Eleven (11) and Twelve, (12). Thirteen 113) and rourteen (14).. In Block Ten (10). Section One it). City ot Prince Rupert. Province ot Brit -1 isn coiumoia, according to a regtiierra msp or plan deposited In the Land Reg-: Istry Office at th City of Prince Rupert aioresam ana numuereu vxi, tor in sale of beer by th glass or ity the open 1 bottle ror consumption nn tn premme. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. thl 3rd day of January. 1827. CORA E BLACK. Applicant. LAND ACT NOTICK Ol' INTENTION TO APPLY TO to n.isr: i..Mi In Prince Rupert Land Recording District, and situate at Huston Inlet, yuein Charlotte Island. TAKK NOTICE that Robert M, Currl. of Vancouver, HO, occupation flth packer, Intend to apply for a lease ol the following described land:-- Commencing it a' post planted at northeast corner about 1.000 feot westerly from miner' cabin at head or Huston Inlet; thence westerly 30 clialn; thnc southerly about 13 etulus; thence easterly 20 chain; thence northerly about 12 chains, and containing 21 acres, more or less. ROIIERT M. CURItlK, I Applicant. No charRC neenr: M I L From Hulkley Vnllcv FIIHSII mi.K AND Willi' PINO CIIKAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone C57 ANGER, the TAILOR Suit made to or tier. In our hop a low an f $50 22.1 Sixth Street I