January 21. 1927 Td Love to Call You My Sweetheart ' I ..'.-. i. I 1 j . iAif mill wiJiimiv Aiaitiu tvtnn In a Little Spanish Town 111 Paul YVIiltemaii U11J ills Orchestra Hello Bluebird Mary Lou Half A Moon ('ni lie Muilcnl SucrrtfllimegtniHin Lane,") k'.il l.l LI. (II - . !. . 'l ... , I . . K. I'UIM'l: IttlUIT Hill Irate PHI lOHIV M:T1II:. oimI Inlermr piiimi: mriKT ft m i:vakt i-niMi: cinitu tot vancoiv UMis, foilnljlillj. PASsr.Millt Til UN1 l-l: . la . I II I lltl.lll' U UIOIKil; I.IIMONTON, IVINNH Mull, AOKNCY ALL OCEAN If Canadian National Etpre IB M v. , ,r , I, u it ill 20i60 ocal Miller and larrcll 202VI in iiui oiuiiiumci ommrri anu me niur witiirsiu. ji It Made You Happy (When You Made Me Cry) otTiot Waring,' IVnns) It uniaits 20JI5 Because I Love You rnor Henry Burr At "Mis Master's Voice" Dealers irlor '1'nlLinfi Machine- (;, AM Ani AM MATinMAI Steamship and Train Service M E III ri.KT lf VANCOt W K. tit illate Niitit r' h lltlow it d a.m. and AMO. UI.DNKSIiAY. 10 run. til U Ul llV ClltlU.OTTC IS- m: riiisri: ici itict tTIKIlW at 1 1 JO a m. Ii.r rillX K Ml, all Milnl Eastern Canada, I'nlted XIEAMsllll LINKS. fur Money Order, lurrlgn Cheque. tw... puinck itn i ur. riione tu Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert it vuitriHitrr, viimrui, irtmie -mnniirj n, PKINCKSS iu aikk i: fur llulrd.ilr i:l llrlla llrlM. Onun lll, .Namil. Alefl lUy. Camplietl Klirr, ami Vanrmiirr eirrv S.iliini.iv. II a.m. . .. ii i. ki.. ii..u I'iiiI Itifjirmul Imi Irmiia Knii liiff nil piraniwmii liiiirn. W. V. OKCIIAIIH, Uriirrut Acml. Corurr if llli Mrrrt and Snl Avrinir. I'rlme l(uM-rt, II.C. "TRY A NIC TONIGHT" Bi-ST PROCURABLE BOTIUD 6URNTItOJY tM Nil ' ''"tiViU'istiic" ivtwl ii'i' du'o iom Iglnal Libtl look for it tl Ilia Vendor' anJ Inilil un r.RANT'S 11EST PROLURAuLt I li I j ,l I i I ...111 1.1 .11, i l 1... ii, a HIS (111 VII II I Wl II I I tt II fit 111 I 111 1 II f Ml lir IllNlllllVHIl II V II1U THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THSEB .1 !., ' 1 IWSHJwii m i--r- .i - .,f . tPJ in ' i i ii hi i. .i Lrglon 4S meeting tonight. Important. Local and Personal It. E. Allan, district for titer, tailed on the Prince Rupert for Ocean Palis thla morning. Arthur' Tail. Phone 678. DC, Undertaker. Pbone 41. Buy Ruprrt manufactured ahlnclei Xrini; Seal Core Lumber .Co, Ltd. U Uuy Ttlkwa coil I tiecatue It a hlzher In D.T.U.'i and 'if! better furnace coal. tf i. C. Brady, UP, returned to the city on the delayed train thla morn- lag after a vlalt to hl comutuenti at Terrace. Charles P. Davis, chief engineer of ttH steamer Prince Charles, which Is In dry dock here, sailed, this morning on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Mrs. O. J. Bossons and Jack Bossons of Telkwa arrived In the city by this morning's train and sailed for Van couver on the steamer Prince Rupert On motion of Aid. Jos Greer, seconded by' Aid. Perry, the city council decided last night to hold the weekly meetings on Monday night In place of Tuetdsy night which has been the custom for the past year. Walter McRave. Canadian lecturer and named the various aldermen who had been elected to the city council all of whom ware present and had been worn in for the following year. e . . ... Sam Jabour allied on the Prince Rupert thi morning for the aoutb on a brief bualneea trip. Olof Hanson wa a passenger for Vancouver on the Prince Rupert which tailed thla morning. The latest In evening slippers, made In Canada of Imported French material. shown at Jabour Bro. Shoe Dept. 18 If. L. Whlttakcr, well known representative of the Vancouver wholesale concern of Kelly-Douglas,, arrived In the city this morning. it. O. ' Olsen, ' resident manager at Bmltfeers for the Hanson Tie and Timber Co., arrived from' the' east job last night's train and Is a guest at tbs Prince Rupert hotel. entertainer, returned on the stesraer election, bad passed. Tbe council then Prince Rupert this morning from Anyox ; formally ratified tbe bylaw and wUI proceed by tomorrow morning's train to Prince George, thence to his borne In Vancouver by rail. A. E. Klncald of Revelatoke, well known Insurance man and prominent In Knights of Pythias circles, arrived In tbe city this morning and is a guest at he Prince Rupert Hotel. Olty Solictor E. t. Jones last night Informed tbe council that the sewer bylaw for $36400, whHh had been sub mitted to the ratrpafsn In the recent Her. I. A. Jebanaon will conduct service In the Norwegian language In St. Paul's congregation at the Metropole Rev. Arthur Barner of Toronto.. su-jn 8undsy evening at 8 o'clock. wlntendent of Indian Missions for the United Church, arrived In tbe city on lb I morning's train and la a guest at the Prince Rupert Hotel. He Is here In the count of his annual western In- fectkn (our. nave btg orders for all kind of fun. eepeeially mink. Wm. OoldbkMoi 8rcond Avenue. Phone SZ3. tf Tbe elly clerk, at tbe council meet- Inr last nlaht. Infsrned the oouneil of All Scandinavians In Prince Rupert are cordially invited to attend tbe meeting. 18 Sergeant J. P. M. Hannah, chief ol the Olty detachment of the provmcls i polio), sailed tbl moralng on the Prince Late to the division on account of (Rupert for Vancouver having in hi.. twwscMm on the prairies which cnart a menial pattern irom aujox Mused a twelve hour delay In leaving) who is to be taken to the asylum at Edmonten. the emreia and nasseniei I Eatondaie, train, due from the East at 3 JO yesterday afternoon, did not get In until 240 this morning. Trapper I Oall and show your fun to tbe Old ReMftMe House. It will par you as we eaa gusrsntre to y" higlMr prkres tbaa anyone eiae. We Illustrating an article on totem pole, written by Rev. John B. Ocodfello-ar for tbe Art and History Society and pub llsbed In the North Vancouver Review, are pictures of groups of poles t Louise Island. Taneo Island and Cuu- sfeewa Inlet on the Queen CUarlottr W. Bell, formerly agent on tbe CMJt out of Prince Rupert and now sleeping and dining ear Inspector with head quarters at Winnipeg, arrived from the east on last night's train and left on tbe result of the recent election andlne "UP u)wr,u" B. C Kreiey. Pacific Coast managr I " J prices on pipe end start preliminary I work In the matter of connecting the (Edward Llpsett establishment on the j waterfront with the city water system. Alderman Perry aald that the engineer I had already secured prices on pipe and I would have a full report to make on Jthe subject on Monday night so the 'matter wss left over until the next meeting of the council. LAND ACT .notki: or intkntion' to apply to TO Pl ltCIIASi: l.M In Prince Rupert Land .Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the north shore of the South Arm of T'uaoo Harbsr. . Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Island. Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert, B C. occupation Marine Broker. Intends to apply for permbuton In purchase the following described lands Commencing at a post planted on the north shire of South Arm of Tanoo Har-b-T. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Ivlanda. In the Province of nrttl&h Columbia, about S chains firm the. ci'd of the CI ivernment trail: thence 10 chains northeasterly; theure 10 rhatnx north-westerly: thence 10 chains southwesterly; thence 10 chains southeasterly, and containing twenty (20) acre, more or leas. . JAMES FIELD, Applicant. rntd November 34. 192A f 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Salvation Army meat. February 4. Musical Entertain- Established 11(2:5. 11 i Eitlian; Office Hours: , D .(i.rii. to C i.m. Satuiilnv; ' 0 ii.m.' to l "iVm. Any uvenliijr by appointment DrEPRenny DENTIST UlutK. est Tie of All." Accompanying article are a number of for I Seattle and Portland on a brief hell- day trip. J. M. Mitchell had the misfortune yea tenia? when driving up McBrlde roaaway at me corner oi nmm of the Canadian Oovernmeat Merchant Marine: Thomas Louden, superintendent i Avjnue. The oar. which was badly engineer, and P. W. Baldwin, local auditor, aalled this morning by the i Prince Rupert on their return south af-iter a two day visit here on omclsl ! duties. I Alderman Jos Oreer suggested at last night's council meeting that the Board of Works be given authority to secure raj turned right over and Mr. Mitchell ' aHo waa not badly Injured. was uaab to gst out until hetp ar Miss N. Tuck. R.N.. who is on her way from New York to Vancouver where she will take up residence, arrived In overseas in the army nursing service during the war. Before arriving here Mlas Tuck paid an extended visit to Keewatln and other Eastern: points. The fortuitous circumstances attend ing the recent Imperial, Conference are being recognized the world over and a great deal of spaco In leading publica tions of all countries has been given toi I BEST I H Jreshfmrrv rfL th&Tva&te)- j " Tjr ; WUUam Beverldge. representing Dale & Co.. returned south on the Prince Rupert thla morning after a brief stay In tbe city on business. Union steamer Cats la, Capi. A. John stone. Is due from Vancouver and way-ports at 6:30 this evening. Tbe veswil will make her ealls In tbe Skcena and return lie re to sail at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning for tbe aoutb. During the absence of Sergeant Han-; nan who went south this morning on' escort duty and will be away ten days. Sergeant Alex MeNeul will be In personal charge of the city detachment of the provincial poUce In addition to his regular district duties I ntiML Ri ri:i:r ;i;eual HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Notice la hereby given that tbe an nual meeting of the members of the. Prtoce Rupert General Hospial Association will be held on Friday, January 28. at 8 o'clock p'm. in the Council Cham-er. City Hall. Business To receive annual statement, auditor j and other reports. To elect five member of Board of Management tor tbe year 1927. To amend paragraph S of the Objects of the Association By order of the Board. It. W. BIRCH. Secretary iioTri. ak Rivals Prince Rupert i C. F. Davis. W. McRaye and H. U Whlttaker. Vancouver. M. Allison. Fort' D. B. Finn, director of the Prince, st ;aa. Q j Bossons mnd Jackj Rupert flrshertee experimental sUtkm. I BoMOai Telkwa: Rev. Arthur "Barner. returned to the city on this morning's j t. d. B. Finn. Prtoce Rupert. j train after a month's trip East In the course of which be attended a meeting of the executive of the Biological Board of Canada In Ottawa and spent the holiday at his home In Winnipeg. He returned west from Ottawa via Montreal and Chicago. savoy O. Cunningham. Port Esslngton: J. A. Baker. "Thomas U. Clark and J. A. De Louts. Vancouver. M. Hansen. Inverness. NOTICE TIMItEK SALE X6830 Jibe city on this morning's train to be Sewea Tenders win pe receivea oy ine 1 Vintatranf T inrli it Vlrtftrl. R C. no. the guest of Mrs. Alex McRae, U Green 1ttr ta;n on tne m day ofi 8trret. with whom she graduated from ( February. 1927. tor the purchase ot Montreal Oeneral Hospital and aerved usence .wito. w cut v.isu.uuu i.oji. of Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an, area situated on the North Shore of Sewell Inlet, Q C I. Two 1 2) years will be allowed ror removal uf t unbar. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C . or District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C LAM) ACT. Of INTENTION TO TO LEASE IMI. APPLY In Prince RUDert land Recording Dis- the meeting. The current Issue of the Ulet of Prince llupen ana situate at Nesl.) Inlet. Queen Charlotte Island-. e,.-H.. n., w. ..,. Post has Saturday Evening a particle. TAKSS NT)T,rE t)ut John rivbhavn. a on the subject from - the pen of Richard Prince Rupert. B C. occupation manuxei . Washhnm pwM ntitiad "Th strain. Intends to aoply for a lease of the fol- ... . ..... . . IJ. lowlnx deacribed huids Oomiaencinfi at a post planted on the Interesting south side of Nealo Inlet, about one illustration, including on. group .how gfJJ; ,0 lug King Oeorge with all the Premier" noMh 6 chains to shore; thence east 10 of the Dominion gathered around nun. chains, more or lest, following the shore I iwitri.r.ss itt;i'OKT. 8 a.m. DIOBY ISLAND. Snow, fresh 8.E wind: barometer 30.20; temperature 32; k a, rough. BULL HARBOR. Snow, freah S.W bor, bound for Esquimau: 8 put. spoke steamer Admiral Watson, bound from Anacorte to Ketchikan. 320 miles from Ketchikan; 8 p.m. spoke stiamer Prince John abeam. Pine Island southbound; 8 p.m. spoke Starr Perry, bound tor Chig-nlk, 30 mile from Chignlk. DEAD TREE POINT. -Barometer 29.- 76; temperature 32. NOON DIOBY ISLAND Snow, fresh SB wlndt barometer 30.10; temperature, 31; sea moderate. BULL HARBOR. Snow, fresh S.W wind! barometer, ,30.18; temperature 33; sra, muJarM. DEAD TKfca, -OINT liarometer 20. 71. ItUIITUllirc 30. line IU pOIIll Ul CWIUUriHTCMICUfc, Mackenrae King of Canada being given nrU. mo "loST and the position of prominence In the fore- JOHN DYBHAVN ground with His Majesty. Dated November 23. 1020. Applicant. i COMPANIES ACT 1 TAKE NOTlCE thaT LTPSETT CUN-NIKOI1AM & CO. LIMITED after the ex wind: barometer 30.20: temperature 32; LIMITED." piration of oue month from th first j publication of this Notice Intends to j apply to the Registrar of Companies for 1 the approval nf the change of name to edwaku uram i i-ittMt i. iiurtui i at Vancouver BC DATED m.r.1. ..ti n nm r, ovvtk iunitig umia. nun, . ovmt aai - this 10th LADNER & CANTELON. Solicitors for the Applicant. SETTS! A skew back saw. favorite of many high-class mechanics for general carpentry work. The Silver Steel blad Is taper ground by Atkins process, with the damaskeen finish. The Atkins Perfection hendle eliminates wrist strain and makes saw- mr saslar. St THE DAINTIEST IJKEAK1AST FOOD." Smoked Daily by ore For middli; aged and elderly people, children and weak men and women. VINOL with its iron and cod liver pejitone, tea wonderful aid in conditions of ireneral weakness, anaemfa, loss of appetite and physical exhaustion. I'rice, per bottle - - - . .SI.ii" Our stock is fresh. The patent oval shaped bottle is a guarantee of the genuine Vinol. Ormes Ltd. 3rd Ave. and 6th St. The I'ionecr Druggists Three registered Pharmacists DEMAND Phones 82 and 200 "Rupert Brand" Kip Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Prince Rupert, IJ.C. Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Making every record do Its best. This new Brunswick quickly won the hearts of music lovers everywhere. The case, too, is beautiful beyond the usual. Come in and say I want to hear the new ruONOGHArMS AN SICOIII V J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Third Avenue, Corner Fifth Street p.i-ipji',rm'f JH li MonkejVrenchesV Adjustable-' renches Pipe Wrenches Spanner Wrenches Hummers and Saws Chisels and Planes Kules and Pencils Squares and Files Levels und Oil Stones. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 233 Third Avenue Prince Hupert