The Daily News rniN'cl: rupert - British Columbia. Published Every Afternoon? except Sunday, by Prince Rupert' Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN ' - - Managing Editor. suascRirhoN rates. City Delivery, by mail or carrier, jcr month 'JjSS. . . . . , tl By mail to all parts of the British Empire iiu'dftHemUnited States, in advance, per year :.i$..7r..-4. $ti To all other Countries, in advance, per year j . Transient Display Advertising, per inch per insertion . Transient Advertising. on Front Page per inch Local Headers, per insertion ier line . Classified Advertising, per insertion per word . Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line V ,. Contract Rates on Application, Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. LOW Summer Excursion FARES Tickets on Sale from May 22nd 1 i I ! a r-A n 1 iAas) EASTERN CANADA UNITED STATES EDMONTON-CALGARY JASPER NATIONAL PARK Full information from CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 3rd Avenue Phone 260 a Hanadian National- 98 86 Judging by the way some women dress they must be In despair. w "HE CANADA IN CANADA! IHAMUND JUSILLL YtAft IMMW ,00 ,00 $7.56 .. $1.40 $2.80 25c 2c 15c Wednesday, May 4, 1927 ALL GETTING HEADY TO CELEBRATE Reports from different parts of Canada indicate that every locality is. preparing to celebrate the diamond jubilee of the Dominion in fitting style. In some communities different districts are joining to hold one big event. Everywhere much interest is being taken in the preliminary arrangements and it promises to be the most elaborate national celebration the Dominion has e.ver seen. Prince Rupert is doing well to fall jn line and do her part in the great event. Students are popularly supposed to exercise their heads all day long and well on into the stilly night, so they' play football to get exercise for their other extremities. KETCHIKAN REJOICING AT PULP LEASE The neighboring city of Ketchikan is rejoicing over the fact thai the Zellerbach Company has secured a lease of a huge tract of timber land3 and proposes to establish a paper mill in that vicinity. It may well feel happy. Nothing better could happen to it. Prince Rupert people will be glad to hear of their success. Their leading newspaper, the Ketchikan-Alaska Chronicle, is preparing to make some notable additions to its service to keep pace with the new Fishermen were always religious people even back two thousand years ago at the Sea of Galilee. But of late years the fish story originated. SELLING OF PORCH EH ISLAND .MINE The fact that outside interests have come in and purchased a gold nil ne on Porcher Island and will operate it this summer is one of the signs of the times. Plenty of people in this city could have purchased the mine but they do not have faith in anything around here. They prefer to invest their money outside. A man had to come all the way from Toronto to find the property. We hope he makes a pile of money and leads the way for others to follow. Rattlesnakes would be all right if they did nothing-but rattle. STEAMSHIP SERVICE TO ALASKA Juneau recently proposed subsidizing a steamship service to the Port of Prince Rupert but it was defeated because it was feared that it. might be unconstitutional and also because the existing steamship lines offered to improve their services and include Juneau therein It is very probable that as a result more boats will be coming from Alaska to this port and more business will be done over the Canadian National line. Beware of the woman who tells her age. She will tell anything. SALVATION ARMY WORK "J" he Salvation Army is making a canvass of the city in connection with its annual self-denial week, the proceeds of the collection being devoted to its rescue and mission work. The sum of approximately one thousand dollars is needed to carry on the work and to help pay off a debt on the citadel. Everyone knows the kind of work the Salvation Army is doing. It is different from that of the churches and is often sorely needed, especially in a frontier town. It is satisfactory to know that they are succeeding in their efforts and with the help of the local people are likely to reach their financial objective. .' In jsome places people only exist. In Prince Rupert a 'I-lot of us live. v , , ' .If you are not big' enough, for yn(ur worK.;grpwI , Do not laugh behind a person's back. That's the place to kick. i murmur p HARTLEY BAY PEOPLE ! MARRIED YESTERDAY Km. IS. II. Hacker mfirluled at Mediling In I lilted I'll hit h 11 turning A pretty wedding took place last ctenlng at seven oYlock at th United Church when Miss Flora Robinson of Hartley Hay became the bride or John Eaton of the unit place. Rev. O. O. Hacker officiating. Only a few friends; of the bride and groom were present, the witnesses being Mrs. A. Robinson . mother of the bride, and Nathan J. Shaw. The party came to town Monday on , their cwn launch and tomorrow will be leaving for Lowe Inlet where they wllli remain during the cannery Mwtoon. 1 ALICE ARM The Silver Crest Mines Ltd. Is to start development work at once on the Saddle property on Hasting Arm of which Charles CUy of Anyox is the owner. Two fifty foot winzes wUI be sunk on the rein one hundred feet apart and, if the ore shows up well, a tram will be Installed and shipping started. P. E. Peterson, well known In coast mining circles. Is In charge of the work. Mass was' held here at the home of Stephen Dumas last Wednesday and Thursdiy mornings by Father Cham-sgne of Anyox. Construction was started here last week of a new general store building for T. W. Falconer. The old post office building, one of the early structures of the town, was demolished last week and the office building of the Alice Arm Freighting Co. will stand on the ground formerly occupied by It. STEWART Quick results are being obtained In the lower tunnel of the Independence according to Superintendent J. L Swanson. The tunnel Is now in 170 feet and four feet of solid galena, hav-lng the appearance of being high grade, tut been encountered 190 feet below the upper tunnel. 8. P. Fitzgerald. president of the company, is confident that the mine will soon be producing on a large scale. Father Emit Leray. who was In here In 1920 and 1921, has resumed his resi dence in Stewart as priest for the A meeting was held In Victoria, yesterday for the purpose of electing a permanent trustee for the Victoria Mines Ltd. The concern is understood here to owing about 1 5.O00. During the winter George Bunn has made good start on a main working tunnel for the Engineer group on the louth fork of the Marmot River which Is considered one of the most promising properties of that section. He cross cut and timbered distance of S3 feet through moraine and finally -encountered the solid rock formation close to the big copper lead on which he had previously done considerable work higher up the hill. This work was a single handed achievement. Work has been resumed on the L & L. Consolidated, formerly the L. It L. Olacler Creek, a double shift of miners having been put on by Superintendent H. J. Thomey to drive ahead In the tunnel from the point where work was suspended last year. It is the inten tion to thoroughly prospect the workings of the new properties taken Into the L. & L. organization which Include the Rash Columbia. Union Jack and other claims. J Before .he left .last week to take up a-bVw' pulpit ui. Saskatchewan, the Boy i Scouts gave a farewell banquet In the Service Club to Rev. A. W. R. Ashley shorn they presented with a cigarette case, match case and 'cigarettes. The presentation was made by Trygve Han- een. John Franz and Peter Westman have created considerable Interest with a dlsplsy of copper ore from their Nabob group which they located on the east side of the mountain between the head of Barney Oulch which opens Into the Bear River two miles above Stewart. They spent two months prospecting on the property and found ore carrying good values of copper aa well as IS la gold and $13 In silver. The new mine. which Is closer to town, locks like rival for the Oeorge Copper. R. O. Lewis hss been appointed by H. W. M. Rolston ti Co. to act as local representative for the Ouarantee Saving Is Loan Society of Vancouver. A party of 25 Ketchikan Elks paid visit to Hyder at the end of the week and initiated fifteen new members there. A supper and dance was riven In their honor with a large trowd from Stewart and Hyder in attendance. Under an order of execution to satis fjr a labor lien placed by Jamea Grant, the equity of the Daty-Alaaka Co. In the Daly-Alaska group on the Alaskan side of Salmon River has been Dur I chawed, by Yael Rosenstain for 11408. Mrs. N. II, Stevens and son, Melvin. have returned to Hyder after spending the winter to Ketchikan. Tbey will be JABOUR BROTHERS Store Wide Sale New Dresses and Coats . AFTERNOON DRESSES In many of the new fabrics, shown n pleats, tucks, etc. All in the populur Spring shades and black. These are smartly trimmed and should sell easily at the regular prices, $25.00 tjj 2.50 S12.85 Sale Price v ' s One lot of Dresses, mostly Serges and Gaberdines and worth up CO QC ft.U to $25.04 Sale Price ... : Several very choice Dresses in Wool materials, mostly larger sites. Cfi QCJ Regular $12.50 to $17.50. Sale Price . WVU NEW SPRING COATS These must go regardless of cost or style. You'll find many very attractive coats now within the limits of the smaller purse. Regular Q1 J. C $25.00 to $32.50 values. Sale Price ...... . ?J.lOU Now come all those beautiful Novelty Coats, trimmed with soft rabbit fur. Some belted. Regular $S5.00 to $10,00 vnluen. C1Q OlJ-OO Sale Price BOYS' WOOL SUITS I am ordered to close out all Boys' Clothing and as a result you'll find many new quality suits, some with two pair pants QQ QC QO.VO Sale Price SPRING SHOES To clear out large quantities of both Women's and Men's Shoes, I have grouped hundred-, of pairs on the tables. Values to $10.00 QCp VOX Now selling at Others SI. IK' S.t.iKi Special values for the kiddies. A Sale without parallel In . , JLC. properly designate the .pi did repone of the crowd, flocked to thl great Kale on Sator day. I regret that lad of time pr( vented" brining out more thai i sprinkling of the many ettrcu, value here for you. Now i slock ha !een appraied and tomor. row you'll find the More aid,? ,), bargains. Come! Illlrh your dslb, !o I he lnrget load It ever Put these lazy dollars to 0ii t, thl wile will be remcmhereq far yearn by all prudent shopper.. A I. WHITE MILLINERY New Spring Hats in the . patterns and a daizling t color effects. ;M values. on q Sale Price 00.55 36 INCH ENGLISH WOMEN'S FABRIC WOMEN'S MONARCH 3fi INCH IILKAUIEI) BROADCLOTH GLOVES HOSE COTTON Ten pieces, in stripes or Regular 7oc to $1.50 val- "Green Stripe " This is Very fine r checks. Some very high Ues. Black, White and high standard line of by Dominion I i. colors. Good value av Tan. Qn Sl,k ,l0' male 'n Can- This i offered f 1 I $K00 the yard 49c All sizes Jt ada. Guaranteed QQq white or Gray r L : HOLEPROOF IIOSIEIT 1 HUDSON'S BAY YARN INCH SCRIM COTTON CREPES Here Is a n. A large stock of this A larpe variety to suit Splendid quality full loters of fine I T.- I yarn, in fourteen shades. any room. These sold up 32 inch both plain and entire ftwk t n. Regular price 30c 4 On to 45c the yard. A An stripes. Several j 7p known brand j a Qfj( x 1 Now on sale at. . Now patterns pure silks New V9,Y ! Jabour Brothers LIMITED No Charges AH Sales for Cash AI" White, Appraiser, in Charge jintd in about $tevens. a month by Mr Mrs. Perry, a well known nurse from Interior Alaska, has arrived In Hyder. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Carson have re turned ' to Premier after 'an, eitendedl stay in Vancouver. Joe Coty has leased the ground floor of the Marmot Hotel to W. R. Tooth will establish a pool hall therein. Hugh Macbougall. who started the first blacksmith shop In Hyder. ha returned after an absence of three years In the south. Joe Jackson, who made the first dis covery of ore on Texas Creek and who epent last summer prospecting on the CJtarwater In the Casslar Creek, solved last week from Portland where he made a sstlsfactory deal for his placer holdings He Is leaving for the Stlklne at once HAZELTON Steve Hill and Jim Hodder have returned from the wilds of the north alter h,jlng spent the winter trapping. From appearances Steve reminded people of one who had not had the opportunity of visiting his bsrber for tils daily touch-up. However, his beard and golden leeks were soon shorn. Steve plans spending the summer with Oeorge Befmes on the pack train. Dr. Harlan 1. Smith has returned to these parts once 'more and will pursue the work he has bten engitged In for the past few summers. Mrs. Smith may Join him later on in the season. A ' Rev. Victor 6ansumspent the Bab-bath at the village of KUreucla. He ssys tie thoroughly enjoyed hU trip and the experlt nets. Sheik stuff makes courUhlu thrilling. but sheiks let their wives carry In the coal. LAND ACT voTin: in- intention to ,im,v to i.i:.w: mm i. In Range 4. Coast Land District. Land Recording DJitrlct of Prince Rupert jnd situate in vicinity cf Captain's Core Pitt Island. D C. TAKE NOTICE that Owe Packing Co. Ltd.. of 323 Howe St.. Vancouver. I! C, occupation FUh Paekers. intend to apply for lease of the following described lands: 1 Commencing at post planted about mil distant In northerly direction from Lot 1253. Range 4: thence north 5 chains; thence esst 30 chains; thence south to shore: thence west along shore t point of commencement, and containing 10 sens, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant. Per Chss. L. Roberts. Agent. Dated April 7. 1927. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA being Chspter 38 of the Revised Chapters of British Columbia. 1924, and In the Matter of the Delta Copper Company Limited IN.PX TAKE NOTICE that an application will be made before the presiding Jud.e In Chambers at the Court Houc at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, on Tuesday, the 20th dy ot May. AD 1927. at the hour of ten thirty ilojo am.) o'clock In the forenoon for an Order permitting the above named Company to be restored to the Register of Companies In the Province of British Columbia. In the office of the Registrsr of Companies. Victoria, B.C. rjATFn st PrtnM bnnrt . v. i. . . - - ii.uvi . . , , iiiin day of April. A.D. 1927. WILLIAMS. MANSON tt OONZALES Solicitors for the Delta Copper ' Company NJ.L ) NOTICE J!Jv.T,.,E MrTER "of an spphestion for the Issue ot a Provisional Certlllcate of Title for Lot twenty-on 2 V and twenty-two (22). Block seventeen (17i Ms"' 923"' '' CltT f Pflnfe RuPr': Sstlsfactory proof of th lost of the Una having been produced to me, It is IUvrviuii iwnie, auer the expiration of one month from the first pub. llcatlon hereof, a Provisional Certificate of Murland De Orasse Evans, the original Certificate of Title Is dated be?ed19,t7h30,?CtObfr- ,M4 nmi!, Ru"rt II, r. MacLROD, Registrar of Title, I A Service for Humanity BECAUSE of hheer nereity, and ylcldint repeated demands that arc IwlnR made, Ihe s,,,, Army Is launching out Into many extrnon f Social Work for men and women In V!f rn Cmw Our nctltilicM Include Kecue women. Home for decried nnd orphaned rhiWJ Aid for diwharged prUonerM, Working Men' I; lels, Relief work-free distribution of tW provisIonH and fuel to the mit need). Old HomeH, VNitation of jalK Police Court I'resh'AIr Camp for MMr root hem and chlWrra mnnv ilrp lirnnxli ..I Ckrlllnn t.erice 'ut ...... . V f- ..... - - manity. THIS SPECIAL WnilK OP SALVAGE HESTOIUTION CAN ONLV BE LIMITED l MEANS TO CARRY IT ON. Fellow cllizen, you have had a wondrrful inre we last walled on you. t-1 1 i . ii. i i in I" Wrtfrt i ninKM IngH Canada Ihv lot look very bright and hopeful these days. Will you not help in w ! nv of thoe lesH fortunate? Your gin C..IH..I..I 4 iUI ...fir n ?:il-lviiini j- uiiu iiiiw f slfl JiBhlcnlng many a burden. In tbe remskine and women and In caring for Chrkt'n llltle "lf neip us to neip oinc UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED Kallttifs Inini rtlme i or vam ()Ui;k, VICTOKU, aim. Me Ri Rtiitert. rqr(l.'. 1 Day, Alert iwy, rit i U. iu. . - .a. J.r VANrot!VI:it, VtCTOItlA, limnlale. Aim l. rliu Mjarns; Mr I" PHT SI.MI'MIN, AMCK A KM. AN VOX, Bll.tVAKT( Wsles .. oy. p.m. lur Nuns llu.r ver Itl ZucI Avenue. Points awl Part Hlmpwm, Thursday '" n. M. WMI1II. AHlt. I'rliue l I