Make the Old Car Look Like New! Give it a finish that will start hrijjht and stay bright you can do it yourself. For this purpose toe suggest Val-spar Enamels a combination of the finest pigments carefully cround in the famous Valspar Varnish itxclf. VALENTINE'S VALSPAR ENAMEL. Sun, rain, mud, dust, gasoline, oils even toiling wafer from the radiator will not dim its fine lustre. Easy to apply, there are twelve beautiful colors to choose from. For Sale by KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Phone 3 Spring Coats in Shades of Navy, Gray and Sand pre Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 3S1 P.O. Uox 1565 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-I5UATS AND CANOES SAND A&D GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Amenta for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIIiUT fJEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting MILK From Hulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phones f..r(l nnd r..'7 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C.1 CartaRC. Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel, We Specialize In Piano and Furnltum Moving. ANGER, the TAILOR Suita made to order. In our shop $50 as low as . .t, . . . 223 Sixth Street I'll IP "fl i xh - cmiiuUui, i i ' '- s -. grssr STL.rmt i i Use SiMONDSl SAWS t Machine KniveSi SI MONO CHUM SAW CO. LTD. MOtOTOU. VANCOUVER. ST. JOHN. N.B.. TtMONTO lit agent, who Is back from a wee. of ft- I etal visit up the river as lar as Ureea-.vhlch looked good to them, and herej,me a1w 8prlng there has been hey decided to make camp until the, ut. ,n kflng wltn other parts ol the earner ciearea. Next morning Uiey say tlutt their 111 was nothing but an iceberg. It n auld have been fatal to have launched ) the canoe In the storm that was rag-1 ing, so for six days the pair drifted aund. Roy admits that things loo It - J "klnda blue." The huskies were avage with hunger and they would be icessary for travelling when the is- and grounded again, so It was touch- nd-go xhether the king would eat the . nailer or vice versa. Finally, however the sea calmed down . . . . , nd the pair i abandoned the i sled. They aaded the clogs Into the canoe and to nanaged to reach the mainland again. vhere food and shelter awaited them. aNJOYABLE PROGRAM tc PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH .vent Lait Night. I'ntter Illrrrtion of Mr. William Mlllur. 1V Miifh Appm-lalril The Ladles' Aid of the First Fresby erlan Church was responsible for an enjoyable concert last night In the, Vhureh Hall. The program was arranged ry Mrs. William Millar, and the proceeds nil) be u&el In church work. A good :ired crowd wai In attendance. The program, all numbers of which were much appreciated. Included piano solo by Miss Lorna Ttte: solo C. Fnutr; solo ay Mrs. Waugh, ac- lompanied by Miss Lorna Tite; duet by Mrs. F. W. Allen and Mrs. Donald 0(W accompanied by Mrs. Morris Dlott; oto by J. 8. Wilson, accompanied by Mrs. C. E. Cullto: solo by Morris Blott. accompanied by Mrs. . Dlqt; violin sclo Fred Smith, accompanied by Mrs. Now, plan wish chair, even an For, in no soon as finished, to use f I TV J It tt ill Til A- i L f IV, you racotS rtA ahead If you to lacquer a a tableor entire floor. Ptrmalal: dries time; almost as the article 3s it is ready again. nRANDRAM-HEHDERSOH HO If Donald Ross, and two readies by Ilev. T D. Rinde. Rev J. R. Frlrell acted as chairman. After the prog-ram. refreshments were served by the Aid. NATIVES NOW BUSY BOILING OOLACHANS FOR OIL CONTENTS I Oohtchan flthm,; on the Naa River is over and Hie natives are now busy ' boiling the fish and extracting the oil ! iherefrsm states W E Collison. Indian province says Mr Collision. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert MAY I. 1917. The United Butes is organirlng its various department for the war oaf Canada's pattern says a despatch from Washington. R. McDonald of Lome Creek writs tee press urging the abolition of the estricted district in Prince Rupert. Fifteen halb halibut .boats are reported to tied up in Hales Pastas, near Dei- ingham. unable to sail for the north- ern banks beaause they aan obtain mo bait. IIOTKI. AllltlVALH , I'rlncr l(iirrl O. Johanson. Kesm. N T.. C. S. Ime- son and M, . ThorstetMon, Vancouver: Jacrs Mttheson aad J. E Armstrong. Toronto: J. .E. Dean, Hazeiton: Mr. Catherine Dalton. Detnolt: W. Q Whyte. North Paelflo Oaiustry: James Lamb. Caular; W. J. Bervtee. Smt theft; W. E. Walker. Naas River; William llagen, Vanandol. Oiilrjl E. Patrick. Keoo. N.Y.: Mia V. Oar-son and B. O. Duncan. 8aay; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Henderson ami W. Henderson. 8ml t hers; Oefge lieLatssb- a. Fhclan: Fred IL Netaoa and M.MM- ten. Beattle: R. W. Uacrbad. city. satny F. Mtlltne and Mr. aad Mra. I 8tevens. Ketchikan: Charles Larson PERMALAK BRUSHING LACQUERS For Sale by Gordons Hardware WHITE -DLACK-CLCAn AND POPllJ,AR COLORS V anted For Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in FOR SALE A (III AT YOC'lt OWN PIW'H we aav on view at aw Third Ave. Bast, one 1933 Ford Sedan, upon which we invite you to mak a sealed blfl Meumein and empiejeea of our flm win not be allowed to bd. On May 34 we will sell the car t the person who ha submitted the highest offer up to pxn, on May 0. This Is a bona fide oiler, end w make no reservation. THd what you are willing to pay for the ear. tf you cannot drive-we wilt u-.'h you. All bid will bn placed in scaled envelop, depoaltad in a sealed boa. and opened aad examined by dts-i lAteveattd partita, on the sTMUng of May 9. Make an Offer S. V PA It KK If. LTII. HUtll hUil i ltH. 9 OOME ON. BOTBI IF YOU ARB MEC1I- sjiicalry ineitned ami want a cheap boat engine, we lll sell you a usee) Ford engine for IWi. Parts art very inespmatve. Overhaul It yourself and you will have a 14 h p motor at a very low coat. Parker's Osrage. FOR SALE. HOWE ON SUMMIT AVE. 4 room and bath. IJ.WX) MOW cash and IM per month Smali bouse and tw.i mu in garden. Ftnced Fruit tiwi Close in. MM .00 McCaffery and Olbbons. Ltd lot THREE SPLBHDID ROWBOAT8. BHAND new. eunaw-Bullt. Itast issfnrted from Norway direct Par sale . by Jack Selvsj. Boa 40. Daily osBre OK SALE-SIX ROOMKD HOOK AND lot la port aenee Moafc. tajMOW. Apply P.O. Box 378. IIS oppoRTUNrnri 5oo a month now buys your future hotMeU. Walker" Mtttie Store. FOR SALE. CHESTERFIELD SUITS OF osueh S4WI two easy chairs Oreta 49S FOR SALE. Til RATI IE CHAINS AND llsturrs. Bro. Mndy. 107 Stewart: W Relnsfelt. Perow; F. M. DuSoward and Mrs. Fred Dudoward. la- Cannery; D. Morrison. CJfJL 8 SPORT CHl The tiloatlon as raasnis the Inn. ijolis Hill sports iroifnd vm fully ean- vaeaed Monday night at the meeUn; between the city council and various ports body and the result of the con-cienee was very gratifying. The re presentatives of the Fair Boars and baseball and football aasoclatteoa are to bt oonaraUiiatecl on devisin,- a bto which will result in a oondl- llon such at has never before been enjoyed. The ground this year will be ronaideraJbly ex tent M iw what is more lni,rUnt. it wUI have a pruper Hirttee. there need he Utile tnxifty about the l.OOO being repaid the city as was promtMxl SjiorU ornaiiHalMms tn thl elty have yet to fall ! their contracts. The tlUiatkm In the big baseball leagues la not without Interest. In the National, the race at this iMn is uaht between St. Louis. PltUhurg snd New York and the t! lenders are slso having tome fun among thenvselvst. Mon day games resulted In shaara both af the top and bottom, the .world's champion Cardinals dlaphtclnii New ' ' "" mwi oi tne class white urotkiyii Drxlgers. wImi have been hav-Ing ft winning atreak lately. relvatet Clnclniutl Reds to the cellar In the American League last year', finalltu. M,r now iurs isnxeen. seem to ho pretty well away with n lead of two Kames yesUrday over Philadelphia Afh- . mm vuiuuc sill, ! Ii, m -t hrought into pennant r timing cllUMI Ohleago U also coming aious U and the story between thio three team has yet to be told Boston m.tuili to oe wrii established in Uie cellar 1A i!me behind Clsveland. PAGE FOUR THE 1ML .FvY: BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMar WHAT 0PFEREJsJCE uv fcS ,sa -a.Ell BACK HOME . UTTO' I f t-,JH W . 'U N Y" I ' fS Uffl . v mm i m ,r H Waterproof a Weatherproof 'TS si- E? - f TOP 1 liU- f. WELCOMING ALL VISITORS HERE i:xampi.r si:t iiy alberta pi:opi.k ix '-.matter of ikiemu.inlss to STKAMiEKS It is ulways a g... d thing for a place ii ihe people ve ir.eudljr and optimistic. That la well Illustrated by what thef are auing in Alberta, which Is next door neighbor to British Columbia. Ad Edmonton pwper in a -recent Issue says: Toe other day the Journal's Coronation correspondent told of the welcome that bad been accorded some settlers on their arrival there. Nothing was over-lcuked that would add to their comfort and help them tn malting the right Kind ot a start in their new home. This has been aping on in mm; different district throughout the provlnc. aud there is no way in which they can better promote their own development HOSPITALITY FAPKfTLH The effect of sueh an exhibition of friendliness is not limited to those to whom it la extended. They are certain to write back to the places from which they come and encourage others, to join them. Apart from the material benefits that thus accrue, it to essentially the right and proper thing to show every possible kindness to those who have travelled a long distance in order to estabtUb ttremeeivea tn this new land. Such hospitality u what Is to be expected from our people. Instance! have been cited where newcomers have had a very different expert - ence. In the Birmingham Dally Mall ! there was a lebter not long ago written by a former resident of that part of England vJKo came out a year ago and settled at a point which is described M one hundred and fifty miles northeast of Calgary. He wrote In very appre ciative term of Che manner In whtcK the settlement board officials had attended to his needs and expressed no regret over having made the move. He was taking up his work In high spirits. aimcuii to maintain uese alter Miking I tout had to admit that ft was aornewliatUy Ml89 E jjavls, atconrpanied by Mrs "l "citiawj.. ww upprarCTi h. to nave come around to Me him and his family simply out of curiosity. They jtind aeraml him that he had eeme to the worst country in the world, that the first ten years were the worst and that attar that nothing mattered. NOT (ii:KI!.I, VIKW by It takes much s3l(-sutficlenoy and courage for new cltlaans to withstand the influence of talk of this kind. Those who Indulge in It have a sertoub responsibility. Fortunately they are tho exeepUom. It is mipoKSib&e to believe that they really meant wfrat they said and certainly their view is not that of 'the great majority of Albettana. But because theere are such detractors to be reckoned witti, 11 is all the , more I naeessary that fbose who know wht 1 . pportunltles ' are open here to ilie I rlgl)t tltul of setUen and who realize i whnt their eommg means In the up-1 l.ulldlinr of ttM prnvirtnr should exert I ihemselves fully in convincing those who I .ire n :w arriving that they haw made I no mistake, and in assisting them to thul extent of their ability. ISLAND PROVEDTOBE ONLY FLOATING ICEBERG lit Men nnd !- Marimtiril for M)s mi AK-lir VUtr full finally i:w:leil EDMONTON, May. 4. Only hi natural reluctance to devouriini nhl partner and prime minister kept Louis Roy, arctic trapper, from being the king of a cannibal Me. when he and Jack I i urown. trie partner aforesaid, were I marooned on an Ice floe for six days! with six hungry huskies. Unfortunately, says Roy, the island I lacked a good ma ny of the modern I convenience associated with cannibal I i isles. There were no palm trees no I hula maidens, but the geographical I location of Hoy's Island prlncf liilltv I may have had .something to do (with I tills . When the ex-king last saw1 his balllwack, it was floating' in the arctic wa and beading tor Greenland and points north. According to Roy's story, his partner and himself built a cabin 'from log alonn the beach at the end of the MacKenzle delta. Came a terrible storm and the waters started to move the cabin, so the twttn hitched pielr dogs to the sled, threw In the canoe and made along the bench for some high laud, They struck a hillock of lco NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. F advance. No Advertisement taken fo? (eat than 50c WANTED WANTED ! ENlJ OF MAY YOUKO lsd !o tv. n .-! I' i w-i.!. in husl-ueas otltce i:.,!i Uiwn Al) Box .10. Dally Nrw office FOB KENT PRIVATE WH.MIM, Horn w FOK gcod clean - ., m rile price. ' apply at P;irnr (; . .-f.y ,.. ing H'nur 'M An.l ,nie. op- and will be .w poslw Dry tKKk SMIttb.'i for o, tsrtj wri ply 611 Fifth Au v v,t Piiatte ylj, ' ,n , Urrrti IJ8 ids Rr, order ai l-i ? - to Uie applies!,. st FOR ItKM SIX ROOMKD HOUSE ' ld Water lt. :c lt!i lull an I inlr). ,,ll fit imth , Avenue W't! Mmkm. .Blsrk 410. - i notice In a l" , w FOUR RWII MODERN FLAT FOR i ol the first put, rent W.- :eti!v-r Blork rV.ond Ave al' iJj; ' rA r Pbi'ii" l'K or Ulur yju tf j 'z. FOR R.Vr DO" I ' I iXM HEAR1 nyal sc. II A w.tter. Phone ! Black r;, FURNISH KT MUITFM FOR RENT. Apply Mussallem Ororery Phone It. SMALL FLAT FOP RENT IN WALLACE IMock Apply II S Wallace. Ltd. ROOMS K H I KM POARD ' desired I'U..,.- lIrk 1.1i PIANO KOH Rfc'NT W On A MONTH. Walker - MU'.v Ht,,rr ROOMS TO RENT PHONE tf itOAItl) HOARD.- THE INLANDER. SeensMl Avenue n EXCHANGE NEW AND BKCONlJilA.Ml i'DRNtTiJHE bauxht. soiil aim f titnmi Papa. uopuios aiwi at;,-1.- m.ih inird Ave Phone MS tf ALtTIONEEIt RESULTS FACE VAIUF AND OOOD ;udgnwi,t Reidviitial tales aolicited Oraawphonc record ekrhshgwl I buy. sell or trade Phone T74. O F. Brll e Aur 1 MKMrtMAKIMi irxPEniENcrn dressmaker. fob- anefly ,4 New York and Tihswwrnn Mrs r Smith. Drrxel rtmmt, 1M Second Avenue Phone MO UAI TY PAKLOIt Mtrcellini' Hanicurist 8rjl TrriUnent i I. MARK B17 Third Avenue By i Phunt S37. IIMS 1 1 HMD Hi: i:lihmik IteMMirilv liarnait. firnprlelora Ml liunl Aven'ie Phe Black l! Furniture of til on. bn-ixrit. stesl or Kr!isnptNl IIPIKILSTEItlNG FURNITURE RKPAIHINtl; UPHOL-tlerlnu of u kiixm ChetlerfltMs recovered and made to order. All work xusrsnt-ed Orren (Sal. n M HUNT ItESTAtlltANI'S imnii f:T" turn Mrn linger, Proprietress Third Avenue, Next O. W. V. A. H lletjte Conked Mesls. Wione Black 700 TAXI Phone f.7 Tui (Call Gwrtw, Paul or Cuist) Six nnd 8VKfi I'AsseliKer Stilde-h.lker ai your dhponal any tlmi? itoss mtos. pooi, hoom Meeker lllock. 'Aeros- tr,,m t,:ninr"t loD PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Kassd by SANTAL miDY 0s tur In ,gst the Osnulst Lost for the word "MIDY" ,ui,i lu til dm truli ArurU ound,4, IIIVMISIip. mi , , TAKE Nam nip t iy. I.,,,, , , .u.ti HC . . I lake alKl uw out of tnuamri llr-. nd Ora. in -!..,. ... 88 Rn -. vJutrt I mtr.M- i pil Ira i . -i Tin notice on tlx Ximi d a ' Ap- ol inu not i' troiler of W, - 1 Duildinas. Vi-' - l IMidaya after tn, - By II V it -r LAND ACT Mil MT OP IMCNtllW T3f!V l l ii: .tti Is Prlnee It. i per U.-J trr iriet of PrlDce Ruper chains est of nort t rrr es. itsnt onat' d. TAKk NOTt i; s ,Ootnpn I i pa l ion r tot eVsertbed uav ncin east i a , Ooaal DUu to tow water marx ctMlns: thence wt 0 ehsii.-ment. -, ' tad oofmr packiko ctwrtfi uyrrc Dslef JhMl Arf I.AM) ACT MiTic i: or toimil i.i:ai; iam In PfMtee Ruper- : ' tntt of Pnuce li chain of ii i 68. Itasjge i ( ., TAKE NOTIt l Compan Limit' p. lion Flat, tar perwlss n dswnbrd la..i- t"ou3ien mu chains aatt of i S Coast DislrM themw tan in i i rhalns; tbeinr t, 1 of roSMasenreiiM i.'. note of le aomr. pa' K ' Dtled April 1 NOTUi: IN THE MATTM' lor the Issue of I of Tule Icr Bi of Of- South hundred and five I6. Oiai Ui- Bautfaetoo' i Certllitsate of Tin-land htvliiK be i,: my intention n-Uon of out' ni-i.i' ' ueallon herr ,f of TlU to I lie of Slduey Will". " fleate of Title i find la numbere,! ; i Land Itegi.sirv I'll 0.. Oth April !'' it OUF.EN CIIAIU.GTTK W DIVISION TAKE NOT' IE !'' " ' ' , J Pm Ll.nrl Ol DHV snply to the MinuH licence to i" r ! nd iistursl sa 111 r lowing described l. gate Inlet, tlrahain ' OommenclnR ai a r f northeast corner ol i ship 3; thence 80 ' 80 chains south thenca 80 chains nor mencement. Located March M. p'ija UiiKBN ciiAiu;orri: u DIVISION Tivtt unTirlt that II. , Portland, Ore . PM;'n, L apply to the Minister e licence to prospect tot and natural landv ; aitiiw it lowing described gau Inltt. Ltf Commenclli" at a P" J , I nuthwsst corner or r ship I: thence Bp tn' n ;Ml ' eo chains north: th'"hcl0 w P ' wutri, thence bo rhaliu ,ontetl March U. "VkoH'', A, J