c;dar, May 4, 1027 of Mother! qiINDAYIS MOTHER'S DAY A Da' Remembered by Everyone '? J ft Thi vear majce Vure-that your gift to her reflects the love ,,j bear her. Give her Page & Shaw'a Chocolate. "The Candy " Tl,.i ...... .... .1 I J Ik. .lift t . I t. eiii'iiic. inr me juvncu in mice uiiicrciiv assort- ASSORTED CREAMS ASSORTED HARD CENTRES ASSORTPD NIT CENTRES uii.l v I !! . J li id ' li. bx- Ormes IM. 7ftc Pioneer Druoeusls UDAVt. 3 1. I LLXr'i IUIXLj OSlsVV he otore tor uaa and tne mid . Lad Genuine English LUE SERGE SUITS $32.50 Acme Importers turd Awnue DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers - THE DAINTIEST RR EAR I AST POOD." 'I Snaked Dally by i. sn. n n I I n. I Til snariian hie i at I nlfl nrape l o.. . m. & W w Prince Rupert, R.C an ao ian National Stean.sriin and Train Service CT - ..a .' l I.IMIH lr..... miivit ifri-i liT l..r VAM'OI VHIiui. im..i -h IIIIIIMIYV uml SI NOAV. 1 1. w !"' t... if iiv ni.i"iii"i'. .- i r kii:v tut k ati itin v. kmhi . in. I'KIME JOHN for VAMOIVI.U n ........ ... ..- I Nlis. forlnltlillr ......... "I ,.,.,t I I.KT PAMSeMllH TIMIVM l.i:K I HIM I- "I MOMIAV VWIINIMlW anil VITItllV n I t U ni. i..r . i. . "l.OIMJE. Elt.MOMON. WINMI'Mi. ill mihii - - - m:e ( an aha in nwinn Jiiiilkk vi.au ixui - iw. AOEMY AIL OCEAN KVKVMSIIIi; K?' ,.,,, IW Canadian NmIIomuI txnrens for Monry Onlrr. foreign t iir.,ue. TV TICKET OFFICE. 82ft Tlllllll AVE., 1'HIN.CE M'PEItT. Phone tW oreiqn Lire Assurance uompany Wt, ,i ..i....v.i i r v,. ' Will there Ik? enough f.rw r.n i. .... .1 . .. ...... i tni-T i iiiir n cii iiu kv-o ut in On. Mnvt.i ..n hta nvmi t.ifi. insurance on your own me lid a policy mnturlnir at a certain age on the boy s life solves id tll-nblnm , V FOR MEN uit- ;;rr ;'u:M-uiitTf ;ij'.ii'i-t fjuflnf by the effwta nlighl nr fn-xh nr sail vi.-.ti r. If nay of thre nuiU .i t ar Iron tl;it of pint hatt- we will rejilact iU AUSOLUTRLY FREE i' U'uutifullv ... ! imiI. wi.h fiiu-.it linings, mude in . ingle breiut ti le u well in conservative Phone 359 Enquire for full particulars about Children s Policies from G. P. TINKER Local and Personal Arthur's Tit. phone 878. B O. Undertakers. Phone 41. Qet the Big 4 habit 1 of a Taxi, phone 4. When thinking Mr. tf ntM tnr rfipnn An. piV 182,Paxk AveniMs. 100 MlHH Arthur' rrhullt likr Khiir Hlorr. nrw t Ridley Home Bauar lu Metrojxle Hall on Tfcuridajr, Uay fi. . 104 YouU tee your old gang at the Ojto jHotOown. Auditorium, May C. ! Old Time Soottteh Darae. the laat of the huod, in I.ODE. IU11 on Friday. Mty 13. at 8 AO. Louia Leroux. 6tal Oove. has received , ' the aad xneaaage of the death of hli lter. Ura. Clara Le Motte. Mlnnea-polia. Minn. Union freighter CbHkeot. Capt, J. L William. u in port yeKerday after-j noun southbound from Alice Arm and ; Wales laUod to Vaneeuter. ! CU R steamer Prteee John. Capt E. klabbH. M eapectetf to arrive In port Thursday night or Friday morning from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Ia- huxta. a. Jotkanaea. mining man of Keito Hill. Y.T arrived la the etty from the north vaaterday and wlB proceed tomorrow night to 8eattte enroote to Colorado ' Mrs Jeale A. Jacobs of the Indian Miss Janet Lre. K N . eurgleal super. iisor in tar Priaee Rupert Oeaeral lioapiul. returned to ttie city on yesterday afternoon's twin from Terrace where she went the past couple of week aa the gwwUof Mr. aad Mra. H, U Prank. . iq j R Wong. Chinese, ehargrd wttn con- ducting a lettery at 818 Third Avenue Service returned to the Interior on this morning's train. s 4- 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Prince Riiiert Plnyer's Club will pre Kill "Nothing but the Truth." ou May 4 at the Wcetliolme Theatre. L.O L. and LO.DA. dance. May 3. Another Gyro Hocdown. Friday. May 0. wliUt drive and Established li)2X Auditorium 111 f Office Hours: a.m. to C p.m. Saturday: a.m. to 1 p.m. Any evening by appointment MPKENNx DENTIST Exchange UlocL Phone 109 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE cfii the service of Ifamisrrjfl Fairbanki-Morse Marine Diesel Engines Full Dieaet principle no auxiliary isnition device. Two-atroke-cyde implicity with eirleaa injection of fuel. No val vet to grind ; no complicated valve rockera to keep in adjustment. Uaet low grades of fuel oil. High economy in the use of fuel and lubricating oil. Excellent manceuvering and operating qualities on light loads and slow speeds. Sturdy, compact, with alt parts readily accessible. Small space requirements. Made in the Jolltmint 20 h p. 2 cyl. 1 80 h.p. 6 cyl. 40 h.p. 4 cyL 60 h.p. 3 cyl. 80 h-p. 4 cyl. 120 h.p. 6 cyl. 120 h.p. 4 cyl. 240 h.p. 4 cyl. 360 h.p. 6 cyU 480 h.p. 4 cyL 600 h.p. S cyl 720 h-p. 6 cyl Q?ie CANADIAN FairbanKs -Morse COMPANYJ&mUtd rs BEATTY ST.. VANCOUVER. B.C. Tonight's poned. Mooac meeting la post- Agent otace sailed yesMMay attar- lmMt Dav m 17 tlonal Railway. Maater Billy Nelson, son of Mr. and Mr. W. J. Nelson, 423 Emmerson Place. is now tasking satisfactory progress to-1 ward recovery following a severe attack of blood poisoning. A. 8oe of the Empire Shipping Co. arrived on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver to be here In con-asction with the loading of the grain ship Kofuku Maru at the local C. F. Davia. regularly of the Prince Chaiee. I acting as chief engineer on the steamer Prlnte Rupert this trip. In place of W. E. Baillle who 1 at home in Vancouver recuprratlng from a recent illness. W. Jefferson, foreman for the Prince Ruprrt Stevedoring Co.. returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this mom. Ing from a holiday trip south. He nt to Vancouver ten days ago via the Queen Charlotte Islands. district forester here and ,now forester lr charge of forest reterrci with head-quarters In Victoria, arrived this morning cn the steamer Prince Ilupcrt from Uie George. CNR. sCramcr Prince Rupert. Capt. D. Donald, arrived at II o'clock this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 10 tonight for Anyox. The veanel sails from here on her return south' at 11 o'clock tomorrow night. Misses Irene and Jessie McAfee PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EUROPEAN TOURS Personally Conducted Tours hare been arranged thia Bummer, under the lolnt rupcrvUlon of the Canadian National Rallwaya and the Cunard 8teanuhtp Company to Great Britain and Europe and return. All transportation, hotel and sight seeing exnenacs included In farea. CaU at Ctty Ticket Office. Third ' Avenue, or phone 200. for particulars ', and descriptive literature. - W&S MlltfXEhS KEI'OltT. a.m. DIOBY ISLAND. Cloudy, calm; barometer, 30.10; temperature. 45; sea smooth; 7.1$ pjn: out steamer Catala southbound. DEAD TREE POINT. Clear, calm; barometer. 29.60; temperature. 40; sea smooth. BULL HARBOR. Clear, light southeast wind; barometer, 30XW; temperature. SO; light eU; 8 pjn. apoke steamer Viking. Prince Rupert for Scat-tie. 360 miles from Seattle; 8 pjn. epoke steamer Canadian Coaster, Ocean Falls for Nanalmo. 80 miles from Ocean Falls; 10 pjn. spoke steamer Princess Alice, abeam Ivory Inland, southbound; 10: pm. spoke steamer Catala. abeam Klew Nuggett, southbound: 10 pjn. spoke tug1 Cape Scott, weatherbound at Rough Bay: 11:55 pjn. spoke steamer Prince Rupert, in Mllbank Sound, northbound: 7 am. spoke steamer Gray, abeam Bull Harbor, southbound. NOON DIOBY ISLAND. Part, cloudy, light, southwest wind: barometer. 30.19; temperature. 50; sea smooth: 11:30 am. In steamer Prince Rupert northbound. DEAD TREE POINT. Cloudy, calm: barometer. 29 0; temperature, 57; sea smooth. I , BULL HARBOR. Part cloudy: light outlieast wind: barometer. 30.13; tern- ,nc. aboard the steamer Oatata to oiebtaUon, Commodore CaSe. Tickets, Ptrature- M: "SM wu jxma a rortaifm's taoufiay rUlUng la 1 six Vancouver and Victoria. ''"Ml um im.i. I ConatTValiTfl ConaTvaUve Rails Rails; " Thundav nteht In Prince Rupert. caoady. calm Her many friend will be gratafled toUw club Room,. Speaker, i. C. Brady. P- 45 learn that Mrs. C. E. Starr, who has yj been acrtoualy IU at her heme la the' Waldron Apartment, la now maklag eausfartory progress toward recovery. and others. 103 Jim Douglas Is completing the erec-a of a new ncvcn-roora two storey ( rd(K on Eleventh Strcict near The "K" Una freighter Kofuku Maru Second Avenue. Terrace. Cloudy, calm. temp. 47. Alice Arm. Cloudy, calm. temp. 43. Aayox. Cloady. calm. temp. 48. Stewart. Cloudy, calm. temp. 41. Hazelton. Cloudy, calm. temp. 50. Telegraph Creek. Cloady. calm, tem- moved down tb the ssettator yUiilay i 'pcratur 43. arternoon at 3:41 aad started this: O. A. Woodland, local manager for Emlthers. doudy. calm. temp. 40. 1 morning to load a full earae of grain the Imrrtal on Co returned to the Burn Lake. Rain. calm. temp. 62. lor the United Kingdom or eoaUnefrt. 'eltv on the aUamer Priiie Runcrt this Whltehcrse. CiouUy. south wind. jmommg alter a business trip to Ocean temp. 44. LOlu aad LOJ3A. walt drive and rail. ' Dawson. Clear, calm. temp. 35. dame on Thursday, May 5, at 8 pjn. ln y- ' Raining at Big Salmon and Fort Sel- Uelropole Ilafl. Mrs. Ponder ofaaea- W. K. RuwrIL of the, C.OJ4J4. offices kirk. Urn. AdMtedoo aaadsjrMti 7ac ladies in Vancouver, and ' Mrs. Ruwell are , Oe Pive dollar snM ukee wlU be maklcs Ue round Ulp' to Anyox this W. B. Morgan returned to the til on drawn lor. 106 j wet k on the steamer Prince Rupert, lor the Prince Rupert this morning' after 4a "ttelidar. ....- ( - 'spending a holiday in Vancouver ana Victoria. Mrs. Morgan 1 remaining lni See what happttw when a peron the south for a while longer to visit i telk the ahaotute truth -for twvnty-four with relaUves. I hour at the Wsethoune Theatre to- ntefet rvnrw oota at 7.30. 250 rush neats to selL TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4- 4T4T Motorahlp BeUlngham Capt. J. E. pQR SALE. MILCH GOAT. PHONE Aadenon. la due In: port- tomorrow with; Black 159. between 9 am. and 7pm. a eouple of carloads of fish for trans-' Wert, appeared la city polite 'rottrt this! shipment East over the Canadian Na-.FOR SALE. PLAYER PIANO morning before Magistrate MeOymont. and was rrmanCed until Friday. E. F. Jones, elty solid tor. is prosecuting while L. W. Patmore appears for accused. For the fancy work and plain sewing booth at the forthcoming Ridley Home baaaar. of which the Women's Atulltary to St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral will be in charge, a shower was held yester- dsy afternoon at the home of Mrs. H T. Cross. 223 Fourth Avenue West. Many articles were presented and 4ea was served, the hostess bring assisted by Mra. O corse Roiie and Mra. E. Mc- Conkrle. N-l Erie Wentortuad. who la to be imprisoned at Okalla lor six months a a result of a recent: knifing affray at Smtthrrs. was brought to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the interior by Sergeant W. J. Service, chief of the Smtthrrs district detachment of the provincial police,' and will be taken cn south later in the wek. Sergeant ceUent condition. Phone 225. IN EX 109 IN PROBATE. IN THE M'I'KEME COlitT Ol' ISUITISH COLI'MIUA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of tbe EsUle of Joseph F. Bowman. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. F. McB. Young, the 24th day of February. AD. 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Joseph F. Bowman, deceased, and all partiea having claim against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 24th day of .March. A.D. 1927. and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C ruled the 34tb day of February. AX) 1B27 IN PRORATE IN THE MTKEMK Ol UT OF IIIHTIMI ( OH Mill A In the Matter of the Administration Act; and lu the Matter of the Estate of James WetMler Mitchell. Deccawd. lntes. tate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hi Honor F. Men. Young, the 12th day of F. H. Mulholland. formerly atant j ffitriiS? D? 5 ter Mitchell, deceased, and all parties having claims against tne aam estate are hereby required to furnish aame properly verified, to me on or before the 13lh day of May. AD. 1937. and all south and entrained for Prince, .JlJ0.?,. ,,?rt,! f x TV;. VI vu pay nrv auivuui w acblrdne&i to me forthwith NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 13tb dy of April. AD. 1827. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE 1-tNO. In Prince Runcrt Ind Recording of queen Charlotte Islands, and ' situate at Muii maun village no. i r" ! TAKK NOTICE thtt The Masett Can- rived on the Prince Rupert thla morn, iiera, Ltd.. of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occu-lr.g from Vancouver, where they have Pt'" Canners intends to apply for a . . , , . ...,. .. . lease of the following described lands: been In attendance at the University of j commencing at this post planted at British Columbia, enroute to George-1 the northwest corner of our site at i B.C.: thence southerly S chains; town town whr wnere tnej thrv will wm aneiw! spend tne h ...... um.,.h,n Mastt, ,.,. ... rhma more or iki: mer vacation with the parenU. Mr. and, thence northerly 3 chalna: thence wei- Mrs. George McAfee. The fact that the steamrr Prince John, bound from Vancouver to Prince Rupert via the Queen Charlotte la- lands, was reported yesterday to be hove to In Hecate Strait la accounted' for through the vrw-cl having on her deck thtee Urge boilers, one for Lagoon Bay and two for Maasett, which would make It risky for her to pro- ' cccd through too heavy weather. The John la reported to be under way agilitj terly 3.23 chains, more or teas, to point of commencement, and containing one acre, more or lesv THE MASSETT CANNERS, LTD. Applicaut. Per P Lorenxen. Agent. Dated April 20. 1927 You can't help touching Germ-Laden objects This Toilet Soap Purifies Door knobs, car straps, public telephones, money your hands are continually touching them. And so are hundreds of other hands some of them perhaps not as clean as yours. Physicians will tell you that hands are a favorite means of transportation for germs. As a simple protective measure, why not use a toilet soap that removes germs as well as dirt ? Because it is so wonderfully refreshing and cleansing, Lifebuoy is today the favorite toilet soap of millions . . . used regularly for every toilet purpose. Each time you use Lifebuoy, its mild, creamy, anttstpUt lather will go rfvn infn rvfrv tv-ir 7 GERM DISEASES .dW J that hands may carry dmpilii by Lift Exttvittt lmtitutt. Colds Tonsillitis Mumps Pink Eye Otitis (Ear Infection) Ringworm Pharyngitis whooping Cough Nmallpox Erysipelas Diptheria Scarlet Fever Chickenpox Septicemia Boils Measles Bronchitis Typhoid Dysentery Tuberculosis Pneumonia 'Influenza Caibuncles Laryngitis Impetigo (Skin Infection) Social Diseases Cerebro Spinal Meningitis Tb wit Influents iprcads if uaksows so Lit every precaution. to purify and protect. The pleasant hygienic scent of Lifebuoy your reassurance of its antiseptic protection soon evaporates. Lifebuoy is orange red, the color of its pure palm-fruit oils. Get it today. LIFEBUO Health Soap Purifies andProlects I Lever Brothers limited Toronto LETS (CANADIAN! PAcinc -eteyimmw Ml sill i i iiii i i i Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert In KrUlilkuii, lranr.rll. Juneau. Skaewa) April ft, 18. rj; May 0, IU, 3V. To Vaurouirr, VMorla. heatlle Arll I. It, SJ; May 3. 13. 31. PKINCES8 liEATKICE. For lliitedale. Ea't Itrila Itella. Oreun Falls Naniu. Alert Itay. Campbell Klvrr, and Vanrouvrr etrry Saturday, II a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Information frui W, C ORCIUKO. Grnrral AjrnL Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, RC Kitchenware TUUS PAILS (JARHAUE CANS Tea Kettles Stock Pots Mall orders carefully filled. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue Prince Rupert 'A.