M 25 TAXI and. . Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime Stands r,xcnanc Duuuing MATT VIDECK, Prop. ... YVIL No. 101. ti uut, llll.KEIt IIIOM llltlKI III.VK A'.'" Tnu . . . m 1 , . - . w rc atjuaod from their aluajber early Monday morning by innrr Another cabin alongside burning as well as the office l; ofWm Oranl. With the aid hands who soon gathered l; Mi Grant recovered practically i: ' :c furniture with the,ecep-'.r two safes. The contents of cabins, however, were nearly fortunately at the Lime of the ;.icre was little wind, otherwise 2uld have been a different tall in that particular quarter of wn it is believed Insurance wai 3 by the owners, GAN1ZFR FOR LIBERAL PARTY " S. J, .M, .MOOHY Ol' lllloll IMI.IKKS Mill, ; (HAIKU; KlIUNU ,M:T CA.MI'AIIIN ANCQUVEn, May 4. Major S. J. M. ' vancoiuver. who hits nua re- uuruig several recent eiec h been appointed organlier tor i in uritiah Columbia, it was ! on reliable authority, say the "la office will be at Victoria. 'uslliers battUlow. the newly-omanuicd B.C. Llberst m Vancouver. oincr win " VUUIflC. Ik IB VWUI AdvertU In th Dally Nwi. EOUONTDN. May riaher.e prcdu tlon In Albert lumped to an inr of almoat tJOO.000 during I9M the figure for 192 beta ttSSJOI. Thu It the largt record alnoe 1923 Tak-1 Ing Hie flabeKe production tor the three prairie provltxra. the total abowi . an InorcaM of orer 11.000.000 ovtr 1934 . The marketable valve af flah caught in Manitoba water wa nearly tiJOO.000. while Saskatchewan water yielded tttlaa wrth. The principal varieties c4 caught mere, whlteftah valued at about 11,300.000. plskerel at orrr 11,000.-000. tulllbrc at half a miUton. pike at a atmllar amount. The number of men rngacd in the flatting waa nearly 0.000. POST OFFICE HEAD DUNNED BY HIMSELF LONDON. May 4, The roaunaater-Oeneral, Sir WUllam Mltchell-Thomeon. told a Craydon audience of the first cmelal conununlcatloii he received from ::t Ui eicitenK'nt to be a fire the po ller M Mlintmerft led in Bin eahln oreuDled bv 1 a ita Chief. It waa a letter, staling uui iar ro:niaterOciieral ragrvUeal that unless he paid hla telrphon aoommt within three day the line would be die-connected. "fortunately." added Sir William. "1 succeeded in paying tlx- account In time " MADE QUITE SURE DEAD MORE BURIED tONDON, May 4. An abnormal fear of premature burial was revealed by the will of Henry Charles llcthrrlngton Lewis, of Hove. Sussex, who died leav ing tlS.000. Mr. Lewis directed that after his presumed death his body should be Inspects medical man. then bo placed ut an ocn comn tor tlx full clear days, after which a duicrcnt qualified medical man should be called in. If In hi opinion death wa ab solutely certain then au artery ahould be severed. Six hour after the lid Of the comn might bo screwed down. . VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Cot Copper Dunwoll .... Olaclrr 0)dtone Bid. 10.00 1.60 .Ui .24 Independence -oOri Indian L. ti U . .. Premier PorUr Idaho Sliver Cicit Surf Inlet Sunloch .00 K 40i 2.03 .16Vj .07 OUi LiiJUUti Aaked 1.51 .11 .36 .10 07V; .11 2.0S .10 .07 V, 74 ' mere: DOLPHIN IS BEING RAISED BY OWNER Halibut lliuil. ttlilih Sank on .Mmid.iv Mnrnliis, tllll c lu lr OiNk liir ltrMlr Oapt. Peter Dyrne, owner and master of the halibut ve-vel Dolphin, whloli rank at the Imperial Oil Co.'s wharf fc4kwlng an explosion on Monday raoni-tnz, will raise hla own boat for the underwriters. On the completion of raising operations, which arc starting at ence. the vesoct will go to dry dock where repairs will be effected. PATROLIoAtI USED IN ILLEGAL OPERATIONS VANCOUVER,. May 4, -When tho MaC-kenMe commission resumed Its sitting here yesterday. J. Boyd, former flshcrlc guardian at Smith Inlet, testified that the government patrol boat C. L. Rose was Ufcd In lUrgtl operations, there last ycr .by patrol M. M. WUllairui, Boyd ald when ho learned thl he Immedi ately took the boat from William. TAXI DRIVER FREE OF AMEKIC.tS IMIATH TranMirUllon, 23.000, at 12 00c and Tc to Hoyai run Oo. SlUa, 21.000. at 12.00c and Tc to Cold Storage. Vamcat. 30.000. at 13c and 7c to Cold ' Dally. 324)00. at 1320c and 7c to Cold Storage Ealnlcr. 31.000. at 12.00c and 7o to Atlas riaoenea. ux. 10.000, at 13.30c and 7c to Cold Btcrage. Taddy J.. 1300. at 1330c and 7c tj CiM btarage. I AHU. TWO. at 13.30c and 7e Vj. Cold (Storage. t'ANAOlAX lllT Bingo. 1000. at 12,300 and 7c to Cctd Stcawgc. MaegVertte. tjooo. at 12.00c and 7e to i Allan PUAene. ' ' prince uupeut, n.c 'Wednesday, may a, 1027 J tttXi. JiXOO, at fi70aVl 7 to CcStff I IWorage. : . 4 ; . ( Vlkiag I.. 700. at 13.800 and 7c to j AUM Fbiberlea. 1 Mlnoie V. 13.000. at 12 toc and 7c to ' Cold Storage, W.T.. 13.000. at 13.40c and 7e to Cold Storage. ' Inex II. 7 WO. at 13.40c and 7c to Atlin ruherle. SCOLLARD CASE NOW SETTLED Aditu.Mr.NT itiitciiin iu:tuki: mil-nostnti: utiiv Ami urn llt'MIAMI VANCOUVER. My 4 After months f dlapute an amicable aetUemenl waa reached beta-ecu Mrs. Ssrah Bcollard In! her legal dUfercncca with her husband. Frinela Bcollard. to ret tin two million i j dollars' worth of recurttles. The settle-Itnent. which waa announced yesterday, ! slated that the charges which had been standing against Bcollard in the Wash ington ttste courts would be withdrawn. MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE VANCOUVER, May 4. At tho asslM court yesterday, Solomon Dubeau, a taxi driver of Powell River, was found not guilty of manslaughter on a charge In connection with the death of Laura llryes on April 17. The girl was struck 'iy Dubeau' car lllliOKST 1IIIMI IN fO-OI'Eia-TIVK M XUKKTIM, AT KANSAS ITTY TOOAV KAN.HAS UTY. May 4. CarrjInK mil tlir pluiiH laid 1110111111 u;i I lie blS nhrat mmI ol tlir uurlil urr In nmfrrrnrr hrre Unlay try Ins tu flml u way In unify .their rtforti and uurk lotrllirr r-irrallH'. II l I hi" bl;erst llilug in lt sropr rrr alleinplrtl by i-rrallvr grain marketing forres In tlir wnrld. HrrrriitaUrs are rrrnt from fuiinila. Australia. Hutwhi ami l ull' .' ril Malm and It N pwlllrN that wnir plan may Ix srrcril upuii with a tlr In Mradjlng tlir wheat mur-krt ami prrtrnllng tiiaiilpiilatlun by oiilsldi" Influrmrk. URGES PAYMENIOf CORONERS' JURIES VANCOUVER. May 4. Alter return ing a true bill to the Indictment charging Robert Moore and Angus Nicholson with murder In connection with the death of Marshall Douglas, the Oread Jury waa discharged. It piescntcd a resolution to Mr. Justice McDonald commenting on the various police forces In Orcater .Vancouver also recommended that coroners' Juries be paid for their services. BABY FACED BANDIT TWO YEARS IN PEN WANTED IN STATES WINNIPEO, May 4. Oeorge Hutton, the baby faced bandit, was sentenced yesterday to two years In Stoney Mountain Penitentiary for the theft of a car near Vlrden. Hutton is wanted In Washington ttate to or grau.1 Jsrceny face a charge PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper CONSIGNMENT ERNEST II. SCHOEDSACK. ranvM-anan. courageous and resourceful, is back in New Yoriv after 18 months in the wild; of North Siam, "the tiger country." where he filmed a drrmaf the wildcrne.- A native lad is leading his elephant Huge Consignment of Liquor Seized at New York on Steam Trawler from St. John, Canada NEW Y0UK, May 4. The British steam trawler Gabriella was seized with $1,200,000 worth of liquor cargo and thirteen members of the crew were arrested as the vessel entered port today. The Gabriella's papers showed that she cleared from St. John, New Drunswick, for Nassau. The vessel attracted attention when she failed to make the customary stop for inspection by the health authorities at the quarantine station. The alcohol was found stored in two thousand drums and is said to be the largest seizure ever made here. The master ol the vessel and their supercargo. Captain Charges Mood and rred CoUett. it la reported, admitted that they were arreatcd las: year in connection with a rum running case. WHEATPOOLS CONFERENCE CONTEST TODAY FOR LEADERSHIP MIIATKS AM CAKDINAL.S AT CI.OSK unit's wiiiLi: 4i. has OIANTS IN OKU' , NEW YORK. May 4. The Pirates and I cardinals are fighting today for the ! leadership ef the National lrgue a I the New York Giants continued to lose j ground before a persistent Jinx. I The Pirates-Cardinals series at Pitts- burg took on a new aspect of Import ance when the pirates went into a deadlock with the league leaders by beating them 11 run to 10 In & game yesterday which was marked with ter rifle hitting. Amrrlrau League New York 6. Washington t. Cleveland 5. St. Louis 3. Chicago 1. Detroit 5. Boston S. Philadelphia 7. National league St. Louis 10. Pittsburg 11. Cincinnati 3. Cbloago 4. Philadelphia 4, Boston 7. Brooklyn 7. New York 0. 'lUlllli: STAMUMl National W. - L it. touts 10 0' Pittsburg 10 fl New Vork " ' Philadelphia 8 7 Boston 0 0 CMcago 8 8 Brooklyn 7 12 Cincinnati 3 13 Anirrlfuu New York 13 '3 Philadelphia 11 v0 Chicago 11 8 Detroit 8 7 Washington 8 9 St. Louis .' 7 8 Cleveland 8 U Boston 3 14 COMI'OStlt DIES. Pet .618 .619 .611 .333 .300 .300 .307 .278 ,700 .047 .379 .333 .471 .457 .431 .177 SANTA, Ana. Cal., May i4.Ernel Ball, composer.' died In hi dressing room here last night Just after completing an appearance In vaudeville, when ho suffered a rtea, sttrclr ' rhriktriiHii Out on Suspended Sen- trnre following 1'lru in County Court V." :.CCUVER, Uy 4. Suspended tentcr.ee was passed in the county court lierc tscUy on Frederick Chrlaten-sen. vrtio pleaded guilty to accepting money In July of last year, while federal fisheries guardian at Smith's Inlet, the same being with intent to interfere with the administration of Justice. FOOD SCARCITY FORCES WOLVES TO RAID TRAPS EDMONTON. May 4 A band of wolves which has been .trailing and raiding far northern trap lines and destroying mooec and deer, has been killed by trappers, according to word brought here. With scarcely a rabbit In the country, the wolves, were driven by hunger to raid the lines, causing heavy losses to trappers. Even birds of prey are feeling the scarcity of food, says Mr. Pr-nell. who made the report about the wolves. MAKES PURCHASE OF DEMONSTRATION FARM l BostonGrill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and lest for the least Phone 457. Price Five Cents SEIZED i m 1 m m m wm 7 jt. w ri r ar w ww w www t ii tv w v tmk w jr wir rr r v ir jTk s-x w-iws. a n sh gw vs v m aw mm mm ai a a u una am 1 k w v im. ma m aw am mw ma mm m ar mm m mi mm r 01 mi Mr saw am m' ma am ar am am am w n i m m mi u mm mm miuL,L,j miTiuiYCjCJ nixjiifvii wuixn. will rnuvLLu W T W ore ro umrea orates Regard to War Debts ' 5enr try Greer Britain LONDON M.1V .1 A full irrnflnn nf iVw. ItrUioV. lu..u.(nl . - . i . , ,. , . . ' . which 1G3.S00 was American ami 64.500 . toere into th aHDer:T U Juvic Uomtaa deferred ' fej crmtod to Ortv UiitiUi in 1 di,;iriil!v tK nunllui oiiicuu .cni - CRFAT INfRFASE IN rampaifn fundi from Old Oountryj day W T MeArthur j of paylnf Oauthler' rood political bualnew. be iered OauUtW vaa go - alander ault agalnat fOTrrnroent pttrefcatlng :r- ;ion with auteinenu made in Britain "aa a tMo;- the puibllc of :o ; uneroua aUteraeata he - r;:ten out juat before Z is hold a provincial elee-.he money waa paid out funda, nlTllTri nrn "1U11U 1 111U ATHAZELTON l.lltlNH AMI OITIfi: lltTI.IHMI Tit prortBcUl dpmiiat o( public work to eftOtng tor Leaden for Um cnmpleUan of the rebuilding of the pattenmnt wharf. Rrccotly mm 100 feet ni rebuilt F)(ure are now being called lor Um work on the rrmiuung 380 feet or to which lll brtns the dock fully up to aundard. PRAIRIE FISHERIES SHOWN LAST SEASON HALIBUT SALE ! LARGE TODAY1 mm, or jiJ.iMw roi'.Mis ihI'oeii Of AMI H,(Hm TAKEN' OX TO hKATTI.K Bales of halibut at the exchange thli morning totalled 223.000 pound cX u VJ W COnU,lnCO ,n a WlciWta. wr ., , In addition to this the t rv.'.c Hcnt U ,l the United i. i o. btates today. chco:,cr Prudent came in yesterday i.: note, it in understood, 1m the outcome of a controversy overland looked over the local situation Tut isut dobi between secretary of the treasury MIlon ami l!ritih lwed u proceed to Seattle with it S Churchill. It 1 thought to he In the nature of a reidy I I0" oo pouiuu. sales yesterday i irninuiiL iii.ii itrii.iin rn'invinir m f ra mm tia-at inn v..; debtors than she is paying to Wshington under the debt- Y CONTINUE IN BRITAIN!: ncTiii.it in i:.ti;mi imii iiiv to olii for: NT It V :VC?J lUy 4 At the ooncluoloo ( :;,.v. by the MorrUou Hoyal ' ! i (.CM MLSMIAT U II till' ts 111 III: lll ltl ll.T Paitullo Annoiinas Road to Galloway Rapids Across the hland is to be Pat Through Hon. T. D. Pattulio, minister of lands and member of the Legislature for Prince llupert, arrived from Victoria today. He sUied that he had arranged for the Hon. A. II. Manson, attorney-general, and Hon. Dr. Sutherland, minister of public works, to accompany him on this occasion but they were unable to leave Victoria on account of the sitting of the royal commission investigating the Gauthicr charges. Mr. Pattulio stated that he expected Mr. Manson and Dr. Sutherlnd would be up very shortly. Mr. Pattulio also stated that it is the intention to proceed with-iul dciay with the roadwork on the Queen Charlotte Islands and to OaJlaway , Rapids. It U expected that the road to Calloway Rapid and the read frcm Pert ; iCleicent to Queen Charlotte City will' or cj.npietcd this year. ! Mr Pattulio. a be disembarked from ' the s.cajicr Prime Bupcrt, remarked jocularly that be had to come home to I jet coiae cunabine. He announced the ; appointment ol Engineer Clark to auc-cred J. E. MUne. assistant district en-! gmeer fcr the depsrtment cf public wcrtti. who moved couth recently. RIDICULOUS AND FALSE THAT WAS DK. (ifTIIF.KUtMI'S STATi;.ME.T IN KtOAUII TO (lAtTIllEK tllAIKJKS VICTORIA, May 4. The Gauthler affidavit waa brushed aside a falac or a4i4Tt4 4"r4Tlitv'f i ridiculous by Kon. W. J. Sutherland. Al. I(i; AUM WILL UK II1SV fA.MP AS minim; ukvivks AUCK ASM. May 4. More mlnlnj development work, will b. carried on tbla, year In the j minister of public works, yesterday as riie gave sweeping denials to lmplica- !tlons which are under inveitlgjtlon cy Mr. Justice Morrison. Royal commia- ' toaer. That Oautb'er was brought to Ihlm u a friend uhin ha wl&hed to help secure liquor orders by speaker IRii,Vh.m .an4 fht Si,thr1nn1 juhx mm u-ouici u xcI-UJ:: Tw!in la Ottawa, helped Gauthler secure fore in the histcry of the camp. ;agencla was the text of the testimony This season win see the Tone concentrating mill In operation and. la addition to this, operating properties will Include the Red Point. Vanguard. Home-stake. CopFcr Cliff. Tcric. Es-peranza'. La Rose, Eagle, .lver Cord. Lc Roy. Keystone. Devlin Zinc and Bunker Kill. The camp will also benefit from the logging operation on the Oranby limits. GUILTY OF ACCEPTING MONEY SMITH INLET of the minister. Ti Reference to agreements In regard to commission, a discussion cf the com- mission and the size of the orders al- lrged in Oauthier's afSdavlt as being discuu?d between Sutherland and Gautfcelr. were classed as false. Suth- erland declared be hod no other inter- est than that of helping Buckham, , whom he said was too much. Inclined ; ' to help bis friends. ""STERLING IS HIGHESTYET EXCHANGE SOAKEII TO II.S3 I6 YESTEIMIAY AT NEW YORK The buying of large blocks of sterling exchange yesterday resulted In the high-ru price for the year tor demand sterling which wss shirked up at 44.83 8-18, a gain of 3 16 over Monday's close. This followed the expiration of the two hundred mlU.cn dillar credit to the Bank jf England at the New York Federal lUrtrve Bank and the hundred mUllon dollars to the British treasury at J. P. Morgan & Co. Neither of the credits was used and it had been previously announced that they would not be renewed. SMUGGLINGON DETROIT RIVER IIETI KX fAIMiOK UltOl (HIT Tt) ATTENTION Ol- CISTOMS COMMIS. SION VKSTEItOAY WINDSOR, On., Mjiy 4.--Whlskey, silk and flcwc ' slid their movement across the Detroit River occupied ' the attention of the customs 'commission here yesterday. For the tint time; during the Windsor sittings the ;comm!- isloner heard ofc the return movement. I which It Is claimed goes hand In hanU VERMILLION. Alia.. May I. The pro- j wltn ,lqucr ,musgllng from Canada, vinciai government nas purcnasea cigmy 1 acres of land adjoining its present demonstration farm, at a price close to 300. The governnien farm nsw comprises 400 acres beside another hair section under rent. It It the aim of the authorities to make the holdings as self-sustaining a possible. ALL-STAR TEAM IS AGAIN DEFEATED NANAIMO, May 4, Upper Island soccer representatives yesterday defeated the Canadian All-iitars by a score of four goals to, on NEW FREIGHTER TOR COAST SERVICE IS NOW AT VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. May 4. The new Union Steamship Co. 'a freighter for service on this coast, ss. Ardgsrvel, arrived In Vancouver today front England. She is to be pUeed in service tn place of the old Chllhwack whese name h wilt asaume. It Is understood that Capt. J. D. Mc-Fhee will take command. The vessel was brought out by Capt. J. A. Flndlay of the Camosun and Chief Engineer logsn nf the Cardena.