PAGE SIX II .. . . . Wm WHAT is a stomach worth? A million dollar bid once found no takers. Stomach action Is regulated by stomach nerves. YOUR NERVES CONTROL YOUR HEALTH I For your health's sslte Consult d. a. McMillan Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR Rooms 6 & 7, Exchange Block I'honc 691 pATHO MEUROMETCa Service Heinz 95c Specials 1 Large bottle Ketchup 1 Medium tin Spaghetti 2 Small tins Cream Tomato Soup 1 Jar Prepared Mustard All for ?." 1 Chili Sauce' 1 Medium tin Baked Beans 1 Medium tin Cooked Spaghetti 1 1G oz. Malt, White or Cider Vinegar. All for !)." 3 Small tins Tomato Soup 2 Small tins Baked Beans 1 India Relish All for !." Large bottles Ketchup UZf Mussailem Grocery Company Ltd. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 84 Phone 18 A GOOD INVESTMENT There is 'no safer investment and none that will pay larger dividends than accurately fitted glasea. They'll stop you worrying and start you wondering how you ever got along without them. Our Optical Service is the best by test not the best because the busiest but the busiest because the best Lowest Prices. Expert Service. A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per double load $6.5(1 Per single load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered All classes of Coal ut dealers4 prices. HydeTransier 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WK BUY BOTTLES Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST MODERN PORTIA IN LIVERPOOL .MISS NANCY KTEIVAKT I'AKNUX ...LEADS VOIMJ SUTIMH1STS j ll fOLL . UVUTJOOU Ms y4A wJikmhmu for- tta has arisen bere to lead the Young Sutfraglsts of England to the polls. I She Is Vtlas Nancy Stewart Paxnell. a ! descendant of Thomas Parnelt the great Irish leader and pcet of the eighteenth j ocntury. Her 'father, prominent as a i pcet and playwright, is a first cousin of ' Lord Congleton. Miss Pameli is an honors graduate of ! Liverpool University and was a leader In efforts of women students toward i obtaining their emancipation. She is a debater and Is secretary of the Liverpool branch of Saint Joan's Social and Political Alliance. She came Into prominence as spokeswoman for the Young Suffragists when a deputation called on Prime Minister Baldwin to petition the government for the ballot. "The Young Suffragists of England," Miss Pamell informed the prime min ister, "are the wemen la than 30 LAND ACT NOTIC't; Or INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEASE LND. In Range 3. Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert. ana snuaie on int suvn snore oi ut Bauchere Channel, B.C. take NOTICE that Oasse Packing Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe St.. Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Pish Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of the followlnc described lands: Comicenclns at a nost clanted at the southeast corner T.L. 10393. Ran$e 3, Coast Land District: thence south S chains: thence west 10 chains; tbenre north 5 chains to shore: thenre easterly along shore to point of commencement, and containing 5 acres, mare or, taw. OOSSE PACK1NO CO. LTD.. Applicant Ter Chas. L. Roberts, Agent. Dated April 1. 137. IN PROBATE. IN THE M I'll KM K C'OI'KT OP ItltlTIMI coli:mhia In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Ileinrtcb Fcrsch. Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that bf order of HI Honor. P, McB. Young, the 28th day of March AX). 1927. I was appointed Ad ministrator (with Will annexed of tht estate of Helnrlch Fersch. Deceased, and all parties harlnz claims azalnst? the said estate are hereby required to furnish In ame. properly verified, to me on or before the 30th day of April. AT). 1B27. and all parties indebted to the estste are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. . NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prlnre Runert. B.C. rted the 30th day of March. AX. 1827. THE BEST OF OUR SPRING COATS, SUITS, DRESSES have not been shown in our windows during the sale. Now on display at moderate prices. BENT'S LADIES READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue REMEMBER ! For Montreal prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. B. Miller Proprietor Dr.J.R.Gosse DENTIST Helgerson Block X-Ray Service. Open Evenings Phone 68G. Manager THE DAILY NEWS Food-resistanceioSprmggerms SHREDDED WHEAT Builds a firm foundation. Of vital nourishment And wholesome appetite years dd. They include teachers, professors, doctors, mothers, office and factory workers, and strangely enough, parliamentary candidates, for a woman may be elected to the Houce cf Com mons at 21 years old, though she may not vote until nine years later." 4- ' LOCAL NEWS NOTES C. W. Harrison of Vancouver. Inspec tor of hatcheries, arrived from the wrath on the steamer Prince Rupert this morning and proceeded by train to Terrace to pay a visit to the hatchery at Lakelse Lake. Hold McLennan, -who Is taking up studies at the University of British Columbia is expected borne this week to spend the cummer vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McLennan, The Cedars, 945 Borden Street. U. P. MoCaffery, who went to Ed monton with the Prince Rnpcrt delegation a couple of weeks ago and who ha since been on a trip to Vancouver and Victoria, returned to the city on the steamer Prince Rupert this morn ing from the south. AdvertUe In the DtulT News IN PROBATE. IN THE MI'KEMi: CofltT OP ItltlTIMI C'OH MIUA the Matter of the "Administration Act-: and In the Matter of the Estate of Paul Gerhard Ludwlg. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of lUs Honor P. Men. Young, the 4th day of i April. 1927. I was appointed Administra tor oi trie estate oi Paul Gerhard Lud-wlsr. deceased, and nil unities having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same. DTODerlv veri fied, to me on or before one month from i this date, and all par ies Indebted to the Estate are required tt pay the amount ! NORMAN ALLEN WATT. ' Official Administrator. ! Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 8th day of April. AJJ. 1327. ' I Cash and Carry Grocery hixth Avenue and Fulton St. .MAKE YOUR MONEY PAY DIVIDENDS BY BUYING FOB CASH IT WILL PAY YOU 25 Flour, any variety 49 lb. sack $2.50 Soda Biscuit", $1.00 nire wood boxen for . . 70c Canned Milk, any kind, per cane northern. 125. otver. at firm p ices, got $- fjij ' 127 for averages. Skunk in choice Terrace'spudVioo'lb.'sack JUsI'1" f " Wo" u ln ' it i i. . ii i . i . demand, gottw at $13.50 to I1&.00 for Up-river Beet-, excellent tock,G averase i3u. tvoivertne steady at 920.00. ei. , if."" To Y,L"r"" ;i"skr ma strength on this nui-eu 1 uicaiijue, c uus iur .. ojt 1 MulKIIlM liesl Honey, 4 lb. tin iac Peas, Corn and Tontatoen, er tin 1 5c I Libby'a Sauerkrout, per tin . . 20c Liliby's AftparattuH Tip, larjrc tinH, 2 for C5c Empress Marmalade, 4 lb. tin COc Blue Bibbon, Nabob or Malkin's Best Tea 70c Our Best Bulk Tea, per lb. . . COc Nabob or Malkin'H Bent Coffee, Iter lb 65c Our BchI Freh Ground Coffee 50c Highest Quality Bacon, in piece, 1.1c; sliced 50c Capitol Creamery Butter, per lb. 45c Any other variety Butter, 2 lb. 95c Any package Boiled Outu, with Chlnaware 10c like, Tapioca, Sajro, Barley, Split or Whole Pcaa, Brown or White Beans, 3 lb. for 25c Toilet IIoIIb, 22 for $1.00! Eddy's Bed Bird Matches, per package 35c Royal Crown Soap, per pktre. 25c Old Dutch Cleanser, per tin 10c Corn Flakes, per pk(?e 10c Chocolate Bars, G for 25c Lux Toilet Soap, per box !)0c Every Customer must lie xatisfied. Order of $5.00 delivered C.O.D. Phone 304 S. B. ADAMS LADIES TAKE PART IN RIDLEi HOME BAZAAR The following ladles have charge of the sUIls at the Ridley Home bazaar which takes place tainormw: Refreshments Members of the I OB.E Mrs. J. O. Steen, convenor. Palmistry Mrs. John Bremner and Mrs. James Clark . Fancy work Mrs. H. T. Cross convene). Mrs. O. RorVe. Mrs. J. O. Johns. Children's clothing Mrs. A. HUU (convenor), Mrs. J. O. Viertck and Mrs. M. Fowler. Plain needlework Mra A. McCxwkrie (convenor). Mrs. P. a Pyle, Mrs W E. ColllAon. Mrs. E. W Tucker. Home cooking Mrs D. O. Stewart (convenor), Mesrames F Stork C A. Eggert, J. Simpson. W D. Vance L W Kergln. T. McMeekin. W. C 0ll. C Smith. James Lee, and Miss Lennox. Candy Mrs. C J. Nurrtiiglwi (convenor). Mrs. O. Kerr. Mra A. J. Squire. Mrs. W. B. Cornish. Mrs. O M. Hunt and Mrs. J. Krlkvosky. Mlscellanecus Mrs. W. 8. Hammond (convenor), Medamea Bert Morgan. J. Ivarson. Morris, J. D. Thurber. J. Hampton. Second hand Mra R. Blance (convenor), Mra. il. L. Lxndrey. Miss Rorle. Plants Mrs. A. Akerberg (convenor). Mrs. Thor Johnson. FlsbporTd Lieutenant McEasheren (convenor). Mrs. T. Cirlyle. Ladles' orchestra Mrs d. A. Bryant, (conductor). Mesdamea M. Hellbroner, O. A. Woodland. A. T Parkin. J. S. McMillan. P. J. McllUh. W Millar. R. Oam- mon. and Misses .a:raier and E. Cur- rle. EDMONTON TUR SALE PRICES SHOW CHANGE 4 '"x ,v" ''" anil llrarr In ;ud Itrinand Uhllr Krmlnr al Mrady EDMONTON. May 4. Foi pelts of the red. white and cram varieties made a 10 per cent advance at the week-end aale here. There was a keen demand, especially for the real lax lots, tops la this class bringing MB. average lots 126. In cross fox pelts several choice lots were offered of exsspUooaUy high mm), bringing as high as tvf. average lot brought 43 WiuM) fox wre lu excellent demand and tops bimtfbt 50, while the averages want for Ml. Ermine maintained a steady level, extra large getting I4XK), average lots $1.73. Bearer also was in good demand, getting 42.00 for tops and 1 27 JO for averages. Lynx eased off to a 10 per cent decline, average lots bringing 133. Mink, for the good lots, advanced 10 per ' cent, but average kinds fell Into a decline of 1$ per cent. Marten came In at the ssme level as st last sale, average lou occasion. March rats, free of shot. bringing mixed otdleetlous with imaii pereentkge of shou. iiiK): shot collections. IIJO. CUSTOMS WILL OBEY ANY COURT ORDER IN THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON, May 4. instructions to obey any cour; order for' the release of the steamer Federal Ship were tele graphed to the -collector of customs at San Francisco today by assistant secre tary of the treasury Andrews. CUSTOMS MUST NOT DETAIN FEDERALSHIP BAN FRANCISCO, May 4. The federal district court here late yesterday ordered the customs coast guard officials to release the Federalahlp and forbade tlem oppose the vessels d'eparture after the release order had been served upon the proper authorities. PKINCE RUPERT TIDES VUHM;h.y, Muy 4 "'Kb 3:56 ajn. 22.S ft. 15:54 p.m. 10.4 lw 0:33 ft Jn. 1.6 21:40 pjn. 7.1 Till I1KHAV, MAY 8 "" 3:30 am, 21.2 ft. SPRING SALE AT MRS. FRIZZELUS vyholi: STOCK or IIKill qiALITY and i i-.To-nm: lawks- wkak OI'H:ilL'H AT UUlllUN rule us AT MIX STAKTINO I III-. II IV MOKMNd I Mrs. 3 Frlawll announces her Spring Sale of Ladles' Wear, commencing on Friday morning. This has been a back-j ward Spring from a business, as well, as a westher point of view. The ellect of this cause Is that the volume of' sales has not been as great as-was an-1 tielpated and rather than carry any of! this1 j par's Spring stock over. Mrs. Frlr-Mll has decided to torgrt about profits for the time being and move these goods out. Mr. Rand, the merchandising cipert-who so successfully conduettd the Fall sale last year, has arrived and Is busy repricing the whole stock which will be offered at practically cust and liii msny cases less than cost on Friday morning. Ladles of Prince Rupert and district who are so well aware of the quallt) slid iastcfulness of the hats, coals. suits, dresses and other articles of Ladles' Wear which have been assembled in Mrs. PrizzeU's store this Spring, are assured of real bargain prices on arments which are right up-to-the-minute in style. Remember, this sale starts on Friday morning AdvMM Week-end Specials Peameal Back Bacon, cr lb. 35c The above price is very social j and doef not jermlt us to slice Therefore we will sell it by the i side or half side with wrapper on. Collate Rolls, iwamcal cure, ;cr Ir lb 27',c This is new utock, boneless and big value in cured meats. B. C. Fresh Pullet Errs 3 jloien for I."c The t-sg market is advancing and this price will not be rejeated next week. Capitol Creanvery Butter, ier lb. -. Golden Ioaf or Brookfield Cheese. I 2ls Uk cut 81)c Evaporated Prunes, size 80-00. 3 lbs. for 25c Peck Frean's Assorted Creams. sealed tins, snecial 65c Peek Freans Shortcake in sealed' tins, special 60c I Candy Kisses, wrapped, per lb. 25c Keaoy-cut Macaroni, in bulk, so cial. 2 lbs. 25c Jutland Sardines, with key otwn- er. 3 for . A 25c Circle Brand Pineapple, sliced, 2 lb. tins, each 15c Dill Pickles, iter dozen 25c Nabob Corn on Cob, 3 tins for S1.00 Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs. for 15c Pure OHve Oil. V, pint tins 32c Pure Olive Oil. pint tins .... 39c Pure Olive Oil, quart tins . . 'J'Jc Pure Olive Oil, ft gallon tins ll.PJ Pure Olive Oil, gallon tins. . $2.8'J The above line are Bertoll and Sasso Brands and we guarantee the quality equal to any lino on the market today. Sunkist Navel Oranges, medium site. 3 dozen for $1.00 Strawberry Rhubarb, 3 lbs. for 25c rresh Spinach, 2 lbs 25c New Spuds, per lb 10c No. 1 Celery, per lb 15c There Is no guesswork when celery is sold by the lb. Buy your celery this way and save monev Radishes, tier bunch 5c Green Onions, 2 large bunches 15c Sweet Spuds, 2 lbs. for 25c Head Iettucc. 2 for 'ir.r Hothouse Tomatoes, per lb. . . 55c Mexican Tomatoes, tier lb. . . 35c Cauliflower 25c & 35c Australian Onions, 3 lbs 25c Genuine Bermuda Onions, 2 lbs. l.)C Large Cucumbers 25c Green 1,'eppcrs, extra fancy, per lb fin.. Canned Crab, per tin .l()c This is Osprey Brand, a Canadian product which has been off the market for some time. Nabob Red Plum Jam, 4 lb, tin 19c We have a limited stock of the 19c and 59c Jam advertised last week. Phone your order early as we cannot guarantee all lines to insert in this advertisement. The lines are Gooseberry, Apricot. Peach and Blackberry at . . 19c Strawberry, Raspberry, Black Currant, Loganberry and' Cherry at Rupert Table Supply Co Phone 210 and 211 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. WATCH Big Announcement TOMORROW'S IT WILL PAY- YOU. DONT UNIVERSAL WESTHOLME THEATRE Till RSDAY ONLY. 7 and 9 p.m, Douglas Maclean "LET IT RAIN" Hilarious Comedy and wtft It rr. . Noted cant -FRANK CAMPLAL. LKK Sill MW AY DOUGLAS MACLEAN, S1IIRLKY MASON, ADri Kl T Jj Admission and MACK SENNLTT COMEDY "A SEA IKX. STALE AESOP'S FILM FABLES PAPER MISS IT. READ IT t AICKI 1 1 1 Y TRADING CO. In others. 35c and 10c and an Expert. Open Eien'" Appointments. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Ltd. Phone 15 Agents for Ladysmith - Wellington Peerless Coal Main Office now at 311 Second Avenue (belvm-n 2nd anil 3rd .Street:) Phone your orders to Phone 15 DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire h Over Ormes CROWN, BRIDGE and PLATES EXTRACTION OF TEETH By Phone 525. Sunday for 16:48 p.m. 18.2 kow 10:20 a.m, 2.8 :; ,29 p.m 8.6 Advertise in "The Daily News