25 TAXI Boston Grill and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime Stand: Exchange Uuildlnj; MATT VIDECK. Prop. VOL. XVII., No. GI. A I maim Xui PLANS JUBILEE CELEBRATION WCEEDINGS OF CAMPAIGN FUND PROBE ARE OUTLINED irst Meeting National Committee in Ottawa; . Officers Namedl j lit KOHEItT IIOUDEN AM) SUt OIJSEUVANCE 01' CANADA'S SIXTIETH IHUTIIDAV KING GEOKGE .MAY OPEN PROCEEDINGS I - I OTTAWA. March 17. At the first mettinK of the national nnmiUrc i ') the commemoration tderattoi). formal oris'niiiialion was id 'iujfjf': 'mm received ii to the he Kum-sUon that His Majesty, tlcbratlon b touching a nignal in e new camion in the tower of the it and be broadcasted to let all cth bir hda; was considered and - lSER river 1 i and FISH TALKED I Sir ioind, depautment iii:ai. ! lis M11ATIO IS UMNO CA 11 1- I ii ij.y C'oniiii:iii:ii I i tbe DEPLETION FEARED DICKIE M.r.. hVh I HUM ? TO PEK CENT CANADItN I Ml tlie OOEW TO l'J. . OTTAWA, March 17. Cartful eonsld-eraHm of th situation which confronts the' salmon fishing industry on tbt of rraaef River la being given by tbe marine and fuheries department. W. A. foundi dire .jr at fisheries, assured the LHouse t Cmraoni on Wednesday In committee H. Dls:k!e Cotwmtltf member for Uanalmo. a:ed the oonunltlee what ac- en had bten uken to remedy the de- ellon of :e Fraser River through aire x ... bjr Canadian fisherman. A present he aald. Canada was breed- . usn out acveniy wi evcuij-iiye cent ot :ie catch went to, United atea canneries EA ROUGH ON NORTH PACIFIC ITOIlslllP ISKl.M, AltltlYED AT PI 7(11 HtltUOIt. II D CONllElt- aiu.i: nirncn.iv in makinu Titir bUTCH H ARDOR. March 17 --A atorni tronclderable Intensity on the North ftiric Ocean la reported by the motor-fp latum which haa arrived here frosn attic Three of the veaael'a llfebjata part of the deck cargo waa awept fi y by heavy aeaa. Ice., which formed at t.-ic ...ifi. liad to be chopped away rry . it houra to keep her from alnk- mi" rohlp Everett Haya also re-led Eho ihai i enuntcred the atorm. nr ihquakea nave been frequent along (e Aleutian Uiand, both ahlp mastcra 'RESUME DEATH Co HAZELTON MAN Nt. JlNTICB II. A. McDU.NAI.H M.IK hMllil'lt IN SI ritl'.MK COUKT Till i MOHMMi Kl:lAI(l)IN(i CIIAIiM.S .Mlt'Utlll IVANCOUVER, March 17.-Mr. Justice C'A, McDonald, In Supreme Court here Wy made an order presuming the "in in March. 1924, of Charles Me- lalr Hazclton mining engineer, who ks never heard from after departing ft the Flnlay River dlatrlct on a pros- fcunj trip. Evidence indicated that had perished In a river below Lake. a. M. Delrnes, well (itchener lown pioneer guide ot the Hazelton dla-let was one of the witnesses. The male objection to house cleaning i a tiean ncuse usually calls for pw ploccs of furniture to match. Held by I.O.MEK (SUOIN WILL DIRECT of the Diamond Jubilee of Con-1 carried out, officer elected 1 form the celebration should take., King George V., should open the' London immediately after which Parliament Uuildingx wouhf ring Canada know of the nation's six- practically approved. The folio ing officers were chose:. Ptron-Oavcraor-Oenersl and Lady Wllltngdon. Honorary Presidents Premier Ktnf Hon. Hugh Outhrle. Hanorsry Vice-Presidents The Lieu-j tenant Oovernors of all provinces. Presidents Sir Robert Borden and Lomer -a sum. Vlee-pnwidnu -lit. Hon. Oeorte P. Graham and Hon. Charlea Maretl. Each prorlnce will be represented on i executive. Senator 11111 Bcstock preventative. 1 The governor general waa chairman of I organization meeting on Wednesday. .The plasa dealt with- included arrangement for nsiMtea! festivals, aporta field data, children's ptenlcs. military, naval and air reviews, and tbe lighting beacon flrea In erery eemmunlty from coast to cosst. pageant at Ottawa, ahool eiercu-ea, ete. IIAItKV SIMUIII (J(IIN(I T, t JMI. WASHINOTON. March 17. Harry T. 81iclalr. oil operator, wa found guilty latt night of having committed contempt agalntt the aenate when he refused to aniwer queationa cf the ' o(l committee during an tnveatl-gathtn of the Teapot Dome naval oil leaaet. Justice Hit will fix aentence of not leaa than one or more than twelve months In JaU and fine of not leaa than 1100 or more than 11.000. It Is likely that Sinclair will appeal. HIGH PRICES PAID" FOR HALIBUT TODAY Clglil IdmtK, Whl'li Arrltril Vrtrnlav, Scilil ( ulhr TiMluy Halibut catches marketed this morning the fish Exchange totalled 68.900 pound, of whieh 33.000 pounds was American fish and 25.000 pounds Canadian. Triers today were high. Canadian boats getting 2 cents leas than American. The arrivals were: A.MKItll'AN Tahoma. 10. 000 pounds to Canadian FIkIi and Cold Storage Co 18.5c and 10c. Neptune. 15.000 pound, to Royal Fish . 18.4c and 10c. Onah, 8.000 pounds, to Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co.. 10c and 10c. ('.WUHAN M. M. Christopher, 3,000 pounds, Atlln Flthcrlrs. 10.50c and 0c. Johanna, 15.000 pounds. Booth Fisher ies, lO.COc and 9c. Minnie V.. 4.000 pounds. Booth Fish erics. 18.20c and 8c. Scrub, 2,500 pounds, Royal Fish Co., 10.50c and Oc. C. it T . 1.400 pounds. Royal Fish Co., 1050c and Vc. SIR ROBERT BOND FORMER PREMIER OF NFD., IS DEAD BT. JOHN'8, Newfoundland, March 17. Sir Robert Bond, aged 70, former premier of Newfoundland, Is dead at his home here. Northern and PRINCE ' n j "P. NEW I1RITIS11 EMI5ASSY UUILDING to le erected in Washington, D.C., which has just received the official approval of the fine arts commission, as thoroughly in keeping, architecturally and with the landscape, with the plans of the United States government to make Washington the most beautiful and artistic capital in the world. The structure was designed and its erection will be Kupervised by Sir Edwin Lutyens. It will fnce on Mas. achusetts Avenue, and is of Queen Anne design of architecture, in brick with columns of Indiana freestone. YOUNG'SPLANE IS DISCOVERED llir MA VIIITIALI.V I.MIAM-Aii: AMI AVIATOK. Mlstl !ICK M NIIAV. M nri-IKV-III SAIE lAIKIIWKS. Marrh 17. The abandoned airplane it Ktl. Vaung, niUMng Alaskan atlatiir, hat been found liy gnternment mall carrier lit Kaltatainut aet-ordln; In a radio mevMiie from A. A. Itennett, atlator, who l heading wurrli wrtlr. Ihe plane a tlrtually undamaged and llennet epreel Hie le-lief that doling, who awrrnt-ly forml down by eii'lne tmuble, had oouglit tlieltrr In a nearby tillage. Kattagiinut t on the lower Kii-kukivln Jtltrr. lift)' mllei from lletl-el, wlikh ri Young'K liitrmlrd Iclliullun and for whlrh ulnt he lett .Mitirntli on muiiIh) rorrniMin, i hating nut been hern i-lnre. I MASSEY STATES I CANADA POLICY ' ; I'ANAHItN .MIMsl t.lt TO I NITKH "Tiati:- oot out: at iti;t t:rritN AT 111(1 MAV VOIIK IIINNKU -NEW YORK. March 17. Canada will fcr all tunc remain a devoted and loyal part of the British Empire and Its policy toward other nations will be one Ot friendship, Hon. Vincent Masey, Canadian minister to the United States, told a distinguished gathering ot two thousand persons last night, the occasion being the diplomatic dinner ot American Women's Associations, Mr. Massey's brief addrca was received with great applause. NIGHT STORES IN VANCOUVER I.KH OI; ( ONTIiOl, IIOAItll IS TAKIM1 STEPS TO ( O.MI-ETi; WITH "ill SV IIOOTLEUUEIts" VANCOUVER, March If. A Province Victoria despatch says: "To compete with busy boctleggers, the Liquor Control Board will open a night liquor store In Vancouver. The board decided not to open one ot the present stores at night but will create a separate establishment to be opened only In the evening until some time after midnight. Details ot the plan are yet to be worked out. The Bank of Scotland was founded by a Scotsman who died In poverty. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper ItUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 17. 1927 ' ' " rir- -mm- '42 . V-v-'' S:- liar's Attorney General Asks for Thorough Investigation on Behalf of VICTOIIIA, March 17. "K is the desire of the government, and I apeak on behalf of the Legislature too, to have a thorough investigation into anything pertaining to this matter," said Attorney General Manson yesterday In addressing the first session of the royal commission investigating campaign funds which adjourned last Monday, half an hour after it had opened. Calling the attention of V. II. Malkin and Kev. J. S. Henderson, commissioners, to the speech of W. A. MacKenzie, member for Sim-ilkameen, recently delivered In Vancouver, charging that the, brewer.-, had purchased returned beer barrels at - prices much lower than the government had paid for them. Mr. Justice Morrison, chairman of the commission, asked that this be included In the Investigation. He continued with an exposition ot the i purposes of the enquiry. ' "We shall guard against this commls- i slon being made a medium for unround-' ed aspersions ot hcresay evidence of var- ious degrees ot remoteness Implicating those who have no opportunity of ap- j pcartng before us or who have not volun- ' itaray placed themselves beyond" our FAIRBANKS, March IT. Delay In as-j reach." said Ills Lordship. j ambling three alrplanea to be used In H. A. McLean. K.C.. commission coun- tne flght necessitated the postponement set, stated that he expected to announce ot the departure of - the Detroit News-wlthln the neat few diyn the witnesses vukins Arctic expediUon tor Point Bar- thai ne desired cau3. TWKft! SIHKS "I will leave It to the people to Jud;e whether the government gives an enquiry that deals fairly with the issue." said II. Despard Twlgg. Victoria Misaddressing the Young Conservative Association here yesterday in commenting upon the appointment of the Morrison, commission following his action In . bringing the Oauthier and Carlow affidavits ' before the Legislature." : 4 4 4-4- POUTICI ISE li.YEIt t-KllssEM ATINTI( 4 PERNAMBUCO. Brarll. March 4- 17. Major Blcrnes. Portuguese flyer, reached the Island ot No-ronha 4 4- on the Brttillan Coast this 4, 4- morning completing a flight ot 1750 miles across the Atlantic 4. 4- Ocean. 44444444444444444 VV EATIIi lt KEPOItT Prince Rupert, -Cloudy, calm, temper- ature, 37. Terrace. Part cloudy, calm, temp, 33 Ross wood. Clear, calm, temp, 33. ' Alysnsh Cloudy, calm, temp. 38. Alice Arm. Clear, calm, temp. 31. Anyox. Clear, calm, temp. 33. 8tewart. Part cloudy, calm, temp. 37. Harelton. Cloudy, calm, temp. 30. Telegraph Creek. Clear, calm, temp, fl Smlthers. Cloudy, calm, temp, 3S. Whltehorse. Clear, calm, temp, 3. Dawson. Clear, calm, north wind', tero. Minimum 10 below at Stewart River. B.C. Government POINT BARROW AlICTIL' tAI'ElimON I NDKK CA1T. (i. II. HILKINS NOT (SETTINO AWAY TOI1AV AS ANTlt'irATEll row. The flight, originally planned tor todty. will probably not be made before Monday. Weather conditions have been unfavorable. IMMIGRANTS ARE COMING lAiitii; PAItlY All RIVES AT WINN1- PE(I TODAY HtOM El KOPK ! WINNIPEG. March 17. More than 1 000 immigrants arrived tn Winnipeg this ; morning over the Canadian National Railways on two tpeclal trains at 6 o'clock and the, other at 9. They were passengers from . (he, stcsmers Regtna. Arabic and Drolltughoim. Eight families ! under the '3.000 ft m!!y scheme are In- 1 eluded In the party. The Reglna pas- tSTeR number 406 and are divided as tollcwa: British 160. Poles 141. Czechoslovaks 84, Jugo-Slava 51. Oermans 33, Roumanians 9, Norwegians 3, Russians 3, Lit hums lis 1. They will be distributed throughout western Canada wftli Manitoba getting 300, Saskatchewan 158, Aioeria izo ana uritisn Columbia 37. By the Arable and the Drottlngholm j Dunwell are 531 of 14 nationalities with thejoiacler Hungarians In the majority. Manitoba I Independence will get 208 of this quota and Saskst chewan 310. The remainder win be distributed to Alberta and British Columbia, with the former receiving 9 and the latter 30. On the regular train tonight, the Continental Limited, 43 new settlers who voyaged on the Labourdannals are due to arrive la Winnipeg. Circulation 1500 Sales 423 NEW UrUJlLATlON KE COIIi: MESS AO ES New regulations tn connection with code messages which will be of general Interest and possibly of far reaching elect are announced by the Oovemment Telegraphs. For the first time In Canadian telegraphic history. code messages may now be taken 4 as day or night letters without restriction. Up to this time. code messages have always been It charged full rates, no such night letters being accepted. During the war. tliere were special res- trlctlons oa code, upon the use of which there are now no limit- atlons. S TRIP TO EDMONTON IS BEING DELAYED Or's'nvlly set Date for Loral Delegates to Proceed to Alberta Tupital round Not Suitable The tr'.a of t-ls-zits from the Prince Rupert Board cf 7mde and city council j -m closer contact between the Do-to Edmonton, originally planned for I m'-Hons Secretary and overseas poll- April 0. has been postponed and the!tlcln ls desirable, and the projected departure ot the local delegates wiU j probably be about April 30. W. O. Ful ton, president of the Board ot Trade. announced this morning. Word had been received from Edmonton that there Is to be a stock show therr during the week that had been at first selected and tbe businessmen ot that city would be busy with cattlemen. It was thought that the prairie people would be better able to give the local delegates a suit able rccrptlcn it the trip was made nthM- Ihftn that tlm FIRST NEW SHIP OF AUSTRALIAN NAVY IS LAUNCHED AT GLASGOW OLASOOW. March 17. The Australia, first of two modern cruisers being built here tor the Australian governments navy, was launched this morning. The Canberra, the second ship, will be launched shortly. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. Askwl Mils 1.63 1.70 ISO 1J3 , -08Vi .09V4 .09 .09 H .05 .08 .10 .13 .ieu .n .13 8.00 8.50 Wheat ft.' I B C Silver Indian Marmot Porter Idaho . Richmond . . . Coast Copper Some drive while Intoxicated, and uumi ann mat way because they are tonviVhat way. Larjre Upstair Dining Hair, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. I'hnne 457. Price Fire Orit NEW ENGLAND FISH COMPANY UTI.I, HANDLE A LI. .NAI-MON IKOM ALASKA CANNEItlES TI1KOI (ill SEATTIX Wlir.KK T MUX III V sn'l"t.lKS II AG Alt DENIES SEATTLE, March 17. R. R, Nartoli. manager of the canned salmon department cf the New England Fl&h Co.. which has had Its western headquarters In Vancouver, announced yetterduy that the entire output of five Alaskan salmtn canneries would hereafter be hand led through Seattle where supplies ' would also be purchased. VANCOUVEH. March 17. Referring to the Seattle repcrt that Alaska Cannery products of the ccirpany would, In future be distributed through Seattle Instead of Vancouver, A. L. Hijer. pres'dent of the New England Fish Co., said that the statement was unfounded and that a branch office had merely been opened at Se.tle to assist In the distribution of Alaskan fish which had been goln; through Seattle for many years. DO Bl'MNESS IX B.C. "Only three cannerlesln Alaska. Including the Cordova cannery which wraj recently acquired by us. are affected." aald Mr. Hager. "Our eighteen canneries in British Columbia will continue to distribute their output, worth SJ.000.000 annually, through Vancouver and British Columbia porta. The purchase ot supplies for Alaska canneries will be made In Seattle for tt is obvious that duties would, prohibit their, purchase In British Columbia." SECRETARY MAY TOURDOMINIONS .MIL A.MEKV 1'OSMHLY ILL ULIIL LONU rilEKISIIEl) ItP.MKK LONDON. March 17 ( Canadian Press ) It plans now being considered tn ministerial quarters mature It la probable that the Dominion Secretary, Hen. L. C. M. S. Amtry. will leave London In July on an Empire tour. Mr. Amery. It Is understood, has long cherished a desire to make the tour, hut has been prevented by official duties. A tour embracing Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa would occupy seven cr eight months. It this is found to be too long a period It Is expected that Mr. Amery will visit each Dominion in turn. " ' t m oiriclal quarters that tour would give an opportunity for discussions w:th opposition leaders as wu ministers of stales or provinces. FIGHT LOST BY i ROADHOUSE MEN ciiii;- justice III NTEK DISMISSES APPLICATION OF DlT.MUts, M L-I.IVAN AND III ssEIJ. OU IIKAIIKAH COIH'I S WRITS VICTORIA. March J 7. Carl Dltlnars. I P. E. Sullivan and Charles Russell. cn-I tenced to six months' imprisonment i each on charges connected with the Vancouver nudtinuvi th tttrmw inrf j King,way. lost their legal battle for rrtiom when nhlef Juti rsnra..,. Hunter, in Supreme Court) dlsmtsanl their application for writs of habeas corpus. BANK IS ROBBED IN LOS ANGELES Two llaudlts EM-ape r'roin PrfinlM- of lunk of Italy With lour Thountnd Dollars LOS ANOELES. March 17. Two men. who held up the manager and three em ployees of the branch ot the Bank ot Italy here yesterday, escaped from the premises with 4.000. Th easy way to become IndependeD is w maxe oiners depend on . you.