jrsday March 17, 1927 s Special irses' Watch We havo just imported these watched for nurses. All the steel parts are made of stainless steel o that water will not rust them in case they get wet. They have a seconds hanc! for counting the pulse and the movement will run forty hours, so that If winding is forgotten for a few hours, the watch will still be run1 nlng. Trices from $18 h $25.00. 11 A (Jewellers S.1IIE STORE WITH TME CLOCK HE PIONEER AUNDRYKIDS LAUNDER SHIRTS H 0iHlRIWAST4 TOO- P roTriWTMEYSeEM t ;iTEFRfcSHANDNEW..B )l It shirt waist and his shirt Suld take a trip to this lauq- and return. They will de- instrate to you our expert llity, our polite manner of nng and our moderate te s n e invite you to do this. ioneer Laundry Phone 118 Spring Coats; Suits and Dresses I Suits that are in the fore front of fashion for present vear beautifully made gar-nents revealintr the nonular ox style Coat and wrap- rauna niuri. See the three-piece TOM HOY SUITS from $10.ru BENT'S Eadirs hi:ai)v-to-wi:ar Third Avenue lONESTVWITH)fbUR POLICV's) CVCRYMANV BUILT ON THEl -r - SQUARE tErM '. When you want fair and iquare coal service you will hi the riKht thing hy your-telf In coming round to u. Flic tpuality of our coal and )ur conscientious scrvico will Rhe you n cheerful hcat- home this winter. full JANA1MO VEI.I.IN(iT()X F: nnd McLKOI) RIVER SOOTEESS n Lump, Edir, Slove and Nut Albert & McCalTcry I'honfH I1G and 117 lANGER, the TAILOR ISults made to or- fler. In our shop Ian low as $50 22.1 Sixth Strret UNIONS URGED FOR CATHOLICS not only Am:ow:i hv (in mil HIT AITOHll MK MKANM I Oil UOItKKKS TO OIITAIN Jt'H-TK'K. MWI.AIV SAVH MONTREAL. Quebec, March 17. (Csnadlan Press). Catholic Union are' , not ouly recommended by the hurch . but ire considered the latest and the btit meant for the worker Vo employ to attain Juitlce. lalrplay and reasonable treatment. Rev. rather L. A. Lafortune. assUfant chaplain of tlx" Central Coun-1 ell of Catholics and National Syndicates, stated during an address on the occas ion of the seventh anniversary of the formation of the syndicate here. Quoting the words of scripture: "He has given each one care of his neigh bor" (Eccles. XVII. 12,) and the Papal encyclical of Pope Leo XIII.. "Re rum Novarum," dealing with relations between capital and labor, the speaker gave a long discourse on the logical and moral reasons which led the workers to net together, not only for their own but for the protection of society In general. In National Catholic Unions, he said, were found the elements of sane cooperation, combined with moral and sotlal advantages which appealed to the workmen throughout the country but particularly In Montreal, where 83 per rent of workers were eligible to membership. These unions fulfilled every object of social union, In providing means for corporal, spiritual, material nnd moral advancement. IIKMIIT UOI I.lt .term K Benefits In procuring better wages, writer hygiene cct-.dlllons, better working hours, observance of the Sabbath ind holy days, would all accrue from membership In these societies, which ad not oppose In any way the legitimate enterprise of capital or labor. Father Lafortune declared, In addition in tiik sui'itKMi-: court or IIKITISII COI.U.MIIIA. Ite I'lll VCE KlTT.ItT II VI)K(-i;l.l ciuir ( OMI'ANV I.IMITEIt NAI.E HV OKOElTTlF the cut ht TAKE NOTICE that pursusnt to the order of Mr. Justice D. A, McDonald dated the 18th day of February. IS 27. In a bondholder' action Intituled In the Supreme Court of British Columbia between The Royal Trust Company arid Prince Rupert Hydro-Electric Company Limited and olhcre. being R.1602 1816. brought to enforce the trusts of an Indenture dated the 30th day of June. IBM. tenders are Invited by Oeorge Edward Winter the Receiver appointed by an order of this Court dated the 15th day of September. 1916. and the decree in me aam action aaiea me ?isi day of November, It 18. for the purchase .1 all the remaining properties and assets ji the said company, me aaia proper :ies are described aa follows: I. That certain parcel or una ana remlsei situate in the Province of irltlMi Columbia more particularly de less. 4. Man dealing lth survey of drainage areas rainfall and runoff data, designs of dams, power plant, transmission line and receiving station for Fall ana itnataat itivers aeveiopmem. and plana of work. ine Keceiver is iniormea inai me above lands parcels 1. 2 and 3 were selected by the engineers of the .Prince Rupert Ilydro-Flectrlc Company Limited us being suitable sites for the construc tion oi waier power piani. Tenderx may be made for all the said parcels tcgetuer or for one or more .ntpnratdy. Particulars and condition of aale may be had upon application at the office of Messrs. Riddel!. 8vead, Hodge ft Winter. Bank of Nova Scotia Building, Vancouver, or at the office of the un-drrslKned. DATED the 2nd day of March. 1937. WILSON. WHEALLER Ac 8YMES Solicitors for the Plaintiff, r.40 Pender Street Weat, Vancouver, DC. KAIIAVAY COMPANY TENDER Sealed Tenders endorned "Tender for Rtpamers" will be received bv the under- 'signed up to noon Thursday, March 31. . 1027. at the offices of the Company, B79 aeorge, B.C. The lowest or any tender not neres- sarlly accepted. robt. miaou. Asst. General Manager. Vancouver. B.C.. February 23. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLV TO I.E.VKK rOKK.HHOKK In Graham Island, Queen Charlotte ' MitiH Land Recordlna District of Prince Itupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay. Mitwett Inlet, Graham isisnd. takr notice that Powell River J ! Company Limited of Vancouver, B.O., occupation Manutacturera. Intend to ap- Dl V for a lent. of the following de- o-llirH lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of D L. 1871! thence I westerly, following northern boundary of I said Lot to the northwest corner of ald Lot; thence westerly, northerly and 1 easterly, following the high tide mark of 'Ferguson Bay to the extreme easterly : nnint of Echinus Point: the nee south- i easterly to the point of commencement, land containing 150 acres, more tr les. I POWELL RIVER COMPANY. LTD. Agent, J. Douglas -Wilson 1 Dattd 4th Novsuitir, Wit. 71 PACIFIC CHEAT EASTERN H2 Tim EffiK3Ltt Direct a$ an urrout tpted the&e great all-itmel iraini to the Mid- Wet, South and EomI. Union Pacific is your logical route to Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha and Chicago. InferautUn Reservation IE 15 'All? In Ion station, Seal He. 1 10.1 lourtli Ate. labor or to disorganize union, but on the other hand they encouraged-cooperation with all other reasonable organizations of labor and preached, not opposition, but collaboration with al lied societies. Father Lafortune XAVIC AISLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. n.s.r. cii.tn eh us Lot 4C07. District of Casslar. And take notice that after the expira tion of one month from the date of publication of this notice William J. Crawford will under Section 7 of the said Act. apply to the Minister of Public Work at hi office in .he cltv of Ottawa for approval of the site and plans, and for leave to construct tne said wnari. 57 VINCENT C MARTIN, LlQU dator. DISPUTE HAS BEEN SETTLED j I UIKMII.V MHXTIOX Ol' OI.lt (Jl KS. TIOX IX A MICA LEAVE HASH t'Olt I'KK.M.tNKXT 1 ItlKNU-Mill WITH INDIA CAPETOWN, South Africa. March 17. - (Canadian PresslVBoth in the Union of South Africa and in India there Is general satisfaction at the solution of i the Indlans-in-South-Afrlca problem which has csused dispute between the ! two great members of the empire for 'years. The scheme arrived at after a "round-table conference" will make j for lasting friendship arid goodwill be- tiujn TnrflA anrf f3tuttt Africa Vftt many years India has been Irritated at the position of Indian native In the Union while South Africa asserted her right to manage her domestic affairs. The main points of the agreement are: (li- Both Oovernment reaffirm re cognition of the right of the Union of South Africa to use all lust and legitimate means for the maintenance of Western standards of life. 2 1 The Union Government recognizes that In dlans domiciled in the. Union who are prepared to. conform to Western standard of life should be enabled to do so. 13)- The Union Oovernment will organ Ire a scheme of assisted emigration to India or other countries, where Western standards are not required. Union domicile wUl be lost after three years' continuous absence, this provision applying generally and not only to Indians. Indians desiring to return to the Union within three years must refund the cost of the assistance granted them under the emigration scheme. (4) The Oovernment of India recognizes the obligation to look after the Indiana on their arrival In India. (5) The ad mission to the Union of the wives and 'children who arc minors of Indiana will be regulated by Paragraph 3 of Reoolu tlon 21 of the Imperial Conference of 1918. (81-The Union Oovernment: agrees not to proceed further with the to the latter, remedies against oisnev- AreM Reservation Bill. (7) Both Gov Urn, communism sabotage and boycot- trnmenU agree to watch the working of Ung would be found In adherence to the agreement exchanging views from the principles which animated the -;time to time a experience may suggest. tional CatholU. Syndicates. I (81 In order to secure continuous co There wo not the least intention on operation between the two government the part of Catholic union to disband J tne ialila Government Is to appoint an agent In the Union. -A MIT A VICTORY The agreement Is regarded not as a victory for either side, but rather as the fruit of a common purpose carried out In a spirit of friendly collaboration. 'On the one hand, the Union has not ! surrendered freedom to deal with In dlan problem by legislation whenever I and in whatever way they may deem necessary and Just, whlfe on the other hand, the government of India have William J. Crawford hereby gfrw no- ... ,bn1iCH ,i,h rmn tlce he ha, under bectlon 7 of the said . . . . . " r acrlbed aa tot 83 J. Range 8, Coast Dls- A. deposited wim tne Minister oi muj r w vi triol con i I nlm 100 acre more or lens, jruoiic noru i "i operate wun tne union in tne prac- certain of land and of th i M tw of theUnd- .2 That, parcel , m of j,, AfrIc,., prob- remises situate in the Province of Ntuh Columbia more partlcularlr de- wribed a lot 1388. Range 5, Coast Dis trict, containing 37 81 100 acres more or leu. excepting thereout a tlrp of land one -hain in width measured from highwater mark. 3. That certain parcel of land and irtmlse situate lit the Coast District 'rovince of BHUah Columbia, and more arttcularly described a lot CTJ. Range containing 32 60,100 acre more or Prince Rupert. B.C.. a description of the i lems as agreed upon. The agreeemnt ?"',rV? n.he. F'fn Sf J1?!1 .thus is more In the nature of an honor-to be built In the Portland -naJf Canal on able and friendly understanding than that of a rigid binding treaty. These point were mode by Hon. F. D. Malan. minister of the Interior, In outlining the agreement In the Union Assembly. Two Important point about the' agreement are that It doc not deal IN THE sri'ltEME C'OI'IIT OI' lllllTIiri,ueUon1 fclIUIe for Indians at the In the Matter of Act: and tOIXMIIIA the Administration native college at Fort Hare and to ad- .1.. h W-t.l nmvln.l. 1 .nfhiirlttM TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills!" tne union unaenaices to consider Honor. F. McB. Young, the 24th day of the Indian suggestion that the discre February, AX). 1927. I waa appointed Administrator of the estate of Joseph F. Bowman, deceased, and all parties having claim against the said estate are ntreoy required to furnish same, pro' twrlv verifier!, to mf on nr tifnrn th in PACIFIC STKVEDOKINR & CON-TKACTIXG CO. LTD. (IN VOI.lT.HY l.(l'U TION) NOTICE TO atKIMTOUS TAKE NOTICE that a Meeting of rrrttr.rfl mill Kj. hM n ftrttl linlftn Dunsmulr Street. Vancouver. B.C.. for . nulldlng. Victoria, B.C.. on Monday, the the purchase of the hulls, machinery 1 3Ut dtty 0I March. 1927, at 10 a.m.. and mid equipment of the two ateamera thIt ,i( claims against thU Company operator no nveyor. lying on nw'must be filed with me before that date, south side of the Nechako Itlver at.artrr whCh i ,hlll ,ntrlbute the aoseta Prince George. lof the Company having regard only to Offers should be for the vessels as ....i. M.im. f,.v hr.. nut. fiirt T-ncy niHiui. conipivtc. To arrange for Inspection, communicate with Mr. A. A. Bcibeck, Prince tion or local authorities be limited. Although being part of the existing legls-j latlon, the Color Bar Act was not dealt with formally 4n the agtlcemertt. The I 34th day of March. AD. 1927. and all! Union Ooternment ' undertake that name inoeoieu to tne estate are re.ftne principle underlying-the Industrial' NORMAN A. WATT. v Official Administrator, Prince Itupert. SC. Dated the 34th day of February. A.D. 1B27. The Well-Managed Home THE manager of a household is the purchasing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make, the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchr sing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to make your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that are usejul. Every manager of a household every member oj the household who shares the responsibility for the family s welj are should make a habit oj reading the ads. Dated at Mewart. B.C.. this 3rd day ofL.h .... ,..u .h th.t1 "ected over the door of St. March, 1027. , , : ' , , John'a Church by ' the Women Cana- 77 W. J. CRAWFORD. emigrant, will be assisted by Increased .,.,,, i bonuses. The full agreement shows ' IN PRORATE. ut the Union undertake, to provide P?. . .1 .. , , 1 t , "I m UU IU a,MV fHittg a wwa 809 Union Bldg, Victoria. B.C. p , ..u. . .HUfu, memorial twrch HeHnquency of the home, and asserted: jhtVinib aVotr VACUUM PACKED, STEEL CUT js.i..r which eiuvhlrs all employees, 'Including inuiaiis,:. uj. uiaq (itetr . pi.ira on inv basis of equal pay tor equal work, will be adhered to." The agreement thus satisfies three very sore point of the Indian community In the Union. PERPETUATE MEMORY L FRESH, fragrant ant full flavorctl each spoonful of Dlue Ribbon produces the same cleat delicious Coffee of unvaryim; strength. Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely of carved woodwork will be completed. A beautiful memorial window wlU also r - .... fh, -hurPh hs ,h Him Improve Indian education In Natal. In the Matter of the Estate of nSBtow tamleg- Joseph F.jwhen the Tradea licensing laws are re- uuwuiaiii ciucu. tinotutr. . ... ... . . . WOMEN SMOKERS ARE DISCUSSED MliNT It KIMHIT .MAKES lNKIMI itr.n'.Ki.NrK MONTREAL, Quebec. March 17. (Canadian Press). The Gazette In an editorial on "Women and Tobacco" con siders that the recent report of the department at Ottawa on the consump- ' . . . n ...... . KUa nn Ur LA It LULUNbL nAltllU''nOwference. an Increase being set dewn a "due probably, to women WHITBY. Ont.. March "T7.-(Canadlan noker.t It wa reported from Wln- Pres).-To honor and perpetuate the'"'P tle other day that a number of lUm.11 womn nad out ,n deI'nce of memory of the late Col. George philosopher, railwayman and Journalist. tnelr sex; they ridiculed charges made who died last April and whose remains V Clergyman women, mrougn now rest in St. John' Cemetery at u'"" uur granomotners ana great-grana mother smoked, and they old not upset the well-known good old" times." There Is. however, a difference' between those times and today a regards the smoking habits of women. It the story books are to be relied ou, women years ago smoked pipe, and their use wa more or les concealed fro mthe public gare, Today, women smoke cigarette openly, In the home and publicly almost every where, and hostesses who fall, aa It were, to scatter cigarettes from top to bottom of their homes, feel themselves, or profess to feel themclve, guilty of a eoclal error. The Winnipeg women, re ferred to above, declare that the aver age woman Is not an addict to tobacco; they Insist that she smokes merely to be Boclable or keep her husband company, and maintain 'that "smoking 1 only a passing phase of 'social life." "It I hardly a passing phase, Clgaret tea have come to stay, and as regards the (ITcct they are having It Is to be noted that .whilst some pessimists pro-feu they are harmful, the physicians, t. ... I in inerr diversity oi opinion, niaar wic question one of 'glorious uncertainty. ; Therein, perhaps, lie the cigarette' lr-: resistible attraction." Thus comment a Winnipeg newspaper. . Instead of a diploma the school of experience Just give you a conviction that you cant outguess the Stock Exchange. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO TO PI KCIIASF. UVSH In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on! the north shore of the South .Arm of 3ebtrtneMPto me"owlth. J Conciliation Act and the Wage. Act!: MONTKr.At, C.AZKTTK. (.Y.s tiOVF.UN-, Charlotte Ula'ndsV Province of' Britli VVIUUIUIB. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Marine Broker, intenda to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the north ahore of South Arm of Tasoo Harbor, Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands, In the Province of British Columbia, about 8 chains from the end of the Oovernment trail; thence 10 chain northeasterly; thence 10 chains northwesterly; thence 10 chain southwesterly; thence 10 chains southeasterly, and containing twenty (20) acres, more or less. JAMES FIELD. Applicant. Dated November 29. 1928. SO SHORT OF BREATH SHE COULD HARDLY DO HER HOUSEWORK Mr. Kelson Moore, Milford, Oat, write: "I bad heart and nerve trouble, and became so short of breath I could bordlv do my housework, aad waa so nervous every little sound I heard felt like a elmci to me. friend of mine recommended BBOslslSlMBBOoW ilsrWofalny to highly I ft a box of. them aad they did mt ao much good I cot the1 wond box, and row I am feeUs? like a different wonian." a ' Heart and Nerve Pills are 50c. a box at all druggists or dealera, or mailed direct on ie.-l.t of prise by Tha T. MUbunt Oo Limited. Toronto. Qua, PAOEFIVB NewSupplies of Mens Clothing arriving regularly For Prices and Quality Don't Forget Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. II Miller Proprietor "Doners" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Come and See our $22.50 Georgette and Silk Dresses