5 TAXI Boston Grill and Ambulance Service Anywhere nt Anytime Stand: lixcliiinge Ilullding MATT VIDECK. Prop. 'MI. XVII - Ml. III. J 1 XJMJgi -Sa? 1 tj . advance a reason for the OTECTION FOR FISHING FLEET M.l li tHM l it AT MI'.IITIMI Ol' IIU.I- tm HO IT OHM. lit t-AHT MIIHT The tvt OsrnerV Association U rmr. mm p nmruian m diiik he i.-cieiion of the fleet wa evl- ?.g ;a' right. Referring to the t.n c. w in which aeverai or m rn' Lancn aald that he thought It a g od tme to take some action the ma er O, W. Nlckeraon wa ol iplm ii thas 14.000 would be placed t ie esi imates vnis year u u nu utm iimM t ' a m lunmmitaiir m w - was really entitled to tbu amount tt w uld be a good time now to recent storm Vanoua members took part In the dls ilon aa to what action ahould be taken uer to a committee consisting of i i r ti .tin iinnnurr 1 1 11 iiru. k:n:;;n to press claims of the asso- iTPTArMP nnnnr i ia 1 1 1 via r i 1 1 nr. . SIHING AGAIN.!';," AMOIVEIt IIIIEWKUV or .Mom; r.Mi'.KiN itmis I'Alll TO IK) III POLITICAL I'AUTIEH VANCOUVER, Jan, 20. Robert flddea. lrc-tor of the Consolidated Exporters orporatlou and president of the Rain i Brewing Co.. and the Westminster Irwerv tiutlfvins wfnr the customs rube, admitted to Hon. N. W. Rowel I. mmisiinn Msanaai s m Mia nraivanai contributed td the campaign funds t both nartlaa mnnnla nf 4 BOO and mm iu no m.. ...J I mnnwt nn the 1023 election. in reply to a question by Mr. noweii to why the contribution had been did not know It wa an Indictable enc timi! ih rvinii,n riivt nna adding: "I'm afraid you'll have to tart to hlltlrl Ulla haant. ,trvnn tl' " u them." 2''a, ter for Vancouver Cenlre; and Michael Msnsou. Conservative member for Mac i keuale. t ' j Mr. Wocdward advooated a sebeme for 'the selling of the British Columbia ' House In London and devoting the pro ceeds to the erection of a refrigerator plant In London where fruit could be I shipped from the province and held for suitable markeU. I Mr Manson again defended the action of the minister of lands In selling a larg timber tract on the Queen Charlotte Islands to. the roell I.?ver Paper Company. annuo, MiiAt.it ki:i; AM NT. I'AI LVMIAVAV MILD TO M:V YOKK CHICAOO. Jan. 20. The aale of the Chicago MUwaukee and St. Paut railway for 1 40.000.000 to representatives of Kuhn Loeb Co. and the National City Co-New York, the reorganized managers, was approved today by rederal Judge WUkerson In whose court the railroad went Into receivership In 1933. CURLERS ARE GOING STRONG AT RINK ON RAILWAY PROPERTY The- curling enthustasU are going at 11 strong on the rink In the OTP. re acrve. Yesterday morning and afternoon I there were gamea and again this morn- nd afternoon. Yeaterday afternoon a team skipped William Millar and consisting of Tred Stork and" T. McClymont beat the MAX TELLS R. L. .Mcintosh, .team which,. included w. 11. Tobey aud R- r. Mciuugmon oy six ends out of seven. This morning the Millar team again won over the Mcintosh BgVIon y one end, the teama being aa follows: William MUlar (skipl. JarvU McLeod. rred Btork and T. McClymont. R. L. Mcintosh (skip), W ,11. Tobey. W. J. Nelson and D. O. Btewart. VANCOUVKR i:.CIIAN(!t Bld. Askel. Wheat lMi B.C. Silver 158 l."M Dunwell 130 ,4 ' Glacier Independence .US -"Vi Indian 041, .03 Marmot 0 Premier ! , M , Porter Idaho m 18 ' Silver Crest Od .08 rtichmond ... .MUOIt .NKWTON HIM. Ill MXECTION AT llllT .MEI.T-IM1 Ol' NtlV CITV lATIIEKS The new city council will meet tonight for the first time. Chief Interest, as usual, will centre In the mayor' announcement of hu selection of standing committees for the ear. With the defeat of Aid. Casey, the Chairman of the finance committee was made vacant Aid. Stephens may be considered entitled to this post on account of his past experience on the committee, having been chairman of tt once and a member for aeverai years, but It If considered possible that His Worship may select Aid. Jos. Oreer to Uke the mantle. Aid. O. P. Ttnke-will very probably be the third member of the committee. There I also a vacancy on the utili ties committee to succeed Aid. McKech- nle. If Aid. P. H. Unify U named to this committee tt may leare the Board of Works with the same personnel as last year. The mayor may or may not name a fifth member to any of these commit tees of which he, ex-omclo, I a member of each. The committee last year were: finance Aid. O. B. Casey, chairman, Aid. M. M. Stephens and Aid. Jos. Orcer. Board of Worka. Aid. R. r. Perry chairman.- Aid. Oscar Larsen and Aid. w. 'J. Orcer. Public Utilities Aid. W. M. Brown, chairman. Aid. J. McKechnle and Aid. Oscar Larsen. niKIXL'SS Itl.l'OllT. K a.in. D'ODY I8LAND. Clesr, calm; baro meter, 30.39; temperature, 20; aea. smooth; 1.40 am, steamer Seine Maru, In Prince Rupert: 11.40 p.m. steamer Prince Rupert abeam Lucy Island northbound. BULL HARBOR. Clear, light N.K. wind: barometer 30.12; temperature 20; aea moderate swell; 7,30 p.m. spoke steamer Cstala at Shushartle Bay northbound; 8 p.m. spoke tug Cape Scott left Ocean Falls for Esquimau at S pjn. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer 20.- 04; temperature. tl.J I'f TiHMl NOON"''l.lUUirUl DIQBY" StiDFicjer, Ifgltt NX wind; barometer 30.40; temperature 28; sea, smooth. BULL HARBOR. Clear, light N.E. wind; barometer 30.12; temperature 30; moderate swell. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer 30.. 12; temperature 23. The world expect each man to do his i'v V he rloem bth uiffc GWENDOLYN McCORW.VCK. daughter of the famous Dublin tenor, . mude her social debut but rather unusually She had slipped on a rug and i Injured her ankle. Speclallsu were ANNOIMEJ C(,iled w f., (t upi ind soo guesU were not disappointed, while Owen's mother and brothers came from Ireland to be present. TANK SHIP IS MISSING .NO TRACK Ol' 1)1111 s VESM.I. TOCO IOK (li:U .MONTH 39 ON IIOAUO SAX I'LIMiO. Jan. 10. Tlir ISrltMi tanker Tit-a, ulik li Mtllrd Irani here on Xoirmler II la-t with Capt. (irurgr Walker, hl bride and crew of thlrty-etrii men for Turlml, JaMii, Is IWtrd lv I.IkjiN hrrr a being inlmln;. Tlrre ha Ix-en no trare of the Two lncr letembrr II vtell. lliree d.y from her ilrMliw lluii, he com in :i W-a led wild Ilie tank ktrtimrr Cliunnarvw. The TiM-o had on board l thuuo-uml liurretnof nil and the entire crew , whs ISrIIMi. Ill hrtV attomuanlrd I'upt. Walker nnl.v Mftrr he had ' tlirrutrnril to rrljn unlei the op-rrulor of llir leuiiirr granted liliu irslal rrnilliiii tu take lier. FIREl 'FRISCO AUTO DISTRICT SEVERAL ,(IAUl(iES III ItMlll AMI Ltss IS ESTIMATE!) AT ql'AUTEK Of MILLION DOLLARS 8AN WIANCISCO, Jan. 20 Fire early thl morning In the auto aale district destroyed several garage and forced three hundred persona to flee from nearby apartment houses. There w-ere no casualties but the property loss U estimated to be 1230.00. PATTULLO REVEALS UNIVERSITY COSTS PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, D.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1927 1 cent per pound Canadian duty and the unfair disadvantage under which the Canadian fishermen were working. Tt waa suggested that probably, since Canada would have a representative a Washington, something might be compllshed through represenutlon ' which he might be able to make. Gea. W. Nlcurson referred to the report of the Duncan Commission ou the .Maritime province situs tlon and aald , that recommendation made In the report con-rr..ng the entry of Canadian fish to the Culted State would prob ,bly be ti:en u? 5y Mr. Massey st Washington and aa Canada was endeavoring to lire up to her treaty with the United SUtes In respect to the liquor smuggling possibly Canadians might obuln some consideration In respect to these grievances. The whole matter wUl be Uken up lajitn with the Minuter of Marine and 1 Ftsberlea at OtUwa In an endeavor to have the situation Improved. PIONEER BANKER DIES IN LONDON it'lLtULES JONES WAS IOK JIANV I YE.IKS ASMIflATEO WITH ItANk ! nt- ItltlTISH (-OIM'MIIIA VICTORIA, Jan. 25. Charles Jone. retired,- who managed the branch of I the Bank of British Columbia, at Carl- boo In the gold rush days, died on jTuesdsy according to a cable message from London received by his brother. Col. T. W. Jones. The late Mr. Jone landed here from Edmonton In 1864 and. within a week, took charge of the New Westminster branch of the BanK of British Columbia which waa later Uken over by the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Later he went to the Carl-boo and, when he retired In 1883, he was msnager of the Victoria branch. TWO INDIAN RAJAHS SOON TO ABDICATE AdmhiMnitlon riun;r In Cochin and lunula are roreliadoweil LONDON, Jan. 20. The Impending abdication of the Rsjsh of Cochin Sir Rama Vsrma, Is reported by yie Bora-bay correspondent of the London Dally Express. The correspondent also saya the Maharajah of Baroda, Sir Sayajl Rao-Eaekwar. who recently celebrated the Jubilee of his reign. Intends to abandon actlvo participation In the gov ernment of hts state. . Sir Sayajl Raogaexwar was ooru iu( 1863 and succeeded to the title tnj 1973. This principality. Is much larger, j with an area of 8,133 aquare miles and a population or more man He is reported to be the richest man In India, Ims been spent on permanent lmprove-NONOGENARIAN,,GETS ments on the B.C. University Lands aub-dlvUlon, and thirty-six lou have been sold and tweuty-one leased, according to answer given in the Legislature by Hon. T. D .Pattullo, mlnUtcr of lands, to questional by R. It. Pooley. Conservative House leader. The sum of 8961,383 was expended ou the sub-division to the end ot last year, and $3,. 632 on advertising, and 14.030 waa paid mi m couuuteslou. THIRD SET OF TEETH LAPEER. Mich.. Jan. 20. John Hoffman, who celebrated his ninety-fifth birthday New Year'a Day. reported he has four new teeth on his lower Jaw aa a atarter for his third set. He has been the father of 18 children, 14 of whom are living, and has 22 grand-etlldnHi Mid 3 grfgrond;MldrMJ. - Circulation IS33 Sales 460 tur 20. Terrace Clear, windy, temp. 2 below. Rosswood Clear, calm. temp. 19 be low. Alyansh Clear, calm. temp. 18 below. Alice Ann Clear, north wind. temp. 7 above. The Intentions of both are attributed ( Jap inlet to the recent British overhauling of the administration of the native states In India and the growing demands of their subjecu. The correspondent add that the administration of many other states are In the melting pot. Cochin, one of the Madras states., has an area of 1,418 square miles and) a population of nearly 1.000,000. 8lr Rama Varma, born In 1858, succeeded to the title In 1914. Anyox Clear, calm. temp. 12 above. Stewart Clear, calm. temp. 8. Haielton Clear, calm. temp. 24 below. Smlthers Clear, calm. temp. 26 below. Burn Lake Clear, calm. temp. 37 below. Telegraph Creek Clear, calm. temp. 30 below. Nahlln Temp. 48 below. White Horw Cloudy, calm, temp. 39 belcw. Dawson Cloudy, south wind. temp. 40 below. Stewart River Temp. 44 be'.cw. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert T. Mason and A. O. Slocomb, Vic torla; J. W. Allen. C. R. McMillan, i William Bevertdge. P. O. Groves. Thcmas Louden. B. a Keeley, P. W. Baldwin and Oeorge W. Taylor. Vancouver: R. R. Nichols and W. Mc-Larnon. Winnipeg; Duke Harris, Hazel-ton; Isaac Jacobson,' Seattle. Sut or Mr. and Mrs. Warner, Matt Allard and Miss Ten. Allard, Vancouver; Robt. Nesbltt and William Dahl, Prince Rupert: F.'C. E. Hayter and Olaf Ouae. C B. Flewlu, O. E. Brbwn and C. E. Mortes, Wark Channel. Central R. V Lumt. 11. C. Erlckson. Dr. R. J. Stewart and Dr. O. S. MacDonald. Vancouver; A. Lamb, city. WOULD HAVE WHITE HELP ON STEAMERS Xathe Sons of HrltMi Columbia IM Ur.xiliilloii nt Merlins In Vanromrr j " Eliminate Oriental" VANCOUVER, Jan. 33. Chinese helpi on 'atcamers plying between Vancouver and Northern British Columbia polnU should be replaced with white men pre ferably returned aoldtera according to a resolution passed by the Native Son of British Columbia at a meeting here. h . It looks as If when the. time comes for the meek to inherit the earth thi meek will not care very much about their inheritance. In considering the expense to the taxpayer of '' the governmental over heads. It might be well not to over-look MJ !;:!. Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 437. Watanabe. Price Fire Cents OSES IMPORTANT WITNESSES w w. w . w m v w m wx www wm rmn w-v. w wm w w w-x w ri m w w h iT i i ill At U UU 1X1 Vff IAI lff I fill I lI If If If hi I fff I 1f Wf I I I HI II AJLT TLVJLl J JLUZfAlVSlf MJMMjLJ MX 1 M MIASMS J XsMJMS M Mm, S w MA w vli " WfA-i easure to to-ooerate i wit1. Federal Action is' Premier Oliver's Motionl MllllltMY TUil JIOKI. lllll.l ki:v miv nil: MANY COUNTRIES HAVE INFLUENZA LK.UHL 01' NATIONS IIK.t1.TII EX-PLIITS STATE TIIT EPIDEMIC II IS I'KOIIAItl.Y HKACIIED IT.H WORST 1 j GENEVA. Jan. 20. Telegraphic re- VICTORIA. January 20. Moving to provide old-age pensions poru collected by the League of Na-ha tropic of Uritish Columbia, Premier Oliver yesterday asked I tlon regarding the infiuenx epidemic , k Malurt- to give his government power to place the province hr th aifrt u vnnimt, .on law The premier's proposal to the bouse took the tormk a uhi o: wnun me provincial government win oe empowereu m;erUlMU, i-r ni'o an agreement witn me rcuerai government ior me joint; hu,. fmm innnn it . rn?rii VI uiu-ugc pension in j.v. me wuai uciuj( umucu cnuanj irtj ine pan momn are rrponea irom ween the province and the Dominion. The premiers bill Scotland. Egypt had ni cae during1 OMAN AND i WU ml I IK HIV llr all KIM mMJWliWi . fcame In anticipation of the early re- J December, with high proportion of 38; Introduction of parliament of the 'old age pension bill previously brought down by the King government and rejected by the eenate. TUt bill provide for the pensions to be administered by the Workmen's Compensation Board. In the absence of any special appropriation of the legislature deaths. From the Netherlands the league re-celved new of 13 deaths In Amsterdam alone for the week ending January 1 Norway had 2734 cases of Influenza during December In 21 towns. Epidemics also hare reached Warsaw. Lens-berg and Cracow in Poland, but the applicable for the purposes of the Art.! mortality rate thert Is low. all moneys necessary to meet pensions. lleaitn eapert atwenea to me league sslarles and eipense incurred In thejaay despl' the Urge number of cases' administration would be paid out cf the (reported the epidemic probably h consolidated revenue of the province ' reached iu worst : The bUt. which was glten Its first read- ! In, compile with the board require ' i menu In the legislation Introduced t Cat Jen 29- Mra. Marlon -r; i. from the effeeu of The debet la reply to the speech a- . .. J d ' (uvf betn (Iven wltn irvai uh mrent wm rmwiuiu aj rajvi COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL TO BE At lllAAsU A Vi IA 1 FISH TARIFF IS DISCUSSED JIIM.IDI T IIOAT OU.VKIIH TO MAKK ANOTIIKIt ATTEMPT TO HAVE IMI'OST KEJIOVEII The Halibut Boat Owners' Assocla tlon decided last night to agslnVom-municaU with Ottawa with respect to the Henry Reifel, Jr., and George Norgan Absent from Customs Hearing VANCOUVER. January 20. The customs commission on American dutr of 2 ccnu per' Wednesday found that one of the most important witnesses which it pound on halibut as compared with the had travelled some thousands of miles to examine would be unavail able during the Vancouver session of the probe. The missing man is Henry Reifel Jr., of the Joseph Kennedy liquor exporting company, whose evidence was eagerly sought by the commission when last in Vancouver but who furnished a physician's certificate declaring that he was unfit to appear. He is now travelling ia, the Orient for the benefit of his health and the certificate of the .doctor who ad-vued him to travel has been requested v the chief ccmmiaiioner ana mm. be produced. When Robert Swanson, one of the managers of the Consolidated Exports Corporation, was being examined, tt At- -velcped that Oeorge Norgan. .another' Important wltnets. wa also absent. SEINE MARU IS . HERE FOR GRAIN Swansan said that he was absolutely Ignorant ef the whereabouu of Norgan' MTtTKI LINE VESWIX AUKIVE.H HIOM who wa another of the managera ofi Ml UOItAX AM. WILL LOAD MIME the Consolidated. ! 9"m TONS ,nK H-tNflllAI WEATHER IS STILL The Suzuki Line freljhter.- Seine i Maru, reached port at 1J0 thU morn- 41 umb ana goaa paja- rfll n IU niCTDIPT'"1 LULU IN UlulitlLl I age from Muroraa. Japan, which place j ' she Uft on January 4. The vessel. Weather conditions In the district which was met at Triple Island by PUot were stul tight according to the Oov- j Larry Thomson, after palng quarantine emment Telegraph morning report. At and custom inspection, moved Into the ome polnu. the thermometer waa up a j ocean dock to commence lining today. Lttle and -at others down, leaving the ThU completed, she will go down to the average about the iiSe"es!erasyr elevator Ibctif ' theendtf-tse we The various 8 ajn. reading were a to start loading a cargo of approximately follow: S.0O0 ton of wheat for Shanghai. The Prince RUDCrt Clear, calm, tempera- master of the Seine Mans U Capt. IL WHALEN PLANTS SHOWED PROFIT DIVIDEND WILL HE PAID TO IIOI.1IKKS or ritKrEKitt.ii stock ox 1 EltKl'AKY 1 . VANCOUVER. Jan. 23j A profit wa made through J.he operation of the plants of the defunct Whalen Pulp ti Paper Mills Co. alnce they were taken over by the Arltlsh Columbia Pulp & Paper Co. on November 1. 1923, and a dividend will be paid shareholders of S3.75 per preference share on February 1 tt was announced here yesterday. The company ha three plants on the esaat Port Alice. Woodflbre and Swan-ton Bay. The first mentioned ha been operated at full swing by the new company while the last has been en tirely shut down. COLDWAVEIS SWEEPING EAST TEMI-EKATI KE ON" ritAIIHKS RAMIES FROM 16 IIELOW AT CALtlARV TO 46 IIELOW AT THE PAS, MANITOBA WINNIPEO. Jan. 20. Sweeping acre the prairies from the far north and working eastward, a cold wave sent this mercury to the season1 ' loweat recortl this morning, ranging, from 16 belovr at Calgary to 46 below at The Pa, Manitoba. Prince Albert reported 42, below: Saskatoon, 40; Reglna, 38; and Edmonton. 30. ALASKA PACKERS MADE BIG MONEY OfERATIUNS III ItlMl YEAR IDJll ItE-SI LTED IN PROFIT OF S3W1.IHHI AS AOAINST llEtlCIT IN 1913 SAN FRANCISCO, Jait. 20. The Alaska Packers' Associatlan, operating one cannery In Puget Sound and twelve In Alaska, packed 803.000 case. of salmon last year. The annual report of the company shows a profit from cannery operations of more than tSOO.OOO a against a CeNdt of 173.0C0.ln prevlou year. A dividend of 12 00 quarterly and ... " .r.vn! I ilj Ue raid.