“> 2 Prince Rupert DailyNews ray... Union Claims Barmaids Recommended in g¢ . * 5 5 : S it } Vi h f VICTORIA A few old-fashione bartaig : ‘ Tuesday, November 25, 1952 As ee 10 ‘ation 0 much to spruce up British Columbia's artes W ca —_—_-—__— nanny tee TCT J e ’ e ty an independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbullding of Prince Rupert Reflects and and Northern and Centra! British Columbia ® says the Canadian Brotherhood of R ail BY Confederation who will present a brie “7 { to the B.C, jj * BQMOr inquiry “4 Wember of Canadian Press — Audit Bureau of Circulations *. 2 : A : 3 next sitting here board ait : Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Reminisces i TORONTO (CP)—The Canadian The brief says that if women a ; Published by The Prince Rupert Daily News Limitea / Y) government has been charged the nek: las Were allowed to § J. PF. MAGOR, President H. G. PERRY, Vice-President more * ilpoll with Waltns a0 tie teres oO! ue a sult would be a higher Standard of enees c ee ~ — ao - A . . ; ? ; sometimes apparent when the ge ‘duet ¢ Santa. Claus always brings confederation with Newfound TVD is done Subseript! Rates: . e by By carrier Per woant 25¢ per month $1.00; per year, $10.00 weg RS So oranges, of course, but this . ' > a land by the United Steelworkers Y Men | By mail—Per month, 75e; per year, $8.00 year, so far as Prince Rupert 6 CHI R¢ HILL W AY BEST of America CIO-CCL MORE MACHINES SPANNING i 2 pine second en een by the Sok Cle Department, Ovmwa is concerned, the Japanese ; ae mr ; vs s oe The union claims the govern- Britain had more. than 399600) The world's Ip G 4 freighter arrived a month early. WHEN IT comes to politics the British can teach ment nas violated the terms by| farm tractors in 1952 coshipiaamed| 12.722 gelics henge ’ Nor saad . ‘ : t workers ii : thine’ . Bri } North America able lessons. Compare the paying governmen with 60,000 in Peay Australia, was ‘ Ls Baad Two Parts to BC : oe — so valua : I Newfoundland lower rates than “ opened iy " WE HAVE OUR Onn number of speeches and miles travelled by the two government employees in othe: Te nme . ~ “ee an z ld . wie Sek aie ae * Ottawa is reported to be an . a ie a ae - -. : ' P IS worth noting that Prinee George is as sensi- noyed because in other towns Pal Of contenders for office in U.S.A. and Britain. — of an ae a 7 ° . . ‘ee . a5 Laken § Cases Ww ait . i tive as Prince Rupert to the indifference shown | people are referring to the na- Here are the figures, partly as@ echanal Sok” tains ee " hy Victoria and Ottawa towards the north country, | P’s, capital ss “Charlotte-| given by James Reston it New of political campaigning—for nO | employees, at Gander airpot E S YES, L : , town” meaning that's the name) York Times for Nov. 9 and party can allow the others té yoga: amount of money said in WE and for much the same reason, of the mayor. It’s likewise the partly as compiled by myself es) et too far ahead of it in this volved ig about $1 000.000, HAVE = > " >.2 . . ee _ |chief centre of Prince Edward eye-witness of the British elec field A LAY-A. Like this erty, Prince George has a highway Island And also there's @ tion * @ © mat : problem which is consistently neglected while grand | Queen Charlotte City on the’ fisenhower 228 speeches _ . test Trv Doily News Want Ads PLAN ¥ | ? ro , “are - opposite side of the continent Stevenson 203 * OUR OWN election technique plans are hatched for development of roads to the | 4 few miles from Prince Rupert. Churchill q ” e almost everything else | » Call i——place @ small down payment and south, Altheugh the vital link between Prince Attlee 56 Canadian, falls about Ralf way LATEST REPORT your Christmas Gifts are put away { t you, 7 0 ‘ George and McBride is still just as nature made it, An optimist is the citizen who It would be silly to compar: etween the British and US 4 ’ aa : < ' 1 es - J = . ’ expects taxes to be reduced! distances travelled, disregard Beeause of the sheer Ash your Investment Dewler BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS : legislators in Victoria are talking about a third | without a general election ing the difference in geograph of wheamen: OF cennet tor the totes? Peper - express highway to link Vancouver and New West- But just for the record EBisen-( yoke our campaigns as short . 4 : 1 . . . hower travelled over 50,000 4 the British But we. eould minster, Likewise the federal government is con- , We feel men should work 85! mites, mostly by alt. GINVEESON| een them shorter than they i . 1 ong as they are able to pro) covered 32,500 miles. Churehi! eta ' CTR . ying ¢é ‘ ‘Oak ; > Sparsely < -” « » t ‘ . Lae : Mil ore—and so be a little more iderit ga paved road for the sparsely populated duce,” comments the Meaford) made only three shortish train hrocne te ou sahile savin YOUR EXCLUSEVE “INGLIS” DeALER yo communities on the west coast of Vancouver Island, | ‘Ont.) Express. “They are gen- trins one from London to Liv Phone 644 ae ae : ss ‘ erally the first around in the erpool; the second from London Box 1 \ he continued slights cause the Prince George morning and the last away at) t) Glasgow, with two stops e1 OLD-TIME RACER eo, . ‘ aht : Citizen to recall that back in 1920 T. D. Pattullo, |"*” a — a es * Plymouth = BARNES, England €P)—Henry > ° e ‘ where he spoke for his OWM son. wr) m BP ecvels aol y t . " Dye > . William Payne, cycle track sta n , > ) as >» > . > « * be “ . then repre senting Prince Rupert at Victoria, ad —— Atiiee mide bis GO edd! tn, carts feeb Ged tm thie vanced the idea that northern B.C. could readily be Klondike is history, yet the a a a ry _? Surrey district. In his prime he : ee _ ‘ * Pee north keeps yielding a couple of ‘rom London up roug nh eld four werid records. and separated from the south somewhere close to the (jiiions in gold every summer. | English midlands. His wife drove| . yo. ceers race from. % CALVIN BULLOCK 58rd parallel. The thought was later raised again by |The four months’ freeze-up/ him in the old family car, and oii6 to five miles at the same — 1 K —— I f he Sk hae “ | never fails, neither does the yel- he often stopped where t mi. Kenney as member or the Skeena riding. low metal. Only we get it in crowds happened to be, speaki: ‘ ‘ . P another way to them out of doors In view of the tremendous developments in |°"°°' “* ee central and northern B.C. in the last dozen years | Two important stories broke BY ae ore ~ CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT ° ° } J , 1 notes tha he grea reside: : Hoht} eS ‘ ure |at‘Nanaimo, when the SS Prin- ; : ‘ ia : and continued slighting of this country my Ota | erounded. and sit natives Lincoln never made a sing\s and Victoria authorities, 1t 1S quite possible that our | perished in a fire. News of con- speech outside his own home : sequence, of course, but Na-| Wn of Springfield between h progress would have been ever more rapid had the | ,:imo’s editor collapsed from a/ Romination and election, Ne plan been carried out,” the Citizen remarks. heart attack. A feature of jour-| Ways are not always best ‘ Inalism not infrequently heard; With things as they are, the Mp, ° . ar ; ag . 7 wonder is that ¢ hum in f The northern part of the province has for of can tas oui Cher canieliies Public notice is hereby given to the electors of the years been a section from which the provincial gov- | Co in US. let alone survive his term | Municipality of the City of Prince Rupert that I require the ernment has drawn enormous revenues without |e ON WAY of office, if elected prestane of tine madd ceatete at Che Seay Se ee oe | Some folks say Prince Rupert Somebody once wisecracked City Hall, Fulton Street, en the fourth day of December, 1062 commensurate return. The present revenue from /|has no more than 10,000 POPU-/ that the US presidential! system at ten c’clock am. for the purpose of electing persons to timber sales and stumpage, taxation, land sales, ccauinean ineuer queen 15.000,| %35 % “dictatorship, tempered } represent them as Alderman . ° th osmeaggal | by assassination.” It would be i ‘ motor car and game licences and liquor and beer |the parking problem may be cies went nage bos pe teen . The mode of nomination of candidates shall be on . : jus bad. Available space on >. > aa rd re ollows i sales is enormous when contrasted with the amount |) tee bad. Avalia’ en be. | Bored’ by™$he™ tact the strain | follow P| ; . ‘ s , | see streets in Seetom.t is kills off most presidents before The candidates shall be nominated in writing; the of money spent In the territory from which this | coming — And gh can} thetr time.” writing shall be subscribed by two electors of the municipality revenue springs.” pot rv aaa te a ane rs a ae as proposer and seconder, and sball be delivered te the } ee oes . THE BRITIS andling of radic Returning Officer at any tinve between the date of the notice ‘ t 10 , : texaectly thrust on one , SH handling of radio » Although such a scheme would create its own © — and TV for elections also | and twelve o'clock noon of the day of nomination; the said = t new administ rative difficulties, a eontinuance of the - i seems better and fairer than writing may be In the form numbered 3 in the Schedule of + ; ew - 4 i" The Lethbridge Chamber of) the Americans. The BBC allots the “Municipal Elections Act,” and shall state the names, . present diserimination against nor thern B.C. will Commerce is sore as a boil at) free time to the various parties, residence, and occupation or description of each person pro- make it seem less impractical all the time. Event- ee aoe a sm as We do Overt thé CBC posed, in such manner as sufficiently to identify such ; ; : cause that city s ciareU | They did the same thing with candidate: and ir » event of 3 li being necessary. such ually it may prove the enly way to obtain the bene- Lethbridge is quite close to Al-| Ty Jast year Snemcete, and % The COE 6F8 pay See Pee ae a . / : aska Lethbridge is 60 miles poll shall be opened on the eleventh day of December, 1952, at fits for which we are now footing the bill. north of the US berder and}, 1 Britain no party has to he Civic Centre, corner of MeBride Street and Second Avenut 2300 miles south of Fairbanks in are the radio or TV time for 1 of which every person is hereby required to take notice and Alaska. Somewhere, there must casing Fev ool a modest yovern himself accordingly Th C di i k ; mount of program’ time fs given 7 ° be an underwear sales mixup No Canadians Worth Knows , ; , . eae ' ,Over to politics, The result is Given under my hand at Prince Rupert this 26th day of e ana ian an ng }that many more people do listen November, 1952 when the big shot statesmen do f Newsman Gets — «be bie sn Oo ( ommerce : T HAS taken a 17-year-old Canadian to describe in Ottawa Post in the OBA it now literally R W f . ‘a ‘ + < é costs a fortune to put on tl ° . on precise words a defieiency in our national char- VANCOUVER (P) Srwin} evant tw ecnst fade end © , : ‘ : ° : al i ies gt Meio eR ‘ Returning Officer acter which sometimes receives a fumbling, apolo- Kreutzweiser, Vancouver news-| casts. But TV has also added ney ' , getic allusion, but is usually considered better left P®P* ™#P; Das Peen appointed | tremendously to the local casts executive assistant to Solicitor- unsaid. General Ralph Campney The youth is John Sanderson of Montreal who | A political writer, he came to) b we made his remarks in the course of a brief address V@ncouver in 1948 from Saska- e . . . ° . toon. Recently he joined the that won him first prize in the national publie speak- | y, .ouver Province following t ing contest for high schoo] students recently held | four years on the Vancouver j ® 6 j under sponsorship of the Rotary Clubs, News-Herald. ; . : Announcement of his appoint- ) On the subject of “Let’s Be Canadians Togeth- | ment came from Ottawa today. | er!” young Sanderson said: oe a Mee eta rd ‘ BIGGER HARVESTS | We Canadians seem to have developed a Britain in 1962 produced nationa! silenee. a muteness. It seems to he part of |e™oueh food for two-thirds of ae Sh I lher population, compared with THEN YOU WILL BE INTERESTED IN THIS 8 CU. FT. , us, a frozen, polar, arctic silence. We do not know | onty naif in 1939 a single Canadian, as other nations know their |~ $ heroes. Not one! This has econvineed youth of my | age—utterly bored by what we read in history books | % —that there are no Canadians worth knowing. “And there lies the danger. We have denatured our history and produced a pallid, lifeless pieture _that we turn to other nations in search of heroes and adventure when our whole national story is nothing else. « REFRIGERATO WHICH OPERATES FROM KEROSENE Features: “So far, we seem to be unable to form national symbols. We have not developed an Uncle Sam or a h John Bull. That man with the cowboy hat is surely Ss er | a little absurd when most Canadians have seen a | Stra? Snapshots 1—No moving parts—nothing to go wrong. cow only in a livestock show and many think it can l aranleed for 10 years. rs be milked merely by pumping the tail.” Avuminum has been flying high Me The boy is right, but it does not necessarily oes cua pom, eee a a 3—Low operating cost. follow that he will always be so. There is evidence __ Pier a. oa -—Adj that other countries have an increasingly high | letetaen eae - PRICE s49 9 50 { Adjustable shelves. opinion of Canada, regardless of how uncertain we | Pens ee d feel about ourselves. Perhaps in fifty years or so til fe PF | di : | gen-filled balloon in order to : : : ; oy * , we will become sufficiently impressed by this to | own ae rays, ten If you live out of town, write us (Box 819) for a pamphlet or any additional information you may requ'"™ a me deem it worthwhile to put a little flavor in our his- | ll gg eae: | eee tory books for the generations coming after. We From the luxurious interiors of . he aL might also start thinking about symbols that would een one caeaaien Seyret oN "tk we give our descendants the spicy feeling of pride. [ dance i leading Se pea C Pa Y “ . and strength to Canada’s aircraft e e te el bY ot But Canadians are as good now as they will be | industry. Aluminum Company of Bon foes then, Why wait? A Cees 5S COS _— " SS 3 p ‘ep ( Sensentenatenens ditsnatingeaditieteeooeeeaeaaeameameaall as i. ~ 7 : . 4 é :