assistance she at a tea in | Trustees’ where mrembers of the Auxili Association | set up to continue negotiations with the north central council] of the Mrs. H valuable 72... aluable Goud gave a DISTRICT NEWS SMITHERS In recognition of the has B.D. Hospital Ladies Mrs. F. H. Prouse was honored the Parent-Teacher Assoc — Webster nd Mrs. reports of a enlhons given to the meeting held at Prince George " Auxiliary K ITWANGA Nurses’ Home, On Nov, 26 Dr. K. M. MacPher- ary son, Terrace has been sions has installation of pressure, worry and Mrs dentist, ais eimplovee will be in Hall for uances and other ocea- been increased by the a new furnace of department, pert Gen Sparkes and her in- Len concert in to the pupil of more, meeting in a recent recital at Felber was 4 Hos- the starting at sleep less. This | the B.C. Teachers’ Federation to . - |) a*range a regional salary sched- TERRACE ule Ron Snarkes HAZELTON the public works x WHEAT KING—The world wheat kittie. Ronald Lenr " was moved 19 Prince Rur . y I wacners of the local H tal b Alte, TOMIVES tie intbwn at the teal tic a eral Hospital by ambulance when n i ye ; ac ches Federation held I i : 1@ Wag taken sudd } To te Agriculture Minister a meeting here at which Presi- home Mrs Five igs, pl andi Agrit re. Minist Ure of * Gent Toews stressed the need for fant son later motored to Prince 0 er. Hei third | Child-centred program. The Rupert with Mr Drum ‘ trict to win wheat next BC.TF. meeting will be Orr (CP Photo) held at Terrace ear ‘ly in the New * oo ~ Year On Nov. 28 a music ! ; be presented at the Ale of the annual turkey the Civie Cent ra ¥ fi urkey the ic Centre ott Ove nNspi Cs oung Apper and bazaar of the Wom- | Mrs. T. Brue who received high- en's Auxillary of St, Peter's! est marks at de! "a e More ee Church ts set for Dec. 4. It will | her home. Mrs. J be held at the Communi ity Hall. | adjudicator + Fina] arrar igements were made : P oa recent at the home of Mrs On Nov. 27 there will be Week rhe . Wis itter Jean Sterrits with 15 members | pital Autiliary } Memorial H school. ; attending Crecit Union Hall ai — . ; . . 8 p.m ¥ \ ar { [EEN Dy Louisa M Alcott—The At a well-attended meeting of the story are the four March : . , +; Beth, 16; Jo, 14; and Amy, 12 You cant go ° readers + . ' I 4 ye old s = % On nteresting © Are you contemplating §sell- ALL OUT part t about ("8 Your house? For immediate = i about rod The ¢ know tes ae weneen 7 quick sale, phon {s Mri ; : rmstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone . He Wot any presents. They 4... eo i Fai . i kale ; to mene 342 or Black 197 evenings. (276) rT ¢ t i pend thy co \ ther Age @ Regular Moose A ‘ ; M Siannh meeting Tuesday, No- nt H } they w i ata vember 25, 8 p.m These deys mont peaple work = eis Mea®r i the hee ra mall Arms ce sy d nam last and meets Ph Meat Relish inire : { hop iM ingre i) oughly 7 meats ng Centre Dev t Wirks- 3} . Hora. England, he. *ad=mining he Anglo- (276) he hungry Huginic wh the street. © C.C.F. Club meeting, Metro- | Gtness easier te lese— The yusly do this. and pole Hall, Tuesday, November 2 >, Today's tense living, ‘ eward by Mr. Laurence & p.m. Members please attend wt t better break (276) | ot of order, fas @ This week the priests of An disturbed test, that ew ¥ ive the girls go unclation Church are conduci- s dan Laurie. They ing Morning Devotions over iithough Meg CFPR at 8:30. Their subject k This gives “Preparation for Marriage.’ i i¢ in a car (276 any drue crumter ! There at problems but lots of - that follow 7 (nH M March receives at ind me more Hy and her é K Was want t tart read Litth CHRISTMAS me} "40s —_ For a Fine Selection of Christmas Cards See Dibb Printing Co. be sure to get . Sis i‘ioaaaee EN and. WOMEN BUY YOUR CURLING BOOTS NOW —at— isiies Footwear strain on bedy and brain makes physical harder to regain. lowered resistance, overwork, worry—any of these may affect normal kidney action. When kidneys get excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, “tired-out” heavy- CURLING BOOTS FOR headed feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better —sleep better — work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at «> A ‘ } lappy WwW ! *bout the story titud f the girls Th ule t ieei ke being t thers. I wish award will; AUCTION SALE OF CARS Saturday, November 29th SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE Junction Ist - 2nd - 3rd Ave. West. Phone Green 217 se 1934 CHEV. Master Sedan % 1936 FORD Coach te 1947 1-Ton CHEV. Truck *% 1937 FORD 4.Door Sedan *% 1941 PACKARD 4-Door Sedan % 1949 AUSTIN 4-Door Sedan w% STEEL TRAILER Olber cats for this sale to be listed at time of November 25 to Friday, November 28. ‘TERMS; Sates over $500 may be financed. Cash on all other sales, cafe, All cars can be J. H. MAIR, Auctioneer inspected Tuesday, Prince Rupert Daily News 3 Tuesday, November *. 1982 j - <~ihtlin eneinnae oe Women Force Modern Trend In Packaging For Shoppers All jokes to the contrary, what is on a woman's mind is of vital a pd, mer ae cs a . Kitwanga in connection with the importance to Canadian busi- Satitines tr tee near “dl 4vINg children’s dental clinie. On Nov. nesemen Instead of distrusting Mg ar ure 27 he will be in Usk for the same women opinions they have de- purpose veloped a heaithy respect ~_ will be held in Prd dae Ri = Mrs. C. Granger, accompanied think and they have done so Nov. 26. ot 8 pm, Officers i oy 8d Soe cette te fe Wee wlenkttie: sus — the season will be eleciod ° 108 Liddle, has returned from Prince Go; sumer research, as it is . . we Rupert where her daughter, called téelis Canadian business A tommnlthen ot tha cecies Linda, is in hospital. whether milady selects that ‘otuinee's . ern : a. ‘ tricky looking packagé with the rior branch of the B.C. Schoo! Comfort in the Community branc new recipe or whether she prefers hers round or square, as well as a host of other facts about her buying habits From such studies, new ideas for more effective and more in- formative packaging were de- veloped: packaging designed for small families where waste is a problem: packaging to assure freshness and packaging which stresses convenience. Today's housewife shops with her and buys what looks good but she ig also extremely conscious of packaging for sanitation and cleanliness The ladies interviewed placed food items at the of things they lked to buy in protective packages. Baby’s cloth- } ‘ing the ladies. next. for ob- ing and toys came i veys show top of the list | vious reasons. Household articles|900r by Mis. W. H. Hill, Worthy | like linens and towels were third | Mistress of the lodge. “1 Be | and clothing fourth. They con- | Sider it important that things as blouses, men’s shists | Mrs. and sheer hosiery be packaged Although the housewife is | Rudolph: homecooking—-Mrs. R. Kathleen still the “king pin” shopper of the family, the surveys reveal such | were: that she no longer does all the | family food buying. Her hus- band or children often trail along with her and they greatly influence her buying. Men like the convenience self-service stores but the sur- they do a lot more impulse buying than their wives. The males are inclined to spend more, buy larger quantities and succumb to the temptation of ex- otic food items which may catch the eye. Junior is getting in his say too, according to consumer stud- jes. A recent survey showed that 77 per cent of women sLoppers | request | bought something at the of their small iry. Cockies, Many Guests Attend Bosse successful and colorful! Pouring were Mrs. H. Smith bazaar was staged recently in «Nd Mrs. W. J. Moorehouse and ithe Civie Centre by the Ladies Serviteurs were Mrs. W. Way, |Orange Benevelent Association. Mrs. J. Flewin, Mrs. F. Willson, | Many guests were received at the | Mrs. J. Feasby and Mrs. A. Lien. Cashier was Mrs. Heise. In the | kitchen were Mrs. J. McRae, Mrs. In charge of the various stalls; W-. Field, Mrs. E. Carlson and sewing—Mrs. A. McNeil; | Mrs. F. Gladdish V. Morrison; drawings— Prize winners were Mrs. Mar- |Mrs. E. A. Evans, Mrs. B. C.' garet Bell, grocery hamper: Majore. doll; Mrs. B. Skinner, Mrs. H. Paulson; Elizabeth Thomson, cake: Mrs. candy—Mrs. A. J. Croxford; past! N. Cornish, vanity set; Mrs. minstress’ stall—Mrs. J. Johan- James Robertson, doilie; Mrs. json and Mrs. H. Killin. J. Krause, chocolates. j of | crackers, candies and soft drinks | were typical of these purchases. All these facts and more, mod- ern business is learning by ask- TEA : Just | NEWS ADS get RESULTS a a eee ae PRE- Pa | Nylon WE LEAD. Nightgown PANTIES BLACK SLIPS ANNETTES Reg. Values to $9.95 Slip Nightgowns and Pajama Sea Pena aega aang egagaaanneae es ae, “iNylon Hose pair. CHRISTMAS | 4 Only Fur Fabric Shortie Coats «= DRESSES | SKIRTS |, Evening Skirt Taffetas, crepes, corduroy velvets, satins, sq@mi- formals and formals. Reg. values to $32.50. Gabardine and Wools. Sizes 12 to 20. All colors. ’ In taffeta dirndl style. Regular value to $5.95. In Taffeta and Trico. All colors. Sizes 32 to 38. Reg. values to $5.95. Rayon. Sizes 36 and 38 only. Maize, Blue and Pink. Reg. $3.95. Regular values to $2.50. Pre-Xmas $ Day ° tH iH Nvion Taffeta and Nylon Trico. | Pre-Xmas $ Day ° it Built-up shoulders, lace trimmed. | 00 Sizes S-M-L. Pre-Xmas $ Day Flannelette. § Regular price $3.50. Pre-Xmas $ Day i Overstocked on Named Brands, 15 Denier and 30 Denier. Every pair perfect. =e. SSSR KR CRAKE ESTHER AREAS P88e 2 ees se) Re eonet HANDBAGS Ankle Socks Slacks and Strides || Housecoats Lounging Pajama These and many more outstanding values—and qin bannd too, at nnelle Mansell’ LADIES WEAR OTHERS FOLLOW Some with shouderstrap. Reg. values to $6.95. 100 per cent pure wool. Reg. value 85c Colors: wine, brown, green. Rayon Jerseys, Sheers and Nylon. Reg. values to $14.95. Pre-Xmas $ Day " 1 —— $39.50. Pre-Xmas $ Day $25.00 sare $5.00 pce SA $3.00 | $3 $2 Pre-Xmas $ Day Pre-Xmas $ Day Dark seamed. Pre-Xmas $ Day—Pair $100 42 eo. 3.00 $1.00 5,00 3.00 5.00 Pre-Xmas $ Day Pre-Xmas $ Day. _2 for In Gabardine. All colors. Reg. values to $9.95 pair. Pre-Xmas $ Day to $22.50. Satins and Crepes Regular values Pre-Xmaqs $ Day CRY S STYLES TODAY smrgenr tn 5 pe ous os penises