CLASSIFIED ADS ‘si. PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER For Driving DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4 30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS eee emer eens ° Classified Rates FOR SALE en eas i n Winter Closure tine 4:30 p.m. day pre- FOOTHILLS (sootiess coal 1240 Kilocycles | Brains plus chains raat tio Phon: 6 2 i Ire Evitt . . : oe gh sense neg ” intd: wat Co. Lt ss st es = RADIO DIAL | Seund advice on snow and ic Classified, 3 per . Wore: oes : Lhat is a streamlined summa:y ime was a 1 charge 50 FoR SALE—Bedroom suite com- Subject to Change) { the many important recom ment Tvaitcce Bm cone: Chats) te fm; Magik Sembee OS | mendations contained in “Basi - : a * 4 7 : Pe Mu t Black 756 O77) Behe te tates sii vi tae Mee” | Aj ite r Driving Rules,” + Fnneral Notices, Marriage and FOR § ALE Luxury bedroom} , ,, rUmgDAY oe — penaamed by Engagemen Announcements, lite to private buyer. Not) 445 crc News: W ss National Safety Council whic £2.00 expensive, | it not a gift Box 4 Qu sets Gown for the first time th Special Display double price. 3 gictcde ” UN Con esults of 11 years Of test — FOR SALI house ' Wild 0 search by the Councils Commit ANNOUNCEMENTS wast Perfé order.| ¢ i Ch ¢ , ee on Winter Driving Hazarc : Like new. $90.0( Green| | M Varic i et is aimed at reduc p generat 2 FOR SALE—50 Se Food Dinn United ~ ractix { -edue : : : ; . ee and regulator new. Apply . atiol : Fs reduced visibility Chu I Nov cer Saewing Station 270n i the major winter driving prob satin : Service Statior 279} ‘ ; ( 4 ei : Pr Suita wovem Rs ns from November througa .%r 27 FOR RENT ' M February - ve . j Six basic rules for safe winte« 8 » FOR pared n hov i offered I ) furnished ipply , : Wee : ¢ 1, Get the feel of the road, Tx United Cht w. A Fail stasis Sl ie : your brakes occasionally, Bazaar, D 4 ROOMS FOR REN' g slowly and away - ~ Green 894 after 6 DNESDAY t traffic, t find ont ; ee ROOM FOR RENT—722 Thom} AM . w slippery the road is, son Street (276) - ; 2. Slow low? Adjust St. Peter Fall B a . a BC News; Wea ‘ ‘ j road and weather < ns SINGER SEWING CENTRE rent i { : tions so that you can sto geaennse portable machines. Phone C New ee ee ° an nanoeuvre safely Cl I Dinne! 864 Xe . _— _ sa ‘ ; 3. Keep windshield clear RENT a sander or have your A D i must see danger to avoid it BUSINESS § ERSONALS floot nded and finished by ; . t ire your headlights ‘ pula iinet experts. Phone 909. Greer & : - shie wiper blades and def: - — me npn ; * hacen: 1A ae} vi { . Snieia Wip maces aha ge VORTHERN GLASS CO. Git Bridden . , : t ) W rs are in topnoteh conditk 496 I . ‘ FOR RENT semi-furnished 4. Use tire ir snow irs sai i} They cut I ig dista: WILFOE } i D f, and inerea: ht, sole ind and ati rae Kitchen tarting and hiliclimbing anenees stint a K t Air i yur to seven times. Even FOR |} ER BI i WANTED ae ee oes with the help of chains, howev« I K -8SP) WANTED—Late model M Peri ywer than normal speeds ar ‘ } e . 7 t ow and ice AITRO PHOTO I nust be reasona io i él { P ash. Phone 522 ew Bs Pump your kes to C) ' onptenisincssecsinii - rename ttre ee Melo. iown or stop, Jamming them ate, Hanenna bi (lip) WANTED - Set dance drum CBC New the wheels and th: enneere rae 1224 8th East (281p) P mm Resume ; = ae MAGAZINI I t Eddie's ze : . ; al ; CASH for serap brass, copper, i W a Sta ‘ a ‘ , , Ww ‘ 7? ’ batteries and radiators. Phone | “ ‘ Kee well back of ar @ HANDYMAN Service, Chimney, 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West,) “"® = © I t oO yt have room to sto Sweep. Phone Blue 986, (281p)| _ City, cn fences - |member that without tire chai - . os on Oe aan r - oe + ¢ +} t 19 1 oe NEARLY everybody uses 99. (c)| WANTED — TOP MARKET ; “e ea ame ’ a< SMCs PRICES PAID for scrap iron,! ; oa aes to stop on snow and ice NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim- steel rass, copper, lead, etc : : Ne " Ww aii lies ry nerete ited, Distributors for: Mining,: Hones rading. Prompt pay- - Sawmill. Loggin and Con- ment made. Atlas Iron & tractors’ Equi Fnquir-' Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St., Van 7 . Island. ouver, B.C. Phone PaAcific Today S Stocks Extra Work jes invited I V Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) 6357 (tf? . ane i 7 a aoe ‘Courtesy & D. Jobnstom Co. Lid) ar an apy ical angina BO REAL ESTATE pe ae At Regular ee ee ( Ss ee : . : SPECIAI VANCOLVER & C d G 297) or “ emne J P bidcoucih' boos ae tw. eel amabein eeee. a Hlectrolux (Can.) Ltd, Green 960 0 BRX 02 NANAIMO, ‘B.C. (CP) Th art 8 é . Service ood . = I ; Service 0d! Cariboo Quartz 132 | practice of some union met (c room : ff } pe a Cc ress 06 extra week-end ff kitchen p $5350.06 tli: : PLUMBING easy tern vranged Cronin Babine i at wages has been eu me } a ‘ G Ma 4 the Nanaim 543, 630 6th V Armstrong Agencies Lt ndian M prey Phone 342, Black 197 evenings Pione¢ 2.00 The council voiced suppor RECAP ory 7 P t B € 15 ote yf t District ‘ n ‘OR SALE— Pr 04% cil of Carpenters at a meeting = ‘ FOR SALE—Large m house Simin Crank ‘¢ : . a fuliv o } ail . i : . here 712 Secot ‘hi fully glassed rch and] gijpak Premic 31 ec ab lh eae ere ne full cement basement. Reason ithe bel 01 Carpenters’ representatives Foot Specialist ably priced, terms. Green 624 . z res 2 portea that some employer . ere 277) ns G wd protested that overtime must Pedicure - Manicure , 082 paid by them while some ul - ial norown toe.|fOR SALE—Furnished wartime as a members accept extra hou scien: — va ae ne yur Jlack 551 (977 VV Le 4.30 [ \ppoint- four Z3lack 551 ou ) ploy it at regular wage . ath rnvam ri its * ner » of : a : € ve nin S) phor $1,800.00 An Cait 6.25 Co-operaWon Of @ii UNnlor Blue 249 Blue 192. Mrs. E. Por Sale Unfinished three-| ‘4 p Cor : 33 irged in protecting hou 1 , Ave. I roomed including Gadnrnnt 1.40 work agreements. This bathroom fixture $1,800.00 C&E 1150 not apply to a man w hie i 7 cas Sa On N 11.0 . . 0 count on purcha Ter is. R E. Mortimer, 353 3rd) Gra) J 495 | during the week-end on hi m2 ni liana yr n 2 1.00 ( » Store Ave. Phone 88 (279 ek aniey 1209 | Place or on a charitable | _. |FOR SALE—Two-room cottage Mercury 20 7 , - TORONTO SEE.our-laree variety of Christ- Femme ss i Athor ‘ M f. t red thas carts and décorations: at} A ee ee : 1 . o "s 14 anu ac u aU Re: Certificate of 7 No. 22364- 1 the VARIETY STORE. — (230) Oe ta ae nae cok ae + a oe ty ck In Quebec Plant f ert nd 2 10 nd Fortv- 17 a oa oerruyr 2 ” Se = a ia By KEN STEWART > ad as sie . . 59.9) Blue 156 (298) WHEREA fi root ft Conwest 4.40 Canadian Press Staff Writer f the -_ . Tit ald £ U cv ¢ ) eulded n LOST AND FOUND oa in the nears : eatin Donalda 45 QUEBE cP A ded n een filed t ffice, notices Eldona 36 and bazooka-type weapon LOST Bure 1 jewel mat Pa res gives that I all, as ts East Sulliva ? 6.90 ig designed at the Canadian ist watch. | ved “Love “ se ape Sigg te fi aka sais — 4 Giant Yellowknife 10.00 armament research and dev I ind Cathy.” In vicinity of te | & Provisional Certificate of; 00's Lake 56 ment establishment, 17 Comm on ial Hote Keepsake | Titi lost Certificate Hardrock 12 northwest of Quebec City : e B we Naa 19" ; a al aoe Harricana 07 Valcartier military camp : D y id R HEVa ' 06 ‘linis was learned i ACCOUNTANTS cee ee as : Dax % 42 | tour of+the establishment ay : emcees SON Jolket Queher 34 ducted for newspaper a PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT (ncome | ‘THOMPSON Little Long Lae OO | uae Tax specialist. S& G. ¥Furk, = Lynx met oe ; sab Stone Building. Red 693. °20m) Sagan Wed tate 179 While names and details — one Tarrant : a ; Mc Ke aa thi "Fr 1 us not disclosed, it was learned they BATTERY SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS Met 7h ae ogo | 2fe developed from inittal ore -. ee a ssi 2 icici s £00 OCK 1 4.0 ‘i s hi 7 fay RUPERT Battery Shop. 234 East | o6pfERS—Plainly marke | Monet ‘ ception to production of the pro- and hen Wound Mine Tk OFFERS—I tainly marked on the | M neta 38 totype at Carle, one of the larg- 4 i ap oe envelope “Offer for Bricks Negu 22 ; . safence _* ae ind rebuild- will be received by the under- Noranda 74.50 est of the prem ing. Work guaranted {C)| signed up to noon December) Louvicourt 16% | board's 12 ens ae TS : 18th, 1952, for approx. 2000' pickle Crow 148 Canada BOATS FOR SALE salvaged bricks, located “as is Petrol Oil & Ga 10 It is here a phase of Canada’s Troller, 37 feet and where is’ at the Court Sherrit Gordon 4.10 defence effort which is re le For quick House, Atlin e a Steep Rock 750 ly unknown is being carried on. Black 551. (2977p) | The bricks are to be sold as Silver Miller 112 The establishment consists of | one lot and offers should state ee ee , « eomibination of wits frou FOR SALI 1946 Chev sedan,| a total amount, and not so) PWC) Grass Oils 16 a combina u rom ? $850 cash. Phone Blue 814 much per brick. Golden Manitou 3.85 army, the inspection (280)| Further information may be cee and the United : - emer | aine application to dom, and the national researe FOR SALE—’52 ae ee obtained upon app up 1000 miles aoa ‘ah ara ao tnt oe G&A M "ier font a oes cent, in. les on East. Phone Blue 126. (278p) The successful offer will be v ansons FOR SALE—1949 \%-ton Stude-| Subject to 3% SS. & MA ~d baker pick-up with covered| Tax, and the highest or any| Meet Tonig t i box. Good condition. Phone} offer is not necessarily ac- ~d 796 after 6 p o77 epted en ee wold eee Purcliading Commission On Hoop Court FOR SALE—’41 Chev 5 passen-| Parliament Buildings | ger coupe. Fair condition. Can} Victoria, B.C. a we * ° | be seen at 433 7th East after| November 21, 1952. (Hi. uae & Anas rson end Man- 6 (278) s pabediGeapnktaa daaapasacaineislaws ord heat on the a B" | | ii | basketball court tonight in regu- FOR SALE—1949 Austin Station! AWEIFIOWAL ECE \lar league game when Alex Bill’s | wagon, Phone Black 419. NEW DELHI CP)—The govern-| first place eam will attempt to | nom (277p)| ment of India has established | maintain the lead. Elated Eunice has wan Wake a committee to investigate possi- | Third-place Mansons gave way A message that true on ed | bility of large-scale production|to CCC" pulp millers Saturday FOR SALE—Pair of Silver Fox|of synthetic rice. The artificial| night in a tight-fisted thriller furs, like new, Apply Savoy; product has already been por-| that was lost and won in the final| + ' Hotel. (278) (nounced tasty. seconds of the game, | Turn to the classified. Prince Rupert Daily News November 25, 1952 BLACKWOOD on Bridge By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Playing Strictly by Book Deesn’t Always Pay Off Mrs. Rhule plays strictly by the book—or at least her interpretation of the book. In her opinion, her partner opens the bidding and she has honor tricks, she makes a jump- shift. In today’s deal she had better than three-and-' a-half tricks, In fact, she had a little better than four tricks. Therefore, she had no hesitaney in bidding three-and-a-half “ i mn Yd 699 276 New ing the high death @nd accide: BC N I I ing from inadequat over Mr. Champion’s opening bid of one MY. ] f ee SWIMMING CLUB BaRcay FOR $500,000 BEG poo, VANCOUVER --Vaneouver Amate, applied to. the elty far permission io pool for the British Bmipire Game Sw Mhlig Cy, Dutld 9 $500,000 swin ' : distriet near Capilano Stadium * Eile Mog Chub officials said negotiations are eine the BEG whereby 2,000 permane: it wos spectators and 8,006 additional bieac De Dravid games society : ‘PPHE by The pool would be left open for in as &@ permanent year-round 5) general public, the officials sak y Fie tasisiess C7 / rope SStOna me * Nd later’ FTG ue GREER & BRIDDEN LTD John FL 4 Biulders and Contractors : " ince tughes, New Construction, Repai a “ SOPRACTOR Foundations and Re-Rooting Ev: — emp - dad 215-Ist Ave, W. Phone 909 | ~ 93 Weems a P.O, Box 721 age gh: North-South vulnerable iMe. Champion) FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Leas Phone Blue 939 | PRECISION SAW FILING | HG HeELcerd 215 ist Ave. W Phane 964 } All Typs Of Saws LIMITED Sharpened REAL ESTATE Phone 04 1 three diamonds and Mr g or r . 5 t it her partmer had’ bid have rebid her diamonds at the Over her proper first response | rou range. When Mr. Cham- pion bid four hearts nave passed, even with her void Rhule could then have Did’ ang Money, iP ic + Shipping and General LING THE TAI Moving, Packing, Crating Tailoring « | Cartage and Storage < ~ Altera and Complete, Reliable and Effi- Clothes Made-to-4 clent Service. Also agents for 220 Sixth &t P Canadian Liquid Air Co, Lid for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supples. SCOTT McLAR LINDSAY'S CARTAGE | | CHARTERED coo & STORAGE LIMITED James Block 668—3rd Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Prince Rupert, B Est. 1910 Phones 0 and 68 Phone 347 PO, Better Roads ‘Says Minister INVERMERE, Mr. Champion For the MEAL that REFRE BES) ' FINES OF S OF FOOD — , A FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 20 DINING PLEASURE |’ PRINCE RUPERT m North America, SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe Domusron Dow YOUR TIRE TOY TIME i t here nd kitchenette and bathroom Rova! Canacilar 16 ® e ® ve toy town at t Easy term ox 5 rily tovalit 5 | we have a teal toy town at the| Rasy Box 580, Daily) Royall » | Guided Missiles A FAULTY FURNACE CAN MAKE YOUR FUEL BILLS SOAR... Let Us Overhaul Your Furnace Now . so you'll be ready when the southeasters roar. Thom Sheet Metal 253 First Ave. Phone Black 887 TaN TH ENJOY A 0) ce BLONDIE WM EXHAUSTED 1 TONIGHT--I'VE BEEN WORKING SINCE EARLY MORNING Go ohead .. . blow your top over those bald tires. . in here for new Dominion Royals. SERVICE STATION Sits SO Nice Jil! Regardless of your problem BROADWAY CAFE Luxury Steamer SAILS FOR Vancouver apd Intermediate Ports ’ Each Thursday at 11:15 pum. 5 For KETCHIKAN 7 WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT © Comfort and Service 0 For Reservations E ; Write or Call a Ciry OR DEPOT ae OFFICE PRINCE RUI ERT : ao é IUPUI 1°. SPIT This sdvertivement i eet ey GEORGE DAWES the Liquor Control Bowd © tik Cobia AUCTIONEER of Brash Cobain Phone Black 846 and Red 127 Chinese Dishes Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 pan. ~ 3:30 a.m. ° e HOLLYWOOD CAFE | Progress tary For Outside Orders Phone 155 And followed te For all the dope tb IT PAYS |‘ TO ADVERTISE _ BPO Desai =< tne w DO YOU KNOW Lad uae » GOT YOU'RE LYING Y *( IT DOE r)il ON ME, b xy 7 MATTER 5 |