n r.iber 3ft. 1827 ( rUfes die Alcnl "MIDDLE - GRADE 1 appearing shoes can- -.be acopt..1 in the best J . :les. sentlesjaan ntlterwi trr. : : hably ilreed ikart not i-a ihe b item founda- , tit all tailoring Weiring AstnrM enables vou tn l.k, feci and be hoJ t the most distinguished .isn.ru Ml s!lid leather ihe wnr !:,..i.ho the appearand. Role Agents for frill i t ! W&5 WW THE "COPLEY" Adds Ac Mating tmicli to the pet feet evening JrtH. "ASTORIA" Shoes In Prince Rupert McArthur Shoe Store Third Avenue CmaNM!SNAL xt Largcft Railway Sylltm in America I STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE I . ... ..,t - i ivriirtm VIPTOKIA. T.ATTt.K. mm rni.ii l ,,. . . intermediate point. each l ltlliAV. 8 00 in STEWART toil ASYOX. Mch WKllNKSD.lV. 10.00 pin. VtllTII and SOI Til HfKKN fllAKLOTTK lLAMs. Fortnightly. rtSEXfir.K TKUNS I.K.tYE I'ltlNCT. ItlTLKT UOMItY. WMMliY and vTl UlltY at 1130 am tor riilM K i.iuiir.. rtiMOXTOX. HIXXIHMI, all polnta Eastern Canada. United AOENCY ALL OCEAM 9TKAMSIIH LINES. te Canadian National Etpress tot Mney Oniers, F-telgn Cheque.. He. alH for your neit shipment. "IV TICKET omCE. 82 TIIIHO ! E. PRINCE RITEKT. Khune tW (canadianJ Vacirc aautv Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To KrtiMkan, Mrnnfell, Juneau and skatwav Xoveniher IS. tB; lleeein-her 17, 81. To Yanrouter. Victoria and Seattle Xovember I, 10. 30; December SI. and January 4. riUNCESS BEATRICE. V'.i Itou-n. ir. East IMu Uruu. orean KalK Namn, Alert Hay. Canirhrl1 Rlrrr. and Vanrouter etery Haturdar. II a.m. tfencr :or ll nteamhlp Line. Foil Informallon from W. v, nnriltl'.li (leneral Ajeul. , Corner of 4tli flreet and 3rd .Avenue. I'M nee itniwrt. H.C. . . , I'hone 31 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED falling from Prmr Kupert. lor VANrotVEIt. VICTOR!. Bwanon Bay, Alsrt "TRY A NIP TONIGHT' Bay. etc Tuesday, a p.m. for VWroi VER. VICTORIA, llnledale. Alert IU, ele aliinU.r a.i. Inr PflUT SIMPSON. NAAS RIVEIt POINTS. AUCB ARM, AXYOX. STEWART. Wales Inland. Sunday. S p.m. I2J 'nil Avenue. " HMITII. Aent. Prince KuM-rt. H.t- Throuth tlrkets sold to Vlrtorla and Seattle at a reduced rale and barrage rherkrd Ihmcth to dellnllon. BESTPROCURABLE B0TTL10 a 6llliNnt0Y fir i'Wr,3J eacouct or cotuo tll'VLunowM wi "' c"'o. con.-o Th. Oritinal Ukl look (ot it at the Vendor G!iNTS "BEST I ROCURAiiU' btll nJ iniltt on Thi advertisement bt not published or displayed by the Liquor CQntrol Hoard or 5-y Uie l.ovemmp- r-?" ;1l C liamoia TOR SAIL? FTWS pack nva PENSIONS ACT WATER SUPPLY IS EXPLAINED IS DISCUSSED Parker Williams Speak at Meet'' Ing Called by Victoria Trades iinH tjihor Council VlA-OfUA. Nav 99 - Parker Williams, a tnrsnber of ttw Worsweus Oompetisw-Han Buard. which la charftd with the! carrying out of the werma of the Old At Pwitttitt Aft, explained the work las o the nun r at a moriun Hied by ts TraeV and Labor CouaeR., Mr WlfmM.' at .i mm Wme. toe-V no respomlMrttj far the act. He said, that the OomprHUltoa Board bad had nothing t do vtth the making of the rules usder wMek the act operated. Re (u not In a poalttoa. he aaM. to defend the aet. Thla had been made by the Dominion Parliament. He. aa member of the board, waa authorized onljr to admlnlater the law. Mr. William tt'.d that he had no quarrel with anyone In the matter. There were feature of tfce sot that he to not air h. He did not feel like defending k therefore. Me recalled the Watery of the I emulation About the year 1024 It had been put up to the aupreaaa court, and ttie Miellaw wt reaaked then Ut the matter waa one tor the prorlndJ goe-eramenta to deal wttk. It had finally bten deetded that Uve federal govern ntent would enact laglataUoa on the principle of TUty per cent of the new aaty fuud belac provided by the Dominion and fifty per cent by the pro vlndal authorltlaa. I.IMI1ATIOXN XTA1III Under the lagtabtttaci eoacted. It wtta atreed that thaxe who' Were of the w?e 31 aeventy yaara and otharwtee qualified ! should ccene under ttee pwrtalona of the act. provided they bd not over 125 income a year. If they had more than thla lum there waa a reduction made proportional from the 120 a month other- wine payable. . The peraon in Brttlah Oolumbut who j qualified muat alao hate been realdent lr the Datninta) for twenty-one yean, land in the pnrrtnee for five yean. Mr WUllama went on to explain that there had been 2.7TO applieuiU WM had made a reaueat to be benefftted. and of these 1.400 bad ao far bren aDowel In thla province there waa a claim representing aome 600.000 or 1700.000 of which the Dominion paid one-half of the amount. He aald he MX that the act waa a workable aa the Workmen' Compenaa tlon Act and the Mothers Pension Act He believed that the Commandment. "Itonos. thy father and thy mother, waa exemplified In the provMons of the act. Advertiae In The Datlf News REVISION OF MUNICIPAL VOTERS' LIST FOR 1928 TAfcE NOTICE that the Court of Re-i vision to correct and revise the above Voter ' List will sit on December 10. 1B27. at 3 p m . !ii thi Council Chamber. City Mall. The said Court will hear and determine any sfipuoniron vw i. uu. the name of any peraan wno nas omi Improperly placed on said list, or to! rise on aald list the name of any per son Improperly omitted therefrom. t.i i r o 283 . city uienc. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" NOTICE Ol' Arri.lCATlOX tOR BEER Ul'KMi: KOTICB 18 HEREBY" GIVEN that, on the 3rd day of December next, the undersigned Intends to ppl to trie Liquor voniroi oosra tor utcm i. respect of premises being part of the building known as Seal Cove Hotel, situate af the City of Prince Rupert. In the Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described aa all that portion of Waterfront Block "I." Bay of Irtnce Rupert. City of Prince Rupert. Provlncs of British Columbia. Map M3, Prtnre Rupert Land Registration District, and being more particularly described aa '"Commenting at a point which Ilea In a atralght iine of bearing north 69deg.. 28' 8" East a distance of 76750 feet from . nir rir rircle a abewtt on said Pln e3. Section 7, thence .Jotl 6de.. I'as5 4S" East a dlahce-of street to a Mntnt T Mrt f HiirLIl DJUCK. m-t attlsunce cf 100 feet to a point, thence narth def 35' 21" West a distance ol CO feet to a point, thence Bouth Mdcif, 33" Vst a distance ot 100 feet to Uie point of commenrement i iL. Ik. ..i u! beer bv tbe Elass or bs I the open bottle for consumption on tbe i pln?TED this 4th day of Nevember, iB2I I II. A. DODD. i288 Applicant NOTICE In THE MATTER bf an application for the issue of a Provisional Certificate Ol Tine iot me cmv . v ww Oaulsr District, said to contain 320 Satisfactory pruoJ ot the toss bf th Certincate bf Title covering tbe above land having been produced to me. It ii me Intention to Issue, alter the ex niratioh of one month from the first rmbtleatlon hereof, a Provisional Certl tlcate of Title to the above lnnd. In the name of Madeline min ium, me.orig inal Certificate of Title Is dated the 30th September. 1(13, and is numbered 4470 t. Land Registry Office. Prince ftupert, I7th October. 1927. , H. P. MacLEOD. vi Belstrar of Titles IN PRORATE IX TIIK Sl I'REME rtll'RT OK ItRITISII In t'OLl .MI5I A the Matter ot the "Administration Art": nd In the Matter ot the Estate Of Jamea Darius Wells. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of H Honor. P. McB. Young, the 31st day of October. A.D. 1927. I was appointed Ad ministratrix of the estate of Jame Darlua Wells, deceased, and all parties havlnr claims against the aald estate are herebv reauired to furnish same, properly Verified, to me on or before the . 8th day of December. AD. 1927, and' t! Deflate llecoa-e Slightly Healed II ."sol Arnmrmiou When Hallway Application Cmv KldrrH) IlfiLAVE!) TO M:XT YEAIt Statement Made Thai .Many Other I'lace Need Ken ire Mart; Than Sixth Street After a draetnsKMt BKv at ooa or two Junctures became rather heated and In the course of wh4ch U. A. Burbank. district engineer for the Canadian Nation! Railway, presented the oaae of the railway company, the city council last night, ou motion of Aid. Brown, seconded by Aid. W. J. Greer, tabled indefinitely or until next year, the application of the CNJt. for a new water connection at tbe cottier of Plrat Avenue and Wayne Place to replace the present one at the comer ol Seaond Avenue and BUth Street. Mr. Burbank announced to Uie coun cil that the, railway company had the Idea In view of ereatuslly subdividing Waterfront Block "E." It had not been subdivided yet. however, nor had any plan being decided upon, although reveral had been prepared, aa the ap proval of the city would first have to be obtained. Nevertheleca, the company was being forced to make a declslod following the selling to Col. McUordle t a site upon which the erection of theatre waa planned. Making of the subdivision would involve the creation of new streets and the ex we nton of others. Tbe company was already en gaged in the putting in ot a new ten foot cinder path to take the place of the present board walk which would have to be removed aa noon aa turning of sod tor the new theatre commenced. The old stave pipeline which had served the railway yards and buildings tor tereral years and had now outlived Its usefulness would have to be taken up and It waa plifined to replace It lth a new main which would run atongtlde the new walk. For thla new main, the railway company waa desirous that the city should give a new con nection at tbe corner of First Avenue and Warne Place. While the work would cost tbe city about 1500. the railway company would be expending lour or fire times that amount. Tbe aUasy company would like Immediate action to be taken so that It might . proceed with Ita part of the work. j CIIAXfU: IN ASSESSMENT? City Solicitor E. P. iones Inquired ft the new subdivision would Involve i any change of assessment. It was matter that would require careful con-lderatlon. He aurgested that the application tor the tew water connection be disassociated Irani that tor approval of the aubdlslvlon. While Mr. Burbank toilM give ho In- forantUn upon the matter as to the ffect of the subdivision upon the assessment, he was content to withdraw for the time being the matter of the subdivision. Alt the company lw- mediately desired waa the new water connection ao that It might broeeed With the putting In Of Its new main. Aid. Stephens was Inclined to the view that, if for the convenience solely ot the railway company the water con nection waa to be moved, the railway company should pay the additional cost t the move. Tbe city already had a connection to serve the railway pro perty. The paying out by the city ot I5O0 for the sole convenience ot the railway company seemed to him as be ing a bit unfair to ether cltlnena. Aid. Perry pointed but that It was permanent work that wai now cohtem plated by the railway compahy. Its eld line had given out and waa prac tically uselesa. He felt that It wet Up to the e,lty to give the connection to the railway company Jaat aa .lt would do fortari other tltleen, ; :: r Aid. .Stepnww Ut plied ,tnar in wa view, tie city had; as rauifr jtflht as the railway company to say where the connection vould go. It waa no ton tern bt tbe city 1! the railway company's line was In a state of disrepair. By making the move, the eity would profit rw more. Nor Would it well any more water. The railway company, he felt, should either come to the city of take water from the connection tht cltf bad already given It. Had not the railway compafly Jald the tlty to make a connection some years agd at the corner of Fliet Avenue and Eighth Street? ntv xr.vt:n p.ur Aid. Perry denied that the railway company had ever paid the city tot ahy mam laid on the city street. This, however, was a different matter and lie believed, that the city should not heel tate. Tbe present line, he stated, wa in suth bad condition that enough pressure could not be put upon it to force watef to the upper floor wf the icneral office bUildlfig ot the railway If water was not obtainable on tbe bob floors of the 05 ce building. It was the fault t the piping Ui tbe building ahr - than jet-tbe line icpJiieOj Aid. Brown. "I Km no kW o be put Mr with such arguments." replied Aid. Parry. He In slsted that the main waa out Ot order ahd It was for this rewnn that tbe prts cure couM not be put no. Aid. Tinker tAigreeted that, with the new subdivision, thr might be new building on Sixth (Street which Woalw be supplied by the rewuosted aaain. Aid. Perry atsb spoke ekhc the line ot polb new aubscrlbera to wch a mam. all parties woeDiea 10 me miw , -,,,-hank sueeested that. If the reauired to , wdebtdne-w pay ine amount 01 iwtir - -- . ' '. 'railway company 'were forced to put In RAH JANE LaCROIX .rwn connection on EU'Jh Wa7t d "'M 9t dtr 0t M0Tmbtr AD Street, It might havt t claim oa uy NO CLAIMS nilATCYt:i: Tbe railway company would have no claim whatever on lines on the city itrtet asserted Aid. Stephens. Aid. Brown felt that there Would be no new customers until the subdivision bad been effected. Till then, he felt, th wa. tlhie ra move the water main. He beUeved that the matter could very well rest Until next year'a council and! he. accordingly, moved that It be tabled' Indefinitely. There were other mains in tbe city that were in equally bad shape. la seconding Aid. Brown's motion. Aid. W. J. Orter referred to one place on Seventh Avenue where It had been necessary to repair a main three times n tlx months. There were miles ot city pipe in Just at bad condition. The hospital and King Edward School re-tlHlred additional tire protection but ouch wots: had had to be put off on account ot lack of funds. Aid. Perry asserted that the money waa not all gone, niere were ampie funds to do tbe work. "Then why, it there is so much money, has nothing been cone in. regard to the schcrrie formulated In 1924 toTglVethe PrUict SuperJ Deneral IK pltal adequate sJet4nfprttece tlonT asked Aid. Brown "i wouia say that that Is much tnore Important than this." Nothing had been done, explained Aid. Perry, because the city engineer had. gone into the matter and had reported that there waa ample water at the hospital. And. I will repeat that there la not.'' insisted Aid. Brown. The motion tabling the manor Until next year wat then put to me vote. Only. Aid. Perry voted against it. Aid. Tinker did not signify his Vote. Aid. ELEVEN BOILS ON HER ARM AT ONE TIME ilrs. 8. Petnh, Fitber Home, Alta., writes: "1 was troubled with boils aad La4 elevea of them on my arm at nt time. "I tried all kiads of medieitie, but got no relief, "I took trto Vttlcs of and have ntver been troubled since." B.B.B, UnUhs boils and all other Mood disorders manufactured only by Tin T Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, OaA. ? 1 V If i 'V; cA Word to the Wise When an old smoker gives a young fellow advice on the subject of pipe tobacco you can be pretty sure that Old Chum will be recom-mended. Old Chum is a tobacco that tvearc well! Men who have smoked it day in and day out, year after year-all agree that it retains its sweet, cool flavour no matter how much of it you smoke. Try Old Chum today! Save the valuable "Poker Hands" packed in every package and tin. The large 25c. package contains two "Poker Hands7 laterals to buildings from such a main. UNDER NEW .MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Room, merican and European Plan. Clement.icorltfetsof , H, B, Rochester, I foreman, a "XCrrhnrtriarfyH Atkins, W. J. Barrle. H. B. Belknap, John Bulger, J. C. Gavlgan. C. T. Hew-ard, R. O. Jennings, T. H. Johnson, J. W. Potter and Douglas Sutherland. W. S. Ruffner hat arrived in the city from Pennsylvania to take the position 3t United States Vice-consul here. J. C. Knight of this city has received the sad news of the death at Bruce Mines. Out. of his father who was mayor ot that town. APPLICATION MADE TO CUT CITY TREES ALONG NEW HIGHWAY An application from Ex-Aid. George B. Casey, accompanied by a check for tlO, for the privilege of cutting down some 14 to 20 pead trees along the city's portion of the Kalen Island 'Highway waa received at last night's council meeting and referred to' the Board ol Works with power to act. The communication from Mr. Casey stated that be trees In question added nothing to '.he scenic splendors of the road and. in fact, with tops rotten and liable to tall bS at any time, might bcome dangerous. Aid. Perry moved that permission be ranted, subject -to the supervision of the city engineer, this being modified to refer the ' matter to the Board of Works at the suggestion of u-her members ot the council who felt ha' there ahoald first be a check-up of the trees that thould bo Telled and' (hose that thould hot. - t Hot and Cold Water. Bus meeU M (tains and boats. Sample Room Phone 51. L. Martin, Manager.' Brown. Aid. Greer and Aid. Linzey be ing emphatically In favor of laying tbe matter over. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert NOVEMUKR taUt-j. ' Tbe Grand Jury at the fall session i I , ! Pfl waa the Supreme Court Aas&es, which w opened tilt, morning by Mr. Justice! Wood DRY BIRCH, CEDAR AND JACK PINE Single Load $3.50 Double Load 30.50, Large Sack j.. 50? 0 BUNDLES DRY KIND-LING, $1.00 . . . Phone!. 580 HydeTransier AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue "BUILD B.C." Fresh Packed Milk gff JVP0RT Put up almost at the very door of Vancouver, Pacific Milk comes fresh, packed to your table. The long haul is avoided. - Another point is the short distance between the plants and the p6int of milking. These advantages are among the factors Nvhtch give Pacific Milk its exceptional quality. , PACIFIC MILK t llead Office, Vancouver FM-tnrlet f Ladner and Abhotsford. "BUILD B.C."