SUBSCRIITTON RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month . . By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United POLITICAL SOUR GRAPES. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. $1.00 States, in advance, per year ; $6.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch per insertion ...... $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion per line 25c Classified Advertising, per insertion per word 2c Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 15c Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 98 86 Carrying a big load ? SHREDDED WHEAT will lighten it by insuring easy-digestion and bodily strength-crisp shreds of baked wholewheat writes: 'For some tiro I was nearly IHU IIATTI.K CKI ISKK REXOWX j crw with bbils all over mj body. I MIOWs WHITE K(E OP YOKK AS tried everything r could think of to IT NKAIts .tl'sTKALIA get rid of theui, friit to no avail, for as soon as one was K-aVd up another LONDON. Feb. 5. iBy Canadian would appear lo " " V'" Press i. sheathed tn silver, with an electrical White Rose of York on Its foremast. Hit Majesty's Ship Renown is breasting the bUIows of the vast Pacific on Its course for the Antipodes. This modern Argosy bears King George's second son the Duke of York and his Duchess to Australia and New Zealand. His Royal Highness bears the commission to open the Australian parllamenv for its first session at the new Federal capital of Canberra. When the velvet night of the southern seas fays and the Renown nears any one of the countless isles of the Pacific natives may watch the delicately-traced outlines of the big battle cruiser gliding by. lights gleaming on its silvered surface, and glowing above the captain's bridge the dazzling York rose whose petals. 21 feet from Up to tip. are lu-mlnious with electric lights. The Renown, which will not reteh ' New Zealand until February 33, aud ! Australia until March 29. .is sUver and j white from bow to stem from water-' line to wireless aerial. The great naval guns point sliver muzzles fore and aft. ' On the centre table, while the Royal Party dines, stands a silver sloop riding ; upon silver waves, with mother of pear! j sails. A great sUver shield, gift of thet Commonwealth of Australia, hangs In not be able to attend the Imperial Conference, the good old Tories ora tne ii yeUow eurtaiw held up their hands in holy horror and started a campaign of nJJE waving. If he had not gone, Mackenie King would no doubt have prince, but the Duchess1 taes in in-been a traitor to King and country as the Tories have been pleased tenor decoration can be gauged from as one of the most beautiful cities of the world. FANCY DRESS PARTY HELD LAST EVENING Pretty Ktrnt Tmik I'lacr In I.O.Il.K. liyll Prize Awarded I A private fancy dress dance was held In the I.O.DE. Hsll Friday night. 60 persons being - present. The hall was (tastefully decorated by Mrs. W. Horrobln, Mrs. A. J. Squire, Mrs. M. Lamb, Mrs. Woods and W. Howarth. - The orchestra comprised Mr. R. Miss I. Woods, A. Woods, Bussanleh Bros.. Bruce Wilson and Norman Wilson. Prize winners, were Most Original Dress--Mrs. R. Wilson, Kitchen Shower. Prettiest Dreas Miss L. Gain, Queen of Hurts. Comical W, Donald, Old Man. Most Original Eyolofson Bros., Arab aniens. - W. Horrlbln was M.C. I was adviW t take .ft T A nwl two bottles tt boils bad all difr peered and I have- j not been troubled with them sine. Put up only by The T. Milburn M., limited, Toronto, Oat. AUTO RATES FOR INTERIOR ItROl'fiHT IP AT IIOAKII OP TltAKK MIXTINd LAST XHillT AX" KE-IEKKEO TO COMMITTEE The questton of freight rates on autos All advertising should he In The Dairy Xewa OffiVo hofrirp ? nm JP,ace f nonor oa tne a 'between Prince Rupert and points up on day preceding publication. AH advertising, received subject of Uw bu"" b," the lhlp ? " "JZZJ to atmroval. 1 I ' .. .... .... MMI'I.ICITV MITII1N before the board of trade meeting laa: But with all magnificence without. I night by 8- E- Parker and the matter there la general almpllclty within, a . fas referred to the freight ratei com- ' Simplicity in keeping with the quiet good . mltlee. Mr. Parker apoke of the rate Saturday, Feb. 5 ' 1907 itaite of t's Royal voyagera. Furnishings to Terrace at one In which ettizena tht dining room are In plain but; should be interested since the derlop- i gleaming mahogany. An electric piano 'ment of the tourist traffic was affected land combined wireless set and gramo- j The rate' had been raised from 20 to j phone presented by the Prince of;32 from Prince Rupert to Terrace waies proviae enienaimneni. leuowiwoisn lie cvnsiaerea w w ma Tien therewas a suggestion that the premier of Canada might shaded lamps and colored glass flowers Icharge. Rates between VaneouTer or Puget Saund polnu to San FrancUoo were based on exeess baggage rate while the rate to Vancouver from Prince Ru pert wai $41.50. Tourists who wlshtd to visit till etty had no Mcouragement to rlnl. r.u '"e " of the lounge with lu ere-1 bring their autos. i ,!,;.,.. v, ot v,., u v, s v.,t, ...u, u.... ,,ok ...-u c uaw, luc tonne.covere(, cnal ,nd couches. In PrnMcnt W. O. Pulton considered the Tories, who waved the flag and saw the imperial Conference india- the design of which flaming parakeets subject of interest to the city as it vu pensible. choose to say it was no Kood and productive of no train ""lroplc flowers are the prevailing1 eipected that the road to Terraoe would f Pnn.fln t V. Tlnmtninn Cf U 1 lnan V ff r r" gnir i nmi.n . i- . 1 ..... moiu: ana in ine gay Tones 01 we , oe iinwnra in a tew years. -v v.w...... .k, .v ,uken cushions, contrasting pleasantly a fine conference if it had been a Conservative Premier who had with white walls and dark mahogany. gone or if the, Liberal Premier had not attended. What an example of political sour grapes, of Tory destructive tactics! RECORD FOR RUPERT AS GRAIN PORT. Their Royal Highnesses will visit vari- ous parts of both Islands of New Zea P-i,. P., v. f Arriving ai oyaney. Australia, on Marcn having the matter taken up as It was Imperative to have better rates than 1. D. O. Stewart supported the Idea of existed at the present time. land, by the Renown and on ahore. After some further discussion the sub- latter arriving at Auckland on February i lect was left with the freight rates j 22. their first stop since the FIJI i committee to deai wr.b i Islands which they reach February 17. i wnicn win exceea mat or aneouver when Alberta Avheat was first in New south wales, Brisbane. Queens-started to Europe by way of the Pacific coast, says the Prince ',,nd- TMman,- Melhourne, Victoria. ii'tit ,L ti i i l i . Adelaide and South Australia, before re- vicuijsc iviiiicii. mine me i.uicri elevator is a small one, ine rail 1 ; curnlnz to Uelbourne on Uav 6. for the facilities of the Canadian National are so ample that there is no ceremony of transference of the Federal difficult In keeping the elevator filled. Up to Monday 3,400 cars CapUil t0 cm- hlch wl - l . u j , . ... . augurated on May 0. Three days later of wheat had passed through Prince George on their way to the they leave Melbourne for Western Au-coat, and loaded car, are strung along the line all the way from traita. sailing for home on May 23, re-Rupert to the Alberta line. More than four million bushels have turaln Mauritius nd the Suez Canal, already passed Prince George this season, and the movement will Tliey,HaTe P "turh to Port. continue throughout the winter.. so that the five-million-bushel mark .nerdepamn'" set by ancouver in its first wheat shipping year will be greatly i camikkiu -wk.uu exceeded by the northern port. In the wheat covered by the last! The whole circumstances of the Duke release to the Rupert elevator there are half a million bushels yet and Duchess' visit to Australia have a to be moved, and as soon as this is taken care of other releases will touch of romance, to which the tale follow. Friday was the greatest day in the history of the Prince!0' Canberra is not the least contribu-Rupert port, there being four vessels in the harbor, loading or'"on- As the seat of the Australian Par-waiting for their chance to load. The announcement that fifteen "ament- Canberr ot course- million bushels would be handled out of Prince Rupert from tk ' " . i. , , , .. ... of Commonwealth official life, a posl- 1926 crop was laughed to scorn when it was made, but it would oc-;tlon ,kln m many VmJt to that of casion no surprise at present Jf this estimate is not reached before 'Washington in the United states. There me last oi ine is-o crop nas ueen siarieu on its way. were considerable difficulties to be j overcome before It was chosen a a site MARIE IIAS ONLY Sydney, Melbourne, and other cities HERSELF TO BLAME. The Toronto Globe in an editorial on Queen Marie of Roumania dnd her sudden dlst.nntp fnr America aavs- "n.m.n forlo nf T?n,i. would gladly have secured the honor, but there was the condition that tlie iseat of government must be In Com- 1.. l. A.,..t,i . ' j. ul .Jnonwealth territory In New South Jce.n.K l(a,ua ine peupie oi tne unueu W4je4 notl th4n hundred miles btates and everything American as a consequence of her tour on this irorn Sydney. hemisphere last year. She begins to feel that she was subjected to j The choice of Canberra is said to be a species of dignity by the American public, and the more she re- ideal. An area of twelve aquare miles fleets the surer she becomes that she was not accorded that cour-'n d" allocated for the city, in Fed-tesy which the consort of a monarch might reasonably expect fromier41 "otj covering nearly a thousand . democratic people. In New York the crowds hailed her rather !iCluare m,,M- m pastoral country, familiarly as "Marie" and there was a disposition, perhaps, to re- wUh be ?TDi!l,,la',Ita?g gard her more as a sort of movie star thn a visitor enveloped in the!, tJlTSZTZ awesome robes of Royalty. hM tx laid out with the utmost care; But for this she had largely herself to thank. If she was not ; and architects, townpianning experts, treated with deference It was because she had comported herself land landscape artists alike have all been without due dignity. She cheapened herself by the "loudspeaker"! fortunate in having what may be de-publicity with which she announced her coming a publicity which icrlDe1 M VMt re ot vlrln Un1 ln accompanied her throughout her tour. Queen Marie lacks reserve ;rhlch t0 aevel0P tnelr hemes, o and lack of rpserv U fatal tn OiipphIv nretpnalnna " that Canberra may come to be regarded MASONIC BALL LAST EVENING TWO III MlltFU I'KKMINX ATTIAHKK KXJOV.tlll.K EKXT IX IOOK . II AM. Congenial atmosphere, good mus;v pretty decorations ln colors ol the crai'v and fine refreshments all contrived to make the annuel ball of Tslmpsean and Tyee Lodges A.F. ii AM. held last night In the Moose Hall an affair of mueli success and enjoyment. There were 200 persons In attendance and the dance was kept up with enthusiasm between the hour of 9 and 2J0. Music waa by an orchestra consisting of Mrs. R. P. Ponder. J. Underwood. Dave Eastman. R. Greenfield, and J. Currle and a well arranged program was discoursed. Robert Blanc was master of ceremonies and D. Watson presided at the door. ' The committee In-charge of the event consisted of W D. Vanee. Dr. L. W. Ker-gln. n, E. Benson, James Simpson. It. Blauce and C. C. Mills, assisted, gener-ally by members of the craft. VALHALLA WHIST DRIVE LAST NIGHT Large Crowd Attended SurreHoful Affair In Mrtropote II ill. A very successful benefit whist drive and dance, under the auspices of the Valhalla Society, wa held last evening In the Metropole Hall when ISO per-sons were present to take part In the evening's enjoyment after which refreshments were served and dancing, was indulged in until a late hour. The music was furnished by the Westholme orchestra. Winners at cards were Miss Gladys Halberg. who carried off the ladles' first prize; Mrs. K. Halberg who took ladles second prize, while the third prize went to Mrs. O. A. Johnson. Oentlemen's first prize went to George Fritz, second prize to C. E. Johnson and third prize to Ole Baggan. The committee In charge of arrangements and responsible for ah excellent .fT Aj Ec!d.Hold;nSaw$ fast Eo$tj-Cuttin3 S .SiMONDS SAWS V CiMTMiUed because made sf front our own steel O S4MMOtatAOtCO LVD. MONTtAk "-x VAMCOUVI. iT.JOMH.H... 1 j iff but 2 ry a program was composed of Mrs. O. A. Johnson. Mrs. Oeo Frit. Mrs. Nels Pederson. Mrs. J. Ivarson. and Mrs. K. ; lUUberg. Nets Pederson was on the door and Alderman Oscar Larson acted at floor manager for the evening. Modern bad men count victims by notches on their fenders. I.ANI) ACT NOTICE Of INTENTION- TO APPLY TO' lk.w: t oiir.MtoKi: In Oraham bland. 3ueen Charlotte Island Land Recording District of Prince Kupert. and situate at Ferguson Bsj. Maasett Inlet. Oraham Island. TAKE NOTICE that Powell River Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C.. jceupatlon Manufacturers, Intend to apply tor a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a pest plsnted at the northeast corner of DL. 1571: thence westerly, following northern boundary of said Lot to the northwest corner of said Lot: thence westerly, northerly and easterly, following the high tide mark ot Ferguson Bay to the extreme easterly point of Echinus Point, thence southeasterly to the point of commencement, nd containing 150 acres, more or less. POWELL RIVER COMPANY. LTD. Agent. J. Douglas Wilson. Dated 4th November. IMS LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO I.EtK LANO. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Vetto Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that John Dybhavn. of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation manager, it ends to apply for a lease ot the lot-.owing described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the oiitl aide of Neeto Inlet, about one .nlle from its head: thence south S chains: thence west 18 chains: thence north 8 chains to shore: thence east 14 chains, more or less, following the shore line to point of commencement, and containing 7 acres, mere or less. JOILN DYBHAVN, Applicant. ! Dated xovemner Ti. ina. IN PKOIIATE. IN THE St THEME COlItT Of ItRITlHIl (Ol.l.MIIIl - In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of William , T. Mitchell. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His! iionor. Jl. e. A. itooertson, ine min aay of December. AD. Wit, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Wli-Llam T. Mitchell, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the una oay oi January, a.u. ivji. ana an parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount ot their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Admlnlstrstor. Prince Ruuert. B.C. IN PHOHATK.t In the Matter of the" AdmlnUt ration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate ot Vagn E. Theisen, Deceased: Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of the District Registrar of the Supreme Court tt British Columbia, the 18th day ot January. 1027. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Vagn E. Theisen. deceased, and all parlies having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 10tl day of February. A.D. 1337, and all parties Indebted to the estate aro required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me farthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. BO. Dated the 20th day of January. 1827. IN PKOBATK IN THE HrpilEMECOCKT OF IIKITISII (OMMIIIA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate ot Alberta Daniels. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that bv order of His Honor, Judge Robertson, the 15th day of i December. A.D. 1030, I was appointed I Administrator of the estate of Alberta , Daniels, deceased, and all parties I -hereby having clalma against the said estate are i required to furnish same, pro-j perly verified to me on or before the 16th day of January. AX). 1937. and all i parties indebted to the estate are re j 'i . ymj me iiiuuiib ui meir indebtedness to me forthwith. i NORMAN A. WATT. ' Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 18th day of December, AD 1921 NOTICE. AH accounts due the Pioneer Laundry up to and including December 31, 1930 are payable to the above firms. AH liabilities owing to the above firms are assumed and payable by the new organisation known as Prince Rupert Laun- (Blgn-d) PIUNCE RUPERT LAUNDniEQ LTD. rtaturaa; l-AUE TWO ua: MUW RHEUMATIC X XV V CAPSULES Don't mrrender to Pain, Pain is Nature's warrant that something serious Is wrong tn your body. Therefore you should not resign yourself to u fTering. tut should endeavor to find a means of correcting any poison or other destructive agent, which is both causing your pain, and breaking down or harming your bodily structure. In Templeton'i Rheumatic Capsules, or rA'euralgia Headache KHEUIV3ATISM Xcuntts Lumbago r Sciatica T-R-C's, you have a remedy that win not only bring you safe, speedy relief from your suffering, but one that will also enable your body to throw out the poisonous substances thit causes the pain. Prove it for yourself to-day get a 50c or $1 box of T-R-C's.from your druggist, or send )0c for booklet and generous trial to Templetons Torontc 2. T44 The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEX - - Managing Editor. DUKE OF YORK'S TRIP ROMANTIC Was Nearly Crazy With Boils All Over His Body Mr. R. 1 IWV.. BsmrosJeld, Nfl, RRITISH CQLUMBI A The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO THE END OF DECEMBER, 1825. Ha produred Minerals ns follows: IMaccr fiuM. 7 i .OO.t.0 1 r. : Lo,. (;,,,, S(, 51) Silver, S:i,tll,3U7; Lead, $SU.218,U07: Uop',Mir. U7,'l.2.V7: nn. , : Mirrllaiieoiis Mineral. U.uM.:7: Conl ....! l.okn. $V.l,1l WK,:; ; JUilhl e s, Brick. Cement, etc, ff1.005.RKn; mnkirig iNlnini-al J'rmlfiction l tii i s!iow an .!.. Aggregate Value of $920,919,628 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1925, $61,492,242 The .Mining Laws of this Province are morn liberal nml Hie rn'H ilioe or any other Province in tlie Dominion, or any colony in Ilic Ilriii,h ;j e Mineral locations are granted to discovert-i for noiiiiiial fee. Absolute Title ore ohtninH by developing- swh propertlM, Ihe se.-tiiw Yx-h. i giiaranlced liy Crown firanK I'ull information, together with Mining Itnpnrlft Tnd Mftp, nmv m f,;j . gralio by nddrossing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. N.U. Practically nil DritUh Colunibift .Miiirnil ProfxrliM upon , mcnt work luii been done are described in whiu' siV of llm Annual l ..... MinUter of Minos. Those considering mining inveidmonl xhonld r. ir port. They nre available without rharge 0:1 applirntinii to the l)iparlm Vicloria. Il.tL. Heports covering each of th ix Mtoeral Survey DinlrirU ... a epfirnlrly, ami nre nvaiinoie on application. iieiMirn 01 uif ucoiogirrn ir ula. Winch Building, Vancouver, are re "run led us v.ilnnltlr sour. . tion IN NERVOUS DISORDERS--' r T! M I 1 Kj liVl TlO l In caws of nervous dUortlcrx ft i but Ior, " fort should be directed to ecur" a proper o or :, ntrvou yatem. If you know of the ncienrc ' you will unhisltatinjrly add that Chiropractic b. - l rvault. For the science of Chiropractic deal dlrecth :. l,i vou. yntera. The Chiropractor know- that mo due to preiwure upon nene by spinal bones. nn& i;: ibis pressure by Chiropractic spinal adjuatmem WEALTH FOLLOWS! . '.ifvGAaicccwca$ j Fi3sucm snrtAL HtiiVCSlltOtSCAStSOF Iftl rOLLOWiitSC SOAKS: . Htl9 rvts IAXS ARMS UtAST . PANC0EAS I'Atoirr.M KIONtrS B0WO3 AiPCKmx. BLADDER The lovir nerve UNOERTHE HA0HIFY' INO CLASS IS PINCMCD 8YAr5sLICEDJOlrTT. PINCHED htRVES CANNOT TRANSMIT HEALTHFUL IMPULSES. CMIROPRAC' TICADJUSTIN0 RE MOVES 1 HE PRESSURE. THE UPPCR fitRVE IS rREEASMTUKtlKTtKOS. In the ease of net adjustments jro di source of the trou)n rare case of this tyr? cannot be benefit 1 menta. A ease In point "After 'the sudd. " i husband, I found m vous wreck. For two not slept more than 'v. hours out of ea h The loss of sleep r indiifestion and rr. ills. I could not dines affairs with rr without 'jroinjr t" -could net attend " fT I was desperate w;c friend sujfKestoo f After the first ad u " 14 hours without a., took'about forty ud leforc I finished I v. woman, sleeplrjr ail r anything I wanted u. to my business affair 1 least obstacle.- Mr ' Daker. Chiroprn-1 Bureau, Statement N Your appointme can bo made by tclcuh D. A. McMillan Palmer (Irndunle CIIIHOI'UACTOH Knomx G nnJ 7 I'xchnnje Hlock. Patho-Xeuromcter Service Open Evenings Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Making every record do Its best. This new Urunswick quickly won the hearts of music lovers everywhere. The case, too, is beautiful beyond the usual. Como In and say I want to hear the new --- - -asj sssssssssassssssssssssssssssssssssssssBj . saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam.asn I'honf t?l fMOMOOSArMI AN aiC0S J. LORNE MacLAREN, Hi Third Avenue, Corner Fifth Street I UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED Xullliiis frum prince Hopert. 1U Turw7' for VANCOIlVKIt. VICTOKIA. SHansim iliiy iul Alert ny, tic f or VANCOUVKIt, VICTOHIA, Alert llav and Swsns.m llay, tc " for POUT SIMPSOV, AMVOX. ALICE AUJI, MTKWAKT ( annprles, Humlay, 8 L p.m. , . Hlin,rt. ' V 3n.l Avenue, M. SMITH. Stent. i "