tere. s s * & a = s i * * & ae * & * ‘a & a e ie w a” a Ss Ss s | zg te w e a = ol a e 2 * & a w & 8 My Old Man And Me! aun nw w Tt AA v\ Tore € ’ t ¥ t t r Ww t ¢ ey ‘ \ present A M t ir SR RR EUREKA RSE, Wallace's Dept. Store BRE RANERUARARRERRSAS ERR REE MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. Prince Rupert, B.¢ 12 - 18 - 24 Months to Pay OWNER’S SPECIAL— 1851 PONTIAC 2-Door DeLuxe Sedan — One driver 11,000 miles, GM Auto radio, brand new 1950 CHEVROLET 4-Door DeLuxe Sedan—Black Fully equipped with air conditioner, GM Auto radio, etc. with white wall tires. tires, heater and defroster. Owner must sell. _ Down payment only $725 194 CHES OLET 4-DOOR SEDAN ft , Dow | y t $550.00 1949 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN—He Dow t $550.00 1949 CHEVROLET 1-DOOR SEDAN-—Hea y $550 Only 14,000 miles, onc owner. This is a ‘really clean car: Down poyment $617 1947 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN -! Pais Bl radi $445 ] ) DA $225 Down Come in or Phone 871 at any time a TO MONDAY . Departs Prince Rup WEDNESDAY - PRINCE RUPERT KETCHIKAN SATURDAY ert 2:30 p.m. Arrives Ketchikan 3:15 p.m. ROUND TRIP ELLIS AIRLINES Phone 476 $27.00 Phis is l-The exclusive dual sives more heat drep of oil t quipped with »topper and Automat Fully We ‘ ymoplete Priced at n Oil Heater Value! shamber from every Money co-ordinated controls, Oil Heaters for 1 t -Saving Waste ic Draft Minder, of Duo-Therm 0 6 rooms $88.00, PHONE 46 Skid Road’ Business Helps Youth 16 Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, November: 25, 1952 | | | Unions May AFL Names Successor HERE And NOW ‘Seek Full Labor Group | WASHINGTON