neuiay January 19, 1027 ie Registered itometrist must pass a aearchintf examination before being pcrmit- to practice In IlritUh Columbia, lie doenn't merely it classes." We have experience and nnwledire tfnined by years of udy and practice and we Hiarnntee you Hat?faction when your eyes bother you. JOHNJJULr.ER rjLVELLtlp HP v. .HIE STOWE WITH THE CLOCK nny segment of the Spine 1 ll)3li 3) reUfl i ' 0L,k .l. rJ in ihr nerve " uard those things you treasure most your family -its health and happiness. fou know the necessity oi good warm coal fire to keen that home healthy and Iho family fit. We know too. Ihnt'fi why we give you the best coal that'll mined. NANAI.MO WELLINGTON ? and Mcl.EOI) fllVKlt SOOTI.ESS Libert & McCaflery Phone Ufi nnd 117 Closing : Out SALE NOW IN SWING Many Unreins In COATS I Criirorraetorf Jw. Tuft, v d. a. McMillan Palmer Graduate CHIIcOI'KACTOK ll'athoA'curomrter Service. Open Evening loom f & 7, Kxchnncr Illoek Phone 091 f0p Ft Your home' a castle which DRESSES HATS J. BENT I-adle' llcady-to-Wenr, IThlrd Ave. Phone f51 ;eorge rorie M'liAHTKitnn account.' ANT AND AUDITOK Phone SKI 11 Mrcmul Atrnue West, Prlnee Rupert PAPER GIVES HEALTH HINTS HIU KASTKUN PI III.H'ATION 'TKI.M it imviawh a now to ki;i:p MEM. AT THIS TIMK OI" YEAR The following communication jjlra pi seed In the pay envelope of each employe of a large Eastern newspaper neoently at the direction of the pub llsber, Last year about thli time there were, at pcrlodi. two and three persons off in each department on account of cotda and attending complication!. This not only earned discomfort, suf feeing and expense to those lndtvldu ally affected, but lowered the em elency of The Journal aa an orgtnla Hon. and threw a great burden on those who remained in the depart menu In keeping' up the work during the absence of those suffering Illness, I know that all this can be prevented thla year by Jut a mile care and pre caution on the part of each of us Individuals and at no expense. tVIMXttV OPEN Sleep with a window at leaat part way open. Vm"t keep your living quarters too warm CS to 70 degree! i enough. If your occupation li confining, why, walk a part way to or from work and Weelhe deeply. Drink plenty of water glaaa an hour. Drink two or three flaws of water right out of the tap on getting up and then take some bending and standing up exerciaes. Keep your bowels open! FU member: Elimination ii aa lrn Till: IJANKHUITCV ACT. in Tin:' i:tati: OI' JOHN' UltltlXH UlVKltN Aathurlfml Alfnr. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN that. John Charles Oavlgan. ox the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia formerly carrying on business aa Rupert Table Supply Company and Universal Trading Company, did. on the tv.h day of January. 1977. make an authorized assignment of all his property for the benefit of his creditors, and that 11 P. MacLeod. Esq.. Official Re ceiver, has aaoointed me to be custodian or ma ntaie 01 me oroior uniu i first meetlnc of creditors. Notice Is further given that the first meeting at creditors In the above estate will be held at the office of the Ofllclal He-elver. Caurt House. City of Prince Rupert aforesaid, on ike 24th day of January. IVH. t eleven o'clock In the forenoon. To entitle you to vn thereat proof of your claim must be lodged with me before tee meeunc la neid. Proxies to be used at the meeting must be lodted with me prior thereto. Aur further take notice that if you nave any claim against the debtor for which you are entitled to rank, proof uf such oUlm must be filed with me or with the trustee when appointed otherwise the proceeds of the debtor's estate will be distributed among the panics entitled thereto without regard to your eiaim. DATED at Prince Rupert. DC. thla :oth day of January. 1927. JOHN L. CHRISTIE. Custodian. THK IJANKItUPTCV ACT. IN THK l:TATK til' Hf.MlV KOflCHT. Aulllnrlrtl tulrnnr. ! NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that. , Henry Roberta, of the town of Port 'Clcmenu. in the Province of British Col umbia did on the 4th day of January. ' 1937 make an authorised assignment of all his property for the benefit of his trredltcrs and that II. r. MacLeod, Esq., ' official receiver, has appointed me to , be cut'odlan of the estate of the debtor : until :be first meetlnc of creditors. ) Notice is further given that the first ; meeting of creditors in trie above etlats I will b held at the oil Ice of the Otflclal I Heeeiver Court Houe, City of Prince Rupert afcreald. on the 31st dsy oi January. 1937. at eleven o'clock In the ' forenoon. To entitle you to rote thereat proof of your claim must be icdged with me i before the meeting is held. Proxies to be used at the meeting must oe lougeo witn me prior tnrreto. ! And further take notice that at such .meeting the creditors wUI elect the per Imanent trustee. i Aur further take notice that if you ihave any claim against the debtor for i which yon are entitled to rank, proof oi surn ci&un must oe iuea witn me or with the trustee when appointed; otherwise the proceeds of the debtor's itnate sill be distributed among, the ' parties entitled thereto without regard to : your clslm. '. DATED st Prince Rupert, DC. this tout Oil Of January, isvr. ALEX. CONNON, Custodian. .MINERAL ACT i i:imi icTi: or impkovi:mf.nth. 1 nothi: Juanlta, Anyox. Oranby. Alamo, Rodeo. Pinto. Wsnn Fractional no. a. anu Mont : Fractional Mineral Claims, situate In the Atlln Mining Division of Caaalar Dia 'trlct. Where located: On Wann River. 1 Taku Arm of Taglsh Lake. TAKE NOTICE that I. Charles V, Dob. free Miner's Certificate No. 89768, Intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certificate of Improvemtnta. for the pur pose of obtaining a Crown Oram of the above claim. And further take notice that action, under section 88, must be commented before the Issue of such Certificate of Improvements. Dated this 1st dsy ot Janusry, A.D. 1037. It. McN. FRABER. Asent. NAVICAni.K WATERS I'KOTEC T10N ACT ' it.s.c, chapter lis Fdward Llpsett, Limited, of the City ot Vsncouver. hereby gives notice that h ; has under section 7 01 me saiu a oe posited with the Minister of Public; 'Works at Ottawa and In the office of the District Reclstrst of the Land Registry District of Prlnre Rupert, a descrlp Itlon of the site and the plans of wharf I proposed to be built in the llerbor of I Prince Rupert In front of Lot 2, Block la Section 1. Map 923. And Take Notice that after the expiration of one month from the dule of 1 tin ursi publication 01 mis nuuee, w ward Upwtt umltrd will, under Seo 1 tlon 7 of the ssld Act, apply to the Minister or public works at nis on ice In the City of Ottawa for approvsl of the ssld site and plans and for leave to construct the said wharf. Dated nt Vancouver this Iltlt day of Dscsuibir, 1934. TtTZ DAILT NZFS page Frva For Writer Vitality SHREDDED WHEAT gives that extra energy for long, cold, busy days portant as nutrition. tiiloi.i: WIIKAT lilt t: A It Est whole wheat bread. Balance meat and other concentrated foods with rough Vegetables. Eat plenty of raw vegetables and fruits apples and onions if you like them. The bowels should move at least three times a day get rid of the waste of one meal right after the other. Remember that fruit Slid vegetables are better thtr pills. A dose of castor oil will often save a bed-ridden Illness and frequently ani jon the Yukon, left over a month ago with a Seattte crew for Colon to brlig tht new ahlp ftesttle, and It U expected to arrive here January 28. The Aleutian will aall on her maiden voyage under her new name June 4, for Seward and way porta. operation. omtATOit rowirMCATi:i If you get a cold, don't go In crowds.! WITH TWO STATION In iteep on me nungry siae oi your; AiMK 11.1! sppetlte. KITdir.N AVI) MNIMI ROOM Your appetite Is the kitchen of the human rrt .m lh. tinnr Intestine Is domestic and cannery purposes upon the 40 acres of land described as uruurvey ctf land, for which purchase la applied about IS chain southwesterly from the mouth of the stream. Ttiis notice was posted on the ground on the 29th day of November, 1928. A copy of this notice and an application , pursuant therto and to the "Water Act." will be filed in the office of the, Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C. Objections to the Application may be tiled with the aald Water Recorder or the north shore of the South Tasoo Harbor, Moresby Island Charlotte Islands, Province of Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of NEW RECORD IN AMATEUR RADIO WINNIPEO. Jsn. 19. Whit is considered to be a new. record for long distance radio communication between the dining room and the lower lntes- j amateurs was established last week tine Is the garbage bucket. I when R. J. McLean of Winnipeg, who You know what happens at home if; is a radio operator on a Canadian Na- the garbage bucket is not emptied. When people are sick they cannot think they can only feel, and most of this feeling consists In getting angry. ALEUTIAN IS NAME OF NEW BOAT FOR ALASKA SERVICE tlonal train, held conversstlons With two amateur atatlona in Australia, 7BQ and 2MH. Mr. McLean whose call is 4 FZ opera tea a 74 watt transmitter series Coipltt circuit with a wave length of 39 metres, be first picked up 2 MH at about three-a jo. January 12 and talked with the Australian station for about an hour, during which time be ac cepted a message for delivery to a party in Montebello. Alabama. At SEATTLE. Jan. 19 - The new freight ,hout 530 aJn. Mr. McLean waa sue and passenger liner Panama recently j cestXuJ ,n connecting up with station purchased by the Alaska Steam-Alp Co- 7 jjq aIul WM communication with for the Alaska run will be MchrUtened , for COIUitl.rhje time. Station 1 the 'Aleutian upon her arrival ln!BQ ctmt mlth muc volunH, Seattle. Janusry 28. lhe pou, .taUoo. The Aleutian U a sister ship of the! Yukon, formerly the Colon, and Is ofj p. sairv Pi in AP 5.600 gross tons. 8hc will be completely ! tA AilU uALL Ur refitted and reconditioned and will be HAUr rffVWP DU put on the westward run to Alaska, vial ilUlTlE LuUtuilU DI Southeastern Alaska. The Aleutian will give the Alaska Steamship Co. a service of three Urge palatial ships for the westward run a tea and sale of home cooking is namely: Alaska. Yukon, and the Aleu-. being held this afternoon in the Church tian. The Northwestern, which waa re- social parlors by tht Ladles' Aid of tht ' cently remodeled to the extent of over.jint Presbyterian Churco 1200.000, and the Alameda will, be placed pouring at the tea rovm, which la un-. on the Southeastern Alaska run. aer the general convenorshlp of Mrs. Oapt. Charlta A. Glasscock, formerly ; jmts Simpson, are Mrs Pred Stork and " W " WlUOn MUrT,T WlUl W1TPII A I r.H .MJIILT. VOTll'P jc A Eggert. Mrs. R J. Smith. Mrs. Dan IIVi:rmon.! Jabour. Mrs. Robert Davie. Miss M. Wat- TAKE NOTICE that James Field. hf son and Miss Durrsn assisting, address is 213 2nd Ave.. Prince Rupert.' Ur, . r,i.n. ,rut Un Urnnhm. Un J u chr",le nd Mra. McRobble I B.C.. will apply for a licence to lake and ua I cubic foot per second of water are in charge of the home cooking table out of unnamea creex. wrticn nows Wtn Mrs. Dur,n th Wterncon the w! Moresby Island. Q C.I.. about one mU. , guests, irom the heud of the Inlet on the north sre re being being received received by by Mra. Mrs. D. D. O. O. 8fev shore. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 1 WO feet from the mouth and will be used for with the Comptroller of Water Rishts, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C.. : 1 s-Tiiru v within thirtv dan after the first aD.' pears nee of thl notice In a local news. I :i IN aper. The date of the Jlrat publication DI U Dcrniber 30, 1928 trlct of Prince Itupei JAXIES FIEID. Applicant LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTF.NTION TO APPLY TO TO PI K'-HAH: LtNII In Prince Rupert Land Recording Div situate Prince Rupert. B.C., occupation Marine . were elected members CHURfeH LADIES JdcLeod acting as cashier tea of the Ladles' MukIc Club under the direction of Mrs a. A. Bryant. ANNUAL MEETING OF CHURCH HELD rOMlltl.OATlOV tiATIIKK- mi:tkoioi.i: iiaij. kit NI)HT I1MI III MXS) AND pi.r.AM m: The annual meeting of St. Paul's (English) Norwegian Church waa held last night In the Metrcpole Hall with Rev. T. D. Rlnde In the chair. Varloua reports submitted indicated . a healthy Arm of Bro'th 01 the congregation both numerl Queen eally and financially. Oeneral mattera British pertaining to the church were discussed and C. a. R. Anderson and I. Feneas of the council Broker, intends to apply for permission whlch iready eonsuta of John Ivarson. to purchase the following described . ,,, , , . , . lands: 1 P. W. Hart, Thor Johnson and John Commencing at a post' planted on the Dybhavn. , north shore ot South Arm of Tnsoa Har a v...., . Ibor. Moresby Ind, Queen Charlotte! - - Islsnds, In the Irovlnce of British Col rt,K":r J "e nirmurm 01 me uuincr umbla, about S chains from the end ot League and the older girls of the Sunday VS&Sl 1 westerly; thence it) chains southwester. ! music numbers. Among those taking lyi thence 10 chains loutheasterly, and, part In the program were Miss Kath containing twenty (20) acres, more orj,ten Bu,ger mlg, K(.T T JAMES FIELD, D. Rlnde. J. Johnson and I, Feneas In Applicant, individual numbers. Two playlets pre IN l'KORATG IN THE Rl PUEMrTrol RT OP BRITISH sT'sfal l'IIH s In th Matter of the Administration Act; and In the-Mstter of the Estste of Alberta Daftlels. Deceased. Intestate. . TAKE NOTICE that by order ot His I i Honor, Judge Robertson, the 15th dsy ot December, A.D. 1926, I was . appointed 1 Administrator ot the estate ot Alberta uamcis, occnura, anu an parties having elalms against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, pro periy verified to me on or before the 10th day of January, A.D. 1927, and all parties Indebted to the estate are re u I red to pay the amount ot their In 3 ebtedness to me forthwith, NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 10th day ot December. AD. 1028. iuvru, 111 rubiicr iuic uincv, tua "An Exciting Time." under the direc s?" .Ti a 1. v The Well-Managed Home THE manager of a household is the purchas- ing agent for a larje proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of . the family income. Information is the onty basis for intelligent . purchr sing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and in- . ventions to make your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that are useful. Every manager of a household- every member of the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welfareshould make a habit of reading the ads. , Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely LAND ACT j NOTirn or intention to apply to to i kam: lino n,ch I In Prince RuDert Land Recording Dis ' Bfewart, ; trlct of Prince Rupert, and situate on president of the Ladles' Aid, will be en-.J?e J0"1 hor ot Crecent Inlet.; I Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands.. i,. tertalned x ,,,.. v. ,K. v with selections by the orcbes ln the Province of British Columbia? and being about one and a half miles from the head of the Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, ot Prince Rupert. B.C., occupation Marine Broker, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the north shore of Crescent Inlet, about one and a halt miles from the head of the Inlet; thence northwesterly 20 chains: thence southwesterly 20 chains: thence southeasterly 20 chares: . thence north easterly 20 chains, and-containing forty (40) acres, more or lees. JAMES FIELD. Applicant. Dated November 37., 1926. LAND ACT. NOTin: or intention to apply to LE.HE LAND In Oona River Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, 8C and aituate on sn Island In Oona River approximately opposite Block One and Two of Lot 3199, R. 5, Coast District (mostly tide flat surrounding small Island). TAKE NOTICE that John Bergman, ot Oona River, BC. occupation fisherman, lntenda to spplv for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted 300 feet north ot northwest .corner post of Lot 2199; thence 1.000 feet southeast: thence 200 feet westerly; thence 1,000 feet northwest; thence 100 feet to post plsnted, and containing ten acres, more or less. JOHN BERGMAN. Applicant. Dated October SO. 193(1. tlon of Miss Agnes Ivarson, were much enjoyed. JUDGE YOUNG NOT RETURNING UNTIL MIDDLE FEBRUARY According to word received at the Court House, Judge F. McB. Younsr, who is In the south on sick leave, will not be returning to the city untu about the middle of next month, In the meantime. Judge Robertson ot Prince George will arrive here at the first ot the week to deal with a number ot caMs, scheduled to come up on Monday next In Couuty Court. It was stated this morning at the court registry that no application had yet been made In the matter oi a recount between Aid. Elect P. II. Lin rey and Jsmsa Black from the recent muiUeipal slectloa. Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Making every record do its best. This new Brunswick quickly woi, the hearts of music lovers everywhere. The case, too, is beautiful beyond ihj 'ustjajt; CQrrtej'n, fc a"nd say T want to Hear the new J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Third Avenue. Corner Fifth Street Ir rr a mr ro..v;cr" GRANT'S Best Procurable fl3sfc (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Bestial im) fi !y VdliMi Ct a Sm Um.tU CJnllck .U MmwCMMI Ovtibnm. Ms. im4Quii., SJa. Tlii ndvertisement Is not published or ilisplayd by tha Liquor Control Hoard or by the flovpnime'iit of Urilish Columbia , , I If SI. f if?sssBBaaasssaasMastaaaiUl