Foi Trot p- :mber 10, 1027 Victor Polly Just as fascinating as "Sola," Zez Confrey aud Ills Orchestra : My Blue sr sr Vocal Together, We Two Gtii Austin i Trot Paul Whlceman anil llli Orchestra Golden Slippers Od Time Southern Songllig hit t Duet with violin, banjo, Vernon Dalhirt and foliar and harmonica Carton Kobtsen TrrfB LI E !.1 yfic Pioneer DruofLsls 26777 Heaven 20M1 2M.8 2QM1 Fox Trot Johnny Johnson and His 21016 Statlcr l'ennsylvanians On a Dew, Dew, Dewy Day Foi Trot Nat Shllkret and The Victor Or :hestra 20419 Duet with guitar Jim Miller-Charlie Farrell 29) Alto the latest lied Seal record by (amoui Victor artists Victor Talking ff V Machine Co. igV t of Canada, Umlted The Gife The Gifts Appreciated by Men ii ur!n U s ; thinirft that are in ue every day. A Travel-Iiit.n Brush Set in such a gift. It will delight the i idious and thr .mety we have is wide enough to meet (luirement. Travelling Sets in Leather Cwen Beautiful outfits eontainintf v toilet need, in Ebony and Natural Ebony Finish ,,.)rn $5.00 to $15.00 lealher Cased Military Set -Hair Brushes, ( loth Brusheu, l! Biu.jIi ai.d Comli, in Ebony. Natural Ebony and Tor-'.i-'p SIipI! Finish I'mm $-.-" to $15.00 iris THIRD AVE V SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES 8?t-20O PRIZE WINNERS IN OUR DRAWING. FOR FAMILY LAUNDKY SERVICE l t Prize VI months Soft Finish Service, won by ticket No. 21!, Mrs. Alfred Johnson, 267 Seventh Ave. W. -ml Prize -12 months Thiif-T-Service, won by ticksUNo. 678. Mrs. Harold McKwen. Fourth Avenue W. d I'rize -12 months Vt Wash Service, won by ticket No. 220, Mrs. E. B. Baker. 1011 Third, Avenue W. VV congratulate the lucky winners of these prises and in- Mu m to take full advantage of these services by sending ' licit- washing, end enjoying all the luxury of an abundance if an clothing, without washday worries. Canadian Laundry Phone 8. I'hune 525. and Dry Cleaners Dr. MAGUf RE Dentist Over Ormc's Drug Store Office Hours 9 to 9 Box 392 Lady Assistant Church Notices I XT. AMtltBtr rATIIl.DltAI. Rector. ArchOcxxm Q. A. Rt Morning service at 11 o'clock. Even ing ax 740. Sacrament of the Lord Supper wfll he administered on the first. Minna atf the month at II am nm ""f snenth at a ajn. mm tsjffx 2 jo. (iittivriAN m-iknce society Srrvloa every Sunday morning la Um Hays Stock. 44 seceaa Avenue Sub let on Sttntfey. "God. tk Pmentf o( u '' Teatajboanf meeting on Wednes day evetung To'cleek. mkt i'mtiji Bev. a. vruaao. aVA alias 1. mmnei III ucii Pea tor. Mcrntng tanUp at 11 o'eloek. Bub- )ect "Tkt sUlel Man aad Um Spirit titan." asUMsat School at SJ0. Svenwa aenrloe at TM. Subject: "Where Do Ton Uvet" 'Monday at 7 JO, Young llITUT ( III UCII. Minister. Hw. W. F. Price MeenlnayntSaUp at 11 o'clock. Young people'i talk and eermon Sunday Banool at M0. Kvenlng tervioe con- (HHted by lrrtJ. M. Prtti prttaii. Jl rHBt lipasfT fnlblllHI. .W TaHgnaa Paetea. MonaMf at 'v pm, um Plrealde Club, Htra7 aadHWuJctl profram M- lMd by octal boar In chart of Um n. Young aaan wd women apeclally Invrtad. ST. I'.tl L'(, MTTIICUAV (III Kill. Bev. Join H. Hanson, pastor Boaidenee: Claop Bsfg.. Phone Red 381. Sunday. 11 am. Holy Communion terrlce In tbe Swart nn Lutheran Church la Seaadkaartaw languago. Sunday school at It noan at the Hall. 7 JO ,pjn mrsfu preaching at the halL You ar aoedlally welcome. IIHMiVTtiltl AN Clll'ltCII. Rev. J. R. PriaoM. B.A . LLJB. tbe -Manas. Phone 4C3 worship at 11 o'eloek. Sub- Jaet; "I must asy Oood-bye." Sunday at 13.1S. The Lord's Supper at the ewes ot Service. This will be tbe last Ml MSI snd the last before pretesting ow annual report. Oome. Brantng senior at 7 JO pm Pulpit tschange. Scv. W, P. Price will preach. You will enjoy tat In The Letter Box THE DAILY NEWS PACE JHIIEE a- j Local and Personal HQ Ucuirrisaers. Ffcoos l Dentist. Or. J. R. Ojsss. Pbone CM. SriBdlaaetan Daere n Mott oyale llaB tonight. ji ,Ta,7akCM)tUMhat in BC. 1W It ieMI be eonTUweel. tf ' Par quMk d aatMfMtorjr work brtasj Xmaa buUtclUg tXXUr Svore. tt For a aetaettaat of cboeolaiea aatf annHtm ewaeWea. deral Nwa- Oa. TMrd aaMI mtan. tt This la our tea weekly dance c Um tonight. Feut taeca ofeheatta. "Ttng rraaa t to J3-Bk. Wobmo of Mamehetrt Uglen. Ueei Ing on Thuiaaaf. rJetctaaber It. BeetbMI of otaeeri. All meeMber reqtMated to attend. Preahytcrlan Ladles' AM tea aad Mie of hoiM-cookUM at Ur. Patanora'a home. Borden Street, en Tueaday, Deo- tenber is from I to t Among those iiBfllsg novels to the funeral of she tote Mas. John A. Murray on Thursday were tfcf NaUve sons of .Canada. Fttate Rupert Assembly. Hyde Transfer now stents tor Al- Alberta SooUess SBd Peeiblaa Peerleu, These coals are u&der aoeer. dent bu) water, buy coal. $13 a ton can you beat ltr U Olve photos this Xaass There Is still time to bare tfeem -taken for Um eastern mall. SttUHftsmade In the even' lnga and Sundays .by appointment. Benson Studio. Mark ante by tad ,B. c. W. Lilly of Ocean Palls, attef narffig apent three . or four days vlsttlag to tbe city, returned to the paper tows aav the Princess Beatrice this merBtRg. , Capt. Uouel H.'Licideay. examiner of masters and tnatea, who has been visitor in Um eity for several cMya oa official duties. retrsx4 by Um Cardeoa this morning to VatMouver. Union steamer rjatdena. dept. A. Johnstone, arrived In pert at 8 attoak last night from Vancouver and way points and sailed at S o'eloek thie morning on her return south. ti i i ii t With a cargo consisting of three Oar 11TY MANAdKK All OC'ATfcK 1 loads of froaen flea for transshipment Bast over tbe Canadian National Rail Betunglwm. J. E Editor. Dallv Ma. MotOlshlp Dept. Awrson. rll this at 830 The writer would like to see Prince morning Rupert adapt the uy Manseee plaii of ,rom ls',t,mltn iiniismali I hit ail lAiiimf Ta liT ill Induatrtal CotaSkilasLriar and the man- Lorln "n- n Of Prince who n" revisiting here seer to be allowed, an aaaUUnt mana- wltn " ul U,f PrlnM on on aer. qualified to aWVame Um duties of .... .afflncn. aeatnoe this morning lor Vancouver Th. .i.rn, i k- , ?uroute to hu home in St. Andrew's, Nw Brunswick. no one bot the manager -who would have the appointing of bis assistant . , thT Then were only three mar m.n, .. ,k. w tcien asy to Conduct the buslnm. of fer ' .J4?' a olty successfully With our neighbors to the south, about IS cities discarded tbe old way to adopt the newer plan and one never hears of them changing back to Um old system. A city Is a big business, the citizens are the stockholders. Therefore tt should be managed as a big business, with one responsible head. Take the . ease of a flour mill for Prince Rupert or some other industry suitable tor tbe place. He could look aver thr mttls In Vancouver, and else- where, obtain data, regard to cost. etc. His nexf step might be to me bow much of the cost would be taken up by Prlnee Rupert people ' arid after that get in touch with outsiders interested In the Mime lines In a big way. BRUOS BROWN. I City. ; Advertise tn th fSHv Nws Moose Christmas Tree. December 18. Holding Saws "fc. Fast Eastf-Cutting Gtxai an ti-d because made jfrxAiTi our own steel SI MONDft CAN. OA SAV CO LTD. WONT MUL ment Rifle Association on the Market Place miniature range last nrgllt. - W Brass made a score of 93: B. Wilson. 91 and H. Wilson, 89. W. D. McLaren, designer and builder of tbe eteemer Oitala who has been in Um north representing the owners, the Union Steamship Co.. in connection with tbe aalvage ot the vessel from Mist Island near Port Simpson, sailed by Um Oardeaa this morning on his re turn to Vancouver. Rev. John H. Hansen, pastor of St Paul's Lutheran Church, returned to Um city on the Cardeoa last night from Bella .Coola where he held services last Sunday. Mr. Hansen accompanied to Bella Coola Mrs. Ostensen who came from Helgoland. Norway, to Join her husband, who la a fisherman. TV"". I The lowest thermometer reading re- otheri-on subject rf industries forour durng nJght t tjM, Djgby ! Island meteorological station was 21 I above aero which was registered about , 4 o'clock this morning. With the baro- tT44tTTTt e 'meter descending rapidly and the wind Mowing lightly from tcie weat. more DON'T nt'Clhi;. anow started falling this naornlng. - Don't decide 'about your Showing a decrease from last year. Christmas cake. Scotch Currant there are about 3200 names on the Bun. Shortbread and Plum Pud- 4- municipal voters' list for the election dings unUl seeing ours. Our next month. The court of revision on snnual show will commence 4 tbe list, consisting of Aid. M. M. Tuesday. December 6. Electric Stephens. Aid. O. P. Tlnket, Aid. P. H. Bakery. Third Avenue. Phone Llnaey. AW. W. J. Oreer. Aid. W. M 87. Brown and Aid. R. F. Perry, sat this 286 afternoon at 2 o'clock, lit duties being 4- - merely of a formal nature. We have Just received another lovely ANNOUNCEMENTS iut fur eo1 consUflln of muskrat foeeO4'eOtO0'S eallakln. French seal. Hudson seal. Per Play by United December 15. Church aiajn Lamb and Orey Krlmmer Lamb. Ladles. These are all in the latest styles, and from now until Christmas we are mak ing a special offer of one third off the selling price. Do not miss this oppor- " tttnlty of getting a lovely coat at a Canadian Legion Xma Tree Dec. 23. rtn.on.ble price. -W Ooldbloom.Second Avenue. mm tf Rl tfto of .tbe CaitadlintPacfac 6tatmMPBaaVeM.,'Mary, Jnas!ee"n lar- raPSPjis a Special Cbrlatmas&i!Tfng and will leave Prince Rupert on the afternoon of December 21., arriving In Vancouver on December In time for passengers to make connections with steamers for Vancouver Island ports. Seattle and other destinations in the vicinity. Passengers desiring to travel vis Canadian Pacific should make early reservations for there will be a heavy 1;m of holiday seeker- from Alaska and the Yiikiin Plioni n or call at City '!.. .. ... I ASU. sa p.i ti'. The Kkg ( Qubt bow tmUtt with Far qakUy ut'utj 43, And 5 sore "poker tindj" mii ht Will crioj a pack of tardt to roe. O. W. Klrkeodall. manaeer of the Booth Fisheries, and two sons sailed this morning on tbe Princess Beatrice tor Seetue where they will spend Um Christmas and New Year holiday period. Mrs. Klrkendsll and other members of the famUy are already In ScatUe. Canadian Legion Xmas. Tree on Pri day. Dec. 23 at 320 pjn. for Um chUd-ren (up to 13 yeara of age) of all ex-fenrice men. Please send names and age to P.O. Box 628 or phone 5S3. Ice cream and soft drinks for the young sters and tea and cakes will be provided for the ladles. SPECIAL (SSTMAS SAILING FOR SOUTH lu order to accommodate those desiring to go south for Christmas. Canadian National Steamships announce that the ss. "Prince Rupert" will sail southbound Thursday. December 22. at 10.00 p.m. Instead or on tbe regular schedule Friday morning. This boat will arrive Vancouver 9.00 ajn. Saturday, December 24, making connections with boats and trains for Victoria and Seattle. In order to perform this service, this iteamer will sail for Anyox and Stewart U 4.00 pjn. Wednesday. December 21. nsteed ot tbe usual sailing hour of 10.00 pm., returning from the North, arriving here 7.00 pjn. Thursday, December 22. Accommodation on southbound sailing Is fart being taken up. and It is suggested those going South, .make reservations early at City Ticket Office. Third Avenue. Phone 260. 298 Advertise In Tlx" Catlv News LAND ACT. notiit; or intkntiox to apply TO LKAMK LANIi In Prince Rupert Lsnd Recording Dls-rlct and situate on the southwest corner of an unnamed bay on the south bsuk of Port chanal. Oraham Island. Queen Charlotte Islands, in tbe Province ot British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Arthur Robertson. of Massett. B.C.. occupation a lumber man, intends to apply tor a lease of 'he lollowlng described lands: Commencing st a post planted about one chain westerly from tbe mouth ot an unnamed creek flowing into an unnamed bar on the south bank of Port Chanal. Orahsm Island. Queen Charlotte Island. Province of British Columbia: thence 4 chains southerly: thence 10 chains easterly: thence 4 chains northerly to the shoreline: thence following tne shoreline to point of commencement, and containing S acres, more or less. (Slguedl A. ROBERTSON, Applicant. Dated October 8. 1927. LAND ACT notici; or intkntion t apply to i.kam: kxmi In the Queen Charlotte Islands. Orahsm Island Land Recording District of IMnn. t, , i . all..,,. KH w .. aide of Rennell Harbor at tbe Head of I Remvell Sound. Queen Charlotte Islands. Province of British Columbia. i TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Fishing & Packing Company Limited of ' Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Salmon Can- j ners. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted ou the I east snore oi a creek cauea Twin River: thence 4 chains west: thence twenty-one chains north: thence 4 chains east: thence following contour of rbore line to place of commencement, snd containing 8, acres, more or less B.C FISHINO &. PACKING CO LTD. Ap;illc in M. M Enli-! Aeut tire N Skating daily. 3 to 4 and 8 to 10. tf Oct the Big 4 babul Wbto thloiipg f a Taxi, phone 4 'tt Elka dame tonight over Rupert Table Suapty. Four pteos oreheatra. Admla-st-wi &0c. Dancing from 0 to 11. Owtng to the I set that there was not . very large turnout, the meeting of St. Andrews Society, called tor last night, was postponed uatll next Friday. A. P. Michael of Dorreen left en this mornings tram for New York where on December 20 he will embark aboard Um North Oerman ' Lloyd liner Stuttgart for i visit in Bremen. Oermany. MILD VIRGINIA HUM Save the "P0K2R HANDS" Xfmii are pa:.:cQ wxwi TURRET Cigarettes tsatu DEMAND "Rupert Brand" uppers TUB DAINTIEST UHEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & M Storage Co-, U& Prince Hupert. aC. Canadian National Steamships Co. L'miled Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating (J.T.I. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Knuineers, Machinists, Boilermakers. Blacksmiths, Patternmakers. Founders. Woodworkers. Etc. ELECTUIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant la equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 P. an ad Ian National Tiic Largeft TKailivay Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PIIIXCE ItHPEUT for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate points, each FRIDAY, 9 00 ajn. For STEWART and ANYOX. each WEDNESDAY, 10.00 pjn.1 For NORTH and SOI TH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT Each MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 1130 ajn. for PRINCE OEOHOE. EDMONTON'. WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canada, United States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES, tee Canadian National Express for Money Orders, foreign Cbeuoea etc. also for your next shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 318 TIIIKD AVE.. PRINCE RUPERT. Pbone Z ((canadian Vacific siiwiy CanadiaB,2Padfi;jt:aHway v B. G? Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert T ber'l7k3l' Wr"1el1, Junu " Skagaay November 12. 20; Decern To Yanrouver. Vlrtorla and Seattle Notember 2, 16. 30: December m 21 and January 4. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale. East Bella Bella. Oeean Falls. Nam p. Alert Bay Campbell River, and Vaneuoter esery II ajn Agency for all steamship Lines. foil Information from-. W. C. OKCIIARII, General Agent. Corner of 4th Slreet and 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. B.C. Pbone 31