Save Money Boston Grill sK1pat way to buy the . I to subscribe by the r r t: 1 T lt d"'rel daily i.3d!- Of course you y ae for a shorter period. :n 08 and have lt de- XVII No 2fl. Leader of Opposition and Session Likely Notable OTTAWA, Dec 10. -Parliament open ' " ta January 26. Prmin : K.:.r announced today. " ; :iirhlng session will be the at B. Dc ' i Sixteenth Parliament ant i :or many '.ii'.nga. Hon. R. he recently -ir?ted lead vative pan j will appear as opposition and new rule, II of Commons will be ap- a imed that the St. La wren Co navigation project aa wall a r .i: immigration problem will ibjtct ol some major debatas. " :pected that the Government he six vacancies in the Senate ie opening WILL ENFORCE MARKETING ACT Minister of Agriculture Says (rowers Want it and its Scope Will be Extended VANCOUVER. Dec 10. The B.C. H ki'uns Control Act will be extended' iui k.nda of production In the Inter-t i if the producers and conaumer :c. if hi hopea are realised, aald tulnlater of agrlcultura. Jlan. E. D. B. : w at the luncheon of the Seed P ' ' Orowera' Association C;. .witlon to the act, Mr. Barrow aald, f- mure from the ahlppera than the v. r. The great bulk of the grow- re in favor of the act and want It ;ed and extended. He "aid. "Pro-utrol of murkctlng farm pro-a much m the interest of the i:,icr as the producer " HOLUDAY WON FROM GILL ON A FOUL IN FLYWEIGHT BOXING VANCOUVER. Dec. 10 Harvey HolU-cv. wa awarded last night fight with Ml. key GUI when the latter fouled him ; ' - -ixth round. They are flyweight. NOTICE TO FISHING INDUSTRY 'H r 'ff'i" To enable all Interested the salmon fisheries to state their views on any phase 'hereof a public hearing will be held in the Moose Hall at Prince Rupert at 7.30 p.m.. the Twelfth instant. T W. A. FOUKD. 290 Director of Fisheries. 4 STORAGE BATTERY FOR rjjiUmong ' in I'OWHH INSTALLATION GALE STILig which is ashore at Keewenanaw Point,, t ,he' total la alao in a precartoue position with a u VM 1W.67.074 board feet Th crew of 15 supposed VANCOUVER. Dec. 10 to be . aboard. Numeroua other vearela are overdue. The steamer Maritan. which went Mbore near Hare Inland outalde Port Arthur. U believed to be alandlng the pounding of the seas and wlU be released BcaU reaching bere are aheath-ed with ice a foot thick. 1EST CASE IN MARKET - CONTROL BEING MADE As the Industrial prosperity of a country la largely dependent upon the mount of mechanical power available 1U Its worker. Canada's high average of .IIS horse-power of hydraulic ln- tallttoa per 1.000 of population places I he, in if most advantageous imiww the countries of the worm. ItAMiK OF JACK PINK The Jack pine (Plnus Bankslanal has In Canada. It 1 very wide range found from Nova Scotia to the Rocky mountains and northward m tne vajiey of the MackenaJe river to Great Bear lake Its best development a a timber tree Is reached In northern Manitoba, Saxkatchewan and Alberta. Ad venue In The Daily New seal far Nrember of laa. year was about twelve and a half million feet. Pile and poles and Oea are up thla year over last. Following la the acale tor November: Dauftea fir , 068.082 Red Cedar 132649 Bproee 2,772328 Interior Sprat 399.184 Hem '...'...... 257719 Balaam 1.124.348 Cypress Jaet pAr Blroh Uminnnil nf .h roll Me Ktprrt Cottonwood ITmlixUI (iotrriinirnt tit Vaj ot of An luii I Pole (lln. ft) Kemlock pile (lln. ft. I Cedar pllaa (lln. ft.)... W. H. Ham- ! Cordaood (cord) .. bolta (cords) nond of Aahcroft. rebel potato grower. Shingle prcta the pre vine lal govamment to mcca iiea ly the expenses In connection with Pia tiT the cae In which be la challenging thefFence po.t (eordsi .. (cord) .. B C. Mart Control Act. should the case PulPood jo to court. Ilammcnd claUna that Oliver and Manson both laUmated to the Legislature, whan the Act was pasted, that the .government would have a test eae. Therefore he thought the government should bear the coat. In the meantime the shipment is pUeed In storage here oendlnf the outcome of the action. TRAINS INVENTED LONDON. Dec 10 -An electric stor age battery. la tea to oe pgwmui enough to drive an express train over a long distance on any existing track without a third rail, or overhead wires. Is being secretly tested In London, the Dallr Exnreas says. It Is the Invention of a Spanish Jesuit priest. Father Al meida of Salamanca, who Is backed rjy a e rot in nf twominent financier. The device can also be used on automobiles A company has been formed to develop the Invention. SUPPOSED TO HAVE DROWNED IN RIVER HUNTINGDON. Dec. 10. Ernest Porter, eighteen year of age. 1 believed to have been drowned In the Sumas River near Wbatoemb Road. He was last seen taking milk to a cooling atand In the river. The strong wind which was blowing at the time Is believed to have overbalance! htm. LABORER AT 2.817 81 789 270.272 17.908 S1.13 86 as 2372 3708 51 413 STEPHENS IS IN THE FIELD Third Candidate for Mayoralty is Announced Definitely Today ' Aid. M. M. Stephens, authorizing announcement of his candidature today. makes the third aspirant already In the field for the mayoralty at the municipal election next month. Those already announced are Ex-Aid. 8. M. McMordle and Aid. Joseph Orter. Coming here In 1908, Aid. Stephens can qualify as a real old timer of Prince Rupert, tie is a prominent local broker and insurance man and has served four year on the city councU, two of which he ha been chairman of the finance committee He has always been re garded as one of the strongest council lor and there Is no doubt he will make a hard fight for the laurels which Mayor 8 M. Newton la relinquishing. MINE PASSES Robert Swanwick Has Fainting Spell on 1'orchcr Island and Succumbs Soon After Robert Swanwick. laborer at the Poreher Island mine, fainted and died In the mine camp. The body was brought to the city and the provincial police took charge. An enquiry held this morning by Deputy Coroner J. R. B.C UNIVERSITY MAN IS RHODES SCHOLAR VANCOUVER. Dec 10 James Sin PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1927 GES WHEN "n YOf.Vi. F.VRMI RS from till over t iinadi gathered at the Witter Fair, Toronto, there was some keei judging done. This group is sizing up Hereford heifers in the new live stock palace at Exhibition Park. Minister of Lands Would Have 300,000 New Settlers of Right Kind Brought Into Canada Yearly V Pattullo, minister of landj, in his address on immigration to tpe! Women's Canadian Club this afternoon." The minister said that these could not all. be llritish but he strongly urged that British traditions be maintained and new citizens should be ready not only io live for Canada but also to die for her if need be. Mrs. G. A. Woodland, president of the club, introduced the speaker, expressing the pleasure ol tne - club at being able to have him address . them. At the close a vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. S. P. McMordle. seconded by Mrs. R. F. McNaughton and carried In the usual manner. The gathering opened with the singing of "O Canada" and closed with the Na lonal Anthem. The minuter said that the question of Immigration was an all important' one. and one In which the country , generally la evincing a very decided interest. Only a few year ago, public; sentiment generally, was opposed to a , vigorous policy of Immigration. "Today.: public sentiment Is In support of a j policy of Immigration, but I think it. may be said upon a selective basis. aald Mr. Pattullo. During the past two generations, both public policy and private endeavor have been baaed upon the assumption that Canada was going to expand industrially, and increase In population: and railroad construction (continued on page four) TEMPORARY PATCHING OF CATALA WILL BE DONE THIS EVENING It Is hoped that temporray patching of the steamer Catala will be completed at the dry dock tonight. It Is now planned that the vessel.' In tow of the Salvage King, shall leave tomorrow morning for Vancouver where permanent reconditioning will be carried out at the Burrs rd dry dock. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Tannock established that death had, Wheat been from natural causes. B.C. Silver . . Swanwick was about flfty-slx years: Big Missouri of ge and came from Vancouver only (coast1 Copper . .uv. ... vw nmmal HetAllit 1 rVirfc- tmvlfU) a i v s- v t'- - vv.n - .i. weer obtained by the ia'uirjcfaejsjr flr Gladstone il5 1 Ut.ri Ml - ---- ...iu.!....". hands of the B.C. Undertakers. Indian L. and L Lucky Jim Marmot Metals Premier Porter Id:iho Richmond Sllvercrest "lair of the science class of '28 of the I Bllversmlth Universitv Of B.C wits selected as 8unlorh Rid 1.60 .29 lSXW , or .06 034 .27 .06 23 31 .134 .05 .50 .50 AsSed 1.70 30 ,16X0 ..,U0!4 .07 Vs .07 .094 . 57V4 .10 230 38 .14 .06 BUYS MINE AT STEWART Hush Consolidated Taken Over Ily Whitney Interests That Hought Flin Flon VK'TOKIA, her. 10. The Whitney Interests, ho liate rrrrntly undertaken the development of the Hln Him property In .Manitoba, hate entered the llrltUli Columbia field by I lie purrlui- ol the lioliilnjt of the Itusli ConKilidntnl ml Sulnioii lllver. The .Mountain I toy claims on American Creek hate been taken oer by an opcratlne, rtiniiaii)'. which l acquiring ailjolnlng pro lrr(y with a l to cniirwtlidatlon. WHEATSHIPTO GOONDRYDOCK Steamer Ainderby to ro on Pon toons Monday for Repairs to l'ropellor Damaged En-route Here Having struck Borne, unascertained obstruction during her voyage from England to Prince Rupert, the grain ship Ainderby Is booked to go on the pontoons at the local dry dock on Monday afternoon for propeller repair. It t understood that damage Is not ser ious and. that the vessel will soon be SIR WILFRID'S HALF ! a.-ly put of the season, the halibut ' ::!. using frozen bait after the j sup,:!' of fresh Is exhausted. The meeting was presided over by Dvl: RlteMe. president of the Prince Rupert Halibut VesitI Owners' Association, ' with J. M. M, local ajent of the Deep Sea F.ahermen'a Union, acting i e i c:retary There was a good repre- i New Citizensi-ShouW le Given all rmileses hut-thoultr he Keany - atcOUTEr; "Tiiri. 1o:-a-Tfcere to Live or Die for Country of Adoption wa'ertftUrt' detjrtest r ;frct. i J last night in the Vancouver di- "I see no reason why three hundred thousand people a year fet with promfee of open air .1,.,M .,t I, l,M1,,fl,l in In rnnarlfl find gratterpd thrnuirhnut its, si ine r u. . i .. i i i.u i i. .iii.. i -i i ,iinwi,t iiAn t n M Ul cavilll auu iiuuiij 1l" uv., : j, H.2rP.. f frost FOUR MEN WRECKED WITH LOAD OF CLAMS OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL F.MJI.ISH l.E.MSI K IlilMon I. Arrenal 4, Keweatle United 1. Aitcn VUla 2. Everton 3. Burnley 0. Huddirsfkald Town 1. Bury 1. Tottenham Hotspurs 2. Derby County 6, Blackburn Ravers 0. Leicester City 3. Mlddlesboro 3. Llberpool 2, Birmingham 3. Portsmouth 0. The Wednesday 0. Sheffield United 2. Manchester 1. Sunderland 0. Cardiff City 2. Wsst Ham 2. Bolton Wanderers 0. IMiM..n II. Barnsley 9, Oldham Athletic 1. Fulhsm 2. Notts County 1. Hull C'ty 1. Bristol city 1. Leeds United 5. Chelsea 0. Manchester City 3. Westbromwtch 1. Notts Forest 4, Clapton Orient 3. Pert Vale 3. Reading 0. Prestan 2. Stoke City 0. South Shields 2. Blackpool 2. Swansea Town 2. Southampton 0. Wolverhampton 0. Grimsby Town 1. ' Scottish i.i:.(;i t: - lll-lon I. Alrdrieonlans 2, Hearts 0. Bouess 1. Fartlck Thistles 4. Clyde 3. Hamilton 1. Cowdenbeath 2. Aberdeen 2. Hibernians 3, Ralth Rovers 2. Kilmarnock 2. Dunfermline 1. MoTherwell 4. St. Mlrren 0. Queen's Park 0. Falkirk 1. Rangers 5. Dundee 1. St. Johnstone 3. Celtic 5. OF ANACORTES, WASH. ANACORTES. Wash., Dec 10 Four men are believed to have been drowned I near Anscortes last night when a skiff off so as to start loading a full cargo in which they were carrying 1500 at the elevator for the United Kingdom pounds of clams foundered In the or continent. j storm. The dead are Dick Suryart 2S, Tony Suryan 30. Tony Zoollch 30 and Tony Dragovlch St. BROTHER DIED TODAY; AMERICAN SHOT IN MANCHESTER. New Hampshire. Dec. 10. Charlemagne Laurler. 66 years of age. half brother of Sir Wilfrid Laurter. SHANGHAI YESTERDAY SHANGHAI. Dec. 10. Frederick R. died today. He had been a resident of Stuart, an American, who lived In the I Manchester for nine years In charge of far east for a quarter of a century, was 1 Lhfge Upstair Uininv Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. i'hone 457. Prii p rive n GREA T LAKES a MfiTurn nnnTr a arm rAMAi iiawr cmn ta fnrn a tadc Gale Sti Raging on Great Lakes and Boats Arriving Fort William Covered Ice Foot Thick Two vessels in danger breaking up but steamer Qp LOGS Maritan may be released from point nAiiniMn nrr near Port Arthur I l;T ARTHUR, Ont.. December 10. Every rescue agency is , cm i -hailed today to declare battle against the raging jjale . oiitinues to lash the Ureat Eakea and holds the fate of more Scale for November Less Than for Same .Month of I.ast Year but Poles and Ties up i-.-c score men shrouded in its fury. Mountainous wave and! Tfatre nt a decided dropping off :n temperature frustrated the efforts of the rescue crews to i the quantity o! lot cut m tht district a d : the uteamer Agawa wrecked on Manitoulin Island and to Noabr the f mount cut o.-received this morning sUted that the ship was breaking up.N9W making uul ,OT r...,iv,H nf ihu rru.- of 91 whioh u-fl. nUr.1 th. !' SO th end of November Ui 5UJ.B76. 'i ;ie steamer Altodoc PARLIAMENT TO OPEN JANUARY Bennett Will Take I'lace a Halibut Boat Owners Decide to Provide Own Bait During Season With Seining Outfits For the purpose of in future ensuring a steady supply and price of fresh herring bait during the early portion of the fishing season, there was a joint meeting in the City Hall last night of halibut boat owners and fishermen and seineboat operators. The meeting succeeded in an agreement whereby two seinboat outfits, which will be decided upon later, will supply bait at something less than $15 per ton while herring seining is on and for $25 a ton after seining . is over and the live fish have been impounded. Thus it is hoped to avoid uncertainty of supply and price which has in past seasons prevailed. The seining outfits will guarantee to provide the bait sub- ; y-a. ul ciurce. to the herring being - : I available This will take care of the SECOND ROUND ENGLISH CUP SOCCER GAMES e:itat!uu of fishermen. Speakers In-1 eluded Charlie Wallace. R. Gammon and : LONDON. Dec. 10. The second round 0 Skcg. representing the seineboat! 0f the English Football Cup was played operators, and Charlie Edwards. Leon j today as follows: Sandvar and J. H. Meagher, halibut boat j Oalns borough 0. Lincoln 2. skippers. Bradford City 2. Rotberham 3. I Bradford 0. Southport 2. ! Crewe Alexandra 2. Stockport C. 0. u . Victoria Is milder with seven Wrexham 1. Carlisle 0. K.VTIVtl HHl THIS , rwrltarton Rndul.l. 1 Ht.tK IUUMIM.II VANt'Dl'VEIt Dis'fiilCT ' Tranroere Rovers 3, Halifax I. New Brighton 7. Rhytl 2. Bournemouth and Boscombe 6 Bristol - - Rovers 1. Dillingham 3, Southend 0. Luton 5, Norwich 0. Charlton Athletic 1. Kettering 1. Swindon 0. Crystal Palace 0. Peterborough and Fleetwood United 2, Aldershct 1. Northampton 1. Brighton and Hove 0. Exeter 5. Uford 3. London Caledonians 1, Bath 0. BRITISH SHIP DONE LOADING Steamer Warlaby Will Sail Tonight or Tomorrow for U.K.-Continenl With Full Orgo Loading of the British steamer War laby with a fuU cargo of grain for the United Kingdom or continent was completed at the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator at i o'clock this afternoon and It Is expected that the vessel wUl sail either toaljfct or tomor row morning. This Is the fourth boat of the season. The steamer Ainderby, which Is going on dry dock first, will not start loading until about the middle of next week. No further advices had been received aft the elevator today as to the sixth vessel, the Ohio Maru, which, la expected next week. Railway offices this marnlng reported the arrival of 47 carloads of grain here during; the past twenty-four hours. There were 225 cars on the division en-route to Prince Rupert. DELANEY WINS UNEQUAL FIGHT Knocked Out Paul Herlenbach In Sixth Round East Night at Chicago CHICAGO, Dec. 10. Jack Delaney. prospective opponent for Tunney. scored a technical knockout Over Paul Btrlen-bacb In the aixth round of a scheduled ten round fight last night. Berlenbach wssj. knocked down four times and was In bad condiypn when the referee stop- ' peer the oJietiual Tlghft; ' OBJECTION TAKENTO ORIENTALS IN KITCHEN VICTORIA. Dec. 10 Employees of the catering business appearing before the board administering th minimum wage act today proteted the alleged domination of kitchens Dr orientals. .24 14 the Canadian Government bureau here, found shot to death yesterday in the i They aald lt was impossible for a white .75 ;ile resigned in July last on account of Chinese territory adjacent to the inter-; man to get a Job In a restaurant or 'ill Ucal! b. 'n.uioaa: conccaiioj.. hit.l 3