f AGE SIX PAIN from Bladder Irritation toe tasse by SANTAL miDY Brar of Imltatlens Lwl tht word "MiOf Suld by til flmtritu sllfd br Fishermen Bei'cnf engine. about buyinjf your next umc and .see us The Gardner Semi-Diesel Engine the most satisfactory on the market. Governor has control at all speeds, making it most suitable for halibut boats. Sizes 12 li.p. to 300 h.p. The Acadia Gas Engine the most modern designed and best built 4 cycle engine in Canada. Sizes from C-8 h.p. to 40 h.p. medium and heavy duty. Ward Electric AND MAKIXE SUPPLY CO. Phone 680 Cow Hay Prime Rupert, B.C. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Specials at MUSSALLEM MEAT FARTMENT DE- Choice Lean Corned Beef, lb 17? Milk-fed Chicken, lb. . . 45f Home-made Head Cheese, lb. Round Steak, lb ::;ir Sirloin Steak, lb 27 Veal Steak, lb :7c Mussallera Grocery COMPANY, LTD. 417-423 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 18 and Phone 84 Prince Rupert, B.C. Thor Johnson GOES OUT OF HOE BUSINESS Every Boot, Shoe, Rubber and House Slipper in the store goes at less than cost of manufacture. 500 pairs of Men's Leckie, Nelson and other standard Canadian makes. Thor Johnson OUR GREAT CLOSING out SALE MEN'S AND ROYS' ? CLOTIHNCnND FURNISH INGS is still on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. II. Miller, Proprietor HIGH SCHOOL LOSES MATCH Leaders of Intermediate Basketball league Beaten for First Time Elks Los to Na- live Sons Again t Losing 'to Big Pour by score of 48 4eskatt Scheol last nlf ht suffered I. taTnrrtWeieet of the toeoo in th Intermediate Basketball League, th-having been the feature game of thi- evening The winners played all araunc the achool bojrs wheae rans were meak lened by alckneas among members I In the Senior Leaguv the Native Son of Canada continued their conquest b? winning 37 to 31 over the Blka. it being a good tight game The tact that three players Will Lambie. Oeorge Mitchell and Doug- Frusaell were ordered off the floor for personal fouls may have somewhat hampered the chances of the lodge men. Of the Bona. Clarence Thom son was ordered off. In toe third game of the evening, toe High School had an eatjr - victory1 over the OlrU' Drill Team la. the Ladles' league. Individual scoring was as follows laihes i.i:.tiui: High School -Sue Saddle. 6; May Ness. tk. kI 1 4 " - m. r r -1 ...... niBUWU. UBMSK? jrTlKC. EVeiyn gjj, aiareq: treayn Dalby: Ada Menagohr. ToUl. 6. Referee R. B. Skinner. INTERMEDIATE LK.MUE High School H. Maedaaald. : D. Morrison. S; A. Oroaa. 6; J. Scott. 6: B Hunt. t. Total. 23. Big Four T. Ketsey. 14; R. Mortimer. TIMI1EH SALE X9590 Granulated Sutrar, 10 lb. for 7:f Canned Milk, tall, ier tin. . lip Iiolled Oats, in bulk, per lb... Pastry Flour, 10'b 57c Libby'a Sauerkrout, large tins W(- Hienz Tomato Soup, large tins lc Hienz Tomato Soup, small tins I!!? sliced Pineapple, 2's. tin lOf Local Fresh Eggs, per doz.. . p Fresh Firsts, per doz. (Kip Pullets, per doz ."Op Salt Pork Backs, per lb HZ? Bacon, sliced, ,.c In piece 48? Picnic Ham, Circle S cure, pr lb 2 ip Old Ginger Wine, SOc bottle for :ic Fancy Biscuits, from "'.(- to Hip Itoyal Crown Soap, carton . . :i."c Sunlight Soap, carton IMp Salted Sodas, in bulk, per lb. IMC j Swansdown Cake Flour, pkge. I."ip (Puffed Wheat Mp Puffed Bice Kip iTillson's Health Bran China Oats, any kind . : :tHp ! Orange and Lemon Peel, per lb. U!)p Sterling Catsup, per bottle . . U)p THE PRICES ON THE LAST LIST STILL APPLY All our Groceries are Cheap, ask us. I ! Cowan s Cocoa, Va's -Ifj Brunswick Sardines, 3 tins for j . lc Capitol Butter Bricks l:$p 14 lb. box for Jj!."5.J l E.C'.D. Butter Bricks I7p i 14 lb. box for S(i.:) Orders up to $3.00 Delivered Free Phone 301 ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order In our shop In Prince Rupert as low QCC na as I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street WAS VERY WEAK NERVOUS AND MELANCHOLY i Mr. Geo. McKenzie. Campbellroru', ' Out, write: ' A aaort time ago I ; u troubled rrty badj with my heart ! aad aerres, the cau of it, I thiol, waa mj gtimg through the (huge at life. "I was Terr weak aad melancholy, and so nervous I could hardly bear, i- hear a U-rk ticking, and I did no, sleep well. ' t wai advised to try 0; Doug. FTtiratll. Phillips. 1. Total. Si. Beferee E. A. Mann. Umpire R. 'B. Btrtiwer. Dec. Mtaaedoaa Jan. 6 Montrose Jan. 13 Montcalm Jan. 20 Metlta Jan. 37 Minnedoaa Fab. S Won tela re Fib. 10 Metagama Feb. 11 MellU Feb. 34 Mlnnedoaa Mar. 1 Montnalrrf Mar. Mar 3 Montclare 9 Montrose Mar. It Metagama Mar. 16 Montcalm a T u. . ... j Arthur League standings: to data follows: henlor Leujue W. D. L. Pit. Native Sons 1 1 11 I Elk X 1 3 6 Terminals 3 0 3 4 Intermediate la;ue High School 6 0 1 13 Big Four g 0 4.6 Bevator I 0 i 1 Sealed Tenders will he reomlved by 1 Ladle' League the District Forester not later tteaa noon mh School a 4 n 0 on the 15th day of December. .1927. for the purchase of Licence XH990. south 00" Tem 1 0 shnre Draney Inlet. C.R. 3. to cut 81490 Junior League fet board measure of spruce, cedar, hem- xn.i. n. a BT" 5 0 l"ck and Balsam sawlogs. , Two Oi years will be allowed tor re- I Stars 0 0 moral oi Timber. . Further particulars of the Chief For- . . . , ester. Victoria, or the District Forester ' ! B' G- Cunnlngbam of Port Esstngton Prince Rupert. B.C 1 was a passenger aboard the Cardena """ j thU morning for Vancouver. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Cash and Carry Grocery Cor. Fulton St. and Sixth Ave. UUY YOUR GHOCEIUES HEKE AND SAVE YOUR CENTS FOB X.MAS I We can give you still lower price ; by usinjr coppera .1 Advertise in The Dally News ML, t Belfatt. SAILINGS TO ECltOPE MAKE RESERVATION'S XOW FROM SAINT JOHN Dec. aa MeilU TOOlascow. Liverpool Liverpool Ol&sgow, Liverpool Liverpool. 01asKw, Liverpool Belfast. Liverpool Olasaow. Liverpool Belfast. Liverpool Glasgow, Liverpool Olaseow. Liverpool Cherbourg. (Southampton. Antwerp Belfast. Liverpool Glasgow, Liverpool Cherbourg. Southampton, Antwerp Belfast. Liverpool D ApHy to frywhcre or K J. J. KORSTER. Va 8.S. General Pm, Afcnt. Mf C.P.K. Station. Vancouver. Of m. Telephone Seymour 2630 jr Circle S. Picnic Hams THIS WEEK ONLY 28c Per lb. Thi I Swiff Premium Care and I not salty. We have only la limited supply to. sell so get ! your early. They average frpm j three to five pounds each. Eggs Pullet Extragf.per doz. 5,V 3 doz. for JSl.'oo Fresh Ground Coffee None better for the money, 3 lb. for 1.45 B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 15 and 571 THE DA1LX NEWS Saturn CLUB CHARGED WITH GAMBLING Grand Terminal Club Visited Last Night With Subsequent Cases in Police Court for a box; took " J ourt them an,! eat as. f" with being the the keeper keeper other, aad before house while ther were all gone I xelt good. Bit nerves are tut, I do not mind aar noise, aad I eaa sleep well. I can not recommend them too high to those ruffenng aa I did." Price 50c a box at all droggUta and dealers, or mailed direct oa receipt f price by Tke T. Unburn Co., Limited, Torento, Out 13. D Btalhwr. 4: E. Ratchtord. 8; F. D.ngatll. 10. Total. 48. Referee R. B 8k Inner SUMOIt .I.KAUI.K Native Bona of Canada OMo Ourvich 13 Vtr SSensla- W WMtkiU Dntm .Uu.m.n,,uumni,iiuir Ourvleh C p .teh wtu.auu, vj. umu ouu, t . iua VTWII9IS. Mvt o Total. 30. i Drill Team Laura FMareU. 3; Chrtasle Total, n. Elks Dave Balfour. 7; Geo. Mitchell, 7 Will I ABlhU S- Xltlr RiUantoh ft. C counsel for all oases, asked for Adjourn ment until next Wednesday wnsch was granted. All accused pleaded not gutlt through counsel. Omrera partMpatlng In the raid In- eluded Sergeant J. P. M. Hannah. Ser geant Alex McNeill, Sergeant T.. Van Dyk, Corp. R. p. Ponder. Constable J. H. Smith. Constable Charles Keneh. .Constable Oeorge Clark Constable W. Harrison and Constable R McKlnley. GRAND TERMINALS WIN OVER GYROS BILLIARD LEAGUE By an aggregate acore of 876 to 801. Orand Terminals won over the Gyro Club In tne Billiard League last night. The winners won three games and the lowers, two. High break of the session. 33. was turned Ui by Frank Zicman. Individual scores were as follows: Charlie Balagno (Oyro Club). 1?: Fred Pyle (Orand Terminals). 200. W. J. Nelson. 200; J Andrews. "18. O. P. Tinker. Ill; F. Ziemari. 200. O. A. Woodland. 200; Ben Self. 198. Bert Morgan. 114; J. Beesley. 200. Pure Compound Market Prices Today prices re as follows: on toe local market L.VK1I r.v- 24c 20c Mills B.C. fresb pullets '.' etc B.C. fresh. Urate ?dc B.C. fresh, extras lie Local new latd 80s BC. atorage. firsts iY. A6e t f Mil Halibut, lb .'. 25: Salmon, red sprint 36e Salmon, white spring, lb 16c Smoked kippers. lbv 16c Kippered salmon. lb. 26c Smoked black cod, lb 20s Finnan baddies, lb 25c .M i:th Fowl. No. 1. Ib 38c and 40o Roasting chicken, b 4a. liam. sliced, first grade 66c Ham. whole, first grade 42a Ham. picnic, lb 2Sc Cottage rolla, lb.... 2c Bacon, back, sliced 60c Bacon, side 50c to 60c l"ork. dry salt 3fkl Ayrshire ; bacon. Ib. .-, 35c Veal, shoulder 25c Veal, loin ... 40c Veal, leg , 36r Pork, shoulder 28c Pork, loin 400 Pork, leg 36c Beef, pot roast Uftc to 18c Beef, boiling I0c to 15c Beef, steak 25c to 40c Beef .roast, prime rib 30c Lamb, chops Oc Lamb, shoulder 35c Mutton, leg 40c lamb, leg . 480 Mutton, chops 40c Mutton shoulder Z0r. IWTTEK Brookfleld. Shamrock, and Woodland. H 50u E.C.D.. lb 80c Capitol, 2nd grade? lb. 45c Fraser. Valley. b.,fty 50c New Zealand, m buik 47c prints 6op Bosedale Creamery 45e Alberta Creamery 42 No. 1 Dairy 37V,c CIIKKKE Camembert cfaeee, 8 pz. pkg 65c Kraft Llmberger. ' '. 3 So Ontario solids 35o Stilton, lb 401 Kraft 45c Norwegian Ooat 85c Napoleon Llmberger 70c Roquefort 75a Swifta' Brookfleld. lb 45o Oorgonzola. lb 76c McLaren'a Cream. Jars .... 45c and 85c Brookfleld Swiss cheese, ft lb. pkg. 30c Brookfleld Canadian cheese, 't lb. pkg. Qammelost, lb. 25c Oruyere 45e Oolden Loaf, lb. 45c ib , 80a Romano Sardo. lb 75c 1. 30c iAtt .'.,...! wmte(iper 100 . .. ..,,.,..Mr,726 Yellow, per 100 $.7fe FLOUK Flour, 49's. No. 1 hard-wheat 2.75 rattry nour. Ws 65c Pastry flour. 43s 92JSO VeOETAULEH Beets, 5 Hj. for 25o Eeets. sack A. 2.7S WKATHER HKrOllT. Prince Ruperi Overcast, Si. light wes I Aa-a. result of. a raid curried out Justj nerore mKHUgtit last uight by a large deaejiment of provincial police offlcen, on the Orand Termlnai Club. Ben Self this ot h L Oarfm. M. Furgt. R. W. MeLeod. Oeorge Lockev. Mike VukovtetUi. Kautseu. 8 Muovlch. O. Rosenberg, Vtc Rodgers. E Eiickae.i. J. C, Kelly. Orval Kenney. D. Milne. K. Hunter. 11. Young. C Kenney and E. Stacey were charged with belug frequenters thereof. Ball having been arranged tor. Milton Oonaalea. defence Phone 123 PEACHY RESIGNED FROMTHE ARSENAL lll)Ule Wlilrh Tlireatenel to Hlruit Senior MMter In KnxUnd I Us J lleen Sellled LONDON. Eng.. Dec 10 Settlement oi the Arsenal football club dispute which at one time threatened to dis rupt the senior soccer league In England was announced recently. The Football Association after an Investigation Into the affairs of the club demanded the retirement from the board of directors of O. W. Peachy. Mr Peachy objected to be retired and when oilier directors decided to Issue new ahares to themselves so as to control the club be went to the chancery court and aought an Injunction. Tne trouble wa finally ironed out by Mr. Peachy agreeing to resign and accepting paymen: from the club of his legal expenses. During tire arguments in the chan cery court it was stated that a former chairman of the Arsenal board. Sir Htnry Norrts. had been ordered by the Football Association to repay 330. the amount received by ham or on hsa behalf, as the wages of his chauffeur and other sums and he was further ordered to be' permanently suspended from tak ing part In football or football manage ment, sir Henry still holds a large number of shares in the Arsenal Club It waa understood Mr. Peachy, though his legal claim appeared sound, agreed to leave the board In the best Interest of the club and football. ii SPORT CHAT Arrangements are now being made for the appearance at Smlthers early in February, of a girls team from Ter race, which will play a two-game series with an all-star Smlthers team for the championship of the northern interior. The winning team It la planned will make a trip to Prince Runert to meet the lady ebomptons here for the north ern British Columbia title. Alex. Wimble has been elected president. J. c. Pldgeon vice-president and manager, and J. M. MeLean secretary- treasurer of the Prince Oeorge Hockey Club. The executive Is constituted as follows: Oeorge Williams. F. A. Matbe-aon. R. S. Morrell. Terry Johncon and Richard Corlese. There is said to be plenty of playing talent available, and an effort will be made to stage the opening game with the Cranbrooka on December 11. Later games may be played with Smlthers, Jasper and possibly Vanderhoof, The Omlnectt 8kl Club danoe and emoker at thtv Burns Lake community hall entlyjfcttiactcd a crowd that uey?he capacitor the building to the limit. ,lay df the fair sex enjoyed the? boxlnVbouts, in whieh "Kid1 Retd challenged all comers and finally met more than his match at the hand of Cecil Hartley. Hartley superior weight, reach and ring generalship proved too much for the Edmonton Kid. who. nevertheless, put up a game exhibition. The dance was managed by Ronald Prosser and with Mrs. Jewel) at the piano and Albert Bach on the guitar, the elite of the Lakes district was unanimous in pronouncing it the most -Uiccwfu: tti.w.1 jl Uio .(.a.,. CHRISTMAS Phone 123 for Every Member of the Family FOR DAD What will please him better than a Walnut Smoker ST. Ill) to .Si".tM) Or vn Bay Chair SI.I.K.'i and $ I !.."( Morris Chair with separate .tapesty covered cushion SSI7..(i FOR THE KII) BROTHER Automobile- .SI :..-() to Jjiai.00 Aereplane .SI. ".()() and $18.00 Stel and Vod Wagon . . jso.00 to .SIi.."o VelouiMe .Sd.oo to $ !!)."." FOR LITTLE SISTER Doll Carriage, s.-.()0 to .SI 1.00 Doll Reds, with mattrea . . . : $2.00 Hardwood Play Rets .S:i.7," FOR .MOTHER After a hard day's work let her IlMtmore ChoaUsriield For her afteraoon table Walnut Dinner W Kitchen Cabinets fold i n i.' .sJl.."() SliOn-O ;,l: FOR HI0 SIITKK Walnut "Hope" Cheat, cedar lm Slii.30 an Iloudolr Table LaaiiM and Bed I. S7.0." ai DreaMr Scarf and Table Runner FOR A FRIEND Gilt Cedar Cherq S2.30 Antimony Candle Stick SI. AO ;u Valnut Fruit HowU and Sewn.:- S.iO a1 Barries Home Furnishings Third Avenue. -i.()i) ill s; i ,n S.-,.i,; Si.l)i S(. -,i si.oii S!.ro Mion: !. WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT O nLY at 7 and 9 BsaMsaaaBsaaaaaailPjjiaJj jjtSS in Gsts A stirring talc ol cirrus life NORMA SHEARER, JOHN (ilLIIERT. TMXY MARSIUtX FORI) STERLING, CLYDE COOK. .MARC MAC DKKMOTT. RUTH KING and many others. COMEDY "HEIII-iE JEI1EHS" PATHE REVIEW Admission - - 50c and 25c Winter Weather Wants COAL HODS OIL STOVES STOVE HOARDS HEATING STOVES SNOW SHOVEIS, STOVE PIPE WEATHER STRIP FURNACE SCOOPS ELECTRIC RANGES 75 EACH Thompson arcfwIfeGo., . Ltd. Mi 11. .nail 253 Third Avenue. Prince Itupcf UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED llln from l-rlm-e Kujieri. ruesdif. lor VANCOUVER. VlirroitlA. Hwanson Hay, Alert Hay, etc. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, IliHedtl'. tlrrl May. etc. J-JyoX. lor PORT SIMPSON, NAAS RIVER POINTS, ALICE .11"'. STEWART, walea Island, Sunday, H p.m. rt Br 1M Ind Arcnue. R. M. BMIfll, Afent P ,,r ked Through tlikeH sold to Victoria and Prattle, ami tutM-throiigii to destination.