.emher In. i')27 Do Your Christmas Shopping Early and in Comfort Till- At ME S ANNUAL 1 empf '"tation Sale Cot -,:i .:.l--i 45c 9 ation Offers the Biggest Bargains in B.C. HATS FOR MEN i ,a:iiy Felt Hat made vy for us by the . i of the famous Brock offered in all sizes and 'he newest shaes. reent outstanding IVmptatton MEN'S PANTS i. ii Tweed Pants. Stronir .1 durable, in pure wool i ; 1 1 s and in all size. r':;;:;r 83.85 MEN'S HOME l iin Woo Iloe made in .iiid. In plain shades of . gray, fawn and brown, v. r t5c value. NOVELTY NECKWEAR Beautiful Sik Neckwear in irreat variety. New arri-'al 'n the very latest colorn and patterns. A huge selection awaits you. Temptation Sake Q2?n Price MB.VS CAPS The famous Wolfe Cap. in a wonderful variety of shades and color. In all ritaa. Regular values up to 14.00. Temptation 0f Qff Sale Price t:'in Sale I 'rif for Christmas lssssn r- rvi,ssssssssssssssssssssr J4$l FOR SALE V-Lefts HOYS' SWEATERS The famous St. Margaret' Brand in different shades and in ail sizes. Regular up ;o $:!.5l. Tenipta- Q4 Qff Acme :: Importers No i.O.l). Orders. Strictly ( ash No Charge Accounts MAIL. ORDERS FORWARDED EXPRESS PREPAID Beautiful 3.SS CirT GLASS THAT IS CUT (JIASS 7-piece Wnter Rein in beautiful cut pattern, Sfcir nml Pinwheel glft.oo Full Sie 8 inch Howl, like cut above Jj5..00 HeavV Cut Sugar and Cream $5.00 Heautiful Spoon Tray : .$5.00 l arge Vase .' $20.00 Hon-Hon Dishes $2.75 to $5.00 Many other desirable articles. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW YOU John Bulger Ltd. UNSUBDIVIDED ACREAGE IN PRINCE RUPERT Parcel 190 acres 51 000 for whole parcel Parcel 2A 21 acres S 500 for whole parcel Parcel 30 10.fi acres $ 500 for whol parcel Parcel 19301 acres $25.00 per acre THE K.T.P. DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD. Apply to G. P. TINKER CO., LTD. Agents. WE HAVE RECEIVED ANOTHER SHIPMENT of Ladies' Colored SLICKER BOOTS Including Red, Grey and Blue. Also Misses' and Children's sizes Every pair guaranteed JABOUR BROS., LTD. I'hone 615, 3rd Avenue nnd 7th Street held early in the apMng. There la considerable activity about Prince Huaterc in crab and ah rime riah- toe market being reported to be capable of absorbing much more of the luaciuua ihimiah than la available. Capt. Oaora Johanseti of the troller Fox. known locally as the "Shrimp King ' who la blBMetf fishing ehrUnp In Tucks lalet. has made arrangements to engage six other small boata In cribbing arotiavg Deals Arm. Skeena lats. and Mrtlakatla Tbey will start operations at once. Johnen assembles and preparst the otaba and shrimps at fcls bssdquartMs on Difby Ialand. ship ping considerable quantities to the Capt. Claude Lee of the Koyonu la an crabbing in Warke Osnal. dm- mt Ma output to the Canadian nab tt OoM atonae Ob. Prince Huprrt nabermen who are Interesting tbasMelvea m the -poastbUIUea of scrap fishing this winter will now de fer ooaanMssreneat o( petatfcstta uaUl after the Obitatsnaa and New Year hotl-day season. After having been out for three week off Dundas Htaad. Cast. Ooa Staney. v.ith the boat Naba. retnrurd to port on December 7. Owtef to unfavorable weather. Ovu bad IttOe. If any. aucceaa but be plana on making; another try at it after the first of the year. He Is flahtng for iae Bacon Fisheries. With his two-man boat Capt. Mag nus Ureoge ietsj on Dasfsmbeti 8 or Warke Canal to eatage In ftthbig far red aad Uag osd fee the Baeoa later' ess. Capt. Peter Byrne, who wUI beam trawl for scrap flab with the halibut boat Dolphin, alw for the Baoan Flsh-eriea. baa ai well deferred departure until after the lint f the year. (H TO V.IM III VHI The Prtnoe Rupert halibut boat Oape Speneer.' Capt. Richard Oiske, left on NAVK.AHLK 'WATERS' PROTEC in Tin: sr TION ACT. lietltril Matulrs of Canada, rh.iptrr 113 imi em i: t it i:t or mtmsii (Ol.t.MllIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Robert Rudd. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ilia Honor. P. MeB. Young, the 1st day of THE DATLT NILWS ' PAGE nVD Waterfront Whiffs School of Navigation to le Reopened Here Activity in Shell Fishing Scrap Fishing Deferred Until New Year Generally gratifying is the announcement made by CanV Lionel II. Lindsay, examiner of masters, and mates from Vancouver, 1 who has been , visitor in the city during the past week arranging imr the classes, that it is the intention of the government to reopen the school for navigation in Prince Rupert this winter. Classrooms will be established in the headquarters on the waterfront of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve and Cant. J. R. Elfert, harbormaster and irt warden, will act as instructor. The classes will be opened in the very near future, u meeting having been held on rburaday night wkm n idea was ob-i I talaed at tare number of students offer- .MI. A navigation school vh hew in Priswe Btapsvt two or three winters ago and wae-wetl palrosutied. There Is lio doubt Uut It will again prove popular, especially among the ftabermen who, whlfct the clc in an Is on. will have the opportunity, with do cost to them-elve. ml ajsjaHtyiag a accredited navl- aatacs. Wednesday morning of this week- tor Vancouver where special engine work will be done on the vessel. Capt. Olske expect to return to Prince nupert toon After the New Year. I Skipper "Scottf" Held la another who I baa decided that It wUI pay him In : the long run to have bin overhauling aawrtnatama will probably bf e,rly b.fcre thf ItlrU w abeut January 10. He la giving his halibut boat Marguerite a thorough going over at the Ward Ways. The aetneboat packers Anna S. Qapt. Ell Skog. and Zenardl, Capt. It. Oam- moa. have been pressed temporarily into the service of the B.C. Towage and Lighterage Co. who service boat Salvage Princess has been extra busy of late in connection with the aalvage of the steamer Oatala. On Thursday, the Zenardl went out to Triple Island with Oapt. J. "R. Elfert. pilot for the incoming grain Mp. Amderby. With seven local men aa his guests. Qapt. John Wick returned to port early Wednesday morning with the halibut boat Johanna from a five-day hunting trip to the region of Oardncr Canal. The fact that each member of the party averaged two deer as well aa a num ber of geee arid clucks testifies to the success t the trip and the marksman ship of the excursion 14U The entire fleet of the Rupert Marine Products Co. Ltd. is now tied up with the exception of tbe power tug M.T. 3, Capt. Reg. Oreen, which la finding considerable work to' carry out between the ettr and the Big Bay sawmill at Georgetown. . . On Thursday the I.T. 3 brought In a cow from Ororgetown containing lumber to be used in the construction of the new aawmttl ct the Big Bay Co. at Seal Cove. Yerterday a sow was brought In con taining a carload . of airplane spruce which was . shlppetU.'by the steamer Prmces Betftrlce'"th1s morning to Seattle. mvoiiii HMiivo puonT.uu.r: uape Breton fishermen are making a good bit from fish formerly regarded aa a pest the swordflah. This year, in the abort season avaUable. 1,693 fWh were shipped from the Cape Breton Island waters to VS. 'markets, principally Boston. The fish weighed close to 500,-COO pounds, and realized a good price. Swordfteh are regarded aa a great delicacy.' The flesh Is firm and pinkish white, and U excellent when fried. Re- BnlTISH COLUMBIA FISHINO & tail Prices in Boston were said to be 60 KKSaS P0U-. wh a consistent grow- Section 7 of the said Act deposited With lng demand. the Minister of Pttbnc Works at Ottawa Mi unusuaj haui was made by one of mmM i tva nttim nf t Has RacrltrttP fit Land Titles at Vancouver. BrltUh Col- awonlflshermen last August. The umbla. a description 01 tne sue ana schooner Flirt, Capt. W. L. Smith, of plans 01 a rauncry. tmiumf numn sum tne tana cuvereu wii.ii wivi Hunt on on wrauMtM 'aUMltes tnereto. mereto. DroDosi propobcu w uc uut. ing on Lot 1395 and Lot 1486. Range 3. Ooast District in the Province of British Columbia, which said Lots are situate a! Johnson Channel In the said Province. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the expiration of one month from the -date of the first publication of this notice, Brit ish COIumDia riamug k ncaiug uuui- t.Kii wnFb. &i his nfflne In the Citv Terence Bay. Halifax county, was fish lng out of Loulsburg when a monster sea turtle was sighted. Careful man- oeurerlng brought the "boat alongside and a harpoon was plunged In Its back The harpoon failed to pierce the armour- like shell, but it caught hold, and a hot battle ensued before the monster pany Limited win. u . ",oould be hauled on board. When meas T 1,111 JIC L . HIHUT Ul niUKVCI W I ureu. me lurue wsa luuiiU 'o oe iteveii of Ottawa lor approval of the aald site ! ftet t lve. Jfti ana uian suu w w wwwti... ... said cannery, cannery wharf and per- I QUialUs thereto. ' day of November. 1927. JAMES H. LAWSON, 1818 Standard Bank Bldg., 810 Hastings St. W., Vancouver, B.C. Solicitor tor the aald Company. IN PRORATE pounds; Ib welghv Mackerel wide, and li I 1000 have been taken In fairly large quantities on the west coast of Vancouver Island Jlshlng grounds recently, according to report coming from the south. Whether mackerel, which 11 one of the finest f edible fish, will ever be found in commercial quantities in B.C. waters Is not known. The In crease in the quantity on the west ooast has been quite marked this year, however. 4 Fish eating has been responsible for an Increase in the birthrate in. Japan Deoc.ml?.r AI);19.2i.1 ws 'PP'nlf11 AdT I according to Josef Washington Hall, an Hudd. deceased, and all partle hav-1 American author, and tormerly private lng claims against the said estate secretary to the Chinese war lord Wu are hereby required to furnish same. M t. nnMwrit vrffw1 La mm on or before, the 3rd day of January. A.D. 1928. and; During th course of an address In the all partle indebted to tne estate are Moscow required to pay tne amount oi xneir Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 3rd day of December, AX). 19J7. IN PROBATE in Tin: srntr.Mi: nil kt i isihtimi COM Mill. v In In the Matter of the Administration Act; and the Matter of the Estate of Oeorge Clifford Adolphus Wilson. Deceased. Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. F. McB. Youne. the 1st dsy of De cember. A.D. 1937. 1 was appointed Admin istrator oi tne estate oi ueorge uauiora Adolphus Wilson, deceased, and all parties having claims against the aald estate are hereby required to lurnlah same, properly verified, to me on or before the 3rd day of January. AD. 1928. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A WATT per- ' fmtnlstrsMr. Prii Ruper ii.C !":' I tne 3rd da-, ji Decemue A.D. while on a visit to Russia. H ungry "Ltt Ih Clttk KlUhtm help CLARK'S Pork Beans f9 both please and satisfy Sold everywhere W. CLARK Limited Mo-.itrral Fras er UNDERWEAR, ETC. Rayon Silk Knit Nightgowns, laced trimmed, assorted shade. Rayon Silk Lingerie Sets, lace trimmed, assorted shades Rnjon Silk Brassier and Itloonier 'Sets, assorted shades Rayon Silk Pyjamas assorted shades, contrast trimmed LAMIMM.IN OX II X1.IIU T HANKS (By Howard White) The I Hipper locates the boat .on the "spof ere the word to throw the gear. Pole and buoy are then thrown into the water alongside, with the boat running full speed; the colled buoy line is thrown out with a peculiar twisting -motion which .spreads the colts; the anchor Is put overboard, and the gear commences to run out through the chute. The action of the gear running out snaps batted hooks In an arc. up and Mr. 1 over the chute. The hooks going out am unpleasant things to get caught on: M S3.50 $3.95 $4.50 $4.50 Extra Special Value Rayon Silk Iiloomers, assorted shades, very fine qual- Q J CA 0J..tU ity. All sizes Turnbull'n Fine (Hove Silk Finished Iiloomers, assorted shades, all sizes QC including extra larjjes Vests to match Sl.i" Novelly Hand Embroidered Swiss and Irish Handkerchiefs, boxed :i in a box, :.", ."0c1, 7."k-, $1.00, 8l.."0 Iloxed (Jarter and Handkerchief Sets, assorted shades, j QQ Deep Shadow Proof sorted shades and sizes Ladies' Dressing fiowns. boshed design all over, assorted colors Princesfi Slips, as- $2.95 Velvet cord, em- $8.95 Plain . Tailored Vest and Rlonmer Sets. Fine glove silk finish. Special fiQ Off ipd.aSD value at, per set SPECIAL VALUE C only, Shot Taffeta Dresses. Assorted styles and colors. Beautifully CI A ETA finished garments .' ?Xa.tlU was finally allowed to do. pretty cheap once, when it Is said that a,, fisherman was once I located. so caught under the -chin, and either j Jumped or was pulled overboard. As he was alone on deck at the tune, the accident was not discovered until the line had run out. and the man had long been drowned before the line could be Jauled and ills body recovered. l "jWhtle o&kate Is running out. nbWtom eSdjft atuehed to the ui the upper end 'Of the'Qltxt skate, while the buov 'line. anchoRilass float, buoy and flag pole are got In readiness to attach to the last skate. As the end of one skate is about to -pass over the chute, the next Is shoved into position under the chute, timed -bo that there Is no perceptible break In the passage of the books. While the last skate runs out, the anchor, buoy line, etc., are prepared to go overboard, going In reverse order to those at the other end: the pole be-jlng thrown last. Helping to prepare and throw out the buoy line was one thing the "lubber" Payne Occupy the Premises of the " ji ) P UNIVERSAL TRADING CO." Special Opening of Novelty Christmas Gift Merchandise on Display at Popular Prices LADIES' HOSIERY, ETC Kayser and Harvey Hose Kayser Full-Fashioned Pure Thread Silk Hose, shadow pointed heel, in Q-f tZ all the newest shades, per pair ?' Kayser Double Thread Pure Silk Hose, heavy service weight, full fash- (StZ ioned, all new shades, per pair Harvey Pure Thread Silk Hose, pointed and square heel, stocked in 10 f Cjj shades, per pair C. & (. Corsets, Curslettes, (iirdlcs arid lirassies. Our special corslette G1 AtZ is marvellous value at ....... Novelty Swiss Georgette and Crepe de Chene Handkerchiefs newest designs and colorings, each -.", I5.c "0 Dressed Dolls in a vaiiety of styles and sizes. The genuine Lloyd Ma 11a .. .vi.oo, si.ro, sio, and he Xflt i he attached i to the CanadlaJ National wharvewhirh Uho- line to 4he, second flag-pole in the was taken down some months ago when ; rack where tear;kcatjajixlbt'-ibc repairs to the overhead were undertaken. I ord from the skipper he threw out It was a facility and ahort cut which it be first pole, with no line attached Is hoped will be replaced before long. but his dhagrin was lightened next day, when one of the regulars" did the same thing. Strings of gear are set either end to end, side by side or perhaps only one la to be set and gives f011 "spot". nwiicltng on the forma- tion and extent of the "spot" where the 'set" la made. The gear Is given from two to three hours' "soak," or possibly an all-ldght-set, before being hauled In. Locating "spots" with the sounding-lead Is quite a technical part of halibut fishing, as tt Is necessary to know the location, extent and formation of the grounds in order to set the gear efa-rently; and much depends on the skipper's Interpretation of what comes up tn the tallow of the lead. The bank is whenever possible, by taking .ross bearings on points ashore. A log la kept of landmarks, etc.. and much Information Is constantly checked up by the skipper, who notes carefully where good fishing commence and ends. The whole responsibility of operating the boat -and getting fish ;t-born by the skipper. J" What Is known as "live" bottonTlls where there are plenty of fish ff ahy4: aiuu wncre tne Dan is eaten: "'dead bottom Is wbere bait comes back on the hooks. (To be continued) Lirnnirr. i kcivpt UcojV". the oldest confection, was eaten three thousand years ago by ln-babltsnts of Egypt living In the vicinity of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and their manuscripts make reference to the growing of the root. Tho -Mentor Magazine. Doll, s: spun, to SK.!).- MEN'S AND ROYS' FURNISHINGS Men's Sweaters Universal make, rib stiteh, silk and wool mixture, &Q QC 4 pockets yJv9J Men's Fine English Broadcloth Shirts Blue, cream, ecru and (gQ ft EI white Vsti.sJt? Men's Fine Silk Broadcloth Dress Shirts made up in neat gift boxes, as- OA QC sorted colors and figured designs We are showing a splendid range of ITALIAN SILK NECKWEAR all new designs and colors in well Qf CA made ties. Special QX.fJU 15 Pure Wool Men's Gabardine Coats tailored in England. These are ajl sample coats and we are selling them at 25 per cent less than regular prices. Fraser & Payne Third Avenue and Sixth Street Hall declared that Japan had become the greatest nation of fish eaters In the world, and simultaneously the birthrate lr. Japan has Increased. The ratio works out, he claimed, at about 400 pounds of fish for each gain In the birthrate. Failure of provincial public works de partment and raUway engineers to agree oniplans for the structure has caused de lay in the completion of the new over head connecting the foot of McBride Street with the west end of the government wharf for pedestrian traffic. It is hoped that differences wUI soon be settled so that the work may proceed. Waterfront goera mist the atalrway from the cast end. of the. ramp leading GENERAL DRY GOODS Phone 376 BURGESS Flashlights and Batteries Kaien Hardware Go. Telephone 3 Trappers! Are you getting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldbloom. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx. We have large order from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot. wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, if you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom -The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone S75 DENTIST