FACE TWO Yttfi DAILY NF.WS .Monday, Jniius Just Drinll --v riii w A-. - r-Sk.-. BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME AT LITTLE EXP Movie News Notes II Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who entertain the public SALADA WHAT SUCCESS mm U iL' Mi:KK AT WKSTIIOLMK a navjomter-wearinsl surface. t'f MfTWi'jr Monday p TEA . DEPENDS UPON : Alt Mounted." star east in "Steele, of the x al substantially reduced Prices &tMM Larry Semon Comedy "The i Its superb flavour satisfies. MIR.M.I TAI.MAIM1K I'AK AI.I.M.S Grocery Clerk.'" ACIIIKVK.MKNT OX ST.USK WITH International News. AOIIKVK.MKXT OK I.Hi: V f. The Daily News . PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA, Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by. Prince Rupert v Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - r Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. Monday, Jan. 17, 1927 CANADA'S POSITION TODAY IS SOUND. The year 1927 opens with evidences of a marked forward stride haying been taken, during the year just closed, in most departments of Canadian financial and industrial activities, and with the outlook bright for a continuation of the. advance 'towards a condition of prosperity in this country. The chief barometers that indicate advances or recessions in national business are, indeed, favorable. The past year saw a con- siderable expansion in the country's trade. Gross and net earnings of the great transportation companies, both on land and on water, were far in excess of the previous year's records. Several industries that had been slow in picking up after the depression resulting from the period of deflation are showing signs of moving forward once more. The returns of the chartered banks of Canada, as made to the Minister of Finance month by month, showed a succession of increases in savings deposits and in the volume of commercial loans, demonstrating, on the one hand, better earning power on the part of the people, with a safety valve of economy operating; and on the other hand proving in the heavier loans made to manufacturing and distributing agencies that a real upward trend jn production and sales was in process. Reports of six of the banks as made to their shareholders in the past few weeks indicated increased profits for the year, in some cases the highest in their histories. It is probable that a new high record will have been recorded in construction during 192G, with a total close of $400,000,000. Impressive developments have taken place in the generation of hydroelectric power, and a start made on the construction of a gigantic installation' by the Al uminum Company of Canada that promises to become the largest single unit in the world. The pulp and paper industry goes forward apace; remarkable expansion in United States consumption during the year forcing Canadian newsprint mills to operate practically to the limit of a greatly increased capacity, to meet the phenomenal demand. .MARKED IMPROVEMENT IN EMPLOYMENT. The Index number of employment reached. a new high let'el dur ing the latter part of 1926, indicating a marked improvement over the situation in the first half of the year, and conditions unusually favorable for commencing the new year. The mining Industry " of Canada made more progress, probably, than ever before, and the current year promises to record the greatest activity in the history of this industry, with Quebec launching forth into a substantial position with the advent of power and a railway; the province of British Columbia, under the lead of the Consolidated Mining k Smelting Company, brake new ground in production, and the coal mines of Nova Scotia made substantial gains this year over the records of many years past. Possibly the greatest individual influence behind the sound conditions prevailing in Canada today is the improvement in tht sentiment and in the buying power of the Canadian West. Two great crops in succession, marketed to much greater advantage than had been anticipated, have enabled bank "loans and mortgage obligations to be liquidated to a surprising degreee, and have created the best market in years for Canadian manufacturers. That confidence in the immediate future of business In Canada is held by banking authorities is evident from views expressed In bulletins issued as the year ended. The Bank of Montreal said: "The year closes, upon a state of trade distinctly better than at any similar period in the Jast six years." The Royal Bank's letter declared that "The industrial and financial structure (of Canada) is now. on so substantial a basis that enthusiasm concerning the future seems entirely justified' - . j I J '. ' : 1; '4S'?v ' ILLUSTRATIONS OF s SOME DEVELOPMENTS. A few details of some of the developments will serve as illustrations of the greater prosperity of Canada today: The Canadian Pacific Railway Company gross earnings for eleven months to November 30, 1926. were $180,233,610 as compared with $163,537,460 for the corresponding period of 1925; net earning of $43,328,944 showed a gain of $8,000,960 over the previous year, and' promise to be exceeded only by one other year, that of 191G. In the history of the company. Canadian National Railways net of $41,451,628 stands over $14,500,000 ahead of last year, and the Indications are for a total of over $45,000,000 fof the year. Newsprint production in Canada for eleven months amounted to 1,714,020 tons compared with 1,385,234 tons for a similar period of last year, representing the largest advance ever recorded in one year over another in the history of the Canadian Industry, and showing nearly 200,000 tons ahead for eleven months of the entire year 1925. Pulp exports for eleven months amounted to 919,031 tons as against 866,252 in 1925, with values up from $13,306,575 to $47,-722,945. Total exports of paper were $i;0.566,550 up to November 30, as against $96,124,342 the previous year. Earnings of the Royal Bank for the year were $4,516,239 compared with $4,081,629 previous year; Bank of Montreal, $4,978,133 as against $4, 604,963; Canadian Bank of Commerce, $3,636,983 as against $3,187,213; Bank of Toronto. $1,108,692 against $1,012,964; Hanque of Canadieniie Nationale, $860,659 against $822,026; Provincial Bank, $-154,123 against $407,258. Savings deposits as of October 31, 1926, Jhe last available, showed a gain of $70,000,000 during the twelve months for all the banks, being up from $1,277,000,000 to $1,-347,000,000. Commercial loans were up in the same period from $906,249,140. jo $983,440,760, an advance of over $77,000,000. Customs duties for the eight months of the fiscal year from April 1 to November 30, 1926, rose from $85,509,914 in 1925 to $96,-415,482; excise taxes were up from $29,574,159 to $34,181,182, ahd Income taxes down from $52,657,584 to $15,430,279. The wheat crop of 1926 came very close to the high record established in 1925, with 405,814,000 bushels of wheat according to the Bureau of Statistics estimate, comparing with 411,375,000 for 1U25. Success, I think, depends In most cafes, a little more on character than on talent, writes Norma Talmadge. Though It goes without saying that In any ol the arts one must have talent also, Z find in common with most every other star on the screen, that my first Instinct Is to steer away the young girl who comes to Hollywood seeking a career In moving pictures. i And yet I realize this is folly. Why; Indeed should not every girl have her chancer I Insisted upon having my chance. And this is what t learned after It came to me. That one must form the habit of work. One hears much of Inspiration, but anyone who leans too heavily upon It will find it a slender reed. One must quickly be able to distinguish the desire between loving the life the glamour that surrounds a understood until one has actually gotten Into the work. So few people can sacrifice the pleasure of the present for the pleasure of the future. Love of one's work makes one do more right things for It than all the cold wisdom In the world. When someone aiked George Sand how one could know if one were a writer. she said, "If It's an obsession." diving 1 Life Is difficult for the young girl who comes to Hollywood. Do not believe all the stories you hear of the Influence , that It Is necessary to have, either to en- One must cultivate an Inner fortitude to face conditions for any achievement. That Is why I think that character Is as important as talent. The road . to Hollywood la so beautiful, nature with gorgeous generosity haa endowed It with 1 lowers and trees, hills and mountains, with such a lavish beauty that there with talent. I, too, am conscious of this glamour it is a thrilling life and I am deeply grateful for the share of it that pi$ tcome '.to me. I would that I could put Into words the qualities that one should bring to It, but we are all so different and each one must find out these things for himself. But I would place the love of work above everything. MOUNTED POLICE PICTURE TONIGHT Ste-le of the Mounted" Is lllkllluolonril latter Who Ills Man Ktory Got of! "Steele of the Royal Mounted" coming to the Westholme Theatre tonight Is a melodrama. The Northwest Mounted pattern runs true to form allowing for a few variations. The central figure la a member of the troop who Joins It to crave excitement that he might forget his lady love who ha played a cruel host on him. The Mounted story Is always good for a screening If not filmed too often. The man-hunt begins through the timber waste of Canada and It holds the Interest. There Is a society background. The charactera are not clearly defined, though there is a suggestion thst they pelong to the elite. The heroine, becoming playful, Introduces her father as her husband. When she tries to I mske amends the hero haa flown to; the upper reaches of Canada whert he lnlllts In tha Mminlarf Wlfh Vila nrb ' cut out for him tn capturing the villain, the girl starts a man-hunt of her own. She will find her man and beg forgiveness. Before the happy ending Alt star TI'KM) AY cast In "The Mack Sennett Open Faces." Barrier." Comedy "Wide WEIINESIIAV Vaudeville presented by Daughters of the Empire. Douglas Tlll'KMlAY McLean in Lion" Lupmb Lane Comedy: Fighting Dude." Aesop's Film Fables. Hold that "The Htlll.VY AMI MTIItllAV Colleen Moore In "It Must be Love." v Comedy: "Hired and Fired Pathe Review. moving picture studio, and the desire to act before the camera. This really la - - - a very Important factor and is seldom L rwhtd R f.w thrills are Inlected. One. feature Is a saloon brawl In which the Mounted takes the shooting Irons awsy from a "ktUtr." and the best 1 scene features the officer shooUng the . rapids and being rescued by his buddy I before the canoe reaches the falls. , Bert Lytell makes a good appearance as the officer and accomplishes all that the role requires. Stuart Holmes la up dinner parties' and dances will not 1 . ..1 . JL the villain ue a. imiuBUjj; u. juui it ui vuuioa . u aw. i If you are an artist, they wilt bore Tau-jniririnlt, It is as hard for an artist to atop work- jSlIRRlNG AND itn irtirirt VIVID 4ntr c It 1 for mirrrtw tn atin hutlri. 1 a. "--., STORY OF THF. NORTH Tou must have many things to succeed In pictures. First, what the French call a face. That means contour, mobility of expression, neither Just beauty nor plainness can help you much. It la the expressiveness of your features. Nor can ycu have an Inexpressive figure. I mean "a wooden body," one which cannot be taught to -be fluent, which la ! just naturally stiff or tense. Granted that you have all the necessary require- menta for pictures, but If you have not the will, the clear vision to see be-1 yond flattery, the adulation that comes : ts all young players, you will not be able 1 to hold success. LlfB IS IHtTKKF.NT KHm "The lUrrlrr" Is Accurate, faith, fill Portrait of Frlmltlte Lire In Karly Alaska luv I A stirring, virile drama of the Alas-' kan frontier comes to the screen In "The Barrier," the photoplay from Kex Beach's wisely read novel of a decade 7n nf th sam nam wHIH fa tn Ka! shown Tuesday night at the West-holme theatre. This picture contains none of the 'overdrawn heroics customarily associ ated with pictures woven around the lives of men and women In primitive conditions, tout Is an accurate, faithful portrayal of man's struggles against the wilds and the elements Norman Kerry, a favorite portrayer ter or to gain the front rank In pic- 01 romantic roies. piays aieaae Burreu. turcs. Influence may or may not make th aristocratic army officer from Vlr- lt a little easier, but no artist in any f101- wh0 u aa&lged to Alaska, where real atandlng has ever attained or held "ta and falls In love with Neda. a professional position except through a half-breed girl whom he believes a hard work and study of her own ability, white, as does she herself. I think to succeed In almost anything. One of the big emotional cllmaxet one should be able to analyze oneself of the play comes when the disclosure 1 io know one's faults, to what what one ; of NeclaV mixed blood Is msde by Is ritted for. and In moving pictures Stark Bennett, the brutal ahlp captain. 1 especially, to be able to alt in a pro- portrayed by Lionel Barrymore. in the' Jcctlcn room and Judge one'a perform- presence of Lieutenant Burrell and ance as tt flickers by on the screen, as, Gale, played by Henry D. Walthall. j one would Judge a stranger. ' Meade Burrell. the proud and ' The temptations of the movies are haughty scion of family of southern! no more than the temptatlona of life, j bluebloods, learns that he loves a half- caste: Gsle, the kindly old factor of the north, la forced to confess to the girl that he has been deceiving her these years as to her parentage; Bennett, the brutal, man-eating skipper, lusting for vengeance on Oale. who has VvavataH lhtin Iwa a. a.u'u -. 4 a. 1 Muncming miraculous aooui u. Ana sweetheart and the there la plenty of room on It for those;., ha. f.iw man she believed . Tiutii.i.s ,t-m:.NTV ,of the snow country. , a spectacular crushing. . of a ship In ' the Ice floes, some hair-raising fights that eclipse n : realism perhaps anything ever present-led. An evening of solid entertainment ' is assured. Marcellne Day, the heroine, who has Just stepp-d out of comedies and west-err Into a leading woman role. Is a lovely and convincing Necla. Altogether, "The Barrier" is a firs.-ratt show. YAUDEYILLE SHOW IS COMING WEDNESDAY Nmrl entertainment to be I'lirnUhrd t nder 1J.D.K. Auple Vaudeville is the big attraction at the Westholme on Wednesday night. There will be no picture and one show only. This Is an effort by the younger ones In which they will do their stuff for the delectstlon of their elders. Revue has fin flacfciche ENSF as: ' IB Conuolcum dealers throughout Canada are now able to offer the well-known. Sngoleum GOLD SEAL 4rt-Rugs at new low price levels. Persian, Chinese, Oriental and domestic patterns, rich in brijdu, cheerful colorings, are all substantially reduced to the low prices here shown. Ask your dealer to show you the complete aort mcnt of attractive patterns at these low price. 9x12 feet. Formerly 577.25 NTow $15.50 9x IOH 9x 9 9x 9x 7H 6 15.25 13.00 10.75 6.75 Oilier sites are atu rcJucrJ in price. een very popular in London since the -ar you muat have seen the word tn -nut many times. And if you don't mow what It u. you can find out on Wednesday night. There are snappy .3nga and happy dances. And both .lappy and snappy and snappier cos-(continued on- pa(a live) WATER NOTICE IMVKItMlON AMI tK ! TAKE NOTICE that Robert M. ' -urrie, whose address la 1410 stb Ave. Test. Vancouver. B.C.. will snnlv fnr a icence to take and Ue fifty gallon--er minute of water out of small creek, tnnamed, which flows southerly and drains Into Kustra Inlet, QC. Island, about 1X00 feet westerly from miners' -ablna at hsad of Huston Inlet. The ater will be diverted from tht stream at a point about 200 feet from snore ime. passing through twenty-tour acres applied for Under lease, and will be used for Industrial purposes upon the nd described aa applied for to lease head of Huston lain. Moresby ' Inland. - - - ,on tne etn day o ready to take tha girl away from het ' copy of this notice I uecemoer. 1028. r This notice was posted on the ground ana an application pursuant inereso ana to tht "Water Ac ioi.- wut be filed in tht office of Act, thn Water Recorder at Prince. Rupert, D.C Objections to the application may be Titer. I, sos,, wonderful, photography tf. t-ariiament Buildings. Victoria. BO. wunin miny aays alter the first appearance of this notice Jn a local newspaper. The date of the first publication ts December 20, 1929. ROBERT. M. CURRIE. Applicant. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AITI.Y TO 111 I.KAHK l..M In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dls-trict of Prince Rupert, and altuate on the north shore of Crescent Inlet. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, In the Province of British Columbia, and being about one and a half miles from the heed of the Znlet. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of i-nnce uupen, ii u . occupation Marine Broker. Intends to apply for a lease of iue louowing described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the north shore of Crescent Inlet, about one and a half miles from the head of the intci; mence northwesterly 20 chains tnence southwesterly 20 chslna; thenca southeasterly 20 chains; thence north-easterly 20 chains, and containing forty n( Bjiva, uiurv or jess. JAMES FIELD ...... . Applicant. u try fiuygmpr At, iWatt). LAND ACT. NOTICi: OF INTKNTION TO APPLY TO I.KANE LA Nil I In Oona River Land Recording Dlatrlct I of Prince Rupert. B O., and altuate on ! an Island In Oona River approximately opposite Block One and Two of Lot 2190, ;K. 5, Coast District (mostly tide flat j surrounding small Island). TAKE NOTICE that John Bergman, of I Oona River. D C. occupation flaherman. : Intends to apply for a lease of the fol. lowing described lands! Commencing at a post planted 300 feet north of northwest corner post of lait 2190; thence 100 feet southeast; thence 200 feet westerly; thence 1.000 feet northwest: thence 100 feet to post planted, and containing ten acres, more .or leas, JOHN BEnOMAN. Dated October Ann " cant. 30, ioa.- IJ.60 11.75 9.75 7.75 Longer Wear Congoleunt is now miJe with an Improved lonttr.wtarinf writer that will ensure years of satisfactory wear. CoNcoiruM Canada Limited MovmrAt Sv I COLD CAL 1 I umiATKmctmrti V ISWVl MUMIYlMa Do Not be Misled! Voti will know ftnulne Cnntuleum, with tht hnpnmd lontcf'Wtar.i.. $wjae fry tht CMStvt aljixrtl to Iht turjacc of coth Hut. Thlt Gold X-u It )or luarttnitt vj taihfaction Ttib coupon entitles ou (o a booklet !i 3t j all die attractive pattern in thrtr full :. rr Costf oleum Canada Limited, 1270 Si Pauick Street, Montreal Send me without cost or oblir a copy of your latest pattern Ix entitled "Brlclrttn Your Home Congeteum Cold Seal Art-Hugi" Name....,, Address City Pro. WHEW PURCHASING Don't : Forget Montreal : Importers who brought Montreal Prices m to Prince Rupert Montreal Imoorters Third Avenue DEMAND J. B. Miller, Proprietor "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST IIKEAKFART FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd- Prince Itunrrt, H.C. Advertise in "The Daily News"