which adds a rurthex 2 per thousand to ! vas tid to :onip!t a time-table. the price. Furthermore, at least 1 per thousand will be added to the comparative price at or near Powell River to cover rafting or barge towing, with an additional 16 per thousand for towing and insurance. "Criticism suggested by the seemingly low price for cedar and white pine will be round on analysis defective, bias much as royalty and handling charges have not been taken into account, and the cut or these woods cannot be used In the ordinary course ol the company's operations. This means that they will have to take their chance or reselling at a market which at present shows a tendency to declin rather than to advance." The tract or pulpwood timber sold by Provincial Government to the Powell River Pulp' Si Paper Co. on araham Island, consisted of 60.116 acres and contained 1.1C8.514 O00 feet board measure, valued at I691J12, plus royalty, lion. T. D. Pattullo. minister or lands, informed the House, replying to questions by Tt. H. Pooley. r Caih to the amount or $05X08 was paid down and stumpage and royalty ;wcre to be paid as the timber was cut and scaled and upon receipt or account. All the timber must be cut Inside o thirty years. The Powell River Go. submitted the only tender. Mr. Pattullo said that deorge H. Mc-Klnnon, a timber cruiser, protested in writing against making the sale at this time or year, claiming that coram unloa-tlon with the Islands was difficult and the season not propitious ror examining timber. Communication was not diffi PAGE FOUR DA7T.7 TTFTTTi M... i. J, in GRAHAM ISLAND BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM.anns IM-MR-FlXO1- HAVE. - v t l 1T6 to oa heldI vmy- UIT lit COLLT- IF I HAD i IOTHIO MU.FIXt)M? WtU i TIMBER PROJECT LDERMAH-. I WAST TO KOW m I AT MOLAMPMT ) CERTAtNUV- STUFF LlrCe-THlS-I D AMq t just wamttolut IFVOU VsilLL. COME ANin VTM 1 1 MAI ll i J I m n TTlOl fcarr GUT" VilTH IT- THE IDEA OF KMOW POMTWUN VJH i rTHlO AFTERNOOM AT TViS niras t y mhi GIVSM'MEA CIGAR T MIS 1 NOT OWWlHIO Af u.u -tsc NOON- BUT I'D LIKE "1 0 i t itTin it pakticilaks or poutxi. STOMti- CNIE1.E.US 1JT OMC'ntiNU' m&ETlNG? III 1 1 fTELt-TOO ItlVKK CO.'M rXlEI5T.KIN) ( I M I - A m. ill IIIVEX IV DESPATCH TO j VAxrorvF.u papi:k Further particulars of the big devel opment pun on Graham island pro posed by the Powell River Co.. and some Interesting discussion or timber at lairs on the Queen Charlotte Islands '' were contained In a (Special despatch from Victoria which occupied a prominent position in the Vancouver Province on Friday.. The despatch was' as follows: Plans (or a large Industrial development by the Powell. River Company on Graham Island involving the expenditure or at least 1.250.000 and designed to move out logs for the company's big mill at Powell River were announced here by Michael Manson, member of the Legislature ror MacKenzie. Mr. Manson Indicated that he had Just received authentic Information covering the company's plans, following tne sale or about a billion feet or pulp timber to It by the government. With his announcement of the proposed Queen Charlotte Island Industrial development Mr. Manson linked he statement thac the government's sale or the timber in question, formerly under attack, was entirely satisfactory to the opposition. The Powell River Company will spend not less than $500,000 in creating a new port on Graham Island as an outlet ror its new timber limits, Mr Manson stated. This will be In addition to large railway construction on th island, a project whleh will employ; many men during the next two years cult, however, the minister said, while lth detailed Information available ini he department, only limited field check ing by Interested parties was necessary. Question Did any other person or persons make protest to the minister of lands? Answer Yes. the Lumber Products Company or Los Angeles, California, and Ladner St Cantelon, solicitors, Vancouver, on behalf or the Lumber Products Company. Coincident with the representations made by Messrs. Ladner St Cantelon. R. H. Pooley also made representations to the prime minister. Question Did any person or corporation make request lor time to Inspect the timber with a view to making a bid to purchase this Umber? ir so. when, and who were the parties? Was extra time granted? ir not, why not? OI'KUATIONS MIT SATISFACTORY Answer-rYes. the Lumber Products Company or Los Angeles, California, and Leon Ladner, on behalf of the said com pany. Immediately prior to the sale. jne iAj& yingeies company carried on operations at Massctt Inlet of an un satisfactory character. Their operations consisted of the very minimum of manufacture to permit export. The product was then shipped to Los Angeles to be further manufactured f . re. This com- 'pany Is not operatin t the present time and is not tue owner of the licen x at Massett Inlet, but acquired cutting .'ights from the license-holder. The Lumber Products Company was advised that If they would erect ft pulp ind paper plant m connection with the existing licenses, which it Is understood approximate over two bill km feet, such additional government timber as might be available and required to supplement the present supply up to capacity of the proposed unit would be rendered available under the terms of the Fores. Act. In answer to a question for the average prices In the province paid for timber or this grade and kind, the minister replied NO OTHER COMPAR.UJI.E "No other sales are comparable. Sales I for ordinary kigfng are readily access!- ; b!e for Immediate operation, and con- ' Flans ror a railway already have been tract require cutting in from 1 to 5 1 coaipjeiea ana construction win t ; years. Pulp license sales are for thirty started at the earliest possible date. A years, and the contract requires utlll-standard-gauge line will be built Inland laatlon ol the mailer and lower grade from the portslte at a cost or about : material. Pulp sales made to the Whalen 1750,000, and logs thus brought out to ; pulp & Paper Co.. under tender In 1924. tide water will be taken to Powell i avenged the following prices: Hemlock River ror manufacture Into paper and balsam. 36c per thousand: spruce. Sale of the Queen Charlotte Island ; aOc per thousand: other species, 91c per timber has been the subject of con- j thousand. These aalea were, however, or iroversy as a result oi pointed questions the lower cOa, mostly waterfront asked byR. II. Pooley. opposition leader, who pressed his queries in the Legislature. While Mr. Pooley objected to the sale of the timber without sufficient notice, Mr. Manson, the timber expert of the opposition, declared that the transaction fc&d been or greet aevantage to the province. I'UKTS DECEPTIVE "It Is wholly lncrrect." Mr. Manson said, "to accept the prices given by t&e minister of lands, in answering questions as to the total cost or the timber to the Powell River Company. To compute the actual cost one must necessarily add the royalty tobe collected by the crown as cutting proceeds, and cialms. and with transportation charges 12 to (3.50 per thousand feet less than from (be Queen CharlcOtes and In addition 3CM4Q requires tvcnty-flre miles or mainline railway to .develop the timber. Qmrtioa Wfcy were leaders called ror at this period of 4he ytff AaMe Because cruising and Investigation ot Ue tract bad been completed. The period mt (be year was not a rector. In reply to questions as to how often regular steamers run to the Island during the winter, and whether facilities were provided for passengers' to reach '.he locality, the leader of the opposition ser. Pooley concluded his lone list of questions by asklu:; : Are the purchasers required t- e-ect any mill on or near the llosnse? If so. what 'are the requirements?" Hon. T. D. Pattullo replied: "They have already erected a plant in compli ance with toe statutes ar.d of a- capacity greater than required for mis timber." VARIOUS MATTERS BEFORE TERRACE PARENT-TEACHERS i .TERRACE. Jan. 17. At tn regular The Children Will Catch Sold Mother slioulJ never neglect the first sijn of a cold or rough wln-iv their children are concenil, fur if they tin some serious lung trouble is liable to follow. Sirs. R, T. Hnbbv, 1022 Barrlnpton f?U, Halifax, N.S. writes:--" The children are rontinually gettiug rcldV, but I- haw no trouble with them, for just as soon as they brgiii to cough 1 give thn a dos of Is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup which breaks up the eoM withfn a day or so. I get great results out of it and would not be without It for anything. I can highly recommend it to any one." Price 35. a bottle; lajge famllv sire COc; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out oversight on the part of many, but it should not be overlooked for a longe.' period. A good crowd was In attendance and considerable business was satisfactorily handled. , A satisfactory oonxnunlcatlon wav read frost the Edusatisnal Department in regard to school grounds Improvement work, the supplying of free shrubJ. etc This was turned over to the rounds Improvement committee to act on in conjunction with the school board, through whom the grants must :me. The supplying of cocoa V, the acheo'. children was considered siot neceary owing to the comparatively mild weather, and the question was dropped ror this, winter. A committee composed of Mrs. O. Von Hees, Mr. Sprsgge and Mr. Thomas was appointed to select books to the value oT 20 ror the school library, half tha amount having been turned over by tha Christmas tree committee to be spent far tite children in that way. By hiring this handled through the school board '.he government donates an equal amount, thus a double value will be received from the Christmas tree donations. After the business meeting Rev. A. W. Ribiiuon gave a very Interesting talk on "Sidelights of India." taking three topics: "Salutations," "Music," and Craftsmanship." These were Interest- monthly meeting of t:.e Terrace and , ingly illustrated. Several pieces of erafu-Kitsumkalum Farent-TeMberV Acacia- j mansbip in brass and silver work were tion held on Thursday evening in the much admired and Mr. Robinson's ren--: hool house, an appeal was made by deiiag or several pieces of Indian music '.he president for more membe.j. the . much enjoyed. membership book showing that very j Mrs. U. Haney also delighted the audi- i few. even of those most active and in- ; ence with two well rendered vocal solas, teres ted in the work, were boni-flde , A social hair hour was enjoyed while members,' It was felt that this was an refreshments were being served, Baker's Breakfast Cocoa Has the Endorsement of High Medical Authority rmd': by a reputable manufacturer has a definite food COCOA value. It- is nourishing and will sustain, for instance, a typhoid patient, for several weeks or indefinitely. A brand of cocoa that has been on the' market for many years and has been a favorite pre scription of thousands of physicians ij that of Walter Baker 6 Co., Limited, Dorchester, Mass., and Montreal, Que. It is absolutely pure and is put up under ths moit 6anitary conditions. The medical profes 6ion of Canada may continus to prescribe it, knowing that any package bearing the iiarae of Baker is "right." Tia Hospital Medical and Nursing World, Toronto. Walter Baker & Co., Limited . Estab!it!d 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. CANADIAN MILLS AT MONTREAL Boolflet of Choice Recipe icnt free property. Jfowing day. HAZELTON With hauling conditions improved, cedar poles are beginning to move In real earnest. New Harelton 1 the rail way shipping point for a production which it is expected will be greatly in creased this winter. A party of Blackwater Indians ar rived last week with a good catch or furs which -they sold at aatisfactory prices. William MeAdams of the Standard on Co. at Toronto and Ferguson McDonald or Vancouver have purchased the stock in the American Boy mine from Harris Bros. The new concern plans within a few weeks to start an 'active campaign of development on the The first farmer In the Interior to -ake advantage ot the cheap feed thus irovlded. W. C. Little or Woodcock has purchased front the Prince Rupert elector a oarload of grain screenings Thlch he will use as hog feed. TERRACE Tom Moore of Hydrr Is visiting at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Moore. Qua Muelser a logger in Little's wood's camp met with a serious accl-den on Thursday when he wss thrown from the spring bosrd on which he was working and suffered a major fracture in his leg Just above the knee. First aid was sendered here by Dr. Turpel and he was taken to the Prince Rupert hospital on Friday morning's freight where x-ray treatment will be used In tettlng the bone. Lester Tart suffered severe cuts and bruises to race and eyes on Friday In a runaway accident in the Lakelse valley when the team he was driving be came unmanageable and bolted down a steep hill throwing him to the ground. Several stitches were required to close a wound In his race after which he was able to return to his home. Mrs. W. II. Burnett was a, tea hostess on Friday. A mild type of Influenza Is at present quite prevalent throughout the district, the patients being chiefly children. Mrs. II. end Miss Hallowell had the misfortune to be thrown from their bujgy on Wednesday night when leaving Progress Hall after the Anglican social. Miss HaUowetl received a slight cut on the head and both were badly bruised. Fortunately help wss at hand and they were taken to the horns 6f Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Bishop, and were able, to return to their home1, the fol- Terrace '. residents the calm Saturday much, appreciated i j'.a'fifl .felrltf mild ,'wrojher of after the week of'seVfte cold, windy weather which preceded it. Sunday morning several inches or snow msdc isggius prospects brighter, hauling having been carried on recently on ice roads but with not very satisfactory rsults. BURNS LAKE Over forty residents of Burnt Lake and the lake district south were pre- , sent at .a meeting here last week when It was decided to tske the necessary steps towards forming a Burns Laks and District Board of Trade. S. Odd win presided over the meeting and R. Lowe acted as secretary. The member ship fee was fixed at $5 per year and officers will be elected when the chsrter hss been received from the 8ecretsry of State. The Burns Lake Community Hall Association has decided to put on scries or Saturday night dances dur ing the winter months. Mrs. Craig of Vancouver was here last week enroute to Francois Lake where she- will become matron of the D. M. Oerow had the misfortune to Injure his back und has been confined to his home during the past week UCder the doctors care. Mrs. D. AvTltus and children and Mr. Wheeler left last week for Premier Mlna. where they will reside. My J. Phlnnev and famllv of linf. falo, Wyoming, nave taken Up tern- district. O 127 av N? i Fesnme Soivics. Inc. V anted For Sale For Rent FOR S.U.R FOR SALE. TO CLOSE OUT AN LS Ute. we, are authorised to Ml several lots, some corners, harbor view, and on sewrr. Iriees low and terms from 110.00 monthly. Enquire T. McClymont. u FOR SALE. THREE ROOM HOUSE with fine harbor view. Built 19X1. 11.000.00 on terms. This Is a snap at the price. Theo. Ooltart. Ltd FOR SALE. PIANO. PRACTICALLY i new. Apply comer Fulton and Sixth Avenue, over Sunrise Orocery. 13 1800 A MONTH BUYS A FINE BUILD. tng lot; Oraham Avenue. Walker Music 8 lore. tf FOR 8 ALE. PAIR OF BLUE FOXES. Apply O. It. Udd. Seavlew Apartments, tf FOR KENT FOR RENT. THIRTY ROOM EQUIP- ped hotel. Oolng eaneern. Writs Box 343 Dally News Office tf FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART mnt: four roooM um hath aiui paid. Phone MT. tf FOR RENT. STEAM HEATED APART- ments. Apply Smith St UaUett, Ltd. Telephone 174. FOR RENT. SIX ROOMED HOUSE O.I Borden Street. February I. Phone Red SU. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT by day. week or month. Phone Red 007- , r FOR RENT. MODERN HOUSE. FIV rooms and bath. Monro lire. tf AUCTIONEER AM NOW LOCATED AT 301 THIRD Avenue, one block West of McBrkl. phone 77t. I am In a posttton to serve the public to better advantage. I repair furniture of all description. I buy, sell or exchange. Auctions arranged at short notice. O. F. Brine. IIOAHI) BOARD. THE INLANDKH. 8econd Avenue, rhnn 137 FOUND ! FOUND. VOONO LADr-8 DANCINQ slipper on Third Avenue. Apply Dilly News Office. porary quarters In the Tfius home. They will later take up land In the Ray Commons has returned to his duties in the branch of the lloval nar.k here after having enjoyed a holiday in the south. Mr. and Mrs. Ashford will arrive In town this week from the East to visit with their son. Rev. W. tt. Ashford. United Church pastor here. Mrs. Oordon B. Robb left on Thurs day for Vancouver whets she will be Joined shortly by Mr. Robb. Mrs. I. Martin left at the end of the week to Join her husband who has been transferred to Queen Char lotte City as forest ranger. She waa accompanied by her sons. Advertise In the DMIv News PIIINCK HUPI'llT Tllil'C a. MONDAY. JANI'AKV 17 High 1:21 a.m. 18 B it, 13:03 p.m. Jl.3 Low 7:03 a.m. 8.8 " HMO p.m. a.O -TI'n.MIAV. JANI'AKV IK nigh a 02 m. la t rt. J 13M p.m. ai.a - I-ow 7:47 a m. Ts fl 30:80 pjn, 3,0 " I Gnl (Mam r(liu mini I " I 3 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. Si 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest tlian 50c WANTED I.O.ST W A NTED BOY TO ATTEND FURNACE LOST. BLACK FUJI LIKED COAT, and empry ashes dsUy. Near Booth between Sixth 8treet and Sixth Ave. school. Apply Box 17 Dally News Finder please return to Dally News Offlce. u, oave. ' , " i I. i i i ' WANTED. TO HEAR FROM OWjfEIt LOST. WATCH, BETWEEN SEAL COVE isrm ior saie. state eaah prtce. D. F. Bush. Minneapolis. Minn. and Seventh Avenue West on Pulton Phone Black 331. Reward. 10 ooli A. IMtr0 Seal Cote. Mixed Wood Blocks per load IVXI Kindling, per load 14X0 Furnace Wood, per load loOQ Dellrered. Salt Herring Pl.one llljrk 1(11 ItfSTAUKANTS mum K4TN CUT. Mrs. U niter. Proprietress Third Avenue. Next O. W. V. (SfMHl Home Conked Meals. Phone Black 700 ANOTHER Mfi REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES 1-1H Ton Utility Express ChsU MSI H Ton Light Delivery Chassis I 69000 Touring and Roadster SISO0 Sport Roadster MOM Oaaeh and Ocupe I1090O0 8dan tllJSDO t-endau I1IBSM im:i c.akm nx iitvn 1 Ford Light Delivery, open body I 7300 1 Ford Ugtit Delivery, panel body : IIIOOO 1 Ford Light Delivery, starter equipment 1 260 00 Ford Tudor Sedan, stsrter equipment ... 100 00 t Oldsmobile l-pswenger Tour ing, 1033 irtoOOO Terms can be srrsngrd on both new snd used ears to suit the purchaser. KAIEN (JAKAfiK Dealers In Cn.llMe. .Mrl-stifliMn, Oakland. PunlUr Oltl'imiMIe and rhrtrolrt l'ar. I'hone St TAXI I'hone 67 Tnl (Call fieorce. Paul or fiuati Six and Seven Passenjrcr Stude- uakern at your disposal any time. KOSS imos. POOL KOOM Meeker Block. (Across, from Kmpreiin Hotel) IN PROIIATK. IN 7IIK MTItKMi: roT'KT Ol' llHITIMI tmUMIJlA In the XIatter ot the Administration Act: snd In the Matter of the Estate of Andrew Aim. otherwise known as Anders Aim. Deceaaed, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that bv order of Ills Honor, Judge Robertson, the 18th dsy of December. A.D. 1020, I wss appointed Admlnlstrstor ot the estste of Andrew Aim. otherwise known ss Anders Aim, deceased, and all parties having claims seslnat the said estste are hereby re quired to furnish aame, properly verified to me, on or before the 17th day ot January, A D. 1037, and all parties Indebted to the estste are required to pay tne amount oi meir inaemeaness to mr forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT Prince Rurwl.'B.C. Official Administrator, Dated the 31st day of December, A.D. 1030. IN PROHATE IN Till: NITIIKMK f'OI'KT fP IIIIITIMI (OMMI1IA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Clark Edward Bronson, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order or HI Honor, Judge Robertson, the IBth day of Dwtmber, AD. loan, I was appointed Edward Bronson, deceased, and all parties ine snia estate aro hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me on or before the loth day of January, AD. 1037. and all parties Indebted to the estste are re. '("'"d to pay the amount of their In. ttebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, r. ... ... ... Prlne Rupert. BO. 1ir of ,,r,'n',"r' A IB a MAIL SCHEDULE OI f -OOIMI I'M Hie tlS't Mondays Wednesdays ,. riot T Vsnrontrv Tuesdays 4 Fridays BaturUys C-P-R.. Jsn. 14. 38 f First etas mail is Ysntswm on Monday W' ttttrd ley CNR irj .i. T Aii). Alltr trm, Mrs trf SO nosy Wrdaeastsya To It. Plinpwnand Ns Rl Sundays la AU'ks Itolnti Jsn. 10. 14 T t(ern 4'lirllf Jail II. 3V iv.i must. IrvM the !( Tuesdays. Thu'tuisy at I ram Vsaentner Sunday ..... Wrdnwifay . . Fridays cm. jm. 10. m Mom A ). Alk Arm "Treiolrr Turadsys FrtdsH Iwm ft. fclntpaan sm4 Ns It Tu si days . . . Ilm Als-ka Flnl Jan. 14. St . . I'MMit urrn Clifllle- I 1 Jan II. 37 . imi rouj'.i'ito Orsoam At Atlin avm 1st A,e A3 Mb St Ui Ave At FMtUm MH Are. At Thompson tttta tlbevtraoke Avr. Iltb Ave At Oanrsd h Ave Si Hay Cove Mtt St Msy Cove C.Kle lib Ave at Cotton St Kb Ave Uc Bride At Prov O.n t BMgs Prov Oov Wharf . O.TI'. Wharf O.T' r tNsvUon 3nd Ave. it and Ot led Ave. At Pulton St led Ave 6th St Sunday collection -unr .. dsjs cnly. oixniutjnir iiiuyluil'i- rf Vsnrouter Tnesdsy- a Cardens Friday -as. lrince Rupert Saturday as Calais .. . Saturday as Prlncts Beatrice Jan. 14--ss. Prlnces Mnrv Jsn. 28 ss. Princess M.iry from Vancoiiter Sunday as. Cardena Wedbeaday as. Pr. Rupert Friday- Catala Saturdsy -ss. Princes Beati' " Jsn. 10- as Plrncras Mary Jan. 34 - a. Princes Mary for I'nrl Hlniivn snd Ns.n ltlvf 8unday- as. Cardena . from Port fllniinn and Naa It v Tuesdsy -as Cardena I'or Slenatt. Anyot and Allre A ' Suhday s. Cardena . Wednesday--m. prince Rui" Front Mraarf, A 11) in and Aide A Tuesday as. Cardena . Friday as. Prince Rupee' For IJneen ( irlotte Jan 15 'rlnce Charles Jan. 20.. Prince Charles liont (jueen (hsrlmieo Jan. 13 s prince Charles Jan. 37 as. Prince Chnr!' I'nr Alanka Jan. 10 as. Princess Mary Jan. 3fgs. Princess Mary From AIiiM.i Jan. 14 s Princess Murv Jan. 38 aa. rrlnces Uury C.N.R. TRAINS For East -Mondays, Wedn Baturdays From East Tuesdayr Th Sundays PA'INfo? Bladder Irr'ao loon saitd l ( SANTAL 1110" wse f ImllijK s- a a ,. tunPsl w aVVl 1 Vr tiw " - M11M liv H