i} he } ul SPORTS ROUND-UP GAYLE By (AP) fel t alter LNORE } } 1 taken ; rth grade, erious TALBOT Let us all enjoy a big, #OWws who put on their rib- around the ly by the nignt country anyone who got had nerve to take over ure Garden the other night, Wien ened y 186,357 10ink Zo) fire de the Hoo t ‘ oug) 506, ' ill wil ae that inks il ¢ igh tly it hieiti a { f h ‘ G Wi Bach udden crowds d Jim and all fellows disap shadow * her 1 it overflow Ww ; Ot tossed out of v oon laughing at wro! tir Our attitude : h en that if a man ‘ wr i why that's his «' Caideroni Heads New Association » OF City Referees Bren ident - be f uned in Pyinae f Cyr he {fic are Ole Slatto 4 i Dominato W mb hip « th , ssi referee; ad will decide 4 re exhibition Leet " b held the M f each month pecially are | feree inter- i { rules and to present _ eae pone HI We 10 } be m- OSHI Kel : seen vow EMPRESSES OF THE AIR’ hours A rt Hice bro overnight letely wit! are ant, pre wel luxury ow non-st fascinating op from Vancouver » Haw ke the most ol ui, see your time No booking 10 days, o wish among cay ow cost Stay Transportation, in advance he group ie arranged any variation you wish. urized air-conditioned Super ye never! dreamed possible. sk your wavel Agent or any Canadian Pacific “Haweiian Tours” hure, additional information, or lor reservations. AIRLINES roruing the ghorte fratbel i, faatest weekly ervice, » Tokyo and Hong Kong —~ YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT—— ioe ci ame) tee hae) P, ©. BOX!1278:. PHONE BLACK 637 Pea PNG W CS ok aC adhe thd ak i &@ i | 4, ? HEL 59 7 os ATHLETES WED—Both competito a! Heleinkt this year Whe war Canada vauller Re s for Canada in the Olympics , Eleanor McKenzie of Vancouver, sprinter outstanding woman athlete of 1950, and pole- Miller of Toronto, are shown prior to their marriagy ir Vanereypere Pana M K 1949 while NU palr Who met ih en route to the British Empire Games in Auckland, (CP Photo: Mansons Out-Play G-As : For First Win of Taos North Stars Overcome F-P: Girls on the Hoop Court Qut-passing and out-scoring the league leaders in all but the first quarter, Mansons last night won their first game of the season as they downed Gordon & Anderson 65-50 in a Senior ‘B” league game. Coming from behind with 29-¢ 16 deficit at the end of the first nz } t) Bde6 UCAlTp OF, Lid with 19 and McKay with 20 quarter, the jewellers led by one points to lead the bid for vic point at half time, then turned tory Meanwhile, they punctur- on the heat ed the. guard of Hartwig- Alex BUl's G & A's were hot poached F & P's and st t up a too, but it was mostly temper, defence which proved highly ef resulting in mainstay Jim Flaten teetive, Standout for the losers being sent off the floor in the was plonde-headed Gus Nicker- third frame son Referee Fred Calderone step- gipps ped quickly between the big weanwhile. a ne flavor wa eocked right hand of Flaten and oadeq te the h« cireuit with Monsons’ stand-out Ray Spring appearance for the first time in object of Flaten’ ire The league play for several seaon Hartwig. rT a Al the outset, the game had a}! the earmarks «: ar.ciner defent SENIOR % ” : for the jewellers at the hands 9f Mameger--re twa 8. Oise F ‘ : oe Spring 23. Webster 9, Bill 11 the hardware squad, but th : i Suther3 Tetal 65 league leaders, still a point ahead “. D . Woier iL in the three-team circuit, show- |... soikectad 8 Hébb 13 Gard- ec little of their spark In former r 4 Boul Tota’ 59 two gan wh éy down INTREr a ed both Mansons and the pulp Nerth Star—Morrison 19. Cam- millers eror 2, Backer 2, McKay 20, Le- High scoring man for tur k ‘Continued on page 3) ers was Jimmie Hebb with 13 lanky centre man, while neither Davis’ fall-..ways or Flaten's usually accurate set shots did ANOTHER SULECTION OF nuch damage . This year’s rookie to senior A-1 Quality ball, Ron Webber, demonstrated outstanding skill with long USED CARS shots to take second high sco c 2 for the G & A’s with 11 and 19! Pontiac Sedan—Bea ee stuck with tenacity to his op- Pav Yours for ae re posite number, Hartwig, in de- 95? Ford — : a ial ‘ 4 . Peel cCossp Nice ty Lo a ~s iN G&A defen tei 1865 Danny Bill for Mansons aide. HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL the win pereeptibly with Us Bigg rord Sedan—Good motor points fair tires. Needs a little Referees Sev Dominato and body work. Barwain at $815 Calderone called them ~ closc ' throughout, in an overall bid TRUCK DEPARTMENT this season to guide the sport 91948 Chev. Panel-—Has bern by the trietest ade: enc to carefully driven. Good tires he rule book Very useful little truck $975 sigan if46 Dodge Panel.Sound as | INTER A they come $835 In the Inter “A” division Nerth Star made goed the threet BR b p k Lid. of their captain Bill Morrison io 0 ar er come out on top of their next “Phe homc of trienc}y affray by cleaning up Fraser & service” Payne 51-33 Phone 93 i | Standouts here were Morrison OLD MAN WINTER IS COMING BUY COAL NOW We Hove a Carload of the Best ALBERTA - FOOTHILL COAL LUMP - EGG - NUT - STOKER At Lowest Possible Price. PHONE 383 or 858 TODAY -— DON’T DELAY IMMEDIATE. DELIVERY — FAST SERVICE DELUXE - TRANSFER Accounts may bs paid in advance ii desired eiiher at PELUXE TRANSFER, Second Ave. West, across from Liquor Store or at EDEAL CLEANERS & LAUNDRY McBride St All Orders under 1 ton C.0.D. on | Toronto, Top Canadian | Athletes Wed In Vancouver VANCOUVER dian athletes, epectis St nere 0—Two Cana- tops in their re- fields, were married at Helen's Anglican Church recently The prine‘pals were sorinter Eleanor MeKenzie of Vancouver and pole vaulter Ron Miller of Both represented Can- ada at the British Empire Games in 1950 and at the Olympic Games this year. The bride was lamed Canada’s outstanding voman athlete in 1952. Frank Richard of Calgary, the bride’s formet coach, proposed he bridal toast at the reception a'. the Reyal Vancouver Yacht Cihb, After a California honey- moon, the couple will live in Toronto, oe - en Royals Purchase Cougar Player NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. @ ‘wew Westminster Royals of the Western Hockey League an- nounce purchase of right winger Jack McIntyre from Victoria Cougars. It was not immediately known what player Royals would | “ut loose to mak Intyre rcom for Mc- Mining industrics, notably copper account for about three- qharters of me exports of Chile. Fans, Players ‘Bail Out’ Hockey Coach TRAIL, BC. —Hockey fans! here like coach Moe Young so well they're putting up $2,000 to; keep him in Trafl Young was suspended in Sep- tember “by Boston Bruins when | he refused to report to their farm | chib, Tacoma Rockets of the | professional Western Hockey | Leaguc. E decided to play for} and coach Trail Smoke Eaters of | the Western International Sen- lor Amatour Leagr-. ; Fans have chipved in $1,200 to | huy Young's covtract from Ta- | coma. Muzz Patrick, owner- | manager-coach of the Rockets, | released Young and ag 2ec that | the remaining $800 could be paid | within 30 days. The Smoke Eat- |! ers put up $500 of the $1,200 col- lected HUNSTANTON, England ? E, C. Walker, who faced a bill for £15 for damage to an automobile by his two infant. sons, has tak- en out a £10,000 policy to insure |himself against any mpre cam- age they may do outside the home. Walker says the premium of 10 shillings a year is a “small sum to pay for peace of mind.” The *Avstsalian government railway runs 3,372 miles from Fremantle to Brisbane TO el MONDAY PRINCE RUPERT WEDNESDAY Departs Prince Rupert 2:30 p.m. Arrives Ketchikan 3:15 p.m. ROUND TRIP ELLIS AIRLINES Phone 476 KETCHIKAN SATURDAY $27.00 » Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, November 26, 1952 Albe rta aceounts for 30 per/ , Ce The 1951 Canadian census )ist- cent of Canada’s shorn wool out-jed 35,176 persons employed | as put, Ontario for 23 per ent and|cooks, 19,513 men and, 16663 Quebec 18 per cent. j; Women nf - “ . - 7 3rd Av-nue W. 44-ton vanel FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $960 down and 24 months to pay DEPENDENCY REGULATIONS EXPANDED New dependency regulations allow the head of a family to claim as dependents certain relatives dependent upon him for support. mation. BE PROTECTED—Keep your premium paid up-to-date. Write for further infor- | USED CARS and TRUCKS | 2—1949 Studebaker Champion Sedans $1395 2—1949 Austin Panels 1—1949 Flying Standard Coach 1—1949 Monarch Sedan 1—1949 International 3 1—1948 Austin Sedan NEW STUDEBAKERS ARE ON DISPLAY °895 | Superior Auto Service LIMITED Phone Green 217. PROTECTION AGAINST CRIPPLIN noes. BILLS! ee British Columbia's First Distillery B.C. DOUBLE DISTILLED ° In the days giant forest stands, for Canada’s Pacific Province. One man who did was William se omm ge — Braid. In S15 a: a _ clo ie Za Founded in 1904 by William Braid few men foresaw the tremendous future iti store 1904, he founded the Province’s first distillery—The British Columbia Distillery Company Limited in New Westminster. \r 1 time when that city’s population was a mere nine thousand, William Braid was laying the firm foundations . . . setting the policy of quality .. part in B.C € ompany has growing demand Since 1904, the the in the markets meet of the world. ‘Today, Braid Street founder—William stands as tangible Braid. evidence of for its quality products at home NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. EXPORT . for an industry that has played an increasingly important ’.’s economic development. steadily expanded its facilities ‘to and the modern British Columbia Distillery on New Westminster's f the foresight of its British Columbia's First Distillery Founded in 1904 by William Braid. THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. B.C. B.C. RESERVE B.C. SPECIAL B.C. STERLING LONDON DRY GIN > This advertisement is not pubiished or displayed: by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Brittsh Colmes. ¥ founder with suet ¢ when British Columbia cities were being hewn out of ee, Finis: ends + damnngrnton b * se Po; Z Siete