jnnuarv 17, 1927 a Inw na Registered tometnst nu: taM fcarchliif exam- .,llnH ItnltWll tlJJlnj AWMit UiUl'W uviwis isaiiR 'Vlljllt- fd to practice in liritUh olumbla, He doeitn't merely "fit (ln'P8. We have experience and lowledjfe joined by yoar of s'ud; anu practice anu we u . n your even bother you. JOHNS JEWELLERS UTMC 5T0HE WITH THE CLOCrv 1 7 J I W-flfp Vi it a m gKtr face Out ' ... a from our coal r ,; ! t m . hanjre hi ex-c rv time ' da and let u Winter' hand. IV lUlfl H'tl I UTTAV and Mcl.K'On KIVEII HOOT- I.KSS Ibert & "HrCafferv I'iione-t 116 and 117 'emers V January learance SALE NOW ON 'hone 27. P.O. Ilox 327. . the TAILOR LULft nififlsa In nr. - SlllllIU U V fk-r. In our shop $50 223 Sixth Street EORGE RORfE CIIAKTEUEI) ACCOUNT ANT AND AUDITOR Phone 387 HJ HfcoiKl Avenue West, Prlure Rupert osine : Out I SALE NOW IN ITU, SWINC Mnny Harpalnn In t 1 A I . DRESSES HATS J. BENT tadle Iteady-lo-VYcar ird Ave. Phone Gil VOOOHAVt 50M& FUN) , FOOLING THt FROST If DAIL7 KET73 PAGE FIVE WEST INDIES Hot Porridge for Cold Days AND CANADA ottwva to urr.s TKXHKUH nut TWO XTKAMI'IC m! II VI ('KM FROM ATLANTIC ,M) XT. LUV-HKM'i: COUTH PROVISION 1 OK l'ASHENBEKS OTTAWA. Jn. 17.-(Bv Canadian Press.) Tenders for an elsborate mall, passenger and freight stesmshlp ser. vice betyeen Canada and the British Wert Indies have been Invited by the department of Trad and Commerce. Ottawa. The tendera will be opened on January 30. The aervlce la called for In the trade treaty negotiated In IMS between the Dominion, the Weat In-dlea, Bermuda. BrltUh Guiana and BrltUh Honduras. Thla It the second occasion upon which .Canada hat called lor tendera for the aervlce; last year It waa aald that none of the companies bidding were able to supply adequate service. The trade treaty with a long list of mutual tariff concessions has been rat-irfied by Canada and by the Islands and la only kept from becoming operative by the delay In the setting up of the ship services. Should the lines be established they will supply a faster and more frequent means of communication between these two parts of British North America than has evet existed before. At the present time the Canadian Government la paying 140.000 annually In subsidies to steamship companies to maintain a aervlce which the Islands have claimed Is quite Inadequate to permit them to sell their natural products to the best advantage in Canada. To establish the proposed communications will cost Canada a great deal mure mofcey In tnnual subsidies. m:kvhi:m cai.uii ioic The enuat will provide for two services. The Eastern Service calls for ships call log fortnightly, all the year round, at Canadian Atlantic porta, Bermuda. St- KltU. Nevis. Antigua. Mon-rrrat. Dominion. St. Lucia. Barbadoet. St. Vincent, Orenada. Tobago. Trinidad and Demerars. The vessel1 are to be .000 uma. capable of twelve knots with accommodation for inn first elaaa. "(iOVKKNMKNT UQUOK ACT MIlK i: III' l I I H'tTlOV I ok itrui I.KXMI: ! NOTTCK IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on the 10th dar of February next, the un i dersigned intends to apply to the Liquor luomroi uoara ior a neeuc ui mprci of prsmlsea being part of the building known a Seal Oove Hotel, situate at i the City of Prince Rupert. In the Pro-! vines of British Columbia, upon the ' unds described as sll that portion of ' Waterfront Block "I." Bay of Prince Rupert. City of Prince Rupert. Pro-; nee of British Columbia. Uap 2). prince Kupert lauM rtefMiraiion Lns irvt. and being more particularly de rribed as follows "Commencing at a point which Ilea In stralgh'. line of bearing north OSdeg. i W 8" l a distance of 747 JO feet ' Ituta the centre of circle aa ahown on I said Plan S2V Section 7. thence south IS dec. A 26" east a distance of 00 feet I . l. mhii a. w n" I W fil 11 v.iYi.w l.w. ... w . a- I Mtl a distance of 100 feet to a point 'thence north 6deg. I" JJ" west a die-. Lance of AO teet to a point, thence south ! St dec. 3V J" wrst a distance of 100 feet to the Dolnt of commencement ' t-yr h sale of beer by the glaaa or by , i he open bottle for consumption on the nremlsss DAI CD thla 13th day of January. 1927 II. A. DODD. Applicant l"fiOVEHN.MENT UQUOK ACT" Uotii k or .Wii.ir.uioN roil iiu:k I.III.MI. I NOTICE IS 1IEREUV OtVEN that on ' i he ut dav of Februarv neat the under- igned intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence In respect . lo premises being part of the building ' fnnwn as cVnUaf Hotel, altuated at the corner of Plrat and Seventh Streets. In the City of Prinze Rupert. Province of Bntlah Columbia, upon the .nds de--rlbed aa Lota Eleven (II) and Twelve ,ilJl. Thirteen CIS) and Fourteen (14), in Block Ten MO), section une ir 'ritv of Prince RuDert. Province of Brit- ,th Columbia, according to a registered msp or plsn deposited In the Land Reg- Vtry Olflce at the City of Prince Rupert .Bforeaald and numbered 031, for the ule of beer by the glass or by the open i bottle for consumption on the premlea. ' DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. thla 3rd day of January.lM?. , knv Applicant. MINERAL ACT ri:nTiric.ui: or "impkovi:mknts notici: . Jnanlta. Anyox. Oranby. Alamo, noiip. Pinto. Wann fractional No. 3. and Monte Fractional Mineral Claims, situate In the Allln Mining Division of Casslar Dla-irlet. Where located :-On Wann River. Taku Arm of Tsclsh Lake. TAKE NOTICE that I, Charlee V. Bob. Free Miner" Certificate No. 89768, intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining 't' Certificate of Improvement, for the pur-pose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the 'nVfurther take notice that action, under aeetlon 80. must be commenced before the issue of such Certificate of Improvement. . . D.itcd thla 1st day of January. AD. 1 M7' H, McN. FRASER. Ant. NAVIGAW.n WATERS PROTEC-TI0N ACT R.H.r CIIWTKK 115 Edward Llpsett, Limited, of the City of Vancouver, hereby give notice that no has under Section 7 of the aald Act de-wislted with the Minister of Publlo W"rk at Ottawa and In the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry District of Prince Rupert, a description of the site and the plan of wharf proposed to be built In the Harbor of Prince Rupert In front of Lot 3, Block C. Section 1, Msp 03S. And Take Notice that after the expiration of one month from the date or the first publication of this notice, Edward Llpsett Limited will, under Section 7 of the said Act. apply to the Minister of Publie Worxa at his office In the City of Ottawa for approval of the axld site and plans and for leave to construct the aald wharf. Dated at Vancouver this lllh day of December, 1830. WHEAT Simmer the biscuits .and serve with hot milk. Delicious. 10 aecond class and 100 steerage pas sengers. Escb Is to have 10, 000 cubic feet for cold storage. In addition to this a fortnightly freight aervlce of, 4.300 tons vessels with, a speed of ten1 knot from Canadian river porta In summer and ocean porta In winter calling at St. KltU. Antigua, Bar bad Is. Trinidad and Demerara. Freight rates! are to be subject to the control of the Government of Canada. The Western Service Is to carry mall. passengers and freight between St. Lawrence porta In summer and Canadian ocean porta in winter calling both ways at Bermuda, the Bahamas and Kingston. Jamalcw. The peasenger vessels are to be 8 .000 tons with ac commodation for 100 first class possen-gers and with a speed of It knots. Refrigeration la to be provided for 70,- 000 stems of bananas and for Canadian meat and dairy products. The freight steamers are to have a speed of 10 knots and refrigeration for 60.000 stems of bananaa. A smaller steamer sf about 1.000 ton with room for 30 first class passengers and cold storage i pace u to be operated fortnightly be tween Kingston. Jamaica and British Honduras connecting with the passenger vessels operating between the la-lands and Canada. TKN Vl'.tlt roNTRWT The contracts will be for a ten year period. The entire subsidy will not be borne by the government of Canada; under the treaty 39.000 pounds annual ly wUl be contributed by the Barbados, Bermuda. British Oulana. the Lee-ivard Islands, Trtnldsd and the Windward Islands. More than a little Interest In ship-pint circles has been aroused by the inviting of the tender for the new aer vlce. It Is known that several of the great ahlpplug companies are anxious to secure the contract. The Canadian Oovernment Merchant Marine It Is aald 1 . among those tendering a a private company. Although the Oov eminent 's own merchant fleet baa not ships which quite meet the require ments called for. It I understood that they are prepared to build or recon struct vessels to suit the trade If th sontract Is secured. WATER NOTICE ni'vrKsrioNtNi rE TAKE NOTICE that James Field, whose ddress is 313 -3nd Ave.. Prince Rupert B.C., will apply for licence to take and use 1 cubic foot per second of water out or unnamea erect, wnica now easterly and drains Into Crescent Inlet Moresby Island. Q C.I.. about one mils from the bead of the Inlet on the north ah ore. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 1J0OO feet from the mouth and will be used for domestic and cannery purposes upon the 40 acres of land described as unsurrey-ed land, for which purchase U applied about IS chains southwesterly from the mouth ot the stream. This notice was ported' on the around on the 30th day of November. 1B30. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant therto and to the "Water Act." will be filed in the office ot the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Objection to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights Parliament Buildings Victoria. B.C. within thirty daya after the first appearance of thla notice in a local newt-paper. Th date of th first publication is uecemorr iiu. ivo. JAMFa-FIELD, "nniiosnt LAND ACT NOTICE or INTENTION TO APPLY TO to rt iirirw: lano In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dl trlct of Prince Rupert, and situate on the north ahore of the South Arm of Tasoo Harbor, Moresby Ialand, queen Charlotte Island. Province ot British Columbia, TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation Marine Broker, Intends to apply tor permission to purchsse the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the north shore of South Arm of Taaoo Harbor, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. In the Province of British Col utnbla, about S chains from the end of the Government trail: thence 10 chains northeasterly; thence 10 chains northwesterly: thence 10 chains southwesterly; thence 10 chains southeasterly, and containing twenty (30) acre, more ot lean. JAMES FIELD, Applicant. Dated November 3). 1926 IN PRORATE IV THE St'l'KKMK COl'KT OF BRITISH rol.t'MIIIA Trt ilia, nf tta 'irimlnt.l.-Hni. (. ,v .MM...:, V. ,11. .lt.l,..t h,Vl Act: and lit the Matter of the Estate of Albert Daniels, Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that bv brder of Hit Honor. Judge Robertson, the 16th day of uecemoer, a.u. iu;ro, i was appointed 'Administrator of the estate of Alberta Daniels, deceased, and all partlet naving claims against vne sma .wtaie are i hereby required to furnish aatue, pro- verified to m on or before th ferly etli day ot January, AD. 1037, and all parties inueuten to me estate are re- ulred to pay the amount of their In-ebtedneu 3 to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B O. Dated th IClh.day of December. AD. 1926. -MOVIE NEWS NOTES (continued from page two) tume. In fact, unofficial information 1 that the costumes are Just the anap-plestl So If you would like a seat in the centre. Veil dawn in front, you would be well advised to book early at Ormes Ltd Or If you prefer the balcony, book early Just the same. The proceeds are for the I.OOZ. DOUGLAS MACLEAN IN "HOLDTHAT LION" IJori Hunt I'urnMies Ijugh and Thrill Climax for TliurwLy Night's I'ktnre Plcturegoers who visit the Westholma Theatre next Thursday mgut are as sured of a royal good time. Douglas MacLean. acknowledged king of comedy. will be there with hi latest mirth- quake. "Hold That Uon. ' supported, as the title promisingly suggests, by everal king of the Jungle. ' Beeidea the smiling funster and hi unsociable nets, the picture reveals a number oC other personalities who hare in the general fun and excite meat. Constance Howard, a 'blonde nd petite newcomer, makes an Impres sive screen debut a Mac Lean's lead Ing lady. Walter Hlers. wbo is Just aa funny a he 1 1st and vice versa, contribute a goodly quota of laugh on hi own account. Cyril Chadwlek. Wade Boteler and Oeorge Pearce all tried and true player ably second the active and Irrepressible star. In "Hold That, Lion" MacLran start out to demonstrate that the way of a man to the heart of a maid Is some- tune via the big. game hunting route. He ends up by proving that love can laugh at Hon aa well at locksmith. The story has Its beginning In New Tork. where the romantic Douglas first set eye on the beautiful blonde, who become the unconscious cause of all his trials and tribulations. When Um girl leaves on a round-the-world trip with her tether. Mac- Lean impulsively follows. The chate leads to Cherbourg, then to Olbraltar. next to Naples and finally to East Africa. By that time. Hlers. who has ' accompanied him. Is minus his breath and MacLean Is minus hi trousers. His antic a a trouserless Romeo furnish some of the most uproarious moment in the picture. But it I In the lion hunting scenes that the film reaches the heights of hilarity. As a big game hunter. Mac-Lean proves that he is In a class by himself. His method of rspturlng a Itcn would make even a wooden Indian :oar with laughter. COLLEEN MOORE BIGCITY ROMANCE llrllglitful. Stnry of Ml.l.lle rit life lit jj.New York, .('ftmlug tjiyj Week- ni Future -lt: 'Mnst'lte l-o e" Promise of a delightful romance of middle class life In New Tork 1 made bv the management ot the Westholme Theatre, where "It Must be Love." Colleen Moore's latest First National s tarring vehicle will be ahown at the weekend. 'It Must Be Love." adapted from Brooke Hanlon'a story. "Delicatessen." Is declared to be one of the most human stories ot the year, being re plete with heart-throbs as well at the well-known Colleen Moore chuckles. This production centers In the situa tion a girl finds herself In when she get a beau and Is ashamed to bring A Single Sip and Throat Feels Fine! rhrsklana. lswytrs, singer, publie speakers and all who suffer from throat strain and Irritation find Buckler's MUture a prieebaa dImsIbc. RHt Is Instant and posltlv. A sip nlht and raornitva for throat and cheat health and Inaursnta aralnat pldamis Cold., Couvha. Bronchitis, "Flu" and Pneumonia, Jut say "Bucklex's st siu druc stor. T. K. Bstkler, UmtteJ, 111 Mslssl SU Tsrost I Ami liked lath k single sip prove 1 1 The Well him to her home In back of a delicatessen store. There are many such eaes m our; own families. In the families around! the corner and on the next block. It Is this sense of nearness, thla feeling' ot actuality and everyday humannes. which give Mia Moore the opportunity to draw the most out of her very appealing part a the girl who haa to sacrifice living at home for her pride. Malcolm McOrcgor plays the role of the sweetheart, who never finds out Ull the end that his girl has been deceiving him as to her parentage. Jean Heraholt aa the father and Bodll Rosin; : a the mother make a maxvelously effective pair In their German character- j rations. Other In the cast, which Alfred E. dreea' directed.-, are 'Arthur Stone.: Dorothy Seastrom, Cleve Moore. Mary: O'Brien and Ray Hallor. I Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert :H1 I JAM' IKY It, 1917 The bollermakers and lronshlp builders ot Prince Rupert formed a local of the International Union last evening at the Carpenter's Hall and elected the following officers: President. J. Harris: Vice-president.- Wm. McLeod; Corresponding secretary. V.V 3. Hammond; Recording secretary. 8. Hardy; treasurer, E. Craggs; Financial secretary, Wm. Btythe; Trustees, Alex,' Clark and Jas, Sturgeon; Inspector, Alex Halcrove. The G.TJ. has made arrangements whereby employer of domestic help may engage people direct from Eng land. At a recent meeting of the Retail Merchants' Association It was decided to ask the Oovernment to enact legis lation to make Oranby an open town In a recent list ot names ot Canadians mentioned In Oeneral Halg des patches appear the name ot Major S, P McMordle ot this city. Percy Douglas of Scotland, son of the Marquis of Queembury, 1 registered at Un, Prince Rupert Hotel. He Is on his way to Alaska. D.ivld Thomson has returned to the city alter a bile! tiip d Vancouver. -manages Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Making every record do its best. This new Brunswick quickly won tlie hearts of. music lovers everywhere. The case, too, is beautiful beyond the usual. Come . in and say I want to hear the new Some HTHE manager of a household is the purchas-ing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her. home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchc sing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. sf Advertisements tell you what is new andgooa1 in merchandise. They reveal improvements andin- ventions to make your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information aboul a thousand and one things that are usejul. Every manager of a houselwld every member oj the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welfareshould make a habit oj reading the ads. Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely INONOCHAISI AND iCO0V' J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Third Avenue, Corner Fifth Street Best Pi'ociiraMe tT11E OR1C1NAL) ItBINiXHuJU Fare Scotch Wiiisky KICHCST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT OaCtfed ud fV.raatMd hv tdlUa Cta.l h San LmuM. Ckh&UI and BaNm. Qtt DitH.naa, Dull. mm -&!mow. Stttltad. M This advertisement it not published or displayed by the l.itpiur Control Hoard or by tho Government of Uhtiih Columbia. .