OTTAWA, Ont, Feb. 3. (fey Cana clan Press.) How Canada's aerial surveys have grown from 50 square miles year to 50.000 square miles year In the abort space of five years, was related at iht Dominion Land Surveyors Convention today by W. A. Fletcher, DXjS, who presented the report of the aerial Topographic Surveys Committee. "Just five years ago." he said, "one of your members. A, M. Narraway, now chief aerial surveys engineer, photographed for experimental purposes some fifty square miles of unmapped territory In Northern Saskatchewan. This, the first flight of a surveyor over such territory, marks the beginning of aerial surveys In Canada." Year by year the experiments were extended until during the past year approxi mately 50.000 square miles were covered by useful aerial photographs. Mr. Fletcher characterized It as "a record which demonstrates clearly the adaptability of Canada's surveyor and the Investment which this country has In his years of training and experience In all parts of the country and on all classes of surveying and mapping." Tribute was paid to the splendid co-operation of the Royal Canadian Air Force. It is to the credit of this force, Mr. Fletcher said, that not a slnele casualty has occurred in7 these five fears in connection with the photographic operations. MEASIRINO ISEFILNESS The usefulness of aerial surveys Is to be measured In terms of the utility of the photographs themselves nd of the maps produced from them In the development of Canada. That widely different sources for photo graphs of the same area and the vail oiis uses to which they may be put Aerial surveys, Mr. Fletcher said, art publication of the Red Lake map, within a few months of the first discovery, and of subsequent maps of ad-Joining country, has opened up thou sands of Bquare miles to Intensive prospecting. The prospector is enabled . to carefully and thoroughly cover the country rather than to grope blindly through a maze of unknown waterways. The report of the Committee indicated Just how wide the field for ; mapping from aerial photographs has grown. It Is not being confined tg mining districts but has taken In many other areas, land photographs over an area of 1900 square miles north of Edmonton, Alberta, last season; aerial photographs were also used In mapping the rough and billy districts west square miles were photographed in Central Saskatchewan to aid In the production of the BatUeford sectional map. One of the recent developments Is the use of the aerial method for detailed mapping proposed power developments. AKEAH COVERED The committee reports that maps In print so far cover The Pas, Manitoba. mlneraj area, the Red Lake district of Ontario, the Reindeer Lake area of Saskatchewan and the Mlnaki tourist region lying partly in Ontario and partly In Manitoba. Eight of these maps are in the course of preparation. In addition during the past summer the Air Force were able to make available Tor the .first Jlme plana and photographic equipment for use In western Quebec and Ahese planes were successful in obtaining detailed vertical photographs of' some 5650 square miles of territory In the Rouyn field." This represents the largest operation of de-tailed aerial surveys ever undertaken In Canada. CANADIAN RADIO FIGURES GIVEN Cnii-eMlon n Air Is Felt Keenly In the Dominion' WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. It Is estimated that In Canada there are about 300.000 rtidloeti In the Dominion which would Indicate, assuming that at least three persons are served by each set, that be tween 900,000 and 1,000,000 Canadian listen to radio-cast programs, according to, a report to the Department of Com merce from Trade Commissioner Meekln at. Ottawa. Between April 1 and November 30, 1920, the radio branch of the Canadian Department of Marine and Fisheries 1st sued 146.188 licenses to owners of radio receiving aeta. This total represents an Increase of 11,700 In comparison with the number of license during the cor responding eight month of 1925 when the total was 134,486. Canadian manu facturer of radio apparatus are said to i. . ui ninu()L(iij oomeswc consump' Hurt of their product of about 1.000,000 eVs within ths next few years. It U said in Canada, however, that the popularity of the radio will be af fected adversely unless arrangement can be made to, prevent Interference caused by aeveral station on the same wave length. Eastern Canada now has only four exclusive wavelengths, and western Canada only two. With 48 radiocasting ttlonj In th Domlnlou it li appar ent that there Is considerable competition for the few wavelengths available. LACK SPIRIT OF INTERNATIONALISM MONTREAL. Feb. 3. (By Canadian Press). People who crlticlzs the use ol tfxt books published In foreign countries In Canadian schools, lack something of the spirit of Internationalism. Thto Is the opinion that Professor- Carrie Derick, MA., of the Protestant Committee of the Council of Education expressed before the Notre Dame deCrace Wcmrn's Club. We should not have text books ex cept they are made In Canada, Is what jl am told continually." stated Professor Derick. "'What are you going to da about that history. The World's Pro- of the yard. The presentation waa made In the general office by . A. McMillan, superintendent of the dry dock, who referred to the popularity and efficiency of Mr. White, voiced the general regret of Calgary and In the vicinity of the lauccess and prosperity In his future un-Turner Valley oil field In Alberta; 800 dertaklngs. Mr. White responded suit- ably. WIFE AND HUSBAND BOTH ILL WITH GAS SO SHORT OF BREATH SHE COULD HARDLY DO HER HOUSEWORK Mrs. Nelpon Moore, Mil ford, OnL, COMPLIMENT IS PAID BOYS' BAND ' !II.U:il OF U17XH OF LEAVING DRY DOCK " COME ONE BEST OIKJAMZA- Pa Monday night, the eve of. (he Uklng effect of his resignation from the dry dock staff on which he had been accountant for several years, that be was leaving and bespoke for him TJONS OF ITS KIMI The following letter, paying high cam- Howard pllment to the proficiency of the local White was the recipient of a reading Bsya' Band, has been received lately by lamp and two easy chain, a presenta- Thomas Wilson, bandmaster, from T. W tlon to mark the esteem In which he C. Hawkins, president of Olzeh Temple was held by the officials and employees j Shrine Band, Victoria: It was our pleasure last summer to hear your very excellent organization perform and we were astounded at the proficiency which the boys exhibited In theln rendition of Jhe numbers and the program arranged. Immediately upon our return we Intended to write giving our frank critlcUm such as you would a5k for' but pressure of affairs here caused the matter to be pushed aside. "In answer to direct question our Ban-Blaster Miller made the following comments on your band and we are pleased to transmit them to you: ''For yea I had gas on the atom- "Mr. Miller says that never in all hi ach The first dose of Adlerlka helped. experience has he heard a boys' band I now sleep well and all gas is gone. It j ol the size of your organization in also helped my husband." (signed) Mrs. ! which every member handled his instru- B Brlnkley. ONE spoonful Adler)ka re- ment so well and where the 1Mtruments moves OAS and often brines astonish-, were elated so well In tune. He pre- ! Prices Reduced The Famous MAPLE LEAF New Reduced Prices on all Ingcrsoll Watches Maple LeaLUy... ..Now.1$ Maple Leaf Uadiolite. .A'ow 2.50 Yankee Now 2.00 Eclipse. ...,. , Nuw 3.25 Eclipse Radlollte Now 4.00 Junior, Now 4.00 Midget ..Now 4.00 MlJuct RaJlolite Aow 4.50 WrW (plain dial) Now 4-50 Wr) R41olUe 9w$SX0 Val'rlury : Nov fiAO Wate'rbury Radlollte AW 7-JO Ucliance rJltel Now 7.50 Waterpury la RWUJ GulJ-PUu Cm. Now O.09 Reliance Ia H-U4 OoU-PUi Cm, Now 1 1,00 , InOURSOI.L . WATCH Co., Inc., HVSi.Crlirrlnepe. C..Monirral,Qu; , 1. rr-rr- tt-jm V FAGS 70U3 Thui id,- j.',. AERIAL MAPPING BRINGING UP FATHER By George "McM OYfeT THINK-IF N'OO PT THAT VEb BOYb-l MAY H' N HOLLAND -fOO KR-JICGS-VOO CO BY J OH- j I SUPPOSE "OU WANT CIT THE TRASELIN MOtT &E.E ITALY-VOL) MAKK'A Ol A0rtE' ME TO CALL ON fOUR , IS DEVELOPING 0QB Ab Afl&A'o'oADOR-VOO MOT) MV COOSIN . VI'alT TO MT COOfelN" LJ L- , . J rC at ' KIN "TRAVEL- EVEFOr WHERE I'LL APPOlNTN(NTl I CATAHNA AM VHENVOU OT TO for car IRELAND DON'T FAIL TO Him; j INLAND rlTTY TIIOISAXD S(JlAKE MILES CALL ON OANKJY O SHEA THIS COVEKF.n LAST YEAR X . IF YOU GlTTOliCTS ZI OOR. OLD SlDE-lCK servick or cheat importance yrmmrfr' Sweden-ru- J5t TTT TO me-ow master of the 16th Canadian Scottish ' Regimental Band, bandmaster of Olzen Temple Shrine Band and last year was unanimously chosen to conduct the Victoria Municipal Concert Band and Is considered by all aa being ihe out- writes: "I had heart and nerv landing conductor for this part of the trouble, and became so ahort of breath country hi comments should carry I could hardly do my housework, and j considerable weight. ' , waa so nervous every little muud I i "On behalf of the Glzeh Temple heard felt like a eWk to tue. A friend of mine recommended o hiriily I cot a box of. them and! I thev did ma ftn mnrh vnn1 T irni plied to persons who speak In this way! tnd now im M? ,ik In that If they will prepare a history even I & different woman." 'be better or oulte as good as this American 1 Heart and Nerve Pills are 50c a the volume, which is not antl-BrltUh, I box at all druraista or dealers, or aerial photograph Is of great value aa! would be very glad to see if it cant be mailed direct on ivift of price bv a permanent record of the terrain is, adopted for use In Canadian schools., .auiourn limited, loronto, emphasized, Mr. Fletcher said, by the 'The Important thing Is this, should we number of requests received fromielve our children less than the best. If the best is not made In Canada? There should be In Intellectual circles, the spirit of Internationalism." Intimately connected with the develop-JnnPP PUT A TlfiKI MAIiC TA ment of the mining Industry. Tr r!U3N 1 U lUTI lYlAUt 1U HOWARD WHITE ON EYE OnL annus nana i wun to mention me ia-vorable and enthusiastic comments that feere made .by our members about your band and I wish to express our best wishes for your future succesa." MOOSE OFFICERS INSTALLED WITH PUBLIC CEREMONY A pleasant evening was spent last Ight In the Moose Hall, the 'occasion Installed by B. M. Simpson for the ensuing year: Past Dictator B. J. Bacon. 'Dictator a 1111s Royer. Vice-Director; Sam Haudenachlld. Prelate J. Judge. Secretary P. Cameron. Treasurer Thor Johnson. , Trustee Fred Scadden. Sergeant-at-Arnu Alois Chnesorg. Inner Guard C. Blggart. Outer Guard Louis Astoria. The evening was brightened with several selections from a string orches-1 tra competed of J. Bond. B. Blackhall. Len Bond, 11. Oatborn and H. Odin, while Clifford Cameron. W. Derry. D. Rats, G. Brochu and F. Cameron composed another orchestra. SPORT CHAT j x a indoor sport should be very popular with coast cities. Inter-clty matches also help to foster that Interest whlcn might sometimes lag If local teams only were pitted against each other for the entire season. The All Stars had a good practise on Tuesday night relief to the and ;'a,n,t Plcke1 tim nd win Em ing stomach. Stops thatifilcti that under your guidance full, bloated feeling.' Bring out old, ! leadership this will become one of the jmeet 1ctd team on Frid7 night, waste matter you never thought was In 'premier boys' bands of this continent. TheT re I"11 confident of their abll- your system. Adlerlka Is wonderful for' -In view of the experience that Mr chronic constipation. - Ormes Limited. MUler has had in conducting bands '"'""" secure mucn Druggists: be has been for some years the band information as to the latter' strength. At a meeting of the Prince Rupert Basketball Association last night It was decided. Jo play ad all star Inter 'main even., v)thKrfch4kaQ, onf Monday , i night and, on Tuesday, to play an all-' The recent readjustment of players lu th Billiard League bid fair to even up the contest therein, thus win- ulug a larger share of public Interest. The loss of Pete O'Donnell from the Orand Terminal team, which ha been so far beaten only three time by the St. Andrtw' (twice) and Gyros is ap parent) y going to auk the player under Charlie Balagno extend them selves to retain first place which they have held sine tbe season opened while the Moose, having .acquired tjeorge Mciimoyl a their first player, may be expected, though now In the rtllar, to make a serious bid for supremacy. Qyro. St. Andrew and OrvUo, with unchanged line-ups, alios hnve bood chances. Ther Is plenty of time between now and the close of the season on March 11 for any of the five teams, to capture first place. The re- m&tulns postioned game betwcn th Moose and Orand Terminals will prob ably be played tonight and, tomorrow evening, Oyro will meet In a regular lengu fixture. mi i titrf nAMri'LAyi:i. Charlie Balagno gave Oorge Mc. Ilnioyl a gfiod 'run In another of th W anted:: For Sale For Rent FOR SALE. TO CLOSE OUT AN r.S-tate, we are author) ted to sell several lots, some corners, harbor view, aiul on sewer. Prices Jow and terms from 11000 monthly. Enquire T. McClymont. If FOR SALE. SIX CARS TIMOTHY. ' one Brome.F.O.B. Burns Lake. B.C. II. C. Shlnn. Willow 8prlng Ranch.' Soulhbank. Franco!? Lake. B.C. S4 FOR SALE--PAIR OF BLUE FOXES Apply O. II Udd. Seaview Apartment, tf VOll KENT FOR RENT THIRTY ROOM Equipped hotel. Ooing concern. Writ Box 34a Dally News Office tf FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART-mnt; four rooms and bath; water paid. Phone 547. f The forthcoming series of basketball i FOR RENT. STEAM HEATED APART- games with Ketchikan on Monday andj ments. Apply Smith t Mallett, I Ad. Tuesday la tending to stimulate In-: Telephone 174. terest in the game locally. In addition ! ' 1 to the team which will travel here fori"" RENT-PIANOS. PHONOGRAPHS the aerie of games. Ketchikan has also! 1 B'n'r Sewing Machine. Walker's sent lla High School team to Seattle' Music Store. lor a series of Un games In and around !,""' . . n,-.,..,-"-,, that cltv. In the absence of anv let " " skating during the winter months, this by day, week or month. 607. LOST Phone Red tf FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE. FIVG rooms and bath. Munro Bros. tf LOST. LADY'S SILVER MESH BAO containing turn of money. Finder please return to Dally New office. HOARD BOARD, THE INLANDER, Second Avenue. Phone 137. I I'MOOTKIllNn 839 FURNITURE REPAIRINO; UPIIOL- imedlate game a a preliminary to the """a " . ... . .. . i recovered and made to orM An work guaranteed. Phone Green 003. ur junior gme and a game between TermJn4li v, MoMl, two picked girl.' teams before the' .... . .mM ... , . , ...t' main event. After the games on Monday, a dance w)ll be held In the Boston Hall to entertain the visitor. After the games on Tuesday will .be given a supper along with th Rupert team and members of the association. Th Ketchikan team will arrive on Monday. eight point In a total score of 200 to 193. This make the total of the four game played 794 to 838 In favor of the Moose. The fifth and final game will be played thl evening between Joe Brown (Moose) and 11. Cor-bett (Qrsnd Terminals). Advertise In the DI1t New PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Tiiritsow. nititr.Miv 3 High 2:21 ajn. 20.4 ft. 14:14 p.m. 22.8 " Low 8:13 a.m. oa - 20:44 p.m. 1.2 " ntJIitV, l l llltl AltV I High 3:01 am. 20.0 ft. 14:59 p.m, 22.2 " Low 8:68 a.m. tA " 21:24 p.m. l.o A. IHAICMIV Seal Coe. Mixed Wood Blocks per load 16 A3. Kindling, per load MM Furnace Wood, per load 18 00 Delivered. Salt Herring Phone Mark Ifil RESTAURANTS jiooii mt cam: Mrs. Unger. Proprietress Third Avenue. Next O. W. V. A. fioml Home Conked Meals. Phone Black 700 ANOTHER Hlfi REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES Ton Utility Express Chassl 83SD0 H Ton Light Delivery ChaU I 830X10 Touring and Roadster I 81100 Sport Roadster I tao.OQ Coach and Ccupe I10MXW Sedan ,. 11133.00 Landau 11185.00 crn ctKH on iim I rord Light Delivery, open body 75 00 I Ford Light Delivery, panel body IISOjOO Ford Light Delivery, starter equipment 125000 I Ford Tudor Sedan, starter equipment 1 3 00 CO I Oldnmobllt 8-paasengrr Touring. 182J ; I5O0O0 Term can b arranged on both new and used car to suit the purchaser. KAIEN RAItARE Dealer In faunae, MrMutMln. Oakland. rnllc OlilMitohllr and Chevrnlrt Car. Phone 5t TAXI Phone 07 Taxi (Call Geow, Paul or 0ut) Six and Seven pAwncrr .Stude-liakern at your dl8poaJ any time. ROSS HROS. POOL ROOM .Meeker Hlock. (Acro8 from Empresn Hotel) IN PROHATE. IN Till: fttTKF.MR COI HT W IIHITHII COI.I.MIIIA in tne Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the F-state of Andrew Aim. oinerwise known as Anders Aim, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE Ntmr.T. that hv nrA; f tfi. Honor, Judge Robertson, the 10th day of December. AD. 193d, I was appointed Admlnlntrator of the eatate of Andrew Aim, otherwise known aa Anders Aim, deceased, and all partle having claim (gainst the aald estate are hereby re-quired to furnish same, properly verified to me, on or before the I7th dtr of January. AD. 1827. nd all parties In. Uebted to the estste are required to pay the amount of -their Indebtedness to me lurinwnn. NOnMAN A. WATT Prince Rupwt.'B.O. Official Administrator. Dated the 21st day of December, A D. IN PRORATE iv tub rirniKMinT orinrrisii In the MatUr of the Administration Act; and ,n M,5.ltJ!r ' lD tate of CTark nS .'I ueceaaed. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of HI Honor. Judge RoberUon, the uth day of 1 December, AD. 1920. I was nnXinti Administrator of the eu" oairk Edward Bronson, deceiwrd, and all partle having claim agtlnat the aald mtatV tra , nluKZT'," t0 me. pro.: K.r!r JrrU,.,d. 10 m on or berorlj lflth day of January, A D. 1027. and all ' purtUn indebted to th. t.t.t. In' (iiiired to py th, rtnount of thetr ln dfbtPdnes to me forthwith. i IJUUMAN A. WAIT, Official Admlnlntrator. n. m - Prlncn Rupert, BO, 1920. T of ltawnbr. AD. - U I I M r. a. J i li i (ik . w.' i )',, DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for test than 50c WANTED With car, to demonstrate and aril the Thompson Hydraulleator. a hydraulic shock absorber and anubber com-1 blned, for all cars. Splendid opportunity for the right man. Liberal! commissions. State experience.- Write Jermaln and Phillip. Limited. 477 Howe Street. Vancouver. BjC. 21: WANTED. - WOMAN FOR KITCHEN belp by March I. The Inlander. tt SITUATIONS WANTED being the public installation of the WOMAN WANT8 WORK Of ANY KIND officers of .the Moose Lodge for the en- by the hour. Apply P.O. " Box 77. i suing year. In addition to the Installs-' prince Rupert, B C. Hon. a social time was spent . followed I . by dancing. j FOR SALE The following officers were AUCTIONEER WANTEP. SPECIALTY SALESMAN FOUND. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY! Why worry If you break a leg or arm. 1 of If the face I scarred or scratched. I can make them look like new. With, a little pot of glue and little bruali or screw they will surely be admired I With a Utile chamois leather, I will fix them good for evert I buy, sell, or exchange anything of value. Sale conducted anywhere in Prince Rupert. Phone' 774. O. F. Brine. Auctioneer. VOOI Article, UtiaJ round, 4 MAIL SCHEDULE Ol T-.HIIVO lor the Fast- Monday, Wednesdays and US Te ancomrr Tueedaya , Tldays w Saturdays , C.P.R, Jan 14 28 First, class mall U alto ., Vancouver on Mondays. Vtti:-Saturday by CN R. tr:rj. f.. A .. . . wler oiinoay ... Wednesdays ; , To It. Mm piin anil Sm Riirt Sunday . . 1u Ali'k Point Jtn. 10. 34 T lNeen Ctiarlotles wsn. .o. n i IVCOMIMI I rum I he l aat Tuesdiy. Ttiurwlty and S.tXio at ID; From Vaneouer Sunday Wednesdays Frldsy CPJt.. Jan. 0. 24 tram Anynt, Alley Arm, Premier Tuesday ... Friday ... I ft -mm 1M U I . - .J . Tuesday From AUka Point Jan. 14. 28 Frmn tren Chariot le Jan. II. 27 imx cou.r.ciio 11th Ave. At Conrad 6' 2nd Ave. ft 2nd St 3rd Ate As Fulton St 3rd Ave tt 8th Ht Sunday collection same as day only IvJ 11 rlHhim Mb A f tin A.- . II 1st Ave. ti 8th 8 flth Ave. tt Pulton St ' 8th Ave At Thorn pc ) llh Ac Bherbrooke A m H ataw a w . 1 1 I; M W It f. , It Li sin ati. wuwn b; " 5th Af .V M. UrJd S' 1 rv. rs . L Pr9. Oov. Whrf lat O TP. Wharf -" CTCAMCU1D MnUCMrM' JILitlUJllll IHU iwu"" t'ur Vsorouief Tuesday na. Cardena Friday . Prince Rupert Saturday- . Catala Saturday -M Prtnrras Brstrlrt Jan. 14- Princess Mary Jan. 2n a. Prlmw Murf IVnm 1fl run r Sundsv a Csrdena Friday as, Cttalt Saturday a Prlnree B'trW J.n la. am pirnrru Mary ' Jan. 24 Princess Mrj For i..ti mmnuii and Na H"" Snnilsv Csrdrn ... Jn.l .Sail 8''"' Tuenlsr . Cdrdeiw Prince Itupern" Tbesday a. Carden , Friday. Prince lluprrt For IJiiren Cliirlollrs . Jn. 15 m irrlnce ChrlM . Jan. 29--: Prince ChsriM I'lom Ojiren Charlotte Jn. IS -M Prince Chrl Jtn, 27 a. Prince Chnrlr For Alnka Jan, 10 m, Prlncrss Wrl , Jan. 24-. Prinreas Msrr Crura Alatka Jan. 14-a. PrlDcws Mf Jan. 28 -as, Princess Mrj CUR. TRAINS For Eaat-Mondsy. WedB . ' C a.twH From Kant Tuesdays, IhurM' Sunday PAIN i? nf A nil ar . k r (ntnDllff . 8ANTL a m i t. w I hi n.lJ Li -