jav. February 3, 1027 TIIE DAILY NEWS P JE THBEE 4 I Local and Personal Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. Jt B C.i Undertakers. Fliune 41. ' M.y ; ' '.,i.." Buy Rupert manufactured shlnelei MALKiNS from Beal Cove Lumber Co., Ltd. tf Tina rnuln. -.. I..it. .,utK thlckneM lo your" order. Beal Cove Lumbers Co. "I" " tf BEST T The orchestra1 will play Hn the Commodore . Model 4-3. cabaret on Wednesday and Sat urday evenings. 39 $115 j is sttpeviev-especially The first United Church U holding with mmmmmmm. m WALKING l lu annual Father and Son banquet on in flavor & fragrance Thursday evening next. VB KliTtrir llrive ' BEST Montreal : Importers February Men MEN'S SUITS MEN'S HATS MEN'S SOCKS MEN'S TIES Vacific Ur hate In rcnlNc ruh quiiUv to meet our draft il in Ilhi-i month. To tell the truth, we have overbought. We have the eimuV unci now we have to pay for them. We can do thin ilh vnur help. We think we deserve it for bringing .Montreal girnrc- to Prince Kupcrt. I) you want ii to continue in buinen here nnd kwep on r-finn- ai Montreal price, we ask your tuipwort ut thin time. Montreal Sale Prices on nil I. S LlQUlHl! and Furnishings swawnraAJ.Al eixcttUB2ua.1 MEN'S OVEKCOATS MEN'S SHIKTS MEN'S RAINCOATS HOYS' SUITS I vervtbinK in the Store nt February Sale Price. Montreal Importers Third Avenue. J. H. Miller. Proprietor. tfe.,, The "Easy" LP m i Vacuum E iectric Washer i., -suitulib' for any ir.e family, and waiili'-s nil clotheH etually clean. For Sule by Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 2T5 Third Avenue. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services r'i fnm Prinrn Rlinert -cinitijrjo iium tiiH-iiiiUr. Vlrlnrlu, Seiiltl. lehrimr.v II. M. Murcli II: SI. ....,? ' l'lMNt'EHN IIIIATKU'i: MAII.INOH from l'rl...e ltn'r( 1 hi mid IS. uiiicrllrd. Till rrl.e M ' ''""nl'iv, 1'el.rnnrv B At....! . "'"'IrtJ-. I el.rii.ir) III. W. C. OltCllAltll. (Ifiicritl Ageiit. toriifr of 4th turret and 3rd Aeiiue. Prince Rupert, HC I llrar the I'rlm-e Ittiiert School of .Mu.lf OrclieMru dt the Halva-tlmi Army Concert Friday night. " 29 Col. J. W. Nlcbolla, accompanied by Mra. Nlcholl and family, are leaving on the Prince Rupert tomorrow lor the south. Mrt. Max Hellbroner and daughter ' are aalllng on the Prince Rupert to morrow for a brief holiday In southern cltlea. Cuatoma and excise collection for thee month of January totalled (29.932.30, j j according to a custom's house an- nouncement. j A meeting of the Canadian Halibut'1 , Fishing Vessel Owners' Association wilt be held in the Oity Rail on Friday, February 4 at 8 pjn. 29 . Valhalla Benefit whist drive and! ; dance in Metropole Hall, February at 8.15 West holme orchestra. Admission j aenUemen 11.00. ladles 50c. I Oeneral J. M. Rosa. D-SO. commanding oRkcer of MlllUry District No. 11. and Major Edwards are returnlng.south on the Prince Rupert tomorrow morn-teg. n C. Key. Pacific Coast manager of the Canadian Oovernment Merchant Marine, has been elect -d chairman of the foreign ude bureau of the Vancouver Board of Trade. Several men from Vancouver, who bate been here working at the dry dock on the Canadian Ranger, are re- Rupert tomorrow morning. Mrs. James R. Mitchell returned to I her home in An vox on last night's steamer She baa been stating wh 'her mother. Mra C. T, Kemp. 431 Seventh Avenue West, who ha not been well lately. friends in the city will regret to learn that Major J. F. Brandt Buffered from a stroke about two weeks ago In Vancouver. He la gradually Improving and It is hoped that he will soon be able to be around again. I A photo of two bear cubs perched on' the top of a algn post at the summit Mount Robson. Jasper National Part.' : appears In the current Issue of "Over-j seas," an Old Country publication, e photo waa sent In by W. J. Raymond of Prince Rupert. Trappers! Call and show your lure o the Old Reliable House. It will pay you as we can guarantee to give you higher prices than anyone else. We have big orders tor all kind of fun. epeclally mink. Wm. Ooldbloom. Second Avenue. Pfcone S22. tf lYed Joudry, who some years ago waa In the Jewelry and optical busing here, arrived from the south on yesterday's steamer. Mr. Joudry. who haa been In Campbellton,- N.B alnee he lft Prince Rupert, Intends to reestablish himself In business here. Harold MeEwen. division freight j agent of the C.N.R.. and daughter, Shirley, accompanied by Mra. Mcuriarty. mother of Mrs. McEwen. are sailing on the Prince Rupert tomorrow for the south Mr. McEwen will go as far as Portland lor a holld.iy while Mrs. Mc-Brlartr and Miss Shirley will join Mrs. McEwen In California. ANNOUNCEMENTS balvwtlon Army Musical Entertainment, February A. Knlghta of Pythias St. Valentine's Juvenile Masquerade Ball. February 14. Canadian National Employes Ball, Friday. February 18. Established lil.'t. Office Hours: U a.m. to G p.m. Saturday: I) a.m. to 1 p.m. Any uvuiiiiitf by aippointniont DENTIST Exchan-e lllock. l'hone 10J Big Four Taxi, phone 4, now at your sen-Ice. Eddie and Ralph Smith. U Variety program at the Salvation Army concert Friday. Doors open at 730. 29 This afternoon's express and passenger train from the East, due at 3.30. Is two hours and fifty minutes late. This wilt bring the train. In at 6.20. WMKIXMK Itl'.l'OKT. X u.m. DIOBY ISLAND. Part cloudy, light southeast wind; barometer 28.82; temperature 42; sea smooth; 8 p.m. spoke steamer City of Victoria, 1205 miles from Port Alice, bound for Osaka; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Canadian Winner, 1648 miles from Estevan. bound for Osaka from Union Bay; 8 ' p.m. spoke tug Lome, abeam North River, bound tor Vancouver. w BULL HARBOR. Rain, southeast gale; barometer. 28.88: temperature, 40; sea rough; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Anyox. bound from Anyox to James Island. 186 miles from James Island; 10 p.m. spoke steamer Catala. In Queen Charlotte Bound, northbound; 10.14 pjn. spoke steamer Camosun. In Queen Charlotte Bound, southbound. DEAD TREE POINT Barometer. 29.-08; temperature, 37. NOON' DIOBY ISLAND. Overcast, light S.E. wind; barometer 28.83; temperature 44; sea smooth. BULL HARBOR, Rain, strong 8.E. wind; barometer 29.12; temperature 40; sea rough; 11.10 a.m. spoke steamer Prince John, 80 miles from Jedway, bound for Allison Harbor.- ' DEAD TREE POINT. 'Barometer 20.-CI; ttiuucraturi. U. 4-..T mprdbable j NAVY LEAGUE OF CANADA. I'KlNfi: KU'EUT BRANCH. Thirty boys between the agea of twelve and sixteen are required for the Prince Rupert Sea Cadet Corps. Applications will be received on Saturday, February S at the Bank of Montreal by Mr. Robert Blanee from whom full Information can be obtained, between the hours of 6.30 pjn. and 8 pjn. Unl-forms will be provided free to suitable applloants. 30 1101 IX AltltlALS. Prince Rupert John S. Kennedy. Calgary; J. M. Rosa and O. D. Edwards. Victoria; F. K. Murray. V. E. Dralney, H. A. Ross and J. a. Whlteacre. Vancouver. Savoy J. A. French, Vancouver; O. O. Olsia, Wetaskawln, Alta.; F. Joudry. Camp-bellton. N.B. Central Peter Kerr. Vancouver. Advertise In the Dultv Newa. fir V $160 v Fourteen months ago, many declared it was improbable .that home music would ever be improved to the point of absolute realism. itixi riinn lilt I1W Oribonlionic Victrnla. iiiiii urn". .... --- throwing a Imiiilwlidl into the musical . worUI. ,, Music critic were among the first in acriatm the invention as the musical sensation of the present day. For the first time, this newcomer revealed ;u tones, instrumental effect ami nuances which had never been revealed leiore by any home musical instrument. Such erformances, arc Orth made xssille only by 'virtue of the Victor-controlled principle of "matched imiH-dance or smooth flow of sound at all registers. Today you can have the new Orthophonic Victrola with an electrically driven turntable, run from your lighting circuit. Thus you may sit Iwck at vour ease and enjoy without, physical exertion any selection of the large and varied 1ctor repertoire. The new Orthophonic Victrola is made in various models, from $430 down to Slto. obtainable on convenient payments from any "His Master's Voice" dealer. ouhonic Truo injg Sound" Trade Mark r'j Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited LAND ACT .NOTICE Of INTENTION TO AI'I'LV TO TO ITKC1I.E LA Ml In Prince Rupert Land Recordlug District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the north shore of the South Arm of Tasoo Harbor. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands. Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Marine Broker, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the north shore of South Arm of Tasoo Harbor. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands, In the Province of British Columbia, about 5 chains from the end of the Oovernment trail; thence 10 chains northeasterly; thence 10 chains northwesterly; thence 10 chains southwesterly; thence 10 chains southeasterly, and containing twenty (20) acres, more or less. JAMES FIELD. Applicant. Dated November 29. 1926. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO I'lltCILW: LANII TAKE NOTICE THAT I. Arthur Robert son, Massett, B.C.. occupation Mlllman, Intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described land: commenclns at northeast corner of Lot 1963, Q.cl. District; thence south fifty chains: thence east tony cnains; thence north to shore; thence following htghwater mark to point or commencements, containing one hundred acres. more tor less. Looated this 30th day of December ' " 1926. .- ARTHUR ROBERTSON. NOTICE. I All accounts due the Pioneer Laundry I Ltd. and the Canadian Steam Laundry, up to and Including December 31. 1926, Ure payable to the above firms. All lla-ibllttlea owing to the above firms are assumed and payable by the new organisation known as Prince Rupert Laundries " Ltd. (Signed) ritlNCE RUPERT LAUNDRIES LTD. Made only by Victor Look for this Trademark Dr. Alexander Smith Block l'hone 575 DENTIST Appreciated Patronage Pacific Nor i I FtUBMIlTfl) ilrs. T. Johnson of Vuncuuver has written a letter to Pacific Milk, wjiich we are glad to acknowledge. She says: "One day about a year ago u neighbor lady and I wcijt to the grocery together. She bought a tin of Pacific Milk ana so did I. It was my first tin. Our family liked Jt and we kept on using it." PACIFIC MILK Head Otfke. Vancouver, lat'li.rlr ut Ludner and AbboUford.